How to rid fish of old smell. How to remove the smell of fish in an apartment, refrigerator, car. Fishy smell in the car

If the fish is slightly rotten when salted, how can I remove the smell before drying? and got the best answer

Answer from Vavan[guru]
I would wrap it in paper and put it in the refrigerator, the evaporator would draw out excess moisture and prevent the fish from spoiling

Answer from Brother[guru]
The next day, after hanging, it started to rain for a week.
I didn’t add much salt (I like lightly salted), but on the fourth day I had to throw it away.

Answer from Ora Malyshev[guru]
The smell of rotten fish is removed by throwing it in the trash.

Answer from Edward Halford[guru]
Many Northern peoples have such a delicacy as fish with flavor. (called "Northern Ambassador") In the Komi Republic we also have a local name - Pechora Ambassador fish. The thing is terrible - not only is it impossible to eat, it’s impossible to smell. But it still finds its gourmets. Even we have local humor. If any of the (any) products stink/rotten/spoiled, then they say Pechora salted meat, Pechora salted milk, etc.
P.S. Don't worry. Be decisive and don’t be a bully - THROW OUT!! !
P.S. Just before throwing it away, at least wash it off of excess salt - maybe a stray dog ​​will eat it, and that will be beneficial.

Answer from LLC Avantage Production[newbie]
sushi so the fish will be “flavorful”. Some peoples eat only such fish.

Answer from Yergey[guru]
smelly - it's not kosher!

Answer from Vania[guru]

Answer from ASIC[expert]
let it smell, it will be even tastier. mmmmmm

Answer from Isolde[guru]
We have such fish in the trash now drying.

Answer from Msje Krolikov[guru]
By throwing away method, no matter how sad it sounds... 🙁

Answer from JEREGA_[guru]
Nah, why eat fish that tastes bad?
Not one self-respecting fisherman will eat this!
On Peressyp you can easily get hit in the eye for this. And yet people will be right =) Not every stomach is willing to digest this))
What if there is diarrhea? So what then? All fucked up!!! Dry your oars, good sir))

Anyone who likes to enjoy a product such as fish knows that the big disadvantage in the cooking process is the specific aroma. The fishy smell eats into the cutting board, knives and dishes, does not wash off your hands, permeates your hair and clothes, and often “settles” not only in the kitchen, but also spreads throughout your home. However, not everything is as terrible as it seems. Knowing some nuances, you can easily get rid of the fishy smell in your house or apartment.

Why is the smell of fish so difficult to remove?

Explaining the reason for the corrosiveness of the fishy smell, let's turn to chemistry. Fresh sea ​​fish smells of green leaves and sea. The latter is caused by the presence of bromophenols - organic compounds that are produced by algae and fish food. River fish most often has the aroma of freshly cut grass and mushrooms. In order not to overload the brain with an abundance of chemical terms, we can simply say that when storing fish (including in the refrigerator), various reactions begin, as a result of which a specific aroma appears. The smell of fresh fish is not so pungent, so you can get rid of it simply by wiping the work surfaces, knife and dishes with plain or acidified water. However, during the heat treatment, volatile molecules are formed, which are spread throughout the kitchen and beyond, leaving behind a very noticeable “trace” that has to be dealt with by all available means. The same goes for the smell of rotten fish. During the decomposition process, which begins in this product much faster than in meat, volatile molecules are also formed, due to which a strong and very unpleasant odor “hangs” in the air for a long time and permeates objects in the home.

Possible preventive measures

There are a number of methods aimed at reducing or preventing the appearance of fishy odor in the apartment. Below we will look at the main ones:

Helpful advice. In order to protect your home from unpleasant odors, do not forget to use the hood and close the doors from the kitchen tightly. If possible, open windows while cooking.

How to get rid of fishy smell

If you forgot about preventive measures or realized it already during the cooking process, use the tips below.

From the dishes

All utensils, cutting boards and knives used in cutting and frying fish should be washed immediately after cooking. The faster you do this, the less the stench will have time to eat into the surface. kitchen utensils. The following will be good helpers in this matter:

The note. The salt will also help clean the cutting board. After cutting the fish, sprinkle the board with salt and rub with half a lemon. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with water and dry.

