Soups in cafe recipes Achma. Delicious achma - a recipe from Georgian cuisine. Lazy achma with cheese in a slow cooker

Achma. This is a pie consisting of several layers of dough filled with suluguni, Imeretian or any other salty cheese. The dish is traditionally served hot, but even when cold it does not become any less appetizing. That is why achma with cheese is prepared on large baking sheets, so that uneaten pieces of the pie can be reheated the next day. Best Recipes The preparation of this dish is presented in our article.

Secrets of preparing delicious achma

The following recommendations will help you prepare real Georgian delicious achma at home:

  1. The cakes should be rolled out as thin as possible, then the achma will be more tender and soaked better.
  2. If the top and sides of the pie begin to burn while baking, they should be covered with foil, after which you can continue cooking the dish in the oven.
  3. When preparing lazy achma from lavash, the cakes need to be additionally greased with sauce, otherwise the lavash will not be soaked and the pie will turn out dry.
  4. When pre-cutting the achma into pieces before baking, the cuts should not be made completely, leaving a couple of layers intact. This is done so that the filling does not leak out to the bottom of the mold and does not burn.

Filling options for achma

Traditionally, suluguni is used as a filling to prepare achma. But there are other options, for example:

  • 50% Suluguni and 50% Imeretian cheese;
  • feta;
  • feta cheese;
  • Mozzarella;
  • cottage cheese;
  • 50% suluguni (cheese cheese, feta) and 50% cottage cheese;
  • meat;
  • cheese and mushrooms, etc.

If desired, you can even prepare sweet achma for tea. In this case, instead of salted cheese, you need to add sweet cottage cheese with raisins and dried fruits. Of course, this is no longer a Georgian achma, but an improvisation, but this pie turns out to be very tasty and interesting.

Georgian achma with cheese: recipe with photo

Traditional Georgian achma is a multi-layer pie with a salty cheese filling inside. Every Georgian woman should be able to bake such a pie, and different villages may have their own recipes for preparing this delicious dish.

Traditional achma with cheese is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Add eggs (2 pieces) and salt (½ teaspoon) to 100 ml of water. All ingredients are whipped until foam forms.
  2. The previously prepared mixture of eggs, water and salt is poured into the well of sifted flour (500 g).
  3. Gradually mixed elastic dough. If necessary, you can add flour to it.
  4. From grated suluguni (0.6 kg), sour cream (100 ml) and melted butter(150 g) filling is prepared.
  5. The dough is divided into 9 parts. Each part is rolled out thinly, with one layer being approximately 1.5 times larger than the others.
  6. Each layer of dough is boiled individually in boiling water for 20 seconds, after which it is lowered into a bowl of ice water for 15 seconds and dried on a towel.
  7. A pie is formed. The largest layer of dough is laid out on the bottom of the mold, the filling is distributed in the center, then more dough, filling again, etc. When the last layer of dough is laid out, the edges of the bottom sheet need to be raised up, as if “sealing” the sides of the pie.
  8. The formed pie is immediately cut into portions and greased with a dressing of egg (1 pc.) and sour cream (50 ml) with salt.
  9. Achma is baked for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

The dish must be cooled before serving.

Lazy achma from lavash with cheese: recipe

In order not to waste time on rolling out cakes, some housewives have adapted to preparing achma from lavash. It is worth noting that the taste is not much inferior to the traditional Georgian dish.

To prepare achma three sheets thin pita bread are laid out on the bottom of the mold with an overlap, overlapping each other by about a third. The filling, prepared from suluguni (400 g) and 1 egg, is distributed on top. The cheese filling is poured with a sauce made from kefir (150 ml) and eggs, after which it is covered with another sheet of pita bread. In general, the formation of the pie is similar to the method presented in the previous recipe. In total, for this amount of filling you need to take 7 sheets of pita bread.

Achma of pita bread with cheese is poured with melted butter before baking. And only after this the form with the pie is sent to the oven for 30 minutes, preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees.

