How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker. Whole oatmeal porridge: recipes. Differences in cooking in multicookers from different manufacturers

Every mother and housewife knows that she needs to prepare something healthy for breakfast. But due to lack of time, you often don’t want to invent something, and a quick snack with sandwiches suits everyone. But you can cook simple oatmeal, but only in a slow cooker. And this porridge is easy to prepare, perfectly helps to improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach and even lose weight!

A healthy breakfast has not been canceled. When you have a multicooker, the entire cooking process does not take much time, since the electric device will cope with the task perfectly, and everyone else will have enough time to calmly get ready for work.

These ingredients make a delicious breakfast:

  • oat flakes instant cooking– 160 g (one multi-glass);
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • plain water – 400 ml or 3 multi-glasses;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar – optional, but not more than 1 tbsp.

Process for making oatmeal:

  1. We cook the porridge in water, so it simplifies the cooking process healthy breakfast. But even here there are little secrets. Despite the fact that there is no milk in the recipe and the porridge should not “run away,” just in case, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. That's it, we're prepared, we can quickly cook delicious oatmeal for breakfast.
  2. It is profitable to buy oatmeal because it cooks faster and does not need to be soaked and sorted. You just need to measure out the specified amount of cereal and pour it into the slow cooker.
  3. Then pour 3 glasses of water and add salt and sugar. But you can do it differently: take warm water, dilute salt and sugar in it, mix. You will just know how much sugar and salt you need to add. If you want to cook porridge as a side dish, then sugar is excluded.
  4. That's it, we're ready. Now let’s install the “Cereals” or “Porridge” program, or perhaps your multicooker has only one “Children’s menu” or “Milk porridge” program. Any program is suitable. If the timer is not set automatically, the cooking time for such a dish is 15 minutes.
  5. After the signal, you need to put in the oil (what is left after lubricating the bowl), stir the hot porridge and switch the device to the “Heating” mode. All this can be done, as many busy business women say, on the way to the bathroom: they quickly loaded everything, pressed a button and went to clean themselves up. And then all that remains is to put the finished porridge on plates and offer all family members a variety of simple but very healthy breakfast. The simplest thing is to add a handful of raisins, nuts, or any other dried fruits to the prepared oatmeal. We wish everyone a bon appetit at breakfast!

Oatmeal with apples and water in a slow cooker

It's high time to take care of your health and the health of your family, and we suggest preparing a simple dish for breakfast - oatmeal with water in a slow cooker. Oatmeal is available in any grocery store, it is easy to prepare and surprisingly, very healthy!

Let's prepare delicious porridge together for a large family:

  • instant oatmeal – 2 cups;
  • water – 6 glasses;
  • sweet apples – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. (possibly less);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter- a piece;
  • raisins and other dried fruits - optional.

Let's cook oatmeal for breakfast together:

  1. Measure out 2 cups oatmeal, pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Peel pre-washed apples and cut into cubes. You can grate the apples on a coarse grater, but it’s better not to be lazy and do it as originally suggested.
  3. The raisins need to be washed (and other dried fruits, if you want to add them), add warm, but always boiled, water, and leave for a while. It’s good if you do this in advance, but if you don’t have enough time, just rinse the raisins in warm water and add them to the rest of the products.
  4. Salt - literally a pinch to improve the taste of the finished porridge, sugar - to taste. But we recommend not adding too much, as the calorie content of the product will be higher.
  5. That's all, now select the program: “Milk porridge” or just “Porridge” mode. The timer should set automatically and now you just have to wait for the signal.

The porridge is ready, put a little oil directly into the multicooker and stir. Ready! It's time to pour the porridge into plates so that it has time to cool a little. The entire process from start to finish takes at least 20 minutes. So, if you wish, you can always prepare a healthy breakfast in a matter of minutes. And there is no need to prepare porridge for future use, it will not be as aromatic and tasty as freshly prepared. Bon appetit!

Diet oatmeal with water in a slow cooker

This dish is a godsend for athletes and those who watch their weight, want to cleanse their body of toxins and lose a few kilograms. Lots of vitamin E and fiber, plus low calorie content- these are the main advantages of regular oatmeal cooked in water.

