Making alcohol from potatoes at home. Technology for the production of drinking alcohol. Preparation of cognac alcohol

Homemade alcohol is primarily moonshine, the most famous and popular drink among residents of the former Soviet Union. Home distillers can make mash from various raw materials - sugar, grains, fruits, raw potatoes and distill excellent moonshine.

Potato moonshine is the easiest option for preparing a strong alcoholic drink at home, and is also cost-effective. Of course, such moonshine will not be of the best quality, but it will still be better than throwing away frozen and rotten potatoes in the spring. The right solution would be to make mash for moonshine out of it.


IN various recipes potato moonshine, you need such components that are sometimes difficult to find on home kitchen. The same recipe provides a simple technology for preparing moonshine and available ingredients.


  • Frozen potatoes – 10 kg;
  • Brewing malt (or enzymes A, D) – 0.5-1 kg;
  • Spring water – 15 l;
  • Baker's yeast - 250 grams (or 50 grams dry).

IN this recipe Instead of malt, you can use the enzymes amylosubtilin and glucavamorin to convert starch into sugar. For mash, you need slightly frozen potatoes; if possible, keep them in the cold for a couple of days. The tubers will become sweeter, and the mash will ferment better.

Preparing mash for potato moonshine

  1. To make moonshine from potatoes at home, you need to chop the tubers on a coarse grater or use a special feed crusher for this. Potatoes can also be cut with a regular knife, but in this case the fermentation period of the wort will increase by 5-7 days.
  2. Add 10 liters of water heated to a temperature of 70°C into a container with potato pulp and stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. At a wort temperature of 65°C, add malt, mix everything, close the lid, wrap the container with a blanket and leave to saccharify for 1-1.5 hours. It is desirable that the temperature at this time be 65 plus or minus 2 degrees. Otherwise, saccharification will not occur.
  4. After the time has passed, cool the wort to a temperature of 30°C and pour the liquid part into a fermentation container.
  5. Pour 5 liters of water heated to 50°C into the remaining sediment, stir and let the solution brew.
  6. After the mass has settled and a precipitate has formed, pour the liquid fraction into the fermentation container again. The base for potato mash is ready.
  7. At a temperature of 20-25 degrees, pour pre-diluted yeast into the wort. Close the mash under a water seal and leave it to ferment in a warm place.
  8. After one or two weeks, the mash for moonshine from potatoes is completely fermented. It should taste bitter, there should be no carbon dioxide bubbles, during this time the mash should lighten
  9. Distill the finished mash using alcohol mashine.

Moonshine from potatoes needs to be distilled at least twice, and preferably more. After each run, clean with charcoal. After this, the quality of moonshine will improve significantly and will be practically incomparable even to sugar.

Since potatoes have a low carbohydrate content, the yield of moonshine will be lower than when using sugar or grain raw materials. It is advisable to do the first distillation using a steam generator or steam-water boiler so that the mash does not burn.

Video recipe for making potato moonshine


Ingredients for mash:

  • Potatoes – 10kg;
  • Oats – 5-6 kg;
  • Yeast 2 kg;
  • Water 30l.

Making mash:

  1. Wash the tubers and chop using a grater.
  2. Grind the oats, pour into a container, pour in 5 liters of boiling water, stir the mixture.
  3. Add cooked potatoes to the container and leave for 3 hours.
  4. Pour in the remaining 30 liters of water and add diluted yeast at a temperature of 25 degrees.
  5. Close the containers and leave to ferment in a warm room.
  6. After a week, the finished mash can be distilled.

For your information! Many countries around the world consider the distillate obtained using potato raw materials to be harmful to human health. Due to the increased content of methyl, hydrocyanic acid, as well as fusel oils. Therefore, its sale is prohibited.

Potatoes are the main type of starch-containing raw material for the production of alcohol. In addition to potatoes, the raw materials for the production of alcohol can be corn, rye, oats and other cereals containing carbohydrates - starch.

Potatoes are steamed in large closed kettles with steam and turned into a semi-liquid pulp (mash). In large steaming vats, this gruel is mixed with sprouted and then dried barley grains - malt. Under the influence of diastase contained in malt - a biochemical catalyst of a very complex and still unclear structure (biochemical catalysts are called enzymes, or enzymes), the starch contained in potatoes (in an amount of about 20%) adds water and turns into sugary substances (mainly into the disaccharide maltose ):

The coefficients in the formulas show the required quantitative ratio of the reactants and the reaction product: for a certain number of starch molecules (m), half the number of water molecules m/2 is consumed and the same number of sugar molecules is obtained.