Achma with cheese

Can be prepared according to traditional recipe or a simplified version with lavash. In the first case, you will again need to roll out nine layers of dough. Then they will need to be boiled, cooled in ice water and dried on a towel. The amount of cheese will be similar to the weight of suluguni (600 g).

When choosing the second preparation option, the cheese will be laid out as a filling between the layers of lavash. At the same time, so that the pie does not turn out dry, melted butter should be added to the grated cheese, and each sheet of lavash should be greased with kefir or cream sauce.

Armenian achma with cottage cheese and lavash cheese

To prepare achma according to this recipe, cottage cheese (300 g) mixed with suluguni in a 2:1 ratio is used as a filling. Greens are also added here to taste ( green onions, parsley, cilantro), black pepper and salt. If pure cottage cheese is used as a filling, then you need to add a pinch of soda to it so that when baking it begins to melt, like suluguni.

The formation process is no different from previous versions of preparing this dish. To make the dry sheets juicy and tender, they are well soaked in a sauce of eggs (2 pcs.) and kefir (300 ml), after which the filling is laid out. Achma with cheese and cottage cheese from lavash is baked in the oven until browned, about 35 minutes. Ready dish immediately after the oven, pour melted butter (100 ml).

Achma from puff pastry

Very tasty achma is also made from puff pastry, and preparing the dish is as easy as shelling pears. To prepare it you will need a package of puff pastry yeast-free dough, each layer of which is rolled out in accordance with the dimensions of the mold. The first sheet that is placed on the bottom will be larger and thinner than the rest.

In the process of forming the pie, a filling is laid out on each layer of dough, which includes salted cheese (200 g), cottage cheese (200 g) and melted butter (200 g). Top the filling with cream sauce and eggs (2 pcs.). In this sequence, all layers are gradually formed. The last sheet of dough is brushed with the remaining creamy egg sauce. Achma is baked with cheese and cottage cheese from puff pastry for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Immediately after the oven, it should cool slightly, and only after that the pie can be cut into pieces.

Cheese achma in a slow cooker

Delicious achma can be prepared even in a slow cooker. To do this you will need 3 sheets of pita bread. The first sheet is laid out on the bottom of the multicooker bowl so that its edges hang outside. The remaining 2 pita breads must be cut into pieces of arbitrary size. After this they are soaked in kefir filling. To prepare it, you need to mix kefir (500 ml) and eggs (2 pcs.) in one bowl. At the same time, you should prepare the filling from grated salted cheese (suluguni, feta cheese, etc.).

The pie is formed as follows: several pieces soaked in kefir are laid out on the first sheet of lavash, then the filling, then another layer of soaked lavash, again grated cheese, etc. The last layer there must be cheese. After this, the hanging edges of the lavash are folded inward, and the achma with cheese is closed. Place pieces of butter on top. Bake the pie for 45 minutes on one side, then carefully turn it over and place it in the multicooker bowl to continue cooking for another 40 minutes.

Achma is a layer cake from Abkhazia, the dough for which needs to be boiled. Its amazing taste provides original filling from several types soft cheese, connected to soft unleavened dough. Sometimes a mixture of fresh herbs is added to the filling - cilantro, basil, dill and parsley.

Sour cream is also used natural yogurt or melted butter. In any case, this is an incredibly tasty dish that, once you try it, you will never forget and want to try again. Our recipe represents the classic Abkhazian achma.


Achma recipe with cheese

Grate Imereti cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 tbsp. butter and mix well. Instead of Imeretian cheese, you can take 500 g of unsalted Suluguni and Adyghe cheese, or a mixture Adyghe cheese, mozzarella and feta. In total you will need 1 kg of filling. If you think the cheese is too bland, you can salt it a little.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve and pour into a bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in warm (not hot!) water and 0.5 tbsp. melted butter, mix. Then add the eggs one at a time into the dough and knead it well. Place on a floured table, grease your hands with oil to prevent the dough from sticking to them, and knead it again.

