Tomato juice recipes without sterilization. Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

Tomato juice is not in vain so popular. If ordinary fruit juices are desirable to eat only as a drink, then tomato is very often used in cooking.

It is great for making soups, stews, as a dressing for stewing meatballs, cabbage rolls, potatoes, fish. Therefore, many housewives love him.

By sterilization, vegetative forms are destroyed. 18. Microorganisms and partly their dispute. Thermal sterilization should ensure the safety of the product, maintain quality and nutritional value. Improving the efficiency of the sterilization process using fresh raw materials and healthy vegetable washing and packaging of the appropriate user, eliminating delays in the production process, elements that help reduce product infection before sterilization. Tomato juice is sterilized in a batch system and a continuous system in different types of sterilizers.

Preparation for preparation

To make homemade tomato juice for the winter, you need to choose the right tomatoes. Sweet, juicy and always red tomatoes are best. Unripe fruits will give bitterness and acid to the juice. Do not choose tomatoes of salad varieties, they are very fleshy, and contain little juice.

In no case do not take ripe tomatoes for tomato juice, they are poorly stored, and the taste will more resemble sour tomato paste.

This internal pressure is balanced by the back pressure, which is applied by supplying compressed air to the autoclave. In an autoclave, cooling is carried out by gradually introducing cooling water during the prescribed sterilization formula and maintaining the pressure in the autoclave with compressed air. The water used for sterilization and cooling is recommended to chlorinate 100 mg of active chlorine per liter. After sterilization, containers are subjected to technological operations that ensure their commercial appearance, namely: washing and drying containers, checking their appearance, protecting the outer surface, packaging, labeling, packaging of transport packaging.

To determine how much tomato you need, use a ratio of 1: 1.5 (one and a half kilograms of tomato per liter of finished product). For classic recipes, only tomatoes and salt are usually used, but you can make the taste brighter by adding garlic, celery, onions, cinnamon, cloves, sweet peppers and other ingredients to your taste.

Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

For cooking, you need to use a juicer. You will need these ingredients:

Rinsing of containers is carried out under warm water showers and drying in a tunnel of hot air. Sterilized jars in continuous plants are directly dried, since washing is carried out in the final area of \u200b\u200bthe sterilizers. New types of continuous sterilization units are also equipped with a drying zone.

Appearance is checked by visual inspection. High temperatures cause degradation during storage of color, taste, texture and a decrease in the vitamin content of foods. Low temperature slows down the degradation process if the frozen product is attenuated by changing sequence. In particular, air humidity affects corrosion processes. Storage of pallets after conditioning indicated above. The can blades protect the polyethylene, which provides a suitable appearance.

  • 9 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • salt to taste.

The option of preparing tomato juice for the winter through a juicer is very simple. Tomatoes must be washed under running water, cut out the middle. Next, cut the tomatoes into 2 parts and pass through a juicer. Pour the gruel into the prepared dishes and set to cook. After the juice has boiled, it must be grated with a sieve, add salt and sugar, and put on fire again. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Pour hot into sterile jars, roll up. According to the same recipe, you can cook tomato juice for the winter through a meat grinder.

Further is a processing line for the production of tomato juice. Processing line for the production of tomato juice. Technical requirements. Tomato juice, to be homogeneous, neither too viscous or too liquid, with a slight tendency to be divided into two layers to have a uniform color, red or red-orange aroma, pronounced and pleasant taste, characteristic for vegetables and ripe. Not allowed in seeds or fragments of shells, black particles.

Finely ground homogeneous liquid core and evenly distributed. This allows easy delamination during storage from red to orange-red. Natural well-defined characteristic which is made from tomato juice. Foreign taste and smell are forbidden. Physico-chemical characteristics Table 2.

Pulp Tomato Puree

Very tasty preparation for the winter, reminiscent of tomato sauce. It can be used to prepare various dishes, as well as add to ready-made food instead of ketchup or sauce. Suitable for meat and fish dishes, side dishes and gravy. Prepared using a blender.

