Fruit water slimming recipe. Fruit water for weight loss. Water with lime, strawberries and cucumber.

In summer, it is simply irreplaceable! Fruit water for weight loss is tasty and easy to prepare. Its other name is detox water. It will perfectly cleanse your body and take away your kilograms, making the figure close to perfect.
Water is also useful for restoring fluid balance in the body. In the heat, our body loses more moisture and becomes dehydrated if it is not constantly "refilled" with liquid. Fruit water is perfect for refueling water at any time. It does not contain dehydrating caffeine, high-calorie sugar and harmful artificial sweeteners. For its preparation you will need only fruits, herbs, spices and actually water.
We offer you several recipes for fruit water, but you always have room for creativity. Combine your favorite ingredients, experiment, and most importantly, drink!

However, flavored water alternatives may not be worth it: there’s virtually no benefit in adding nutrients to vitamin waters, energy drinks, and juices, according to a new study from the University of Toronto and the University of Ryerson in Canada.

And since almost all of these added drinks added sugar, you could be harmful to your health. If you are bored with water, there is a better way to quench your thirst: filled with water can refresh the taste without any nutritional deficiencies. You just let the fruits and herbs sit in the water for hours and voila! A delicious, healthy alternative to water. To prove this, we have 8 delicious combinations of fruits and herbs.

How to cook fruit water?
1) Choose a recipe and cut fruits and berries.
2) Put sliced \u200b\u200bfruits, herbs and honey in a jar or jug \u200b\u200bwith a lid.
3) Pour them with water that you are used to drinking - it is better if it is mineral or drinking water of the highest category, of which you are sure.
4) Close the lid and wait - from half an hour to several hours. To be sure of the result, you can leave water in the refrigerator overnight.
Done! Now you have a delicious and healthy fruit water that quenches thirst without harm to health and body.

Ingredients: 1 cup organic blueberry, 1 cup organic blackberry, 2 donut peaches, chopped and cut into half-inch wedges. 6 cups spring or filtered water 2 cups unsweetened organic coconut water. Place the blueberries and blackberries on the bottom of your jar, and then the peach slices on top. Pour spring water and coconut water into the jar. Stir the water, cover and place the water in the refrigerator for at least one hour or overnight for a better taste.

What products can be used?

Ingredients: 3-4 ripe kiwi, peeled and thinly sliced. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bkiwi to the jar or 64 oz. Mason jar. Cool to the cold and enjoy. Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a large glass and let sit for at least 5 minutes before enjoying.

Ginger, lemon, hot pepper
A great combination for those who like hotter and want to lose weight. All three ingredients speed up the metabolism, and therefore contribute to the burning of fat.
juice ¼ lemon;
1 tsp grated ginger root;
a small slice of hot pepper.
Water sassi
A year ago, the Internet was full of publications about the miraculous water Sassi, which helps to lose weight. It consists of cucumber, mint and lime. Only the last one has the fat-burning effect from the whole set, however, the rest of the ingredients are perfectly refreshing in the summer heat (although this may be due to their combination). Whatever your goal is to lose weight or just have a cold drink, Sassi water is at your service.
1 chopped cucumber;
½ lime juice;
¼ cup fresh mint leaves.
Strawberries with basil
This combination has been tested for years. If salads are made with strawberries and basil, why not make a drink out of them?
½ cup chopped strawberries;
¼ cup basil leaves.
Blackberry and sage
Gourmet Recipe. Sage, in addition, has a calming effect, so it is better to drink such water in the evening.
1 handful of blackberries;
1 bunch of sage.
Watermelon and rosemary
The recipe for those who love sweeter. However, if you still don’t have enough sweets or want to sweeten another recipe, use honey, stevia or other natural sweeteners. It will turn out both tasty and healthy.
½ cup watermelon - cut into cubes;
1 sprig of rosemary.
You can experiment and add any fruit, berries and herbs to the water - combinations depend only on your taste and imagination.

Ingredients: 2 cups organic raspberries; 8 cups in spring or filtered water; 1 large organic lemon, cut into half-inch slices. 2 dried medules date 1 gallon of clean glass jar with a lid. Place raspberries on the bottom of your jar. Add dates, then draw lemon slices on top. Pour water into a jar and lay the lid on top. Put water in the refrigerator and let pour in for 1 hour.

Ingredients: 1 cup melon slices 1 cup watermelon slices 1 cup honey slices 2, filtered quartz or spring water. Add your melons to a 64 oz. Mason jar or jar. Pour water on top and cool. Put all the fruits and herbs in a stone jar. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit in the refrigerator.

The human body consists of approximately 60-70% water, so we should consume up to 2 liters of fluid per day. But what if you don’t feel like drinking or are bored with the taste of plain water? Fruit water comes to the rescue - a tasty and healthy drink that is easily prepared and fills the body with energy.

Why do you need to drink water?

Less water - more calories

Weigh yourself. Then drink two glasses of water and stand on the scales again. What do you see? A slight increase in weight. But do not rush to be upset. Water is not fat. It will "evaporate" during the day, but the hated comrade "F" will remain so. In order for him to leave you, you need to drink a lot of water.

Water with lime, strawberries and cucumber

After cutting the ingredients that you would like to use and placing them in your container, it is best to let the fruit pour in water for 1 to 2 hours before drinking it. However, if you cool your water, you want to increase the infusion time, which will mean 3 to 4 hours. After that feel free to drink.

How long will it take to fill up with water?

One of the great things about fruit-filled water is the fact that it is not a science. Simply put; There are no rules you should follow. Therefore, you can experiment with the infusion of time, as well as with the ingredients. It is always better to drink fruit-filled water on the same day you make it. If you cool the water, it should be good for up to 3 days. If you forget to put it in the refrigerator or do not want it to be cooled, you should drink water before going to bed. Fruit-filled water is always better when it is fresh, so do not store it for too long.

