Wine made from bananas and strawberries. Homemade banana wine for real gourmets. Banana curd casserole: cook quickly

Sasha Molchanov, Doctor of Economics, teaches at one of the universities in Auckland. His expert opinion is more than once. A distinctive feature of the professor is the ability to detect a winery, brewery or moonshine in any hole. Oh, I remember we had a great taste of cherry moonshine from the North Shore, before the clown snot.

Rarotonga has a tropical climate. That’s why it rains and is “cold” in February: stable +27+28°C during the day, +25°C at night. Almost on the first day, Sasha said that the grapes are overripe in such conditions: the leaves burn in the sun, and the fruits turn out too sweet, unsuitable for wine. Therefore, we did not expect to meet a local sommelier.

Nevertheless, literally on the third day of our stay on the island, we found ourselves at a winery where the owner, the grandson of a Danish sailor who jumped out of love for a dark-skinned beauty, makes sweet wine from bananas.

The post continues with a little more than ten photos from there with comments. The pictures are clickable.

The sign at the entrance to the house is made in the spirit of the inscriptions on the road: read from bottom to top.

George himself is a doctor of some kind of IT science, studied and worked in New Zealand, but now he returned to the island to raise his family and bask in the sun. The skill he learned from his father turned from a hobby into a small business. For the second year now, in addition to repairing laptops, the doctor has been making Te Reru wine, and plans to supply it to New Zealand and around the world. If anyone is interested, write him a letter at this address.

Judging by the huge white board with tables, a large number of bottles, flasks and jars makes wine not so easy. George's house reminded me of a high school chemistry class.

Apparently guests don't stop by often. The owner immediately started serving us his products from bottles with yellow labels.

Winemaker's Corner. Under the table there are plastic containers in which the wine ferments. On the left are samples in tea-colored bottles. The inscriptions on the rags seem to tell us - the wine is definitely 100% from the Cook Islands.

Banana wine ferments in these plastic canisters. Using rags, the desired temperature is maintained. The tanks in the photo are one year old.

I think someone in the comments knows better than me what this device is called in Russian, which sticks out from under the rags covering containers of wine. As I recall, this thing indicates the humidity level is called a water seal and prevents air from entering the container while allowing gases, by-products of fermentation, to escape.

Unfiltered samples with dates and sugar levels marked on the bottles with a marker.

Two-year containers. They have been lying wrapped up for a long time. Judging by the number of humidity meters - double control.

George has to “collect” bottles all over the island. Ordering containers from the “mainland” is too expensive.

I was amused by the presence of magical literature on the shelves - apparently from there the sorcerer-winemaker draws secret knowledge.

It is important that the wine leaves the country in a bottle with a label. Otherwise there may be problems with customs.

I don’t quite understand why a giant Teletubby was suspended from the ceiling. Versions are accepted in the comments.

After we tasted almost a full bottle of wine, the professors fraternized. The day was a success.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , Art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*Purchase moonshine stills It is still possible for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Each of us is accustomed to the fact that wine is a purely grape product. Few have tried any others unusual species drink, which would use other raw materials. However, you shouldn’t limit your horizons and tastes so much, but you should take a risk and try to make something no less tasty and healthy drink- banana wine. Exotic? Without a doubt! But the taste of such a product is unforgettable.


It is not difficult to prepare such a drink at home, especially if you have a dozen or two kilograms of bananas in stock. As you know, bananas are an excellent source of vitamins, pectins, healthy fiber. Such a wine, in addition to excellent taste, will contain a whole range of useful elements and components. It goes amazingly well with cream desserts, chocolates and various exotic fruits.

The wine recipe includes the following components:

  1. Bananas - 10 kg;
  2. Granulated sugar - 10 kg;
  3. Water - 15-20 liters;
  4. Raisins - 2 kg;
  5. Citric acid - 5-6 tsp;
  6. Nutritional yeast - 1g. for 1 liter of wine material;
  7. Tannin - 1.5 tsp;
  8. Enzymes to activate fermentation: glucamyl - 25 ml., amyl - 15 ml.


On the day of preparation, it is necessary to make the must, which will be the basis for our further wine. The wort is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Cut the entire volume of bananas together with the peel into 1-2 cm slices;
  • Place them in a 30-40 liter pan;
  • Pour water in there;
  • Add granulated sugar and mix;
  • Place the container on the fire and, stirring, bring to a temperature of 60-65⁰ for 40 minutes to an hour. At this temperature, the inulin contained in the fruits is broken down into monosaccharides. We turn the mass into a puree state as much as possible;
  • Remove the hot wort from the heat and add it citric acid, tannin, enzymes, mix thoroughly and leave for several hours;
  • Pour unwashed raisins into another prepared container, which we sort through to separate twigs and rotten berries;
  • Pour the strained wort on top, then add 1/3 of the pulp from the digested wort to a new pan;
  • Add the remaining 7-10 liters of warm water;
  • Close with a water seal (instead, you can use a rubber glove with a pierced finger or with a tube placed in another container);
  • Leave it for a day.

