How to fry homemade sausages in a frying pan. Fried, homemade sausage. th way to fry kupaty in a frying pan with preliminary stewing

I really love homemade sausage. I remember when, as a child, my parents slaughtered a pig and the whole family made sausages. Now everything is much simpler. After all, you can buy not only minced pork, but also raw sausage ready for cooking. It just needs to be fried. But this is not complete without little cooking secrets. I’m sharing a proven recipe with step-by-step photos of how to prepare it correctly. homemade sausage in a frying pan.

So we need:

  • raw pork sausage - 1 ring;
  • water - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - for decoration.

If you decide to make the sausage yourself, then you will have to sprinkle the minced pork with spices and salt, mix and stuff the intestine with minced meat, tying it on the sides with thread. You can just buy already stuffed raw sausage in the meat department, which you just need to cook correctly. I chose the second option and bought a semi-finished product.

How to fry homemade sausage in a frying pan

Place the sausage in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Reduce the heat a little and pierce the sausage with a toothpick in different places. This way, the juice from the sausage will flow out of the holes and the sausage casing will not burst due to the large amount of liquid inside.

Fry the sausage on both sides until nicely golden.

Add a couple of tablespoons of water, preferably hot, to the pan. Simmer the sausage with the lid closed until the water evaporates.

Remove the ring onto a paper napkin or towel. Dip on top to remove as much excess fat as possible.

Sausage can be served either warm or cold. If you decide to use fried homemade sausage as cold snack, then you should let it cool and only then cut it.

When serving the sausage, cut into small pieces, you can garnish it with a sprig of herbs.

Delicious hot meat sausages with various additives and spices are loved by many. But not everyone knows how to fry kupaty correctly. There are quite a lot of cooking methods. So that the sausages do not fall apart and the dish is not embarrassing to serve, you need to follow some rules.

How to fry pork kupaty in a frying pan

This is the simplest and most affordable cooking method. Suitable for those who have limited time. Kupaty in a frying pan is good for a hearty dinner or a quick snack if guests suddenly arrive.

Before you start frying, frozen kupats should be thawed. If the product is chilled, you can start cooking immediately. The sausages must be cooked first.

This can be done by placing the product in a saucepan, or by simmering it in a frying pan. If you start frying the sausages right away, the casing may burst and the meat will fall apart. Their further juiciness depends on how to prepare the kupats correctly.

How to fry kupaty in a frying pan:

    1. Take half a glass of water and 4-5 sausages.
    2. Place them in a frying pan and add water.
    1. After the water boils, reduce the temperature. How many minutes to cook kupaty? It is necessary to simmer the dish for 10-15 minutes over low heat. If the water boils away, it needs to be added.
    2. During the boiling process, the sausages need to be turned over to the other side.
  1. After the water has boiled, pour 2-3 tablespoons into the pan sunflower oil. Kupaty are fried until crispy.

Many people do not know how long they can fry kupaty in a frying pan. The process usually takes 3-5 minutes.

Advice! Before frying, the shell must be pierced in several places with a thin object so that the crust does not fall apart.

The finished dish can be served with vegetables, herbs, various sauces, pita bread or any other flatbread.

Sausages in a sleeve in the oven

You can fry kupaty at home or store-bought ones. I cook sausages in my sleeve and get a number of benefits. This saves time, since the inner surface of the oven is not splashed with fat. Also, there is no need to add oil to the product, it does not burn on the baking sheet.


    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  1. Place the sausages in the sleeve and tie the edges. To prevent the bag from bursting, it must be pierced in several places. The sleeve should be placed in a small container with high edges.
  2. Bake the sausage for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature and fry for another 10-15 minutes.

While the cooking process is underway, you need to ensure that the kupats do not burn. Otherwise, you can add a little water and reduce the heat.

Advice! How long to fry a product depends on the size, oven temperature and quality of the meat. If the kupaty is chicken or turkey, the frying period can be shortened.

How to cook kupaty in the oven

If you have the desire and time to tinker with the dish, you can prepare kupaty yourself. They can then be frozen and, if necessary, removed from the refrigerator for quick cooking.


  • Boneless chicken meat – 800 g.
  • Pork lard – 80 g.
  • Seasoning for chicken or marjoram – 0.5 tsp.
  • Garlic and pepper to taste.
  • Finished intestines or casing.


    1. Grind the meat and lard, add spices and add a little salt.
    2. Stuff the shell with minced meat.
    3. Preheat the oven.
    4. Place the dish in a container with sides, add water.
  1. Fry the kupats in the oven for 12-17 minutes at 180 degrees. Then you need to reduce the temperature and bake for 5-10 minutes.