The dough should be stiff and elastic. You need to divide it into 10 parts, two of which should be slightly larger than the others - this will be the top and bottom of the achma. Take a large portion of the dough and roll it out as thin as possible. Don't worry if it tears a little - it won't be noticeable in the finished achma. Place the rolled out layer on a baking sheet.

The edges of the layer should protrude 1-2 cm beyond the baking sheet. Now you need to fill a large pan with water and put it on the fire. Roll out 8 small pieces of dough as thin as possible. When the water boils, you need to very carefully and carefully lower each thin layer into boiling water for 15 seconds, and then use a slotted spoon to remove it into a pre-set colander.
The boiled dough inside the achma can fold into folds. Each layer must be doused with a stream of cold water. Make sure that the water pressure is weak, otherwise the dough will tear. Place the cooled layer on a paper towel to absorb any remaining water. After this, the cooked dough needs to be transferred and placed on a damp layer on a baking sheet, brushed with melted butter and laid out a small amount of filling.

Remember - there should be enough cheese for 8 layers! Next, you need to take the next piece of dough, roll it out, cook it and place it on top of the cheese filling. Grease with butter and add cheese. And repeat this way until the last 8th layer. Do not put the filling on the 8th layer. Boil the layer, grease with oil and cover the top with a thinly rolled out raw layer of dough.

To cheese filling has not leaked, the upper wet layer must be tucked under the lowest one. Make sure that the top layer does not tear under any circumstances, otherwise all the filling will leak out! The entire assembled pie should be lightly pressed with your hands, greased with oil on top and sides, and refrigerated for 2-3 hours (or left overnight).

Before placing the pie in the oven, you can cut it halfway portioned pieces- then it will retain its shape when finished. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 180º for 40-50 minutes until golden brown. Before serving, you can cut the achma to the end. Enjoy the amazing cheese taste!

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I realized that I was getting old - my achma began to turn out better and better.

Achma is layered cake with delicate lacy pulp and a crispy crust, inside of which there is melted cheese. I see that you have already licked your lips. Yes, this Adjarian pie, cooked on home kitchen, is a real delicacy. But I won't hide to cook it delicious dish, you need experience: the recipe for making achma is not so simple. For those who decide to undertake this feat, I recommend learning how to cook first. And, of course, follow my recommendations. I will tell you in great detail how this is done.

You will need:

For the test:

  • egg 2 pcs
  • water 2 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Suluguni cheese 0.5 kg (or any young cheese)
  • butter 200 gr

You will need round shape with a diameter of 26-28 cm with high sides.

The specialty of this pie- the layers of dough that make it up are pre-boiled, so prepare two large bowls or pans ( with boiling and cold water), in which you will boil and cool the dough before baking. You will also need a large one wooden spoon And colander.

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Dough for achma Prepare in the same way as for homemade noodles.

Sift into a bowl flour, make a hole in the flour and break it into it 2 eggs. Add 2 tbsp. water(half a shell from a broken egg is 1 tablespoon), a pinch salt and a teaspoon olive oil. Knead the dough with your hand, spoon or knife, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer the dough to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. You can do this on a board or take the dough in your hands. Like this.

There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

While the dough is resting prepare the cheese. Cheese for achma should be young and salty. Suluguni, Ossetian, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella, feta cheese are suitable. You can use a mixture of cheeses.

The cheese can be crumbled by hand, passed through a meat grinder or grated. In a word, the cheese needs to be chopped. If the cheese is lightly salted, be sure to salt it. The dough for achma is unleavened and salty cheese contrasts well with it.

Let's continue working with the test. To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 8 pieces and roll into balls.

Roll them out one at a time. At first flatten the ball into a flat cake and then roll it out on a board with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The thinner you roll out the dough, the better. The photo shows that the dough allows light to pass through. The diameter of the cakes should be 3-4 cm larger than the mold diameter.

Rolled out sheets of dough put on a tray sprinkle with flour to prevent sticking. These sheets can be cut into homemade noodles→ . But since you swung at the achma, then, having finished rolling out the dough, just exhale - one of the difficult stages is completed, congratulations! But don't relax, it will still be hot!

