“preparation of natural chopped and cutlet mass and semi-finished products thereof. storage rules, temperature conditions, rules of cooling, freezing and storage of semi-finished meat products. offal processing. Chopped chicken cutlets (TTK2934) Kotle


Preparation of natural chopped and cutlet mass

Purpose: Review technological scheme mechanical culinary processing of offal. To teach how to determine the amount of by-products by weight “Gross”, “Net”, waste. Practice the preparation of natural chopped and cutlet mass and semi-finished products from them.

Equipment: meat grinder MIM-105, tabletop dial scales, production tables.

Equipment, tools, utensils: chef's knives and cutting boards marked "MS", utensils for laying semi-finished products, spatulas for shaping semi-finished products.

Raw materials: meat, bacon, onion, pepper, salt, breadcrumbs, milk or water.

Task 1. Prepare natural chopped mass

The sequence of technological operations when preparing natural chopped mass

Organization of the workplace.

Receiving raw materials. Receive raw materials and weigh them.

3. Determination of the good quality of raw materials. The good quality of meat and bacon is determined organoleptically, by appearance. The surface of the meat should be dry, elastic, and its color should match the color of good-quality meat.

4. Processing and preparation of raw materials. The meat is washed, dried and stripped of tendons. The bacon is cleaned of excess salt and spices.

5. Cutting meat into pieces.

6. Grinding meat in a meat grinder. Assemble the meat grinder and check its operation at idle. Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with the bacon, pushing them with a pestle or pusher. Add salt, pepper, milk or water to the resulting mass, knead and beat out the mass, preventing the fat from peeling off.

Task 2. Prepare natural minced meat for steak

Sequence of preparation of natural minced meat for steak

1. The meat is cleaned of films and tendons.

2. Cut the meat into cubes of approximately the same size.

3. Lay out the cubes on the board and chop them with two identical knives, working with just your wrists, trying to keep the knives parallel to each other and not strain your hands.

During chopping, the mass is transferred from the edges to the middle, which makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous structure of the meat mass (Fig. 1.).

Rice. 1.

4. Work with knives until the minced meat reaches the required degree of grinding.

5. Add salt, pepper, milk to the minced meat and beat it out.

Task 3. Prepare semi-finished products from naturally chopped mass

Preparation of semi-finished products from naturally minced meat

Chopped beefsteak. The bacon is cut into cubes. The chopped meat is combined with bacon. Portioned. Give the semi-finished product a flattened-round shape 2 cm thick.

Natural chopped cutlets. Minced lamb is prepared. Portioned. The semi-finished products are given an oval shape, moistened in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Natural chopped schnitzel. The chopped mass is portioned, the semi-finished product is given an oval-oblong shape, 1 cm thick. It is moistened in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Meatballs. The chopped mass is combined with sauteed onions, raw eggs, knead and divide into portions of 1-10 g in the form of balls.

Lula kebab. The chopped mass is prepared from lamb, adding lamb lard, onions, pepper, salt, citric acid and marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Portion, giving the semi-finished products the shape of small sausages, and stick them on skewers, 2-3 pieces per serving.

Quality requirements

Chopped beefsteak should have a flattened-round shape, be 1.5-2 cm thick. The surface of the semi-finished product should be uncured, the edges aligned. The smell should correspond to the smell of good quality meat with spices. When cut into a semi-finished product, the meat should be homogeneous with a uniform inclusion of bacon cubes.

Naturally chopped cutlets should have an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end, a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Their surface should be evenly covered breadcrumbs.

Natural chopped schnitzel should have an oval-flattened shape, be 1 cm thick and have a surface evenly covered with breadcrumbs

Meatballs should be in the form of balls weighing 7-10 g. Their smell should match the smell of good-quality meat with spices.

Lula kebab should have the shape of small sausages with the smell of onions and spices.

Shelf life

Minced meat should be stored for no more than 6 hours at a temperature of 2-6°C.

1. Determine the mass of meat for preparing 25 servings of chopped beefsteak, if 1 serving requires meat with a gross weight of 109 g.

2. Calculate how many cutlets can be made from 20 kg of naturally chopped lamb, if 85 g of meat, 14 g of fat, 10 g of water are consumed to prepare one cutlet.

