Food culture of different peoples of the world. Germany: there should be a lot of delicious food. · There is no feeling of hunger

Each nation has its own culinary traditions and established eating habits. Some of them are pleasant and useful, others are only pleasant, but do not have the best effect on your health. Finally, there are those that are not pleasant or useful, but are simply dictated by a lack of money or time.

Yu-mama studied what residents of different countries eat and what they feed their children, and found out that Russians have reasons to be happy for themselves and to think. And maybe get some ideas from foreign approaches to nutrition.

Russia: abundance and calories

In general, the eating habits of the average Russian family cannot be called healthy: very few people think about a balanced diet. The emphasis is rather on ensuring that no one goes hungry and that the child does not lose weight in any way. Moreover, studies have shown that, for the most part, both low-income and wealthy people eat irrationally.

Residents of Russia eat significantly less fresh vegetables and fruits than nutritionists would like. This is especially true for residents of the Urals and Siberians (consumption is 35% below the norm). And it’s not surprising: for most of the year, tasty and affordable fruits and vegetables are a rarity in our latitudes.

The diet contains too many fatty foods - pork and fried cutlets appear on the table of Russian families much more often than lean beef and sea ​​fish. Not to mention the widespread love for mayonnaise, for the amount of consumption of which Yekaterinburg, as you know, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In terms of the amount of tea they drink, the average Russian could compete with most Europeans, even the British. Tea warms us up in the cold, helps relieve stress and have a good time in good company. But we must remember that only high-quality tea is good for health, and not “roadside dust.” Also, nutritionists do not approve of regularly drinking tea with sugar and cookies, which, alas, is also part of the national tradition.

Few Russians drink enough clean water and forget that it is better to do this before meals or between meals. More often than not, we wash down lunch from three courses, which does not at all contribute to a slim figure and proper digestion.

Among the healthy eating habits of Russians, it is worth highlighting their love for kefir and other fermented milk products, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, immunity and metabolism in general.

In Russia, a huge amount of bread is eaten (20% more than the norm) and confectionery. Since childhood, the idea that “Bread is the boss of everything” has been in our heads since childhood; many do not even admit that it is possible to sit at the table without this product. Residents of the Urals are ahead of other regions of the country, consuming 30% more bread than recommended. Solution to the problem: buy whole grain and yeast-free bread, more healthy.

Russians consider potatoes to be the best side dish. This trend does not apply only to residents of St. Petersburg. Siberians are the leaders in potato consumption.

In Russia, most people are aware of the dangers of fast food and sweet sodas. As a rule, such products are excluded from the diet of schoolchildren. In our children's institutions, porridge, vegetables, steamed meat and fish usually appear on the table. Not everyone appreciates this, and yet, in many schools and kindergartens in developed countries, hot meals are not provided at all.

Rules for introducing complementary foods in our country are regularly reviewed. Just over ten years ago, every baby drank his first teaspoon at three months. apple juice. Nowadays, pediatricians generally advise starting to introduce food after 6 months.

The first complementary foods are porridge, vegetable purees and tender cottage cheese, rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the baby’s growth. From 8 months, other fermented milk products appear on the menu - kefir, bio-yogurt and biolacts. When choosing dairy products, Russian parents, as a rule, focus on quality, freshness, the absence of artificial additives, and, often, sugar. In this sense, Ural mothers are lucky - right next door they produce proven baby food"Subject".

Perhaps, the commitment of mothers and doctors to using factory-produced meat purees from 8 months onwards has remained unchanged since Soviet times - after all, it is convenient, tasty and healthy.

Germany: there should be a lot of delicious food

The Germans eat a lot of pork and various meat products - sausages, sausages, sausages, etc. Semi-finished meat products are not only served as an independent dish, but are also actively added to soups and salads. They are not very fond of fish here. Sometimes it is even cooked... in meat broth.

Porridge is considered the preserve of the sick and elderly; the active population prefers to have breakfast with sandwiches, rolls and toast. But for lunch there may not be bread on the German table.

Popular vegetables in Germany include cabbage, carrots, celery, potatoes and asparagus. Germans love fruits, thick compotes and other berry desserts.

