When to salt corn so that it is soft. A microwave is an instant result. Cooking with salt in the oven

Boiled corn cobs - one of the most popular summer dishes! Boiled corn is enjoyed by people of all ages, this is the most common type of fast food in the city and at sea! To pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious dish, you don’t have to go somewhere, you can cook it at home quite simply!

What is corn good for?

Juicy, crispy boiled corn cobs - a snack with a huge number of fans. In addition to its amazing taste, corn cereals are rich in many vitamins (C, D, E, PP, rare vitamin K), antioxidants and elements such as copper, iron, nicotinic acid, magnesium, etc. Since ancient times, doctors from the people used corn to stimulate the digestive system and as a choleretic agent, as well as in the treatment of atherosclerosis and renal failure. The inclusion of corn grains in the diet helps to improve vision and memory, free the body from toxins and establish metabolic processes.

The corn season traditionally begins in August, however, the first young ears appear on the markets in some regions in July. Dairy corn is sold only until the end of summer, bought in September, ears are likely to be overripe. Each vegetable is good in its season, the quality of the chosen ears will depend on how tasty the finished dish will turn out. But the choice of a quality product is only one aspect, there are many other factors affecting the taste characteristics of the finished dish.

Calorie boiled corn cobs

Boiled corn is a fairly dietary dish, its calorie content per 100 g is only 123 kcal.

What is the secret of crispy and fragrant boiled corncobs?

As mentioned above, the key to a delicious meal is the selection of a quality product for cooking. Ears need to choose young, light milky yellow. The seeds in the young ears are round, soft and supple to the touch. A brighter, rich yellow color, an elongated shape and the presence of dimples on the grains are a signal that such a fruit is ripe and not suitable for cooking.

Large corn cobs, although they look very ripe, but such a product at the output turns out to be tough and dry. The leaves should have a fresh pale green color, fit the ear well and not fall off. If corn is sold without leaves at all, then this may be a sign of excessive processing with pesticidal fertilizers, due to which the leaves are wrinkled and lose their marketable appearance.

Good corn cobs are selected and before you start cooking, it remains to take into account some of the features of this dish:

  1. It is necessary to cook together only cobs of equal size to ensure that the dish is cooked evenly. And if the ears are too large, they can be cut in half across;
  2. It is not necessary to completely remove the leaves from the corncobs, it is enough to cut off only a couple of not very fresh leaves on top. If boiled corn  If you plan to eat immediately, then the cobs can be completely cleaned, and the leaves added to the pan for cooking. If you plan to serve the corn later, then it is better to leave the leaves, this will help the prepared ears to remain fragrant and juicy;
  3. Before cooking, it will not be superfluous to soak the ears in cold water for one hour, and then rinse them with running water;
  4. If there are spoiled darkened grains on top, they must be cut;
  5. You can lower the ears only in boiling water, and you can add salt only 10 to 15 minutes before being ready;
  6. It is enough to cook milk corn cobs for half an hour, more ripe and larger corn can be cooked for about 2 to 3 hours. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to carefully separate and try one seed.

There are many ways to cook your favorite dish! In addition to the usual cooking in a pan, you can try to bake the ears in the oven or cook in a double boiler or microwave. Each method is interesting in its own way, has its own nuances and deserves separate consideration.

Boiled corn with butter and salt


  • corn - 1 pc.,
  • sunflower oil (odorless) - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt is a pinch.


Boil the corn for 20-30 minutes, until cooked.

Peel the grains by cutting them first with a knife along the head of cabbage.

And then separate the grains with your hands.

Pour the vegetable oil into a container with corn and mix well.

Pour in a little salt and stir thoroughly again.

Boiled corn with butter and salt is ready.

Recipe for boiled corn in a double boiler

For this method, you need fresh ears of corn, a little ghee, peeled and crushed walnuts, from seasonings: ground cardamom and salt.