To make tomato puree you need only 2 ingredients:

Mass fraction of soluble substances, min. Foreign bodies of mineral impurities Impurities. The composition is very similar to fresh tomato juice, as nutrients are transferred from fruit juice, such as sugar, acids, 23. Organic, mineral salts, aromatic substances, pectins and vitamins. Tomato sugars provide the body with a significant amount of energy. One liter of tomato juice provides about 400 calories of the body. It should be noted that tomato juice passes through the entire amount of vitamin A, which is found in tomatoes.

It is understandable why doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking tomato juice throughout the year and especially in the winter, when the consumption of fruits and vegetables is reduced, as well as the possibility of establishing a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body is quite large. If a person has only healthy benefits associated with the consumption of tomato juice, people with physical morons - children and adults - all this is all the more appropriate.

  • Tomatoes
  • Salt.

Selected fresh tomatoes must be washed and tails removed. Next, cut them into small pieces so that they fit easily in a juicer. Grind to make a smoothie. Pour the mashed potatoes into a suitable pot and place on the stove. When the foam rises, remove it with a slotted spoon, and leave the mass to cook over high heat for 25 minutes.

A daily volume of 250 ml to 500 ml is similar to any “miracle drug.” Only for people with digestive disorders, as in some kind of kidney disease, tomato juice should be cured with a margin or completely excluded from the diet. Defects and changes in the finished product. Color change is proportional to the increase in dry matter content. The effect is maximum at the beginning of the dip, and therefore the current concentration is concentrated at low temperatures. Closing the color also contributes to the presence of chlorophyll, which at high temperatures turns into pheophytin, giving the product a gray color.

Choose high utensils for mashed potatoes, as the foam will rise rapidly. And your stove will stay clean.
To sterilize jars, scald them with boiling water or hold them for 5 minutes at maximum power in the microwave. A sign that the juice is boiled is a change in the color of the foam from white to red. After that, remove the mashed potatoes from the stove, salt and pour into banks. After seaming, wrap the jars in a blanket and hold until cool.

The presence of iron can also cause color, as iron can combine with tannin, giving a dark tan. Nitrogen substances have a great influence on the color of tomato juice, as amino acids react with melatonin-forming carbohydrates. In addition, ascorbic acid reacts with amino acids to form brown pigments.

For this reason, it was found that color transformations are more and more, since the losses of ascorbic acid and nitrogen amine are higher. This phenomenon can be fixed on tomato juices that are not preheated enough, which does not provide proper air fixation and coagulation of protein substances. To avoid this accident is recommended.

Tomato juice in a slow cooker

This method of cooking tomato juice for the winter is probably the easiest. You do not need to constantly stand over the pan so that the foam does not run away and constantly stir the contents.

To make juice you will need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes (the amount depends on the capacity of the slow cooker);
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

I wash the tomatoes and cut the tails. We check for any damage. Now they need to be cut and chopped in a combine. Do not worry that the peel remains on the tomatoes, it will completely fray, and you will not even feel it. But, the fiber that is contained in the peel will remain. Pour all the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl, add salt, granulated sugar and pepper, mix. We put out the “quenching” mode on the multicooker and leave it for 40 minutes. We wash and sterilize the banks. We fill them with the resulting tomato product and roll them up. Then, as usual, leave for a day under the covers to cool completely. Store in a cold room.

Heating the juice to a temperature of 90 ° C, and then squeezing it at an elevated temperature; introducing some drops of edible oil into the appliance. After cooling, the deformation remains constant. The defect occurs in unused containers before closing, therefore, when sufficient vacuum is not achieved in the container due to the introduction of contents below a predetermined temperature, when vacuum disconnecting devices are not used. This happens when: the pressure in the autoclave is too high; when air pressure is maintained in the autoclave and after cooling the containers; when the pressure in the autoclave rises very quickly.