There are many people with a sweet tooth in Germany. Chocolate, marmalade, nougat and marzipan are popular.

In a word, the eating habits of Germans cannot be called healthy. True, they say, in Lately The local population began to worry about reducing their consumption of fatty foods.
Meals for children and adolescents in children's institutions are often not organized, and parents decide this issue on their own. Even to kindergartens, children bring their own boxes of food. However, in some kindergartens children are offered vegetable puree soups, pasta, poultry dishes and seasonal fruits.

Lure German pediatricians advise starting at 5-7 months with carrots, pumpkin, kohlrabi and spinach. After introducing a couple of types of vegetables, the child is offered meat. It is believed that in the first year the baby should try the most different dishes to develop taste.

India: down with meat, long live spices!

The majority of Indians are vegetarians. Residents of some areas consume seafood, as well as lamb and poultry. Selling or eating beef is strictly prohibited in India.

The unique taste of Indian dishes is created by chili pepper, curry, paprika, turmeric, ginger, mustard, white and black. hot peppers, cinnamon, coriander and many other spices.

According to the laws of Vedic cuisine, the most correct, energy-balanced food should be not too spicy and not too salty, not too cold and not too hot, and not too fatty.

In fact, many Indians, due to poverty, have to make do with a handful of rice every day. Not everyone can afford more than one meal a day.

Children are fed even in the poorest Indian schools. Most often on the menu are rice with spices and water. The food is prepared right on the street, and banana leaves are used instead of plates.
Little Indians are given water, formula and animal milk from the first days of life, including because colostrum is considered harmful.

Lure is a regular “adult” meal - a portion of rice, fish or sweets. Moreover, it is administered to girls at six months, and to weaker, according to Hindus, boys only at nine months.

Italy: Mediterranean diet

It is very important for Italians to enjoy their food. Every dish should be a work of art.

Pasta has become a cult in Italy. 25 varieties of wheat are used for its production! Combined with the variety of shapes and sizes, this creates a countless variety of “pasta” (Italians themselves are offended when pasta is called pasta, because it is only one of its varieties). Italians eat pasta when they want to calm down after a hard day, treat themselves or chat with friends. For them, it’s about the same as tea for Russians. And, of course, pasta is not a side dish, but an independent dish.

Dinner in Italy is the main meal of the day, which, of course, does not delight nutritionists. But these are traditions, and here they are very respected.

Italians know a lot about coffee and prepare a lot of its varieties with the addition of milk and cocoa. And they absolutely do not welcome coffee from a cardboard cup on the go!

Today, experts are concerned about the problem of excess weight in Italian children. Therefore, schools and kindergartens try to offer a balanced diet, which in addition to pasta includes meat, poultry, fish and fruits.

Lure in Italy they start at 4-6 months. And almost immediately, quite complex, multi-component dishes appear in the diet. For example, rice cooked in a broth of several vegetables. Soon this “risotto” contains olive oil and grated Parmesan. In a word, gourmets are raised here from infancy. As in Russia, they sell in Italy meat puree in jars, and mothers do not have to worry about preparing it.

China: ate rice, drank tea

What do adults eat:

The Chinese adhere to the theory of eating according to the seasons. Each season has its own, most suitable products.

Almost every Chinese meal includes rice. Even alcohol and vinegar are made from rice.

Chinese noodles made from rice or wheat flour are considered a source of longevity.

In China, bean curd - tofu - is popular, as are other soybean products.

Like the Russians, the Chinese drink a lot of tea. And no wonder. It was in this country that they first began to grow and drink this miraculous drink.

Chinese kindergartens do not pamper their students with a variety of products. This can be porridge with vegetable or fruit filling, as well as boiled rice, vegetables and meat. Plus, there are only two meals.

Lure in China starts at 4 months with banana or applesauce, lotus root or tofu. Also here they start giving children fish early, in particular carp and eels.

USA: from fast food and soda to widespread obesity

Modern Americans spend most of their lives at work and cook very little at home. People in the country eat mainly highly processed foods. These are canned food, cereals, frozen semi-finished products. This may be why local cuisine is sometimes compared to “airplane food”.

Unfortunately, hamburgers and fries washed down with soda are not a parody of American culture, but a harsh reality that has turned obesity into a national problem.