The bottom of the vegetable container of the double boiler should be generously greased with butter. Then put on it cobs, previously peeled from the leaves, and cook for 30 to 40 minutes. Warm the remaining butter in a pan, add cardamom and crushed walnuts. Serve the cooked corn by pouring the resulting spicy peanut sauce and season with salt. Bon Appetit!

An important nuance: for cooking in a double boiler, leaves from the ears can not be cut, but then you need to increase the cooking time.

Microwave Baked Corn Recipe

For cooking in the microwave you need to take: medium-sized ears of young corn, ghee, a little water and salt.

Uncooked ears should be soaked for one hour before cooking. Next, pack them in a plastic bag, pour a couple of tablespoons of water inside. Tie the bag, make a couple of holes in the upper part so that the steam can freely exit. Set the microwave power to maximum and bake for 10 - 15 minutes. After time runs out, you need to carefully remove the corn from the bag, remove excess leaves, pour ghee and add a little salt.

The recipe for baking young corncobs in the oven

For this recipe you will need: small corn cobs, water, sunflower and butter, a little salt.

First of all, you need to turn on the oven 200 degrees. The baking sheet should be greased with sunflower oil, put on it the cobs with leaves and add water to the middle of the cobs. Cover the baking sheet with corn foil and cook from 40 minutes to 2 hours - depending on the size and ripeness of the fruit. When the cobs are cooked, you need to remove leaves from them, grease with melted butter on top and salt.

How to store boiled corn?

Cooked boiled corn can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that without water, corn will not be able to remain as juicy and crispy for a long time, so it is better to leave it in the pan where it was cooked. You can also separate all the grains from the ears and pour into a dry container. Of course, in this form, the shelf life of corn even in the refrigerator is significantly reduced, but it is very convenient to use it as a healthy snack while watching TV.

You can increase the shelf life of cooked boiled corn with the help of canning! Corn preservation is practically no different from canning other vegetables. You only need a special brine of 1 liter of boiled water, 3 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt. Spread corn cobs in sterilized jars, pour with ready brine and roll up. You can also experiment and add your favorite spices and seasonings to the brine. In this form, corn can be stored throughout the winter, like other types of home preservation. At the same time, it is guaranteed to remain juicy and fragrant.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn during breastfeeding?

The composition of corn is extremely rich in many useful elements, so nursing mothers should definitely pay attention to this product. Despite the fact that corn belongs to cereals, it does not contain gluten, which allows us to consider it a completely hypoallergenic product.

Eating corncobs does not change the composition of breast milk of nursing mothers. However, corn cereals can provoke increased gas formation in the intestine, which is fraught with bloating in the baby. Therefore, you can add corn in the diet during lactation in strictly limited quantities.

Dietary properties of boiled corn

Corn is an excellent diet support product. To maintain proper nutrition, it is better to eat steamed corn. Corn cooked in the usual way is also a rather dietary dish, however, you need to keep in mind that some of the nutrients remain in the water during cooking. In order to correct the figure, corn is eaten without seasoning with salt or oil. You can also diversify the diet by preparing porridge in the water from crushed corn kernels.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn for diabetics?

In general, of course, it is possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the type of diabetes, individually select the amount of corn and the method of preparation.

There are two types of diabetes that have a number of different features:

  1. Diabetes mellitus of the first type is called insulin-dependent and is characterized by a constant elevated sugar level and complete insufficiency of the pancreatic hormone - insulin. With this type of diabetes, it is necessary to administer insulin with each meal, a strict calculation of calories and carbohydrates in the foods consumed.
  2. The second type - non-insulin-independent - does not require the introduction of insulin and is much more common. With it, overweight is usually observed, so it is necessary to adjust the diet to normalize weight. This helps to use a lower amount of sugar-lowering medications and with a complex effect, you can achieve a practically healthy carbohydrate metabolism.

For all people with diabetes, it is important to learn how to correctly calculate the calorie content of ready meals, carefully monitor the concentration of carbohydrates in food and take into account the glycemic index of products. Corn has a fairly low glycemic index and it can be eaten with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

A reasonable approach to nutrition gives a positive trend, it is important to take into account all the features of this disease and apply complex therapy.