The hydrolysis of starch under the influence of malt with the formation of maltose was discovered in 1814 by the Russian academician Kirchhoff *. Distillers call this operation “saccharification of the mash.” The gruel becomes sweeter and more liquid. A “wort” is formed. A culture of lower fungi - yeast - is added to it and transferred to large open fermentation tanks, where wine fermentation occurs for about three days: sugary substances under the influence of yeast are converted into ethyl alcohol. The essence of fermentation is as follows. Reproducing rapidly in nutrient medium, yeast fungi produce two enzymes, two different in action and complex in the structure of the catalyst: maltase and zymase. The first catalyst hydrolyzes the disaccharide maltose into two glucose particles:

and the second, zymase, produces the actual fermentation: it decomposes glucose into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol:

From the resulting mash, containing about 10% alcohol, 90-96% raw alcohol is separated by distillation on columns, which is used to produce butadiene. From 12 g of potatoes you can get 1 ton of ethyl alcohol in this way. The residues after distillation of alcohol (stillage) consist of nitrogenous substances, fats, minerals and serve as excellent feed for livestock. It is estimated that the waste from each liter of alcohol can produce two liters of milk.

So, we got alcohol from potatoes. It is still received in huge quantities. There is only one bad thing: the production of such alcohol requires the use of food raw materials. But is it possible to obtain alcohol for technical purposes without consuming food products?

* Also known in the history of science is his namesake, the German physicist G. Kirchhoff, who was born in 1824 and who in 1859, together with R. Bunsen, discovered spectral analysis - a method for detecting chemical elements by their spectrum.

Among the people, moonshine is almost the most popular alcoholic drink. No matter what home craftsmen made it from, almost any raw material can be used to make mash and distill moonshine. Today we will look at several recipes for moonshine from potatoes. The end result, of course, won’t be the most ideal product, but it’s still better than just letting the potatoes rot in your cellar. After all, from my own experience I know that often in the spring there are a lot of potatoes left, which will rot before they have time to eat them. And one of the options to give it a second life is to make mash from it.

For the fermentation process we need two main components: sugar and yeast. To do this we need to transform potato starch into sugar. For this recipe we will use flour. But it’s even better to freeze the potatoes first; I think you’ve noticed more than once that frozen potatoes have a sweetish taste. Many recipes advise using frozen potatoes; if this is not the case, then specially place them in the cold or in the freezer for several days.

The recipe for potato moonshine will be very useful if, as a result of severe frosts, you end up with a lot of frozen potatoes, which are of little use.

Potato moonshine recipe - “Babka”


Step-by-step preparation of moonshine from potatoes:

  1. Grind the well-washed potatoes on a grater;
  2. Fill with 15 liters of boiled water at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  3. Pour flour here and mix;
  4. After sediment has formed, drain the liquid into another container;
  5. Add 10 liters of water again, mix and let it brew;
  6. After sediment appears, drain the liquid into the same container as before (point 4); This will be our potato mash;
  7. Then add yeast to the mash and let the mash steep for two weeks. And as soon as it is infused, we do the distillation.

Moonshine from potatoes, sugar and bread

This quick recipe making moonshine with potatoes, but sugar will help us here. And so, let's take:

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 4 loaves of bread
  • 5 kg sugar
  • 750 ml milk
  • 500 g pressed yeast (100 g dry)
  • 25 liters of water


  • Cook and mash the potatoes, add sugar, milk, yeast and crumbled bread, then pour in warm boiled water, stir and leave the mash for a day. After which we distill it.

Moonshine from potatoes and oats


  • 10 kg potatoes
  • Oats 6 kg.
  • Yeast 1.5 kg
  • 35 liters of water.


Potato and sprouted grain recipe

  • 8 kg potatoes
  • 4 kg of sprouted grain (wheat, oats, barley);
  • 25 liters of water
  • 100 g yeast

Making mash:

  1. First of all, we cook the potatoes, after which, without draining the water, we crush them until pureed.
  2. Grind the sprouted grain, it is best to pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. We put some of the ground malt into hot purees and mix, pour the rest on top and let it brew for 12 hours.
  4. Stir, add water and yeast, steep the mash for about a week.

All of these potato drink recipes recommend making.