Nutritious, freshly prepared food can often only be enjoyed in expensive restaurants.

Children in the United States can easily buy a hamburger and Coke right in the school cafeteria. A progressive step is considered to be the ban on fast food advertising in schools and the appearance of advertisements suggesting replacing regular soda with diet soda (which is only slightly lower in calories). According to American nutritionists, replacing the traditional school lunch with an apple, banana and a bottle of water would reduce mortality from obesity among children and adolescents by 30% - 40%.

Lure In the States, it is customary to start with cereals and sweet orange (!) vegetables - carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. Moreover, the child is given as much vegetable as he himself agrees to eat, and not half a teaspoon. Dairy products not popular here - Russian mothers complain that it is almost impossible to find children's cottage cheese or kefir in the USA.

France: pleasure comes first!

A true French meal should be long and enjoyable. No snacking on the go. It is not customary to treat even children between meals. Nutritionists would give the French a solid “A” for leisurely chewing.

Often French food is not so healthy - fatty cheeses, croissants, pates. However, the French are not chasing quantity. Small portions allow you to enjoy delicacies without remorse or consequences for your figure.

The country loves cheese very much and produces an incredible number of varieties of this product. Cheese is included in many national dishes. But other types of dairy products are not particularly favored here.

The French respect fresh vegetables. They try to buy them at the market, from familiar farmers. Eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes and various greens are especially popular.

From meat dishes French residents prefer steaks and pates, as well as poultry. In addition, they love seafood. But frog legs are by no means everyday dish, but a rare delicacy for gourmets. Frogs for this purpose are specially raised in environmentally friendly ponds.

The preferred drinks here are black coffee and wine.

School and kindergarten lunches are considered a way to introduce little French people to national cuisine. Even three-year-olds are often served a five-course meal. The names alone can whet your appetite: for example, “Provençal-style zucchini,” “light cottage cheese with raisins,” “Saint-Paulin cheese”... Parents can get acquainted with the menu a week, or even a month in advance, and at the same time receive recommendations, what to feed your child for dinner.

From six months The French introduce children to steamed vegetables or grated fruits. After a couple of months, turkey, beef, chicken or fish are introduced with herbs, and at the same time boiled mushrooms(!).

Japan: beautiful, diverse and little by little

At every meal, the Japanese try to try dishes of different tastes, so, as a rule, there will be something sweet, sour, bitter and salty on the table at the same time. It is believed that in this case, all types of receptors will be involved, which means that a person will feel full and not deprived of anything, even if he eats a small amount of food.

The basis of the diet: fresh vegetables and seafood with minimal heat treatment.

Much attention is paid to how the food looks. The table should be neat, and the food should be bright and colorful.

The little Japanese school lunch also consists of many components. For example, miso soup, Fried fish, dried seaweed, rice and milk. At the same time, the proximity of seafood to milk does not bother anyone.

First dish in life A resident of Japan eats strictly at five months. It's overcooked rice porrige on the water. After a few weeks, vegetable, fruit or fish puree is added to the porridge. If you are allergic to a certain product, doctors recommend still giving it in small doses so that the body gradually gets used to it.

Each country has its own culinary or table specialties. We bring to your attention the basic rules of good and bad manners in restaurants in European countries.

Italy. All Italian cuisine is based on pasta (pasta). Remember, the correct way to eat pasta is to twist it onto a fork. In addition, in Italy it is not customary to order it as a main dish - it is only an appetizer.

When paying a bill in Italian restaurants, it is not customary to leave a tip, since everything is already calculated in “il coperto” or “servisio incluso”, which means service charge. But if you're very happy with the service, you can leave a few euros on the table (don't leave coins below 1 euro, it's considered offensive).

Drinking coffee is a special ritual for Italians. For breakfast, they usually drink cappuccino, latte macchiato or strong espresso. After lunch, Italians prefer only “Un caffe per favore”. If you go to a restaurant and say this phrase, they will make you an excellent espresso, and if it’s also without sugar, expect a joke in response: “Do you like it without sugar? Yes, you already have a sweet life.”

If you are invited to visit, be sure to buy a small treat or flowers (except for chrysanthemums, which are considered cemetery flowers).

