Thick sharpei. Breed standard.

Shar Pei is not just a funny dog \u200b\u200bwith an unusual appearance, as it might seem at first glance. This is a serious breed that has retained its official qualities for centuries. The main feature of the sharpei breed is its numerous folds of skin, by which it can be easily distinguished from other dogs. Thanks to this feature, this breed has become one of the most popular in the world. This unusual appearance is due to the features of the use of these dogs in the past. They protected pastures from wild animals, they were taken for hunting and used in battles. You can learn about all the intricacies of this amazing dog from our article.

History of breed origin

Shar Pei is a very ancient breed of dog. The exact history of its origin is still unknown. There is evidence that the great emperor of China ordered the destruction of all pedigree books, which described in detail the history of these amazing dogs. There is a strong opinion among scientists that the ancestors of sharpei were the first and smooth-haired, but this is indicated only by individual structural elements and character traits.

It is interesting!It was possible to establish precisely, so it is that the breed is not less than 3000 years old. In the early 30s of the twentieth century. in its homeland in China, the breed began to degenerate, the crisis intensified in the 50s, when these domestic animals became considered a bourgeois remnant.

In 1971, it was still possible to bring several sharpei puppies abroad. From that moment, the revival of the breed began. The international standard was approved in 1976. It is worth saying that in 1978 this dog was recognized as the rarest in the world and is listed in the Red Book, this is a unique case for dogs.

In Russia, sharpei became known only at the beginning of the 90s. At first it was a rare and exotic breed, but over time, sharpei gained great popularity among dog breeders.

Description, the appearance of sharpei

The most important feature of sharpei is its unusual skin with numerous folds. It significantly exceeds the volume of the body and it seems that the "great" sharpei several sizes. This feature is not accidental, there is a version that such folds served as good protection in fights with fighting dogs and other animals. According to historians, sharpei were often used in dog fights and for hunting large animals.

Outwardly, such a dog resembles a decorative breed, but this is not so.. This is a very strong animal with excellent performance, although some of the fighting qualities have been lost. Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, the weight of an adult male is 30-35 kilograms, the height at the withers is 48-52 centimeters. Bitches are slightly smaller and weigh 25-28 kilograms with an increase of 48-50 centimeters.

It is interesting!The head is powerful and massive, scissor bite. Paws strong and strong, medium long, well developed. The head is large with a dark “mask” on the face, regardless of the main color.

It can be cream, deer, mahogany, black and blue delute. There is another variety of sharpei, in which the following types of color are allowed: apricot, cream, red, purple and chocolate. Black color is absent in this breed.

Breed standards

Now there are several standards that describe the sharpei breed: American, English, Canadian and Chinese. All of them are almost the same, except for the Canadian one, in which the growth of sharpei is underestimated by 7 centimeters, as well as a greater choice of colors.

Among the general characteristics can be distinguished: small eyes, ears of a triangular shape, which are adjacent to the head, the hair is very stiff, without undercoat. It is also worth noting that all sharpei have a uniform color and a specific “mask” on the face.

Disqualifying signs are: malocclusion, pointed muzzle, spots on the tongue, large ears, as well as soft and long hair. Black color is the main sign of breed degeneration. Such dogs are not allowed before shows and breeding.

Sharpei character

The stubborn nature and independence of sharpei in the blood. Therefore, this breed is suitable only for experienced dog owners. When training, the owner must combine the tactics of "carrot and stick". If you do not correctly educate sharpei in time, then this cute dog will consider himself, and not the owner, as the leader of the pack, this should not be allowed.

Important!Sharpei treats strangers with great suspicion, preventing him from approaching himself and his master. To inexperienced dog lovers, he may seem stupid and incomprehensible - this is not so, this is a smart animal with great intelligence. But sharpei gets along with other pets hard, but with early socialization there are no problems.

For children, this dog will be a real nanny, but there have been cases when an attempt to take their favorite sharpei toy causes them aggression. But a good dog breeder will be able to “repay” this trait of a wayward dog in time. When socializing sharpei, it is worth considering the difficult nature of the dog and be patient. And the sooner this process starts, the better it will be for everyone.

Life span

Sharpei have a whole bunch of hereditary diseases that affect life expectancy. With good care, these dogs can live 10-12 years.

There is a strong belief that sharpei are the most frequent guests with veterinarians. Even with the most careful attitude to their health, they rarely cross the threshold of 14 years. These dogs retain their natural activity until old age.

Sharpei belong to the active breeds, a country house is more suitable for them than a city apartment. It is better to keep them in the house than in the aviary, especially in the cold season, as these dogs are very afraid of the cold and drafts.

They should be walked twice a day. Walks should be long and active, at least an hour. An ordinary city apartment will be cramped for such a dog, so long walks are simply necessary in a big city. Despite the fact that sharpei are quite calm about people on the street, they often show aggression towards other dogs.

