Technological process for preparing products from gingerbread dough. Technical and technological map for preparing pies Calculation map for dough for pies

registration on the site

Before using FOODCOST, users must register. Link to registration form

In the window that opens, select the tab Registration and fill out all the fields of the form:

  1. Specify Name And Last name.
  2. Think and enter Login, which should contain only Latin letters.
  3. Attention!!!

    Do not use your email address as a login!
    Using Cyrillic and special characters in the login NOT ALLOWED!

  4. Please provide a real email address where you can be contacted.
  5. Password may contain letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers.
  6. Attention!!!

    Using Cyrillic characters in the password NOT ALLOWED!

  7. Reenter password.
  8. Select your main profile to optimally customize the interface and click the button Registration

After completing the registration procedure, a message with a link to activate your account will be sent to your email address. Without account activation, your account will remain inactive!

Authorization on the site

To start using FOODCOST services, users must log in. Link to authorization form located on the top panel of the site. Clicking on this link will open the Authentication window.

Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Only for authorized users!!! School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergarten(preschool educational institution) and schools. Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. National cuisine - from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, click the button Find the recipe.

To quickly clear all filter parameters, click the Reset button

If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see common list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

Site search

The site is searched in all sections, including recipes, news, regulatory documents, product directories and company directories.

To call the search string, click the button located on the top panel of the site.

In the line that opens, enter a search query and press Enter

Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

Recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally validly used in enterprises Catering, because they comply with all currently valid Laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, technological mode production of products, deterioration of their consumer properties and qualities.

Not everything is clear?...

Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. And it will help with this various types Help information, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.

Sugar, salt, add melange or eggs, add sifted flour and mix everything for 7-8 minutes. After this, add melted margarine and knead the dough until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave to ferment for 3-4 hours in a room with a temperature of 35-40 degrees. When the dough doubles in volume, knead it and leave it again for fermentation, during which another 1 or 2 kneads are done.

Granulated sugar





Table margarine





Table egg

9 pcs


18 pcs







Pressed yeast










Egg for lubrication

3 pcs




Output p/f


Output of finished products

100 pieces

60 g each

Recipe No. 1075


Name of dish____minced meat with onions_________ _______________________

Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Cooking technology and decoration


Beef (cutlet meat)



Table margarine



Bulb onions



Mass of sautéed onions





Name of organization Recipe No.


Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Weight finished product in

Net weight

1000 gr.


Recipe No.

Name of dishThe dough is not rich __________________________________________

Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Weight of the finished product in g.

Technology of preparation and presentation of dishes

Wheat flour B\C



Water at 35-40 degrees is poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine, yeast, sugar, salt have been previously diluted in water and strained, melange or eggs are added, sifted flour is added and everything is mixed for 7-8 minutes. After this, melted margarine is added and the dough is kneaded until until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for fermentation for 3-4 hours in a room with a temperature of 35-40 degrees. When the dough has doubled in volume, knead it and again leave for fermentation, during which another 1 or 2 warm-up.

Granulated sugar



Table margarine




7 pcs.





Pressed yeast



or dry






Egg for lubrication

3 pcs.





recipe No. 1085

Name of dish minced meat with potatoes and onions

Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Weight of the finished product in g.

Cooking technology

Bulb onions


Vegetable oil




Exit finished products


Recipe No. 1085

Name_of-product__Quantity_(weight,_piece)__division">Name_of_dish">TECHNOLOGICAL CARD

Name of dishground meatpotato with mushrooms and onions______________________________

Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Weight of the finished product in g.




Bulb onions



Fresh mushrooms (champignons)



Vegetable oil






Recipe No. 1086


Name of dishminced fresh cabbage with egg__________________________________________

Product Name

Gross weight (in g)

Net or semi-weight (in g)

Weight of the finished product in g.


2500 kg.

Cooking technology

White cabbage







6 pcs.


Bulb onions



Table margarine






kitchen write-off act
date of___________




(weight, piece)

Reason for write-off


GBOU SPO Technological College No. 49

Warehouse (consumption)
Date of___________




(weight, piece)



Responsible ____________ Ilyin A.V.

GBOU SPO Technological College No. 49

Moving, c/c - kitchen.

date of___________




(weight, piece)


Moving, kitchen - k/c.

date of___________




(weight, piece)


Responsible ____________ Ilyin A.V.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Posted on


1 area of ​​use.

This technical and technological map applies to Russian Forest pie with potatoes and mushrooms.


The raw materials used to prepare the “Russian Forest” potato and mushroom pie must meet the requirements regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates. The use of imported raw materials and products is allowed if there is a hygienic certificate and a certificate of conformity issued by certification bodies in the prescribed manner.

3. Recipe.

Recipe for Russian Forest pie with potatoes and mushrooms

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)



Bulb onions

Vegetable oil


4.Technological process.

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the preparation of pie with potatoes and mushrooms “Russian Forest” is carried out in accordance with the collections technological standards for public catering establishments (2006).