Corn is a versatile, tasty and healthy product that can be prepared in a variety of ways! Both adults and children will be glad to see such a wonderful summer snack on the home table!

The smell of boiled corn is able to cheer up not only children but also adults. You can enjoy this dish only in the summer season, and for many it is associated with vacation and holiday time. In order to taste a boiled ears of corn with a pinch of salt, it is important to know how to choose corn, because it very quickly becomes old and loses its taste. And you also need to be able to cook it in such a way as to fully enjoy the aroma of its tender and juicy grains. This will be discussed in our material.

How to choose the most delicious corn

It is best to use young cobs of dining rooms rather than forage varieties for cooking. They stand out with their light yellow tint. If you press the grain, then it is easy to press, but then restores its original shape. Inside the grain, juicy, white, they do not grow together as tightly as on old cobs. Pay attention to these properties, so as not to get overripe corn, which is boiled for a long time and is harder to absorb by the body.

Feel free to not only inspect the cobs before buying, but also ask in what area they were grown. Shrunken grains and yellowed leaves indicate that the vegetable was plucked for a long time and probably lost in its taste. Do not buy corn with ragged leaves - this may indicate that it was treated with pesticides. And one more thing: do not try to buy a lot of ears, just the amount that you and your loved ones are able to eat for 1-2 times. The corn hardens during storage, undergoes decay, dries out. And now you can start cooking the cobs.

Cook sugar, juicy corn

In order to make the cobs tender, soak them for an hour before cooking. If they are young, then this is optional. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, tear off drying and withered leaves, hairs and stigmas. A small part of the leaves is better to put on the bottom of the pan - so the cobs will be more delicious.

Take a large pot, fill it with clean water. Put on fire and expect to boil. Corn needs to be thrown only in boiling water, and not in cold, as it will lose in juiciness. It is not necessary to salt immediately, otherwise the ears will harden.

To know for sure whether the cobs are boiled, pick out a few grains and taste them. Typically, young corn is cooked for 20-30 minutes, more mature - up to 50 minutes, old - at least 2 hours. Reduce heat to small, cover. About 5 minutes before turning off, you can add salt to the water. Serve hot on the table, immediately spread with butter.

Corn cooked in a slow cooker or oven

Another great and uncomplicated way to prepare the cobs is to use a multicooker for this purpose. Prepare and clean them from hair and leaves. Place in the appliance cup. If the cobs do not fit well, break them into several pieces. Fill with cold water no higher than the maximum mark. Cover and set to high pressure. After 15 minutes, you can serve juicy boiled ears on the table.

To cook in the oven, prepare any deep container. Lubricate its bottom well with butter. Place peeled and prepared ears. You may not pick the leaves, but be sure to rinse. Next, fill the vegetable with hot water to half the dishes. Cover the container with foil and place in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. In this way, the corn will be ready in 30 minutes.

Delicate boiled ears are rich in potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper and magnesium, as well as vitamins B, C, K, D and PP. Due to the presence of glutamic acid, they can normalize the metabolism and improve memory. Eat for health!

Watch a video on how to cook soft and juicy corn

How to cook corn: the most important tips
  Many people like corn, especially children. Boiled corn is usually only in the summer, which makes it a rare dish, and therefore it is of particular interest.
  Ripe corn cobs have a pleasant sunny color and no less pleasant aroma. But these are only external attributes, and with regard to the nutrients contained in them, here corn has a rich set: iron and phosphorus, copper and magnesium, potassium. It also contains glutamic acid and many other useful elements, including vitamins (B, C, D, K, etc.).
  Although it seems that cooking corn is quite simple, there are several nuances that suggest that certain rules should be followed for proper cooking of corn. So, some tips on the proper cooking of corn.

