The best recipes for mashed apples for the winter. Apple recipes for the winter. For cooking you need


Many homes today smell delicious of apples. We carry them from the dacha in baskets, buckets, boxes and even bags. Various varieties and calibers. How can you preserve all this deliciousness? I would like to offer several ways to process apples.

Dried apples are probably the easiest way to prepare apples for the winter. Almost anyone can handle this. Apples of any variety and size are suitable for drying. You can use those slightly beaten and eaten by a worm.

Wash the apples, cut out the core and, if necessary, damaged areas. We cut the apples into thin slices, circles and dry them. You can dry it in the open air, in special dryers, electric or gas ovens. To prevent the apples from darkening during drying, you need to hold them for 3-4 minutes in a weak salt solution (less than a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

You can eat dried apples just like that, make compote from them, or use them to make pie filling.

Pickled apples.

Not all varieties of apples are suitable for soaking. The most preferred are autumn and early winter varieties - Antonovka vulgaris, Calvil snowy, Pepin Lithuanian, Anis Kubansky, Osenneye Polosatoe, Babushkino and others. It is important that these are uncolored varieties and ripe, healthy, defect-free apples.

The method of preparing pickled apples is very similar to pickling cucumbers. Currant and cherry leaves are placed at the bottom of the jar. Then a layer of apples with tails. Then again a layer of leaves... apples and so on until the jar is filled.

The brine for pouring is prepared as follows:

5 liters of water

200 gr. Sahara

1 tbsp. l. with a heap of salt.

Pour the solution into a jar of apples, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature. The fermentation process will begin. You need to wait until the foam settles. After that, close the jar with a nylon lid and take it to a cool place. In 2 months the apples will be ready.


2 kg. apples

Peel and core the apples, chop them and put them in a saucepan. Add water, which should not cover the apples. Bring to a boil and cook until the apples are softened. Place the apples in a colander and let drain. Add sugar to apples. Stir, if the mixture is not sufficiently homogeneous, stir with a blender. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

If you need a thinner puree, add the water that drained after boiling the apples.

When hot, pour into sterilized jars and roll up. If the puree is being prepared for a child, then it is better not to add sugar. In this case, jars of puree must be pasteurized.

From 2 kg of apples you get 1.5 liters of puree.

Apple jam. If you continue to cook the puree, you will end up with jam. It is thicker and the product yield is 2 times less. The finished jam is placed in heated jars and rolled up.

Apple marmalade.

Apples - 1 kg

Sugar - 500-700 g (the more sugar, the thicker the marmalade)

The cooking principle is the same as for jam. But for marmalade, it is recommended to put a bag of peels and apple “cores” with seeds in the water where apples are boiled - they contain the most pectin, which will help the marmalade harden. After cooking, the bag is removed, and the apples are wiped and, after adding sugar, boiled to the desired thickness.


There are many cooking methods. I bring to your attention very interesting recipe with walnuts and herbs.

Apples - 1 kg
Walnuts - shelled 150 g
Lemon - 1 medium
Sugar - 180 g
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Black peppercorns - 3 pieces
Cut the apples into small slices, add water, add a little lemon juice and a few lemon slices, all the sugar and bay leaf and, without stirring, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then take out the lemon and bay leaf, add the chopped walnuts and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end, you can add peppercorns if desired. The result is a fragrant, tender jam with spicy notes.

Jam is prepared in the same way as preserves. Just cook until the syrup acquires a jelly-like consistency. Classically, jam contains up to 65% sugar, which means it can be stored well.

Apple compote.

Again, there are many cooking options, here is one of them.

Place prepared apples (whole, halves, slices, slices) into jars, fill a third of the jar, pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes to warm up. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into jars and roll up. Some housewives do not double, but triple hot pouring. Sugar for 3 liter jar- 200-300 g to taste.

To enrich the taste, add red or black currant, chokeberry, cherry, lemon, cloves, cinnamon, dry white wine or citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Apple juice.

Juice is squeezed out of peeled (or even unpeeled) apples, sugar is added (for 1 liter of juice - 2 tablespoons of sugar), the juice is brought to a boil and immediately poured into the prepared container. The jar or bottle is rolled up and placed under the wrap. This juice can be stored for up to 2 years.

Pouring and tincture
No wonder they say that a summer day feeds the year. And in the example with apples, a summer day can not only feed you, but also give you something to drink. And not only juice and compote - apples make wonderful homemade alcoholic drink. Moreover, it can be prepared both with alcohol (vodka) and with the help of natural fermentation. It is believed that sour apple varieties are the most suitable for this purpose, as they are more juicy.

Apples - 2.5 kg
Sugar - 2 kg
Vodka - 0.5 l
Water - 8 l
Fill a jar with chopped apple slices (peeled and seeds removed), add water and vodka and place in a warm place (in the sun) for 2 weeks. If at the end of the period all the slices have already risen to the top and are floating, strain the fermented liquid through cheesecloth (the sediment will remain on it), add sugar and leave again in a warm place for another two days. Then the jar is transferred to the cold for 10-12 days, after which it is bottled, sealed and left closed in the cold for at least a month. At the end of this period the liqueur is ready for use. The total preparation time is up to 45-47 days.

For making syrup For 1 kg of apples take 1-1.3 kg of sugar, 300-400 g of water and boil for one or two minutes. If the syrup is cloudy, it is clarified egg white. To do this, take a teaspoon of whipped egg white per 1 kg of sugar, pour it into cold or slightly warmed syrup and heat to 60-70°. At the same time, the protein coagulates and floats up in the form of foam, carrying small particles with it. After removing the foam, the syrup is heated to a boil. Prepared fruits are dipped into hot syrup and boiled for three to five minutes. You need to simmer over low heat. After boiling, remove the jam from the heat and leave for 3-4 hours, after which it is boiled again for 5-10 minutes, removing the foam. This is done 2-3 times. If the apples are not sour, then to improve the taste at the end of cooking, add citric acid (0.5 teaspoon per 1 kg of jam). It is important not to overcook the jam, because at this point it is easily digested, brown tones appear in the color of the syrup and fruit, and the aroma disappears.

