Homemade french fries in a slow cooker. Recipe for delicious french fries cooked in a slow cooker. Kitchen appliances and utensils

Golden sticks of potatoes, obtained by frying in a large amount of heated vegetable oil. Crispy on top, soft and tender on the inside. Yes, today I will tell you how to make french fries in a slow cooker and reveal some of the subtleties of cooking.

Recipe for french fries in a slow cooker

Kitchen appliances and utensils: knife and cutting board, multicooker, portion plate.


Step by step cooking

Important! When cooking french fries, a lot of steam comes out of the outlet valve of the multicooker, so it is better to place the device under the hood.

Recipe video

Never cooked french fries in a slow cooker. Watch this video and find out what mode to cook on, what temperature to set and how long it will take.


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • It would seem that it could be easier cooking french fries, but here there are some nuances. It turns out that not all potatoes are suitable for cooking in this way. Choose medium-sized tubers (5-7 cm) with a round or oval shape. They should be tight and firm. The peel should be smooth, free from diseases and pests, without greening. Eyes should be shallow and clean (no signs of decay). When cleaning and cutting, the tuber should not crack or split.
  • It is desirable that potatoes contain at least 20% dry matter, and reducing sugars no more than 0.4-0.5%. Tubers with these properties are suitable for frying: they do not darken, do not acquire a bitter taste and do not crumble in a pan or deep-fried.

    Varieties fit these criteria: Nadezhda, Lorch, Leader, Kolobok, Loshitsky, Zhukovsky early, Impala, Feloks and others. They have a feature - they keep starch from breaking down into sugars, so that the slices retain their shape when frying.

  • What is the best oil for frying? Any vegetable refined and deodorized oil is suitable: sunflower, peanut or rapeseed. Rapeseed contains the least amount of bad fats, and it is absolutely neutral in taste, that is, it does not interrupt the pure potato taste and aroma.

Before frying potatoes, you should:

  • Soak it in cold water. This will help remove excess moisture and starch.
  • After that, do not forget to dry it, otherwise the oil will splatter very much and shoot to the sides due to water ingress.
  • The oil must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees, and ideally 170 degrees. At a higher temperature, it burns, smoke appears and its properties change for the worse. You can determine the temperature without a thermometer as follows: dip one piece of potato into the heated oil, and if a lot of bubbles appear around it, then the temperature is right.
  • Do not put a lot of potatoes at a time, otherwise it will be raw and not fried, it is better to divide into several portions.
  • After deep-frying, spread it on paper napkins or towels so that they absorb the maximum amount of oil.

If you don't have a slow cooker, you can cook "french fries in a skillet or pot" instead. Or try to make — french fries in the oven —. An alternative to french fries is simply baked. By the way, it turns out very tasty and much healthier potatoes in the oven - in a rustic way -.

How to serve and with what

French fries are served freshly cooked (hot frying) as long as they are nicely crunchy. It is not worth preparing it in advance, because after half an hour it will lose its properties, soften and stop crunching. French fries can be served as a side dish and as an independent dish. They approach him various sauces: tomato, sweet and sour, barbecue, barbecue and others.

I think that you managed to cook delicious, crispy french fries according to my recipe. How do you prepare this dish? Share in the comments.

All existing multicookers do not have any global differences, since their main purpose is cooking. The only thing where there may be a discrepancy is the name of the mode and the duration of cooking. These basic criteria determine the power and functional potential of kitchen gadgets. Also, depending on the model, the volume of the multicooker bowl may vary. Therefore, this factor will affect the portion sizes of fries that can be cooked. However, in general, the process of frying French fries in a Polaris and Redmond multicooker is similar. However, this conclusion can be drawn by reading the recipes that we have prepared for you.

To make french fries you will need the following products:

  • 6 medium potatoes
  • 800 ml sunflower oil

How to cook french fries:

  1. Peel the potatoes from the skin, cut into bars.
  2. Pour cold water into a saucepan, salt a little and put potato straws in it for half an hour. This will remove unwanted starch.
  3. Put this pan on the fire and cook for 9 minutes. Moreover, the water in which the potatoes were lying does not need to be drained. It will need to be poured after cooking. By the way, the bars should remain undercooked.
  4. On a paper towel, let the potatoes cool and dry.
  5. Pour into multicooker sunflower oil and heat it by turning on the “Free” mode.
  6. Next, carefully lower the potatoes and cook until golden brown.
  7. Soak the fries with paper towels.
  8. Serve with vegetables, herbs or sauce to taste.

