Recipe for a delicious oatmeal porridge with milk. How to cook oatmeal. Oatmeal with water and milk, recipes with photos. Liquid oatmeal

Step by step oatmeal porridge recipes traditional recipe, with oranges, pumpkin, wild berries and jam and on coconut milk

2017-11-02 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready meal

4 gr.

7 gr.


16 gr.

135 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for thin oatmeal

There is nothing complicated about making oatmeal porridge. It is enough to observe necessary proportions, and everything will work out. For a liquid consistency, you need to follow the 1 to 3 rule. For example, for one glass of oatmeal, use three glasses of milk or water, depending on what you are cooking on. And you can add your favorite porridge with any ingredients. We will cook traditional oatmeal liquid porridge on milk.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • three glasses of milk;
  • drain oil. - 50 gr;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step by step recipe for liquid oatmeal

Take a small saucepan, pour milk into it and make a strong fire.

As soon as the milk boils, add sugar and a pinch of salt, mix.

Now add oatmeal, make a small fire and cook for fifteen minutes.

Season the finished oatmeal with butter, mix and cover with a lid. Five minutes later, you can have breakfast with delicious and healthy porridge.

Note to the hostess: You can cook oatmeal from both oatmeal and whole grains. If you use the second option, cooking will take much longer. Basically, porridge is still made from oatmeal.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Thin Oatmeal

To prepare liquid oatmeal almost instantly, take finely ground oatmeal No. 3. They are made from chopped cereals, contain less useful substances than whole grains. The smaller the structure of the flakes, the faster they cook. The recipe is designed for two people, and the total cooking time will take no more than fifteen minutes.


  • oatmeal - half a glass;
  • milk - 300 gr;
  • spoon butter;
  • salt - half a dessert spoon;
  • sugar to taste.

How to quickly cook liquid oatmeal

Boil milk in a saucepan. It is important to ensure that it does not run away.

We fall asleep cereal, add salt and sugar and mix.

Cook the porridge for literally three to four minutes, stirring constantly.

Turn off the fire, add butter to the porridge. Let it brew for a while with the lid closed.

Note to the hostess: Traditional oatmeal and oatmeal are not the same thing. Cereals there are several types. Extra No. 1 - made from whole grains, are the most nutritious and beneficial. Extra No. 2 - made from cut cereals in size slightly smaller. Extra No. 3 - also made from cut cereals, differ in small size. Such flakes contain a minimum amount of nutrients. Oatmeal or oatmeal is originally a whole grain. But Hercules - thin instant oatmeal, this is the name of a semi-finished product.

Option 3: Liquid Oatmeal with Orange

If you love citrus fruits, this recipe is for you. Of course, you can buy ready-made cereal with the addition of dried oranges or just flavored. It’s even better and healthier to make such a delicious and sunny porridge on your own. In addition, we will replace sugar with honey and add some raisins.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • milk - 400 gr;
  • two oranges;
  • raisins - 50 gr;
  • honey - table. lies.

How to cook

Let's start by preparing the oranges. Wash fruits thoroughly. We pour boiling water over one of them, dry it.

Grate the zest of one orange on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice.

The second just needs to be peeled and divided into slices.

Immediately put oatmeal, zest, squeezed orange juice or milk in a saucepan.

Cook on low heat delicious porridge within a quarter of an hour. Be sure to stir constantly.

When the porridge is ready, put raisins and honey into it, mix.

Garnish the finished portions with orange slices.

Note to the owner: Flakes can be put into the pan directly from the package, but the cereals must first be washed.

Option 4: Pumpkin Liquid Oatmeal

Another recipe for sunny and delicious oatmeal. We use pumpkin pulp, oatmeal, a little bee honey instead of sugar, and of course butter. This porridge is perfect for breakfast for children.


  • pumpkin pulp - 270 gr;
  • oatmeal - 50 gr;
  • milk - 250 gr;
  • honey - 50 gr;
  • drain oil. - 40 gr;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

We take a pumpkin. It needs to be washed, cleaned, the middle with seeds removed. We only need pumpkin pulp, approximately 250-300 grams.

Cut it into small sticks.

Place pumpkin in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. After that, cook for about twenty minutes.

When the pumpkin is ready, drain the water. Grind the pieces in a blender until puree.

Put the pumpkin puree back into the pan, sprinkle with oatmeal, pour milk. Now add some salt of your choice and stir.

When the porridge boils, make a small fire, close the lid. We cook another twenty-five minutes.

Already in the finished porridge, put honey and butter, mix. You still need to insist under a closed lid for about five minutes.

If you do not really like pumpkin, you can replace it with a banana. It does not need to be pre-boiled, just mash it and mix it with oatmeal. It turns out very tasty.