In the finished jam, the fruits are transparent, the foam collects in the middle of the basin. A drop of cooled jam on a cold plate does not spread. When you remove it from the heat, the surface of the jam quickly becomes covered with a thin, wrinkled film. The ratio of fruits and syrup in jam should be equal, in overcooked jam there should be less syrup, more fruits, in undercooked jam, on the contrary, more syrup, less fruits.

Candied fruit(dry jam). Cook the jam three or four times and place it hot in a colander to separate the syrup. Then the fruits are dried in the oven or in the air, sprinkled with granulated sugar. Store candied fruits in a dry place in glass jars.

Jam. Unlike jam, the fruits in jam are softened, and the syrup should be jelly-like instead of transparent.

The apples are washed, cut into slices, the seed chambers are removed and boiled in water until completely softened. To do this, pour water into a saucepan (1-2 cups per 1 kg of apples) and cover with a lid and cook. The fruits are extracted, and the broth is used to prepare syrup (1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of broth per 1 kg of apples). Cook the jam at a high boil until the fruit is softened. The jam is ready if a drop of syrup on the plate does not spread, but thickens greatly.

Puree. To prepare it, use all the fruits, including the carrion after removing the damaged part. The apples are washed, large ones are cut and the seed chambers are removed. Small apples are boiled whole. Pour water into a saucepan (200 g per 1 kg), lower the apples and, covering with a lid, cook until softened. Rub them through a sieve or colander. Add sugar (200 g per 1 kg of puree), or you can prepare it without sugar. Then transfer to aluminum or brass basins, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Puree differs from jam in that it is not boiled, but only heated so that it can be stored. When hot, the puree is poured into heated dry jars. Fill the jars fuller. They are rolled up with boiled lids. Jars with a capacity of 2-3 liters are placed on their sides, and smaller ones are turned upside down and covered with a towel to keep them warm longer. The puree contains 7-8 mg% vitamin C up to 140 mg% vitamin P.

Sauce. For 1 kg of puree, take 200 g of sugar, 2 g of chopped cinnamon or 1 g of ginger and boil until thickened. When hot, pour into jars and roll up.

Jam. Add 300 g of sugar to 1 kg of puree and cook over low heat until the mass leaves the bottom when stirred. It is better to cook jam in aluminum basins.

Marmalade. For 1 kg of puree, add 1 kg of sugar and cook until thickened, until the mass leaves the bottom when stirred." Then it is laid out in a 1 cm layer on a board moistened with water, dried for 2-3 days and cut into pieces, sprinkled with sugar, placed in glass banks.

Juice. Not all varieties are suitable for juice. Good juice obtained from the varieties Anisik Omsky, Filippovka, Kitayka Dmitrieva, Vereshchaginka, Kommunarka, Kitayka juicy, Ural bulk, Udarnitsa, Uralets, Yantar, etc. Juice from the Ranetka purple variety should be mixed with juice from less acidic varieties or diluted with water.

Apple juices contain sugars (8-15.5%), organic acids (0.66-2.30%), vitamins C (7-8 mg%) and P, pectin and tannins (in tart varieties), iron salts , manganese, potassium, sodium and calcium. Chemical composition apple juices are given in table. 10.

Juice is obtained using a juicer, juicer (electric) or small screw presses. The apples are sorted, washed, and the damaged part of the fruit at the carrion is cut off. When using a juicer, the fruits are cut and the seed chambers are removed. The prepared apples are poured into a colander of a juice cooker with a capacity of 2-4 kg. You can immediately add sugar to apples (75 g per 2 kg). Water is poured into the lower pan and the juicer is placed on the fire. Under the influence of steam, juice is released from the fruit. The apples warm up time is about an hour.

From 1 kg of apples you get 500-700 g of juice. It is poured into jars and pasteurized at 80° (12-15 liter jars, and 25 minutes for a three-liter jar).

Filling for pies is prepared from the remains of the fruit. To do this, add 400-500 g of sugar to 2 kg of apples placed in a colander, mix and heat in a juicer for 5-7 minutes. The hot mass is placed in heated dry jars (filled to the top) and sealed with boiled lids. The juice obtained from the juicer is preserved by hot filling. To do this, it is heated in a saucepan to 95-97° (the beginning of a low boil), poured into 2-3 liter jars and hermetically sealed. The jars are placed on their side to warm up the top and lid.

If the juice is packaged in small containers, then it is pasteurized at a boil (a half-liter jar takes 8 minutes, and a liter jar takes 10 minutes).

If there is a screw press, the prepared apples are crushed in fruit crushers or passed through a meat grinder and pressed. The resulting juice is canned by hot filling or pasteurized.

Jelly. Add sugar to apple juice (300 g per 1 liter of juice) and boil for 20 minutes over high heat. To improve the taste, add to the jelly citric acid or lemon, cut into thin slices.

Compote. Suitable are sweet and sour varieties without top color or lightly colored. In our conditions, the varieties Solntsedar, Papirovka, Melba, Yantar, Ural Bulk, Uralets, Persikovoe, Purple Anise, Snegurochka, Udarnitsa, Pepin saffron, etc. are good for compotes. The compote of the Ural assortment contains 2-8 mg% of vitamin C 35-220 mg % vitamin R.

Before preparing the compote, wash the jars thoroughly and dry them in the oven. For canning, tin and glass lids are used, which are also washed and boiled in water.

Prepared apples are placed in jars up to the shoulders. To prepare the syrup, take 300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. The syrup is boiled, removing the foam. The fruits are poured with hot syrup, pouring it up to the shoulders of the jar so that they are completely covered with syrup. Then the compote is pasteurized. To do this, pour water into the pan and heat it to 50-55°. If the compote is cooled, then the water in the pan should be cold. Place a wire rack or cloth on the bottom of the pan. The jars are covered with lids, placed in water and heated to 85°. Cover the pan with a lid. At this temperature, liter jars are kept for 12-15, and three-liter jars - 25 minutes. You can also heat it in boiling water, then the time is reduced to 8-12 minutes. Using a grip, the cans are taken out, rolled up and turned upside down, and two three liter jars put on its side.

If glass lids with brackets were used for canning, then before heating the jars are closed with a lid and clamped with a bracket. If the lid is not pressed with a bracket, the jar will not be sealed and the compote will spoil.

