We select a hypoallergenic animal. What animal is allergic to a child? Hypoallergenic pets for allergy sufferers and asmatics: a list.

If an allergic child asks to have a pet, do not rush to refuse it - choose a pet hypoallergenic animal along with the baby.

Every child dreams of having a four-legged friend. But if the baby is allergic, such a simple and innocent joy is not available to him. Parents, not wanting to risk the health of the child, remain adamant about children's tears and persuasion.

However, there are animals whose stay in the house does not harm the child suffering from allergies. Parents can boldly start them, without fear that after playing with a new pet in the evening, in the morning the child will wake up with a stuffy nose, cough and conjunctivitis.

Hypoallergenic animals for the home, on which there is no allergy: a list

So, if a child is allergic - this is not a sentence, but the need to make a more careful choice when buying a pet.

IMPORTANT: Not only the coat of the animal can cause an allergic reaction, but also its saliva, sebum, urine.

What animals bring joy to children, and not a cough with a runny nose?

First of all, it should be noted fish and turtles. You can still get lizard, chameleon  or any other safe   reptile.

  Turtle - a hypoallergenic pet

Many people want to have a soft, fluffy and warm animal at home, who will gladly respond to caresses and will take part in games with pleasure. The leader among medium-sized hypoallergenic pets is chinchilla  - a cheerful nimble curious animal.

Various rodentscontained exclusively in the cell - decorative rats, guinea pigs (skinny, baldwin), Syrian hamsters.

Can make sphynx cat, elf, devon rex or cornish rex.  However, caution should be exercised here. If the child is allergic not to cat hair, but to skin secretions, saliva or urine, the symptoms of the disease will not take long.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to get a four-legged friend from the cat family, give preference to light sterilized cats. It is with such animals that the risk of developing allergies is minimal.

The option of acquiring a dog can also be considered. Suitable for this purpose are:

  • bichon frize
  • chinese Crested
  • kerry bluetooth
  • maltese lapdog
  • poodle
  • schnauzer
  • irish water spaniel
  • soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • bedlington terrier

  Chinese Crested is a non-allergenic dog breed

Pets without wool

Despite the small number of hairless animals, their species range is quite diverse.

Top the list of reptiles:   fish, turtles, lizards, chameleons, snakes.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that all these cold-blooded animals require special conditions of detention, careful care and compliance with the diet. If you decide to make such a little friend for your baby, check out information regarding all the pros and cons of such a choice in advance.

Turtles can act as carriers of one of the intestinal infections - salmonellosis. Therefore, even after short-term communication with such a pet, you must definitely wash your hands very carefully.

No less popular, despite the terrible high cost, are sphynx and elf hairless cats. So that the skin fat of these hairless cuties does not cause an allergy, they need to be bathed often, which, by the way, they are very fond of.

  Aquarium fish - pets without wool

Also, scientists made some guinea pigsbreeding breeds skinny and baldwin. Caring for such pets is no different from caring for their woolen brothers.

There are also several breeds of hairless dogs:

  • In the first place in popularity is an animal with a very exotic appearance - chinese Crested. It can be attributed to the combi breed, as the head is crowned with a chic bang, followed by a long mane, the ends of the paws are decorated with luxurious cuffs and she will not be ashamed of the fur on the tail
  • Completely hairless is mexican hairless dog  or xoloitzcuintle. This breed can be of two varieties: naked and with hair, and both species can be in the same litter.
  • Another hairless is considered peruvian hairless dog, also called Peruvian orchid for a charming crest on the head

There are also bald rats, very cute and defenseless in appearance, unlike their counterparts with wool. Despite the presence in nature of several breeds - dumbo, manx  - They are commonly called, like cats, sphinxes.

Hypoallergenic Guinea Pigs

A dozen years ago, such animals were considered a rarity, even exotic. Now this is a way out, however, quite expensive for parents raising an allergic child.

Among them are the breeds   baldwin and skinny. The first are born with wool, but on the sixth day they dump it. However, adult representatives of these breeds have a small fluff that gives them an external velvetiness.

IMPORTANT: Care for such guinea pigs is necessary in the same way as for their "hairy" relatives. However, food needs to be given much more, because such a pet spends a lot of energy on heating its body.