This is due to the historical origin of these dogs, which carefully guard their territory. Physical activity is recommended for sharpei, but you should not show much fanaticism. The head of these dogs is very sensitive to overheating, it is worth considering in the summer and do not keep the dog in the sun for a long time.

Care, hygiene

Sharpei wool needs minimal care, since it has no undercoat, it is enough to comb it out every 10-15 days, during shedding every two to three days. After bathing, the wool must be thoroughly dried, for this you can use a hairdryer. At first, the dog may be frightened of it, but then it will get used to it.

Important!Drying the wool is very important because there are numerous folds on the skin of the sharpei.

Eyes and ears deserve special attention, they must be cleaned regularly, otherwise health problems can occur. Do not forget that after eating, you should carefully wipe your face, saving wrinkles from food debris that can cause decay.

Diet - what to feed sharpei

This is a fairly active breed and it needs enough food to maintain shape. If you want to simplify your life, you can use it. There are no special feeds especially for this breed. But you can use natural food. If you went this way, it is better to give cereals on beef or chicken broth, less often you can give offal.

About once a week, be sure to include lean fish and vegetables in your diet.. Puppies should be fed several times a day, adult dogs are fed two to three times. This diet will help your pet stay in shape for many years.

Sharpei are usually not prone to overeating, due to an active metabolism, so you can not worry about obesity.

Diseases, breed defects

Shar Pei has many diseases specific to this breed. Most often, eyes are at risk. A common problem is the inversion of the century, if urgent measures are not taken, then in the future the animal may become blind, glaucoma is also a common disease in sharpei. Also, representatives of this breed are prone to otitis.

Sharpei fever is a rare disease that has been little studied and often leads to kidney failure.   In general, dogs of this breed require increased attention to their health from the owner. In case of any change in the behavior of your pet, contact a specialist immediately and you need to undergo a routine examination at least once every six months.

Sharpei puppies should be purchased only in special kennels, there are not so many of them in the country, so by asking the owners of these dogs you can easily find a reliable breeder. Thus, you will be sure that you get a healthy dog \u200b\u200bwith a good pedigree.

Before you buy a sharpei puppy, you should carefully read the veterinary certificate of the parents. After all, sharpei can have dangerous hereditary diseases. Thus, you will receive information about their health and protect yourself from buying a sick animal.

Where to buy, what to look for

Buy the animal only in official kennels from trusted manufacturers, otherwise you risk acquiring a puppy with poor health from accidental mating.

When buying, pay attention to the appearance of the puppy, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, also ask the breeder about the vaccinations. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the animal, the puppy should not be lethargic and lethargic.

Also pay special attention to the availability of all necessary documents, this is very important. These simple tips will protect you from unnecessary problems and unnecessary costs, and most importantly - they will not take much time.

The price of a sharpei dog

Previously, it was a breed rare enough for Russia and the price of these dogs was appropriate, now sharpei have become more affordable. So a Shar Pei show-class puppy will cost from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles, with a rare color, the price can go up to 70,000 rubles. With a dog of this class, you can participate in the most prestigious exhibitions, as well as get the right to elite animal mating.

Puppies with a class below will cost from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. If you get a puppy without a pedigree from random mating, then its price ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. But such an animal will not be able to participate in prestigious exhibitions and mating. There is also a danger of buying a weak and sick animal, which will create multiple problems and unnecessary expenses in the future.

Shar Pei is a cute creature whose appearance leaves no one indifferent. And if you decide to have such a pet, then first find out all the features of this breed and the care of its representative.

What is this breed?

Shar Pei is a unique breed, which, moreover, is one of the oldest (as DNA tests showed, it is about 3 thousand years old). By the way, the name of the breed is translated from Chinese as “sand wool”.

The country of origin is China, but there is no exact data on exactly how these animals originated. Although there are two versions. According to the first ancestors of the sharpei were ancient mastiffs. And adherents of another version believe that these dogs are descended from smooth-haired Chow Chows. Initially, sharpei were fighting dogs, but then began to be used as hunting and watchdogs.

The appearance of the representatives of this breed is very characteristic and unique, as can be seen in the photo. The first distinctive feature is pronounced and very deep folds. Their number, by the way, should not be too large. Most often, the folds are localized at the withers, at the base of the tail, as well as on the frontal part of the muzzle. The second distinctive feature is the head, or rather its shape.

In some ways, it resembles the head of a hippopotamus, as it is elongated and enlarged in the front and is quite large in relation to the proportions of the body. And the third feature is the color of the gums and tongue. Usually it is dark purple or blue-black. The body of the dog is muscular, its paws are well developed and quite widely spaced.

The tail is large and set high. The eyes are almond-shaped. Sometimes it seems that the look is frowning, but this is a certain feature of appearance. The ears are small, their tips hang down. Color can vary from fawn to chocolate or black. The coat is short, no undercoat.