Option 5: Thin oatmeal with berries

We can say that this is a "lazy" recipe. Preparation starts the night before. An additional ingredient will be fresh or frozen wild berries and a little jam. You can also use and berry jam. Breakfast of oatmeal in milk will energize, give the body the necessary elements.


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • three glasses of milk;
  • jam or jam from berries - 3 table. lodges;
  • brown sugar - 2-3 table. lies.

How to cook

In the evening, take a small saucepan, pour oatmeal into it and pour milk over it. Now mix everything, cover and refrigerate overnight.

Frozen berries need to be thawed. If you have fresh - rinse them under water.

We take out the pan from the refrigerator. The oatmeal has swollen and absorbed some of the milk. If desired, add more to make the porridge completely liquid, and put the pan on the fire.

As soon as the porridge becomes hot, it can be eaten. Put berries, jam or jam in a serving.

This treat is perfect for lunch at work. Just heat the porridge in a container in the microwave, sprinkle with berries, put sweet jam.

Note to the hostess: If you do not soak oatmeal overnight, this can be done a couple of hours before making porridge. For example, you soak cereal in water, then drain the water. Pour milk and cook porridge until tender - you will get a real diet dish.

Option 6: Thin oatmeal with coconut milk

It is not necessary to cook porridge for cow's milk, suitable, for example, and goat. And we will make the usual recipe for oatmeal even more refined - with coconut milk. We use honey instead of sugar. Approximate cooking time is a quarter of an hour. The recipe is for four servings.


  • a glass of oatmeal No. 2;
  • coconut milk - 400 gr;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • water.

Step by step recipe

Pour coconut milk and 400 ml plain water into a saucepan. Put on a strong fire.

As soon as the contents of the pan boil - pour in the oatmeal and mix well.

Boil the porridge for ten minutes, stirring constantly.

When the delicious coconut milk oatmeal is ready, put a spoonful of honey into it. Stir to dissolve the honey, let it brew for literally five minutes.

Sprinkle each serving with coconut flakes.

Oatmeal itself is a low-calorie product. It can be recommended to those who follow their figure, follow a diet. You can always put some nuts, do without sugar or honey - it will be delicious.

Hello, friends! I don’t know about you, but I really like oatmeal with milk and raisins. On weekends, I certainly give myself this pleasure and cook such a mess with feeling, really, with arrangement.

The nasty British, whose homeland is traditionally considered to be morning oatmeal, recently discovered that constantly eating oatmeal is harmful - de it blocks the absorption of calcium, and cracking it for more than two weeks in a row is unsafe for health, in which case you need to take a break for another two weeks. But this does not threaten me - every day I cook something different, I rarely have to eat the same thing two days in a row.

To be honest, I fell in love with oatmeal quite recently - when I thought of adding raisins to it. For some reason, my conscience and some remnants of ancient nutritional ideas prevent me from making any porridge tasty and desirable with the help of sugar, although this is the easiest way.

As for the ideal proportions for oatmeal, they are as follows: for liquid oatmeal, you will need 1 cup (250 ml) of oatmeal flakes per 1 liter of liquid, and for moderately thick oatmeal, 1.5 cups per 1 liter of liquid. I say liquids because there are people who are forced to consume oatmeal with water. In this case this recipe will fit too. That's it, I finished the tedious reasoning, I get down to business.

To create delicious oatmeal with milk, we need (for 2-3 servings):

  • 1 liter milk (or water, or both in half - I personally do this)
  • 1.5 cups (250 ml) boiled oatmeal (rolled oats)
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt

Oatmeal porridge with milk, recipe:

  1. Pour milk into the pan or whatever we have there according to the plan (I take milk in half with filtered water), put on medium heat.
  2. Add sugar, salt, mix and wait for the milk to become very hot, but not yet boiling.
  3. At this point, pour in the oatmeal, stir and reduce the heat a little.
  4. My raisins and send it to the pan.
  5. After boiling, cook the oatmeal for 6-10 minutes, then turn it off, cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes. During this time, the oatmeal under the lid will acquire its characteristic “oatmeal” texture - the milk will become viscous, and the flakes will lose their clear outlines.

Oatmeal with milk is ready! You can add butter to it - this is especially nice when you want to tickle the nerves next to losing weight fellow citizens. But even without fellow citizens, butter is simply tastier than without it.

If you are an adherent of a more, I'm sorry, "snotty" version of oatmeal - that is, when it looks more like a homogeneous thick jelly - this is not difficult to achieve. The ingredients and method of action are the same, only the flakes need to be poured into the milk at that stage, while it is still cold - at the very beginning of cooking. That, in fact, is all. I can’t even believe that I spread a whole treatise around ordinary oatmeal with milk. In my defense, I can say that my recipe is proven by proportions, it is very difficult to spoil this porridge.