Hypoallergenic hamsters

These include syrian hamsters  - Thirteen-centimeter cute rodents with a reddish-sand color. These hamsters are centenarians - with good care they will delight the baby for four years. They are very clean and unpretentious, hardy and playful.

IMPORTANT: You can’t bathe such hamsters, they themselves do their hygiene very well.

Hypoallergenic rodents

Bald sphinx rats  to this day they are not often found, since even with wool these representatives of the fauna leave many indifferent. However, if your child is allergic, this is a very good option for a pet.

Bald rats are very smart: they can distinguish their own from strangers, respond to their name, can play for a long time and with interest, sit on their shoulders or, in times of danger, hide in their pockets.

So, there are a lot of hypoallergenic pets for children. The main thing is that the child shows patience, care and love, for which the animal will repay a hundredfold.

My eldest son is a big animal lover. At six years old, he re-read all the literature available in the house, including three volumes of the children's encyclopedia “What is? Who it?". But frequent colds, accompanied by allergic reactions of an unknown nature, did not allow us to get anyone. And then one day, embarrassed and blushing, my shy son asked the doctor himself, which animal does not cause allergies? “Turtle,” came the reply, which surprised me greatly. The fate of our family for the next 15 years has been decided.

Thus, animals that are woolless or do not fade, are small in size and calm. After all, the more the animal moves, the more it emits.

Option 1. Cold-blooded

Turtle. She does not have hair or irritating saliva. The turtle can be hand-fed, and if she doesn’t like something, she even hisses. Most importantly, do not forget about it. Unlike a kitten or puppy, a turtle living in a terrarium will not bite you or scratch you if it is hungry. She may even fall asleep. Therefore, do not leave the animal exclusively in the care of the child. With good care, turtles live for decades.

The only drawback: turtles often tolerate salmonellosis - after them you need to wash your hands well, and avoid contact of the animal with food.

Fish. Also taciturn, beautiful. Observing the aquarium will calm the nervous system of both the child and the parent. In pet stores - a wide choice: from unpretentious guppies to goldfish and colorful ocean inhabitants. The latter need special care and salt water.

Do you know that dry food for fish can act as an allergen? This is easy to verify by buying a sample and laying out in a room.

Lizards. Option for an amateur. It seems to me that keeping this nimble and active animal in the terrarium is quite cruel. However, you don’t feel like waking up from a pet who fell on the ceiling from you. 🙂

Snails .   Yes, ordinary snails. Ideal animal for allergy sufferers. He doesn’t stomp around the house, he doesn’t have to walk with him, he doesn’t smell, he is unpretentious in food.

You can catch snails in a pond and put them in an aquarium with fish. By the way, they are also called cleaners: snails collect the remaining food from the fish along the bottom and clean the glass of the aquarium from algae.

Another option is a land snail - Achatina. The size of the shell of achatina reaches 25 centimeters. Snails live up to 10 years with good care. Achatina can be picked up and it is claimed that they recognize the owner.

When leaving for a long time, take the snail to your friends and it will sleep in the refrigerator until you return.

Do not like cold-blooded? Breeders brought hairless dogs and cats, choose!

Option 2. Hairless dog and cat breeds.

If you think that hairless breeds are unpretentious, then you will find disappointment. The skin of a “naked” animal needs special care: wash, lubricate with a moisturizing cream, protect from cold and sunburn. Even in a warm apartment, they may need special clothes. On the street - sunscreen.

The most common breed of "naked"

Sphinxes. Elegant hairless cats. Friendly, very fond of their owners.

Peruvian Inca Orchid. Behind this exotic name lies a calm friendly dog \u200b\u200bup to 50 cm tall at the withers.

Xoloitzcuintle, or Mexican Hairless Dog. Vary in height: from 25 to 60 cm.

American Hairless Terrier.  Pleasant feature: does not suffer from constant skin problems. The dog is active and strong and is able to protect the owner. Needs proper training.

Do you like pussies? There are weak or non-shedding rocks at all.

Option 3. Weakly breeding cats and dogs

Cats for allergy sufferers

Kurilian Bobtail. A rather large, fluffy cat, weakly molts. She has a short trotting tail and tassels on her ears. Bobtails are intellectuals and cleanlings: they are not afraid to wash, they do not mark in the apartment (only in the toilet and on the street), they are able to protect the owner and bring abandoned things.