The character of sharpei can be called difficult, but still some features make it possible to consider such a dog a great friend and a full member of the family. So, the characteristic features of the breed:

  • Aggression is extremely rare, mainly towards strangers or other animals. These dogs are supportive of children, but only if they are used to them at an early age.
  • Sharpei are very intelligent and intellectually developed dogs that can capture the mood of the owners, as well as make decisions and understand a lot.
  • Representatives of this breed are real owners, and not only regarding their territory, but also regarding the owners, so jealousy is not uncommon.
  • Sharpei are independent, freedom-loving, independent and have a developed sense of self-esteem, which sometimes greatly complicates education.
  • These pets need constant communication with the owners, as well as with other people. They are incredulous in relation to strangers, but they quickly make contact with familiar people.
  • Sharpei are very dedicated.
  • These are great defenders who will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation.
  • Representatives of this breed are leaders in nature.

Is this breed right for you?

Shar Pei is a dog for experienced breeders, requiring increased attention to education, as well as to health. In addition, such pets need frequent walks in open and large areas, as well as regular physical activity. So if you are confident in yourself, have information about leaving and have free time, then you can make a sharpei.

How to choose a puppy?

Sharpei puppies are incredibly cute. How to choose the best?

  1. It is best to get to know your parents or at least find out their features.
  2. The optimal age of the puppy is 1.5-2 months.
  3. The puppy should be active, cheerful and cheerful.
  4. Male or female? Males are more active and courageous, but sometimes stubborn. Bitches are complaisant, more affectionate.
  5. Get your puppy from experienced breeders who have all the documents in their hands, or in specialized nurseries.
  6. The price of a puppy is an average of 15-20 thousand rubles. Too low a cost should be alarming.


What should be the proper care of a sharpei dog breed? The most important points:

  1. Bathing is required about once a month or a half. Use special shampoos designed for dogs of this breed. Make sure that water does not get into the ears (this is fraught with ear infections), gently plug the ear passages with cotton swabs during the procedure. Rinse the folds thoroughly and dry the coat.
  2. As it gets dirty, gently clean your pet’s ears with a cotton swab moistened moistly in sterile liquid paraffin.
  3. Claws need to be trimmed with a special clipper as they grow back (they grow quite sharply at sharpei). Do not damage the vessels (they are visible in the light).
  4. Comb your pet 1-3 times a week using a high-quality brush with short teeth. During molting, the procedure should be carried out daily.


Walking should be regular and daily. Shar Pei should spend at least 1-2 hours a day on the street (it is better to walk with the pet twice). And remember that your pet needs room for fun and outdoor games to splash out energy.

A place

Equip the pet with a separate place, put a sunbed, bowls with food and water, and also lay out some toys.


The most important moments of education:

  1. Socialization is very important, that is, accustoming to society. Begin to engage in it from a very young age.
  2. Sharpei are leaders, so if the owners are too soft, the pet will dominate and command everyone. So all family members must show their superiority and be strict when necessary.
  3. Representatives of this breed can be trained, but sometimes they are very stubborn. Begin training with 3-4 months.
  4. Be patient, it will definitely come in handy for you!

Power Features

The optimal nutrition of sharpei is a specialized high-quality food, designed specifically for representatives of this breed. If you prefer natural nutrition, then offer the dog fresh lean meat, cereals, vegetables (not provoking increased gas formation).

Food should be thick or dry, liquid mashed potatoes or soups can lead to indigestion. Do not give your pet sweet, fatty, smoked, salty, pickled. Do not overfeed sharpei! If necessary, start giving your pet vitamins (as recommended by your veterinarian).

Possible illnesses and problems

Sharpei get sick quite often, especially with improper care. The most common diseases and problems:

  • Skin diseases, such as pyoderma, demodicosis, seborrhea and others.
  • Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints.
  • Tumors of the internal organs and glands.
  • Digestive diseases: pancreatitis, megaesophagus (enlarged esophagus).
  • Allergic reactions to products or environmental components.
  • Diseases of the eyes and eyelids, for example, glaucoma or entropion (an inversion of the eyelid, which can lead to blindness and requires surgery).
  • Otitis.

Let your pet always be healthy, satisfied and happy!

Among the many existing breeds of dogs, sharpei stand out not only for their unique unique exterior, but also for their antiquity. It is claimed that the sharpei dog appeared in Tibet or Northern China more than twenty centuries ago. True, according to another version, the region of China adjacent to the South China Sea is considered to be the birthplace of the sharpei breed. Sharpei granted to the world by the Chinese:

  • mysterious and exotic, like a pagoda,
  • ancient like the Great Wall of China
  • betrayed like a clergyman towards God.

Those who have ever seen Shar Pei puppies are unlikely to forget what they saw. They look like your favorite soft toys from childhood. Before buying a sharpei, think about why you generally need a dog. Sharpeis are ideal for those who want to have a guard dog: they are very distrustful, they are attentive and at the same time very affectionate and sweet with members of the family in which they live. Because you will never have problems with the fact that the dog can bite someone. Sharpei are harmless and remember the good.