Pepper Tomato Juice

Many people like the combination of tomatoes and bell peppers. The juice from these vegetables is unusual and aromatic. You should choose only red meaty pepper and juicy ripe tomatoes.

The ingredients indicated in the recipe are designed for 3 liters of finished juice. So we need:

  • 4 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 600 grams of bell pepper;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 pcs. allspice;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt.

Wash tomatoes and peppers from seeds and stalks. We pass the vegetables through the juicer, and transfer the resulting juice to the prepared pan. We put it on the fire, and put the prepared spices (except salt and sugar) in a gauze bag, and throw it into the pan. So, the juice completely absorbs the aroma of spices, and then nothing will need to be caught. After boiling, add salt and sugar, and leave to cook for 15 minutes over low heat. In the meantime, prepare the banks. We turn off the stove, throw out the bag of spices, and begin to pour the juice hot into sterilized jars. For days, hold the juice wrapped in a blanket, and then move it to a cool storage room.

As a result, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto observe the pressure from the autoclave to sterilization, especially when working with back pressure; compliance with the heating time of the autoclave; gradual decrease in pressure in the autoclave during cooling. Changes in the taste, smell and color of the contents may be due to: oxidation of lipids, the formation of iron sulfide. The strength of metal containers. Appears due to the relatively high relative humidity of storage air. Strength can lead to sheet piercing and product alteration.

Soaking fabrics and changing taste. This occurs if the storage temperature is high. Freezing contents. This occurs if the storage temperature in winter is below the temperature of the cryoscopic point of the can. Change products with cap caps. This defect is a consequence of the activity of microorganisms that have survived the sterilization process.

Tomato juice with celery

By adding celery to the juice, you can make it even healthier and tastier. For such an interesting blank for the winter you will need:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper.

Be sure to wash the tomatoes and cut the tails. Using a juicer, we make juice out of them.

Inefficiency of the applied heat treatment. The necessary solution in this case is not the choice of a more rigorous sterilization formula, but the introduction of strict hygienic conditions for both raw materials and auxiliary materials, as well as for production facilities and technological equipment. It also requires speeding up the process. In most cases, one type of microorganism is found in convex containers. Bombing can be caused by both mesophilic bacteria and dark-philic bacteria.

If you do not have a juicer, you can skip the tomatoes through a meat grinder and then grind through a sieve. It will take more time and effort, but the result will be the same.

Pour the liquid into an enameled pan and bring to a boil. Add the coarsely chopped celery, and again bring to a boil. Then it is necessary to grind it through a sieve or grind it with a blender. We put it on the fire again, and turn it off as soon as the mass boils. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

This form of change is manifested in white precipitation, pronounced sour taste and borsch or narcotic odor. In the case of non-erosion of canned food, the change can also be caused by lactic bacteria; yeast and mold. The main losses of vitamin C are amplified when the juice is dispensed in an inappropriate packaging, when harsh heat treatment is applied or when inactive ascorbin oxidase acts on ascorbic acid. The higher the storage temperature, the higher the amount of vitamins.

Studies show that the loss of ascorbic acid can reach up to 50% and thiamine up to 20%, better than carotene. Separation of cellulose juice recommends: preliminary grinding of the product and proper homogenization; the addition of 0.1% pectin powder due to its role as a stabilizer of the colloidal system. in case of turbid juices. The use of tomato juice Tomato juice is widely used in food, as we mentioned above, because of its alkaline effect due to its high content in mineral salts, especially potassium and magnesium.

Tomato Paste Juice

Such a recipe can help out when there is no way to make blanks. Only should be responsible for the choice of tomato paste. Very often, in the composition of this product you can find harmful additives. So take only that tomato paste, which contains only tomatoes, salt and water.

For cooking, we need:

Juice can be consumed in a simple state, possibly mixed with celery juice, making an energetic, refreshing and detoxifying drink for all people, regardless of age. Tomato juice is the basis of cocktails such as Bloody Mary and Bloody Caesar. Tomato juice can also be used to clean old coins due to the acidity it has.