3. Calculate the amount of naturally minced meat to prepare 25 servings of pork schnitzel, if one schnitzel consumes a net weight of 109 g of meat and 14 g of water.

Task 4. Prepare cutlet mass and semi-finished products from it

Preparation of cutlet mass and semi-finished products from it

Material and technical equipment

Equipment: meat grinder, table dial scales, refrigerators, production tables.

Equipment, tools, utensils: chef’s knives and cutting boards marked “MS”, containers for storing semi-finished products, baking trays for rolls, meatballs, spatulas.

Raw materials: meat, bread, milk, pepper, salt, bread crumbs, wheat flour, eggs, onions.

The sequence of technological operations when preparing cutlet mass

1. Processing and preparation of raw materials. The meat is cleaned of tendons and films, cut into small pieces, and washed. The bread is soaked in cold water or milk, the onions are peeled and washed, the rice is sorted, washed, and the crumbly porridge is cooked. The eggs are washed and hard boiled. The flour and breadcrumbs are sifted.

2. Preparation of minced meat. Cutlet meat is ground in a meat grinder with a double grid, after which the ground meat is combined with soaked, squeezed bread passed through a meat grinder. Add salt and pepper, mix and beat out the mass.

Preparation of semi-finished products from cutlet mass

Cutlets and meatballs. The cutlet mass is weighed and how many semi-finished products will come out of it is calculated. Hang the entire cutlet mass in parts to obtain 10 semi-finished cutlets or meatballs from each. Then these parts are portioned individually. Each semi-finished product is breaded, adding sifted crackers. After this, the cutlets are given an oval-flattened shape.

a shape with one pointed end (semi-finished product length 10-11 cm, width 5 cm, thickness 1-2 cm), and the meatballs have a flattened round shape (semi-finished product thickness 2 cm, diameter 6 cm). Ready-made semi-finished products are evenly breaded, smoothing out wrinkles, broken edges and cracks.

Schnitzel. The cutlet mass for schnitzels is weighed. Then they are hung into parts of 10 portions, and the resulting parts are divided into portions. Semi-finished products are given an oval-flattened shape with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm.

Meatballs. Sauteed onions are added to the cutlet mass intended for meatballs, and the resulting mass is mixed and semi-finished products are prepared from it in the form of balls. They are breaded in flour. Place the semi-finished products on a baking sheet. Meatballs can be cooked with rice.

Roll. The cutlet mass is laid out in a thin layer on a damp cloth, and minced meat is placed in the middle of this layer. After this, the edges of the layer of cutlet mass are folded so that one edge is on top of the other (Fig. 2) and the semi-finished product is carefully placed with the seam down. Its surface is smeared with ice cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and pierced in several places. Minced meat for the roll can be prepared from hard-boiled eggs and boiled pasta.

Rice. 2..

Chopped zrazy. Place minced meat in the middle of a 1 cm thick cutlet mass cake, fold its edges, giving the semi-finished product the appropriate shape. Minced meat for zraz can be prepared from hard-boiled eggs and sautéed onions.

Quality requirements

The cutlet mass should be homogeneous, juicy, pink-gray in color, and smell like good quality meat with spices.

Cutlets and meatballs should be free of cracks and broken edges and have a surface evenly breaded in wheat breadcrumbs. There should be no visible tendons or pieces of bread on the break. The smell is characteristic of benign meat with spices. The cutlets should have an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end, their thickness is 1-1.5 cm. The shape of the cutlets is flattened-round, the thickness of the semi-finished product is 1 cm.

The schnitzel should have an oval-flattened shape, 0.5-1 cm thick.

Chopped zrazy should be oval-shaped, decorated with chopped parsley and sprinkled with wheat breadcrumbs.

The meatballs should have the shape of a ball, be breaded in wheat flour, and have the smell of good quality meat, spices and onions.

Shelf life

Semi-finished products from naturally minced livestock meat are stored for no more than 12 hours, and minced meat for no more than 6 hours at a temperature of 2-6 °C.

1. Calculate the required raw materials and prepare the cutlet mass for 20 cutlets, if for 1 cutlet you use beef with a net weight of 56 g, wheat bread 14 g, milk or water 17 g.