Cornish Rex. The coat is short and wavy, almost does not fade. Cats are smart, playful and non-aggressive, they will be wonderful companions to your son or daughter.

Abyssinian. Affectionate and moving animal, very playful - your baby will definitely like it.

Scottish lop-eared. The coat is short, almost does not fall out. Kittens have characteristic pressed curved ears. Cats do not like heights and will not jump at you from the closet! Often stand on the hind legs, like dogs. So they knead the backs. The breed is sociable, although a little shy.

British Calm and affectionate shorthair cat of medium size.

Siberian cats rarely cause allergies, since there is no protein in their saliva that provokes seizures.

Dogs for allergy sufferers

We select an animal for children, so we describe the breeds of dogs that are not only hypoallergenic, but friendly and playful.

Schnauzer A curious, agile and cheerful dog. The coat is long and curly, does not fade. True, there remains a danger of saliva allergy.

Poodle. Smart, dedicated and playful, the perfect partner for children.

Australian Silky Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and Golddast York. Small dogs with no undercoat. The coat itself is long, thin and straight. Do not forget to regularly comb and wash the dog, and you will spend many pleasant minutes in her company.

Bichon Frize. Another beautiful miniature dog that is easy to accustom to the tray.

Kerry Blue Terrier. The owner of thick wool, not prone to molt. Wonderful watchman and pied piper.

The Irish Water Spaniel reaches 70 centimeters at the withers, but is also friendly.

Bedlington Terrier. Curly doggie with a crest on his head. Shedding, but the trick is that the hairs that fall out remain in curls, and do not fall to the floor. Importantly, do not forget to comb them out.

Option 4. Exotic animals

Chinchilla is a charming, affectionate and sociable animal with a short thick coat, which practically does not fall out. Dry apples gnawing very funnyly, holding them in their paws. Favorite kids. However, these miniature proteins need special conditions of detention: a spacious cage, temperature, special expensive sand for swimming.

Hairless guinea pigs were not so long ago exotic. Now these rodents resembling hippos can be found in many pet stores.

Allergy Safety

Of course, it is necessary to monitor the purity of any animal. But if the house is allergic, it becomes especially relevant. Do not let your pets jump onto the bed. Wash them often if necessary. Do not forget to clean the toilet, remove waste (including unfinished food), comb out the hair.

Last parting words

Even if you have never had an allergy, there is no guarantee that it will not occur. It is better to play it safe: to be in the same room with the animal, play with it, buy dry food and breathe in its smell, pass allergy tests ... Be sure to read how to care for the future pet, can you do it every day and with joy?

It’s a little troublesome, but it’s better to play it safe than to figure out how to get rid of an innocent animal or replenish the ranks of stray cats and dogs.

Remember: “We will always be responsible for those we have tamed” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

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But what for? Before the flowering of birch and other "dusty" plants is still far away, they did not eat any exotic fruits, they did not buy new cosmetics ...

The reason is unexpected - a kitten appeared in the apartment. Or a neighbor in the stairwell got a dog. In general, you are allergic to animals. What to do?

Tips gives veterinarian Vadim Shipilov.

Do not part with your loved ones

First, a fact of consolation - you are not alone: \u200b\u200bevery sixth person in the world suffers from this type of allergy. Allergens are present not only in wool, but also in dandruff, secretions of glands, urine and saliva of animals. Moreover, allergies can develop throughout life.

That is, many years ago you did not experience any problems, and this year there was a reaction. This happens, and often. Moreover, many owners of domestic animals feel that the allergy is intensifying: sneezing is gradually replaced by attacks of suffocation.

Of course, it would be nice to move if the animal is kept by neighbors. But this is not a guarantee that there will be no dog lovers and cat owners in a new place in your house. And what to do with your Ball or Murka, in which the whole family does not mind the soul?

  Allergists are likely to advise giving the animal in good hands. But if the affection is so deep that parting is difficult to endure? There are other ways to reduce your health risk.

If you have a pet

Take a course of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). Its essence is that small doses of specific allergens are administered under the skin. The course takes from 2 weeks to six months. The dose of the allergen gradually increases, and the body gradually gets used to contact with it. 9 out of 10 allergy sufferers develop allergen resistance.

The animal will have to be overexposed during treatment. But over the next few years, with a high degree of probability, you will not remember that your pet makes you allergic. Then the procedure can be repeated.