Spicy cooking option

To prepare fragrant and delicious crispy fries in a slow cooker, prepare these ingredients:

  • seven potatoes
  • 0.7 l sunflower oil
  • salt, mixture ground peppers, paprika

What to do:

  1. Peel the tubers, cut into bars and dry.
  2. In another bowl, combine seasonings, salt and oil (two tablespoons will be enough).
  3. Pour the butter mixture over the potatoes, stir and set aside.
  4. In the meantime, turn on the “Baking” program on the multicooker and select the time of 2/3 hours.
  5. Pour in the rest of the oil and put the potato wedges in there.
  6. Cooking with the lid closed - half an hour.
  7. Stir, cook, without closing the lid, for another 10 minutes.

French fries in the mode "Multi-cook", "Frying", "Baking"

Does your multicooker not have a Free mode? Do not despair, use the "Multi-cook" mode.

We will make fries from 200 g of frozen potatoes (semi-finished products), 1500 ml of sunflower oil, spices and salt.


  1. Fill the multicooker with oil and put it on the "Multipovar" mode with a temperature of 160 degrees.
  2. Be sure to use the fryer basket. You need to put potatoes in it and lower it into the slow cooker when the oil is warmed up.
  3. Cook no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Dry the fries before serving.
  5. Put the portion on a plate, add salt and spices.

Ingredients for fries in the "Frying" mode:

  • kilogram of potatoes
  • liter of sunflower oil
  • salt, spices

Here's how to do it:

  1. Wash and clean tubers. Place them in cool water to avoid browning. This is important because the fries will be cooked in batches.
  2. Pour oil into the multicooker and select the "Frying" program.
  3. While the oil is heating, cut a couple of potatoes into bars (ideally their thickness is 1 by 1 cm).
  4. Pour the chopped potatoes with water. This will get rid of excess starch.
  5. Oil heating time - up to 15 minutes. How to check if it is warm enough? Take one bar and dip its tip into the oil. Bubbles indicate that you can start cooking.
  6. Remove the potatoes from the water, dry them on a napkin, and then lower them into the slow cooker for 14-16 minutes.
  7. After frying, soak the fries with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Salt and pepper.
  8. Do the same with the rest of the potatoes.

Ingredients for cooking french fries in the "Baking" mode:

  • potatoes - 300 g
  • 800 g butter
  • salt pepper

Cooking fries:

  1. Wash and clean tubers. Cut into bars no thicker than 1 cm.
  2. Pour cold water and leave for 12 minutes to remove excess starch.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker, select the “Baking” program and half an hour, close the lid and let the oil heat up.
  4. Pour out the water, remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  5. It is better to fry fries in portions, for 11 minutes each part, while stirring so that the potatoes do not stick.
  6. After frying, use paper towels again, but this time to get rid of excess fat.
  7. Do all this with all parts of the potato.
  8. Raise the temperature above 160 degrees and fry the potato portions again for three minutes. The fries should be a delicious golden color.
  9. Dry the fries with paper towels.
  10. Salt before serving.

Sauces for french fries at home

French fries are loved by many. The taste of this fragrant crispy dish can be embellished with sauce. There are many variations of sauces that perfectly harmonize with fries. For you, we have prepared three of the most popular recipes.

  1. For cooking garlic cream sauce you will need 10 minutes of free time, a glass of sour cream (20% fat), a bunch of dill, two garlic cloves and salt. Greens should be finely chopped and pour into sour cream. There also add salt and garlic, passed through a press. Mix well until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  2. Thanks to the natural and appetizing tomato sauce fries will seem even tastier. Take 3 medium tomatoes, celery stalk, 3 garlic cloves, two spoons tomato paste, a spoonful of olive oil, pepper and salt. On each tomato, you need to make a cross-shaped cut. Pour boiling water over red vegetables, rinse with cold water and remove the skin, then cut into pieces. Mince the garlic and celery. Fry the tomato slices in hot oil in a frying pan for five minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients there and fry for another 6 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  3. Aioli sauce is very tasty and easy to prepare. You can make it in 15 minutes.