  • Vegetable oil. Dishes and knives with smell can be wiped with a paper towel or a piece of soft cloth soaked in refined sunflower oil. After this procedure, do not forget to wash the dishes with detergent and rinse hot water.
  • Raw vegetables. You can also use slices to remove unpleasant odors. raw vegetables, for example, potatoes. Rub the surfaces of dishes, boards or knives with them, then wash and rinse.

From hand

If you are uncomfortable working with gloves or simply don’t have them at hand, and, as a result, the skin of your hands has absorbed a fishy smell, the following methods will be the most effective:

From clothes and kitchen towels

Clothing, kitchen towels and aprons, and window curtains are also saturated with a fishy odor, which is not easy to remove. The first thing to do to make the process easier is to wash all items by hand or in the washing machine as quickly as possible using regular laundry detergent. If this measure was not enough or a lot of time has passed, additional actions will be required:

Advice. If you don’t have time to do laundry right after working in the kitchen, you can wrap clothes and towels in old newspapers. Printing ink will absorb some of the smell and also prevent it from spreading throughout the room.

The finishing touches in the fight against fishy smell will also be adding a conditioner with a pleasant aroma when rinsing and drying things in the open air.

From furniture

Removing unpleasant odors from upholstered furniture is not an easy task. Therefore, it is best not to forget to tightly close the doors leading from the kitchen when frying fish. However, it often happens that this does not help. What to do in this case? Store-bought household chemicals are not always effective, and sometimes they simply may not be available at the right time. In this case, we advise you to familiarize yourself with some options for solving this problem:

  • Table vinegar. As you can see, this product is an excellent help in neutralizing unnecessary odors throughout the house. Dilute the vinegar in a basin or bucket of water, soak a large piece of cloth (for example, an old sheet) in the resulting solution, wring it out and cover the sofa. Lightly press the fabric against the surface of the furniture so that the vinegar can penetrate into the top layer of the upholstery. Repeat the technique several times.

Attention! Before you begin the process above, try placing a cloth soaked in the solution on the back of the sofa to make sure there are no visible changes to the upholstery material! In addition, if there are any stains on the furniture, you should first remove them, since vinegar can act as a fixative, thereby adding more work to you.

From the premises

The dishes are washed, things are washed, hands are clean! All that remains is to get rid of the annoying fishy smell in the kitchen or throughout the home. What can be done?

The fish is tasty and useful product and, despite its strong smell, you certainly shouldn’t give up such a valuable source of vitamins and taste pleasure. Using our tips, you can avoid unpleasant odors or significantly reduce their occurrence in your home. Do you have any secrets for combating fishy odor that we don’t know about yet? Be sure to share them in the comments!

Before cutting fish, you need to prepare a knife and cutting board. Fish has the ability to leave an odor on any surface, but plastic utensils are especially prone to absorbing any aromas. Therefore, a glass cutting board is recommended for cutting fish. First wipe the board and hands with a slice of lemon or a solution of water diluted with vinegar. After cutting, place fish waste in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and throw it in the trash. The board and knife must be washed immediately. The smell of fish from a knife can be easily removed by wiping the blade with a cotton swab. sunflower oil. If the fish gives off too strong a smell, before cooking you need to immerse it for a couple of hours in a solution of water with the addition of vinegar, bay leaf and pepper. The smell will disappear.
During frying, the smell of fish will be less pronounced if you add a few drops to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. lemon juice. If in the water in which it is cooked fish broth, add a little milk - the smell will disappear, and after cooking the fish will acquire a more “subtle” taste. After use canned fish You must immediately throw away the cans, after rinsing them with running water and then with vinegar. It is very convenient to cook fish in the oven using foil, parchment or a special “baking sleeve”. The cooking smell will be low and the dishes will be clean.
It is best to use enamel or glass utensils when working with fish. To ensure that there is no “fish spirit” left on the plates and cutlery after washing, you must first remove any remaining grease with paper napkins or dry mustard. Next, soak the dishes in cold water with salt for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you used a meat grinder or food processor to prepare the fish, after rinsing with water, you need to grind a slice of lemon in the units. Lemon will not only get rid of odors, but will also fill your kitchen with aroma. After washing dishes from under fish, you can pour baking soda into the sink and quench it with vinegar. After an hour, rinse the sink with hot water.
The unpleasant smell of fish from your hands can be easily eliminated by placing your hands in a container with water and a weak solution of vinegar for several minutes. Then wash your hands in warm water and soap. No less effective is rubbing your “fragrant” hands with half a fresh onion, sunflower oil, lemon or lime.
You can get rid of the smell of fish by boiling some water with the addition of cloves or cinnamon. It will also freshen the air well after finishing work. ground coffee(1-2 teaspoons), seared in a dry frying pan. Sugar will also help you get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish. Melt in a spoon granulated sugar, and it will absorb all the fishy smell.