I warn you right away, this is not The best way making moonshine, due to the low sugar content in potatoes, the solution is finished product will be significantly lower than when preparing classic sugar moonshine. And it will be of worse quality, it will contain a large amount of fusel oils and hydrocyanic acid. In a number of countries around the world, such a drink is prohibited from being sold, as it is considered hazardous to health.

But if everything is done correctly, the harmful fractions are separated, you will get a very good drink, and if you take a number of additional cleaning and odor control measures, you will generally get a normal product.

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Moonshine made from potatoes has a rather pungent taste and smell. It is often unpleasant to drink. However, with proper cleaning and long-term refinement, you can get a good drink.

Pre-potatoes are necessary rinse thoroughly. You also need to remove all rotten parts and get rid of large eyes. Peeling the potatoes is not necessary; if the volume is large, it takes too much time.

The yield of the final product, when using potatoes as raw materials, depends on the type and amount of starch in the composition. Usually you get about 1 liter from 5 kilograms of raw materials.

Making classic moonshine from potatoes


  • 5 kg of potatoes;
  • 250 grams of malt (any malt will do: barley, wheat, rye);
  • 8 liters of water (water must be boiled);
  • 25 grams of dry yeast.

Potato mash recipe

First you need potatoes grate on a fine grater. This is a very painstaking and exhausting task.

If you have an electric harvester at home, the task becomes easier. It is also possible to grind raw materials in a meat grinder.

The composition is thoroughly mixed, the container is wrapped in a towel and left for an hour. This procedure is needed for converting starch into sugar.

After this the composition cools to a temperature of 30º. Then you need to drain the liquid part into the fermentation container. Dilute the remaining mass with 3 liters of water, mix and heat to 50º. Let it settle and drain the sediment into a fermentation container.

Activated yeast is added to the resulting wort (read:). A water seal is installed. Braga is removed to a dark place. The fermentation process takes place at temperatures from 16 to 28º.

Usually for fermenting potato wort required from 3 to 10 days. But under certain conditions, the fermentation period may increase. You can determine the readiness of the mash by. If carbon dioxide has ceased to be released, this means that the mash is ready for distillation.

Making potato moonshine

After the mash has played back, it must be carefully drain from sediment and pass through a paper filter. Then the raw material is poured into alembic and put on fire. During the first distillation, the distillate you need to select up to 30º in the stream. The resulting alcohol is diluted with boiled water to a strength of 20º. Followed by cleaning process.

Moonshine made from potatoes has a high content of harmful impurities and has a pungent odor. In order to minimize the concentration of fusel compounds and improve the aroma of the finished drink, before the second distillation it is necessary to should be thoroughly cleaned. It is better if it takes place in several stages:

  1. Cleaning with a carbon filter. This method is quite simple, but at the same time effective. You can use a household water filter. It is enough to pass the distillate through it several times.
  2. Cleaning with soda. Using soda, a large amount is removed from moonshine. For a liter of alcohol with a strength of 20º, half a teaspoon of soda is enough. After adding, the solution is mixed well and left for a day to settle. The distillate is then drained from the sediment. After which it is ready for re-distillation.

Important! When cleaning raw alcohol, its strength should not be high. The optimal strength for cleansing is 20-30º. If the distillate is too strong, then the harmful compounds included in its composition will be difficult to separate.

When all measures for purifying raw alcohol have been carried out, you should begin second distillation. Alcohol 20º is poured into the distillation cube and brought to a temperature of 60-65º.

Mandatory here you need to take the head part. This faction is called "heads".

It is not intended for internal use, because... contains many toxic substances. The number of heads is approximately 10-15% of the total distillate obtained.

Next comes the “tails,” a part that should also not be consumed. It should be collected separately. Some moonshiners use tailings in their next distillation. They slightly increase the volume of moonshine produced.

After the second distillation, a product is obtained that must be diluted with water to 45º. Potato moonshine before use It is recommended to leave for several weeks.

Other recipes for moonshine from potato tubers

To give potato moonshine a more pleasant taste, you can add it to it during the production process. softening products:

  • Oats. Oatmeal must be crushed and added to potato mash before fermentation.
  • Corn. In principle, any type of cereal is suitable for softening potato moonshine. The crushed grain is added at the beginning. It has a beneficial effect on the quality of the resulting distillate and fights off the unpleasant smell of moonshine.
  • Bread. To give potato moonshine a spicy aroma, you can add a few pieces of bread to the mash (see:).