4.2 Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Add eggs, sugar, salt, water, add flour and knead the dough. At the end of kneading, add melted and cooled butter, knead until the dough stops sticking to the bowl and hands. Ready dough dust lightly with flour. Cover with a napkin or towel. Let it sit.

For minced meat, peel the potatoes and cook until half cooked. Cut into cubes. Boil the mushrooms, rinse, cut into cubes. Sauté the onion. Mix potatoes, mushrooms, onions and add vegetable oil, salt pepper.


Taste and smell: freshly baked dough, potatoes, mushrooms.


Nutritional and energy value

Calorie calculation forpie with potatoes and mushrooms « RUssky forest"

product name

Pie with potatoes and mushrooms “Russian Forest”

name of raw materials

Net weight, g.


% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g



Bulb onions

Weight of raw materials

After that

Vegetable oil

Nutritional and energy value

I approve

Head of the enterprise

Semenov V.G.


1 area of ​​use.

This technical and technological map applies to the “Golden Fish” fish pie

2.Requirements for the quality of raw materials.

The raw materials used to prepare the “Goldfish” fish pie must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates. The use of imported raw materials and products is allowed if there is a hygienic certificate and a certificate of conformity issued by certification bodies in the prescribed manner.

3. Recipe.

3.1. Recipe for fish pie “Goldfish”

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)


Bulb onions



4.Technological process.

4.3 Preparation of raw materials for preparing fish pie “Golden Fish” is carried out in accordance with collections of technological standards for public catering establishments (2006).

4.4 Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Add eggs, sugar, salt, water, add flour and knead the dough. At the end of kneading, add melted and cooled butter, knead until the dough stops sticking to the bowl and hands. Lightly sprinkle the finished dough with flour. Cover with a napkin or towel. Let it sit.

For minced fish, wash the prepared fillet and cut into cubes. Sauté the onion. Mix the fish with onions, add pieces of butter, salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough, lay out the filling, grease with lemonade. Bake at 210-180 s.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage.

5.1. To serve, use a wooden serving board.

5.2. Serving temperature - not lower than 85 -90 C.

5.3. The deadline for implementation is immediately before the holiday.

6.Quality and safety indicators.

6.1.Organoleptic characteristics

Appearance: the product retains its shape after baking, without kinks or dents. pie potatoes calorie dish

Color: surface - ruddy, golden.

Consistency: baked dough, baked filling, soft.

Taste and smell: freshly baked dough, fish.

6.2. Microbiological indicators, standardized in accordance with Sanitary Regulations and Regulations 2.3.2. 1078-01

Nutritional and energy value

Developer TTK Fatkhudinova E.S.

Calorie calculation for fish pie “Goldfish”

product name

fish pie “Goldfish”

name of raw materials

Net weight, g.


% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g


Bulb onions

Weight of raw materials

After that


Nutritional and energy value

I approve

Head of the enterprise

Semenov V.G.


1 .Application area.

This technical and technological map applies to the pie with apples and rowan berries “Ural motives”

2.Requirements for the quality of raw materials.

The raw materials used to prepare the Ural Motifs apple and rowan pie must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates. The use of imported raw materials and products is allowed if there is a hygienic certificate and a certificate of conformity issued by certification bodies in the prescribed manner.

3. Recipe.

3.1.Recipe for pie with apples and rowan berries “Ural motifs”

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)



Ground cinnamon


4.Technological process.

4.5 Preparation of raw materials for making pie with apples and rowan berries “Ural motives” is carried out in accordance with collections of technological standards for public catering establishments (2006).

4.6 Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Add eggs, sugar, salt, water, add flour and knead the dough. At the end of kneading, add melted and cooled butter, knead until the dough stops sticking to the bowl and hands. Lightly sprinkle the finished dough with flour. Cover with a napkin or towel. Let it sit.

For minced meat, peel and seed the apples. Cook in sugar syrup, place in a saucepan, add butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Boil rowan with honey until thickened. Roll out the dough, lay out the filling, grease with leison. Bake at 210-180 s.

5. Registration, submission, sale and storage.

5.1. To serve, use a wooden serving board.

5.2. Serving temperature - not lower than 85 -90 C.

5.3. The deadline for implementation is immediately before the holiday.

6.Quality and safety indicators.

6.1.Organoleptic characteristics

Appearance: the product retains its shape after baking, without kinks or dents.

Color: surface - ruddy, golden.

Consistency: baked dough, baked filling, soft.

Taste and smell: freshly baked dough, apples, cinnamon, honey, rowan.

6.2. Microbiological indicators, standardized in accordance with Sanitary Regulations and Regulations 2.3.2. 1078-01

7.Nutritional and energy value

Nutritional and energy value

Developer TTK Fatkhudinova E.S.

Calorie calculation forapple and rowan pie"Ural motives»

product name

pie with apples and rowan berries “Ural motifs”

name of raw materials

Net weight, g.


% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g

% from table

Calculated, g



Weight of raw materials

After that

Ground cinnamon

Nutritional and energy value

Posted on


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. Dough

and yeast dough
Product Name

and products

Raw material consumption per 1 kg per g

for fried pies

for baked pies

for cheesecakes, pies, kulebyak, etc.

for cheesecakes, pies, kulebyak, etc.