Autolymphocytotherapy (ALT) helps. It is done this way: blood is taken from a vein, immunologically active cells are isolated from it, they are treated with allergens and injected subcutaneously 1-2 times a week. The course consists of 6-8 injections. One course is usually sufficient, but re-treatment may sometimes be necessary.

  Do not allow the closest contact with the animal, iron it less, do not sleep in the same bed, do not sit with it in an embrace. When combing and washing your pet, entrust someone close to you who is not allergic. Also ask them to carry out wet cleaning at home in a timely manner - this reduces the amount of allergens.

If you have a cat, castrate him. It is believed that the skin glands work more intensively in adult active animals, which means that more allergens are released.

Not just cats

It is also worth considering the possibility of developing an allergy if you only plan to take a pet to the house.

Go visit the breeder, take your favorite animal for a few days to stay at your home. If the allergy does not start, there is a chance that the animal will not cause you problems. You can also visit the cat or dog show of the breed that you like. There are many animals at such events. If the reaction does not occur, it is unlikely that it will appear in contact with a single favorite.

By the way, a useful observation: animals of a dark color are more likely to cause allergies than light ones.

If you are allergic to the most common pets — cats and dogs — you can opt for other pets.

  • Turtles. The most popular among aquatic animals are red-eared, Caspian, and marsh, and among the land ones, Central Asian and forest. For severe allergies, it is best to buy a water turtle and keep it in an aquarium, as land tortoise owners may show allergies during the two weeks that the turtle changes its skin.
  • Snails. They are kept in a special aquarium - molluscs, which is easy to clean. The safest option is African Achatina snails, which feed on fresh vegetables, fruits and soaked cereals. Other types of snails will be finicky - they may request special food for the mollusk, which can also cause allergies.
  • Fish. They will please allergy sufferers. The only “but” - feeding the fish is best entrusted to other family members: dry food can cause allergies. Or switch to live feed, which is sold at pet stores.

What to do if the soul asks for a puppy or kitten, and when you first look at the animal, you immediately grab the handkerchief? How to overcome allergies? With medication? Not necessary. It turns out that there are many hypoallergenic animals (including hypoallergenic breeds of dogs and cats) that will not cause you any inconvenience.

Hypoallergenic beast

It is easy to guess that the most hypoallergenic creatures on the planet are those who do not leave wool all over the apartment, do not slobber on house slippers and do not go to the tray when needed. If you want to get yourself an animal that does not provoke an allergy - stop your choice on fish or think about reptiles. Turtles, snakes, lizards ... they are all absolutely safe for the allergic person.

Another original solution is chinchilla. Scientists have proved that the most hypoallergenic animal of those that are not covered in scales and do not live in an aquarium is chinchilla. An active, prone to running around and simply adoring weasel animal will be a wonderful way out of the situation.

If you are categorically determined to buy a dog or a cat, it is important to know the following: the hypoallergenicity of an animal is largely influenced not only by its breed, but also by the activity, size, and compliance by the owners with hygiene standards for keeping the pet. Now for the details:

Hygiene. Frequent bathing and combing of your animal will reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Shedding, dirty paws and stale stuff in a cat tray will aggravate the situation and negatively affect your well-being.

Animal activity. Constant running around contributes to the spread of wool, so a calm animal is ideal for an allergic person. In addition, dog barking contributes to the spread of allergens contained in the saliva of the animal. Cats in this sense are completely harmless.

The size of the animal. Everything is simple here: the smaller the animal, the less allergens on it.

A study was also conducted that supposedly established the dependence of hypoallergenic cats on the color of their coat. It was found that owners of black cats are allergic almost twice as often as owners of cats with fair hair.

Now consider the lists of the most hypoallergenic breeds of cats and dogs, so that you can navigate with the choice of pet.

Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

1. Don Sphinx

The most hypoallergenic of feline breeds - obviously, due to its hairlessness. A small and completely hairless cat, friendly and sociable, but possessing an extremely specific appearance, will completely protect you from allergies.

2. Abyssinian

Short-haired cat, playful and affectionate, very mobile, but at the same time not causing allergies in the owners.

3. Cornish Rex

Shorthair cat, very lively and companionable, not deprived of the mind. Manifestations of allergies in the owners of this cat are minimal.