What you need to prepare a simple breakfast:

  • oatmeal flakes - you will need 1 cup;
  • water – 2.5 cups;
  • Himalayan salt - a pinch.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. We measure the cereal and pour it into the bowl of the device.
  2. Measure out the amount of water indicated in the recipe and pour it into the multicooker.
  3. Now salt: when and how much to add? Do you know why "Himalayan" pink salt much healthier than regular table rock salt? It contains less sodium chloride than regular milk and contains many trace elements: calcium, iodine, magnesium, copper, potassium and iron. Literally a small pinch, even less than a serving of regular salt - and the benefits finished product increases. By the way, you shouldn’t put salt right away, but after preparing the porridge, literally add a little bit to each plate.
  4. You need to lower the lid and select the program: “Porridge”. Oatmeal cooks quickly, so 15 minutes is plenty. Try after the signal to see what kind of porridge it turns out to be. You may want to cook the cereal a little more to make the porridge soft, or as it is often called “slush.” But then add a little more water.
  5. The porridge is ready, enrich it with a piece of butter (if you are not on a strict diet), add salt to taste, literally a few crystals. Pieces of apples, dried fruits or frozen berries will improve the taste of the finished dish. Be healthy and bon appetit!

Oatmeal with water and banana in a slow cooker

Oatmeal is a porridge that is easy to prepare. And even if it is not as capricious as semolina, you will have to follow some rules when cooking. For example, grease the bowl with butter, do not rinse the cereal. It’s easier to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker than in a saucepan because you don’t have to stir it and make sure it doesn’t burn.

We prepare from the following list of products:

  • instant oatmeal – 1 cup;
  • plain water – 4 glasses;
  • a piece of butter;
  • ripe banana;
  • sugar - to taste, salt - similarly or on the tip of a knife.

How to cook healthy oatmeal in a slow cooker:

  1. The flakes need to be poured into a multicooker, previously greased with butter.
  2. Pour out the water, add salt and a little sugar.
  3. Banana – peel, chop in a blender or mash with a fork. To ensure success, choose a large and ripe banana.
  4. That’s all the preparations, now the “Porridge” mode and a little tedious waiting. By the way, as an option, you can cut the banana into cubes or slices, it will also be delicious.

That's it, the porridge is ready, try it and enjoy this amazing taste. The ripe banana will make the oatmeal sweet. So it’s better not to add the usual amount of sugar or to abstain altogether and eliminate sugar. Try it, you will definitely love this simple option for preparing a healthy breakfast dish. Bon appetit!

Oatmeal on water with chicken in a slow cooker

This option for cooking oatmeal is more suitable for a hearty dinner. IN this recipe We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not choose instant cereals, but whole grain ones.

List of everything you need:

  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • salt, spices for chicken - to taste;
  • fresh or dried greens - for serving;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • onion head

How to cook oatmeal with meat:

  1. Preparing the dish in several stages: first you need to boil the cereal using the “Porridge” program. Lightly salt the water; take 3 glasses of water per glass of oatmeal. Cooking time will be longer since these are not regular cereal, so plan on at least 45-50 minutes.
  2. During this time, while the porridge is being prepared, each housewife has the right to choose: cook all other products on the stove or wait until the porridge is cooked and then continue the cooking process.
  3. You need to boil a piece of fillet (in the multicooker, “Soup” mode, time 40 minutes), grind in a meat grinder or cut into fine cubes.
  4. Peel the onion, chop and fry in oil (Frying program, time 15 minutes) until a beautiful golden hue.
  5. Combine the meat with onions, add to the prepared oatmeal, stir. Done, bon appetit!

Oatmeal with water and pumpkin in a slow cooker

During the pumpkin ripening season, those people who watch their weight have the opportunity to eat a varied diet. And even if sugar is on the list of prohibited foods, pumpkin and a pinch of cinnamon will help improve the taste of regular oatmeal cooked in water.

List of products that we will need:

  • whole grain cereal – 8 tbsp;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • honey - to taste or a teaspoon;
  • peeled pumpkin – 300 g piece;
  • cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon.

