Recipe for canning pear halves for the winter. Whole canned pears. Excellent recipes

Useful: Home canning: Fruit canning: 6.Pears

Canned Pear Recipes

Compote (accelerated method)

For pouring: per 1 liter of water - 200-300 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.

Place the pears in jars up to their shoulders and pour boiling water over the edges of the jars. sugar syrup. Cover with lids. After 5 minutes, drain the syrup, bring it to a boil and pour over the pears again. After 5 minutes, drain the syrup again, bring to a boil, add citric acid and pour the pears into the jars so that it slightly spills over the edges. Seal the jars and turn them upside down until they cool completely.

Special compote

For pouring: for 1 liter of water - 100 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Place whole or halved fruits in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Separate the pears in a colander and place in jars up to their shoulders. Bring the pear syrup to a boil, fill the jars with pears and sterilize.

Compote "Assorted"

Pears, peaches, quinces and grapes - equally.

For syrup: per 1 liter of water - 500 g of sugar.

Place peeled and blanched halves of pears, peaches with yellow-orange pulp, quinces and clusters (5-10 berries each) of yellow-green grapes mixed or in rows in jars, pour hot sugar syrup, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water: liter jars - 12 minutes, two-liter - 15 minutes. Seal the compote hermetically and place the jars upside down to cool.

Pear honey ( old recipe)

680 parts honey molasses, 660 parts fresh pear juice.

For starter: 4 parts best hops, 24 parts water, 1 part pressed yeast.

Mix honey molasses, fresh pear juice and add water so that the total liquid is 2280 parts. Boil the mixture with constant stirring over an open fire until the remainder is 2000 parts, allow to cool and pour into a fermentation vat, which is placed in a warm place at a temperature of 30-37°C.

A day later, pour 12 parts of the starter into the vat, which is prepared as follows: boil the hops and water, drain the infusion, squeeze out the hops, evaporate the liquid until the remainder is 12 parts, stir in the yeast and leave the mixture for a day in a warm place. Rapid fermentation of honey continues for 20-30 days, after which the barrel should be immediately transferred to a cool place. Then the liquid must be filtered through cloth cone-shaped bags and poured into another clean barrel for quiet fermentation, lasting about a year.

When the honey becomes completely transparent, it needs to be bottled.

Bekmes, or pear molasses (an ancient recipe)

You can use carrion and wild pears for bekmes. The fruits must be crushed in long wooden troughs with wooden pestles lined with iron nails. Squeeze the juice into a wooden jug and neutralize the acid by adding a little chalk and crushed dry clay. After this, shake the juice vigorously and leave overnight.

In the morning, the settled juice should be strained through a clean sieve and poured into a large flat copper basin, well-lined, and cooked over high heat with constant stirring. Always skim off any foam that forms. As the liquid evaporates, it is necessary to add Fresh Juice and continue cooking for 6-8 hours. After adding juice for the last time, gradually reduce the heat, continuing cooking until the proper thickness is reached, until approximately 1/4 of the original amount of juice remains. Then remove from heat, let cool and pour into barrels or other containers.

Good bekmes is thick, dark red in color, sweet, pungent taste, and lasts up to 10 years. Used instead of jam or diluted with water to make a soft drink. From 300 kg of pear fruits, 16 kg of bekmes is obtained.


Cut the peeled pears into slices, remove the core, sprinkle with sugar and leave for a day in a cold place. Add Apple juice for gelling and cook over low heat until tender. Cork.

Pear in plum puree

1 kg of pears, 0.75-1 kg of Hungarian plums, 50-200 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

For 1 liter of water - 1 g of citric acid.

Remove the seeds from the plum, put it in a saucepan, add water and heat over low heat until completely softened. Rub the steamed plums through a sieve. Cut the pears into slices, dip them in a boiling 0.1% solution with citric acid for 5-7 minutes, then transfer them to prepared jars.

Plum puree bring to a boil and pour it over the pears in the jars. Sterilize like compote. Cork.


1 kg of pears, 400-600 g of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.

Peel ripe pears, cut into slices, removing the core, and place in a blanching basket (or cheesecloth). Pour 2-3 glasses of water into a saucepan, place a basket of pears in it and simmer over low heat until the pears are completely softened. Rub the steamed fruits through a sieve, mix with the broth and boil in a saucepan to half the volume, add sugar, mix thoroughly and cook until tender. Place into jars while hot and seal.

Pear-apple jam

1 kg pear puree, 1 kg applesauce, 500 g sugar, 1 lemon or 3 g citric acid.

Wash the pears and apples, cut into slices, removing the core, and pass through a meat grinder. Boil the resulting mass with constant stirring until thickened, then add sugar, lemon juice or citric acid and cook until tender. Place the finished jam into jars and dry in hot oven and seal.