I hope you enjoy my version of oatmeal with milk.

Enjoy your kitchen and life.

There are many ways to cook oatmeal for breakfast. It is made with the addition of sugar, salt, fresh or dried fruits. It is very fluffy, soft, healthy porridge suitable for children, adults, patients with stomach diseases. For those who are on a diet or recovering from illnesses, it is better to take water for cooking. The rest will like milk porridge, sprinkled with sand, with the addition of butter.

Before starting cooking, you need to study the tips on how to properly cook porridge so that it turns out lush, tasty, and does not stick to a plate or spoon. If everything is done correctly, the taste of the finished dish will be very delicate.

  • When using whole grains, they must first be washed, briefly soaked in water
  • Flakes should be poured only into a boiling liquid, constantly stirring with a spoon
  • After cooking, you need to let the porridge brew a little under the lid, at least a couple of minutes
  • Raisins, berries, pieces of fruit, butter are already put in ready-made porridge

  • During boiling, the foam must be removed, removed so that there is no bitterness
  • To prevent oatmeal from burning to the bottom of the pan, it must be stirred.
  • How long to cook depends on the volume of liquid, the size of the flakes
  • For children, it is better to buy crushed oatmeal flakes, such a porridge will be tastier

Recipe for delicious oatmeal with milk

This is the most familiar and simple recipe used in many families. Such a nutritious and satisfying porridge with milk is liked by children and most adults. On the water, it would not have turned out so fluffy, light, pleasant to the taste. It's quick to cook, and it doesn't take much food either.

You will need:

  • 2 whole glasses of milk
  • 4 large spoonfuls of cereal
  • salt, sugar to taste
  • piece of butter


  • First you need to pour the milk into a ladle or pan and bring to a boil without letting it escape
  • Then salt and sweeten, slowly pour in the flakes, stirring them with a spoon
  • Cooking time depends on the size of the flakes. Whole should be cooked for 7 minutes, crushed - only 4-5
  • Turn off, close the lid tightly, wrap with a towel and let stand for a while, reach the desired consistency

Already in the plate, you can add washed raisins along with the oil, fresh berries, pieces of apple, pear.

Other recipes

You can start cooking on the water. At the end of cooking, add some milk. So it turns out even more magnificent, fluffy, does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

You will need:

  • glass of oatmeal
  • 2 glasses of cold water
  • a glass of milk
  • salt with sugar
  • oil


  • Large flakes should first be checked for debris, rinsed
  • Boil water in a saucepan, adding salt, sugar as desired
  • Then you should pour the product there. How many minutes to cook depends on their size. Large ones need to be cooked for 5 minutes, small ones - only 3
  • When the porridge starts to puff, you should pour milk, wait for it to boil
  • After that, you need to cook for another couple of minutes, then you need to turn off the gas, leave it under the lid

In such a porridge, you can pour berries, baked fruits. If the oatmeal seems thick, next time you should remember how many ingredients were taken, and slightly reduce the amount.

Sweet baby oatmeal recipe

It is better to cook porridge for kids with fruit, adding butter, a little cottage cheese for splendor and better taste. Any child will love this dish.

You will need:

  • 1 cup cereal, 2 cups liquid
  • 3 spoons of cottage cheese
  • banana
  • apple, pear
  • sand, salt, oil


  • First, pour cereal into the water, cook them for 3 minutes
  • Then you need to add milk, cook for another 3 minutes
  • In the finished oatmeal we put cottage cheese, slices of banana, apple, pear
  • Mix everything, put on plates

Oatmeal in the microwave

Cooking porridge in the microwave in just 2 minutes.

  • Pour a glass of milk, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal into a plate
  • Stir, set for 2 minutes, remove
  • Add butter, raisins, and you can eat

It is very convenient to cook such a porridge in the morning if there is not much time for breakfast.

All recipes are very simple, cooking takes little time. Oatmeal turns out lush, satisfying and sweet, delicate in taste. All family members will enjoy it.

Porridge can be made from oatmeal or cereal. Groats are soaked for several hours before cooking and boiled for quite a long time: about 30-40 minutes. But it is also the most useful and delicious.

Flakes are of different types:

  • Extra No. 1 - thin, large and most useful of oat flakes. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • Extra No. 2 - thin, smaller flakes, boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extra No. 3 - thin and smallest, suitable for baby food. Cook quickly: 2-5 minutes.
  • Hercules - thick large flakes, steamed and therefore less useful. Boil for about 20 minutes.
  • Petal - thick flakes, but more tender than oatmeal, and cook faster: about 10 minutes.

Always read the instructions on the package: the exact cooking time for a particular type of cereal is indicated there.

