How to make meatloaf with an egg inside. Minced meatloaf with egg

Dishes made from minced meat are very tasty and practical, take everyone’s favorite cutlets, meatballs or the same lasagna, but sometimes you want something special. For just such a case, I recommend a minced meat roll with eggs and vegetables. The good thing about this recipe is that you can cook the meatloaf with... with different fillings, and it always turns out very tasty and beautiful. Be sure to try it, especially since the roll is very easy to prepare.


(4-6 servings)

  • 700 gr. minced meat
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 eggs
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste
  • filling for roll
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • 1/2 lettuce pepper
  • 200 gr. hard cheese
  • For meatloaf, we use any minced meat; the most delicious roll is made from mixed minced meat (pork + beef).
  • Add two eggs to the minced meat and grate the onion on a fine grater. Salt and pepper.
  • Mix the minced meat very well. Taste for salt and spices. We make the minced meat quite salty and spicy; you can add your favorite spices.
  • You can make any filling for the meatloaf, the simplest one is just boiled eggs, the more complex one is to add vegetables and cheese in addition to the eggs.
  • So, boil hard-boiled eggs. One egg roll requires 3 boiled eggs.
  • An important point: vegetables must be boiled. You can cook carrots and potatoes in advance.
  • If you decide to add salad pepper to the filling, as in my photo, then cut the pepper into long thick strips, which we fry over low heat until tender.
  • The pepper should become soft. It is better to remove the peeled peel. You can use canned salad peppers; there is no need to fry them.
  • That's all the preparatory operations, now you can proceed directly to preparing our meatloaf. Moreover, you can prepare the roll in two ways, I will describe both methods, and you will choose the one you like best.
  • Minced meat roll baked in the oven on a baking sheet

  • This classic scheme, used for cold and hot rolls, when the roll is rolled in the literal sense of the word. For this we need a bamboo mat, which is used for rolling sushi.
  • We cover the mat with cling film to protect the mat itself, and the minced meat comes off the plastic more easily.
  • Distribute the minced meat evenly to form a rectangle. The layer of minced meat should not be very thin, otherwise it will tear when folded.
  • Place the halves not far from the near edge boiled eggs, boiled carrots cut lengthwise, potatoes cut into large strips.
  • Place strips of lettuce pepper. It turns out very beautiful if you use red and green peppers.
  • Place cheese on top of vegetables. I recommend grating the cheese, so during cooking the cheese melts and flows between the vegetables, thereby combining the filling. Since I only had cheese in slices in the refrigerator, I simply rolled it up.
  • Carefully roll up the roll (do not forget to remove the plastic in a timely manner).
  • Transfer the rolled minced meat roll to a baking sheet and place in a well-heated oven. Bake the roll for 45-50 minutes at 220°C.
  • We check readiness with a metal pin (knitting needle). If after piercing red ichor flows out, then the roll is not ready yet. If the puncture site remains dry, the roll is ready. By the way, one of the signs that the meatloaf is ready is the flow of melted cheese.
  • When the roll has cooled a little, transfer it to a cutting board. If we plan to serve the minced meat roll hot, then we cut it quite thick. For cold snack Cut the meatloaf thinly just before serving. It’s clear that we choose a sharp knife.
  • Egg roll baked in a pan

  • This is the simplest and quick way preparing minced meat roll. You don’t need to fold anything, you don’t need experience or patience))).
  • So, we take a rectangular shape, preferably with a special coating. Generously grease the pan with margarine and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top. Thanks to this little trick, the roll comes out of the mold easier.
  • Place one third of the prepared minced meat on the bottom of the mold. We spread the filling in a heap along the form. It is advisable to put cheese on top.
  • We cover the filling with the remaining minced meat on top and sides so that the filling is inside the minced meat. Press the minced meat tightly.
  • Place the meatloaf pan in the preheated oven and bake until done. Time and temperature regime the same as in the first case.
  • The cut shows how appetizing and how beautiful the minced meat roll turns out. Eggs, carrots, peppers, potatoes and even cheese are clearly visible. By appearance This roll is no worse than one cooked on a baking sheet.
  • I also recommend trying

Homemade meatloaf with eggs, baked in the oven - incredibly tasty and hearty dish. It is made from turkey, pork, beef or mixed mince. It goes well with various salads and baked vegetables. Therefore, many housewives often prepare such a treat for their family. Today's article will present the simplest and interesting recipes its preparations.