Let the dough rest while you melt the butter until liquid.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of melted butter to the shredded cheese and stir.

Grease the mold with butter. If you don't have a brush, do it by hand.

Place in mold first layer of raw dough and brush it with melted butter. The first and last layers of achma are not boiled.

Second sheet omit the test for achma into boiling salted water using wave-like movements to prevent the dough from sticking together. Adjust it with a wooden spoon.

As soon as the water with the dough boils again, use a spoon and a colander to catch the dough and place it in a bowl of cold water - it should be nearby.

Make sure that there is water in the basin where the dough will cool. cold. You can change it, you can add ice.

In just a few seconds the dough will cool down. Hands carefully take it out of the water And put in shape. In Georgia, the dough is dried using two towels: laid out on one and blotted with the other. I just let the water drain and put it in the mold. Don't try to lay the dough flat. Firstly, it is difficult, and secondly, all these folds and bubbles will ultimately give that layered lace effect. It's okay if the dough breaks. Be sure to brush the dough with melted butter.

Do everything described above with third And fourth sheets test: Boil, cool, place in a mold, grease with oil. INadd the prepared cheese onto the fourth layer of dough and smooth it out.

Return to the stove and cook one by one fifth,sixth And seventh sheets of dough. Cool and stack them on top of each other, brushing with oil.

Cover the pie with the remaining eighth uncooked sheet of dough and tuck the edges in. The top layer of achma, as well as the bottom one, must be damp. In Georgia, the formed achma is placed in the refrigerator overnight and baked the next day. I bake right away. Before baking, cut the cake into portions and pour the remaining melted butter over the cuts. I usually cut out a circle in the middle, and draw rays from it to the edges of the mold - this makes 9 servings.
Bake the achma in a preheated oven t 200°C 30-40 minutes. Since the dough is pre-boiled, we just wait for the pie to brown.

Like all traditional dishes folk cuisines, achma very hearty pie - a dish for those who spend a lot of energy. Therefore, be moderate and be sure to drink it hot green tea- it is good for digestion. The Georgian feast is famous for its abundance of delicious homemade wine and such fatty foods neutralize alcohol well. This pie keeps well in the refrigerator, but since... it is eaten warm, before use, warm up the achma in the microwave.

Delicate lace dough, crispy crust and melted cheese! Bon appetit!

Achma. Brief recipe.

You will need:

For the test:

  • egg 2 pcs
  • water 2 tbsp.
  • olive oil 1 tsp (or any vegetable)
  • premium wheat flour 14-16 tbsp. with a slide

For filling:

  • Suluguni cheese 0.5 kg (or any young salted cheese)
  • butter 200 gr

You will need a round mold with a diameter of 26-28 cm with high sides.

The peculiarity of this pie is that the layers of dough that make it up are pre-boiled, so prepare two large basins or pans (with boiling and cold water) in which you will boil and cool the dough before baking. You will also need a large wooden spoon and a colander with which you will remove the dough from the boiling water.

Beat the eggs into the sifted flour, add water, olive oil, salt, and knead the dough. Wrap in film and set aside for 30 minutes. Grate the cheese or grind it through a meat grinder, pour in 3-4 tbsp. l. melted butter, mix well.
Divide the dough into 8 parts, roll out each part of the dough thinly. Place one sheet of dough in the pan and brush with melted butter. Boil 3 sheets of rolled out text in salted boiling water, placing them first in cold water, and then into the mold, grease each one with oil.
Lay out and distribute the cheese filling, again 3 layers of boiled dough, greasing with butter, and the last 4th layer should not be boiled.
Grease the top of the pie with butter, cut into portions, pour the remaining butter over the cuts. Bake in the oven at 200°C until browned.

In contact with

The recipe belongs to Georgian cuisine and is, in fact, one of the varieties of khachapuri, that is, baked goods with cheese. Achma is prepared from thin boiled sheets of dough, which, when assembled, are sandwiched with brine cheese and butter. Any young cheese is used as a filling: Suluguni, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella, feta cheese or a mixture of them.