4. Scottish fold

A very unpretentious shorthair cat, sometimes shy, but still very sociable. Manifestations of allergy to fold cats are found, but very rarely.

5. British

Very calm and affectionate shorthair cat, large, balanced and causing a minimum of allergic reactions.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

1. Australian Silky Terrier

A miniature short-legged dog, very active and cheerful, covered with long, straight and fine hair. A feature of the terrier is the lack of undercoat. The dog needs to be combed out and washed regularly, but with proper care it is completely hypoallergenic.

2. American Hairless Terrier

Strong, very active, hairless dog. Unlike other hairless breeds, the American Hairless Terrier does not suffer from persistent skin problems. Also, this breed needs proper education and regular training.

3. Peruvian orchid

Another hairless breed. Graceful, fragile, fine-boned dogs with a meek disposition, friendliness and devotion. They need constant care - their skin needs to be lubricated with a moisturizer and carefully monitored so that the dog does not receive a sunburn or frostbite.

4. Bedlington Terrier

Curly “sheep” with a crest on the head. Very kind and smart dogs with a specific way of molting - the hairs that have fallen out remain in curls, and do not fall on the floor. The main thing - do not forget to comb the dog, thereby removing dead hair.

5. Bichon Frize

Intelligent and friendly miniature dogs that you can accustom to the tray. Molting is absent, so the Bichon Frize is recognized as one of the most hypoallergenic dog breeds.

6. Irish Water Spaniel

A large, strong, but very friendly dog. Shedding is absent, and delicate curls of water spaniels do not need painstaking daily care.

7. Kerry Blue Terrier

Hardy, very strong, incredibly companionable dog. Loves children, can be a watchman and a rat-catcher. It is not prone to molting, although the abundance and density of its coat produces an extremely deceptive impression on allergic people.

Clever, loyal, truly intelligent dog. It does not fade and does not have an unpleasant odor, and therefore is not only an ideal companion for children, but also a wonderful pet for any allergic person.

9. Schnauzer

Very curious, agile and friendly dog. The hair of the schnauzers is long, curly, but it does not fade, therefore, does not cause pronounced allergic reactions.

10. Chinese Crested Dog

Virtually no shedding, has a gentle disposition, fragile exterior and poor health, which is why he needs constant care and veterinary observation.

If you plan to take an animal to the house:

1. Make "allergy tests" - allergy tests (they are now done in many clinics and laboratories) to at least partially find out if you have an allergy tendency.

2. Speak in advance with the previous owner of the dog / cat (the breeder or curator - from whom you will take the animal) the opportunity for some time to return the animal to them in case you are allergic. Be prepared for the fact that if you are allergic to an animal, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in finding your pet a new home.

If the child expresses a desire to have a pet, do not refuse him. Caring for animals teaches children responsibility for a living being, discipline, makes them kinder. But it happens, and it’s not uncommon, that a baby may have an allergy. By the way, contrary to popular belief that the fur of cats or dogs is irritating, the same reaction is caused by saliva, urine and even sweat, the particles of which remain first on the wool, and then on the furniture and carpets. By the way, an allergy is not only unpleasant with its manifestations in the form of rashes and itching on the skin, runny nose, sneezing, coughing. Often, sensitivity to animal hair is manifested by the appearance of suffocation and shortness of breath, which, in the end, leads to the development of asthma and a decrease in children's immunity. That is why the animal will have to be isolated. And for a child who loves his pet, separation from him often turns into a tragedy. In order to avoid such experiences and not to cause psychological trauma to your beloved child, there is one option - to get a pet that will not cause an allergy in the child. And we will talk about these younger brothers smaller.

Are there animals that do not cause allergies in children?

If your child is prone to allergies caused by pets, this does not mean that there is no way out and the baby will not have to keep a pet. If you wish, you can try to get a pet, which, perhaps, will become a faithful and reliable friend for the crumbs.

As you can see, the list of animals that do not cause allergies is quite long, which allows you to choose a favorite for your child. However, allergists warn that if there is a sensitivity in children to wool or animal waste products, it is better to refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a pet. The fact is that there is always a risk of allergies, and it can develop gradually and manifest itself in six months or a year. And if the beloved animal has already become a close friend, separation from it will again become a trauma for the child.

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