Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave? Home tips: what can be dried in the microwave. Oven - gas or electric


Diets and healthy eating 11.10.2017

Dear readers, autumn is the most wonderful time for mushroom pickers. I myself love walking through the forest, rejoicing at every mushroom I find. Of course, it doesn’t happen from year to year. This year we have very few mushrooms, but last year was very fruitful. But it’s one thing to collect mushrooms, and another thing to properly prepare them for the winter. One of the most popular and useful ways preparation is drying mushrooms.

Dad is in charge of all our mushroom preparations. I am always surprised with what joy, pleasure, and knowledge of the matter he takes apart, cleans, cuts mushrooms and how he then prepares them for drying. A whole art! Today, dear readers, we will talk about how to properly dry mushrooms at home for the winter.

Mushrooms are considered a perishable product, so if you want to make tasty and useful preparations for the winter, you need to act quite quickly. The drying process itself is not particularly complicated; the main thing, as I already said, is to prepare them correctly.

However, before drying mushrooms, let's first figure out which mushrooms should be preferred.

There are several types of mushrooms that are most often prepared for the winter.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms, in my opinion, are the most perfect mushrooms both for frying and drying. What is their most delicate taste what a aroma! From porcini mushrooms you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes: soups, decoctions, sauces, gravies, marinades and snacks.

They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, but in order to preserve them, it is important to know how to dry porcini mushrooms and in what conditions to store them. Always remember - the minimum benefit will help you retain the maximum benefit. heat treatment. Below we will discuss the intricacies of drying.


For winter preparations All types of butter are perfect. Butterflies have a large fleshy cap and a thick stem. Dishes made from these mushrooms turn out juicy and have a rich mushroom aroma.

Boletus mushrooms, like porcini mushrooms, also contain many useful substances that can be preserved if you know how to properly dry mushrooms for the winter.

Honey mushrooms

These mushrooms grow in whole families, so it’s quite difficult to pass them by. If you know the basic rules for drying mushrooms at home, you can not only enjoy honey mushrooms all winter, but also saturate your body with vitamins B, C, as well as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

You can make a lot of dried mushrooms original dishes: mushroom caviar, soups, onion and mushroom appetizer, mushroom pilaf, sauce, mushroom pies.

Dried honey mushrooms do not require special storage conditions, so you can easily make preparations for the whole winter.

Boletuses, boletuses, moss mushrooms, chanterelles

These mushrooms are also good and great for drying.

So, after we figured out our national preferences and talked about what mushrooms are dried for the winter, it’s time to learn about how to prepare them for drying.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that mushrooms are NEVER WASHED before drying. This is very important, because when they come into contact with water, the mushrooms become saturated with moisture and subsequently take too long to cook.

How to clean mushrooms from dirt and dust? Many experienced mushroom pickers advise doing this very carefully with a slightly moistened sponge. Other mushroom experts believe that it is better not to hydrate mushrooms at all. We usually use a sharp knife and a brush or sponge to shake off dirt and stuck needles.

Remember, soft, overripe or wormy mushrooms are not suitable for drying, so before you start drying, you should carefully sort the mushrooms.

Mushrooms can be dried whole or cut into several parts. In the first case, the drying process will take longer. If you decide to cut mushrooms, try to do it so that you get neat pieces of approximately the same size. Mushrooms cut into pieces must be dried immediately, otherwise they will become weathered and the quality of the product will decrease.

And now is the time to choose the appropriate method for drying mushrooms, which you can use at home.

You can dry mushrooms at home using one of the following methods:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a convection oven;
  • in an electric dryer.

Drying mushrooms in the sun

This method is the simplest, most economical and natural. In order to dry mushrooms in the sun, they are strung on a thread or laid out in a thin layer on a wire rack. Our dad always cuts mushrooms into strips. It’s beautiful, and it dries faster.

The mushrooms should be turned several times to ensure they dry evenly. You cannot dry mushrooms in the wind, otherwise a lot of dust will fall on them. If the weather has changed and it has become rainy, then the mushrooms are put away under a canopy or dried in the oven or in other ways, which will be discussed below.

Drying mushrooms using this method can take up to several days to 2 weeks. It all depends on the size of the mushrooms and weather conditions. Mushrooms dry faster if they are cut into small pieces.

In our family, mushrooms are usually dried on a string. Take a fishing line and a nylon thread, distribute the mushrooms evenly and hang them in a ventilated place. The smallest mushrooms can be dried whole. We always cut the big ones.