Homemade sausage turns out tender and juicy. You can vary the amount of spices and salt, as well as the degree of frying.

Homemade kupaty

To make homemade sausage, you will need meat, ready-made intestines, spices, lard or fat. It must be added for juiciness, otherwise the sausages will turn out dry.

You can choose the meat according to your taste. It can be lamb, pork, beef, turkey and even game. You can choose the degree of grinding yourself. In my experience, finely chopped meat by hand tastes the best.

To prepare pork kupaty, we will need:

    1. Lean pork – 1.6 kg.
    1. Lard – 100-150 g (more is possible if the meat is lean). An interesting, piquant taste will be obtained if you use smoked loin instead of bacon.
  1. Spices – 2-3 medium-sized cloves of garlic (optional), ground black pepper. You can use ready-made seasoning.
  2. Cover for filling.

Cooking sequence:

    1. Rinse the meat and dry it. Finely chop along with lard.
    2. Add spices to the mixture, add salt and mix.
  1. Place the casing on a special attachment and tie one end tightly with twine. Use it to stuff with minced meat.
  2. Bandage the finished sausages.

Advice! Sausages can be frozen for long-term storage. Then you can bake the baths in the microwave. But cooked right away is much tastier.

Using cooking options adds variety to the daily menu. The most common cooking method is to add it to a dish. tomato sauce. Alternatively, sausages can be baked with vegetables and herbs in the oven. Potatoes do not need to be peeled. Young medium-sized tubers need to be washed well and placed in foil next to the kupats.

Many people wonder: can kupats, fried for how long, be eaten? Usually the dish needs to be fried for about 5-10 minutes.

Kupaty in the oven in foil

Cooking in foil as one of the options is also very convenient. The product is covered, the fat does not splash. The sausage is tender because it is fried in own juice. It is advisable to take thick and durable foil. It is needed instead of a shell.


  1. Turkey (fillet, goulash) – 1.5 kg.
  2. Lard – 100 g.
  3. Spices to taste.
  4. Salt – 0.5 tsp.

How to cook:

    • Grind in a meat grinder or chop the minced meat along with lard.
    • Add spices and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add finely chopped herbs.
    • Cut the foil into pieces approximately 16-18 cm, leave the length at your own discretion. For convenience, no more than 20 cm.
    • Place the minced meat on foil, leaving 2-3 cm on the sides. Twist it into a sausage shape, wrapping the ends like candy wrappers.
  • Preheat the oven, take out a non-stick container and place the kupats there. They need to be laid so that they support each other.
  • Place the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat.
  • During the process, monitor the release of juice; the product should not burn.
  • Then reduce the heat and continue baking for about 10-15 minutes.

Kupaty in a slow cooker

This is the most dietary way to steam pork kupaty. Kupaty in a slow cooker turns out very tender. If you do not turn on the frying function, they will turn out to be dietary and not greasy.

Preparation procedure:

    1. Defrost the product if it is from the freezer.
    2. Remove the container from the multicooker. Add 2 liters of water there.
    3. Turn on the equipment and place the product there.
    4. Set the timer for 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of the sausage and type of meat).
    5. Remove the container and remove the sausages.
    6. Wash the bowl and wipe dry.
  1. Pour sunflower oil, add boiled kupaty and turn on the frying function on the equipment.

The kupats are fried for the same amount of time as in a frying pan – about 5 minutes.

How to cook sausages on the grill

There are special features for cooking homemade sausage on the grill. Grilled kupats are especially tasty and are perfect for an outdoor picnic. Roasted over a fire, they smell smoky. How long you need to fry kupaty on the grill depends on the ingredients from which they are prepared.

Methods for preparing the product over an open fire:

  1. Grilled kupaty on coals.
  2. Homemade sausages on skewers.
  3. Sausages wrapped in foil and placed in coal.

During the cooking process, the fire should be minimal. The juiciness of the product depends on how long you grill kupaty. Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise the sausages will turn out dry. On average the time is 20-30 minutes.

Cooking tips:

    • To prevent the crust from bursting, the sausages should first be immersed in boiling water for 2 minutes. It is not advisable to pierce fried kupaty with a toothpick, as this will cause the juice to leak out.
  • To prevent the product from sticking to the grill, it must be lubricated with oil. During the frying process, use a silicone brush and coat the sausage with oil mixed with chopped garlic for flavor.

Cooked kupaty in an air fryer or fried in an electric kebab maker will be no less tasty.

Semi-finished products sometimes help out even the most experienced housewives who do not always have free time to stand at the stove for a long time, making lunch or dinner. Today we will tell you how to cook sausages for frying in the oven.