Compote with triple filling. The prepared fruits are placed in 2-3 liter jars, syrup is prepared (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), brought to a boil, boiled for 2-3 minutes, skimming off the foam. Boiling syrup is poured over the fruits placed in jars, covered with a lid and kept for 3-5 minutes. Then the syrup is poured back into the pan, brought to a boil and the fruits in the jar are poured again. After the third filling of the fruit with syrup, the jars are rolled up and placed on their side. To better warm the product, the jars can be covered with a towel.

Compote without sugar. Prepared apples are blanched in hot water (85-90°) for 5-7 minutes, placed in dry, heated jars, poured hot water or apple juice, cover with a lid and place in a saucepan with hot water to warm up. Heat a liter jar in boiling water for 10-12 minutes, and a three-liter jar for 20-25 minutes.

Apple cheese. The fruits are peeled, cut into slices, and the seed chambers are removed. By placing them in enamel pan, cover with a lid and place in the oven. When the fruits become soft, rub them through a sieve or colander. Add a glass of sugar per glass of puree to the puree and cook until thickened (until the puree leaves the bottom when stirred). At the end of cooking, add dry crushed orange peels, ginger, and black pepper. The cooled puree is placed in a wet rag and placed under a press. After two days the cheese is ready. Store cheese in a glass container in a dry place.

Apple mousse. Sweet and sour apples are washed, placed in a saucepan, water is added (200 g per 1 kg of fruit) and baked in the oven until softened. Rub through a sieve or colander and add sugar (300 g per 1 kg of fruit) and the whites of six eggs. Whip all this until a fluffy mass is obtained. You can add a teaspoon of citric acid.

Apple soufflé. Sweet and sour apples are pureed, as for mousse, poured into whipped egg whites and, stirring vigorously, poured into a greased frying pan. butter. Place the mass in a mound and bake in the oven. The finished soufflé is sprinkled with powdered sugar. Serve with milk or cream.

Marshmallow. For 300 g of apples, use 60 g of sugar and the whites of four eggs. Peeled and seeded apples are placed in a saucepan with a small amount of water and baked in the oven. When the apples become soft, rub them through a sieve or colander. Sugar is added to the puree, mixed and poured into the whipped whites. Beat everything again and let the marshmallows harden.

Pickled apples. They take apples of winter sweet and sour varieties with dense pulp (Antonovka, Pepin saffron, Slavyanka, Anise purple, Aport Central Russian, Persikovoe) and put them in wooden barrels or tubs with a capacity of 10-20 kg or in glass containers, enamel dishes. Fruits are selected that are healthy, without spots or damage.

The bottom and walls of the container are lined with rye or wheat straw (previously sorted and scalded with boiling water) or black currant or cherry leaves. The washed fruits are placed with the stalk facing up. Every 2-3 rows are layered with the same material and covered with it on top. To prepare 10 liters of brine, take 9.5 liters of water, 300 g of sugar (or 500 g of honey), 75-100 g of salt, 100 g of malt (flour from sprouted barley or rye). Malt can be replaced with rye flour (200 g) or dry kvass (150 g). Instead of malt and flour, you can take 20 g of mustard. Malt or flour is soaked in 0.5 liters of cold water, stirred, heated to a boil and boiled for 10-15 minutes. After cooling and straining, the malt (or mustard) is poured into the brine.

The tubs are covered with a wooden circle, a load weighing 5-7 kg is placed, and brine is poured so as to cover the circle. After laying the fruits, insert the top bottom into the barrel, pour brine through the tongue and groove hole until it appears. The apples are left at room temperature for fermentation for 5-8 days. This produces lactic acid, which gives a specific taste to fermented products.

As the brine is absorbed into the fruits, fresh brine should be added. When the brine does not decrease, the barrels are taken to the basement and stored at a temperature of 3-5°. After 25-30 days, the apples will be ready to eat.

Pickled apples. Take fruits of sweet and sour varieties with dense pulp, healthy, without spots or damage. They are washed and the seed chambers are removed with a tube, blanched in hot water at a temperature of 70° for 5-10 minutes.

Spices are placed at the bottom of the jar. In a liter jar put 7-10 grains of allspice, 5-8 clove flowers, and a small piece of cinnamon. The prepared fruits are placed in jars and filled with marinade.

Marinades may be slightly acidic (0.6-0.8% acetic acid), spicy (0.8-1.2% acetic acid).

To prepare one liter of marinade filling, take 0.9 liters of water, 10 g vinegar essence 80% (for spicier marinades - 12-14 g) and 200 g of sugar.

Marinades are pasteurized at a temperature of 85° (liter jars - 15, and three-liter jars - 25 minutes) and hermetically sealed. After 30-40 days, the product is ready for use.

Unpasteurized marinades prepared in tubs or barrels with a capacity of 20-30 kg. When the container is filled with apples, it is filled with marinade, covered with boiled canvas and a pressure circle, and a load weighing 5-7 kg is placed.

After placing the apples in the barrels, insert the second bottom, and pour the filling through the tongue and groove hole. After fermentation, the tongue hole is closed. Unpasteurized marinades in barrel containers are stored in basements at a temperature of 0 to 10°C. The marinade is ready for use after two months.

Apples with pepper. Gardener O. M. Kobinyakova (Donetsk region, Krasnoarmeysk) prepares apples with sweet bell pepper. When preparing, the pepper fruits are cut into two or four parts, peeled from seeds, placed in layers with apples in scalded jars and filled with syrup (250 g of sugar per 1 liter of water). Pasteurizes in boiling water (a liter jar for 3-5 minutes) and hermetically seals.

The water content in apples, depending on the variety, ranges from 84 to 90 percent, fiber - up to 1.38 percent, sugars (fructose predominates) - 5-15 percent, tannins - 0.025-0.27 percent; contains pectin, protein substances, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, C, E, carotene, folic acid. From minerals present: sodium - 28 mg, potassium - 248 mg, calcium - 16 mg, magnesium - 9 mg, phosphorus - 11 mg, iron - 2.2 mg per 100 g of fruit weight. Compared to other fruits, it is clear that apples contain a lot of iron, which plays an important role in physiological processes. Apples, due to their high content of fructose and pectin, are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improved digestion. Malic acid stimulates appetite and promotes better absorption of food.