Please note that mushrooms for drying in the sun should not be placed on metal trays or baking sheets, otherwise they may turn black and lose their taste.

Drying mushrooms in the oven of a gas or electric stove

Experienced mushroom pickers often argue about how to dry mushrooms in the oven. Some say that this should be done with the oven door slightly open at a temperature of 70-80 ˚C, others say that the oven should be completely closed, and the temperature should not rise above 50-60 ˚C.

To dry mushrooms in the oven, cut them into thin slices of approximately the same size and place them on wire racks placed on baking sheets. The temperature in the oven should be about 65-75˚C so that the mushrooms dry well but do not start to crumble.

While you are drying the mushrooms in the oven, the racks should be swapped. In 5-6 hours, the mushrooms will be completely ready, and you will be able to remove your preparations before the onset of winter. We usually dry the mushrooms in several batches and close the oven. After drying them in the oven, many mushroom pickers advise stringing them on a thread and drying them in any warm place in your home.

You can watch the video for more information about drying mushrooms in the oven.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

There is a microwave in almost every home today. This miracle oven allows you to heat, stew, bake and even dry food. That is why in our conversation I would like to tell you about how to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

Preparing mushrooms for drying microwave oven the same - we traditionally peel mushrooms and cut them into small slices. Glass trays or flat plates are used to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

The drying process itself consists of the following stages:

  • spread out raw mushrooms thin layer on a glass tray;
  • turn on the oven for 20 minutes (at a power of 100-170 W);
  • after the signal, open the oven, remove the mushrooms and drain the water from their surface;
  • Repeat the 20-minute drying cycle several more times.

Drying mushrooms in an air fryer

Before drying mushrooms in an air fryer, it is important to prepare not only the product itself, but also the equipment. The key to high-quality drying in an air fryer is the optimal mode, which is selected based on the number of mushrooms and the size of the mushroom slices. For drying, you will need a wire rack (for large mushrooms) and a mesh basket (for small ones), which is included in the standard configuration of the air fryer.

In an air fryer, mushrooms are dried better than in the oven - they do not bake or darken, but acquire a delicate golden hue.

During the process of drying in an air fryer, mushrooms retain most of their vitamins and nutrients, so by choosing this method, you can be sure that you will get not only a tasty, but also a healthy product.

Drying mushrooms in an electric dryer

If you have an electric fruit and vegetable dryer, you can also use it to dry mushrooms.

The drying technology in this case is similar to that used in an air fryer. Pre-prepared slices of mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on the racks, the drying temperature (50-60 ˚C) and time (optimally 3-6 hours) are set. The drying period will depend on the number of mushrooms and their thickness.

Already in the summer, a thrifty housewife begins to think about what she will feed her family in the winter, when prices for fruits, vegetables and herbs “bite.” During the harvest, there is intense work - everyone is preparing compotes, juices, jams, canned goods, but the simplest and cheapest preservation option is drying.

The main advantage of such storage of products is the preservation of all nutrients and vitamins, flavonoids, and microelements. Fiber (pectins) improves digestion, microelements improve health and stimulate brain activity.

It is also important for the housewife that dried products take up little space. We will learn more about how to properly dry apples in the microwave for the winter, as well as prepare mushrooms and herbs, medicinal and aromatic herbs.

How to dry apples in the microwave at home

Rules for preparing apples:

  • To prepare dried apples, it is advisable to take winter sour varieties. If you still dry the summer harvest, it is better with the skin, but the quality of the harvest will be lower;
  • the fruits must be selected undamaged and without worms;
  • Wash and dry the apples thoroughly;
  • cut the apples into small slices up to 5 mm, remove the core (for compote, you don’t have to remove it);
  • It is recommended to soak the slices in salted water (20 grams of salt per liter of water) for 3-4 minutes. She will lighten dried apples, protects against insects and increases shelf life.

Important. It is better to dry apples from your garden with the peel, they contain many useful substances. And if you bought the fruit in a store, it is better to do without the peel.

Let's consider step by step process– how to dry apples in the microwave for the winter:

  • Place the apple slices on a plate covered with a cotton cloth in a thin layer;
  • put in the microwave, dry at 200 watts for 1 minute. The drying time depends on the size and juiciness of the pieces;
  • remove the plate, turn the slices over to the other side and dry again at the same power for 1-2 minutes;
  • every half a minute check the condition of the apples, if after turning them off they are damp, turn them on again for 20 - 30 seconds;
  • When the slices are ready, the skin will become dull and the flesh will not stick to your hands. The slices will become creamy and soft to the touch;
  • Remove the pieces from the oven and dry them additionally in the open air by spreading a cloth towel on the table and laying out the slices in one layer.