Spain. Spain also has its own characteristics, the main one of which is Siesta. From 13.30, for about 3 hours, most shops close, many Spaniards do not mind taking a nap at this time.

As for dinner, it starts at 21.00, some people can come to eat around midnight. Remember, sitting at a table where there are already guests is very impolite. Dinner is usually accompanied by music, but you should not clap your hands or sing along, especially if you have no hearing or sense of rhythm.

Austria. In this country, special rules apply mostly to coffee shops. Here the waiter must be addressed with all respect with the phrase “Mr. Waiter” (great attention is also paid to the title “Mr. Master”). The waiter will approach you only when you first order, then only upon request, and don’t be surprised if he is very laconic, this is how it is done here. Along with your coffee, you'll be served free water and the latest printed publications. It would be correct to leave a tip of 10-20% on the table.

In Austria, it is customary to sit down at the table five times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, a small snack before lunch and coffee after lunch.

France. If you decide to go to a French restaurant for a meal, a waiter will always greet you at the entrance, find out how many people you need a table for, and lead you to it. Don't be self-willed. In addition to the regular menu, there is an option to order an “optional dish”, but it will cost you a little more. As a rule, there are no desserts on the menu - you yourself must say what you would like.

Lunch in France can last up to two hours. Before eating you will always be wished Bon appetit, and at the end they will ask if you ate well. It is customary to serve the meal with a fresh baguette, which must be “torn” with your hands. If you want to leave a tip, leave it right on the table.

Greece. The basis of Greek cuisine is simple products. The country's food traditions are highly valued. If you are invited to dinner, be prepared for a long feast with many dishes. If you refuse to eat, you are disrespecting the owner of the house. Typically, dinner in Greece begins as in Spain, from 9 pm.

In Greece, you can dirty tablecloths while eating. Often the owner himself will put the first spot to show that you can relax at the table.

If you have visited a Greek restaurant, then they also have their own manners. It is not customary to order dishes only for yourself. Typically, Greeks order a lot of dishes and then share them among everyone. In addition, many restaurants do not have a menu.

Great Britain. The main rule is that a tourist should not criticize the local cuisine. The English breakfast is very high in calories: a dish of beans, lard, black pudding, sliced ​​potatoes, tomatoes, scrambled eggs, mushrooms and sausages. Agree, it will not be easy to push through this, especially if you are used to skipping breakfast. The procedure for wishing bon appetit can be omitted, since English does not have a suitable sentence for this.

Black tea is a drink that the British can drink at any time of the day. It is noteworthy that there are special full meals for tea.

Sweden. The main feature of Swedish food establishments is that restaurant guests pay for their meal once, after which they have the right to receive as many free refills as they want. There is often a self-service system - you place your order at the bar counter and pay.

Scientists have long noted that different peoples and nations differ from each other not only in external characteristics, language, culture and way of life, but also have obvious differences in health, i.e. they have certain diseases.

Nutrition largely plays a determining role in this factor.

It is no secret or news that cardiovascular diseases threaten residents of coastal countries to a lesser extent, the mountaineers of the Caucasus are distinguished by an enviable longevity, and southerners may not know what vitamin deficiency is, etc., in their entire lives. According to the authoritative opinion of scientists, such features are caused by a peculiar diet.

What eating habits are typical for different peoples?

Great Britain. The basis of English cuisine is meat, cereals, fish, vegetables. For the first course, popular broths and puree soups are most often prepared. The British give preference in meat to beef, veal, and lean pork. Meat should be served with a variety of different sauces(tomato most often), and as a side dish - vegetables, potatoes. Various puddings occupy a significant place on the British menu. Of the porridges, my favorite is porridge, the famous “oatmeal.” Popular drinks are tea with milk and beer.

Germany. Difference German cuisine in a variety of vegetable dishes. Particularly popular green beans, carrot, cauliflower, legumes, boiled potatoes And red cabbage. The Germans love pork, beef, poultry and fish, and eat a lot of sausages, sausages, and eggs. For dessert they prefer fruit salads. It is believed that beer is the national German drink, and among non-alcoholic drinks they prefer coffee with milk.