The most common varieties of apples: summer ones - Grushovka Moskovskaya, Melba, Papirovka; from autumn - Velvet, Borovinka, Cinnamon striped, Chinese; from winter - Antonovka, Minskoe, Pepin saffron, Welsey, Jonathan; from late winter - Aurora Crimean, Babushkino, Bananovoye, Belorussky Sinap, Boyken.

There are two degrees of ripeness for apples: removable and consumer. Removable, or botanical, maturity occurs with the end of growth. At the same time, the apples stop increasing in volume and in most cases are easily separated from the tree. Fruits reach consumer, or edible, maturity when the color, taste and aroma characteristic of the variety appear.

U summer varieties The harvesting and consumer ripeness of apples coincides in time. In autumn and winter varieties, consumer maturity occurs much later: by 15-45 days for autumn varieties and up to 180 days for winter varieties.

Apples of autumn and winter varieties intended for long-term storage, removed upon reaching removable maturity. If harvested too early, the fruits of many varieties become sour and are not only poorly stored, but also remain rough, low-juiced, and worse colored. Delay in harvesting usually leads to massive falling of fruits, which become unsuitable for long-term storage.

The removal period is also set taking into account storage conditions. If the apples are stored in the refrigerator, then they can be picked more ripe; if in storage without refrigeration, they can be picked earlier, i.e., less ripe. Before storing, you need to sort the apples by size, since small fruits can be stored longer than large ones.

The peel of the fruit is the main barrier against the penetration of microbes into the pulp tissue. Therefore, even minor damage - scratches, pressure, punctures, or bruises cause fruit rotting.

A properly picked apple should also have a whole stem.

When choosing a storage temperature, you must take into account the characteristics of each variety. Thus, the optimal storage temperature for the saffron Pepin variety is from 2 to 1°C, for the Antonovka variety - from 2 to 4°C. Apples can be stored by packing them in polymer bags or films; after 0.5-1 month, a stable gas environment is created in the packaging (5-7 percent carbon dioxide, 14-16 percent oxygen).

This is how you can store Boyken, Golden Delicious, Pepin saffron, Welsey and some other varieties. To keep the fruits longer, you need to fill the prepared bags with apples, transfer them to storage and only after cooling, seal them hermetically.

You can store apples without a refrigerator, for example, in a frost-free brick cellar, in which the temperature does not rise above 4°C. It is better to place apples in small boxes, covering the walls and bottom with paper. To maintain high quality fruits, it is necessary to maintain high humidity by placing containers with water. Antonovka novaya, Babushkino, Ranet champagne, Pobeditel, etc. are best stored in such conditions.

Apples can be prepared in the form of jam, jelly, compotes, marmalade, marshmallows, they can be pickled or soaked.


Cut the prepared apples into 1.5-2 cm pieces and cover with sugar. Leave them for an hour, stirring occasionally. When the juice appears, put on low heat and bring to a boil, constantly stirring vigorously so that the apples do not burn. Place the apples in prepared glass jars and roll up the lids, store anywhere.

For 1 kg of cored and peeled apples - 150-200 g of sugar.


Peel and cut the apples into pieces, cover with sugar, put in an enamel pan and place in a slightly hot oven. Pack the baked apples into prepared glass jars and roll up. Jam from sweet apples can be made without sugar.

For 1 kg of cored and peeled apples - 100-150 g of sugar.


Cut the apples into eight pieces and mix with sliced ​​lemons (with peel and seeds), add water to cover the fruits and cook until soft. Strain the juice and add sugar, cook over high heat until the syrup thickens (a drop of syrup on a saucer should not spread). 2-3 minutes before removing the jelly from the heat, add citric acid and, if desired, the peeled dried kernel walnut. Seal the jars with cellophane.

For 2 kg of apples - 2 lemons, for 1 liter of juice - 750 g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 50 g of walnut kernels.


Rinse the apples in cold water, remove the stems, place in a copper basin or enamel bowl, cover with granulated sugar, add water and place in a warm place. The next day, cook for 1.5-2 hours over low heat. To determine whether the jam is ready, place a drop on a saucer and divide it into two parts. If they merge slowly, the jam is successful.

For a glass of apples - a glass of sugar and 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons of water.


Select large, strong, undamaged apples and rinse cold water, cut into several pieces, remove the stem and seeds. You can also peel the fruit, but it is not necessary. Carefully place the prepared apples in a sterilized container, pour hot (90-95°C) syrup and sterilize. Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 10 minutes, three-liter jars for 25 minutes. It must be kept in mind that more ripe fruits need to be sterilized less, and less ripe fruits need to be sterilized more. Add sugar to syrup to taste.


Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and heat it up. Sugar can be added to the water in advance. While the water is heating to a boil, cut the apples in half and remove the core. When the water boils, take the cooked apples (about enough for two to three jars) and, depending on the variety, place them in hot water or (for example, Antonovka) immediately pour hot water over them. As soon as the skin on the fruit turns yellowish, you need to quickly remove the apples from the pan, preferably with a fork, and immediately transfer them to prepared jars. When all the apples are laid out, fill the jars with apples to the top with boiling water. Immediately roll them up with lids and place them upside down. Add to the pan cold water with sugar, prepare a second portion of apples and so on.


Chop the apples and simmer them in water with cloves until soft. Pass the mixture through a sieve. Heat the applesauce, add sugar, lemon pulp and juice and cook until it is completely dissolved. Cook everything over high heat. The jelly is ready when a drop of syrup quickly hardens on a cold plate. Cool the jelly and place it in sterile jars.

For 600 g of puree - 400 g of sugar. For 1.5 kg of apples - 600 g of water, 10-12 pcs. cloves, juice and pulp of 0.5 lemon.


Wash and cut the apples, remove the core and seeds, put them in a saucepan and add a little water. After heating until softened, rub them hot through a sieve. Mix the puree with sugar and cook, stirring all the time. To make the jam dense, you need to add 100-200 g less sugar. You can store the jam in glass jars or in wooden boxes lined with parchment. If the jam has cooled down, if you do not stir it, a thick crust will form. It will protect the product from spoilage.

For 1 kg of apple puree - at least 800 g of sugar, and if the apples are sour, then more.


Cut the apples into pieces, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously, then rub through a sieve. Cook the resulting puree until it thickens well, making sure it doesn’t burn. Then, while warm, place it in sterilized jars and, closing with boiled lids, pasteurize half-liter jars at a temperature of 100°C for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20, three-liter jars for 30 minutes. Apple jam can be stored for a year.