It is also used as a sauce in tomato jars, sometimes it is replaced with tomato puree. Conclusion Tomato juice is a natural concentrate of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, organic acids, biologically active human dyes, which provides a source of energy and protection against the disease. Tomato juice is a product widely used in all countries due to its nutritional, regenerative, stimulating properties. So it is especially important in human nutrition, because it has a relatively high value, has a pleasant taste and aroma, improves appetite and absorption of food, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, maintaining a balance between acids and the body's bases.

  • Water.
  • Tomato Paste
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

For 1 liter of water you will need 4 tablespoons of tomato paste. Just mix everything together, adding spices to taste. If such a quantity of tomato paste seems insufficient to you, you can add more.


Now we have clearly seen how to make tomato juice for the winter. Cooking options are very simple, so after spending a little time, you can get a product that will be much tastier and cheaper than purchased. And most importantly, vitamins and other useful elements will remain in tomato juice for the winter.

Of great importance in obtaining high quality tomato juice, it has the source material used and the method of performing the process steps. Tomatoes are used as raw materials for the production of tomato juice. Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetables with global production of tens of millions of tons every year. Tomatoes are very rich in antioxidants, like beta-carotene and lycopene, in particular, but also with vitamins C and E, are so good in protecting the cardiovascular system and from some types of cancer. In addition, they have a very low sodium content and are rich in potassium, thereby helping to lower blood pressure and prevent fluid retention.

It is important to start preparing products for the winter in advance. It is so nice to open a can of good juice on a winter evening and enjoy the taste of summer. There are many different recipes, but the best recipes that preserve all the taste and vitamins are recipes without sterilization.

Tomato juice for the winter, a simple recipe without sterilization which I prepared for you today, is rich in useful properties and vitamins. Tomatoes also contain one of the most important acids - succinic. Using a glass of tomato juice, you will feel more energetic and energetic.


  • tomatoes
  •   sugar,
  •   salt,


Step 1.  To get the perfect taste, ripe tomatoes are required. Slightly spoiled can be used, after cutting out the problem areas. It is necessary to cut the tomatoes not four parts and remove the stem.

Step 2  Next, you need to use a meat grinder with a nozzle for a tomato. You can add salt, sugar and other ingredients as you wish. We begin to twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder, you do not need to twist a large amount at once, the juice will turn out with pieces of tomato, it is important to do everything in small quantities and slowly.

Step 3 Pour the tomatoes into a clean, sterile pan and begin to cook over medium heat. Juice must be brought to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. When the foam appears, it is not recommended to remove it; during the cooking process, it will come off by itself. After the foam has stopped appearing juice, you can stop cooking.

Step 4  Pour the cooked juice into jars, it is recommended to heat the jars so that they do not crack from the hot juice. We roll up the cans with clean, washed lids. Subject to all the rules and cleanliness, the juice can be stored for a long time without sterilization in a dark place.

Tomato juice recipe with added salt, sugar and spices


  •   Tomatoes
  •   sugar,
  •   salt,
  •   garlic (add as desired).


Step 1.  My tomatoes, large cut, you can not cut small. Scroll everything on the juicer several times to get pure juice, if desired, can be filtered through gauze or a sieve.

Step 2  We put the juice on the fire and start cooking over medium heat for 20 minutes until the foam disappears, at this time we add salt, which is not necessarily containing salt, granulated sugar. Given 1 liter of juice, 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt. After the juice, you can try and add spices to taste.

Step 3  Pour tomato juice for the winter without sterilization in cleaned jars and roll up or twist the lids (you can use any lids). Turn the cans upside down and cover with a blanket; after cooling, the juice should be stored in a dry, dark place.

Video recipe for a delicious and quick recipe for tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

Have a nice day and bon appetit))

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