2. How much can be prepared from 3.2 kg of pork cutlet mass, immediately chopped, if one semi-finished product takes 89 g of meat, 16 g of bread, 23 g of milk?

Task 5. Process by-products and prepare semi-finished products from them

Material and technical equipment

Equipment: gas burners for singeing legs and heads.

Equipment, tools, utensils: cutting boards, baking sheets, trays, knives, axe, musat, hacking knife.

Raw materials: offal. liver, brains, tongue, kidneys, heart, udder, tail, heads, legs.

The sequence of technological operations when culinary processing offal

Organize your workplace

The culinary use of offal is given in table. 2.

table 2


Culinary purpose

Cutting method

For frying, stewing, Stroganoff style

Rectangular portioned pieces

1-2 pieces per serving. Bars - Stroganoff style

For frying, boiling

Cut into two halves

For cooking

For cooking, frying

For boiling, stewing, deep-frying

Whole, cubes (goulash)

For cooking, stewing

Whole, in pieces

Lips, ears, tail

For cooking

Whole, in pieces

Heads, legs

For cooking, stewing

Whole, in pieces

Offal processing

Head processing. Cattle heads are singed, washed, and cleaned. The lips and tongue are separated, the upper cranial bone is cut off and the brains are removed. Pork and veal heads and ears are scalded, cleaned and washed. Having cut the flesh from the forehead to the nose, cut it off along with the ears.

Foot treatment. The legs of cattle, if they came with wool, are singed, cleaned, the hooves are removed from them, washed thoroughly, cut into two parts across and then lengthwise. Soak in cold water for 2-3 hours. Veal and pork legs are scalded, cleaned, the hooves are removed and then singed. The meat on the legs is cut on both sides along the bones, cuts are made in the joints and the meat is removed from the bone along with the skin.

Brain processing. The brains are soaked in cold acidified water for 1-2 hours. Then, without removing them from the water, the film and blood vessels are removed from them.

Liver treatment. The liver is washed, the bile ducts are cut out, lightly beaten with the flat side of a knife and the film is removed from it. When processing ice cream beef liver waste makes up 17%, pork -12%.

Language processing. The tongue is cleaned of contaminants, the neck is removed and washed thoroughly.

Heart treatment. The heart is cut lengthwise, large vessels are cut out, and washed.

Kidney treatment. Fat is removed from the kidneys. Beef kidneys cut lengthwise in half, soak in cold water for 2-3 hours (water is changed every hour).

Treatment of stomachs. Cattle stomachs are turned out, washed, soaked for 8-12 hours in running water, after which they are thoroughly cleaned and washed again. Then they are scalded, cleaned of the mucous membrane and soaked again in cold water for 3-4 hours, changing the water every hour.

Processing bones. The bones are chopped and washed.

Lung treatment. The lung is washed, cut into pieces, having previously cut out the bronchi, and washed thoroughly again.

Udder processing. The udder is cut into pieces and soaked in cold water.

Tails processing. Beef, veal, and lamb tails are cut into pieces, washed and soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours

Quality requirements

All offal must be of good quality, free from foreign odors, properly processed and washed. A specific odor in the kidneys or the presence of mucus in the stomachs is not allowed. The feet and heads must be singed, cleaned and washed.

Shelf life

Chilled food bones and offal are stored for no more than 24 hours at a temperature of 2-6 °C.

Fill out the data in a notebook and submit the work to the teacher.

1. Organizational point:

Products: pork meat, water, eggs, crackers, vegetable oil, salt, spices.


Product Name For 1 serving in grams For 2 servings in kilograms
gross net gross net
Pork 0,190 0,162
Raw lamb fat 0,022 0,022
Water 0,014 0,014
eggs 1/10 pcs 1/5 pcs 0,008
Crackers 0,024 0,024
Weight semi-finished 0,206
Vegetable oil 0,012 0,012
Exit - 0,150

1) the mass is prepared from pork, lamb or beef,

2) portion, give an oval shape 1 cm thick,

3) moistened in leison and breaded in breadcrumbs.

4) No lard is added to the pork mass.

5) The prepared semi-finished product is placed in a frying pan heated with fat and fried until a crispy crust forms.

