Business idea: Chocolate fountains are the best way for restaurants and holiday agencies to expand their business. Business idea: Chocolate fountains Chocolate fountain business idea

Any celebration, be it a birthday, wedding, anniversary, corporate or children's holiday ends with tea. Traditionally, a cake was always served at this moment, but now it is much more popular to surprise everyone present with a chocolate fountain at the end of the party. Indeed, millions of cream roses are no longer interesting. The chocolate fountain gives new impressions:

  • It allows everyone to prepare a dessert for themselves and to visit at least once in the role of a confectioner;
  • It gives you the opportunity to try new combinations of flavors, because it is not at all necessary to dip only a biscuit or fruit in flowing chocolate. You can take cheese, for example, or something more exotic;
  • Returns even adults, serious people to childhood, gives them vivid emotions and real delight;
  • As for the kids themselves, they get a fairy tale in reality - chocolate rivers and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive.

How to choose a chocolate fountain?

Installations for the chocolate fountain are different. There are configurations for commercial use, designed for a large number of loaded chocolate, usually with many tiers. In a word, high-quality professional equipment. But such an installation is also not too cheap, so if you want to buy a chocolate fountain for yourself in order to sometimes have cute home parties, then you simply don’t need such an instance. This option is suitable for restaurants, bars, cafes, where celebrations are constantly held, and there is a great demand for such entertainment.

For home use, there are practical, but simpler and, accordingly, cheaper modifications at a very reasonable price. Here you will be guided by the availability of funds and your personal preferences: whether you want the smallest model or a little more.

So, if you are tormented by the question of how to choose a chocolate fountain, just answer the following questions for yourself:

  • For home or commercial use, you buy the unit;
  • What height do you need, and how many tiers do you want to see;
  • How much chocolate should the fountain contain as much as possible;
  • Pay attention to the installation design;
  • And, of course, its price.

A variety of chocolate fountains from "site"

The website online store will help you find the chocolate fountain of your dreams. We have a wide range of installations of any price category and any configuration. You can even purchase a set of fountains, which will make a double splash at the celebration. You will be pleased with our democratic prices, attention to your order, prompt delivery and quality assurance of goods. Chocolate fountains from "website" will give you a taste of pleasure and a great mood!

Chocolate is a product around which there has always been controversy about its benefits or harms. But at present, scientists have already proven that it is still more useful. Chocolate is of interest all over the world. Cocoa beans contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. And it's no secret to anyone that the best remedy for depression is to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate. It is dark chocolate that contains flavanol, which helps to accelerate the supply of oxygen to brain cells, moreover, it slows down the aging process, improves sleep and resists prolonged fatigue. Also beneficial features has hot chocolate, with some composition of cocoa butter and cocoa beans.

In Europe, chocolate fountains have been popular for quite some time, the unusual thing of which is that chocolate is poured into them instead of water. Such original fountains began to spread in our country. Therefore, there is an opportunity to carve out a niche in business on chocolate fountains .
Such an “appetizing” chocolate fountain will not be superfluous at any event, but rather decorate it. The fountain can be placed at any holiday, whether it's a corporate party, a children's birthday, a wedding or an anniversary. The chocolate fountain will not leave any of the guests indifferent, but will give an amazing impression. You can decorate the fountain in the most diverse way, as soon as your heart desires. Usually pieces of fruit are laid out around it, which guests dip in flowing chocolate, thus turning it into an amazing dessert. Such an original business will allow you not only to make a good profit, but also to feel the holiday and experience a lot of positive emotions.

What is a chocolate fountain?

Technically, this is a metal structure of three or more tiers. The structure is powered by electricity. A special container constantly melts the chocolate, and tiers of the fountain are placed on top of it. Thus, liquid chocolate is constantly spreading through the fountain, creating a unique aroma in the room.

53% chocolate is best suited for the fountain, it has a high content of cocoa butter. This chocolate is not as viscous as others and has the ability to melt at the lowest temperature. Which country of origin to use chocolate - Belgium, Sweden, France, Russia - you choose. In addition, chocolate is not only white or black, to which we are already accustomed, but also colored. To obtain such an unusual chocolate, fruit extracts are used. When serving fruits or desserts with chocolate, remember that if they are sweet, it is better to serve dark chocolate, and sour or sweet and sour are best combined with white chocolate.

Main production of chocolate fountains concentrated in England, France, USA, China and Switzerland. If you want to start such a business, you just need to contact a representative of one of the manufacturing companies in your city. In order to understand the design and principle of operation of the fountain, special efforts are not required from you - everything is quite simple and accessible. The size and height of the fountain can be very different, most often from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. The fountain can run for as long as you want.

How to organize this business? We offer you two options:

  1. Place the fountain in the lobby of a cafe, restaurant, hotel, theater and more.
  2. To provide rental of the fountain to other persons for celebrations. The rental price includes delivery, installation, adjustment, maintenance of the fountain.