For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of water.


Peel apples of any degree of ripeness, cut into slices, place in a saucepan, add a little water to the bottom, cover with a lid and boil over low heat, then cool and rub through a colander. Grease the surface of the kitchen board with a very thin layer of vegetable oil and rub it in thoroughly with a dry gauze swab. Spread the applesauce on the board in an even layer (no thicker than 0.8 mm - otherwise it will take a long time to dry) and place it in the sun or draft. On the second day, when the puree dries a little, the board can be placed at an angle.

After three days, pry the dry marshmallow with a knife and remove it from the board. This “apple napkin” then needs to be hung on a rope for 2 days. For long-term storage, fold the marshmallows into a stack, sprinkle them lightly with powdered sugar, roll them tightly into a roll, put them in a plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator.


Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices or circles, sprinkle with granulated sugar and mix thoroughly, then place in one layer on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven (temperature 250°C). Do not stir the mass during heat treatment. After boiling, transfer it to dry, sterilized jars and roll up with sterile lids.


Cut the apples into slices, sprinkle with granulated sugar and leave for 2-3 hours in an enamel pan with a thick bottom. When the juice comes out of the apples, put the pan on the fire and heat for 20 minutes. Rub the still hot apples through a sieve and put them back on low heat to finish cooking, without closing the lid of the pan so that the moisture evaporates better. After 2-3 hours, when the mass is easily separated from the spoon, pour it onto foil greased with any oil and leave to dry for 2-3 days. The thicker the layer of mass, the higher the quality of the roll. Remove the dried mass, thin and elastic, from the foil, sprinkle with granulated sugar and roll into a roll. Cut the finished roll into pieces and place in boxes. You can store the roll at room temperature for many years - the roll does not lose its quality.

For 1 kg of apples - 300 g of sugar.


Select ripe, healthy fruits of sweet and sour apples, rinse, peel (if the fruits are tender, then no need to peel), cut into slices up to 2 cm thick, cutting out the core, put in jars, sprinkle with sugar, cover with tin lids and sterilize in boiling water. half-liter jars in water - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20-25. After this, immediately roll up the lids on the jars.

For a half-liter jar - 200 g of sugar (if the fruits are sour, then up to 400 g), for a liter jar - up to 400 g.


Peel the apples and cut them into slices, place them in two-liter and liter jars. Place the jar on a towel or linen rag, fill it with boiling water (without sugar) to the very top and, covering it with a lid, leave for three minutes, then drain the water and fill it with boiling water again. After repeating the procedure three times, roll up the lid of the jar.

Please note: if there are several cans, you need to deal with each one separately, without allowing the water to cool.


This is delicious spicy snack. In winter, it is used as a side dish for dishes made from game, poultry, meat, and vegetables. Marinades are prepared from various fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms.

The fruits and containers are prepared as for compote. Place the apples in jars, pour in the marinade mixture and heat liter jars in boiling water for 5 minutes and three-liter jars for 25-30 minutes, but the contents should not boil. After this, seal the jars for storage. Pasteurized marinades should be immediately cooled with water so that the fruits are not overcooked or softened.

For marinade filling: for 1 liter of filling - 500 g of chilled boiled water, 200 g of sugar, 250 g of 9 percent vinegar, salt to taste, 50 grains of allspice, cloves, a piece of cinnamon.

For sour fruits, sugar is taken 120 g more than the norm, and 120 g is subtracted from the liquid.


Sour and strong varieties are suitable for soaking (just not soft and sweet). You can soak apples in small pre-steamed wooden barrels or in glass jars with a capacity of 3 to ten liters. Line the bottom of the barrel with fresh, washed, scalded with boiling water and finely chopped rye straw. If there is no straw, you can use blackcurrant or cherry leaves. Place healthy, clean-skinned fruits, thoroughly washed, in rows, layering them with straw or leaves. Cover everything with leaves and fill with brine. Place the apples soaked in brine for 8-10 days for fermentation (temperature 22-25 °C).

As soon as the foam subsides and bubbles stop rising, fill the jars with brine and roll up. Barrels (or jars) can be covered with cellophane soaked in vodka or alcohol so that it sticks tightly to the edges, and tied with twine. Stored soaked apples in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than 15°C and not lower than - 6°C.

For brine: for 10 liters of water - 300 g of granulated sugar, 150 g of salt and malt wort. Prepare the wort as follows: stir 100 g of malt in 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Leave for a day, strain and pour into brine.

If there is no malt, you can take 100 g rye flour or dry kvass.

If desired, part of the granulated sugar can be replaced with honey at the rate of 120 g of honey instead of 100 g of sugar.


Grate sour forest and fallen apples on a grater with large holes, immediately mix with sugar, put in half-liter jars, cover them with boiled lids and set to sterilize. When heated, the sugar in the jars dissolves and the amount of mass decreases, so the apples need to be added to the “hangers”.

Sterilize the jars at low boil for 20 minutes, then seal them and leave them in the same water until it cools. Serve chopped apples with puddings, cottage cheese casseroles, pancakes and pancakes.

For 1 kg of apples - 100 g of sugar.


Place well-washed apples, cut into halves or quarters without cores or stems, into a saucepan with a little water poured into the bottom, slowly steam under the lid until they become soft, then rub through a sieve and bring to a boil again. Pour the finished puree into well-washed and boiled bottles (fill up to half the neck) and boil for 15-20 minutes in a pan of water on crosswise placed planks. Remove them from the water, tar the necks of the bottles, previously wiped dry with a paper napkin, cover with a circle of strong cloth, boiled, ironed and moistened with alcohol, glue tightly, tie with twine and fill the entire circle and the edges of the neck with tar. The puree is used to prepare jelly and sauces for sweet, meat and lean dishes.

When cooking, 150-200 g of sugar can be added to 1 kg of puree.


Steam sour apples, cut into slices, and pumpkin, cut into pieces, in a steamer or juicer for 10-15 minutes until soft. When hot, rub through a colander or sieve, add zest or sugar to taste. Heat the puree while stirring to 90°C and pour it hot into half-liter jars. Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes at 90°C.

1 kg apples, 1 kg pumpkin, 1 teaspoon lemon or orange zest, sugar to taste.