6) bring to readiness in the oven.


When on vacation, a side dish is placed on a portioned dish - fried or boiled potatoes, crumbly porridge, a complex side dish of 3-4 types of vegetables, next to it is schnitzel, pour melted butter over it.

5.Qualitative assessment:

has a golden brown crust, the surface and edges are smooth, without cracks. The taste is moderately salty, the smell of spices. The color when cut is light or dark gray. The consistency is juicy, homogeneous, without coarse connective tissue and tendons.

Preparation of cutlet mass

And semi-finished products from it

To prepare the cutlet mass, use: beef - neck flesh, flank and trimmings, pork - trimmings that are obtained when cutting carcasses, and less often lamb - neck pulp, trimmings. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%, while the cutlet mass is of good quality. If the meat is lean, add bacon or

natural lard (5... 10%). The meat is cleaned of tendons, bruises, and coarse connective tissue, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Stale wheat bread made from flour of at least 1st grade is soaked in cold water or milk. Combine the chopped meat with soaked bread, add salt, ground pepper, well. mix, pass through a meat grinder and beat out. At the same time, the mass is enriched with air, becomes more homogeneous, and the products turn out fluffy. However, it is not recommended to beat for a long time, as the fat is separated and the products turn out less juicy and tasty.

For 1,000 g of meat take: 250 g wheat bread, 300 ml water or

milk, 20 g salt, 1 g ground pepper.

Dishes made from cutlet mass

Products made from cutlet mass are prepared fried, stewed and baked. In order for the products to be fluffy, tasty and juicy, they are fried immediately before release on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of white bubbles on the surface of the product. Losses during heat treatment of products made from cutlet mass are 19%. When leaving the product, pour melted butter, meat juice or add sauce.

7).Instructions routing for preparing the dish:

Cutlets, meatballs.

1. Organizational point:

A) Familiarization with cooking technology, booking rates, dispensing rules.

B) Prepare food, utensils, supplies, tools, equipment.

Products: beef meat, wheat bread, water, crackers, vegetable oil, salt, spices.

Dishes, utensils, tools, equipment: cutting board, knife, frying pan, electric stove, spoon, plate for second courses, meat grinder, spatula.

3. Sequence of operations:

1) Prepared semi-finished cutlets or meatballs are placed on a baking sheet or frying pan heated with fat,

2) fry until a crispy crust forms,

Place in the oven and cook until done.


When leaving, a side dish is placed on a portioned dish or plate, next to it -

cutlets, pour melted butter over them or add red, onion, red with onions and gherkins, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with onions sauces. Served with plain or complex side dish. When leaving, the meatballs are placed in a lamb and poured with sour cream sauce, sour cream and onions.

5.Qualitative assessment:

8).Instructional and technological map for preparing the dish:

Chopped zrazy

1.Organizational point:

A) Familiarization with cooking technology, booking rates, dispensing rules.

B) Prepare food, utensils, supplies, tools, equipment.

Products: beef meat, wheat bread, water, crackers, vegetable oil, onions, eggs, salt, spices.

Dishes, utensils, tools, equipment: cutting board, knife, frying pan, electric stove, spoon, plate for main courses, meat grinder, spatula.

2. Weigh the ingredients for preparing the dish:

Product Name For 1 serving in grams For 2 servings in kilograms
gross net gross net
Beef 0,104 0,-76
Wheat bread 0,016 0,16
Water 0,022 0,022
eggs 1/10 pcs 1/5 pcs 0,008
Cutlet mass 0,112
ground meat
Bulb onions 0,062 0,056
Vegetable oil 0,008 0,008
Mass of sautéed onions 0,026
Eggs 1/8 pcs ¼ piece 0,010
Weight of minced meat 0,040
Crackers 0,012 0,012
Weight semi-finished
Vegetable oil 0,008 0,008
Exit - 0,140

3.Sequence of operations:

1) the cutlet mass is prepared with less bread,

2) portion, shape into a circle 1 cm thick,

3) put minced meat in the middle,

4) the edges of the circle are connected,

5) breaded in red breading

6) molded in the form of a brick with oval edges.

7) Use 1...2 pcs. per serving.