Option with hard cheese

This delicate dish it looks so impressive that it can be served not only for a family dinner, but also for the arrival of important guests. Before starting the process, be sure to stock up on everything necessary products. A delicious meatloaf with eggs is being prepared in the oven. The recipe for this dish involves the use of a specific set of ingredients, which include:

  • Half a kilo of any minced meat.
  • Onion head.
  • Five chicken eggs.
  • 4 tablespoons fresh milk.
  • 100 grams of hard cheese.

In addition, you should have some salt, pepper and parsley in your kitchen. How to prepare meatloaf with eggs in the oven? A recipe with a photo will help every housewife do everything correctly, and the dish discussed in today’s article will turn out to be juicy and very tasty.

Process description

The first thing you should do is deal with the eggs. Four of them are hard-boiled, and the remaining raw is combined with milk and lightly whisked with a regular fork.

Place the minced meat in a separate container, salt and pepper it. Chopped onions and chopped parsley are added to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. At this point, the minced meat, from which you will subsequently make meatloaf with eggs in the oven, is completely ready for further use. It is divided into two parts. One of them is placed on the bottom of a mold lined with foil. Whole and shelled eggs are placed on top in one line. All this is sprinkled with grated cheese and covered with the remaining minced meat, making sure that it is evenly distributed over the surface of the mold.

Prepare meatloaf with eggs in the oven at one hundred and eighty degrees. After about forty minutes it can be removed from the oven and served.

Option with bacon

This dish will equally well become a true decoration of any holiday table and an excellent alternative to boring cutlets. It can be served both hot and cold. In order for you to get a truly satisfying and tender meatloaf with egg in the oven (the recipe with photos, described step-by-step, is presented to your attention in the article), you should inspect the contents of your own refrigerator in advance. It should contain:

  • 900 grams of prepared minced meat.
  • Four chicken eggs.
  • 100 grams of breadcrumbs.
  • Four medium onions.
  • 225 grams of bacon.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • 70 grams of butter.

If necessary, the latter can be replaced goose fat. This will make the meatloaf with eggs you prepared (in the oven), the recipe with a photo of which is presented below, even tastier. In addition, some housewives add a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce to the minced meat.


At the preparatory stage you need to deal with the eggs. Three of them are placed in a saucepan with cold water, put on the stove and hard-boiled. Ready eggs cool, peel and set aside.

In a frying pan greased with goose fat or butter, place peeled and chopped onions. Lightly add salt and fry until soft. When it becomes transparent, remove it from the heat and cool.

The cooled fried onions are placed in a bowl with minced meat, from which meatloaf with eggs will later be made (in the oven it will brown and will be not only tasty, but also appetizing). The sauce and the remaining raw egg are also sent there. breadcrumbs and table salt. Mix everything thoroughly and divide the resulting mass in half. One part is carefully distributed along the bottom of the mold lined with parchment paper. Boiled eggs are placed on top, covered with the remaining minced meat and formed into a roll. Thinly sliced ​​bacon is placed on it and baked at two hundred degrees. After about an hour it can be removed from the oven.

Experienced chefs advise taking your time. They say that it’s not enough to just bake a meatloaf with eggs in the oven (the recipe, by the way, can be varied by adding mushrooms to the minced meat). The treat should stand at room temperature for fifteen minutes. This will make it much easier to cut in portioned pieces. As a side dish for this dish Usually they serve all kinds of salads or baked vegetables.

Sometimes you want to present your guests something new, unusual and, of course, tasty. Therefore, just for such an occasion, we suggest you prepare an incomparable meatloaf with a beautiful, tasty and delicate filling from eggs.