This breed is very aggressive towards dogs of other breeds, therefore it is very difficult for children to walk them, and it is better not to trust them with this business.

Sharpei girls are characterized by the fact that they have a maternal instinct, which means they will be real friends of your children. Shar Pei are not yard dogs, they are raised in an apartment, but they are also perfectly adapted to the external environment.

Breed history

Alas, after the prescription of years, it is no longer possible to find out the truth. From the "material" evidence of the origin of the Shar-Pei, there are numerous references to ancient dogs that lived at the court of the Chinese emperors of the Han dynasty. Moreover, during archaeological excavations, animal figurines were discovered that closely resemble those dogs that are considered the ancestors of modern sharpei.

It is believed that initially the ancestors of the Sharpeis helped the Chinese peasants to hunt, as well as protect the house and property. This was facilitated by such qualities of sharpei (and transmitted from generation to generation), such as high intelligence, reliability and distrust of strangers. Therefore, it can be considered that the ancient ancestors of Shar-Pei were more likely service dogs, although many of them could have hunted very well.

Unfortunately, at some point, the great potential of these dogs was noticed by lovers of gambling, which also took place in antiquity. Thanks to its physical characteristics, the sharpei dog was well suited for participating in these cruel games. After that, sharpei began to be displayed specifically for battles with other dogs. Because of this, high aggressiveness towards other animals began to be encouraged in them.

This mysterious (and still quite rare) dog breed got its name - sharpei, due to the characteristics of its unique coat. “Sand Dog” - this is how the name of this amazing breed is translated from Chinese.


There are two versions of the birth of sharpei:

  • The first says that the ancestor of this dog was the breed of Chow Chow, and a smooth-haired Chow Chow.
  • The second argues that the ancestors of the dog were ancient mastiffs.

The first version is supported by the presence of a blue tongue in the dog, which in the modern world is possessed by only two dogs - the Chow Chow dog and the Chinese sharpei dog. Given that the breed was bred as a fighting dog, this was facilitated by muscular limbs, a strong physique and strong jaws. However, as a fighting breed, the Chinese sharpei did not work out. This is due to the fact that he could not compete with really fighting individuals. However, thanks to this past, today these dogs have considerable fortitude, courage and self-confidence.

There are references to the use of these dogs in hunting. These references date back to the Han era. A sad fate awaited the dogs in the last quarter of the 20th century - they were banned, as a result of which the Chinese sharpei dog breed was lost. However, after some time, enthusiasts from Hong Kong directed their efforts to restore the breed, and she reappeared at exhibitions.


Not so long ago, this breed was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the rarest dog breeds. Because of this, sharpei dog rings are always of great interest to visitors to dog shows. Now the threat of extinction is not threatened by this breed. Of course, modern sharpei is completely different, it is very different from its ancestors. Sharpei became regular participants in dog shows. Now it is one of the most popular dogs in the world! Over the past millennia, the Chinese sharpei managed to turn from a "dog-amulet", a gambling fighter and a "temple dog", which they were in ancient times, into excellent companions and stars of show rings.

Scientists have proved that there are animals with a strong biofield. Interestingly, sharpei is one of them! In the west it is used as a dog therapist. There are legends about how sharpei treated their owners for incurable diseases, helped to find children lost in the crowd. Each owner of this breed of dogs has a lot of observations indicating their unique gift.

Description and standard

When you look at sharpei, a complete illusion is created that his coat is very soft, almost velor. But the first impression, as often happens, turns out to be misleading. In fact, sharpei's hair is tough.

When you look at the numerous photos of sharpei dogs that can be found on the Internet, you simply cannot believe that these cute little animals, dressed in a folded skin, “stitched” as if “for growth”, were once used as fighting dogs . This very voluminous skin just allowed to reliably protect the dog from serious injuries. It should be noted that another interesting feature of this amazing breed is dark purple (lavender) or almost black language. It is because of him that Shar Pei is sometimes called the “Dog that licked the sky.”

At present, the sharpei dog breed has a fairly large number of fans. Many owners of sharpei managed to appreciate the mind and rather complaisant nature of these unusual and in their own way beautiful exotic dogs. According to the standard, sharpei allowed:

  • Various solid (no spots) colors, with the exception of white.
  • Most often, red, chocolate, cream, fawn or black color are found.

These dogs are of the type of so-called molossoobraznyh dogs of small size. The main feature of the appearance of the animal is its wrinkled and folded body and head. As a result of this, sharpei have a completely non-canine appearance, they can be compared with small hippos or piglets. Characteristics of the breed:

Character hats

It must be noted that the Sharpei’s natural mind and kindness are combined with some incredulity and even arrogance towards outsiders, which allows them to be used as a very good guard. The vast majority of pedigree sharpei are very attached to their owners, to whom they are always ready to give their kindness and kindness. A real shar pei is friends with the master's children and is ready to patiently endure even their pranks.
however, sometimes sharpei is in no hurry to carry them out.

