Red cherry wine. Technology for making homemade wine from cherries. Features of making homemade wine

In June, intensive ripening of cherries begins. This period of time is most suitable for making wine. Undoubtedly, many have already eaten their fill of this delicious berry and, perhaps, there is nowhere to put it. It’s worth knowing that you can make your own not only confiture, jam, cherry preserves, but also classic wine, a delicious drink with a unique taste.

Many people tend to assume that it is impossible to make delicious wine from cherries at home, since this berry is not intended for such purposes. But, if you wish, you can make wines, liqueurs and tinctures from almost any berries and fruits. It’s not for nothing that liqueurs made from cherries are so valued in European countries.

You can make wine from any variety of cherries, but bitter fruits are better suited, as they are rich in acids. Since sometimes it is impossible to obtain the required amount of wild berries, you can completely get by with black garden ones.

How to calculate the strength and sweetness of future wine

Before making cherry wine at home, you must first calculate the strength and sweetness of the future drink.

To make wine from cherries, you will need the following ingredients per 10 liters of wort.

Cooking algorithm

Before making wine from cherries, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the algorithm of work, namely, with the steps that must be performed sequentially:

  1. Prepare everything necessary ingredients(wash the berries, remove the seeds if necessary).
  2. Get berry juice.
  3. In accordance with the table above, prepare the wort and add the required amount of yeast.
  4. Fermentation of the drink.
  5. Add depending on taste granulated sugar or acid.
  6. Pour the resulting drink into glass containers.
  7. Allow the required time until the wine matures.
  8. When the product is ready, it must be bottled.

For cherry wine, only ripe fruits that show no signs of rotting should be used. If the berry is overripe, this may affect the fermentation process. If necessary, remove the seeds; if they remain, the wine will have an almond aftertaste.

It is better to prepare the drink in glass containers, with a water seal placed on the neck or, if there is none, a medical rubber glove. It is recommended to keep the finished drink in the cellar.

Cherry wine recipes

Classic wine recipe

The recipe for this cherry wine is prepared without seeds. Any berry can be used, even white.

The strength of the drink will be 12%.

At the maximum temperature (16 degrees Celsius), the shelf life is about three years.

Initially you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Cherry berries – 5 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 0.5-0.7 kilograms, it all depends on what percentage of sweetness is required.
  3. Water – 0.25 l.
  4. Citric acid – 12.5 grams.

It is also worth considering that tannin can be used. For every liter of wort, one gram of tannin is used.

The cooking process is as follows:

Attention! If the cherry wine has not begun to ferment, then you need to add more yeast.

Wine with seeds recipe

Wine made from cherries with pits has a predominant flavor of almonds. To prepare this drink you will need to prepare about 5 kilograms of berries (if necessary, you can double the ingredients). The amount of sugar depends on how many layers of berries will be placed in the container.

The fruits are wiped, but not washed. Place in a container in layers, each of which is covered with granulated sugar. It is not recommended to tamp; the container is closed with a plastic lid with holes.

In a day, fermentation will begin. Since juice can spill out through the holes in the lid, it is best to place the jars in a basin. The fermentation process lasts about three days.

When fermentation is complete, half the container will be filled with wine, and the pulp will float to the top.

Using a tube, the middle liquid is removed. The wine is ready to drink. If required, the holding time is increased.

Important! Making wine from cherries is a responsible task. The container should be completely filled with fruits; there should be no empty spaces, as mold may appear there.

Homemade cherry liqueur wine

For cooking homemade wine Yellow or pink fruits can be used from cherries.

The strength percentage will be about 12.

If you stick to temperature regime no higher than 16 degrees, then cherry wine can be stored for up to 2 years.

To prepare the drink you will need:

  1. Berry – 10 kilograms.
  2. Granulated sugar – 4 kilograms.
  3. Vodka – 4 liters.
  4. Crushed nutmegs – 2 pieces.
  5. Vanillin – 4 grams.
  6. Leaves from a cherry tree – 18 pieces.

The process of making homemade wine is as follows:

  1. The fruits are wiped, but not washed - this is important. To minimize juice loss, the seeds are removed above the container.
  2. The pulp of the berries is crushed, mixed with juice and left for about a couple of days.
  3. Two days later, the juice is squeezed out and mixed with nutmeg, cherry leaves and vanillin. The container is covered with a lid for another 8 days.
  4. Using a siphon, remove the sediment.
  5. Vodka is added to the resulting liquid, and the drink is infused for about a month.