Georgian achma is very tasty, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. But it will take time and physical strength to prepare it. First, knead the dough, roll it into thin sheets and boil it in boiling water. Then each one is generously poured with butter, layered with filling and baked in the oven until browned. The result is a very satisfying pie for real heroes! The baked goods are high in calories and filling, but so tasty that it is almost impossible to stop at one piece. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare a large portion at once, and then reheat the next day, unless, of course, there is something left after the first tea drinking.

Total cooking time: 90 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Yield: 8 servings, 22 cm mold


for the recipe

  • wheat flour – 250 g
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • cold water – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.
  • vegetable oil– 2 tbsp. l.

For filling

  • suluguni – 400-500 g
  • butter – 150 g
  • salt – 1-2 chips. of necessity


    First of all, let's prepare the dough for the achma. Sift all the flour into a deep bowl at once, make a small depression in the center and beat a couple of eggs into it. Add salt, water and vegetable oil.

    Knead the dough, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. I stir first with a knife and then with my hands. The consistency of the dough will be dense and elastic, slightly sticking to your hands. We form a ball out of it, sprinkle with flour and leave for 20-30 minutes to “rest”. During this time, the dough will become more pliable and elastic. To prevent drying, I recommend covering the bowl with a damp towel or cling film.

    While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Everything is simple here. You need to grate the cheese and melt the butter - you can do it in the microwave, in a water bath or in the oven. In a bowl with grated suluguni, I add 3 tablespoons of melted butter for juiciness and mix. The filling should taste salty, so if your cheese is lightly salted, be sure to add a couple of pinches of salt.

    Knead the rested dough again and divide it into 10 parts - about 40 g each (I used a mold with a diameter of 22 cm, if you have a larger mold, then divide the dough into 8 parts, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll out the dough).

    Roll out the dough balls into flat cakes from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The dough needs to be rolled out as thin as possible. Ideally, it should be translucent so that the book can be read through it. The edges don’t have to be straight; they will still curl up. The main thing here is that the cake turns out thin and large - 3-4 cm larger in diameter than your baking dish.

    Roll out all the dough sheets in the same way. They can be stacked on top of each other, sprinkled with flour so that they do not stick together.

    Generously grease the top with melted butter again and sprinkle with grated cheese (calculate the amount so that it is enough to cover all the layers).

    Boil the remaining 8 sheets in boiling, lightly salted water. To do this, prepare a pan with boiling water and place a bowl of cold water next to it (you can add ice cubes to it). We lower the sheet of dough into boiling water, as if in wave-like movements, so that nothing sticks together. Cook for 30 seconds. Use a spoon or slotted spoon to catch the dough from the boiling water and immediately plunge it into ice water to cool quickly.

    After a couple of seconds, remove from the water, let it drain and place in the mold. There is no need to try to lay it flat, let there be folds, waves and bubbles, they give the dish a special lace pattern on the medium. It's okay if the dough tears a little. Grease the boiled leaf with butter and sprinkle with cheese.

    We repeat the procedure with the remaining sheets, that is, boil, cool and lay on top of each other, layering with butter and cheese. When all the layers are laid, cover the top of the pie with the last 10th layer RAW dough. We turn up the edges. Be sure to grease the top with butter as well.

    Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for approximately 30-40 minutes. Since our dough was pre-boiled, we just wait until the top of the pie turns golden.

    If you cut into a hot pie, you can see how beautifully the melted cheese stretches. But it’s better not to rush and cut the achma into portions after 15-20 minutes, when it has cooled down a little and become stronger.

    The pie is very rich and fatty, but incredibly tasty, like all traditional dishes Georgian cuisine! Goes great with greens or just a cup of hot tea. Cheese pie is best served warm; you can reheat it in the microwave. Be sure to try making achma at home - you won’t regret it!

- very famous hearty dish Georgian cuisine, a delicate unsweetened layer pie with cheese, the “trick” of which is that the layers of dough, except for the bottom and sometimes the top, are first lightly boiled and only then put in the oven.