Spain. Originally Spanish cuisine is based on simple food - tomatoes, garlic, sweet peppers, herbs, onions. First of all, Spaniards like creamy soups, garlic soup- especially popular. Along with veal, young lamb, beef and pork, the Spaniards eat poultry dishes with particular pleasure. For dessert, Spanish cuisine offers pies with almond cream. As for drinks, natural low-alcohol wine is especially preferred by the residents of this southern country.

Italy. Spaghetti - National dish Italians, a kind of calling card of Italy. This dish is served with various sauces, butter or grated cheese. The average Italian diet consists not only of well-known vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, artichokes, but also not so well-known - chicory, dandelion leaves, lettuce. First courses, according to tradition, are clear puree soups or with the addition of pasta. In Italy, cheeses are very popular, served with soups, added to vegetable dishes and on pizza. also in Italian cuisine rice is widely used, and grape wine considered the national drink of Italians.

China. The cuisine of this country is extremely diverse and rich. Its components are a variety of products: fish, cereals, meat, poultry, vegetables, seaweed, young bamboo shoots. But the palm in Chinese cuisine has long been appropriated to rice. Many Chinese dishes prepared from soybeans: butter, cottage cheese, milk, etc. Very popular flour products- flatbreads, noodles, dumplings, vermicelli, sugar cookies. The Chinese are very fond of vegetables: cabbage of all varieties, potatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic, radishes, onions, tomatoes. Masterly Chinese chefs can prepare incredibly tasty food from vegetables. The most preferred meat is pork, as well as chicken and duck. The eggs of these birds are also eaten. Seafood and fish are extremely popular. Tea is, of course, the most common drink in the country, and of all kinds.

Russia . Traditionally, Russian people like sour dishes. : sauerkraut (sauerkraut), cranberry kvass, Rye bread etc. The Russian diet includes many first courses: soups (mushroom, fish), cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, solyanka. The choice of cereals is generally extremely rich. Russian cooking is distinguished by dishes made from offal (jelly, liver, kidneys, tongue). Fish used to be much more common, but now fish foods are becoming increasingly rare. Spices most often present on the table: parsley, garlic, dill, mustard, celery, cilantro, horseradish, onion. For dessert, as a sweet - thick jelly, originally Russian dish. Beverages - liquid jelly, fruit drinks, kvass, teas, once brought from China and very much loved by Russian people. Russian cooking is famous flour dishes: pancakes, pies with various fillings. Naturally, on the table of modern Russians there is no obvious commitment to traditional nutrition, because many new products and new dishes have appeared, borrowed from the cuisines of different countries. Average statistical data indicate that the Russian diet is deficient in vitamins, as well as many macro- and microelements, and has plenty (and sometimes excess) of sugar, fats and carbohydrates.

USA. Among the favorite dishes of Americans are salads made from vegetables, fruits, fruit desserts, poultry and meat with a side dish of vegetables. For starters, Americans eat puree soups and broths. The most preferred meats are turkey, chicken, beef, pork. By the way, the cuisine is not particularly spicy - almost all dishes are not spicy and lightly salted. For side dishes, beans, potatoes, beans, corn, and peas are used. Pasta And Americans don’t really like cereals. Fast food restaurants are common in the United States, where you can always eat a hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog and similar “fast” food. Americans drink ginger beer, tea with lemon and ice, and a lot of black coffee, which, however, is not very strong.

Scandinavian countries. Scandinavian countries are Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The basis of their cuisine is seafood. Many dishes are prepared based on fish - from soups to salads. Of course, second courses made from seafood are just as varied, and in Scandinavian countries they are very fond of sandwiches, the overwhelming majority are all made from the same seafood, and some are prepared in several rows, consisting of a variety of products. Scandinavians love meat and eat a lot of it, including pork, veal, and beef. Another feature of Scandinavian cuisine is the widespread use of milk and products made from it. Also, porridge and potatoes are traditional for these countries. The Scandinavian people prefer coffee as a drink.

France. A characteristic feature of French cuisine is its abundance of vegetables, especially root vegetables. All types of meat, many types of fish, as well as seafood: lobsters, shrimp, oysters, scallops. Particularly preferred drinks mineral water, coffee and fruit juices.