Red cherries are good for making not only desserts, decorations for baked goods and wine, but also cocktails. Let's consider several options for summer cooling cocktails.


To prepare, you need about 200 grams of vanilla ice cream, 200 milliliters of milk and 200 grams of fresh cherries.

First of all, the berries are separated from the seeds, and then whipped with ice cream and milk. The resulting mixture is poured into a tall glass, cooled and, if desired, decorated with fruit and a sprig of mint.

Cherry lemonade

You will need:

  1. Berries – 250 grams.
  2. Cold water – 500 milliliters.
  3. Sugar – 50 grams.
  4. Lemon - half.
  5. Mint - one sprig.
  6. Sparkling water – 500 milliliters.

Lemon is cut into slices, thin pieces, mint can be torn into small pieces with your hands. Lemon, mint and sparkling water are added to the resulting cherry syrup. It should be served cold with ice added.

Cherry is one of the favorite southern berries, delighting with juicy, sweet pulp with a pleasant delicate taste. Delicious compotes, preserves, jams are prepared from it and are undeservedly ignored alcoholic drinks. But in vain, because cherries can be used to make excellent wine with delicate taste and aroma, beautiful color. The technology for making cherry wine at home is simple and accessible even to a novice winemaker.

Secrets of a delicious drink

In order for the wine to turn out successful, you should adhere to several rules for its preparation:

  • The fruits are collected in dry weather; only fully ripe berries are selected. Unripe cherries contain too much acid, while overripe cherries have already begun the process of acetic fermentation. The presence of unsuitable fruits will spoil the wine!
  • Almost all varieties of this berry are suitable for winemaking, but experienced winemakers admit that the best drink is obtained from yellow and wild cherries.
  • Cherries have an inexpressive taste and therefore should be included in the ingredients citric acid. It will improve the taste, and also act as an excellent stabilizer, providing more long-term storage drink
  • Due to the low sugar content of cherries, it is recommended to prepare dessert and liqueur wines. On average, for 10 kg of berries you need to add at least 1 kg of sugar, but if desired, this volume can be increased by 25%.
  • The seeds do not need to be removed from the fruits, since they contain a minimal amount of hydrocyanic acid. But their presence will give the drink a pleasant almond flavor.
  • Since the skin of the fruit contains a small amount of wild yeast, it is recommended to add special yeast to the wort. wine yeast, sourdough or a handful of unwashed raisins.

As an additive to cherries, you can use tannin, various spices, fruits and berries, for example, raspberries or cherries. This will make the taste of the wine multifaceted, rich, and original.

Basic cooking techniques

Classic cherry wine can be made with or without pits. Both options have a pleasant light taste with a fruit and berry trail.

  • Recipe for wine from pitted cherries - 10 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 l of water, 25 g of citric acid. To create a drink you need:
  1. Sort through the harvest, remove spoiled berries, and then remove the seeds. It is better to do this over a container for further fermentation, which will preserve valuable juice.
  2. Mash the pulp with your hands or a wooden pestle, add water and leave in a dark, warm place for three days. The mass must be stirred several times a day daily to prevent souring.
  3. After the appearance of bubbles, hissing and a cap of foam, the pulp must be carefully removed and squeezed through several layers of gauze.
  4. The resulting juice is poured into a suleya (container for fermentation) with a narrow neck, but it must be filled no more than 70%.
  5. 400 g of refined sugar and citric acid are poured into the wort, everything is thoroughly mixed, and a water seal is installed. The entire fermentation time, the container should be in a dark but warm place.
  6. On the fifth day, you need to remove the water seal, drain about a liter of wort and dissolve 300 g of sugar in it, and then pour it back into the wort. The procedure should be repeated after three days.
  7. After fermentation is complete, the young wine is removed from the sediment using a thin tube. After pouring into a clean container, it is moved to a cool place to ripen. On average, this process should take at least three months. If sediment appears, the drink is poured into a clean container as quickly as possible. Prolonged contact with sediment gives alcohol an unpleasant bitter taste.