Pear marmalade

For 2 liters of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, per 1 kg of puree - 0.4-0.5 kg of sugar.

To prepare marmalade, select ripe, easily boiled fruits. Wash them, cut them into quarters, removing the seed nest, then further cut into thin slices and cook in a solution of baking soda until completely boiled. Add sugar to the resulting puree shortly before the end of cooking and, stirring continuously, cook until tender. The readiness of the marmalade can be checked as follows: run a spoon along the middle of the basin, if a trace remains to the bottom, the marmalade is ready.

Place hot marmalade in hot, sterilized jars and leave for 1-2 days, and then seal the jars and store in a dry and cool place.

Pastila in Slovakian

1 kg of pears, 125 g of sugar.

Cut ripe pears into slices, boil in a small amount of water and rub through a sieve. Stirring, cook until thick, add sugar and cook until completely thick. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, lightly greasing it vegetable oil, and spread the hot mass on it in a thin layer. Dry in a moderately heated oven.

Roll up the dried marshmallow and store in tightly closed glass jars.

Candied fruit

Syrup: for 1 kg of pears - 1-1.2 kg of sugar, 2.5 glasses of water, 3 g of citric acid.

Blanch the pear slices for 5 minutes in boiling water, then quickly cool in cold water and dip into boiling syrup, soak in it for 5-6 hours. After the first standing, put the pears back on the fire, boil for 5-8 minutes, remove from heat and stand for another 10 -12 hours. Repeat this 3-4 times until the fruits become transparent. At the end of cooking, add citric acid, then drain them in a colander, let the syrup drain and dry in the oven with the door open at 60°C.

Candied pears

They are prepared like triple boiling fisherman's fish soup. Boil several portions of pears in water, then remove them, and again place selected whole pears into the pear broth condensed with sugar. After repeated dipping, they are coated with a layer of crystallized sugar. After drying in the oven, pears can be stored for a long time.

Juice with pulp (assorted)

1 kg of pears, 2 kg of cranberries, 1-2 kg of sugar.

Peel the pears and cut into small slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few tablespoons of water and simmer covered, then add cranberries and heat until they release juice. Rub the whole mass through a sieve, mix with sugar to taste, heat without bringing to a boil.

Pour into jars and pasteurize at 90°C: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes. Cork.

Pickling pears

For 1 liter of water - 1.5 g citric acid, 200 g sugar, 10-15 g salt, 1 teaspoon vinegar essence or 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar.

On liter jar- 2-3 clove flowers, 3-4 peas of allspice, a piece of cinnamon.

For pickling, you should use fruits with dense but juicy pulp. The best varieties for pickling are: Aleksandrovka, Bere Loshitskaya, Vinevka, Bere winter, Ilyinka, Bere Slutskaya, Urozhaynaya, Panna, Limonka. Sort the pears by degree of ripeness, remove stems and calyx residues and wash. Cut large and medium-sized fruits into halves or quarters, removing the core, and pickle small pears (up to 4 cm in diameter) whole.

Peeled and sliced ​​pears can be stored in clean cold water or a weak solution of table salt until blanching to prevent them from browning. Blanch the pears in a boiling 0.15% solution of citric or tartaric acid. The duration of blanching (3-10 minutes) depends on the variety, size of pears and their degree of ripeness.

After blanching, cool the fruits quickly in cold water and place in glass jars, at the bottom of which put spices. The filling should contain 20-25% sugar. Pour vinegar into each liter jar. Cover the jars with tin varnished lids boiled in water and pasteurize in hot (85°C) water: half-liter bottles - 15 minutes, liter bottles - 20 minutes, three-liter bottles, sterilize for 25 minutes in boiling water, then immediately roll up and turn the lid down until cooled.

Pickled pears

For pouring: for 1 liter of water - 600-800 g of sugar, 100 g of table vinegar.

For a liter jar - 3-4 pcs. cloves, 3-4 peas each of allspice and black pepper, a piece of cinnamon.

Select ripe but fairly firm pears. Pickle small and medium ones whole, cut large ones into 2-4 pieces and remove the core. Peel pears with hard and tough skin and place in cold water, acidified with citric acid (5 g per 1 liter of water). Blanch the pears in the same solution for 3-8 minutes, then cool in water and place in prepared jars, first adding spices to each. Use the water in which the pears were blanched to prepare the filling. If citric acid was added to the water for blanching pears, then half as much vinegar should be added to the filling. Boil water, dissolve sugar in it, add vinegar and pour over the pears in the jars.

Pasteurize at a temperature of 85°C: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter jars - 30 minutes, three-liter jars - 40-50 minutes. Cork.

Natural pear in own juice

For a liter jar - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 g of citric acid.

Peel ripe and firm pears, cut into slices and place tightly in jars up to the hanger. Place sugar and citric acid in each jar.

Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20-25 minutes, two-liter jars - 35-40 minutes. Cork.