How to prepare this dish:

  1. We start cooking before we go to bed so that the delicious porridge is ready for breakfast.
  2. The cereal needs to be washed and poured into a slow cooker, filled with water.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes, place in a slow cooker.
  4. Add salt and cinnamon and stir.
  5. Cook in the “Porridge” mode until the signal (the timer is set automatically), otherwise set it to 15 minutes. This is enough, and then the multicooker will automatically switch to the “Warming” mode, the porridge along with the pumpkin will simmer for several hours. The delicious porridge will be ready just in time for the morning.
  6. And to prepare a special porridge for breakfast, use this recipe. We will tell you how to get true pleasure not only from the cooking process, but also from eating.

    Prepare the following:

  • oatmeal - half a glass;
  • water – 1.5 cups;
  • kernels walnuts crushed – 2 tbsp;
  • salt and sugar - to taste;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • orange – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the kettle on to quickly boil the water.
  2. You need to measure out the specified amount of flakes and pour boiling water over them directly in the slow cooker.
  3. Add salt and sugar, stir. Add the nuts right away.
  4. Now the orange: you need to wash the orange thoroughly, or better yet, scald it with boiling water. Then wipe dry and carefully divide the fruit into 2 halves to squeeze out the juice. You can go straight into the slow cooker.
  5. Get orange zest from half an orange and mix all ingredients in a slow cooker. Cook with the lid closed, in the “Porridge/Grains” mode (automatic mode).
  6. After the signal, be sure to stir the oatmeal and serve this dish immediately. Bon appetit! The aroma and taste will be unusual, you will love it!

Oatmeal with water in a slow cooker. Video

Breakfast always takes time, which you don’t have. Milk porridges usually come to the rescue. They are nutritious and tasty, everyone at home eats them. Oatmeal in a Redmond multicooker with milk is one of the quick and easy breakfasts. Prepare it with us and you will get an excellent breakfast with minimal time and effort.

If you have a slow cooker at hand (more correctly, in the kitchen), then you can prepare an excellent, tasty and nutritious breakfast very simply. It is enough to take oatmeal out of the cupboard, think about pleasant things and carefully read our detailed instructions. Oatmeal in a slow cooker with milk is quite popular, but it is not always possible to prepare it to the desired (tasty) consistency.

Our version of this dish can be called the optimal middle ground. Oatmeal porridge with milk has a moderately liquid structure. By the way, the basic recipe can always be varied according to your mood or the contents of the refrigerator. We are talking about berry or fruit fillings. For proven, experienced sweet tooths, you can place a bowl of aromatic jam nearby.

And to interest the little picky ones, add a little vanilla sugar before finishing the process. And then you can be sure that the rich aroma will attract even not very hungry young household members.


  • Oatmeal (instant cooking) – 1 multi-cup (160 ml);
  • Milk – 2 multi-cups (320 ml);
  • Water (bottled) – 1 multi-glass (160 ml);
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 30–40 g.

How to cook delicious oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker

Let's prepare necessary products. Our delicious oatmeal in a multicooker with milk you get a fairly liquid structure, because we took milk in a 2:1 ratio to cereal. If you like it more viscous ready dish, then start from our proportions and adjust the liquid ingredients yourself. The less milk you take, the thicker the finished dish will be. However, you should not take milk and water less than the proportion of 1:2 to cereal (be sure to reduce milk and water proportionally). At lower ratios, your porridge will burn but not cook.

In order to strengthen beneficial features future oatmeal, the specified amount of sugar can be equivalently replaced with natural honey, add it to the already slightly cooled dish (otherwise it will lose all its beneficial qualities).

So let's start cooking: pour the entire amount of oatmeal into the multicooker container.

Now let's add sugar there.

Then add the milk first and immediately add the entire portion of water.

The final touch: a piece of butter.

In our Redmond multicooker model, the manufacturer provides a time of 30 minutes for the “milk porridge” mode. But we prepare porridge not from cereals, but from flakes; it will be ready within 15–20 minutes after the start. Therefore, we will program the kitchen assistant manually: we will set the “milk porridge” mode, then press cancel and set the desired time (20 minutes). After that, click on “start” and check thermal process until ready.

When the cooking process is complete, divide the milk oatmeal into plates.

Decorate the oatmeal as desired fresh berries. Slightly sour red currants or rich taste fresh cherries (pitted, of course). Oat milk porridge in a slow cooker is ready. Let's start tasting.

In winter, it is good to eat it with jam or preserves (preferably slightly sour).