These dogs are rightfully the ideal companions of the family. They are indispensable companions, acting as a loyal friend and excellent guard. Despite their small stature, these shriveled dogs can stand up for themselves and protect their loved ones. In addition, the description of the breed Chinese sharpei can not pass without mentioning the intelligence of this dog.

Sharpei want to constantly be near the owner, share with him all the happy moments and sorrows, accompany him on all trips and hikes. As a result of this, these dogs should not be brought to those who are not ready to display such attachment to the animal. Neglect of his communication can be a blow to the dog and a complete disappointment in life. In no case is it allowed to leave this pet alone with itself - for it there is nothing worse than loneliness.

In order to get a reliable friend and an excellent companion, you should forget that your favorite is a fighting dog. You don’t even have to try to cultivate aggression towards other animals in your pet, especially since dog fighting is prohibited by law in our country!

What attracts these dogs? Of course, the most important factor is the unusual, rather attractive appearance of these guests from the Middle Kingdom. When sharpei are small, they look like a plush toy. Unusual comparisons are made by the Chinese themselves, likening sharpei's ears - with tea rose petals; folds on the head - with wrinkles of the wise old man; and paws with a head of garlic. Comprehensible dog, easily learns not only to protect the owners, but also to do various tricks.

This is a dog that does not need to be taught how to guard the owner, and the hunting instinct also sits deep in it. There are sharpei that catch mice better than any cat. And about the cleanliness of sharpei speak all who have at least the slightest relation to them. Sharpei puppies after a couple of days, after the first walk, cease to relieve the need for a house, and only representatives of this breed come clean from the walk even in bad weather. Puppies, not to mention adult dogs, do not have the ability to chew on furniture, shoes.

However, all these are trifles, compared with the character of this unique dog. Shar Pei is independent, quick-witted, balanced and sociable. There are times when these dogs are immersed in themselves, and it seems that they are meditating, or maybe it is?

Sharpei is an excellent psychologist, he will find a way to the owner’s heart before he realizes it. How he achieves this, having a dominant character, is unclear. Sharpei will easily understand whether the owner is suitable for the role of leader in the house, and if you show weakness, you can be sure that he will take on this role. To be a king (queen) is a sharpei can.

The right puppy

Despite the fact that sharpei is not a very common breed, it is not so difficult to buy a puppy of this breed. True, the choice of a puppy must be approached with all responsibility. It is worth going to exhibitions, looking at the best representatives of the breed, and not trying to buy a puppy by the first ad on the Internet that contains the words “shar pei dog”. Since, unfortunately, even unscrupulous “breeders” who sell puppies of incomprehensible origin and that do not meet the standard got to this breed.

In addition, such puppies are very often sick. Which leads to the fact that instead of the joy of communicating with the pet, the owner has to deal with its treatment, the cost of which can sometimes be very high. Do you want to get such a “surprise” for an unfair approach to buying or saving the family budget? Remember, only a thoroughbred dog will please you, but a mestizo can quickly disappoint.

Therefore, you should do everything right from the very beginning and acquire a puppy only in a good kennel, in which the necessary documents will be issued, and instructions for keeping and feeding the dog will be given. Most often, the breeder will necessarily give some amount of food with the puppy so that there is no sudden change in nutrition. In principle, it is possible to continue to feed your sharpei with the same food. Only with time will it be necessary to change the puppy food for food for adult dogs.

Pet health

At a time when sharpei only appeared in our country, many believed that they were not distinguished by good health. This was primarily due to the fact that at the very beginning a number of dogs were introduced with certain health problems. On the one hand, sharpei is a rather strong dog, but modern breeding experiments, the creation of standards that do not correspond to its natural state, have entailed many problems. Sharpeev is often accompanied by diseases such as:

  • One of the main problems for sharpei is entropy (inversion of the eyelids), which occurs, including (except for a genetic predisposition) and because of the enthusiasm for excessive "skinning". With this disease, permanent damage to the eye occurs with eyelashes growing on the curled edge of the eyelid, as a result of which corneal ulcers or its inflammation, keratitis, often occur. Dogs with such problems should not be used in breeding, so as not to pass this vice by inheritance. And if you do not operate on time, the dog may become blind.

Currently, breeders are trying to deal with the inversion of the eyelids of sharpei and use only “clean lines” in breeding. According to the standard, sharpei, whose body and legs are covered with deep skin folds, are not considered high-breed. At the show, judges for such "excesses" can not only lower the score, but generally disqualify the dog.