  • Cherry wine with pits is prepared much faster and easier; there are no strict proportions of ingredients for it, since their quantity depends on the size of the chosen container. Unwashed fruits are placed in a jar or bottle in layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar. You should not tamp the berries, as this will complicate further fermentation, but the container must be filled to the very neck. If there is even a small space left between the fruit and the lid, the surface of the berries will become moldy and the drink will be spoiled! Next, the container should be placed in a bowl or basin, covered with a lid with holes and left in a warm, dark place for three days. On the fourth day, active fermentation should be completed, and wine will accumulate in the middle part of the container. It must be carefully poured into another container using a thin tube. The drink is ready to drink, but additional aging in the cellar will make its taste more intense.

If desired, you can add other ingredients to the cherry wine, for example, raspberries, strawberries, black currants. At the same time, the technique for preparing the drink will remain unchanged, and the amount of fruit added directly depends on personal preferences. On average, for 1.5 kg of cherries, it is recommended to take 1 kg of sweet strawberries, raspberries or any other fruit. The result will be fragrant alcoholic drink with a strength of no more than 12 revolutions.

Today, stores offer a huge variety of wines, however, as in ancient times, people increasingly prefer drinks prepared at home.

This reduces the risk of poisoning and chemicals entering the body. Unfortunately, they are increasingly added to industrially produced alcoholic drinks. Moreover, if you follow the recipe exactly, you can pleasantly surprise even the most picky gourmet with the taste and aroma of homemade wine. So, in our article we will tell you in detail how to make wine from cherries.

The first option for making wine from cherries

Homemade cherry wine, the recipe for which we will now describe, involves careful selection of berries. The cherry must be whole, without any damage. One rotten berry can ruin the drink, and all your efforts will go down the drain.

The best color for making wine is yellow. A drink made from these berries acquires rich taste and subtle aroma.

In order to make wine from cherries, we need the following:

  • cherries - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - half a liter;
  • citric acid - 25 g.

Preparing the berries

Many winemakers advise not to rinse cherries before use, so that the yeast is not removed from the berries, allowing the wort to ferment. Therefore, if the fruits are very dirty, wipe them with a dry cloth. If you like sweet wine, increase the amount of sugar by 25%. Citric acid is used to keep the drink longer. This ingredient also helps improve the taste of wine.

So, we remove all the seeds from the cherries, trying not to splash the juice (the seeds have an almond flavor, which, as a rule, interrupts the entire aroma of the drink). Pour the berries and juice into the water and mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass container, cover the neck with gauze, secure with an elastic band and leave for 2-3 days in a cool, dark place.

Fermentation process

Once a day, knock the resulting foam off the surface using a clean wooden stick.

When you notice a sour smell and hissing, the drink can be filtered. This should be done several times using clean gauze. The remaining pulp must be squeezed out thoroughly.


Add half the specified amount of sugar and citric acid. Mix thoroughly. We install a water seal on the container. If there is none, we make a small hole on the medical glove (on one of the fingers) and secure it to the surface of the vessel. We transfer the container to a dry, cool and dark room. The temperature should not be higher than 24 degrees.

After exactly 4 days, remove the glove. Pour 1 liter of wort into a separate container and add 300 grams of sugar to it. Mix. We put the finished syrup back into the container and put on the glove again. We repeat the procedure after 3 days (pour the remaining sugar into a liter of wort).

Final process

After 30-40 days, when our future cherry wine brightens, a noticeable sediment appears at the bottom, and the glove deflates (gas stops being released), we can proceed to the next, final stage. Through a thin tube (preferably from a dropper) we pour the wine into another container. We seal the vessel, transfer it to a dark, cool and dry room (the temperature should not be higher than 16 degrees) and leave it for a period of 3 to 12 months. If necessary, after a few months the sediment should be removed again and the wine bottled.

It is not difficult to guess that the longer homemade cherry wine is stored, the richer and more aromatic it will be.

The homemade drink can be stored in the cellar or refrigerator for no more than 4 years.

Cherry wine. Another way to cook

What do we need for this drink?

  • ripe cherries - 6 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.

Food preparation

We take out the pits from the cherries. If you don’t want to carry out the procedure with your hands, you can purchase a device specially created for this at a hardware store.

So, crush the berries using your hands or a masher (whichever is convenient for you). Dilute the resulting cherry puree with boiled water. Pour the mixture into a large saucepan, add sugar, bay leaf and cloves (if you don’t have them, you can add a pinch of citric acid), stir and bring to a boil. Do not forget to remove the formed foam from the surface.