It is better to store any dried fruits in a glass container or in a durable fabric bag in a cool, dry place.

Drying greens and herbs

The microwave can handle the preparation of dried herbs and fragrant herbs, which add a special aroma and taste to dishes. And if the greens are grown in your own garden, then it will be the cheapest and most environmentally friendly product. Usually dill, parsley, basil, mint, celery, lemon balm and other plants are dried.

Important. To preserve the natural aroma and taste, drying herbs and herbs should be done as quickly as possible.

Step-by-step instructions for drying dill in the microwave:

  • Wash the branches without stems and place in a colander;
  • chop finely, place on a paper or cotton towel in a thin layer;
  • cover with the same towel on top so that the greens do not burn;
  • put a plate of greens in the microwave, press a weight on top, for example, put a glass of water;
  • dry for 3 minutes at a power of about 800 W;
  • Periodically (every 30 seconds) check the degree of readiness; you can extend the process by 10 - 20 seconds if the greens are damp.

Store herbs in a cool, dark room in airtight bags; shelf life is one year.

Important. Well-dried leaves turn pale, become dry and brittle.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

Dry mushrooms are a good help for the housewife in winter; you can diversify the menu and save money. Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave, and what types, they contain a lot of moisture, can a microwave oven handle it? We'll tell you how to effectively prepare dried mushrooms.

It is advisable to dry tubular and marsupial types of mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus, morels, truffles), while lamellar ones do not taste bitter and dry well honey mushrooms and champignons.

Preparation process:

  • mushrooms must be selected that are dense, whole, and without rot;
  • There is no need to wash them, they will absorb a lot of moisture and will not dry out for a long time. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms with a brush and wipe with a damp cloth;
  • for noble mushrooms, the caps are cut into slices, the stems into 2 cm slices, for chanterelles, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, only the caps are taken and cut into 1 cm slices;
  • It is advisable to dry (wither) the mushrooms before the main drying in the microwave; this can be done in any room or in the sun. If they are not dried, they may release juice in the oven.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave:

  • place the chopped mushrooms on a wire rack, dish, tray, spreading a cloth napkin or towel;
  • Place in the microwave for 15 minutes at minimum mode 100 - 180 W. The duration of processing may vary, it all depends on the thickness and moisture content of the slices;
  • remove the dish, drain the accumulated liquid, ventilate the oven for 5 - 10 minutes from moisture;
  • do a second drying, then a second airing, and so on several times;
  • After drying, place the mushrooms on a table in the open air and leave for half an hour.

Important. After each cycle, you need to check the mushrooms. If they quickly break and crumble, it means they are too dry. Properly dried mushrooms should be flexible and not break immediately.

Mushrooms should be stored in glass containers or in durable moisture-proof bags in a dry place with good ventilation. The best, but expensive option is a vacuum container.

Drying berries

You can also dry berries in the microwave, as they are much healthier than in the form of jam. It is better to dry large berries - strawberries, grapes, cherries. For aromatic tea and compote, currants and raspberries (slightly unripe) are dried; you can also prepare rowan berries, blueberries, and chokeberries. Dried berries preserve everything useful material, A chokeberry(aka chokeberry) becomes less tart. The berries are selected whole, firm, and collected in warm, sunny weather.

Berries are dried almost the same way as greens:

  • lay out on a tray or dish covered with a paper towel in small portions;
  • cover the top with the same towel;
  • the power is set to 200 W, the drying time is 3 – 5 minutes, since there is more moisture in the berries;
  • It is necessary to dry in several stages, constantly checking the degree of readiness (every half a minute).

There are many options for using dry preparations, but first they need to be washed with running water and then soaked for several hours in cool water. Cooking will become easier, and the taste and aroma will be brighter.

According to the season, you have the opportunity to collect a large amount, but in fresh this product very little is stored, so it needs to be either or. Today we will discuss the second option, and also talk about the main drying options and what to store dried mushrooms in.

What mushrooms are suitable for drying?

Before understanding all the intricacies of drying, it’s worth first talking about which ones can be dried.