The second stage of making wine from bananas includes preparation for the fermentation process. The next day after aging, you still need to work on the wine material:

  • Drain the liquid from the container with the wort;
  • Squeeze the remaining cake into the drained wine mixture;
  • Remove all fruit pulp and sediment;
  • Add yeast to the prepared wine material;
  • Close with a water seal and place for 7 days to ferment at room temperature;
  • Stir for a week;
  • After a week, strain off the sediment and close it again with a water seal;
  • Place the vessel with the wine material in a dark, cool (not cold!) place for 30 days. We make sure that the fermentation process is completed - bubbles should not escape into the gas outlet tube, and the glove should deflate. If this does not happen, then let the wine sit for a while longer, having first separated it from the sediment into a disinfected container with a water seal. For some, the process takes 2-3 months. During this period, you can add sugar to make the wine sweeter;
  • After a certain time, we again separate the liquid from the sediment and pour it into clean, sterilized bottles for long-term fermentation and storage. Some winemakers stop the fermentation process with potassium sorbate, but this should be done no earlier than 2-3 days before bottling;
  • Seal with cork stoppers.

Maturation in bottles

Banana wine, according to the recipe, ripens from four months to 2-3 years. The wine acquires more noble shades after a year, while after several months its taste becomes sharper.

Wine bottles should be stored following the rules for storing grape wine. Compliance temperature regime within 11-12⁰ will ensure its proper ripening. Wine should not be stored in direct sunlight or in damp basements, then it will be able to please the winemaker and guests with its bright exotic taste.

Many winemakers consider banana wine difficult to prepare, despite detailed recipe. It all depends on the quality of the material and the fact that banana is considered a “capricious” product. It is necessary to start production with small volumes in order to take into account all the emerging issues and shortcomings, eliminate gaps in knowledge during the preparation process, without spoiling a large volume of products. And if the process is a success, then you can safely proceed to large-scale batches. And banana wine, after ripening, will certainly delight the eye and taste of the most notorious gourmet.

Banana wine tastes like the sweet life. In addition to this, it is also a taste of health and great benefits for the human body. After all, banana wine contains a large amount of potassium and manganese, rich in vitamins B6 and C and dietary fiber. Thanks to this composition, this alcoholic drink is beneficial for blood vessels, heart, intestines and stomach, as well as the organs of vision. The recipe itself appeared in East Africa, where they began to prepare the drink by mixing banana pulp, fermentation products, white wine and raisins. Today, banana wine is very popular all over the world due to its exotic essence and low alcohol content (approximately 8%).

Beneficial properties of banana wine

As you may have guessed, this wine is also very beneficial for the human body; it contains a large amount of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure and is an excellent prevention of hypertension. In addition, the benefit of potassium is to improve brain activity. It also protects nerve cells from overstrain and is able to prevent hemorrhages in the brain. Banana wine is an excellent source of vitamins A and C and also contains B vitamins, which make it nutritious alcoholic drink. The benefit of vitamin A is to nourish the optic nerve and restore vision, and vitamin B5 prevents damage and wear of the intestinal walls, because it takes part in the synthesis of specific fatty acids that cover internal walls small intestine. As for other vitamins, they help the human body absorb calcium.

Banana Wine Recipe

  • 10 kg of ripe bananas;
  • 10 kg sugar;
  • 20 liters of water;
  • 1.5 kg raisins;
  • 6 tsp citric acid;
  • Yeast: 1 g per 1 liter of wine;
  • 1.5 tsp. caraway;
  • Glucamil -25 ml, amyl -15 g (these are enzymes for fermentation).

First, peel the bananas and cut them into pieces no more than two cm thick. Place them in a heat-resistant container, preferably with a volume of at least 40 liters. Add sugar, water (10 l) and place our container on low heat for 45 minutes. Keep an eye on the process and stir often. It is necessary that the fruit mass turns into a homogeneous puree. After this, remove the wort from the heat, add citric acid, tannin, add the amyl enzyme (0.5 ml of amyl per 1 liter of wort) and glucamyl (0.8 ml per 1 liter of wort). Mix everything well and leave for a while. Take another dry and clean prepared container, pour in the sorted but unwashed raisins and pour in the remaining 10 liters of water. The container must be sealed and our wine material must be left for one night.