Sausage recipe for roasting in the oven


  • dry red wine – 185 ml;
  • raw sausages – 6-7 pcs.;
  • onion – 225 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • – 45 ml;
  • spices.


Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it up, lay out the sausages and fry them for several minutes. Peel the onion and chop into thin half rings. Next, brown them lightly in olive oil in another frying pan. Pour dry red wine into the mold, lay out the onion and sprinkle it with spices to taste.

Place toasted homemade sausages on top and place the dish in the oven for about 35 minutes.

Sausages for frying in the oven with potatoes


  • new potatoes – 315 g;
  • - 3 pcs.;
  • natural yogurt– 135 ml;
  • spices;
  • cheese – 85 g.


To prepare fried sausages, first of all, light the oven and leave it to preheat to a temperature of 185 degrees. We wash the potatoes, peel them and chop them into large slices. Then put it in a mold and sprinkle with spices to taste. We distribute homemade sausages on top, pierce them with a needle and pour yogurt over them. Cover the dish with foil and place in the oven for 40 minutes. Afterwards, remove the foil, generously sprinkle the food with grated cheese and bake again until it melts.

Sausages for frying in the oven with vegetables



We process the onion and carrots, chop them finely and brown them in vegetable oil until golden brown. We clean the eggplants and peppers, chop them coarsely, and chop the tomatoes into slices. Peel the potatoes, chop them into strips and fry them separately in vegetable oil. Now transfer all the vegetables into a baking dish, sprinkle with spices to taste, sprinkle with oil and mix. We make several punctures in the sausages and place them between the vegetables. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 190 degrees and bake for 35 minutes.

Delicious and everyone’s favorite fried homemade sausage can become a decoration festive table. This dish is very easy to prepare. But not all novice cooks know how to fry homemade sausage in the oven. Making homemade sausage is not very difficult. It requires fresh pork meat and pork intestines.

First way

Ingredients for making fried sausage:

  • pork meat (pulp from the shoulder, back, neck) - 1 kg.
  • salt – 30 gr.
  • ground black pepper – 15 gr.
  • ground bay leaf - 8 gr.
  • garlic (large) – 2-3 cloves.
  • boiled water, slightly warm - approximately 80 grams.
  • pork intestines (cleaned) - 1 m.

First you need to take cold water, dilute it in half with vinegar, and soak the intestines in it. With this treatment, the intestines will become much softer, they will be easier to process, and the unpleasant odor will be killed.

Rinse the meat well cold water, let drain. Cut the meat into cubes with a diameter of 0.5 centimeters. Place it in a prepared bowl, add salt, pepper, and ground bay leaf.

Add chopped garlic to the meat. Pour in water, but not all at once, but little by little, over a couple of steps. It will add juiciness to the meat. At the same time, we constantly do not stop stirring the product. Set the meat aside, let it sit, and in the meantime start grinding.

The meat grinder must be connected to attachments that are used specifically for intestines. This is the easiest way to fill them. The intestinal skin must be put on the nozzle.

Turn on the meat grinder and the minced meat will begin to fill the intestinal skin. You need to pull up the intestine and distribute the minced meat over it to evenly fill it along its entire length. To prevent the skin from bursting when frying in the oven, you need to pierce the sausage with a needle at about a distance of 5-7 centimeters.

The length of the sausage rings is up to your discretion. You can make it long, or you can divide it into two halves or into smaller rings. To prevent it from bursting during frying, you should not compact it too much. We do not fill the sausage to the very end, but leave a small part of the intestine on both sides so that we can tie the edges, or we tie the ends with a thick thread. Place the sausage prepared in this way in the refrigerator for 4 or 5 hours.

Place the product in a mold and place in a preheated oven. Fry homemade sausage at 180 degrees until golden brown. Sausages are fried for 30 or 40 minutes, 15-20 minutes on each side. But the frying time may vary depending on the properties. The main thing is not to overcook it, otherwise it will turn out dry. You can cook salami sausages or homemade sausage in a steam bath in the oven.

Advice. It is not necessary to take a whole piece of meat to fry sausage. You can use meat scraps left over from cooking others. meat dishes, for example from barbecue. But it is not recommended to take meat from the head, since there it is tough and streaky.

Second method: fried homemade sausage in Ukrainian

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • pork meat (with a fat layer of 30-50%) – 1 kg.
  • garlic (chopped) – 5 cloves.
  • ground black pepper – 1/4 tsp.
  • salt – 1 tsp. (with top).
  • sugar – 1/4 tsp.
  • pork intestines.

Grind the meat in a meat grinder with large holes. Mix it with salt and spices (pepper and garlic).