Everyone smells differently, but fishy scents irritate most of us. Therefore, any housewife needs to know how to get rid of the smell of fish in an apartment, what measures should be taken to reduce the intensity of the smell when storing or preparing fish, as well as removing it from the refrigerator, dishes and towels and curtains soaked in it.

After all, it is not at all advisable to refuse such a valuable product, necessary to fully fill the diet, because of a not very pleasant smell. Many of us love fish dishes . Moreover, many people like fish in various forms

- fried, smoked, boiled, and some even eat raw. This element of our diet is extremely useful; it contains quite a lot of vitamins and specific fatty acids that are beneficial for the body.

Alas, this product also has a somewhat unpleasant feature - a rather persistent odor, which can be very difficult to get rid of. And if the cooking process is long enough, then nothing helps; not only curtains or tablecloths begin to emit an aroma; sometimes even the wallpaper becomes saturated with the smell.

Any fish has a very specific smell, some varieties smell more pronounced, others not so much, but finding a product without this feature is almost impossible.

The smell of this product will always be present. Sometimes less, sometimes more pronounced, but our sense of smell will always feel it. Interestingly, most of us recognize these aromas as actual stench.

When planning to pamper your family with fish dishes, the housewife should know that “fragrant” problems will accompany the process at all stages - from cooking to consumption of the finished dish. The main problems are:

  • a specific, sometimes quite unpleasant odor remains on all utensils used in cooking - knives, cutting boards, bowls, frying pans;
  • it is impossible to store a poorly packaged product in the refrigerator; other products and walls are instantly saturated with a smell that is not removed even during the cooking process;
  • kitchen towels that have been in contact with even small crucian carp are extremely difficult to wash, and the smell can only be removed by using very strong detergents;
  • some ready meals sometimes they have a rather strong “aroma” that not everyone likes. For example, there is often a pronounced taste in the ear, which is very difficult to remove.

In addition, the process of frying fish is usually accompanied by a strong odor, which for certain types of product can be very unpleasant and intense. Even the most powerful and modern hood cannot cope with this. The air in the kitchen becomes unpleasant, the entire room and objects in it become saturated, and not only the kitchen area, other rooms are also exposed to this “aroma.”

Therefore, at all stages of working with fish products, certain measures will have to be taken. A number of the simplest and most common remedies will help with this: vinegar, ordinary salt, lemon or orange zest. And, of course, you need to start with storage. The product should be packaged as tightly as possible.

Advice! It is best to store fish in the refrigerator in tightly closed containers or carefully wrapped in cling film.

The best helper is salt

Surprisingly, the best assistant in the fight against fishy (and other) odors is ordinary salt, which can adsorb a wide variety of aromas. In addition, it is a good idea to have vinegar, lemon or other citrus fruits in the kitchen.

The best assistant in the fight against fishy (and other) odors is ordinary salt.

First of all, in a smelly room (usually a kitchen), it is recommended to heat a small amount of salt in a frying pan; after a very short time you will notice a significant reduction in the unpleasant “aroma”. After this, you can use the zest of any citrus fruit, which also needs to be heated in a small frying pan or simply held a little over the burner fire.

In addition, vinegar or lemon juice, which must be diluted with water and boiled for about five minutes, are a good way to remove fishy “flavors.” After this, the kitchen will have to be thoroughly ventilated.

We remove fish traces from dishes, cutting boards, towels and other things

For preparation and cutting raw fish It is best to select a separate board, and it is recommended to choose it from a material other than wood. Wooden boards (as well as old and not very high-quality ones) have the ability to absorb liquid released during the cutting process, and it will be almost impossible to completely remove this liquid later.

This is pretty good advice, and if you adhere to it, you will certainly be able to protect other products from fishy aromas.

Another remedy to combat this scourge is mustard.