Peel and core the apples and cut into shavings on a grater. Immediately place the shavings into jars and compact. Add sugar to the jar. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter jars - 30 minutes. Apple chips are used for layer pies.

You can add 50-100 g of sugar to a liter jar of chips.


Prepare syrup from apple juice or water and sugar, dip apples, cut into slices, into it, boil for 1-2 minutes, then use a slotted spoon or a spoon with holes to remove the apples from the syrup and place them in a scalded three-liter jar. Fill the voids between the apples with boiling syrup to the top edge of the jar, close with a boiled lid and roll up. Apples will retain their flavor and are good not only in a pie, but also on their own, with milk, cream and sour cream.

For 2.5 kg of apples - 2 liters of apple juice or water, 500 g of sugar.


You will need little sugar, the preparation method is quick and simple. Cut the peeled apples into slices, put in a saucepan, add sugar, put on low heat, heat to about 85°C, stirring continuously, leave for another 5 minutes and place in hot sterile jars, filling them to the very brim. Immediately roll up the jars and turn them upside down. The resulting jam-like mass is very good for pies, pancakes, pancakes, and just for tea.

For 1 kg of apples - depending on the sweetness of the fruit, 100-200 g of sugar.


Boil applesauce (see preparation above) with the only difference being that for 1 kg of apples, better than Antonovka, you need to take more sugar. After this, evaporate the puree until it thickens, stirring all the time so as not to burn. To check the readiness of the marmalade, you need to spread the mixture in a thin layer on a saucer and draw a furrow with a spoon. If it does not close, the marmalade is ready. Fill steamed and dried jars with hot marmalade. When it has cooled, place a circle of cellophane or parchment paper soaked in alcohol on it.

For 1 kg of apples - 500-600 g of sugar.


Wash the apples, remove the core and seeds, cut into small pieces, mix with granulated sugar, and place in a thick layer on a baking sheet. Do not add water. Place the baking sheet in the hot oven. After boiling, reduce the oven temperature. To prevent the mass from burning, stir it periodically with a spoon or spatula and cook until the mass becomes elastic and does not stick to the spoon. This usually takes 20 minutes after boiling.

Place the boiled mass on a sheet of foil or on a cold baking sheet sprinkled with granulated sugar, dry it at room temperature, sprinkle with granulated sugar and store in ordinary cardboard candy boxes in a cool, dry place.

For 1 kg of apples - 200 g of sugar.


Wash the apples, remove the core with seeds, cut into slices or circles, sprinkle with sugar, mix, place in an enamel pan, cover with a clean cloth, set pressure and let stand until the juice is released. Drain the resulting juice, place the slices on a baking sheet and place in the oven to dry. The oven should be heated to 65°C. Transfer the dried apple slices into dry glass jars or linen bags. Store them in a dry place at room temperature. The separated apple juice can be used to prepare compotes, or canned after boiling. While boiling, pour the juice into jars and roll up the lids. Sun-dried apples You can serve it with tea, use it as a filling for pies, or make compote from them.

For 1 kg of apple mass - 100 g of sugar.


Carefully cut 15 medium-sized sweet apples into quarters, remove the seeds, leave the core and stuff it with pieces of dry orange peel, put in boiling syrup and cook until the apples become transparent and begin to brown. Then, sprinkle the apples with a mixture of sugar, crushed orange peel, crushed cinnamon and cloves, cook again, turn over, cook again until almost all the syrup has boiled away.

Taking out a piece and sprinkling each with sugar, quickly place on a baking sheet covered with straw and place in a heated, but without heat, oven. When the oven has cooled, turn the candied fruits over to the other side and repeat the operation. Fold them into glass jar, covering with a circle of parchment paper moistened with alcohol, seal with cellophane.

For 15 apples - 500 ml water, 400 g sugar; for sprinkling - 2 cups granulated sugar, orange peel, cinnamon and cloves - to taste.


Grate the apples, add sugar and water, cook until a thick puree forms. After removing it from the heat, mix with dried, peeled and chopped almonds or walnut kernels, finely chopped candied fruits and dried and powdered orange peel. Form balls with wet fingers, dry, sprinkle with sugar, put in a jar, cover with a circle of parchment paper moistened with alcohol, and seal with cellophane.

For 1 kg of apples - 500 g of sugar, 50 g of almonds (or 100 g of walnut kernels), 100 g of candied fruits, 1 teaspoon of orange peel powder.


Cut the apples in half or into quarters, peel and core them. Remove black and red currants or only red ones from the bunches, remove diseased and unripe ones, wash thoroughly and steam in a saucepan under a lid with a small amount of water. Rub the hot mixture through a sieve and fill the jars halfway. Then place the apples in the jars so that they are completely immersed in the juice. The juice level should be 1-2 cm below the neck. Pasteurize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 25-30 minutes, liter and two-liter jars - 30-35 minutes.


Wash the apples, cut into pieces, place on the bottom of the pan, pour in a little water, put on low heat and cook until thickened. Rub the finished mass through a sieve, add cumin, stir, put in a thick, clean cloth and put under pressure for three days. Then take out the cheese, grease with vegetable oil and roll in cumin seeds. Store in a cool place. The cheese is easy to eat and is an ideal product for baby food and diet food; it stores well.

For 1 kg of mass - 1 tbsp. spoon of cumin.


Wash the apples, core, chop, put in a saucepan, add a small amount of water and simmer, covered, until they become soft. Rub the hot mass through a sieve and cool. Peel the garlic and mince it, mix it with applesauce, add salt, mustard, vegetable oil and mix. Expand ready-made seasoning into small jars and refrigerate.

1 kg apples, 300 g garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard, 100 g vegetable oil, 5 g salt.


Place peeled and chopped onions and apples along with raisins and sugar in a large saucepan, pour in 0.5 cups of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring frequently, until the consistency of thick porridge, add salt, cloves, pepper, vinegar and cook for another 10-20 minutes. Place the sauce into jars and cover with foil.

1.5 kg sour apples, 500 g onion, 5 tbsp. tablespoons raisins, 500 g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, ground cloves and black pepper on the tip of a knife, 0.5 teaspoon red ground pepper, 1.5 cups of wine or table vinegar.