Place an attachment with a tube on the meat grinder, which is specially designed for stuffing sausage. Place the intestine, previously soaked in water diluted in half with vinegar and cleared of fat and mucus, onto a tube. Secure with an elastic band.

Make sure that chopped meat distributed evenly throughout the intestine. The edges of the intestine should be tied with a strong thread. Raw sausage fold it into rings and tie it crosswise with strong twine.

Place sausage rings on a greased baking sheet. Make small punctures at equal intervals throughout the sausage ring. Fry homemade sausage in the oven on one side for 25 minutes. Then turn it over to the other side and fry on the other side for another 25 minutes.

If too much fat is released during frying, it must be drained. To cool, the product must be taken to a cool place where the temperature is from 0 to +10 degrees for 7 hours, without removing it from the baking sheet.

Fried Ukrainian sausage in this way can be stored for about two months.

How to fry homemade sausage in a frying pan

Many beginners don’t know how to properly fry homemade sausage in a frying pan. You need to take sunflower oil. Heat a frying pan with oil. Place the product, folded into rings, into a heated frying pan, make punctures at a short distance from each other, along the entire length. Juice will be released from these holes during frying, which will prevent the sausage from bursting during frying.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. Beginner cooks don't know how long to fry a dish? You need about 15-20 minutes on one side, turn over to the other side, fry for the same amount of time.

Pour some water into the frying pan, close the lid, and fry until the water has completely evaporated.

Advice. Sausage can be served both hot and cold. But in order to cut it into beautiful and even pieces before serving, you should completely cool the dish and then cut it.

How to fry sausage in a slow cooker

Cooking sausage in a slow cooker is quick and easy. To do this, add a small amount of sunflower oil to the bowl and place the product folded into rings. Turn on the multicooker for 45 minutes, setting it to baking mode. Fry for 25 minutes on one side. Turn over to the other side and cook for another 25 minutes on the other side. A vegetable side dish goes well with the dish.

Incredibly tasty, satisfying and easy to prepare. Besides, such fried sausage useful because everything is made from natural products at home.

Homemade sausage is not only tasty, but also a very nutritious product that no other can compare with. Due to the fact that the only ingredients in homemade sausage are meat, lard and spices, this food has an excellent taste, and you can get enough of it for a long time. In stores and on the market, semi-finished sausages are most often sold, which require either frying or boiling. And then homemade sausage will be delicious and healthy for the body on your table.

We do not prepare homemade sausage at home, as it is both time-consuming and troublesome. Much easier to buy already ready-made semi-finished product and cook it at the right time. We tried both frying and boiling the sausage, but we liked the boiled one better, as it turns out juicier and softer. Despite the fact that homemade sausage fried on both sides in a frying pan looks much more appetizing and beautiful, in Lately We are increasingly boiling sausage. Below will be a description of both methods of preparing sausage, and you can choose the one you like best.

How to fry homemade sausage

Depending on the manufacturer of homemade sausage, it can have a different shape - rings or individual sausages. In order to fry the sausage well, you will need a frying pan with a non-stick bottom, a little vegetable oil and time. You need to heat the frying pan, pour in a little oil and after it has warmed up, place the homemade sausage on it. On average, the sausage is fried over low heat for about twenty minutes on one side, and then turned over to the other side.

In progress heat treatment and lard release a lot of liquid vapor, and they can tear the sausage intestine. In order for the sausage to remain intact before frying, it is recommended to pierce it in several places with a needle or sharp toothpick. But due to this, all the “juice” comes out of the sausage and it becomes drier. It turns out that when fried, the sausages become more beautiful, but less juicy. Even adding water to the pan and steaming it under the lid does not help. That is why we started boiling the sausage - it is not so beautiful, but it is much juicier, since liquid does not leak out of it during cooking.

How to boil homemade sausage

You can simply boil homemade sausage in water, but then some of the sausage juice will leak into the water and you will get less delicious sausage. It turns out more delicious if you put a sausage ring in a plastic bag and tie it. With this cooking method, the juice that comes out of the sausage does not dissolve in water, but remains in the bag. And the sausage essentially cooks in its own sausage juice. This sausage is much tastier than if it is boiled in water and juicier than if it is fried in a frying pan.

Moreover, you can not pour out the sausage juice, but add it when cooking first courses or cooking porridge, pasta and so on. The composition of the juice flowing from homemade sausage during cooking is reminiscent of, and every housewife will find a rational use for it. Boiled sausage, like fried sausage, is good both hot and from the refrigerator. But you need to remember that hot sausage It is difficult to cut into neat thin pieces. Cold sausage is much easier to cut, and then you can either heat it in microwave oven, or fry in a frying pan.