It is the tubular mushrooms that are worth drying, since they, unlike lamellar mushrooms, do not acquire bitterness during the drying process.

The best types for drying:

  • boletus;
All these types do not lose their taste during the drying process and do not acquire bitterness, so they can be used to prepare any dishes.

If you are not afraid of bitterness or know ways to deal with it, then you can dry the cherry blossoms.

The list of suitable species does not include very small ones, such as mouse mushrooms. The thing is that during the drying process, raw materials lose up to 90% of their mass. And if the raw material already weighs less than 20-30 g, then there will be practically nothing left of it - it is better to preserve such species.

Preparing mushrooms

Before you start drying, you need to prepare the collected ones.

Let's make a small digression and talk about the required quality of raw materials. The fact is that if you have collected old or rotten mushrooms, then it is best to trim them and immediately use them for cooking, rather than try to dry them. Only young mushrooms that are of good quality and undamaged are suitable for drying.
Let's return to preparation: immediately after collection, the raw materials must be cleaned of debris and soil, but under no circumstances should they be washed. If moisture gets on the product, then it will dry much longer, and the taste will deteriorate significantly.

Immediately after cleaning, the mushrooms are sorted, removing rotten ones and trimming damaged ones.

Important! To prevent product cuts from darkening, trimming should be done using a stainless steel knife.

Drying methods


The simplest drying option that does not require the use of any equipment.

It is worth understanding that it should be carried out in the summer or at the end of spring - beginning of autumn, so that the products can be dried in a fairly short time.

  1. Before drying, all mushrooms are cut into slices. You can separate the stem to make drying faster.
  2. The plates are strung on a fishing line so that they do not touch each other, otherwise the raw materials at the points of contact will not dry out well and will not be stored. You can also use wooden trays or paper, but in this case you will need a large enough area to lay out the raw materials.
  3. All prepared mushrooms are placed in a place where they will not be exposed to dust or rain. In this case, the place should be well warmed by the sun and well ventilated so that drying occurs faster.
  4. After laying out or hanging the products, cover everything with a net with small cells to prevent flies from landing.
It is worth remembering that the entire product must dry in 1-2 days, otherwise you will overdry it and it will simply begin to crumble.

Did you know? Since the mushroom is considered a cross between animals and plants, we can say that this living organism is the largest creature on earth. This proves it, which was found in Oregon. Its area was 900 hectares.

In the oven

Drying mushrooms in the oven is different in that in this case more depends on you than when drying them in the fresh air, so you should understand that improvisation in this case can ruin a large amount of raw materials.

An oven that has an additional airflow function is best suited for drying, since without it you will have to open the door to have at least some air circulation. If there is no airflow, the drying process will slow down significantly.

  1. We need to take iron grates, which are usually used for grilling, place mushrooms on them in one layer and put them in the oven.
  2. Set the temperature to around 60-70° C and, if necessary, open the oven door slightly.
  3. Every 15-20 minutes, the racks need to be swapped so that all the mushrooms dry equally well.
As for drying time, it is quite difficult to determine. Firstly, each type has a different amount of moisture, secondly, a lot depends on the dimensions of the oven and the size of the baking sheet, and thirdly, on the quality of the blowing.

You need to dry until they shrink several times. At the same time, they should not feel oily to the touch, but rather dry.

Important! Do not raise the temperature, otherwise you will bake the mushrooms rather than dry them.

In an electric dryer

Perhaps you will get the highest quality product if you dry it in. Of course, technology will not replace all the delights of natural drying, but you certainly cannot spoil the product.

  1. The raw materials are cleaned and cut into thin slices. Choose the thickness yourself, but take into account the fact that if the product is small, then it makes no sense to cut it into slices that are too thin.
  2. Everything is laid out in one layer on each tier of the dryer, and the temperature is set to 55° C.
  3. We wait from 2 to 6 hours until our mushrooms are completely dry.
This variation in time is due to the fact that the thickness of the cut plates directly affects the drying time. For this reason, the time has to be determined by eye, periodically checking readiness.

As a rule, absolutely all mushrooms can be dried in this way - both tubular () and lamellar, especially in such home conditions that do not allow drying the products in the open air.

In the microwave

Let's also consider the option of how to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

This cannot be said to be the optimal technique for drying, but in the absence of other options, it can also be used for our purposes.