The next morning, you need to remove the fruit mass from the liquid, namely: drain the liquid from the container, squeeze out the sediment that remains at the bottom and add the result of the extraction to the liquid. Remove any fruit sediment. Introduce the yeast into our wort and close the water seal again. Place the wine in a dark room, it should stand at room temperature for one week. Don't forget to stir the drink. As soon as a week has passed, the drink must be drained from the sediment, after which the container must be closed again with a water seal. Place the wine in a cool place for about 1 month to ferment. Then you need to remove the sediment from the wine again. After that, all that remains is to bottle the wine for further storage.

Recipe for banana wine with lemon and orange

To prepare you will need:

  • Ripe bananas – 1.5 kg;
  • Raisins – 250 g;
  • Lemon;
  • Orange;
  • Sugar – 1.25 g;
  • Tannin;
  • Cold water – 4.5 l.

Peel the bananas, put them in a saucepan, add water (10 cups), put the container on the fire and boil for 30 minutes. After this, cool the resulting compote and add another 10 cups of water, add the juice of one lemon and orange. Try the resulting drink, but if you do not have enough sourness, then add citric acid. Then add sugar and stir the mixture well, the sugar should completely dissolve. Add yeast and tannin, stir well. Cover the container with a lid and place in a warm place. The wine must be stirred every day for a week. Then leave the wine to ferment for 2 months. After time, add raisins and leave our wine for another 6 months. Strain it through cheesecloth and bottle it. The longer this wine is aged, the tastier it will be; it is recommended to keep it for at least six months.

Here's how you can easily prepare banana wine at home, so if you have already done this, leave your feedback and share your experience.
Have some delicious wine and stay healthy!

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Making banana wine at home The availability of these fruits at any time of the year and their relatively low cost make it possible to prepare banana wine to enjoy the aromatic drink at home and surprise your guests with it. The abundance of vitamins and microelements in its composition, mild taste and unforgettable aroma are just some of the advantages of banana wine. Ingredients for making wine The recipe for banana wine includes the following components: ripe fruit - 5 kg; sugar – 5 kg; black raisins – 750 g; water – 10 l; citric acid – 3 tsp; wine yeast– a teaspoon for every 5 liters of wine must; tannin - tsp. “no slide”; enzymes for fermentation of wine must (glucamyl - 15 ml, amyl - 8 ml). To make homemade wine from bananas, the fruit does not need to be peeled; it is used together with the peel. Before placing bananas in a cooking container, you just need to cut them into small pieces about 2 cm in size. Preparing wine components for fermentation The original recipe for wine from bananas, the technology for preparing this drink is somewhat different from the usual sequence of making grape or fruit wine. For wine mash, bananas pre-boiled with sugar are used. Stages of preparing the wort: 1. Mix the chopped fruits, the amount of sugar stated in the recipe, pour half the amount of water into it. 2. Place the container on low heat, the heat treatment time is 45 minutes from the moment of boiling. The mixture must be stirred constantly so that the banana puree does not burn. 3. Add citric acid, tannin and enzymes to the banana puree removed from the heat and cooled (glucamyl - 0.8 ml per 1 l; amyl - 0.5 ml per 1 l). While the wort is cooling, you need to prepare the raisins. Tip: keeping wine yeast on the surface of the berries, you do not need to wash the raisins, but they should be sorted thoroughly. Rotten and moldy berries will spoil banana wine, giving it an unpleasant aftertaste. Preparing banana wine The cooled wort with the ingredients added to it is mixed with raisins, and the rest of the water is added. The wort will have to spend 24 hours under the water seal to completely mix the components. Stages of wine preparation: The liquid from the wort is drained using a filter. The fruit pulp is squeezed out, and the resulting liquid is poured into the wort. Add yeast according to the recipe. Place a water seal on the container with the wort or put a medical glove with a finger pierced with a needle on the neck of the jar, place it for initial fermentation in a warm and dark room (t + 18 + 23⁰). A week later, the wine wort is drained from the sediment and returned to its original place, not forgetting to close it with a water seal. The final fermentation period is 1 month. After fermentation is complete, the procedure for removing the sediment is repeated and the banana wine is poured into dark glass bottles for aging and storage. The optimal holding temperature is +10+12⁰С. In the coolness of a cellar or cellar, the wine will last for a year and a half without losing its delicate aroma. A quick recipe for making bananas. An unusual dessert for special occasion - bananas in wine. They are admitted in red with added sugar and cinnamon for 5 minutes. Recommended proportions: red wine – 1 glass; granulated sugar – 150 g; bananas – 600 mg; cinnamon. For better taste Bananas in wine should be kept in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving. Wine and banana desserts will be a decoration festive table, if you approach the process of their preparation with soul.