Let's see what it will be income from the "chocolate" business.
Let's consider a small fountain that can serve about 50 people. You will need 2.5 kg of chocolate ($50), fruit 7 kg ($30). The rent will be about $250. Estimated income is $170.
The chocolate fountain will pay off in about 1 month.
In this business, as in any other, advertising plays an important role. It's not a bad idea to run a paid demo show. This will make it easier to understand what demand will be and determine prices.

The chocolate fountain is another unique invention that is increasingly being used in the organization of holidays and celebrations. This sweet miracle delights both children and adults. The apparatus heats the chocolate to a liquid state, which then circulates through cascades, pouring from top to bottom - this is a real show. If you want to surprise your guests and make the holiday memorable, then a chocolate fountain is a great option..

For some, the chocolate fountain has become not only a unique product, but also a means of earning money.

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Business from scratch

A big plus of such a business is a very low investment for its opening. You need to purchase equipment: several chocolate fountains; raw materials and materials: chocolate, dishes, overalls. At this stage, it will take no more than 30 thousand rubles. Some of the funds may be spent on staff training and payment for the services of a technologist - this is about another 10 thousand rubles. It will take no more than 10 thousand rubles to register a business (a regular IP is enough) and other expenses. Thus, it is enough to invest no more than 50 thousand rubles to start a business. It's not the kind of big money anyone can find. There would be a desire.

How much can you earn?

The price of the service depends on the number of people for whom the chocolate fountain is calculated. Renting a chocolate fountain 50 cm high, designed for 50 people, will cost about 7,000 rubles for 3 hours. These are Moscow prices. In the regions, such a fountain will cost the customer about 4,000 rubles:

In fact, 15 clients per month will allow you to earn within 60 thousand rubles. Subtract from this amount:

  • 10% - raw materials and materials,
  • 5% - fuel,
  • 20% - confectioner's salary,
  • 5% - other expenses.

Thus, you can count on a profit of 35 - 40 thousand rubles per month. But this is taking into account the promotion of the business, because 15 orders per month still need to be found.

Each order, in turn, involves:

  • delivery, installation and dismantling of the fountain;
  • the work of the confectioner throughout the event;
  • providing free of charge all consumables (napkins, dishes, skewers);
  • special chocolate;
  • 3 hours of work (for each additional hour, you can charge from 500 to 1000 rubles).

Business Features

When opening this case, you need to consider several important points:

  • city ​​population,
  • the main audience of customers,
  • ways to advertise the service.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when opening a business is the size of the population of the city. In small towns with up to 200 thousand inhabitants, such a business will work very poorly. No matter how hard you try, there won't be enough customers. Therefore, the larger the city, the more solvent customers live in it, and this is very important for the "chocolate" business.

Next moment. The client of this service is special and it is not so easy to find him. The chocolate fountain can be offered at corporate events, anniversaries and birthdays, presentations and receptions, weddings and children's parties. The whole difficulty in attracting customers lies in the fact that this service is little known, especially in the regions.

Only active and intrusive advertising can help here. Be sure to create a group in in social networks, lay out the maximum number of colorful photo and video materials. Collaboration with holiday agencies, individuals (photographers, aero designers) and so on can be useful. Flyers and advertisements on the radio will not have any effect, since people will not understand what a “chocolate” fountain is.

Another budget way advertising services - work with cafes and restaurants. Some hookah owners used to work on this principle. You offer the cafe management to include your service in the menu, in return you leave them a certain percentage of each order (15-25%). If the management of the institution is accommodating, then you can print booklets and lay them out on each table of the institution. The visitor, waiting for his order, will definitely read your booklet, and may be interested in such a service.

Word of mouth, reviews of those who have already tried this service will help to develop the business. The main thing here is to do everything at the highest level, and customers will find you themselves.

A complex approach!

You can't earn much from one chocolate fountain. Therefore, many entrepreneurs simultaneously provide other services that fit into any celebration:

  • aero design;
  • mobile unit "cotton candy" and "popcorn";
  • fountain for drinks;
  • apples in caramel;
  • sweet gifts.

Of course, this will require completely different investments and hiring more employees. But such a list of services will allow you to receive orders almost on a weekly basis and will significantly increase the income of the entrepreneur.

What is the article about?

How to make money on chocolate fountains?

The organizers try to make everything as interesting as possible and in such a way that the guests are satisfied. Surely those people who often attend such events have noticed that almost everyone has a chocolate fountain and that it is extremely popular among guests, a crowd of people usually always lives around it.
Chocolate- it is first of all very delicious treat, which almost everyone loves, in addition, its benefits have been proven relatively recently, so all people can use it, but, of course, in limited quantities, and it’s a sin not to treat yourself to something delicious at events.
In Europe, chocolate fountains have long been popular and they look very impressive, because instead of water, the fountain pours delicious chocolate.
A chocolate fountain can be rented out, in principle, in this way you can earn money, especially since renting a fountain does not cost a penny at all, as many might think, but quite a normal amount of money.