Juice extraction

Cool the mixture and extract the juice using gauze. We dilute the remaining cake in 300 ml of boiled water and squeeze out the liquid again. Mix the resulting juice in both cases and pour it into a clean glass jar.


Our future cherry wine at home (the drink recipe is very simple, as you can see) should stand for 4 days in a warm place. After the specified time has passed, we clean the liquid egg white. Using this method, all the turbidity from our drink will disappear.

Beat the egg whites until foamy and gradually, stirring constantly, add a glass of cool boiled water. Add a little wine to the resulting mixture and carefully, in a thin stream, introduce the mixture into the container with our future drink. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10-14 days, tightly closing the lid.


Even though the wine will be light and clean, it should still be filtered. This can be done using the same IV tube.

Final stage

Leave the filtered homemade cherry wine, the recipe for which is given in our article, for another 2 weeks, tightly closing the lid. After this period, the drink can be offered to guests.

It is better to immediately pour the finished wine into bottles and seal them tightly. You should not prepare the drink according to the given recipe in large quantities, since the shelf life of such wine is short.

Cherry wine. Recipe No. 3

What ingredients do we need for this aromatic drink? This:

  • ripe cherries - 3.5 kg;
  • water - 4.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 6 glasses for every 4.5 liters of cherry juice;
  • dry yeast - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Preparing a homemade drink

Cherry wine can be prepared quite quickly at home, but the time for infusing it can vary from 2 weeks to 12 months. Therefore, unfortunately, you won’t be able to enjoy your own drink on the same day, even if you really want to.

So, pour 4.5 liters of water into the pan and wait for it to boil. In the meantime, wash the berries and dry them with paper towels. Pour boiling water over the cherries and leave for 4 days in a cool place, covered with a lid. After this, filter the resulting mixture, add granulated sugar and yeast.

Then pour the liquid into a glass container and place it in a cool, dark place (at a temperature no higher than 24 degrees). The drink must ferment.

This will take approximately 2-3 weeks. After this, mix the future cherry wine thoroughly and leave again for 2-3 days.

Then filter the liquid several times through cheesecloth and pour into a clean, dried glass container. Time for infusion is 5 months. Should be stored in a dry, dark, cool place.


Having prepared your own cherry wine at home (the recipe, as you can see, is absolutely simple), you don’t have to worry about its quality. Try making natural drinks according to our recipes, and you will be convinced that alcohol homemade no worse than store bought.

When the cherry harvest has turned out to be very rich, when everyone has already eaten, made compotes and jam, it is time to prepare other drinks. Cherry wine made from the freshest berries, literally fresh from the branch, is especially tasty.

To make cherry wine you only need fresh berry without signs of rotting or deterioration. Spoiled fruits can develop mold and ruin the entire drink. Yellow varieties of cherries are best suited; the drink made from them has the richest taste and aroma.

There is no need to wash the berry itself, since its skin contains wild yeast necessary for the fermentation of wine must. But the container in which the wine will ferment and be stored is recommended to be thoroughly washed and dried.

Cherries have very low acidity, so when preparing wine you need to add lemon juice or citric acid. Alternatively, you can use black or red currants.

Simple recipes

Classic way

Traditional cherry wine is made without seeds. Berries can be taken in any color. The strength of the final product should be 10-12 degrees.

To make wine at home you will need:

  • Sweet cherries – 10 kg.
  • Sugar – 1-1.5 kg (depending on how sweet you want the drink to be).
  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • Lemon juice or acid – 25g.

The finished drink should be stored in the basement or refrigerator. Shelf life – 3-4 years.

With bones

Unlike classic wine, the drink, based on berries with seeds, has a characteristic almond taste.

In addition to berries and sugar, to prepare it you will need:

  • tannic acid;
  • tartaric acid;
  • wine yeast.

  1. The berries need to be cleaned of dirt, wiped, but not washed.
  2. Next, you need to carefully remove the seeds, leave 10 percent, the rest can be thrown away.
  3. The berries need to be crushed, preferably by hand, and mixed with the juice that flowed out when the seeds were removed.
  4. Then you need to cover the container with gauze and put it in a dark place for two days.
  5. After this, you need to squeeze out the juice, mix it with acids and add sugar (2.5 kg per 10 l) and seeds.
  6. Mix the resulting mass and add wine yeast.
  7. Close the container with the wort with a water seal or a glove and put it in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.
  8. When the water seal stops producing bubbles, the wine must be removed from the sediment and the remaining sugar added.
  9. The resulting liquid must be poured into a suitable container, but no more than 90% of its volume, then reinstall the water seal and place the drink in a cool place for quiet fermentation.
  10. Quiet fermentation should last 1.5-2 months, while decanting should be done every 2-3 weeks - i.e. remove sediment from wine.
  11. When there is no sediment left, the wine should be poured into bottles and carefully corked.