  1. We clean and cut the raw materials.
  2. Take a plate or baking sheet that is suitable for the microwave. Ideally, of course, you need to use a wire rack, but in the absence of one, you can use any non-metal utensils.
  3. We lay everything out in a thin layer, set it to 100-180 W, and “dry” for about 20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the microwave must be opened for 15 minutes so that all the moisture comes out. Then close and repeat again.
  5. The optimal number of repetitions is 2-3 times, but if the mushrooms are cut into thick slices, then you can increase it up to 4-5 times.
It is worth remembering that the output you can get is: finished product, and a kind of semi-finished product that will still need to be dried outside. It all depends on the size and wateriness of the mushroom.

How to determine readiness

Readiness is very difficult to determine, so in this case, only practice and experience are important.

Autumn is the time to collect and dry mushrooms for the winter. Both adults and children go on a quiet hunt for mushrooms in the forest, trying to enjoy a wonderful time in the fresh air, excellent relaxation, and contemplation of unique landscapes. If mushroom season is in full swing, the result will usually be a huge basket or just a large bucket of mushrooms. What can you do with mushrooms? The ideal option is to send it to jars, preparing a variety of marinades and salads. But in winter you really want to treat your family aromatic soup, reminiscent of a wonderful time spent in the forest. Pickled mushrooms are not suitable for this; you will have to start drying the mushroom harvest, but for this you need to know all the rules of a difficult process.

Preparing mushrooms for drying

Before drying, mushrooms must be carefully sorted, adhering to the main rule - place the lamellar ones in another container; they are perfect for salads or pickles. Tubular ones are also not suitable for drying; large and soft ones will simply crumble into gunpowder.

What mushrooms are dried:

  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • Polish;
  • boletus;
  • white.

Carefully inspect each mushroom, because adding dried small worms to the soup does not attract anyone. Trim the wormy parts to clean pulp and discard immediately. A little secret - the knife for cutting out damaged areas and wormholes must be stainless, otherwise the flesh will take on a dark, unsightly shade.

They should be sorted under the supervision of an experienced mushroom picker, because it is quite difficult to distinguish poisonous ones. If any is in doubt, throw it away immediately without risking the health and even the life of your loved ones.
It is not worth washing mushrooms intended for drying, they are easily deformed, and then they will have to dry much longer - the tubular caps, like a sponge, will absorb the liquid.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

The most popular option for preparing dried ones is to use regular oven. You can dry mushrooms as follows: electric oven, and in the oven of a gas stove. To do this, after cleaning they should be cut into flat slices. Slices that are too thick will not work; you will have to dry them for a long time, but there is a risk that they will remain soft inside.

Especially for the process of drying mushrooms, you can purchase thick stainless steel grates that allow hot air to circulate, thereby speeding up the process. You cannot use ordinary baking sheets; the pieces will only soften on them, but will not dry out.

At what temperature should you dry mushrooms in the oven? The ideal temperature for drying is 50 degrees. At a higher level, there is a risk of getting a baked product, the shelf life of which is very short, and the taste of the prepared dish will change, giving it a slightly burnt taste.

It is important to keep the oven door slightly open while drying mushrooms. You can place a matchbox or folded towel under it. This is quite enough to evaporate moisture from the mushroom plates.

It is easy to check the readiness of the product - if it bends easily, but does not crumble or break, you can turn off the oven. If the plates crumble, they are too dry; if pressing with your finger leaves a dent, extend the process for another few hours.

Watch the video: how to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven

How to store dried mushrooms at home? Hot pieces should be cooled, only then sent to glass containers, clean and dry. Store the product in a cool place with the lid tightly closed.

Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave?

Drying using a microwave is a simple but rather troublesome process. The ideal product will be obtained if you first keep the cut slices outside. To do this, place them on a wire rack or baking sheets lined with thick parchment. Only after this process can you start drying mushrooms in the microwave.

It is important to cut the mushroom pieces into even pieces, otherwise they will cook unevenly - some will be dry, others completely raw.

Place the prepared, dried plates on a microwave plate covered with confectionery parchment. Turn on low power. Set the drying time for mushrooms in the microwave to 20-25 minutes.

After the microwave oven signal, carefully open the door and check the condition of the mushrooms. If a lot of moisture has been released, change the paper and put in dry paper. Ventilate the contents of the microwave and repeat the process after a quarter of an hour. Continue drying until the records are completely dry.

Storage dried mushrooms at home. Store the finished mushroom slices in containers with tight-fitting lids. The room should be cool and semi-dark. If stored improperly, dried mushroom slices may harbor moths; using the product for cooking is strictly prohibited.