Recipe options for this cheese pie in Georgia there are a great variety, there are recipes for achma with dough in milk or water, with different numbers of eggs, even with different cheese. We bring to your attention a recipe that has been tried and tested by us. With cheese filling, since we do not live in Georgia and cannot buy Georgian pickled cheeses, options are possible. We like to mix in equal proportions soft cheese type "Adygei" and "Suluguni". You can try your own versions, just remember that the cheese filling should be slightly salty. Our baking dish with rounded corners has dimensions of 35x25 cm. The shape can be round, square, or rectangular, the main thing is not small. Let us add that the process, of course, is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the result is worth it. And one more thing: if you love , you should like achma too!

Need to:

  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour - 800 grams for the dough (+ about 200 more grams will be used for powdering when rolling the dough into thin layers, so about 1 kilogram in total)
  • Soft brine cheese – 1 kilogram (we have 0.5 kilograms of “Adygei” and 0.5 kilograms of “Suluguni”)
  • Table salt - 1 teaspoon in the dough + about 0.5 tablespoon in the water in which we will boil the dough layers, + maybe add a little more salt to the cheese if you bought unleavened
  • Butter – 200 grams


Beat the eggs (with a whisk or just a fork) with 1 teaspoon of salt and add a glass of warm water, mix everything.

Pour flour into a large bowl, pour in the egg mixture, mix everything, add vegetable oil. Knead the dough until it begins to stick to your hands and form a ball. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave aside for 25-30 minutes.

Meanwhile, grate the cheese on a coarse grater; if you had several types of cheese, mix if necessary grated cheese add a little salt. At about the same time, put a large pot of water on the stove; when the water boils, add about 0.5 tablespoon of salt.

Let's return to the test. We form the ball into something like a thick sausage and divide it into eight parts, so that 7 parts are approximately the same, and 1 part is almost 2 times larger.

We form each part of the dough into a ball, which we will then roll out.

Take the largest part of the dough and roll it into a very thin (about 2 mm) layer, the size of which should be significantly larger size your mold: you need to line the mold with this layer of dough so as not only to cover the side walls, but also to leave the edges hanging outward. Grease the mold with butter and transfer the rolled out layer of dough there, lining the mold with it.

Now we need to roll out the remaining 7 pieces of dough into thin layers slightly larger than the size of the mold. You can roll them out one by one, folding them in a pile and sprinkling them with flour; we folded each layer like an accordion.

Some craftsmen first lightly roll out each lump of dough, then stack more thick layers on top of one another, generously sprinkling with flour, and then roll out the entire stack at once to the state of thin layers, but this method requires experience and skill.

The next step is to melt the butter in a separate bowl until liquid (stir, do not bring to a boil).

Grease the layer of dough lying in the mold with melted butter and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Take the next layer of dough, lower it into boiling salted water for 35-40 seconds, from there we transfer it (conveniently with two slotted spoons) into a bowl of cold water for just a short while (well, about 10 seconds), then transfer it to a colander, let the water drain and transfer it slightly boiled layer of dough on a towel, blot it with another towel and transfer it to the mold.

Don’t try to flatten the dough in the mold, let it look like fabric crumpled by waves, it will be in folds, that’s how it should be, this will give the achma “additional flakiness.” Brush this layer of dough with melted butter and also sprinkle with cheese ( watch our video recipe!).

We do the same with all the other layers of dough, except the last one: boil it. We get wet, put it in a mold, grease it with oil, sprinkle with grated cheese. The form is filled to the top. When you have only one layer of dough left unused, before placing it, fold the overhanging edges of the lowest layer of dough over the filling, pressing lightly with your hands and compacting our cheese pie.

You can deal with the last layer of dough in two ways: either lightly boil it (then the top of the dough will be soft), or place it without boiling, like the bottom layer (then there will be a slightly crispy crust), we prefer the second way. So, cover the dough with the last layer of dough and tuck its edges into the mold. Brush the top with the rest of the melted butter (perhaps by this time it has already cooled completely and has begun to thicken - this is normal).