8) For minced meat, take sauteed onions, which are combined with boiled chopped eggs, parsley, add salt, ground pepper and mix. You can also stuff it with omelette, cut into small pieces. The prepared zrazy are placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust forms and finished in the oven.


When leaving, a side dish - buckwheat or rice - is placed on a dish or plate.

porridge, mashed potatoes, next to it are zrazy (1...2 pieces per serving), pour over oil or add red or onion sauce.

Qualitative assessment:

Dishes made from cutlet mass should retain their shape and be breaded with a thin layer. The surface is without cracks or tears, smooth, covered with a golden brown crust. The taste is moderately salty, without the taste of bread; the smell of meat. The consistency is juicy, fluffy, homogeneous when cut without individual pieces of meat, bread and tendons, a pink-red tint is not allowed.

Stewed meat dishes

All types of meat are cooked in stews. The meat is stewed in large portions and small pieces. Those parts of the meat are stewed in which the connective tissue is more stable and, during frying, the collagen does not have time to turn into gluten. Use for stewing sour sauces, tomato puree, dry wine, fruits along with juice, kvass, beer contributes to the transition of collagen to glutin. Before stewing, the meat is sprinkled with salt and pepper and fried until crispy. Place the meat in a deep bowl, fill it with water or broth so that the portioned and small pieces are completely covered, and the large pieces are covered up to half the height, and simmer. To add flavor and aroma to the meat when stewing, add sauteed onions, parsley, carrots, celery, add spices and seasonings - peppercorns, bay leaves, parsley, dill, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, star anise, nutmeg. Stew the meat at a low simmer in a sealed container so that the liquid does not boil away quickly and the aromatic substances do not evaporate. Spices and herbs are added 10...15 minutes before the end of stewing. The sauce is cooked in the broth remaining after stewing.

Stewed meat dishes are prepared in two ways.

1. The meat is stewed together with the side dish and released together. With this method, the dish turns out more aromatic and juicy. However, meat stewed along with a side dish is difficult to portion when cooked in large quantities. Meat cooked in clay pots with tight-fitting lids.

2. The meat is stewed without a side dish, and the side dish is prepared separately .

9).Instructional and technological map for preparing the dish:

Stewed meat

Organizing time:

A) Familiarization with cooking technology, booking rates, dispensing rules.

B) Prepare food, utensils, supplies, tools, equipment.

Products: beef, vegetable meat, onions, carrots, tomato puree, wheat flour, salt, spices.

Dishes, utensils, tools, equipment: cutting board, knife, saucepan, stewpan, sieve, electric stove, spoon, plate for main courses,

Weigh ingredients for cooking:

Sequence of operations:

1) Prepare red sauce using the remaining broth.

2) To do this, pour diluted red sauté into the broth, cook for 25...30 minutes and filter, rubbing the boiled vegetables.

3) Sliced ​​meat is poured with the prepared sauce, heated and stored on a steam table until it is released.


When on vacation, a side dish is placed on a portioned dish or plate - boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, crumbly porridge, stewed cabbage, next to it is meat; pour over the sauce.

Qualitative assessment:

The stewed meat is dark red in color. The consistency is soft. Taste and smell - vegetables and spices. Large pieces cut across the grain into thin pieces, portioned and small pieces should retain the shape of the cut. Vegetables stewed with meat should retain their shape and be soft. Color - from dark red to brown.

10).Instructional and technological map for preparing the dish:

Homemade roast

Organizing time:

A) Familiarization with cooking technology, booking rates, dispensing rules.

B) Prepare food, utensils, supplies, tools, equipment.

Products: beef, vegetable meat, onions, tomato puree, salt, spices.

Dishes, utensils, tools, equipment: cutting board, knife, frying pan, electric stove, spoon, pot, spatula.

Weigh ingredients for cooking:

Sequence of operations:

1) For beef, the side and outer parts are used, for pork, the shoulder and neck parts are used.

2) The meat is cut into 2...4 pieces weighing 30...40 g per serving and fried.

3) Onions are cut into slices and sautéed.

4) Potatoes are cut into slices and fried.

5) Place the prepared meat and vegetables in a bowl in layers so that there are vegetables below and on top of the meat, add sautéed tomato puree, salt, pepper, pour in the broth so as to just cover the food, close with a lid

6) simmer until done. 5...10 minutes before the end of stewing, add a bay leaf.