  • Primary seborrhea is the secretion of fat on the skin, causing peeling and an unpleasant odor.
  • Sharpei fever is a poorly understood syndrome that is characteristic only for dogs of this breed, a hereditary disease leading to renal failure.
  • Mastocytoma is a tumor that can develop not only on internal organs, but also on the skin.
  • Glaucoma - like humans, leads to blindness.
  • Food allergies and atopy - often reflected on the dog’s skin.
  • Pyoderma is a deep skin infection.
  • Otitis is an inflammation of the ear.
  • Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, amyloidosis, prolapse of the lacrimal gland of the third century and many other diseases, unfortunately, can disturb the dog.

Everything written in the article regarding sharpei refers to dogs of this breed as a whole and does not mean at all that this applies to your dog personally. It may well be that your dog will never bother you with a single sore, let alone illness. All dogs, as well as people are individual and, this must always be considered!

Chinese sharpei care

Many breeders, acquiring Chinese sharpei, panic from the first days, being mistaken in the fact that it requires some specific knowledge. However, this breed is no different from others in terms of care. The most important thing is to periodically wash the dog and comb it.

An attractive and cute-looking sharpei dog is actually decisive, proud, wayward and has primitive power tearing out. A calm and confident dog will never allow his relatives to feel bad about himself, and at any opportunity he will begin to sort things out. Sharpei are suitable for demanding and persistent people in dog training.

Like the rarest dog breed, sharpei are listed in the Red Book, and their cost can reach several thousand dollars. At the end of the twentieth century, recent changes were made to the standards of sharpei dogs.

An outgoing, active and very agile dog, it has medium height, a dense, strong physique and a square format. With a height of 45-50 cm, the dog can weigh from 18 to 25 kg. At the same time, males are slightly larger than bitches. The main breed standards include:

Sharpei wool

A special feature of the breed is sharpei wool. Straight, short, bristly and stiff hair should be raised above the skin throughout the body of the dog, except for the limbs.

Breed has three varieties, each of which differs in the type of wool:

  1. Brush is a variety of sharpei with a hair length of 2-2.5 cm and folds on the face and neck.
  2. Horse is a breed with a hair 10 cm long. Puppies have a lot of folds, the number of which decreases with age.
  3. “Bear wool” is a sharpei breed with a hair length of more than 2.5 cm. An adult dog resembles the Chow Chow breed. As a show breed, this type of sharpei is not recognized by the Dog Club of America.

The color of sharpei wool can be the most diverse, with the exception of only white. Color is divided into two groups:

  • plain wool without any black spots;
  • the main color with black pigmentation in the form of a strap on the back and a mask on the face.

The wool of the breed has a characteristic feature - even in the wet state it is odorless.

Characteristics of the breed

Compared to other breeds, sharpei distinguished by high intelligence. Their slightly austere appearance emphasizes the independence, tranquility and nobility of the dog.

To exclude the possible aggressiveness of the pet, its upbringing needs to be dealt with from puppyhood. The dog immediately needs to show who is the boss in the house, otherwise she will seize the opportunity and she will rule everyone around. Sharpei love to decide everything on their own and be the leader in the pack. But, despite this, their actions are completely devoid of aggression. The breed is very understanding, loyal, patient and obedient.

Gloomy and slightly formidable-looking pets need care, affection and adore good company. In his family, the dog is smart and friendly, however, he will not execute the team in any way. The peculiarity of the breed is that sharpei strive for independence, therefore, they almost always act in accordance with their considerations and preferences.

Pets treat strangers with caution, and for no reason will not be allowed to stroke a stranger. They do not like enthusiastic fuss around them and try to stay in a relaxed atmosphere.

The one who decided to bring a little sharpei to his house needs a rhinestone to become a “leader” for him and have patience and willpower to educate and train a pet. Only in this case you will receive a reliable, faithful and loyal friend.

In my review I want to write about my favorite dog. It so happened that when she was two years old, the old landlord moved from house to apartment, and was looking for new owners for her, who had to live in their own house. So in our family settled dog sharpei breed. It was immediately evident that she was very loved, because she adored affection.

At first, in order for the dog to get used to it, we tried not to let it out without a leash on the street. But two months later we released our darling for a walk alone, and she ran away. We found her only two weeks later from the woman who sheltered her. The dog immediately recognized us and was glad. Apparently only then she recognized the owners in us, because she did not run away anywhere else.

Our pet lives with us for more than two years. She is smart, very obedient and very calm, even to cats that always eat next to her. Without our permission, nobody is allowed into the house. We feed her with beef bones, fish, minced meat, chicken backs, breadcrumbs and low-fat porridge with vegetables. I really like that the dog does not smell, although we do not bathe it, but only scratch it. She sheds twice a year in spring and autumn. For the prevention of fleas twice a year, I give her i drip special drops at the withers. Our darling knows the commands “sit”, “lie down”, she always listens attentively to us and is ready for anything. I want to make such a family friend to everyone.

Eight years ago I was given a loyal, gentle and affectionate friend - sharpei. The decorative dog resembles a teddy bear whose velvet nose I am always ready to kiss. At the withers, the dog is not very large, so it is quietly suitable for living in an apartment. She is very fond of brown bread crackers and sausage. When we give her bread, she is ready to literally bite off her hand with it. And he carefully takes the sausage with his lips and carries it into a bowl.