Decorating chocolate fountains

Fountains are decorated in completely different ways, so they can fit into absolutely any event. Most often, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits on skewers are put next to the fountain, which are just the same and immersed in this fountain. The combination of fruit and chocolate is simply divine.
The chocolate fountain looks like a metal structure of three tiers, it works directly from the mains, a special container melts the chocolate, which then flows down directly along the tiers like a fountain.
Usually, chocolate is used for such a fountain, in which about fifty-three percent cocoa, it is considered that it is the most suitable, since the percentage of cocoa content is high enough, but the chocolate will not be too bitter.
Having decided to engage in this business, naturally you need to purchase such a fountain somewhere, and preferably not one, there is production in different countries, so the entrepreneur himself can find the most suitable option for him both in terms of transportation and cost. Fountains also come in different sizes, but most often choose those whose height does not exceed one and a half meters.

Chocolate fountain advertisement

In such a business, advertising is important, thanks to which customers learn that a similar service has become available. It is best to place fountains in well-known restaurants or hotel lobbies where they can be seen and where there are people willing to rent them.
During transportation, you will need to independently search for customers, this will allow you to quickly recoup all investments, and in general, in any business you should not just sit and wait, you always need to act.
Fountains look very impressive, so many people will probably want to get them for their own event, the main thing is to attract a client, provide a tempting discount or give a gift, in a word, use various tricky marketing moves that have already proved their effectiveness in practice.

The chocolate fountain made of high quality stainless steel is an elegant decoration for any birthday, wedding, party and other celebrations. If you don't know what it looks like, imagine several cascades of varying heights over which melted chocolate flows non-stop.

As soon as your guests see such a fountain, they will gather around it like bees around a pot of honey, anticipating the opportunity to try this delicious delicacy.

There are a number of things to consider before choosing a chocolate fountain.

First contact

How quickly does the supplier respond to your requests? Most information about the fountain should be on the manufacturer's website, but you may need more information. If you do not receive answers to your questions within 24 hours, then it is very likely that the company is not very interested in you as a client. Look for a more responsible seller.

Size matters

The most impressive are the 111 cm fountains with a capacity of 10 kg of chocolate. They are designed for 100 people.

If, for example, you need a small chocolate fountain for a children's party, then a 50 cm fountain with a capacity of 3 kg of chocolate will do. Dessert is enough for 30 people.

And for a celebration to which 70 people are invited, it is best to choose a fountain with a size of 90 cm and a capacity of 7 kg.

Trust the professionals

Some people who rent a fountain try to set it up without an operator to save on costs. However, this is a bad idea. Something can go wrong, and chocolate will end up not in the stomachs of your guests, but on their clothes and faces. Inexperienced users will not be able to provide an uninterrupted flow of chocolate. Or they won't know what to do if the chocolate fountain equipment fails.

Prioritize Longevity

Be careful when choosing a company that sells chocolate fountains. Look for reviews of her online. Find out how many years the company has been on the market.

Backlight and children

Illumination on a stand is often found in 3-4-tier fountains to increase their height. Remember that the lighting stand is very wide at the base (to give the impression of being taller). This means that if young children participate in the event, they will not be able to fully enjoy the experience of diving in the fountain, as they are too small in stature.

Not all chocolate is the same

If the price of a fountain looks too attractive to be true, then it doesn't "work" on high-quality chocolate. Many companies that offer chocolate fountain rentals for weddings and other celebrations use an inexpensive product, hoping for a not too demanding consumer. Therefore, before the start of the event, you should hold a tasting to see and try the product that will be offered to your family and guests. Chocolate with a high content of cocoa butter is suitable for the fountain. It begins to melt already at a temperature of about 35 ° C and has a low viscosity. Thanks to this, it is convenient to use it together with fruits and pastries to make fondue.

At the right time and in the right place

A commercial or homemade chocolate fountain should be installed away from air conditioning systems, swing doors, dance floors, exterior doors, etc. Being under a stream of cold air, the chocolate will begin to harden and will not flow well.

Never use the chocolate fountain outdoors. Most likely, you will have such a desire, but it is better to forget about it. There is nothing worse than a strong gust of wind that blows chocolate splashes right onto your clothes and your guests' outfits. Or an unexpected downpour can turn a chocolate fountain into a water fountain. And if there is no wind or rain, there will definitely be insects in the open air. Oh yeah, they love chocolate too.

If the holiday is firmly decided to be held in nature, then it is better to place the fountain in a tent or tent.

If the room is cold, the metal of the bowl and tiers will also be cold. This can cause the chocolate to harden and not flow properly.

Buying a new or used chocolate fountain for your home or corporate party will be a fun and delicious decision. You will see that you can do much more with such an object than just pour chocolate into it. At the same time, only you can answer the question “which chocolate fountain is better”, based on your aesthetic preferences and based on the number of invited guests.

A chocolate fountain can be the perfect centerpiece for any celebration, from a simple birthday to a grand wedding for 100 people. It is extremely easy to operate, fairly easy to clean, and will appeal to everyone from kids to adults.