Japan. The basis Japanese cuisine - herbal products, rice, seafood, fish and vegetables. Although meat is used, it is not the basis of nutrition. Darling food product Japanese - this is rice. Dishes made from soy and beans are of great importance. Most of the national Japanese food involves its consumption with spicy seasonings, which are prepared from greens, radishes, radishes. Pickled and salted vegetables are also popular.

From the description, although brief, the conclusion can still be drawn that not all nations eat correctly and balancedly, according to established traditions. Even such a cursory review culinary traditions different countries may indicate health and the lifestyle of their inhabitants. For example, judging by nutrition, residents of the Mediterranean and Japan are at much lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases than, say, residents of Germany, Russia or the United States, since the Japanese eat a lot of soy, rice, fish and various seafood, and Mediterranean residents consume enough fruits, seafood, vegetables and dry wine.

It probably makes sense to take a closer look at this diet, using their experience of traditional nutrition. But this, of course, is not the only factor on which health nationalities in general and each individual person, a lot depends on how properly organized and rational the diet is.

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to stay slim and healthy so well? Perhaps it’s all about the food traditions accepted in their country. Here best tips, collected from different parts of the world, which will help you keep fit.

1. India: spices and variety of tastes

About 40 percent of the Indian population follows a vegetarian diet and prefers a menu consisting of rice, pulses, vegetables and bread. And even those who do not give up fish and meat do not forget to eat many vegetable dishes.

Of course, Indian food is best known for its spices, which are added to almost all dishes. However, spicy food also has its benefits. So chili pepper, with its low calorie content and strong taste, increases the metabolic rate and helps burn fat.

Pulses such as lentils and chickpeas contain less fat and more protein, which helps us feel fuller longer.

According to the Ayurvedic tradition, the key to satiation is eating a mixture of the 6 basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.

2. France: Eat a little of what you like

The secret to slim French women is to enjoy their food, but... by a little. Despite the fact that their diet is rich in fat and includes butter, cheeses and red meats, portion sizes remain quite small.

The French are also quite organized when it comes to eating, sticking to three meals a day, not snacking, and making every meal a social event. Lunch is the main meal of the day and people take time to really enjoy their food.

This helps with weight control, firstly because chewing food for a long time gives your stomach time to understand when you are full, and secondly, if your main meal occurs in the middle of the day, then you have more time to eat. that actively burn calories.

Also, do not forget that the French prefer home-cooked food rather than ready-made semi-finished products. Also in France, it is customary to drink one or two glasses of wine a day, which has a positive effect on health.

3. Japan: start with soup

Japan has the lowest obesity rate in the world, less than 5 percent. The traditional diet in Japan is one of natural, fresh foods such as rice, vegetables, fresh fish and soy, with very little meat and sugar.

The Japanese eat a variety of foods, up to 30 foods a day, and follow the saying “a dish without color is like going naked on the street.” By filling your dish with green, yellow, and red vegetables, you'll have less room for unhealthy foods.

The Japanese also start their meals with light soup, which satisfies well and contains a small amount of calories. Studies have shown that those who ate soup during meals consumed 100 fewer calories.

Another rule that the Japanese follow is: " leave the table when you are 80 percent full"If you overeat, your stomach stretches by 20 percent, and this significantly undermines appetite control.

4. Greece: Enjoy the Mediterranean Diet

The Greek or Mediterranean diet has long won the title of healthiest in the world, being especially good for the heart.

Greeks tend to eat a lot of vegetables, fish, chicken and beans, as well as whole grains. Such food, being low in calories, is still rich in taste. And don't forget about olive oil, rich in unsaturated fats and good for health.

Just like the French, the Greeks like to make eating a real event by sharing dinner with family and friends, so if you want to get the most out of the Mediterranean diet, relax and enjoy your meal.

5. Iceland: Don't skimp on fish

Around the world, the average person eats about 15 kg of fish per year. If you think this is quite a lot, try to compare this figure with the amount consumed by real fish lovers - Icelanders, who eat about 90 kg of fish per year.

Eating plenty of fish helps control weight, experts say different ways. First, fish is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, essential fats that block fat formation, control appetite, and activate fat-burning genes.