Overripe apples or carrion are used, as well as waste left over from the preparation of jam, juice, and syrup. Rinse the fruits thoroughly in three waters, crush small and juicy apples, and chop hard ones. Transfer the mixture into an enamel bowl with a wide bottom, add hot water (65-70°C) and add sugar. Water should cover the apple mass by 3-4 cm. Place the dishes in a warm place (18-22°C), but not in the sun. Stir frequently to prevent the surface from drying out. It’s even better to cover the mass with a wooden circle and put a little pressure on top.

After two weeks, strain the liquid through gauze folded in two or three layers and pour it into large bottles or three-five liter jars for fermentation, without adding 5-7 cm to the top. Keep the liquid in such bottles or jars for another two weeks. Carefully pour the finished vinegar, without stirring, into bottles, without adding to the top 3-4 cm. Strain the sediment through a thick cloth.

Seal the bottles with boiled corks, and for long-term storage, pour paraffin on top of the corks, store in the dark at a temperature not lower than 4 ° C and not higher than 20. You can keep bottles with vinegar in the light, after wrapping them in dark paper.

For 1 kg of apple mass - 50 g of sugar (for sweet varieties), 100 g of sugar (for sour varieties).

Apple is a fruit that can retain its nutritional and beneficial features in almost any form. It is not surprising that housewives try to preserve apples for as long as possible and please their family in winter with jam, compotes or simply a dried delicacy. What options are there for processing and storing apples for the winter? Let's look at a few options.

Apple jam

A very simple way to prepare apples for the winter is to make jam or jam from them. The process is simple and usually does not take much time.

To do this you will need:

  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg apples,
  • wide saucepan or cooking basin,
  • gauze and a lid to cover the container while cooling.


Wash the apples well, remove the core with seeds and cut into small slices - this is necessary so that the apples are better soaked sugar syrup. Place the apples in a cooking container in layers, alternately sprinkling with sugar and leave until the morning so that the apples release their juice. In the morning, the apple-sugar mixture must be boiled, bringing to a boil. When the mixture boils, cook for five minutes and remove from heat. During cooking, do not stir the apples, but you can melt them with a spoon so that they are covered with syrup.

The second stage of cooking the jam should begin in the evening - bring it to a boil again, cook for five minutes and leave to cool until the morning.

Please note that the apples become transparent; this will give the jam a special amber color.

In the morning, we repeat the cooking for the third time according to the already known scheme: boil, five minutes, remove from heat. As before, do not stir and leave to cool until evening. In the evening, boil the apple jam for 10-15 minutes. If the syrup has become thicker and all the slices have become transparent, the jam is ready and can be poured into jars.

Applesauce “Nezhenka”

Many people remember the taste preserved from childhood applesauce"Sissy." Any housewife is quite capable of preparing such a sissy dish.

To do this you will need:

  • 4 kg apples,
  • 1 glass of water,
  • 1 can of condensed milk,
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar.


Wash the fruits, remove the core and peel. Cut into slices and place in a cooking container, adding the required amount of water. Cook over moderate heat until the slices are completely softened - about 30 minutes. After boiling, you need to cool everything and bring the mass to a puree state. You can use a masher or a blender. Pour condensed milk into the puree and add sugar. Cook over moderate heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the finished puree into sterile jars and roll up.

Whole apple compote

Apples, among other things, have a special appearance. Compote made from whole apples will help preserve their natural beauty. The apples selected are not large and, most importantly, without damage that would promote the development of bacteria, which can lead to fermentation of the apples and affect the quality of the compote.

For compote you need:

  • 2 kg apples,
  • 270 grams of sugar,
  • 2 sprigs of mint,
  • spices - optional.


Rinse the selected apples well and remove all possible damage. Dry so that there are no lines of moisture and place in jars. There is no need to fill it completely; about two-thirds of the container is enough. Boil water and pour boiling water over the jars of apples. Cover with lids and leave for 20-25 minutes to sterilize the jars. At the same time, you can add a sprig of mint, cloves or any other spices to the apples.

After twenty minutes, pour the water from the cans back into the cooking container and add sugar. Boil the resulting syrup. Pour the prepared syrup into the jars, close with a screw cap or roll up, turning upside down and leave until completely cool. Store these apples in a cool, dark place.

Apple compotes for the winter can be prepared with any berries. Chokeberry and lingonberry will give apple compote a tart taste.

Preparing compote from apples with berries has a nuance: the apples need to be cooked first, dipping them in boiling water with dissolved sugar for 20 minutes. Delicate berries: raspberries, strawberries, wild berries should be immersed in water last and only for a short time, for 5-10 minutes, in order to preserve the vitamins in them as much as possible.

Dried apples

You can dry apples in any cool, ventilated room, in a convection oven. On top, from dust and insects, it is worth covering the sliced ​​​​slices with gauze or a thin breathable cloth. Dried apples can be added to tea or mulled wine in winter, boiled compote, and boiled dried fruits with cottage cheese can be wrapped in pita bread to create a healthy dessert. Sliced ​​into rings dried apples used as diet chips. You can diversify the recipe by sprinkling the chips with a solution of honey before drying them in the oven, adding cinnamon and vanilla.

For lovers of original preparations, you can prepare.

Homemade apple wines

Using a juicer, you can use pure apple juice to make fresh homemade cider. If you add water you get sparkling wine. You can also play with taste by adding rowan, chokeberry, and spices.

During apple season, don't forget to prepare Apple vinegar, cm. .

Pickled apples

Depending on the recipe, soaked apples can be prepared either as a dessert or served as a cold snack or an unusual side dish. You can soak apples in a large enamel tank and then seal them in three-liter jars. The apples are soaked whole, a minimum of time is spent on preservation, and the result is pleasing. It turns out dietary and very useful product, which diversifies the winter menu.

Eating fresh and baked apples

Apple charlotte has now been replaced in popularity by strudel, because it is very easy to make from frozen puff pastry. It is enough to flatten the dough into a rectangle, pour in more apple slices, sprinkle with sugar, you can add vanillin and cinnamon, fold the edges, making closed pie, and put it in the oven. You can simply bake apples in the oven, top them with honey, experiment with cinnamon, ginger and other spices. Gives interesting gastronomic sensations baked in slices apples with soft cheeses and cottage cheese, served as an appetizer with white wines.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for unconventional harvesting of apples for the winter. To stay slim and young, you should love this wonderful autumn product, and it will love you back!