But not all moonshiners have it. Therefore, to fight off the smell, it is recommended to drink on aromatic products for a long time (from 1 month). Oak bark, various spices, raisins, and berries will help make the potato distillate more pleasant to drink.

Useful videos

A simple recipe for moonshine from potatoes, how to make two types of mash, look:

How to make the simplest and cheapest potato moonshine yourself:

Can you make moonshine from frozen potatoes? Let's look:

Do-it-yourself potato moonshine - from mash to cleaning and improving taste:

Moonshine from potatoes began to be made in Rus' from the beginning of the 18th century, when the “earth apple” somewhat replaced the grain raw materials traditional for this drink. If you have a small supply of potatoes, then make an excellent alcoholic drink It won’t be difficult, this article will help you.

1 Ladle of moonshine - reward for heroes

It is unknown who was the first in Rus' to brew moonshine. However, it is precisely established (there is documentary evidence of this) that Reviver was widespread during the time of Ivan the Terrible. It was under him that the first taverns were opened, in which only the royal guardsmen were allowed to feast. The tsar's most distinguished servants were awarded a personalized ladle. The owner of such an award could drink from it for free, but only after scooping up the moonshine once.

Over time, the boyars usurped the production of homemade alcohol, and mass production of the drink declined sharply. It was only in the 19th century that peasant families again began to distill grain into alcohol. For this purpose, a recipe was used, the basis of which was mash made from rye malt, grains and yeast. The result was a high-quality drink, which in its composition and purity of production was superior even to French cognac.

Rich farms spared no grain for the production of alcohol. And the removal of fusel oils and other toxins was done using milk and egg white. This recipe made it possible to obtain only 20 liters of pure alcohol from 1200 liters of mash. That's why it was very expensive and not accessible to everyone. Around the middle of the 19th century, they began to make potato moonshine, which was easier to make and cheaper than its grain counterparts and, moreover, was highly valued at all times.

It is important to know!

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections or doctors with a 100% guarantee of results. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...

2 Potato mash recipe

Today, every family uses potatoes for food and stores them according to their needs. Therefore, if you decide to make moonshine at home, then it is easier to use Peter the Great’s “earth apple” for this. Potato mash will be ready after two weeks of fermentation. Her recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • potatoes 20 kg,
  • wheat flour 1 kg,
  • yeast 0.5 kg,
  • water 25 l.

Washed and coarsely grated potatoes are poured with warm water with a volume of 15 liters. Everything is mixed well, flour is added to the mixture. Then the raw materials are mixed again and allowed to settle until a sediment forms. After this, the liquid is poured into another container, and another 10 liters of water are added to the sediment. After some time, the liquid is drained again and yeast is added to it. The mash is aged for 10 to 15 days. After this, the raw alcohol can be placed in a moonshine still for distillation.

You can clean finished moonshine from impurities and toxins using potassium permanganate, activated carbon or milk. Potassium permanganate is simply added to the liquid, and harmful substances will begin to precipitate. Activated carbon is also added to moonshine. The more it is, the better the cleaning. The drink should be drained approximately 24 hours after adding the adsorbent. It cleans well with alcohol and milk, which will require about one glass per 10 liters of alcohol. If you are interested, then use the above methods.

3 Potato moonshine with oats and sprouted grains

Crafting recipe homemade alcohol from potatoes may vary depending on the presence of additional ingredients and flavors. Besides simple way making alcohol, which includes only potatoes, yeast, flour and water, we can advise you to try making moonshine from mash, which is prepared with the addition of oats.

To do this you will need:

  • potatoes 10 kg,
  • oats 6 kg,
  • yeast 1.5 kg,
  • water 35 l.

Pour 5 liters of boiling water into the ground grain and add grated potatoes to the mixture. Infuse the liquid for 3 hours, add yeast and 30 liters of water to the cooled product. After five days, the mash is ready for distillation.

Many experts homemade moonshine It is advised to prepare raw materials for distillation from sprouted grain.

For 25 liters of water take 8 kg of potatoes, 4 kg of any sprouted grain and 100 grams of yeast. Ground boiled potatoes mix with crushed sprouted grain and leave for 12 hours. Only after this water and yeast are added to the mixture. It takes about 7 days for the product to ferment. Potato moonshine can also be made from frozen raw materials. This recipe does not contain anything new, and is even cheaper. However, the taste of the drinks will vary. Therefore, the best alcohol can only be obtained through trial and error. We wish you to find your own, most successful recipe!

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