Meatloaf with cheese and egg inside - recipe in the oven


  • beef – 500 g;
  • pork – 300 g;
  • chicken eggs- 5 pieces.;
  • hard cheese – 130 g;
  • sunflower oil– 1 teaspoon;
  • mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


We wash both types of meat in a container with cold water. Let the water drain, and then divide the beef and pork into manageable pieces and pass through a large sieve in an electric meat grinder. Add one fresh egg to the minced meat obtained in this way, sprinkle it with kitchen salt, a mixture of various peppers and mix everything with clean hands. Boil the remaining eggs for 10-12 minutes and peel them.

We distribute all the minced meat on a piece of cling film no more than 1.5 centimeters thick and no longer than 30 centimeters. Place boiled eggs in the center of the resulting meat plate and place chopped hard cheese cubes next to them parallel to them. We lift up one edge of the film with minced meat and carefully cover our egg and cheese filling with it. We remove this edge of the film so that it does not remain inside and, pulling the film, we roll everything into a beautiful, even roll. Having removed the rest of the film from it, we place the dish on an oiled baking sheet, which we place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake our incomparably tasty roll for half an hour.

Minced meatloaf with onion and egg in the oven


  • minced pork– 900 g;
  • raw eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • – 6 pcs.;
  • onions (large) – 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • – 120 ml;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.


Remove the shells from boiled eggs and chop them into not very small cubes. Cut the peeled onion into approximately the same cubes and fry it in a frying pan with oil until distinctly golden. Then transfer it to a bowl with chopped eggs and mix everything well.

Break the raw eggs and add them to the fresh minced pork and knead it thoroughly with thoroughly washed hands. We cover a wide rectangular mold with a piece of food foil and distribute the prepared minced meat in an even layer over its entire bottom. Place the filling on the left or right half of this meat layer and on the same side, lifting the edges up, roll everything into a neat, even roll. Wrap it in foil and place it on a baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 195 degrees, for at least 40 minutes.

Hi all!

I recently cooked a delicious

meatloaf from minced meat, stuffed with boiled eggs and baked in the oven

(Delicious beyond words, I will share with you a step-by-step photo and video recipe ;-))

Stuffed roll is perfect as a snack for festive table and as a main dish with vegetable side dish, and it’s easier to prepare than cutlets! I really love and respect those dishes that don’t need to be fried, I’m all for healthy eating! 😉 Therefore, meatloaf according to this recipe is perfect for children's and diet food.

For the recipe for baked meatloaf with eggs you will need:

  • Minced meat (I have mixed pork and beef, it will also be delicious with chicken) - 800 g,
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.,
  • 2 raw eggs into minced meat,
  • 2 slices of loaf (soaked in milk),
  • 2 spoons of sour cream (for the juiciness of the minced meat),
  • pepper,
  • salt - to taste,
  • 3-4 boiled eggs for filling.

Recipe baked meatloaf from minced meat and eggs

I prepared minced meat for a stuffed roll filled with boiled eggs from lean pieces of pork and beef, 400 grams of each meat (if you replace them with lamb, chicken breasts, or maybe make minced fish fillet, it will taste very original!). We pass the meat together with the onion through a meat grinder, soak bread or loaf without crusts in milk or water, since I took lean meat, I will add a couple of spoons of sour cream to the minced meat in addition to eggs and slices of loaf, in order to make it juicy.

Mix the prepared minced meat for the roll well, you can even beat it.

You can simply form the roll on a table greased with vegetable oil, or you can use foil or cling film for this:

Place the minced meat in an oblong layer on the table,

Place boiled eggs along the center

(if desired, you can diversify the taste of the stuffed meatloaf - place eggs on fried onions or mushrooms, for example, champignons), chicken eggs in the roll can be replaced with quail ones.

Use the edges of a layer of raw minced meat to cover the eggs and form a roll; to prevent it from falling apart during baking, you can turn it over with the seam down and on top (required!!!) make 4 holes with your finger to allow steam and excess liquid to escape.

A minced meat roll filled with eggs can be baked in a deep baking dish, greased with oil, and then you will not need to add broth or water, it will cook in own juice and it will turn out juicy.