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Tips for preparing milk porridge in a slow cooker:

Prepare delicious, nutritious, high-value useful substances Breakfast is very simple in its composition - all you need to do is cook oatmeal in a slow cooker. The dish turns out very appetizing not only with milk, but also with water. The secret here is the ability to add auxiliary ingredients that will make the taste of the delicacy more delicate.

As “bonuses” you can use raisins, pumpkin, apples, dried apricots, bananas and others healthy sweets. You can also garnish the porridge with grated chocolate or fresh berries before serving. It will turn out juicy, bright and appetizing!

Classic - milk oatmeal in a slow cooker

Prim British people prefer to eat porridge from... oatmeal. There is nothing surprising. After all, a simple and rather inconspicuous-looking dish amazes with its benefits. If you regularly cook oatmeal for breakfast, you can normalize not only the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, but also significantly improve your appearance.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Number of servings - 4.


To prepare a healthy breakfast, you need to use very accessible and inexpensive ingredients:

  • oat flakes - 60 g;
  • milk - 260 ml;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • water - 80 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 2 tsp.

On a note! You can also add grated chocolate or fresh berries or fruit slices to the list of ingredients to decorate the finished dish.

Per serving

  • Calories: 176.76 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.31 g
  • Fat: 11.56 g
  • Carbohydrates: 15.66 g

Cooking method

Oatmeal is cooked in a slow cooker using milk. classic recipe as easy as pie.

Milk porridge turns out to be very satisfying, nutritious and healthy, and additives in the form of chocolate chips, honey, fruit slices or whole berries will help make its taste more delicate. Experiment!

How to cook oatmeal with dried fruits in a slow cooker

If you like not only the most simple, but also delicious dishes that charge you with strength and vigor for the whole day, then this oatmeal recipe is what you need!

Number of servings - 4.


Prepare diet porridge is offered from the simplest components that you can always buy at any grocery store:

  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp.;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.

Per serving

  • Calories: 100.99 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.45 g
  • Fat: 1.15 g
  • Carbohydrates: 21.74 g

Cooking method

Oatmeal cooked in a slow cooker with dried fruits turns out sweet and tender. At the same time, there is no talk of cloying. Regardless of the model of the device, you won’t have to cook porridge for a long time. Everything will take no more than half an hour. In this case, your direct participation in the process is practically not required.

So our delicious oatmeal with dried fruits in a slow cooker is ready. It turns out moderately viscous, steamed, fluffy and not dry.

The sweetest option is oatmeal with banana in a slow cooker

True gourmets love to experiment even with the most familiar recipes. Oatmeal makes this easy because it combines organically with a wide variety of foods. A good option- mix with banana.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Number of servings - 2.


We will prepare oatmeal-banana porridge from a minimal set of products. The list is like this:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • oat flakes - 200 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 200 ml.

On a note! If you wish, you can cook porridge from whole grains. But with this method it will take more time to cook.

Per serving

  • Calories: 147.62 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.7 g
  • Fat: 2.99 g
  • Carbohydrates: 27.44 g

Cooking method

Cooking milk oatmeal porridge with banana in a slow cooker is easy. The main thing is to follow the presented recipe with photos step by step. Culinary mistakes in such a situation are impossible!

It is suggested to decorate the porridge with the remaining banana slices. You can also complement the gastronomic picture walnuts or almonds.

Invigorating recipe - oatmeal with apple in a slow cooker

Eating regular oatmeal every day, following the traditions of British cuisine, is very difficult. But this dish can be made brighter and more invigorating if you cook it with an apple.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Number of servings - 3.


This simple recipe involves using the following set of products:

  • oatmeal - 260 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml.

Per serving

  • Calories: 159.23 kcal
  • Proteins: 5.21 g
  • Fat: 3.16 g
  • Carbohydrates: 27.39 g

Cooking method

Even a novice cook can prepare oatmeal with apples and milk. After all, in a slow cooker even this original version The porridge does not burn and does not “run away”.

That's all the secrets of cooking oatmeal in a slow cooker step by step recipe with photo. The finished treat can be sprinkled with ground cinnamon. The version with an apple turns out to be so appetizing that both adults and little “unwanted” ones will fly off the dish without any extra persuasion.

Making oatmeal with pumpkin - a recipe for a slow cooker

Do you want to cook a real vitamin “bomb”? Then this recipe will definitely find a place in your cookbook. After all, both main ingredients - both pumpkin and oatmeal - are incredibly healthy in themselves.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Number of servings - 5.