Soaked pears

For pouring: for 10 liters of water - 150 g of rye flour, or 150 g of rye crackers, or 100 g of dry kvass, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry mustard.

Wash firm small and medium-sized pears and place them, stems up, in a wide-necked bowl. Layer the rows with rye straw and also place a layer of straw on top.

Prepare the wort filling: rye flour, crackers or dry kvass, stir in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water, then pour in 2 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave until cool. Strain, add salt and mustard, bring the volume of wort with boiled water to 10 liters.

Fill the bowl filled with pears with wort, cover with a cloth, put a wooden circle and pressure. Keep for the first 8-10 days at a temperature of 18-22°C, making sure that the top layer of pears is covered with wort, and if necessary, add water. Then transfer to a cold place for further fermentation. After 1.5 months, the pears are ready to eat.


For 1 liter of water - 5-10 g of salt or citric acid.

Pears should be dried with the skin on and without removing the core. Large fruits should be cut into 2-4 parts, and small ones should be dried whole along with the stalk. Fruits with hard pulp must first be immersed in water at a temperature of 80-100°C and boiled until soft (the fruits easily slide off when pricked with a fork or knife). Cooking kills the enzymes that cause fruit to brown.

Before drying, pears can be bleached in an aqueous solution of salt or citric acid for 10-20 minutes. Sun drying is possible in hot, dry weather. Place the washed and boiled fruits in one layer on racks or trays.

When drying in ovens or Russian ovens, place the fruits on a sieve or on special drying trays made of wooden or iron frames covered with a stainless metal mesh. Place the fruits in one layer, and place the trays in several rows so that there is a gap of 5-7 cm between them. In all cases, good ventilation is needed.

At the beginning of drying, the temperature should be 60-65°C, and then it should be increased to 70-85°C, at the end of drying the temperature should be reduced again to 65°C. The duration of drying depends on the juiciness of the fruit, temperature and the speed of removal of water vapor. Dried fruits should be elastic, dry and not release juice when squeezed. It is very convenient to dry the pears on a bench covered with clean burlap, scattering them in a thin layer. During the day, the fruits should be mixed twice. Pears that have dried well during the day must be dried in an oven at a higher temperature.

The fruits can be dried cut into slices and strung on twine. Hang the strung fruits on the south side on the walls of buildings or on trees, as well as in attics under an iron roof. Well-dried pears are light and chewy on the teeth.

From 100 kg of fresh fruits, 20-25 kg of dried fruits come out.

Dried pears in sugar syrup

For 1 liter of water - 100-150 g of sugar, 2-4 g of citric acid.

Select pears of summer and early ripening varieties that are starting to ripen. Dry small fruits whole, cut medium ones in half, and large ones into four slices. Place whole pears in boiling water for 15-30 minutes, remove, drain and place on trays to dry.

Very tasty dried pears are obtained from small-fruited varieties if you peel them and boil them for several minutes in a sugar solution.

Place large pears, cut into pieces, in cold water acidified with citric acid for a few minutes. Dry the pears at the beginning at a temperature of 80-85°C, and after drying, reduce the temperature to 50-60°C. You can dry it initially in the sun, and then dry it in the oven at a temperature of about 70°C.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Even as a child, my mother sealed whole canned pears in jars. This time I offer you just a recipe with a photo of preparing pears in syrup with whole fruits.

So the fruits were valuable because they could be eaten as fresh. But they became doubly tastier, because they were sealed in sweet sugar syrup, which was drunk immediately after eating the fruit. Whole pears will be a godsend in winter when you have a lot of children visiting you and you put such delicacies on their table. Each child will catch pears by the tail and eat them with pleasure.

By the way, they still turn out very fragrant.

In winter, fruits are very expensive, and in order not to waste money and save the family budget, I always try to close pears, apples, plums, etc. in all possible ways. For this recipe, I recommend using Limonka pears, as they are small in size and fit easily into jars. They also have a specific lemon aroma and winter lemon preparation becomes very aromatic.

Required Products:
- “Limonka” pears - 600 grams;
- granulated sugar- 300 grams;
- water – 350 grams.

Sort the pears so that there are no wormholes. If the pears are whole and beautiful on the outside, then they should be the same on the inside. Since we will be covering whole pears, we need to choose the fruits. Wash and put in jars.

IN hot water sprinkle granulated sugar and cook syrup.

Pour hot syrup over the pears to the very top of the jar, leaving literally a finger-sized space for the syrup to boil during pasteurization.

Place in a saucepan with warm water to pasteurize. It takes 20 minutes to pasteurize pears in jars.

Then seal with lids and cover with a blanket so that the pears gradually cool.
Place the cooled jars anywhere for storage.