Vacation: They are released in pots. This dish can be prepared without tomato puree. Qualitative assessment:

The color of the meat is dark red. The consistency is soft. Taste and smell - vegetables and spices. Large pieces are cut across the grain into thin pieces; portioned and small pieces must retain the shape of the cut. Vegetables stewed with meat should retain their shape and be soft. Color - from dark red to brown.

Baked meat dishes

For baking meat products pre-boiled, simmered, stewed or fried until fully cooked, and then baked with a side dish, with or without sauce, in portioned pans or baking sheets. Bake dishes at a temperature of 250...300 °C until a crispy crust forms and until the product warms up to a temperature of 80...85 °C immediately before release, since they deteriorate during storage appearance dishes and their taste. Dishes baked in portioned pans are served in the same container in which they were baked. When leaving, pour melted butter over it.

11).Instructional and technological map for preparing the dish:

To prepare the semi-finished product, beef, lamb or pork cutlet meat cut into pieces is crushed in a meat grinder, pork lard, cut into 5x5 mm cubes, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-shaped products.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes – crumbly porridge, pasta boiled, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (from raw), fried potatoes (from boiled), fried potatoes in fryutir, boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables stewed with fat, vegetables in milk sauce, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products in the form of oval-shaped products are breaded (or not breaded) in flour, put in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

There are many ways to serve steaks, but there are three main ones: 1) along with a side dish - fried potatoes or a complex side dish, pouring over the juice in which the steak itself was fried; 2) with onions, i.e. Place fried onion rings on top, garnish with fried potatoes, sprinkle with dill or parsley (country style); 3) with egg, i.e. When on holiday, the steak is topped with one egg (Hamburg style).

Lula kebab.

To prepare the semi-finished product, lamb cutlet meat cut into pieces, onions, raw fat are crushed in a meat grinder, salt and pepper are added, and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is formed into sausages.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Used to prepare a side dish green onions, greens, and also pita bread.

To prepare it, knead a stiff dough from flour and water, roll out pita bread 1mm thick, and bake on a baking sheet without fat.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are strung on a skewer and fried over coals until cooked.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

When serving, lula kebab is placed on pita bread, garnished with onions, herbs, and sprinkled with sumac. Lula kebab can be served without pita bread.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Natural chopped cutlet.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork, cut into pieces, is combined with raw fat, stale wheat bread 1st or highest grade, pre-soaked in milk or water, raw onions, grind in a meat grinder, add water (or milk), salt, pepper, mix.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-flattened products with one pointed end, 1-2 cm thick.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled beans, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (raw), fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

№№ 744, 750, 753, 757, 760-761, 765-766, 784, 785

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Bread the semi-finished product in the form of oval-shaped products in flour or breadcrumbs, place in a frying pan or baking tray with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

Place the side dish and cutlet on a plate and pour over the meat juice formed during frying.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The products are evenly coated with breading, the surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored, light brown.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of bread, rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed. The consistency is juicy and soft.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

4.Layout and placement of equipment.

The requirements for the placement of equipment are as follows: it must be optimally located in such a way as to ensure consistency technological process, separate the areas for processing raw materials from the areas for preparing semi-finished products, and at the same time, minimize the amount of time for transferring semi-finished products from one workplace to another, make the work as convenient and equipped as possible.

Picture 1.

Section II. Labour Organization.

1. Organization of workplaces in the workshop .

For primary processing beef, lamb, veal, pork, poultry, game, offal and the preparation of semi-finished products from them, which are then used for preparing dishes from natural chopped mass, at enterprises Catering a meat shop is being organized.

Workplaces in the meat shop are organized for two technological processes: for processing cattle meat, pork, lamb and veal; for processing poultry, game and meat by-products.

The meat must arrive at the workshop already thawed. In medium and small enterprises it is washed with brushes, for which a special bath must be provided in the meat shop.

To divide carcasses into parts, a special cutting chair must be provided in the workshop (a round block of hard wood with a diameter of 600-650 mm and a height of 800 mm); in large enterprises, a band saw is used. For cutting and chopping, the workplace must be equipped with a butcher's ax and chopping knives.