How it works?

Thanks to water, metabolism is accelerated, and fat cells are saturated with the moisture they need. If you do not drink water, they lose moisture, and the breakdown of fat becomes impossible. This is biochemistry.

Water is the body’s internal filter

Water removes toxins from the body and toxins that block its work. That is why nutritionists recommend starting the morning with a glass of water, and drinking about 2-3.5 liters of liquid throughout the day (depending on weight).

Why do you need to drink water?

Many people throw their fruits after one use, which is actually quite wasteful. Fruits can be reused, but you must remember that with every reuse you will lose some taste. In addition, instead of drinking your entire batch on pouring water and reusing fruit again, you should actually replenish when you get halfway. Thus, new water will be able to catch some aroma from old water.

How is fruit water prepared?

Do not worry, you will not die or even become ill. This is a common problem that many people experience. Fruits filled with bitter water are caused by the fact that the skin is not damaged on the fetus, so you must remove the peel when infused with water. However, if you decide to leave the peel intact, you should not insist on water for more than four hours, otherwise it will be bitter.

H2O \u003d life

Water provides the work of all internal organs. If you do not consume enough fluid, the body will empty your muscles, trying to maintain the vital functions of the brain, kidneys, and liver. Then the skin will become dull and dry, and wrinkles will appear on the face.

Lack of water also threatens dehydration, and the loss of 20% of the fluid is fatal to humans.

Can fruits use water?

When you start pouring your water in, you will find out pretty quickly that your refrigerant is your best ally when it comes to keeping your water clean and fresh. In doing so, you should never let your water sit in the refrigerator for extended periods of time. If you have the feeling that your water may be spoiled, the best thing you can do is use your feelings. If so, you may want to go and throw it away. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

How to teach yourself to drink water?

There are many ways to accustom yourself to drink water: establish a special program that will consider the amount of fluid you drink, arrange competitions with a friend, etc.

If you do not like the taste of ordinary water, there is a worthy replacement - fruit water. To prepare it, you need 10 minutes of free time and your favorite fruit.

When it comes to filling with water, you will definitely want to stick to cold water, or at least water that is not warmer than room temperature. Of course, you can fill you with water faster with warmer water, but this will be due to your ingredients. Warm water will take away some of the health benefits of your ingredients and may turn them into soft ones. The end result of using warm water is rather unsightly.

How to increase your water faster?

Okay, so you don’t have much time and want to fill your water faster. We were all there, so don’t worry! Instead of using cold water, you can use water at room temperature to fill your fruit. Basically, this will cause ingredients like fruits to decompose faster. However, you must be careful when you do this. If you are not going to drink water for 4 hours, you should put it in the refrigerator. Leaving infusion water can lead to bacteria and mold.


  • apple - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • strawberries - 10 berries
  • raspberries - a handful
  • ice - 2 cubes
  • mint leaves

How is fruit water prepared?

  1. Peel the banana and orange. Then cut them into cubes along with an apple and strawberries. Do not chop raspberries.
  2. Put all the fruits in a glass, putting two ice cubes on the bottom. Then fill them with water.
  3. At the end, garnish the drink with mint and strawberries.

Your fruit water is ready to drink!

It is safe to say that you also do not want to consume. You can use distilled water if you want, but this is not a prerequisite. Once again, you can use bottled water if you want, but this is not required. It is better to avoid dried fruits, as the final results are not worth it.

Does organic food make a difference?

However, frozen fruits do not pack the same punch as fresh fruits when it comes to flavor. In addition, frozen fruits easily decompose in water, which can be unsightly. Organic food should always be used whenever possible. If you cannot use organic ingredients, you should always remove the peel from the fruit. Crust may contain harmful pesticides and other undesirable ingredients. When removing the peel is not possible, you must thoroughly clean your fruit.

You can also bottle fruit water. Leave the first in the kitchen, the second near the desktop, and the third in the hallway. Each time, passing by, you will remember that you need to replenish the water balance.

If you do not have bottles, you can use multi-colored paper or glass glasses, decorating them with a bright straw. Then the fruit water will be even tastier.

Strawberries, lime and cucumber

When you experiment with recipes, you probably want to use something like a jug to place your water filled with fruits. In this way, you can make excess quantities, and you will also have plenty of water to serve your friends and family. When you do not make the fruit of the water being poured in large quantities, you can use something like a banker can or tin cans, as these are great options. Alternatively, fruit-filled water bottles are also great options.

It is important to know:

  • drink water 30 minutes before meals and 40 minutes after meals;
  • during sports periodically drink water: 2-3 sips between several exercises;
  • keep water in a glass bowl. If you use plastic bottles, keep them in the refrigerator (or in a dark place) - they should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

With a drink prepared according to our recipe, you can not only quench your thirst, but also treat your unexpectedly friends. Your children will drink it with great pleasure.

However, keep in mind that the ingredients that were used to infuse water before consumption will not be as neat. Plus, the fruit will not be as vibrant in color as it once was. It can be heartbreaking, since kiwi is such a popular fruit, but Kiwi is simply not a good ingredient to fill with water. If you are truly a loyal person and you really want water filled with kiwi, you need to pour in water for at least 36 hours before you achieve insignificant results.

Many people simply do not have such patience and consider it unworthy of their time. It goes without saying that herbs are a great ingredient to fill your water with, but you must be careful when using herbs. It is very easy to use too much grass. and then you destroyed a whole batch of water. In addition, you must remember that herbs and some ingredients do not complement each other, to say the least. Therefore, be careful with your combinations.

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk

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