In what proportions to cook oatmeal

Porridge can be cooked in milk or water. The amount of liquid depends on what consistency you want to get:

  • for liquid oatmeal, take 3–3.5 parts of liquid for 1 part of cereal or cereal;
  • for semi-viscous - proportion 1: 2.5;
  • for viscous - 1: 2.

For one serving, half a glass of oatmeal or cereal is enough.

What can be added to oatmeal

Usually porridge is boiled with sugar or honey: for one serving - about one tablespoon of sweetener. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small pinch of salt and a piece of butter.

Additional Ingredients:

  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or cocoa;
  • vegetables: carrots or pumpkin;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves or others (to taste).

Heat water or milk. When the liquid begins to boil, add the cereal or cereal, sweetener and a pinch of salt. While stirring, bring the porridge to a boil and reduce the heat.

Boil the porridge until cooked, not forgetting to stir. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let stand for a couple of minutes. At the end, add toppings, a piece of butter and serve.

Combine oatmeal, water, sugar and salt in a bowl. Place in and cook at maximum power for 1.5 minutes. Then stir the porridge and turn on the oven for another 20-40 seconds.

Make sure that the oatmeal does not run away: if it boils, then it is almost ready. Remove the porridge and let stand covered for a few minutes.

For cooking in microwave oven it is better not to use milk: it runs away very quickly. It is also better to take instant cereal.

If cooking oatmeal in the morning is a feat for you, do it this evening. Simply pour Quick Cook Cereal (Extra No. 2 or 3) with hot milk or water, add the rest of the ingredients, cool to room temperature, cover and refrigerate. Overnight, the oatmeal will absorb all the liquid, and the porridge will be ready. In the morning, all you have to do is warm it up in the microwave.

Oatmeal is the most optimal, tasty and healthy breakfast for adults, children. It can be cooked in milk, water, add honey, chocolate, fruits, berries, nuts. To cook a tender, fragrant porridge, you need to choose the right recipe.

If you do not know how to cook oatmeal porridge, a reliable guide will help you. step by step recipe. In the above recipe, each cooking step is captured in the photo, so you can easily cook a delicious milk porridge using oatmeal (Nordic and others).

Before proceeding with the recipe, it is worth noting that oatmeal porridge is extremely beneficial for human health. It contains fats, carbohydrates, as well as valuable protein compounds. The main advantage of porridge is that it is low in saturated fat, but very high in useful fiber, which cleanses the blood and fights cholesterol. Oats contain ascorbic and folic acid (useful for conception), as well as vitamin compounds E, B1 and B2, B5, PP, A. Oat flakes (Hercules, Nordic, Myllyn Paras and others) contain many trace elements: copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and manganese.

To make the prepared dish tasty, follow the recipe and recommendations. For cooking, you can use any cereal. As for Nordic, their calorie content is 370 calories per 100 grams of product. Duration of storage - no more than ten months. The taste is amazing. Nordic is extraordinary healthy oatmeal, which combines many advantages: fast cooking, great taste and benefit. It is important to note that the composition does not contain a variety of dyes, preservatives, GMOs, and flavors.



1. Prepare the listed ingredients. Pour milk into a small saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat. It is advisable to stir constantly if a film and foam appear.

2. When the milk begins to boil, add a little salt and sugar, pour in the flakes in a thin stream. Do not rinse oatmeal before cooking!

3. Cook the porridge over low heat for five to eight minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns to the bottom of the pan. During the cooking process, oatmeal flakes actively absorb milk, increase in size and swell. As a result of this, the porridge begins to thicken, becomes viscous.

4. When all the milk has been absorbed, and the consistency of the porridge suits you, remove the pot of porridge from the stove. Then cover it with a lid, leaving it for 5 minutes so that it sweats a little and insists.

5. Oatmeal very simple and available prescription ready. Serve in serving bowls with a little butter added. If desired, you can decorate the dish with nuts, fruits and berries. It should be noted that oatmeal goes well with banana and apple.

Porridge cooked in this way is unusually tender, fragrant, satisfying and tasty. One plate of this delicacy for breakfast will provide you good mood, energy, a charge of vivacity until the evening.

Video recipe

In order to cook oatmeal, you can use cereals, flour or cereal. If we take into account all cereals, then this porridge is recognized as the most useful and nutritious. A distinctive feature of this delicacy is that it contains a high level of vegetable fats, namely - 6%, as well as vegetable proteins - about 16%.

Oatmeal contains special protein substances, these include: avenalin, avenin. It contains a huge amount of essential amino acids. For such a porridge, fast digestibility is inherent. Due to the large amount of starch, porridge prepared on the basis of this cereal is nutritious and satisfying.

Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast for those who follow their figure or want to lose weight. This is due to its low glycemic index. Despite this point, it perfectly saturates and nourishes.

This porridge is extremely useful for children and adults. No wonder it is considered the best, healthy and balanced breakfast.