Pick corn
  The first question to answer is about the ripeness of the ears. The opinion that they should be ripe is correct, but does not quite accurately determine the cobs that are suitable for cooking. After all, grains from one ripe cob can be easily chewed, and from another, also ripe, it is difficult to even bite them off.
  Why is that? It's simple - a different degree of ripeness. By the way, it is easy to determine by the color of the grains:
  ⦁ a shade of milky white with a transition to light yellow (lemon), characteristic of young corn. Such an ear is in the very initial stage of maturity, its grains are juicy, fragrant and not hard. Such corn happens in the beginning and in the middle of August.
  ⦁ Bright and juicy yellow color is characteristic for fully ripened corn. The richer and darker the yellow hue, the harder the grain. Usually this is September corn. It is quite difficult to eat, even if it has been cooked for a long time, so it is not used.
  It is best to cook cobs of light yellow color, with grains of approximately the same size densely spaced in relation to each other. To the touch, they should be a little soft and supple, but resilient.
  Corn ripeness can also be determined.
  ⦁ by the appearance of grains - if they have dimples, then the cobs are very mature,
  ⦁ and along the leaves - they should fit snugly on the cob, and not hang around, which is typical again for overripe corn.
Such cobs in both cases should not be cooked.

We prepare the cobs
  After the cobs are selected, they should be cleaned of leaves, rinsed, put in cool water and allowed to soak for about an hour.
  At the same time, in one container, it is best to cook the cobs of the same size, otherwise large ones will not boil, while small ones will be ready. Cob can be cut into pieces, it does not affect the taste.

How to rejuven overripe corn
  If you want soft and juicy corn, and at hand only very ripe and hard, then use the following recipe.
  First, remove all the leaves, then cut the ears into two or three parts and fill with milk diluted in half with cold water and hold for at least 4 hours in this fill. Cook the same way as young cobs.

How long to cook corn
  Young corn is cooked quite quickly - from 20 to 30 minutes. If the cobs are more mature, then they should be cooked longer, 30-40 minutes and further, depending on the degree of maturity, the cooking can continue even longer, sometimes it may even take several hours.
  When you cook corn, you should not forget about time, because overcooked grains become very hard.
  Corn can be cooked, including in a double boiler, and in the microwave, but it is better not to do the latter.
  The fact is that without water, corn grains in the microwave burst, or rather explode. If they are completely covered with water, an explosion will not occur, but where is the guarantee that you will not miss the moment when the water boiled away? Therefore, it is better to cook the corn in an ordinary pan.

Special subtleties
  ⦁ Start boiling corn immediately in boiling water.
  ⦁ If you want the corn to be salty, then remember that it should be salted either when serving, or before you are going to pull the already cooked ears from boiling water. If salt is added before cooking, the grains will become hard and unpleasant.
  ⦁ Tenderness corn will give butter or sugar, which can simply be put in water.
  Cook the corn over low heat, and when it is ready, do not postpone the meal until later, the cooled corn will become stiff.

Since the beginning of August, boiled corn on the cob, has become the most popular fast food in any town in Russia. Young corn is gaining such popularity not only because of its usefulness, but also because of its seasonality. To eat a year ahead, I suggest you cook this simple meal yourself. And so that you succeed the first time, I will reveal the basic secrets of how to cook corn at home in a saucepan.

First, I will give some tips on how to buy a good product, and only then I will tell you how to cook and how much time to cook young corn on the cob.

How to choose a good corn

First secret delicious food  is the right product. Before you cook corn, study the main markers that you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Corn cobs should have amniotic fluid, preferably all, i.e. including the upper hard. Some sell cobs, stripping them almost completely - they leave one row of thin pale leaves. I don’t take such corn, because the freshness and purity of grains in the corncob depends on the presence of amniotic fluid - as nature intended. Grains in semi-picked ears dry out, and dust gets into places from which it is problematic to wash.
  • When buying, check the corn grains for youth. Spread the leaves in the middle of the ears and gently press the grain with your fingernail, it should be resilient and juicy. Old grain will be dense and starchy.
  • Bending the amniotic leaves, inspect the grains for spoilage and disease - corn should be arranged in even rows and be uniform in color, without black dots and mold.
  • I would not pay attention to the color of the grain, since this is just a varietal feature. Some sources write that bright yellow grain is old, and light grain is young. We recall the color of Bonduelle corn and all questions about the youth of yellow grain disappear by themselves.