Humidity, % Pour into the bowl of a dough mixing machine cold water

, citric acid solution, add melange, salt, flour and knead the dough for 15-20 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The kneaded dough is placed on a table sprinkled with flour and left for 20-30 minutes for the proteins to swell. Preparing margarine. In parallel with kneading the dough, margarine is prepared. To do this, margarine is cut into small pieces, placed in a dough mixing machine, flour is added (10% of the margarine weight) and mixed. Then the mass is laid out on the table, shaped into rectangular flat pieces (150 x 300 mm) 20 mm thick and cooled in a cold chamber to a temperature of 12-14

° C. Layering the dough. The dough is rolled out into rectangular layers (300 x 600 mm) with a thickness of 20-25 mm in the middle part, and somewhat thinner at the edges - 17-20 mm. Prepared margarine cakes weighing 2.2 kg are placed in the middle of these layers, the ends of the dough are connected to the sides and pinched. The prepared dough with margarine is rolled out on dough sheeters that have one pair of rollers, the distance between which can be changed within 1-50 mm. First, a large gap is established between the rollers, about 20 mm. The dough layers are rolled through rollers, then the distance between the rollers is reduced. The dough is folded into four layers, rolled again, folded again into four layers and placed in

for 30-40 minutes. After cooling, the dough is rolled out, folded into four layers and cooled again. The operation of rolling out, folding the dough into four layers and cooling is repeated one more time. Then the dough is rolled twice at a distance between the rollers of 10 and 6 mm. The finished dough has 256 layers.

The procedure for rolling out a layer of dough and installing rollers

dough sheeter

Rolling order

Distance between rollers, mm

Rolling out after wrapping margarine in dough


Distance between rollers, mm

Rolling out after wrapping margarine in dough


Distance between rollers, mm

Rolling out after wrapping margarine in dough

Rolling out after folding the dough into four layers

Distance between rollers, mm

Rolling out after wrapping margarine in dough

Rolling out after first cooling

Distance between rollers, mm

Rolling out after wrapping margarine in dough

Rolling out the dough by hand. The prepared dough is shaped into a ball, a cross-shaped cut is made on it and left for 20-30 minutes for the proteins to swell. Then the dough is rolled out on a table dusted with flour to a thickness of 20-25 mm in the middle part, and somewhat thinner towards the edges (up to 17-20 mm), thereby obtaining a cross-shaped layer with four oval ends. The flour is swept away from the dough layer and the prepared margarine (see above) is placed in the middle of it, which is covered with the four free ends of the dough. The edges of the layer are connected to each other and pinched. This creates an envelope of dough, inside of which there is a layer of margarine. Then this dough with margarine is dusted with flour and, starting from the middle, rolled out with a rolling pin into a rectangular layer 10 mm thick. Carefully sweep the flour from the layer, fold it in half so that the opposite edges meet in the middle, and then fold it in half again and place it in a refrigerator with a temperature of 2-4 °C for cooling for 30-40 minutes. Rolling out the dough, folding it into four layers and cooling is repeated three more times.


Pour into the bowl of a dough mixing machine water heated to a temperature of 35-40 °C, previously diluted in water with a temperature of no higher than 40 °C and strained yeast, sugar, salt, add melange or eggs, add flour and mix everything for 7-8 minutes. . After this, add melted margarine and knead the dough until it acquires a uniform consistency and easily separates from the walls of the bowl.

The bowl is covered with a lid and left for fermentation for 3-4 hours in a room with a temperature of 35-40 °C. When the dough has increased in volume by 1.5 times, knead for 1-2 minutes and again leave for fermentation, during which the dough is kneaded another 1-2 times.

registration on the site

Before using FOODCOST, users must register. Link to registration form

In the window that opens, select the tab Registration and fill out all the fields of the form:

  1. Specify Name And Last name.
  2. Think and enter Login, which should contain only Latin letters.
  3. Attention!!!

    Do not use your email address as a login!
    Using Cyrillic and special characters in the login NOT ALLOWED!

  4. Please provide a real email address where you can be contacted.
  5. Password may contain letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers.
  6. Attention!!!

    Using Cyrillic characters in the password NOT ALLOWED!

  7. Reenter password.
  8. Select your main profile to optimally customize the interface and click the button Registration

After completing the registration procedure, a message with a link to activate your account will be sent to your email address. Without account activation, your account will remain inactive!

Authorization on the site

To start using FOODCOST services, users must log in. Link to authorization form located on the top panel of the site. Clicking on this link will open the Authentication window.

Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Dough made from flour with weak gluten is kneaded once. Only for authorized users!!! Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) and schools.- from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, click the button Find the recipe.

To quickly clear all filter parameters, click the Reset button

If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see common list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

Site search

The site is searched in all sections, including recipes, news, regulatory documents, product directories and company directories.

To call the search string, click the button located on the top panel of the site.

In the line that opens, enter a search query and press Enter

Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

National cuisine

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

Not everything is clear?...

Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.