This will require:

  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • one egg yolk
  • olive oil- 1 glass
  • lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
  • water - 1 tablespoon
  • a pinch of salt

How to do:

Crush the garlic and pour olive oil into it in parts. Add yolk and mix thoroughly. Add salt and citrus juice. Pour in cold water and stir for a few minutes. The end result should be a thick consistency.

Time: 30 min.

Servings: 1-2

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Recipe for delicious french fries cooked in a slow cooker

As soon as french fries began to be sold in fast food chains, this dish gained immense popularity, especially among the younger generation.

For some reason, adults are not as thrilled by crispy potatoes as children. But every mother knows that it is not worth pampering a child with a purchased delicacy: it is not known how the food was prepared, in what sanitary conditions, and how often the cook changed the deep fat.

The latter is especially important, given the roaming rumors that even yesterday's deep fat can be used in catering establishments (and you can not even remember about the dangers of used oil).

Whether it's french fries in a slow cooker: you know for sure that deep-frying is fresh, the dishes are clean, and the products correspond to your ideas about proper nutrition.

Of course, french fries in a slow cooker cannot be called healthy food. Even cooked in ideal conditions, anyway, it will not benefit the growing body.

Nevertheless, the recipe is definitely worth it, because there is nothing wrong with occasionally preparing such a treat for your beloved child.

French fries at home can also be cooked in a deep fryer. Its convenience lies in a special grid where potatoes are placed.

But today this device does not apply to particularly popular kitchen appliances. Therefore, if you still do not have an air fryer, it is unlikely that you will want to purchase one.

And you can fry golden crispy potatoes in a slow cooker - believe me, it will turn out no worse. Our recipe from step by step photos will help you cook fries in a slow cooker so that this “harmful” food will fascinate not only children, but also adults.

Our main ingredient is potatoes. It is she who determines the quality finished product. Therefore, before describing the recipe in detail, a few words should be devoted to it.

To make a treat that resembles a fast food product, choose varieties that contain a minimum of starch. When buying a product, pay attention to the type of tubers. They should be even, without deep wormholes and “eyes”.

Step 1

Wash the potatoes, remove the skin. Cut the tubers into medium-sized sticks. A potato cutter is ideal for this.

But if there is no such item on the farm, you will have to get by with a knife. The recipe strictly insists on the form of cutting into medium-sized cubes (as in the photo).

Thin straws will be overcooked and become hard - you can’t chew this one. Cooking thick slices is also not worth it - you will get regular fried potatoes.

Rinse the chopped sticks with cold water (this way you will remove the starch that the tubers always secrete during the cutting process).

Be sure to dry the washed potatoes: the reaction of boiling oil and water can be dangerous for the cook's skin.

Step 2

Let's prepare the fryer. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Set the "Warm" mode. When the oil is hot, change the program to "Baking".

Time will take about 30 minutes. Place the sliced ​​potatoes in a bowl and stir immediately with a plastic slotted spoon (otherwise the cubes will “sink” to the bottom).

As you already understood, our recipe is quite strict. In matters of oil used, there are also strict recommendations: vegetable oil should be exclusively refined.

If you plan that french fries in a slow cooker will regularly appear on your table, then you should remember one simple recipe: in order to cook this dish no worse than McDonald's chefs, it is important to build a deep fryer correctly.

The ratio of potatoes and oil should be 1 to 4. Take less oil - and french fries in a slow cooker will turn into ordinary fried tubers.

Step 3

Close the multicooker lid. At this stage, we will cook the potatoes for 10 minutes, after which we should open the lid and stir the cubes again with a slotted spoon.

Such active intervention will lead to the fact that all the sticks will be fried evenly on all sides.

Step 4

You will be notified when the dish is ready. appearance potatoes: the cubes will change color and become a beautiful golden hue (see photo below). This means that the potatoes can be removed.

Be careful: hot frying can cause burns. Remove the fries in small portions with a slotted spoon and place on a plate lined with paper towels (the paper will soak up excess fat).

Step 5

Only now, when the fries are resting on a napkin, the recipe allows you to salt the sticks. If this is done while the potatoes are fried, they may lose their desirable crispy texture.

It is not necessary to say that the used deep fat is unsuitable for further use. Throw it out without any regrets.

French fries in a slow cooker will easily become a favorite dish, although you should not get carried away with it. And serving a golden treat is best with tomato sauce as is common in fast food establishments.