We will cook the corn in a pan. For these purposes, I would advise you to choose a larger vessel.

How to cook corn on the cob?


Ears of corn - 5-7 pcs.

Water 3-4 liters

The number of ears is determined by the number of eaters - 1-2 pcs. for each. I would not recommend cooking corn for the future - during storage it loses a little taste.

  1. We clean the cobs from the leaves. Moreover, the upper half of the leaves, those that are thicker and greener I throw away. And I leave those that are closer to the body and use when cooking.
  2. In addition to leaves, stigmas must also be removed from corn - I have nothing to do with it, but some are dried and used for treatment.
  3. I break each corn into two parts - it’s more convenient, well, and shorter pieces are better placed in a pan. I tried to cut with a knife, but the stalk itself is cut so poorly that it is easier to break.
  4. One third of the leaves from the ears are laid on the bottom of the cooking utensils. Next, tightly stack the pieces of corn. Pour cold water so that it covers the entire product. Spread the remaining leaves on top.

The use of amniotic leaves when cooking corn in a pot is the second secret of my recipe. It is this technique that allows you to properly steam corn grains. It is noted that boiled corn on the cob has a more saturated taste and aroma, if you cook it, covering it with leaves.

Should salt be added when cooking corn? I would not recommend salting the cobs during the cooking process - salt makes the grains more dense, reducing juiciness.

We close the entire assembled construction of the pan, corn, its leaves and water with a lid and put on fire.

Here we come to the most burning question - how much to cook corn in a pan so that it is soft and juicy? Revealing the third secret!

And yet, how long does it take to cook corn?

Very interesting question, actually. I remember my granny cooked corn heads for 2-3 hours. And from childhood, I learned that before you cook corn on the cob, you need to have a lot of patience - the mouth-watering smell did not leave anyone indifferent. But what about now?

Since my childhood, a lot of things have changed, including corn. There are new dessert varieties with excellent taste. And if the corn is fresh and young, then it should not be cooked for a long time.

As you understand, how much to cook young corn is determined not only by the degree of maturity of corn grain, but also by varietal characteristics. To date, I have found on sale only dessert varieties that cook very quickly.

We count the cooking time from the moment of boiling. As soon as the water in the pan with corn steadily bubbling confidently, we reduce the fire and set the timer for 30 minutes - this is more than enough for a young dessert corn.

After half an hour, I take one seed per sample, and if the degree of its readiness suits me, turn off the fire. But! I leave the corn under the lid for another 15-20 minutes, longer. The corn cooking process continues as the water temperature is still high. But it goes a different way than when boiling. Thus, we get corn with a richer flavor.

Old cobs and fodder corn should be cooked much longer - 2-3 hours. How to identify such a corn? As I wrote - color is not an indicator. Therefore, we look at other markers:

  • Density and hardness of grain. When squeezed, the young grain releases juice, the old one does not.
  • Tooth test - a young dessert grain, even in its raw form, juicy and sweet. The old one will be quite starchy, and the feed will be neutral in taste, without a pronounced sweet taste.

Boiled corn is served on the table hot, salt and butter act as accompanying products, for sugar - sugar. However, I met tips that recommended eating corn by rubbing it with crushed garlic and pouring lemon juice on it. To be honest, I like the classic version with butter more.

Do you have your own recipe for cooking corn? Perhaps you know other secrets of cooking ears in a pan that you got from previous generations - share in the comments, they will probably come in handy.

Who doesn’t like boiled corn on the cob, so sweet and juicy? Probably a stupid question! There is no such! And also, for me personally, corn is always associated with vacation, sun and beach.