We will prepare this delicious breakfast based on the following ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • milk - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 1/2 tbsp.

Per serving

  • Calories: 105.06 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.06 g
  • Fat: 3.2 g
  • Carbohydrates: 16.66 g

Cooking method

This interpretation of oatmeal is easy to prepare. The main thing is to peel the pumpkin in advance and cut it into cubes.

Note! To make the porridge thick and fluffy, after finishing the program you should leave it in the “Keep Warm” mode for another quarter of an hour with the lid closed.

Ready! Bon appetit!

Video recipes

Video recipes will help beginners in the kitchen cook oatmeal in a slow cooker correctly and tasty:

If the option of preparing oatmeal by infusing it in boiling water is not suitable, and problems regularly arise when using a saucepan, you should try cooking healthy ingredient in a slow cooker. With this approach there is a minimum of hassle, and the result is better than with traditional grain processing. True, here too you will have to follow certain rules in order to get not only tasty, but also healthy dish. In particular, you need to figure out in what mode and how long to cook the component. This practically does not depend on the type of model of household appliances; the rules are generally universal and only minor corrections are possible.

Features of cooking porridge in a slow cooker

First of all, you need to remember that oatmeal (like any other cereal-based porridge) can only be cooked in a pre-cleaned apparatus. If you do not remove the inner cap and clean the valve in advance, the end result will only resemble the expected product in texture. Its taste and smell will be hopelessly spoiled.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • To prepare real porridge, you need to use only original, unprocessed cereal (instant products will not work here). They do not need to be pre-rinsed; they are already ready for boiling.
  • Cereals swell more in a slow cooker than in a saucepan, so you will have to take more water than when traditional approach. The optimal ratio is 1 part oatmeal to 3 parts liquid.
  • Be sure to mix the ingredients after adding them. A wooden or plastic spatula is best for this.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, even in a slow cooker, oatmeal can escape. To prevent this, it is necessary to use small portions of the components, and at a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the mass, draw a “rim” around the circumference of the bowl using butter.

  • Oatmeal is best cooked in the specially created “Porridge” mode, unless the recipe requires a different approach. If this function is missing, you can try the “Pilaf” mode.
  • You should not turn off the device until the signal sounds, no matter how long the product has been cooked. In a multicooker, processing takes place in several stages, so unauthorized shutdown of the device can ruin the final result.
  • Milk for cooking should be pasteurized, and water should be boiled or filtered.

It is noteworthy that some housewives who are not very inclined to cook porridge early in the morning pour all the ingredients into the bowl in the evening. After waking up, all they have to do is turn on the device, which saves time.

Classic recipe

Oatmeal with milk is traditionally considered the best breakfast option. To prepare it you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Cooking necessary ingredients. For 1 cup of oatmeal, take 3 or 4 cups of milk (depending on the desired consistency), 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of butter, a pinch of cinnamon or ginger.
  • First, place all the dense ingredients in the multicooker and mix them. Then pour milk into this mixture and mix well again.
  • We turn on the desired mode and wait for the signal about the end of cooking. If you have to work on a timer, first set it for 20 minutes, assess the condition of the dish and act according to the situation.

If the option with milk seems too fatty, the drink can be diluted with filtered water. In this case, we decide how much to take ourselves; in any case, it will turn out delicious.

How can you prepare oatmeal with fruit?

To diversify your usual oatmeal, you need to learn how to add auxiliary components to it. From the point of view of pleasant taste and benefits, fruits and berries are the best option. They do not have to be fresh - frozen fruits can also be used in a slow cooker, they just need to be defrosted first.

  • For 1 part cereal take 2 parts milk, 1 part apple juice, 1 part water, a handful of raisins, sugar to taste, pulp of 1-2 apples, a pinch of cinnamon. Steam the raisins in boiling water for 20 minutes, cut the apple pulp into small cubes. In a multicooker, mix water, juice, milk, sugar and bring to a boil using the “Multicook” or “Baking” mode. Add the flakes, stir the mixture and simmer for 5 minutes with the lid closed in the “Porridge” mode. Add raisins, apples and cinnamon and simmer for another quarter of an hour. Serve the finished porridge immediately without insisting.