She jumps at guests all the time, licks and demands crackers from them. She absolutely does not like other dogs, and all the yard dogs are afraid of her. But we had a domestic cat, to which the dog was very calm. She is almost always next to me. When I eat, she sits next to me, when I sit, she climbs into my arms and sleeps with me too. In my review, anyone who wants to make a plush friend, I advise you to take a closer look at the sharpei breed.

For all who are interested in sharpei dogs, I want to write a review about our dog named Bonnie. When she was very young, she loved to lie on a slipper. When Bonnie sleeps, she snores just like a grown man. I know that this is due to the special structure of the nasopharynx of the breed. Our pet got along well with people and other animals, except dogs.

The sharpei have many folds because they serve them as protection, because the breed was bred specifically for fighting. Maybe that's why at the sight of her own kind she waking up instinct. More sharpei are excellent watchmen. If at the entrance someone was delayed near our door, Bonnie gave a voice, but simply ignored those passing by. If you want to get yourself such a breed, you need to think carefully first. Sharpei have their own characteristics in care and health problems. In addition, each dog has its own individual character.

Natalya, Russia

I really love my little girl, with whom I suffered a lot during the year of her life. The sharpei breed is very susceptible to allergies, and my dog \u200b\u200bwas no exception. For the first months, I wiped the dust twice a day, then I started changing and picking her food. Fed and expensive premium food, and natural food. As a result, after various analyzes, I stopped at the stern, which is produced in our city, and besides, it is not expensive at all.

We had a problem with the eyes. Most dogs of this breed are hemmed, only a massage was given to our cat. We also massaged her teeth. And finally, the dog is almost healthy, and gives us only joy. Every day to her you need to wipe the face, eyes and ears. The muzzle must be wiped after each meal. Ears should be cleaned once a week with a special cream. But this is not difficult for me. After all, we also wash and clean our ears every day, and the dogs themselves cannot do this.

Sharpei our climate is not suitable. The breed bred in China can live comfortably only there. They do not like winter and dry, hot summers. In bad weather, our pet refuses to walk. It does not tolerate snow, rain, wet asphalt and wet weather. And the nature of the dog depends on its upbringing. We have two children, and the dog never offended them. Only sometimes straight from the hands of pulled out food.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of sharpei is superior to other breeds. These are well-built, sturdy dogs with deep folds on the skin. Now there are very few purebred sharpei. it happens it is difficult to determine the purebred puppy, because their inherent folds stretch with age. You can find crosses of the breed, which are very similar to boxers, but still participate in exhibitions.

Sharpei are terrible allergies, and they need to select a special hypoallergenic food. From natural food, they can only beef and rice. Also, the breed often suffers from inversion of the eyelids, otitis, tartar, malocclusion. Sometimes pets have kidney and heart disease. Therefore, those who like this breed should first think carefully about whether you are ready to look after it. After all, sharpei will need to be taken care of twice as much as a child.

The most mysterious pet is considered to be sharpei - an independent and calm breed of northern Chinese fighting dogs. Mysteriousness is due to the legendary nature of the species and its mysterious origin. The first mention of the animal is dated 220-206 years BC. In ancient China, sharpei were considered amulets created by nature to scare away evil spirits from people. Because of the bluish-black tongue, they were called "animals licking the sky", and because of the quality of the skin and coat, they were a "sand" dog. The life story of these brave pets even mentions the period of extermination of the breed (early 40s of the XX century).

Initially, these animals were positioned as temple, then fighting dogs, but hundreds of years of breeding made truly legendary pets out of sharpei. Today, this exotic species of animals can have a hunting or watchdog character, and can be considered a rare and outlandish show favorite. The first official description of the standard by the International Federation (FCI) was subsidized in 1976, and the first special exhibition was held two years later.

External data

Chinese shar pei is a beautifully built and very beautiful animal. It has a harmoniously proportional stocky physique with a square body shape. A distinctive characteristic of the species is the skin, the amount of which is several times greater than the volume of the body. It forms amusing folds all over the body of the animal, protecting the dog from injuries.

Of particular interest to pet lovers is the question of how much sharpei weigh and how tall they are. The standards describe individuals whose height at the withers does not exceed 51 cm. The minimum height is 43-46 cm. But it is difficult to speak about the exact weight, since each country that recognized these outlandish dogs for many years bred and recognized its breed standards. Therefore, among people live pets weighing from 16 to 23 kg. At the same time, females can weigh from 16 to 21 kg, but males from 18 to 23 kg.