Apples are one of the oldest fruits that people enjoy. The history of this fruit begins in Asia Minor, from where it was transported to Egypt and Palestine and eventually spread throughout Europe. Currently, there are a couple of dozen varieties of this wonderful fruit in the world.

If you love apples, and you also have your own garden where they grow, then it would be a sin not to prepare them. This is a great opportunity to preserve the harvest and beneficial properties of fruits, prepare them for the winter as compote, pie filling, and much more.

Today we will look at 7 simple recipes preparing apple preparations for the winter. I also offer wonderful recipes and, of course,

Very simple, tasty apple filling, which is suitable not only for pies, but also for pies, pancakes and rolls. With 1 kg. makes 1 liter. fillings.


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the apples under running water, cut them in half, and remove the cores and tails (remove the peel or not - this is your preference).

2. And cut them into strips. Pour into a bowl or pan.

3. Add 150 gr. Sahara. Mix thoroughly and leave for 2 hours so that our apples give juice.

4. Then place the basin on the stove over high heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes.

5. At this time, we sterilize the jars and boil the lids in any way convenient for you. Then dry on a kitchen towel.

6. The apples are ready, put them into jars, tighten the lids using a seaming wrench.

7. Turn it upside down, cover it with a warm blanket (plaid, fur coat) until it cools completely, for about a day.

We put it in storage. Bon appetit.

Recipe for apple preserves in syrup

For this recipe Hard apples, such as Antonovka or Limonka, work well. From 1 kg you get 2 half-liter full jars.


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruit with water. Cut in half, cut out the core.

2. Cut into small pieces and pour into deep containers. Gradually add sugar (first add 500 grams, stir and then the remaining 500 grams)

3. Leave for a couple of hours (about 6 hours) so that the fruits release juice abundantly.

4. We sterilize the jars in advance. After 6 hours, the apples produce a lot of syrup. We begin to put them into jars.

5. Then pour sugar syrup over them until they are completely covered, and cover with lids. If syrup remains, then add less sugar to the next kg of apples.

6. Pour water into the pan, put a towel, put the jars (add water up to the hangers of the jars), put it on the fire and begin to sterilize 10 minutes after boiling.

7. Roll up the fruit, turn it upside down, and leave at room temperature until completely cool. Bon appetit.

Freezing apples in the freezer

We will need:

  • Knife and cutting board
  • Waffle towel (for drying)
  • Packaging bags or food storage containers
  • Freezer.

Before freezing, it is necessary to select fresh and, of course, ripe fruits, without any flaws or spoilage. Wash the apples thoroughly and wipe them dry with a towel, otherwise they will stick together during freezing and will be difficult to separate after thawing.

1. Cut the apples into pieces: circles, slices or cubes - as you like. We remove the core with seeds; it is not necessary to peel the skin.

3. The portion placed in the bag must correspond to one-time needs, since it will be frozen for the second time this product it is impossible, otherwise it will lose its shape and valuable properties.

4. Of course, if you are for preserving the color of apples and want to protect them from oxidation, you need to immerse the chopped fruits in slightly acidified water (1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of clean water at room temperature) or salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) for 10-15 minutes, then the slices should be dried on paper or a waffle towel.

How to pickle apples for the winter


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • For the marinade:
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cloves – 5 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon – 1-2 pinches
  • Vinegar 9% – 4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Select fresh, non-wormy fruits. We wash our fruits thoroughly, cut out the core using a special knife for removing cores (or using a regular knife). And we put them in a bowl of water so that they don’t turn black.

2. Place whole or cut as desired (this is at your discretion). We place them in sterilized jars.

3. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and boil.

4. Remove boiling water from the stove and pour it into a jar, cover with a lid for about 15 minutes.

5. Then, using a nylon lid with holes, pour water into the pan.

6. Prepare the marinade. In a saucepan with 1 l. water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 pinches of ground cinnamon and a couple of cloves, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil.

7. At this time, pour 4 tbsp into the jar of fruit. spoons 9% vinegar.

8. And fill them with marinade. Cover with a lid, place in a pan with a towel and water, begin to sterilize, approximately 10 minutes.

9. Tighten, turn the jars upside down and wait for them to cool completely. Bon appetit.

Apple preparation without sugar


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1 liter.

Cooking method:

1. We wash our fruits under running, warm water, remove the stems and core, and cut into small slices.

2. Sterilize jars using microwave oven. We rinse thoroughly, put the jars and a glass of water there, and turn on for 3-4 minutes. Boil the lids for 5-10 minutes.

3. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan and boil (more if necessary).

4. Place the fruits in jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes. Then pour the boiling water into the pan and boil again, after which we pour the boiling water into the jar.

5. And so we repeat the procedure once more.

6. After the procedure is completed, roll up the jars with a lid.

7. Turn it upside down, wait for it to cool completely and put it away for storage. Bon appetit.

Apple compote for the winter - Delicious recipe

This compote is one of the popular preparations for the winter. The taste is amazing. You and your loved ones will be delighted.


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 300 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the jars in advance, wash them and sterilize them. Boil the lids. Place on a kitchen towel and dry.

2. Now let's get to the apples. We wash them, cut out the core and all the faulty places.

3. Boil water in a large saucepan.

4. Place the fruit in three-liter jars, a little less than half.

5. Fill them with boiled water up to the neck, cover with a lid and let sit for about an hour.

6. After the specified time has passed, drain the water into the pan using a nylon lid with holes, pour it in granulated sugar and bring to a boil.

7. Fill the syrup jars with the contents and tighten the jar with a seaming wrench.

8. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket, and leave until completely cool. Place in a dark, cool place.

Soaked (fermented) apples - A simple recipe


  • Apples – 10 kg;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 gr;
  • Water - approximately 5 liters.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, tear off the tail.

2. Place fruit in a bucket or deep glass bowl.

3. Pour 5 liters of water into a large saucepan and dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 200 gr. granulated sugar.

4. Fill the apples with this solution, cover with a lid or plate and place pressure on top.

5. Leave for 10 - 15 days at room temperature, then put in a cool place.

6. Fruits will begin to absorb water at the beginning of fermentation, so you will need to add it if necessary.

Enjoy your meal!