How to dry mushrooms at home on a thread

Even grandparents dried mushrooms in the simplest and most primitive ways. You will need a minimum of equipment - a thick thread and a long needle. Large mushrooms should be cut into slices to speed up the drying process. String the pieces of mushrooms onto threads, trying to sort them – caps to caps, stems to stems. The bottom part dries much faster than the top. Once the process is complete, it is easier to send them for storage.

How to dry mushrooms on a string? Hang threads with strung pieces of mushrooms in well-ventilated areas. It's good if it's warm there, cool temperatures will slow down the process. In hot, sunny weather, the threads are hung outside, but here the mushrooms can become bait for flies. It’s easy to protect drying with gauze or thin translucent fabric.

Mushrooms dried in this way may be softer than those dried in the oven or microwave. You can bring them to the desired state using kitchen appliances, half an hour is enough for this.

How to properly dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The lucky owners of an electric dryer will have to put in a little effort to prepare the ideal component. mushroom soup. The device will easily turn pieces of mushrooms into dryers, but there are a few basic rules that must be strictly adhered to.

Mushrooms should be prepared for drying carefully, after cleaning, cutting them into slices, trying to make them even in thickness. Place them on the appliance racks in one row. Electric dryers differ in volume; sometimes several kilograms of mushrooms are placed in such a device.

After filling the electric dryer, all that remains is to turn on a low temperature, wait a few hours and unload the finished product, sending a new portion for drying. It is important to store mushrooms prepared for the next load in the electric dryer in the refrigerator. Room temperature can spoil the product in a few hours, and worms are especially active in spoiling the pulp in warm, comfortable conditions.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

If during a quiet hunt you were lucky enough to collect boletus mushrooms, it is better to send most of them for drying. Only this dried variety can add an ideal taste and unique aroma to a dish.
Drying porcini mushrooms requires special preparation of the product, because they are fleshy, which will complicate the process. It is better to first cut them into equal parts, carefully removing areas damaged by worms.
Old legs can be immediately added to soup, fried with sour cream or potatoes. They are not suitable for drying - they will easily disintegrate into fibers during the process. Soft old hats also do not store well and take a long time to dry. You can boil them, grind them in a meat grinder and cook delicious juicy cutlets.

You can dry porcini mushrooms using an electric dryer, oven, microwave and in the sun, in the fresh air. All methods are ideal for turning fresh boletus into a dry product. Storage of dried porcini mushrooms is traditional - in small containers with a tight-fitting lid, bags made of durable paper, cardboard boxes.

Dried mushroom slices can easily be turned into a wonderful seasoning using a blender. When preparing soup or main courses, just add a few tablespoons of aromatic mushroom powder to the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

Food moths are a terrible enemy of dried mushrooms. It is recommended that you check your inventory carefully frequently. If a pest is detected, immediately sort out the entire product. The small number of flying individuals allows you to save dried mushrooms by throwing away suspicious pieces. If larvae appear, you will have to throw away the product; it is no longer possible to save it.

You can protect dried mushrooms from moisture by placing a small container of salt in close proximity. For the same purpose, you can put a linen bag of rice directly into the bag or container with the product. The cereal will perfectly absorb excess moisture, but sometimes you need to remove the bag, dry it and fill it with fresh rice.

Watch the video: how to store dried mushrooms in an apartment

Porcini mushrooms, or porcini mushrooms, are very attractive in appearance. They have a thick, fleshy leg and a large cap, and the taste of the pulp is extremely pleasant, not only when fried or salted, but also dried. Drying is considered the most in a simple way preserving the harvest throughout the winter, especially since this process does not require significant labor, and dried mushrooms can be an excellent addition to any dishes.

If you plan to dry boletus mushrooms for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with the details of this process and drying methods in advance, because the quality of the preparation will depend on this. Useful tips You will find information on how to dry porcini mushrooms at home correctly in our article today.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

All fresh fruit bodies contain a lot of water in the pulp, so they are not intended for long-term storage in its raw form. Within a few days they wither, lose density and taste. Therefore, immediately after collection, care must be taken to preserve boletus mushrooms throughout the winter.

Note: There are many ways to prepare them, and boletus mushrooms are considered universal, since they do not lose their taste after salting, pickling, freezing or drying. The last method is considered the simplest, since you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on the preparation.