See another version of this dish:


Almost everyone knows that fast food is harmful, but insanely delicious. One of traditional dishes French fries are on the McDonald's menu. But in order to taste such a side dish, it is not necessary to go to a public catering. French fries in a slow cooker will turn out crispy, golden and appetizing.

traditional recipe

Both adults and children love to crunch on french fries. Many people equate such a side dish with an appetizer. Previously, it could only be tasted in fast food establishments, but today we will slightly open the culinary curtain and learn how to cook french fries in a slow cooker.

Yes, imagine, you can easily fry crispy potatoes with a delicious amber crust in kitchen gadget, even if you don't have a special container for deep-frying on hand. French fries in the Redmond slow cooker are prepared very simply, the main thing is to properly prepare the vegetable and choose the right program.

French fries at home in a slow cooker are incredibly tasty, but keep in mind that it is cooked only in a large amount of vegetable oil.

On a note! To minimize harm to your digestive system, it's best to choose an unflavoured, refined oil. And to get rid of excess oil, it is enough to put the potatoes after frying on a napkin or paper towel.


  • 1.8 liters of refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 650 g of potato tubers;
  • salt and pepper mixture to taste.


  1. Pour 1.8 liters of refined sunflower seed oil into a multicooker container.
  2. Close the lid of the multicooker and select the program mode "Multicooker".
  3. We exhibit temperature regime 170°. Set the timer to 40 minutes.
  4. While the vegetable oil is warming up, start preparing the potatoes.
  5. We clean the tubers, rinse with running water and dry thoroughly with paper towels.
  6. Using a special grater or a knife, cut the potatoes into cubes. In order for the potatoes to fry evenly, you need to chop them in approximately the same pieces.
  7. When the oil is well warmed up, put the potatoes in a multicooker container. For convenience, you can use a special stand for deep fryers.
    During cooking, do not close the multicooker lid. Potatoes will cook in boiling oil.
  8. After beeping, use the removable holder to remove the potatoes from the multicooker container.
  9. Lay out some paper napkins on a plate. Gently place hot french fries on top.
  10. Leave for a while to absorb excess oil.
  11. French fries in the Redmond slow cooker are ready. It must be seasoned with a mixture of peppers and salt to taste.
  12. It is better to serve a side dish with sauce and fresh vegetables.

For lovers of spicy food

You have already learned how to fry french fries in a slow cooker. This can be done by selecting the program mode "Frying". An important condition is that sunflower oil must boil, otherwise the potatoes will simply boil, and not fry until a golden crust appears.

French fries are cooked in the Polaris multicooker in exactly the same way. The name of the program and the cooking time may differ. These indicators are determined by the power and functionality of the kitchen gadget.

You can cook incredibly fragrant french fries with a savory taste. Just follow the recipe below.


  • 7 pcs. potato tubers;
  • 5 g ground red paprika;
  • 5 g of red and black ground peppers;
  • 0.7 l of refined sunflower seed oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. First, peel the potato tubers and rinse under running water.
  2. Dry and cut into thin sticks.
  3. Pour paprika, ground red and black peppers, finely ground salt into a dry bowl.
  4. Mix dry ingredients well.
  5. Put chopped potatoes in this bowl, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Pour refined sunflower seed oil into a multicooker container. Select the program mode "Baking".
  7. We send potatoes to the container. For half an hour, cook it under a closed lid.
  8. Open the lid of the kitchen appliance and fry the potatoes in the same mode for another 10-15 minutes. It is important not to overdo it.

Flavor platter

French fries can be cooked in the same mode. It will be even better. But unfortunately, not all multicookers are equipped with such a program. There is a choice - the options "Frying", "Multi-cook" or "Baking".

To make your french fries perfect, try to cut them into slices no thicker than 10 mm. During frying, hot oil may splatter. To prevent this from happening, add a pinch of salt.

French fries cannot be savored without sauce. Therefore, while the slow cooker is preparing a side dish, we will deal with the sauce.


  • 0.1 l of ketchup;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 0.2 l;
  • mustard - 5 g;
  • Tabasco sauce - ¼ tsp;
  • half a head of onion;
  • 2 pcs. garlic cloves.


  1. We clean the garlic cloves and onions from the husk.
  2. Finely chop the vegetables with a knife. If desired, the onion can be chopped in a blender or meat grinder, and the garlic cloves can be passed through a press.
  3. In a convenient bowl, mix mayonnaise with ketchup.
  4. Add Tabasco sauce, mustard, but not grainy.
  5. We send vegetables and mix well.