  • Oatmeal with bananas. For 1 part of cereal there are 4 parts of milk, a teaspoon of butter, sugar and banana pulp to taste, a pinch of salt. Pour the cereal into a bowl, pour in the milk, add butter, sugar and salt, and mash the banana pulp with a fork. The mass must be cooked at a suitable temperature until cooked.

When using fruit, you can avoid sugar altogether. Especially if peaches, sweet apples, pears, strawberries, and bananas are used.

Oatmeal option for dinner

If you need to prepare porridge not for breakfast, you can use offal as an additional component. In this case, it is not necessary to use cereal; whole grain cereals will be sufficient. For a glass of oatmeal, take no more than 300 g of offal (heart, liver), onion, salt and pepper. Porridge is prepared separately traditional way on water or milk.

The meat component is pre-boiled until cooked and passed through a meat grinder. Then it is fried in a frying pan with chopped onions and seasoned with spices. We combine the semi-finished product with oatmeal and keep it in the multicooker for as long as necessary for the mass to be fully prepared (warming up for a quarter of an hour is usually enough).

To get the maximum benefit from oatmeal, milk can be replaced with water, and sugar with natural sweeteners (honey, dried fruits). With this approach, the finished dish will not only charge you with energy for the whole day, but will also help normalize digestion.

Products for 3 servings:

  • Oatmeal - 0.5 cups
  • Milk - 2 cups (or milk diluted with water 1:1)
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Oil – 20 g

There is so much that has been said about the benefits of milk oatmeal porridge. It is a well-known fact: such porridge helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, helps eliminate toxins and waste, and saturates the body with all kinds of necessary enzymes.

It immediately becomes clear that eating oatmeal for breakfast is simply a necessary concern for your health.

The child needs healthy nutrition even more, because... This is precisely the key to his future health. Getting oatmeal for breakfast couldn't be easier. To do this, there is no need to get up early and stand at the kitchen stove. It is enough to load all the ingredients and set the multicooker on the timer. In the morning you will wake up to the mind-blowing aroma of milky oatmeal. So, how to prepare oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker.

Milk oatmeal in a slow cooker - photo recipe:

1. To make the porridge not only tasty, but also as healthy as possible, we will use honey instead of sugar. Prepare the ratio of cereal to liquid 1:4. If the milk has a high fat content (more than 3.5%), it is better to dilute it with water 1:1.

2. To begin, pour oatmeal into the bowl of the device. It is better if they are regular rather than instant. However, this does not matter much. For a family breakfast (for 3 people) you will need approximately 0.5 regular glasses. Add a piece of butter.

3.Pour two glasses of milk over the oatmeal. Mix thoroughly.

4. In the Polaris 0517 multi-cooker with a power of 860 W (as well as in Redmond, Panasonic, Philips and others where there is a “Multi-cook”), you can use the multi-cook function. Set it to 90 degrees and 10 minutes. time. This is quite enough for oatmeal.

Last time I shared what I cooked, but I didn’t like it. The countdown starts too late, when the porridge is already ready :), so now I cook this porridge only on the “multi-cook”.

By preparing in this way, the porridge will never burn. Agree, this is very important, because burnt crusts will not improve either the taste of the dish or its aesthetic appearance. When the milk oatmeal in the multicooker is ready, you will know about it by hearing a signal. It's all very simple, isn't it?

5. After the signal, the bowl will look something like this.

6. Mix the porridge with a spatula or multi-spoon and add honey, then mix again. The porridge turned out to be runny, as it should be for kids.

5. All that remains is to divide the porridge into plates. If desired, you can add nuts, raisins or candied fruits to the finished dish. The benefits of such a breakfast will only increase many times over.

Bon appetit and good health to you and your children!

On a note:

If you wish, you can pour the cereal into a bowl in the evening, add milk and add butter. Next, set the “Milk porridge” mode and the desired delay time. Yes, yes, “milk porridge” is better than “oatmeal”, this is especially true for Polaris 0517. Now you can safely go to bed. In the morning, breakfast will be prepared absolutely without your participation. By the way, such porridge has an unusual delicate taste, because will have time to brew and acquire the aroma of baked milk.

A little secret. When preparing porridge in a miracle multicooker, do not rush to open the lid of the bowl so as not to release steam. This can disrupt the process of turning regular milk and cereal into magical melted butter.