Where sellers walk past the sunbathers and shout: "Who needs corn, hot corn ...?" Remember? But, I prefer to cook myself, rather than buying from street vendors, and at exorbitant prices.

But it is prepared very simply and raw is not at all expensive. How to cook corn on the cob so that it turns out juicy and tasty, how to choose the cobs when buying, you will learn from this article.

What is corn good for?

In addition to the fact that this boiled vegetable is very tasty, hearty and easily digestible, it is also very healthy. It contains: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins B, C, D, K, PP, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

Corn cleanses the body of toxins, removes cholesterol, improves digestion and is a good remedy for constipation if greased with butter. Nutritionists recommend eating corn for both children and adults.

How to choose corn for cooking?

Buying vegetables only in season is the end of July and August. Choose young cobs, they are usually light yellow in color. The older the ear, the more yellow and brighter the grains become. The grains should be elastic, of the same size and firmly pressed against each other, and when pressed with a finger they produce a white vodka resembling milk.

Leaves of corn should be fresh and bright green, tightly adjacent to each other. (antennae on the cob) should be slightly moist. You should not buy this vegetable with dry leaves, as well as without them at all. So that the corn is cooked all at once, then select at least approximately the same size of cobs and grains.

How to cook corn?

There are several options to cook corn on the cob. The easiest is in the pan. If you are a lover of kitchen gadgets, then you can in a slow cooker, a double boiler and even in a microwave. You can bake in the oven. It turns out very tasty too.

But with any method of preparation, you must first clean the corn from leaves and corn stigmas, wash, soak in the cold for one hour. If the cobs are large and do not fit in the pan, you can cut them into pieces.

If you have very mature corn already with bright yellow grains, then it is better to soak it in water with milk (in a 1: 1 ratio) for 4 hours. Then the grains will become juicy and soft.

How much to cook corn?

There is no strictly defined time, it all depends on the variety and maturity of the corn. Very young will be ready in 30 minutes. A mature corn is cooked from 50 minutes and up to 2-3 hours. But, the main thing is not to digest! It can become hard and tasteless.

Therefore, it is better to periodically prick the grains with a fork, as they become soft, you can turn it off. And immediately treat your relatives with a delicious, aromatic treat. You can still sprinkle with salt and grate with butter.

How to Cook Delicious Corn on the Cob in a Pan

How to cook corn on the cob in a pan?

The easiest and fastest way, and the most common. Corn leaves, which were removed from the ears, divide into 2 equal parts. Lay one half on the bottom of the pan, then lay the cobs and cover them with the second part of the leaves. So the grains will be juicy and sweet. Fill the water so that the ears are completely covered.

Close the pan with a lid, bring to a boil and then cook until tender until the grains are soft. We take out the cobs, lay them on a plate, sprinkle with salt and bon appetit. Instead of a pan, you can take a cast iron with thick walls and a lid or a cauldron. And do not salt the water when cooking the grains will become hard, on the contrary, you can add a little sugar.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker?

The corn will be juicy and soft, if the bottom of the multicooker bowl is covered with corn leaves, then the ears, the leaves again on top. Add water, above the ears by 5 cm. Set the mode "Steaming" and the cooking time can be 35-45 minutes.

How to cook delicious corn on the cob in a double boiler

How to cook corn in a double boiler?

Here the whole method is the same as in the multicooker. Steamed grains become soft, juicy and tasty. Cover the bottom of the double boiler with leaves, then the ears and the leaves again. Cooking time about 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to serve hot with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Only young cobs are suitable for a microwave. Clean the cobs of leaves and stigmas, wash, put in a special bag that is suitable for a microwave. Close the package.

Set the maximum mode, and the time is 10 minutes. After a beep, the vegetable can be served on the table. In the microwave, cobs can be cooked in special dishes with lids for microwave ovens.

Put the yummy in the dishes, cover with leaves and pour water on top. Close the lid. Cook at maximum power for 30-40 minutes. Check the water level periodically; the cobs should be completely immersed in water. After the beep, you can serve on the table.

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