Further, during the technological process in the workshop, a cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and slicing meat, and each worker must be provided with at least 1.5 meters of table length with a table width of 1 m (table height should be 0.9 m). Metal table tops should have edges to prevent meat juice from dripping onto the floor. Install drawers under table covers for easy storage of tools and equipment.

For slicing, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces are organized, also equipped with production tables, the total length of which is determined based on the table length of 1.25 m for each cook. Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to regular tables, it is necessary to install a refrigerated cabinet for storing meat and lemonade. In a specialized table, the lower part of the table is provided for these purposes, and the upper part is a shelf for storing spices and breading. For short-term storage and transportation of semi-finished products, mobile racks of various sizes can be provided.

The workplace for preparing minced meat and semi-finished products from it is equipped taking into account the performance of several technological operations: preparing minced meat, dosing it into portions and molding various semi-finished products.

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In order to prepare the dish “Natural chopped cutlets (pork cutlets)” do the following. The minced meat prepared according to the recipe is cut into cutlets and fried. When leaving, garnish and top with meat juice. You can add onions to chopped meat (use 5 to 10 grams net). The yield of cutlets does not change, since the amount of water added is correspondingly reduced. Side dishes for this dish include crumbly porridge, boiled beans, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplants.

From chopped meat obtained by grinding beef, pork, lamb or veal in a meat grinder, natural chopped products are prepared without the addition of bread (steaks, schnitzels, cutlets, etc.) and with the addition of bread (cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, meatballs, etc.). For the production of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - neck pulp, flank and trimmings resulting from cutting the carcass, as well as trimmings from category II carcasses: lamb, goat meat, veal - neck pulp parts and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be cleared of tendons and coarse connective tissue. This kind of meat is called cutlet. To improve taste and juiciness finished products The composition of lean cutlet meat includes raw fat (used from 5 to 10% of the total mass). Pork cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb and veal, the content of both fat and connective tissue should not exceed 10%. To prepare natural minced products, cutlet meat cut into pieces is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, and then semi-finished products are formed. To prepare products with the addition of bread, meat minced in a meat grinder is combined with stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, salt and pepper (sometimes onions) are added and mixed. After passing through the meat grinder again, the cutlet mass is mixed again. In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice). It is recommended to immediately send the molded semi-finished products for heat treatment or place them in the refrigerator to cool to +6°C. It is better to fry minced meat products immediately before leaving. Semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan or baking tray with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160°C. and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then bring to readiness in the oven at a temperature of 250-280°C (5-7 minutes). Finished chopped products must be completely fried: the temperature in the center for natural chopped products must be at least 85°C, for products made from cutlet mass - not lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of the readiness of minced meat products are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut.

Chopped chicken cutlets



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Chopped chicken cutlets produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products
name of raw materials 1 serving 100 portions
gross, g net, g gross, kg net, kg
CHICKEN breast75,93 69,1 7,59 6,91
WHEAT BREAD TOP GRADE FLOUR13,1 13,1 1,31 1,31
PASTER MILK. 3.2% FAT18,4 18,4 1,84 1,84
BREADCRUMBS7 7 0,7 0,7
BUTTER 72.5%2,6 2,6 0,26 0,26

Yield: 70 g


The poultry or rabbit flesh is cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder, combined with bread soaked in milk or water, salt is added, mixed well, passed through a meat grinder a second time and knocked out.

The finished cutlet mass is portioned, cutlets are shaped, breaded in breadcrumbs, placed on a greased baking sheet and baked in the oven until done.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.

The chopped cutlets are served with a side dish, poured with sauce or melted boiled butter.

The optimal serving temperature is 65° C.

Side dishes – crumbly porridge, mashed potatoes.

Sauces – sour cream, sour cream with onions.


6.1 Organoleptic indicators qualities:

Appearance: oval-flattened product with one pointed end, the surface is evenly baked, the side dish is placed nearby

Consistency: cutlets – soft, juicy

Color: cutlets – white-gray, garnish – characteristic of the garnish

Taste: of the products included in the dish

Smell: of the food in the dish

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

According to microbiological and physico-chemical indicators this dish complies with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Technological engineer.