Some experts even claim that you can increase your chances of weight loss success by taking fish oil four times a week.

For those who still prefer the taste of fish, it is worth choosing fatty fish, such as herring, rich fatty acids Omega-3s, which reduce stress levels, which increases fat storage.

6. Brazil: Eat rice and beans

The Brazilian secret to slimness lies in your favorite dish - rice and beans. This a traditional dish Low in fat and rich in protein and fiber, it helps stabilize blood sugar and control appetite.

A diet rich in rice and beans reduces the risk of obesity by 14 percent when compared with a traditional Western diet.

Research shows that adding rice and beans as a side dish to your meals can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of weight gain by up to 23 % . These foods are best eaten with soup, salad, and stew.

Japan: Start with Soup

In Okinawa, people live very long lives and rarely get breast cancer. The number one key to success is a bowl of miso for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, even for breakfast. You become full of soup and it becomes very difficult for you to overeat. Second - soy products minimally processed (tofu, miso). Third, fermented miso helps the body digest food.

France: Make lunch your main meal

Locals eat a lot of cheese and meat and wash it all down with red wine. Paradox? No. The secret is small portions, three meals a day and no snacks.

In addition, the French have their largest meals in the middle, not at the end of the day. The thing is that when we have lunch late, we eat more and most likely unhealthy food that leads to weight gain.

Latin America: Dine with Family and Friends

Sit down at the table, take your time and enjoy the conversation. According to Latinos, people of other cultures panic when they see how much time they spend eating.

Need I say that eating dinner while talking is not only pleasant, but also prevents you from eating a lot? The secret here is simple: the brain understands that the stomach is full only after 20 minutes. Eating lunch while having an interesting conversation makes you eat more slowly and feel full faster.

Mediterranean countries: choose olive oil

They have it inexpensively and there is a lot of it. What are the health benefits? Monounsaturated fats, which help reduce low-density lipoprotein levels. Olive oil, which you use to dress your salad, helps you absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K.

Iceland: lots of fatty fish

Long, dark winters and low levels of depression? No, that doesn't happen. Let's remember the stereotypes about residents of St. Petersburg and other northern cities.

But no, it happens. Where they eat a lot of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In Iceland, for example. A similar picture, by the way, is observed in Finland.

Sardinia Island: drink red wine

There are many people celebrating their centenaries on this Mediterranean island. 1-2 glasses of red wine daily help them with this. This wine contains resveratrol and other antioxidants that protect the heart and increase high-density lipoprotein levels. What do we get as a result? Low risk of thrombosis, reduced inflammation, regulation of sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. The main thing is not to overdo it: we are talking about only one hundred milliliters of wine per day.

China: Eat meat as a seasoning

Beef, chicken, pork and fish have traditionally been expensive in China, so protein food there is not the basis of nutrition, but a side dish.

The basis of the Chinese table is rice, vegetables, fruits, legumes and herbs. This diet also helps to take care of your health: cancer, heart disease and diabetes, so common in the West, are rare here.

Mexico: grains, squash and legumes

Here they are called three sisters because they are raised together. Mexican cuisine It's rich in fiber, which means it helps regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes.

USA: Crunch your nuts

A third of a cup of nuts, any kind, reduces the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Women who eat nuts five times a week are half as likely to develop heart disease as those who eat nuts just once.

Just remember the calories! A third of a cup contains about 270 calories, almost the same as one hundred grams of sausage cheese.

Africa: eat whole wheat bread

People on this continent rarely complain of digestive problems, colon cancer, heart disease or diabetes because they eat little meat and a lot of fibre-rich whole grains, legumes and fermented foods. The most common cereal is the well-known millet.

The whole world: sometimes give yourself fasting days

Fasting or calorie restriction is found in almost all healthy diets. According to scientists, even short fasts of only 12-14 hours are beneficial. During this time, the body stops producing fat and cholesterol and begins to use up accumulated reserves.

Well, one last secret: You can get the benefits of food without starving. Just chew each bite well, enjoying its taste, and stop eating when you feel full and not your stomach in your throat. This way you will eat 10% less, but you won’t notice it: after all, you really enjoyed the food.