The main purpose of drying is to remove most of the moisture from their pulp naturally. This way you will get a high-quality workpiece that can be stored in a dry glass jar with the lid on for months, and in some cases years. During the process of drying and removing moisture, microorganisms die in the pulp, which simply cannot live and reproduce in such a dry environment.

Despite the fact that drying boletus mushrooms is considered the easiest way to prepare them, you need to properly prepare for this process. Only if certain conditions are met will the preparation turn out to be truly tasty, healthy and aromatic.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

They play a key role in the quality drying of boletus mushrooms. proper preparation. It is advisable to send them for processing as quickly as possible, since during storage the pulp loses density, taste and aroma (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Preparation of fruiting bodies

Since all mushrooms, especially tubular ones, which include boletus, quickly absorb moisture, they cannot be washed before drying. It is enough to simply remove the remaining soil, leaves and other debris from their surface. Heavily soiled specimens can be lightly wiped with a dry cloth or scraped with the back of a knife. It is also advisable to cut off the lower part of the stem, on which particles of earth may remain. This is where the preparation ends. All that remains is to choose the appropriate method for drying boletus mushrooms at home.

How to properly cut mushrooms for drying

Usually boletus mushrooms are dried whole, laying them out with their caps down or hanging on a thread. But in some cases, in order to save time, especially large specimens are cut into pieces (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Slicing methods

Slicing boletus mushrooms for drying is practiced only if they are treated with warm air from a stove or oven. It is technologically correct to cut large specimens lengthwise, dividing both the stem and the cap in half. In the future, such prepared boletus mushrooms can be placed on a baking sheet or strung on long metal or wooden knitting needles. In this case, the fruiting bodies dry evenly and do not burn. Small ones may not be cut, as there is a high risk of over-drying them in a hot oven. But cutting large specimens will help make them more uniform, simplify the drying process and make it of better quality.

How to properly dry porcini mushrooms at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to dry porcini mushrooms in a real oven, although this method is considered the best, since the finished products retain their color, taste and aroma. But city residents should not be upset: they can be dried efficiently in other ways, and the finished boletus mushrooms will turn out almost as good as those treated with warm air in the oven.

In general, drying methods are divided into two types. The first involves preparing boletus in the fresh air: for example, in the sun or on a thread suspended in the attic. The second type involves the use of various equipment and other benefits of civilization: ovens, microwaves or special electric dryers. To make it easier for you to choose the appropriate method, we will look at each of them in more detail.

Drying mushrooms on a string

Stringing boletus mushrooms on a thread for drying is considered one of the oldest harvesting methods. The thread can be hung near the stove or stove, or in any other place where the boletus mushrooms will be blown with warm air (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Thread drying

First of all, you need to properly prepare the harvest. Mushrooms are cleared of debris and parted with soil, the lower part of the stem is cut off. Small boletus mushrooms are strung whole on a thread, and large specimens are cut into two parts along the stem. Thread or twine is threaded through the central part of the leg so that during the drying process the fungus does not fall off the thread. In the future, such a blank can be hung in a warm, well-ventilated room. You can speed up the drying process if the mushrooms are located near a warm radiator, stove or stove.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the sun

In general, it is not customary to dry boletus mushrooms in the bright sun, since in this case their pulp will lose moisture too quickly, the workpiece will turn out dry and will begin to crumble during storage.

Note: If you still prefer to dry the boletus mushrooms naturally, you can lay them out on a baking sheet or string them on a string, and then move them to a warm room with good ventilation and moderate lighting. It is important that the fruiting bodies do not come into contact with each other, so the boletus mushrooms are laid out in one layer, caps down.

If you are using a metal baking tray, it is advisable to cover it with straw or dry leaves and only then lay out the fruiting bodies. If you do not do this, the workpiece will develop a pronounced metallic taste.

The sun drying method is extremely popular among those who go to the forest for several days and cannot process the harvested crop in any other way (Figure 4). To do this, you will need wooden knitting needles (ramrods) on which boletus mushrooms are strung. It is advisable to use wooden sticks, since contact with metal may cause the fruiting bodies to darken. Small specimens are strung whole on ramrods, while large specimens can either be cut in half or the cap separated from the stem. Regardless of the size of the fruiting bodies, they must be strung in such a way that they do not touch each other.