In eliminating odors from kitchen utensils The vinegar and salt already mentioned above will help a lot. The kitchen must have paper towels, which must be used to thoroughly wipe the pan used for preparing the dish, after which it can be washed. Add a small amount of salt to the washed and dried frying pan, place it on the stove, heat it for about 5 minutes, and the aroma is gone.

Another remedy to combat this scourge is mustard, which is familiar to us all, and is probably present in any kitchen. Mustard (powder or ready-made seasoning) must be dissolved in warm water. The resulting solution is used to treat the dishes and, if necessary, the inside of the refrigerator. By the way, this method is one of the most common in the fight against fishy “flavors”.

  1. Surfaces (not just dishes) are wiped with an onion or potato, cut into halves.
  2. The problem is eliminated by wiping with a rag soaked in sunflower oil. After this, the dishes must be washed with any detergent.
  3. The fishy spirit is perfectly interrupted by the much sharper beer. Therefore, utensils can be treated with beer, which is then very easy to wash off.
  4. To wash towels, aprons or other clothes stained with fish, items are soaked in warm water with the addition of table vinegar. In this case, use 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per 5 liters of water. After a couple of hours, rinse the items thoroughly and continue washing as usual.

As seen, experienced housewives they don’t get confused and know that the smell of fish in the apartment can be completely overcome.

Important! The main thing is that before any preparation of fish dishes, stock up on the ingredients necessary for cleaning (vinegar, beer, salt or others) in advance and wash the dishes without putting it off until tomorrow. The same goes for washing smelly towels, aprons or other clothes.

Marine or River fish- a healthy and tasty product, it has one drawback - an unpleasant stench that can eat into the surfaces of objects and hands. A small carcass can “flavor” a room, even if it’s just lying in the open air. Due to the fact that it is not easy to get rid of the smell of fish, many housewives limit themselves and their households from consuming such a healthy product.

There are several ways to remove the unpleasant aroma of boiled, fried, dried or smoked fish. At home, you can reduce the intensity of the stench using household chemicals and folk remedies prepared with your own hands from scrap materials.


During cooking, an unpleasant stench permeates not only the dishes, but also cutting boards, knives, kitchen towels, and other products if the fish dish was near them. Often the stench does not go away even after washing towels and thoroughly washing hands and kitchen surfaces. For example, after using a cutting board, it may begin to emit a stench reminiscent of rotten fish, which is not removed by regular detergent.

You can eliminate the smell of fish in an apartment or house by using one of the available methods. Many housewives have a huge number of components in their arsenal, which, when used skillfully, help avoid problems. If you have forgotten about prevention, you can use one of several methods suggested below.

From the dishes

In order to remove the characteristic stench from a frying pan, pan or oven, after heat treatment carcasses, you can use available adsorbents. Regular table salt will be your main assistant in this regard. Its main property is the absorption of various kinds of aromas along with moisture.


After frying, rinse the pan under cold running water using a large amount of detergent. Then pour enough salt into a dry bowl so that it lies in an even layer of one centimeter on the bottom of the pan. In this form, the dishes are placed on the fire, the salt powder is heated, and then the stove is turned off and the pan is left until it cools completely.


Another effective way is to use mustard. It’s better if it’s not the familiar spicy paste, but dry powder. A small amount of powder is dissolved in warm water to prepare a slurry, and then pots and other kitchen utensils, including dinner plates, meat grinders, multicooker bowls and other utensils.

The main advantage of mustard powder is complete environmental friendliness and safety. Mustard will not only absorb unpleasant aromas that arise during cooking, but will also disinfect the surface.

Possible use raw onion or potatoes, vegetable oil or beer. These products simply wipe the contaminated surface and rinse under plenty of water.

From hand

The stench can eat into not only kitchen utensils, but also the skin of the hands of the person who prepared the product. Using rubber or latex gloves is simply inconvenient due to the peculiarities of processing fish carcasses. Therefore, after cooking, you urgently have to figure out how to remove the smell of fish from your hands.

It is worth noting that chemistry to eliminate trouble must not only be effective, but also safe. And especially under no circumstances should it damage the skin, leaving burns. Therefore, it is better to use “edible” means at hand in the form of lemon, 9% table vinegar, and light beer.


You need to rub your hands with a slice of lemon, and then wait until they dry themselves. Afterwards, wash your hands under cold water. By the way, so that the carcass itself does not smell so strongly, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice ten minutes before frying or during cooking. In this case, the cooking process will be felt only within the kitchen area, and not throughout the apartment.