You can drink the finished drink after two months, but it will gain its full taste no earlier than six months later.


To prepare this type of wine you will need yellow or pink berries. In addition to them you will need:

  • vodka (in the proportion of 2 liters per 5 kg of berries);
  • sugar;
  • crushed nutmeg;
  • vanillin;
  • cherry tree leaves.
  1. The seeds from the berries must be removed so as not to lose the juice.
  2. Crush the berries and mix with this juice.
  3. Cover the container with gauze and leave for two days.
  4. After this, the juice must be squeezed out and mixed with nutmeg, vanillin and leaves, then covered with a lid with a water seal and stored for 8-9 days in a room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees.
  5. After this period, the wine must be separated from the sediment, mixed with vodka, left for a month, filtered and bottled.

How to make it with strawberries?

You can diversify the taste of cherry wine by adding other berries., for example, strawberries.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, when nature gives us a huge amount of different fruits and it is important to take advantage of this abundance correctly.

By learning how to make cherry wine at home, the recipe for which we will provide you with, you will be able to make the most of natural gifts. There is nothing complicated about it, in addition, it is made like this delicious drink relatively quickly, and is stored for quite a long time.

It is difficult to imagine another drink that would have the same noble aroma and color as homemade cherry wine. The recipe for a simple liqueur from this berry is quite common throughout the former CIS and is especially popular.

As you know, there are a large number of different varieties of this berry. But which ones are best to use in winemaking to ensure the most aromatic wine?

Use yellow varieties; in addition, you can take wild cherries, they are also quite aromatic and make the taste of the wine as bright as possible.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cherry wine


  • Sweet cherries – 10 kg + -
  • Water - 1 l + -
  • - 1 kg + -
  • Lemon acid— 25 g + -

How to make homemade wine from cherries

Stage one: Preparing fruits for processing

  1. So, making cherry wine at home should begin with a careful selection of all the berries. You must not allow any spoiled or damaged cherries to enter; this can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the wine.
  2. The next step is cleaning. You cannot wash the berries, because on their surface there are bacteria necessary for fermentation. When preparing wine from cherries at home, wipe them with a dry cloth. If there are no visible contaminants, then you can skip this step.
  3. Place the selected and peeled fruits in a convenient container. We must remove the seeds from them, otherwise they will spoil the taste of the drink. It is important to ensure that the juice does not splash around, because it is the pulp that contains the bulk of the liquid that will make up the wine.
  4. Transfer the resulting mass into a fermentation container. Cover the neck with gauze and place the container in a dark place at room temperature for three days.

Stage two: Make the wort and let it ferment

  1. Before making wine from cherries, we need to get rid of the pomace at the bottom of our container. This is done when the fermentation process has begun to manifest itself: bubbles form and a sour smell appears.
  2. We squeeze the pulp well using gauze folded in several layers, pour the liquid into a new container, add 400 g of sugar and acid. We put a water seal or a glove on the neck with a hole in one of the fingers.
  3. We place our container in a dark place at room temperature for four days.
  4. Drain a small amount of liquid, pour 300 grams of sugar into it and pour it back. Making cherry wine at home means repeating this procedure after 3 days. After this, we leave the wine in the dark for a month or two.

Stage three: Final

  1. At the end of the specified period of time, fermentation will stop, and sediment will form at the bottom. It is necessary to drain the new wine without touching the bottom of the container. This can be done using a clean hose.
  2. Before you put cherry wine on slow fermentation, you need to taste it. It is at this stage that sugar and alcohol are added if there is a desire to make it sweeter or stronger. Adding alcohol allows you to increase the shelf life of the drink, but then the wine will come out fortified, this must be taken into account.
  3. Pour the liquid into a new container and close it. We put it in a dark, cool place for three months. If desired, you can increase this period, up to a year. Every month it is necessary to change the container, leaving sediment in the old container.