Figure 4. Sun drying options

Next, the ramrods are inserted into the stand so that the knitting needles are positioned vertically. For example, for this purpose you can use a box or other container with sand or earth. The prepared cleaning rods are transferred to the windward side and left in the sun for 2-3 days. It is better to cover the top of the mushrooms with a loose cloth or gauze so that flies and other insects do not land on them. It should be borne in mind that when using this method, it will not be possible to completely dry the mushrooms and they will have to be dried in a stove or oven.

In electric and gas oven

The principle of drying in an electric oven is approximately the same as in a wood-burning oven. It is advisable to place the boletus mushrooms not on a wire rack, but on baking sheets covered with parchment paper. Then they will not absorb the unpleasant metallic smell and taste (Figure 5).

In general, drying mushrooms in the oven looks like this:

  1. Prepared boletus mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet with their caps down. Large specimens are cut lengthwise or the cap is separated from the stem.
  2. The baking sheet is placed in the oven and the temperature is turned on to 50-55 degrees. In such conditions, the fruiting bodies should languish for several hours.
  3. Next, take the boletus mushrooms out of the oven, let them cool a little and put them back in the oven, but turn the temperature up to +70 degrees.

Figure 5. Oven drying process

It is important that there is enough air inside the oven during the process. If there are no ventilation holes inside, the door should be kept slightly open so that warm air evenly blows across all the fruiting bodies.

Such drying allows you to evenly remove moisture from the fruiting bodies, but dry out the mushrooms. Otherwise, as when treated with too hot air, the mushrooms will become too brittle and will crumble during storage.

In the microwave

A small amount of mushrooms can be dried in a regular microwave. To do this, prepared boletus mushrooms are laid out on a plate and placed in the oven. The microwave power should be at the level of 100-200 W. The drying time in this case is only 18 minutes.

Figure 6. Microwave drying

Next, you need to take them out, let them cool completely and repeat the procedure two or three times. The number of approaches depends on the size of the fruiting bodies: small ones lose moisture much faster than large ones (Figure 6). If you still notice that the boletus mushrooms are not completely dry, you can cook them in the sun or in the oven.

In an electric dryer

An excellent example of household appliances is an electric dryer, in which you can dry vegetables, fruits, spicy and healing herbs, as well as mushrooms. However, it should be borne in mind that the duration of cooking whole boletus mushrooms in such a device will be very long, so it is better to immediately cut large specimens into small pieces.

Figure 7. Placement of fruiting bodies in an electric dryer

To make the preparation, the fruiting bodies are laid out on a drying rack so that they do not touch each other and the temperature is set to +55 degrees. In such conditions, boletus mushrooms should be treated with warm air for 6-9 hours, but the duration directly depends on the power of the equipment and its model (Figure 7).

In general, we can say that an electric dryer is the best modern way of preparing boletus mushrooms for the winter. The chamber of this device creates the most suitable conditions for treating fruiting bodies with warm air, and a constant supply of oxygen leads to uniform evaporation of moisture. As a result, finished dried mushrooms retain their unique taste and aroma.

How to store dried porcini mushrooms

It is important not only to properly prepare and dry the mushrooms, but also to preserve them until the new “quiet hunting” season. Despite the fact that pathogenic microorganisms do not multiply in moisture-deprived pulp, under certain conditions they can still deteriorate.

Firstly, they should be stored only in clean and dry glass jars with a tight lid (Figure 8). If desired, plastic containers can be used for the same purpose. However, it is necessary to ensure that such a container does not have a characteristic unpleasant odor. The fact is that dried mushrooms absorb odors well, and the aroma of plastic can spoil the preparation.

Figure 8. Storage options for finished products

Secondly, moisture should not be allowed to get into the container. Otherwise, fungi will begin to develop inside the jar or container, and the product will acquire a persistent musty smell. This product should not be eaten, so wash and dry the container in which you will place the dried boletus mushrooms in advance.

In addition, there are often cases when, during the drying process, the fruiting bodies lose too much moisture and become brittle and brittle. Naturally, it will not be possible to save them entirely, as they will quickly begin to crumble. But this does not mean that the workpiece is completely damaged. You can always make mushroom powder from it, which can also be a great addition to your favorite dishes. To do this, boletus mushrooms are placed in a blender or coffee grinder and crushed until smooth. If there are large pieces in the powder, you can grind it again, and to add spice and piquancy to the product, you can add salt and black peppercorns to it. This powder should be stored in the same dry glass jar with a tight lid.

If you have never dried porcini mushrooms at home, we suggest you watch the video, which shows all the details of this process.