The presence of a huge number of standards introduces some confusion, but since this species was originally studied and described by the Hong Kong Association of Dog Breeders, it is believed that it underlies all others. His description of the pet indicates that sharpei are endowed with nature with the qualities of gladiators and hunters, as well as:

  • compact and mobile body;
  • a wide, flattened and large (when compared with the body) skull;
  • extremely weak transition from forehead to muzzle;
  • the presence of wrinkles on the cheeks and forehead, which turn into a massive suspension - the main symptom;
  • muzzle wide from the tip of the nose to the eyes;
  • wide and large nose;
  • almond-shaped deep-set and rather small eyes of black color. If the dog has a cream color, then the color of the eyes may be light;
  • triangular in shape with dense and very small (compared to the body) ears wide apart;
  • blue-black tongue and black sky are the hallmarks of the breed;
  • heavy folds of skin on a strong, high set and muscular neck;
  • muscular limbs. In dogs of this species, both front and hind limbs are moderately long and necessarily straight. And the hock joints of the hind legs are slightly inclined (low position);
  • thick tail. This dog has three tail positions: set high and wrapped over its back, twisted in a free ring, set high and does not touch the back;
  • deep and wide breasts;
  • compact, strong medium sized paws;
  • saggy and heavy lips;
  • female sharpei have a more rounded body format, and cables have a more square;
  • strongly bent fangs, strong teeth and a strong jaw.

This pet has extremely short, rather prickly and surprisingly stiff hair when touched. She does not have an undercoat, does not curl, sticks out on a body and slightly adjoins on extremities. Standards distinguish between three types of wool: hors, brush and "bear hair". Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how many centimeters a pile is on the body of a pet. This indicator directly depends on the type, can range from 0.8 cm to 2.6 cm.

The color of the pile can also be in a wide palette. But modern standards subdivided animals on coat color into two groups:

  1. The main one. She is characterized by black pigmentation in the form of a belt and a mask on her back. In this case, sharpei can be Isabella, mahogany, black, deer, blue, cream or red-deer coat color.
  2. Delute. It includes animals whose color is completely spared from blotches of black. And the shade of wool can be cream, purple, apricot, chocolate, isabella and red.

Exotic sharpei from both groups are considered compliant. But if a pet has a tail, a spotted tongue, shiny and at the same time long hair, a pointed muzzle, then it does not fall into the breed standards. The listed features are considered marriage.

What is your pet's character?

Among hunting dogs, shar pei is unique in its calm and dignified character. This animal is confident and incredibly loyal to the family, but extremely reserved with strangers. Scientists believe that sharpei is a dog that does not need thorough training and education. It is endowed by nature with watchdog and hunting instincts. He loves to fight very much, but because if other breeds of fighting or hunting dogs live next to the pet, then you should go for walks at different times.

However, according to many breeders, the current sharpei are significantly different from ancient breeds. Modern pets have a less aggressive and more balanced character, they are more family companions, friends than hunters and watchmen. But this does not mean at all that under certain circumstances your pet will not show "dormant" qualities. Therefore, before taking a sharpei home, the owners should think about whether they have the strength to cope with the aggression and natural instincts of the pet. Defeating his controversial character and explosive disposition will be extremely difficult.

This animal has one more unique character trait. Royal sharpei is endowed with high spiritual qualities. He is fair, incredibly smart, kind and affectionate. With good handling, the dog will be extremely pleasant to communicate with. She is very attached to the owner, gets along wonderfully with all the household, but she will always be proud and independent. And no matter how much sharpei lives in the house, he will never betray his master. Exceptional devotion is inherent in this animal.

Also, do not expect excessive petting from the pet. The proud and harsh nature of the dog and the instincts given by nature will not allow it to flatter. She will reward caring owner with obedience and attention, will be friendly and sociable with him. Such an attitude of the animal is worth noting and appreciating, otherwise the pet will be offended in earnest.

Behavior features

Shar Pei is a mobile and active animal. He is shown physical activity, long and even exhausting walks, running. If the dog is deprived of this, then protracted diseases cannot be avoided. When choosing a pet, it is worth considering this important fact.

You also need to remember that in this fighting animal species, the eyes are set deep enough, which limits their peripheral vision. Therefore, dogs with sudden movements and loud sounds are very scared. Jump to their feet and alert, preparing to attack. Those pets that have long lived in the family may be less shy. But young individuals, no matter how much they live among people, will be extremely shy.

Sharpei's disease

Long breeding work on the domestication of the breed led to the fact that these animals became susceptible to many diseases. The main problem is:

  • Diseases of the mucous membranes of the eye.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Allergies and dermatitis.
  • Entropion is the inversion of the century, which can lead to blindness of the animal.
  • Otitis.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Bloating and other diseases.

With careful care and compliance with the norms of maintenance, dogs of this breed live for about 10-12 years.

Pet care

Outlandish sharpei does not require complicated care. Veterinarians recommend combing the skin folds of the animal with a special brush glove a couple of times a week. This procedure should not be skipped, since dirt can accumulate between the skin layers (especially in the summer heat), which will lead to the growth of bacteria. Therefore, sharpei needs a combing procedure as well as a proper, balanced diet.

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