If baked stuffed roll on a baking sheet, then be sure to add water, a little, so that the surface of the greased baking sheet is lightly covered with liquid. A minced meat roll according to this recipe can be baked in a sleeve or foil; the baking time for the roll is 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. During baking, the stuffed roll will need to be basted several times with the released juice in order for it to get a beautiful golden brown crust, as in the photo:

Detailed step by step photo I have put together a recipe for baked stuffed meatloaf in a slide show:

And I also found it for you Delicious video recipe on YouTube from Victoria Andreeva:

meatloaf made from minced meat stuffed with omelette and raw carrots, baked in the oven in the oven

Anyuta and her Notebook wish you bon appetit!

P.S. If the network is busy, you may not be able to access it, just try again several times :)

Minced meat dish“Nests with eggs” is cooked in the oven, tastes like juicy cutlets, however, since there is no need to fry, you don’t have to worry about the notorious “bad cholesterol”.

Making nests from minced meat is simple and quick, they look appetizing, cute and original, in addition, the portions are quite large (my husband’s predictable reaction: “Finally I made cutlets of a normal size!”, but he still asked for more because it’s delicious). Another advantage of this dish is the absence of painful doubts that torment us while frying cutlets: are they fried? When cooking in the oven, this issue is automatically excluded from the list of relevant ones. In this recipe we indicate the amount of ingredients for 8 “nest” servings. If you need less, do half a portion or even a quarter.

Need to:

  • Minced beef (basically, you can use any chopped meat, including chicken or turkey) – 1 kilogram
  • Bread (preferably black, such as Stolovoy or Stolichny) – about 200 grams (we have 5 slices)
  • Milk – 200 ml (1 glass)
  • Onion – 1 large onion
  • Carrots – about 300-400 grams
  • Chicken eggs – 10 pieces (for this dish, choose smaller eggs, large ones do not fit well into the “nests” and leak onto the baking sheet)
  • Table salt - approximately 2.5 level teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper - to taste (we usually rotate the pepper grinder over the entire surface of the minced meat 2-3 times)
  • Margarine or vegetable oil - just a little to grease the pan or baking sheet


Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.

Trim the crusts off the bread slices, break the crumb into small pieces and pour in milk, let stand for 10-15 minutes.

When the bread is soaked in milk, stir and grind with a spoon until it becomes a homogeneous mass without large lumps of bread. (If you make minced meat yourself and do not buy ready-made ones, you can break the bread together with the crusts, soak it in milk, and then pass it through a meat grinder along with the meat).

The onions need to be peeled and finely chopped (if desired, you can also fry them in vegetable oil before golden color– then the taste of the onion will be less pronounced).

Place minced meat, grated carrots, bread soaked in milk and chopped onions in one bowl. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, adding salt and pepper while mixing.

Lightly beat 2 eggs with a fork, mixing the whites and yolks, add the eggs to the minced mixture and mix again.

Divide the resulting mass into 8 approximately equal parts.

Hands soaked in cold water(so that the minced meat does not stick to your hands), we form a “nest” from each part: first we mold something like a ball, then we slightly flatten it on two opposite sides to the shape of a cutlet and, pressing with our fingers, we make a depression-“nest” (watch our video recipe !). Place the “nests” of minced meat in a deep baking tray greased with margarine or butter or in a baking dish.

Carefully break and pour one egg into each “nest”, add a little salt to the eggs and, if desired, pepper.

Place the baking sheet or mold in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees (this is a medium heat level or slightly above average, so that the oven warms up, turn it on 10-15 minutes before placing the baking sheet there). Place the baking tray at medium height. Bake ours in the oven at the set medium heat level for 40-45 minutes. For the last 5 minutes, you can increase the heat to maximum (and if your oven has a grill and an air circulation function, all this can also be turned on) so that our “nests” of minced meat are also browned. Then remove from the oven, place on plates and serve. Potatoes in any form (fried, boiled, baked, mashed) are perfect as a side dish, and pasta, vegetables, rice or buckwheat are also not excluded.

You can also watch our video recipe:


Go for it! Create! Get ready!

Eat yourself, feed your family, treat your friends!


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