Until winter they stand wonderfully, or even more. In my family, whole canned pears are quickly eaten and there is nothing left for the next year. We have to close it again. But that’s okay, the main thing is to be healthy!
Bon Appetite!
Also see how to prepare

The easiest way to preserve pears for the winter allows you to get delicious slices and compote. The slices can be used in baking and desserts. With this method of harvesting, pears retain a maximum of nutrients.


  • 0.7 kg of pears with dense pulp;
  • ? glasses of sugar;
  • 1/3 tsp. citric acid granules.


Pears for canning are selected that are strong and without damage. The fruits are washed with warm water and dried on a paper towel.

Lids and jars are washed with soda solution and then rinsed in clean water. The jar is sterilized for 5 minutes, the lid is immersed in boiling water.

The pear fruits are cut into quarters, removing the cores and tail. Next, each quarter of the pear is cut into slices. The prepared pear is placed in a jar.

Pour boiling water over the pears to the top and leave in this form for 5 minutes, covering with a lid. Water is poured into a saucepan and allowed to boil. Pour liquid over the pears again and leave to steep for about 5 minutes. The liquid from the jar is poured into a saucepan, the sugar is dissolved, and stirred until dissolved. When the syrup boils, pour in the pears and close the lid. The jars are left upside down under a warm blanket until they cool down. The next evening, the jars are transferred to a cold place for storage, where they can be kept for a year.

Canned pear slices in their own juice

Ingredients (for two 0.5-liter jars):

  • pears - how many will go in;
  • 6 g citric acid;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of water;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.


The pears should be dense, without dents or wormholes. Washed fruits are peeled, cut and seeds removed. If desired, pears can be preserved in halves or slices. When placing in clean jars, the pear pieces are placed as tightly as possible. Next, add sugar according to the recipe into the jar, add citric acid and 1-2 tablespoons of water (the amount of liquid depends on how juicy the pear is).

Cover the jars with pears with lids and place them in a pan with heated water (put a towel on the bottom). It takes about half an hour to sterilize the rollers, after which the jar is immediately rolled up. All that remains is to turn the canning upside down and leave until it cools. Store canned pears in slices in a cool place where there is no light. Such pears can be used to compose fruit salads, preparing desserts, the slices are suitable as a filling for pies and buns.

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Whole canned pears- this is a great option for sweets winter harvesting. Our grandmothers prepared it, so the recipes we presented are time-tested. So let's look at them.

Whole canned pears.

Recipe No. 1.


Pear fruits – 1.5 kg

Citric acid – ½ teaspoon

Sugar – 420 g

Water – 2 liters


Wash the fruits, cut off the tails. Fill the jar, and then put them in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in water, and put on fire. As soon as the water starts to boil, transfer the preparations into jars, add citric acid, and fill with syrup. Roll up the workpiece, turn it over, wrap it, and cool it in this form.

You will like it and it is very tasty.

Recipe No. 2.

You will need:

Firm ripe fruits – 1.5 kg

Water – 2 l

Granulated sugar – 455 g

Lemon juice – 1.5 g


Wash the fruit thoroughly, cut out the core along with the tail and seeds. Prepare sugar syrup: add sugar to water and boil. Place the prepared fruits into containers, pour in the syrup, and leave for five minutes. Pour the liquid into a separate saucepan, boil again, and keep on the stove for a few more minutes. Pour the syrup into containers with pears, repeat the steps as in the previous paragraph. For the third time, add lemon. Roll them up with tin lids, cover them with a blanket, and let them sit all night to cool down.

Whole canned pears.

Option #3.

Required Products:


Ripe, fresh rosaceae – 2 kg

Granulated sugar – ½ kg


1. Prepare the fruits for the preservation process: wash, cut out the center and tails.

2. Boil water, dip the pears in it, after blanching them for five minutes in boiling water. After this, douse them with low temperature water.

3. Remove the peel from the lemon and orange and place it inside each pear in the place where the core was.

4. Place fruits stuffed with citrus fruits in three-liter jars, pour in hot syrup, and set for 20 minutes. for sterilization.

5. Roll up the containers with lids and leave to cool.

How do you like these?

Option number 4.


Vanillin – one sachet

Pears – 1.5 kg

Water – 1.8 l

Sugar – 420 g

- “lemon” – a teaspoon

Cooking steps:

Wash the fruits, divide them into 2 parts (lengthwise), cut out the middle, tails and ends. You should leave the peel on. Pre-prepare glass containers and caps by sterilizing them in microwave oven or for a couple. Prepare a syrup, pour over the fruit, set aside for five minutes, pour into a separate pan, pour again. Do this 3 times. Add vanillin and lemon, boil for 2 minutes, pour into a jar with the preparations. Seal with sterile caps, turn over, cover with a thick, warm blanket, and leave for two days. You can also preserve it without adding sugar. In this case, you should remove all the peel from the fruits, remove the core and cut into slices.