Vinegar is one of the most effective options in combating the stench of fish (smoked, salted or raw) from your hands. A tablespoon is diluted in a liter of boiled water. Hands and the refrigerator shelves where the product was stored are washed in this solution.

Please note that in an effort to remove the aroma of fish from your hands, you should not wash them under hot water. The fact is that heat will only “imprint” the substances into the skin.

From clothes and kitchen towels

Not only towels, but also curtains, aprons and other fabrics in the rooms are saturated with aromas in the kitchen. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to remove the stench even after several washes, it’s impossible to get rid of it, you’ll have to look for options.

If a lot of time has passed and the stench has not gone away, additional steps may be required. Before washing, all affected items are soaked in a high concentration of laundry soap. The block is pre-grated and used as the main tool for combating stench on clothes.

All soaked items must be left in this position for at least one hour. In addition to laundry soap, to fight off the “fish odor”, we recommend using table vinegar or citrus juice, such as lemon. However, in some cases these substances can bleach fabrics, and therefore they can only be added to white things. Heavily soiled items are soaked in dishwashing detergent. Their main advantage is the formation of a large amount of foam.

Instead of regular scented powder, baking soda is used during the wash cycle - a glass of soda is added to the powder compartment.

With fur coats, sheepskin coats, and leather goods, it is better to immediately contact a dry cleaner; removing them yourself can result in the loss of the presentation of an expensive wardrobe.

From furniture and carpets

Things get worse if the smell of mud and stale seafood permeates the carpet and upholstered furniture. Unlike clothes, it is not possible to wash them properly due to the fact that the upholstery on the sofa takes too long to dry and is difficult to remove, let alone large carpets.

Even expensive store-bought chemicals do not always help solve this problem. The same “Vanish” does not always justify its cost, leaving foul-smelling stains for the owners.

Therefore, for couches, sofas, as well as other furniture, you can use table vinegar, soda, starch and even regular black tea.


Vinegar is diluted in water, and a large piece of cloth is wiped with the resulting solution. This could be a sheet or an old blanket. Afterwards, cover the sofa with a wet cloth and lightly press it against the upholstery. The acid penetrates the upper layers of the upholstery, removing dirt and fishy stench.

A simpler method is to use loose leaf tea. Dry leaves are laid out in an even layer over the entire surface, which smells like a fish dish, and then removed.

From the premises

You can remove the unpleasant smell of rotten fish from a room by carrying out several manipulations. First, you need to open all the windows and wet clean the surfaces in the kitchen. While cleaning, you can add a few drops of essential oil and vinegar to the bucket.

After wet cleaning, pour a small amount of water into the kettle, mixing it with vinegar. After boiling, the kitchen will be filled with a specific aroma, which will soon disappear without a trace. A more radical method of solving the problem is incandescence coffee beans in a dry frying pan.


There are several secrets that can successfully minimize odor not only indoors, but also in refrigeration chamber(freezer). To do this, fresh or frozen seafood does not need to be stored open, but only wrapped in foil. The packaging should be as airtight as possible.

In cooking, the first and main rule is to preheat vegetable oil When prepared for frying fish, you need to put potatoes or onions cut into small pieces. If these vegetables are not on hand, you can use lemon juice or at least citrus zest. The juice is poured into the oil in small portions, and then the container is closed with a lid for a few seconds.

If you plan to make fish soup from the fish, then add a little to the broth cow's milk. The liquid neutralizes stench, which then does not spread throughout the apartment. Everyone knows that when cooking food, the smell spreads not only throughout the entire apartment, but also through the exhaust ducts to the entrance and to the neighbors.

To prevent the fish from saturating the pan, it is better to purchase a separate deck specifically for these dishes. This way, the stench will not spread beyond this item. After cutting the carcass, all knives, cutting boards and other items are thoroughly washed under water with the addition of detergent.

Cleaning the kitchen does not take much time, but if you love fish dishes and cook them on a regular basis, wiping work surfaces and washing floors using household chemicals is imperative to maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the room.


Knowing how to quickly get rid of the smell of fish in the kitchen, you don’t have to limit yourself to eating it. delicious product. Removing the stench can, of course, be a problem. But using the above tips helps solve it at home without using much effort.


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