Cheese symphony

Often offered as an accompaniment to french fries in fast food outlets. cheese sauce. It turns out that it can be easily prepared in the home kitchen.

On a note! Don't have the time or energy to make sauce? Serve the French fries with ketchup or any pre-cooked sauce according to your personal taste preference.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • cheddar cheese - 70-80 g;
  • 150 ml pasteurized cow's milk;
  • premium flour - 75 g.


  1. Place softened butter in a saucepan or small saucepan.
  2. Melt it over moderate heat and combine with sifted high-grade flour.
  3. Mix well to break up lumps.
  4. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  5. In a thin stream, we introduce pasteurized cow's milk. Stir with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. Once again put on fire and boil after boiling until thickened.
  7. Pour the chopped cheese into the hot sauce, stir until completely dissolved.

Time: 25 min.

Servings: 3-4

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

Methods for cooking french fries in a multicooker Polaris

The question - how to cook french fries is considered quite relevant at the present time, because both children and adults love this dish so much. But not everyone likes to buy french fries in the store, because there they are cooled, dry and often cooked in unnatural oil.

That is why many modern housewives try to cook french fries in the Polaris slow cooker at home, because this is the only way the potatoes will turn out crispy, moderately oily, juicy and incredibly tasty.

In addition, cooking at home will allow you to experiment with spices and add to the recipe those seasonings that your family likes the most.

It is worth noting that french fries are a complete independent dish that can be served at the table even without various additives.

Many women make it as a snack and serve it with salads, sandwiches or other ingredients.

If you don't know how to cook fried potatoes using a slow cooker, try making french fries, because due to the fact that they are cooked in a large amount of oil, the tubers will certainly not burn, dry out and stick to the bottom of the bowl.

Most novice housewives say that cooking french fries in a Polaris slow cooker is an easy and quick task that brings a lot of delight.

And rightly so, because you will not need to constantly mix potato slices, and after cooking, wash the kitchen from oil splashes.

The slow cooker is able to make this recipe itself - you just need to put potatoes in it, pour in more oil so that the tubers are covered with a delicious crust, and select the cooking mode.

Since this recipe is prepared with the lid closed, the oil will not splatter all over the kitchen, and you can make it easier for yourself to prepare a hearty and mouth-watering dinner.

Of course, cooking french fries in a Polaris multicooker cannot be called dietary, so you rarely need to serve such a dish to the table.

It is especially good to make it for children or as family dinner, but for people who follow the right and healthy eating, such a recipe should be abandoned or made on the most significant events.

It is important to note that before preparing such a dinner, you should choose the right potatoes, which must be of a certain variety, intended for frying in a large amount of oil.

Only in this way the tubers will not fall apart during cooking, bake evenly and be covered with a delicious golden crust.

If you do not know how to choose tubers yourself, you first need to cook one potato - if it does not lose shape and does not spread during frying, then you can safely use all the tubers to prepare the recipe.

You can cut potatoes for frying in a slow cooker in different ways - cubes, rings, squares, and so on.

However, for cooking in a slow cooker, it is better to cut the tubers into thin strips so that they bake faster and do not dry out.

It is also important to cut them the same size so that the recipe cooks at the same time. If there is no time for frying, you can cut the tubers into small strips - only in this case they need to be washed well so that they do not stick together during frying.

So that the potatoes do not stick together, after washing them in cold water, the bars must be thoroughly dried with a towel - in this case, a crispy appetizing crust is provided to the dish.

To cook french fries in a slow cooker called Polaris, you do not need to gain skills and abilities, as the dish is prepared in an elementary way.


It is important not to choose young potatoes, as they will certainly fall apart when frying, lose their shape and turn into porridge.

Step 1

We clean the potatoes and wash them well in water.

Step 2

We cut the tubers into thin and long strips, after which we wash and dry the cut again. If you have time, you can put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Step 3

Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker and let it warm up well in the “Frying” mode.

Step 4

After pulling out the frozen pieces, we immediately throw them into the slow cooker, without waiting until the tubers begin to melt. If desired, we put a sieve in the bowl, so that it is more convenient to get an appetizer as it cooks. If they have already become covered with moisture, they should be dried.

As soon as the potatoes begin to brown, turn it over on the other side and fry until cooked. After that, put it on a napkin and sprinkle with salt. That's all - the appetizer can be served at the table.

See another version of this dish:
