Pumpkin jam with orange peels. Pumpkin jam with orange is a healthy treat. Options for pumpkin jam with orange and lemon, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, and nuts. To make jam according to this recipe you need

With lemon and orange, few people know. After all, most housewives prepare such a delicacy exclusively from berries or fruits. However, we recommend not focusing on the same products, but preparing homemade sweets for the winter using a non-standard set of ingredients.

Today we will describe to you several recipes on how to make your own pumpkin jam with lemon and orange, as well as other additional ingredients. It should be noted that such an innovative method of preparing a delicious delicacy does not take up a lot of free time and does not require the purchase of expensive ingredients.

Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange: step-by-step recipe

Making the presented delicacy is no more difficult than the one that includes raspberries, strawberries, currants and apples, as well as other fruits and berries. However, those who prepare this sweet for the first time will definitely encounter certain difficulties. To avoid them and get delicious pumpkin jam with lemon and orange, we recommend that you adhere to all the requirements described below.

So, we need:

  • pumpkin as fresh as possible - about 500 g;
  • sand-sugar is not too coarse - about 250 g;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ small spoon (use at discretion);
  • small lemon - ½ pc.

Preparing Ingredients

Before preparing pumpkin jam with lemon and orange, you need to thoroughly process all the above components. First you need to rinse the orange vegetable in warm water, and then peel it from the thick peel and remove all the seeds. After this, the prepared pumpkin pulp should be chopped into cubes measuring 1.2 x 1.2 centimeters.

How to make tasty and aromatic jam? Pumpkin, orange, lemon are the main ingredients of the presented delicacy. We have processed the first component. As for the second, it should be washed thoroughly and also chopped into cubes (right along with the peel). The latter does not need to be added to the jam in its entirety. You just need to squeeze out all the juice from the lemon, and you can remove the peel for a delicious tea party.

Preparing the base

Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange, the recipe for which we describe, is prepared quite quickly. But before these ingredients are subjected to heat treatment, they should be used to make a liquid base. To do this, place the shredded pumpkin in an enamel container, then cover it with fine sand sugar and leave it aside for 120 minutes. During this short period of time, the vegetable should give a sufficient amount of liquid in which it will be cooked.

After the syrup has formed in the bowl, add chopped orange and ground cinnamon to it, and then immediately begin heat treatment.

Cooking on the stove

It’s not very difficult to prepare pumpkin jam with lemon and orange for the winter. To do this, the infused mass must be placed on low heat and slowly brought to a boil. Cook these ingredients until the sweet syrup thickens and the pieces of vegetables begin to boil. In this case, the homemade delicacy needs to be stirred regularly with a tablespoon. This process is necessary to ensure that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the container.

5-8 minutes before turning off the stove, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the almost finished treat.

Seaming process

It should be noted that a small number of housewives prefer to make pumpkin jam with lemon and orange in a slow cooker. To do this, they use the extinguishing mode. However, the big disadvantage of this cooking method is that it is problematic to make a large amount of homemade delicacy using the presented device. This fact is due to the fact that the capacity of the multicooker often does not exceed 1.5-2 liters.

After the jam in the basin is completely cooked, it must be poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up. After cooling the dessert at room temperature, it should be removed to any cool room and stored until you want to enjoy the sweetness you prepared yourself.

Making pumpkin jam with lemon and orange through a meat grinder

If you don’t like pieces of pumpkin and other ingredients in this dessert, then we suggest making it twisted. For this we need:

  • granulated sugar is not too coarse - about 500 g;
  • sweet ripe orange - 2 large pieces;
  • cinnamon - ½ stick (use at discretion);
  • sweet dried apricots - 150 g;

Product processing

Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange and dried apricots has a bright orange color and rich taste. But before you prepare such a dessert for future use, you should thoroughly prepare all the components. First you need to rinse the pumpkin and remove the skin and seeds. After this, the vegetable should be coarsely chopped. The same should be done with citrus fruits (orange and lemon).

As for sweet dried apricots, it must be sorted out of putrefactive elements, and then poured with boiling water and left aside for a while. After half an hour, the dried fruits should swell and be free of all dust and dirt. Next, the dried apricots need to be discarded in a colander and rinsed thoroughly under cool water.

Having carefully processed all the components, you should proceed to grinding them. To do this, peeled pumpkin, chopped lemon and orange, as well as steamed dried fruits must be passed through a fine meat grinder one by one.

After you have formed a homogeneous paste, add sugar to it, mix well and leave aside for 1.5-2 hours. This time should be enough for the components to release their juice and form a sweet syrup.

Heat treatment

After keeping fruits and vegetables in sugar for several hours, you should start cooking them on the stove. To do this, place the container with the contents on a not too high heat and gradually bring the sweetness to a boil. It is recommended to cook the homemade delicacy until it thickens slightly. If desired, you can add an additional cinnamon stick to the ingredients. But if you don’t like the taste of this spice, then you don’t have to use it.

Final stage

After the pumpkin jam is prepared, it should be distributed hot into small sterilized jars and immediately sealed with metal lids. After cooling the homemade delicacy at room temperature, it must be stored in the cellar or refrigerator. Although some housewives store such a dessert in an ordinary room.

You can use pumpkin jam immediately after heat treatment.

Prepare a delicious delicacy from pumpkin and apples with ginger

As you can see, there are many ways to make pumpkin jam deliciously and quickly for the winter. One of the most popular recipes includes additional ingredients such as apples and ginger. But first things first.

So, we need:

  • pumpkin as fresh as possible - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar is not too coarse - about 400 g;
  • sweet ripe orange - 1 large piece;
  • chopped ginger - ½ small spoon;
  • sweet apples - 500 g;
  • A small lemon is a whole fruit.

Cooking process

Before making pumpkin jam with lemon and orange and ginger, the orange vegetable must be peeled and peeled, then chopped into not very large cubes, placed in a thick-walled pan, after adding ½ cup of plain water. Next, cover the dish with a lid and simmer the contents for 10 minutes.

While the pumpkin is cooking, you can start processing the apples. Half of the fruit should be grated, and the other half should be cut into cubes. After this, they need to be placed with the orange vegetable and simmered in the same mode, but without a lid.

As soon as the fruits and pumpkin become completely soft, you need to add granulated sugar to them, then reduce the heat to low and cook for another 40 minutes. During this time, most of the liquid will evaporate, making the bulk thicker.

After all the steps described, you need to add ginger, previously grated on a small grater, as well as lemon to the almost finished pumpkin jam. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, brought to a boil over high heat, then reduced and cooked for another 5-6 minutes.

Rolling up the product

Finally, the hot homemade delicacy needs to be distributed into sterilized jars. Having sealed them, the containers should be left at room temperature for exactly one day, and then put into the basement, cellar or any other slightly cool room. It is advisable to store this jam with ginger and apples for no more than six months. But you can use it immediately after heat treatment.

In the winter evenings, sometimes you want to plunge into the summer atmosphere, but, unfortunately, each season has its own turn. But a pumpkin-orange delicacy will help you improve the atmosphere at home. Among other things, this delicacy has a lot of useful substances: orange helps remove toxins from the body, and pumpkin will improve your metabolism. I will describe several such useful recipes below.

Pumpkin jam with orange - classic recipe

To make jam according to this recipe you need:

  1. Sugar - 2 kg;
  2. Water - 2 glasses;
  3. Pumpkin - 2 kg;
  4. Orange - 5 pieces.

Preparation goes through the following stages:

Pumpkin and orange jam without cooking - recipe

To make pumpkin jam with orange you will need:

  1. Orange - 2 pieces;
  2. Sugar - 1 kg;
  3. Pumpkin - 2 kg.

How to make pumpkin jam according to this recipe with orange?

Let's consider step by step recipe:

Recipe for making pumpkin and orange jam in a slow cooker

In order to make jam in a modern way using a multicooker you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  2. Pumpkin - 2.5 kg;
  3. Orange - 2.5 pieces;
  4. Citric acid - 2.5 teaspoons.


Pumpkin jam with oranges - recipe

In order to cook pumpkin jam with oranges you will need:

  1. Sugar - 2 kg;
  2. Pumpkin - 4 kg;
  3. Large orange - 2 pieces;
  4. Water - 2 glasses.

How to make jam step by step:

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon - recipe

For such an exotic delicacy you will need:

  1. Pumpkin - 2 kg;
  2. Lemon - 2 pieces (citric acid can be used instead of lemon);
  3. Orange - 2 pieces;
  4. Sugar - 1.7 kg.

This jam is prepared using the following method:

  • Prepare the pumpkin: wash, remove seeds, peel. Cut it into medium cubes;
  • Wash the lemon well, cut it into 2-4 pieces and remove the seeds. Do not peel the zest, but cut the lemon along with it into small pieces;
  • We carry out the same procedures with orange as with lemon;
  • Pour lemon, pumpkin and orange into an enamel container (if using acid instead of lemon, you will need to add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking. 2 teaspoons will be enough for this amount of ingredients). Then pour sugar into the container and leave our jam for 10 hours so that it infuses and all the sugar dissolves.
  • When 10 hours have passed, put the jam on the stove for about 30–40 minutes (make sure the jam thickens);
  • Place the finished hot treat into sterile jars and cover with clean, washed lids. Turn the jars upside down and seal them until they cool completely.

Recipe for pumpkin jam with orange, lemon and vanilla

With this recipe you will succeed very tasty and aromatic jam. And it won’t take you much trouble to prepare. If suddenly you don’t have a vanilla pod, then this is not a problem. You can use vanilla sugar or vanillin instead.

Products you will need for further preparation:

  1. Lemon - 3 kg;
  2. Orange - 3 kg;
  3. Sweet pumpkin - 3 kg;
  4. Sugar - 3 kg;
  5. Vanillin - 4 sachets.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing this wonderful delicacy:

Pumpkin is perfectly stored in its natural, so to speak, form. And everything would be fine, but not everyone has the opportunity to put a dozen or one and a half orange balls for storage in their apartment, so most often city housewives prefer to can the pumpkin. One option for preserving pumpkin for the winter is pumpkin jam. Those who have never tried this jam should at least try brewing a couple of jars of the amber delicacy for experimental purposes. Try it and make sure that the pumpkin jam turns out tender, aromatic, without the specific smell inherent in raw pumpkin.

To make jam, not quite ripe fruits are selected, peeled and seeds and cut into cubes, sticks or slices or grated on a coarse grater. To give the jam additional taste and aroma, add citrus fruits, apples, currants or sea buckthorn - in general, any fruit or berries with a pronounced sour taste. The general principles of cooking pumpkin jam do not differ from the usual ones: the jam can be cooked in one step, in half an hour to an hour, depending on the recipe, or in several steps, allowing the pumpkin to soak in the syrup.

It is advisable to sterilize jam jars in the oven. If this is not possible, steam sterilize the jars, but let them dry completely before adding jam. Pumpkin jam can be simply packaged in clean jars and covered with parchment or plastic lids, but then you will have to store it in the refrigerator.

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg sugar,
1.5 stack. water.


Boil the syrup from sugar and water until it forms a thin thread, when the syrup flows from a spoon in a thin thread. Cut the pumpkin, peeled and seeded, into 1-centimeter cubes, pour in hot syrup and simmer over low heat until tender. The finished jam is dark amber in color. Pour the jam into jars and roll up.

1 kg pumpkin,
1.5 kg sugar,
1 stack water.

Make syrup from half the sugar and 1 glass of water. Cut the peeled pumpkin into 1 centimeter cubes and dip in a 1.5% solution of baking soda for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse the pumpkin in clean water and fill it with the prepared syrup. Bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Cool, add the remaining sugar, boil again for a few minutes and leave for 6-8 hours. After standing, cook until done and cool. Place the finished jam in clean, dry jars and cover with plastic lids. Keep refrigerated.

1 kg pumpkin,
1 lemon,
1 orange,
800 g sugar.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, peel the lemon and cut it with the skin, peel the orange and cut it into small pieces, removing the seeds. Sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight. Then put on the fire and simmer until thickened, about 30-40 minutes. Place hot into sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over, wrap it up.

1 kg pumpkin,
800 g sugar,
2 lemons,
5-7 clove buds,
5-7 peas of allspice.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan, place on low heat and simmer until soft. If the pumpkin is not very juicy, add a little water. Add sugar to the softened pumpkin, boil for 15-20 minutes, then squeeze out the juice from the lemons, add spices and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Remove the cloves and pepper and pack into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

1 kg pumpkin,
700-800 g sugar,
2 lemons,
300-400 g peeled apples.

Simmer the chopped pumpkin and apples over low heat in different pans until soft. Then combine in one pan, add sugar, boil for 15 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, pour into the pan and cook until thick, stirring so as not to burn. Place hot in sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over, wrap it up.


1 kg pumpkin,
700-800 g sugar,
¾ stack. sea ​​buckthorn.


Cut the pumpkin into pieces, wash the sea buckthorn and put everything in a bowl for making jam. Add sugar and leave for 3-4 hours. The pumpkin will give abundant juice. Place the basin on the fire and cook for 20-25 minutes from the moment it boils over medium heat. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and seal.

1.5 kg pumpkin,
1.5 oranges,
1.5 kg lemons,
1.5 kg sugar.

Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds from oranges and lemons. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, chop the oranges and lemons along with the peel. Stir, add sugar and leave for several hours until juice appears. Then put the bowl with the jam on the fire and cook for 30 minutes from the moment it boils. Remove from heat and let cool. Put it back on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until done (a drop of syrup should not spread on the plate). Pour into sterilized jars and seal.


1 kg pumpkin,
300 g dried apricots,
500 g sugar.


Grate the pumpkin, peeled and seeded, on a coarse grater, wash the dried apricots thoroughly and cut into thin strips. Mix pumpkin and dried apricots with sugar, wait until the juice is released and put on fire. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cool. Repeat 2-3 more times until the pumpkin is cooked through. Pack into sterilized jars and seal.

1 kg pumpkin,
1.5 kg sugar,
1 stack 6% vinegar,
1 liter of water,
lemon juice, clove buds - to taste.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into 2 centimeter cubes. Boil water with vinegar, cool, pour over the pumpkin and leave for 4-5 hours. Then strain, place the pumpkin in a bowl for making jam and add sugar. Leave again for 4-5 hours. After standing, place the basin on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove and cool. Put it back on the boil, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat again. Repeat 2-3 more times, increasing the cooking time by 5 minutes each time. During the last cooking, add cloves for flavor and lemon juice. Place the finished jam in sterilized jars and seal. Store in a dark place.

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water,
2 oranges.

Cut the pumpkin, peeled and seeds, into small cubes. Boil syrup from sugar and water and pour it over the pumpkin. Place on the fire and simmer for 15 minutes. Pass the oranges together with the peel through a meat grinder, place in a saucepan with the pumpkin and cook from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over, wrap it up.

1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg plums (preferably yellow ones).


Cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces and remove the pits from the plums. Simmer everything together in a small amount of water until soft, rub through a sieve and put back on the fire. Add a little sugar if the taste is bland. Bring to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over, wrap it up. This puree is good to give to small children as a vitamin supplement in winter, and also to use for making pies.


2 kg pumpkin,
800 g sugar,
1 lemon,
1 orange.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes 1-1.5 centimeters in size, add sugar and leave overnight. The next morning, pour the resulting juice into an enamel bowl and put on fire. Bring to a boil and pour hot syrup over the pumpkin pieces for 12 hours. After standing, drain the syrup again, boil it and pour over the pumpkin. Finely chop the lemon and orange along with the peel, add to the bowl with the pumpkin and cook for 25 minutes over low heat. Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized dry jars and roll up. Nutritionists advise drinking pumpkin jam for weight loss several times a day with unsweetened tea (frankly, the amount of sugar in this jam raises great doubts, but probably the benefits of pumpkin outweigh the harm of sugar).

And finally, two options for preparing pumpkin without cooking, because only in this case all the vitamins are preserved in the pumpkin. You need to prepare raw “jam” in an enamel bowl.

Raw pumpkin jam

1 kg pumpkin,
1 lemon,
1 orange,
850-900 g sugar.

Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds; peel the lemon and orange and remove the seeds. Pass the pumpkin and citrus fruits through a meat grinder, add sugar and stir until it is all dissolved. Place in sterilized dry jars, cover with parchment and tie with twine. Keep refrigerated. The longer this “jam” sits, the richer its taste becomes.

2 kg pumpkin,
2 oranges,
2 lemons,
850-900 g fructose.

Pass pumpkin, lemons and oranges, peeled and seeded, through a meat grinder. Add fructose and stir with a wooden spoon until there are no crystals left in the jam. Place in sterilized dry jars and cover with parchment or plastic lids. Keep refrigerated.

If you take the issue of preserving vitamins very seriously, then to peel fruit it is better to use ceramic knives, and grind the pumpkin not in a meat grinder, but on a plastic grater (of course, you will have to suffer, but you will get a real vitamin bomb!)

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

With the onset of winter cold, I want to remember the taste of summer and give myself pleasure by eating something aromatic and healthy. Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon has an amazing taste and amazing aroma, and it is very easy to prepare using a meat grinder. It is eaten in just a few minutes. This dessert attracts not only its taste, but also its pleasant, beautiful color. For readers of Popular Health, we offer several recipes for preparing winter delicacies.

The benefit of jam lies in its ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. And this is already half the success when trying to lose weight and reduce body weight. This healthy preparation will strengthen your immune system, because it contains a double dose of citrus fruits, and will also cheer you up on a gloomy winter day. Eating this dessert will improve metabolism and normalize digestion.

Orange, lemon and pumpkin jam through a meat grinder

The classic way to make jam

For 1 kg of the main component - pumpkin - we need:

850 grams of sugar;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon.

First, peel the pumpkin, wash it well, and remove all the seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes.

Wash the citrus fruits, leave the lemon with the peel, and peel the orange. Remove seeds and veins from them. Cut into several pieces.

Pass all prepared components through a meat grinder. The same process can be speeded up several times using a blender. Add sugar to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The sugar should dissolve completely, then the jam can be poured into sterilized jars. It is advisable to choose a small container so that you can eat the entire contents in 1-2 times. This delicacy is prepared without cooking, and therefore will not be stored for long after opening.
You need to keep jars of jam in the refrigerator.

Jam with lemon, pumpkin and orange through a meat grinder with further cooking

To prepare this dessert you will need a slow cooker, as well as the following products:

1 kg pumpkin;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon.

Peel the pumpkin and orange, leave the lemon without peeling. remove all pits and seeds. Pass all fruits through a meat grinder. Pour sugar into an enamel container and leave to brew for a while. The pumpkin-citrus mixture should completely dissolve the sugar and give juice.

Transfer the entire mass to the multicooker, turn on the device in the “quenching” mode. The dessert will take 2 hours to prepare, during which time it needs to be stirred periodically.

Pour the finished jam into jars that have already been sterilized in advance. Roll up the lids, turn upside down until completely cooled, and wrap in a blanket. Store in a cool place. This is an amazing tasty treat for aromatic tea with mint or linden on a winter evening!

Recipe with orange pumpkin and lemon through a meat grinder without sugar

This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, making it slightly less caloric. We will need:

1.5 kg pumpkin;
- 1 orange;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 glass of water;
- honey - in quantity at your discretion.

Wash citrus fruits and remove seeds. Grind the pulp through a meat grinder. Peel the pumpkin fruit, remove the seeds, cut into pieces and also pass through a meat grinder. Combine pumpkin and citrus masses and mix.

Pour the entire mass into an enamel saucepan, add half a glass of cold water. Place over low heat and stir regularly. If the pumpkin is not juicy enough, you can add more water little by little, but not more than 1.5 cups in total. The cooking process takes about 45 minutes with constant stirring on the bottom.

Remove the jam from the heat and leave to cool. When it reaches almost room temperature or below, add honey to taste. Do not pour this product into a hot mixture, as all its beneficial properties will instantly disappear, and the honey itself will not dissolve in a cold consistency.

Mix the prepared jam thoroughly and place in sterilized jars. This dessert should be stored in the refrigerator.

By the way... In pumpkin and citrus jam, you can add not white, but brown sugar, which is considered healthier. In addition, you can experiment with spices. For example, star anise or cinnamon will add a special piquant accent. Try it and your jam recipes “through a meat grinder” will only become tastier.

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon recipes with photos step by step. How to make pumpkin jam recipe with pictures

Delicate, aromatic pumpkin jam is one of the most delicious options for preparing pumpkin for the winter with orange and lemon.

Of course, when making jam, loss of vitamins and minerals is inevitable, but this is not so important. After all, we eat raw pumpkin little and rarely, since it has a very specific smell that scares away many people (and especially children), and we can eat pumpkin jam in jars almost every day, because the smell disappears during the cooking process. In the end, it turns out that we absorb much more useful substances from jam during the winter than we could absorb from the same amount of raw pumpkin! And all because raw pumpkin would have remained lying in the cellar, and we happily eat pumpkin jam as a snack with tea, as a filling in pies, pies, and just with a spoon from a jar (on especially cloudy days - to lift the mood). The main thing is to choose a good jam recipe.

Delicious jam from pumpkin, oranges and lemons

Those who don’t like pumpkin lose a lot, because it contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other benefits for humans, and its bright orange color, in winter, in itself lifts the mood. Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth making blanks from it.

Today I will tell you how to make jam from pumpkin, oranges and lemons. Of course, just the word “jam” already makes the dish sweet and high in calories, but in the case of pumpkin this is not true. Delicious pumpkin jam with oranges and lemons can be eaten even by those on a strict diet. My simple preparation recipe, with step-by-step photos taken, is at your service.

To prepare one serving of jam you will need:

  • orange pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • orange – 1 piece;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – 600 gr.

Please note that you do not need to add water to this jam! Pumpkin and citrus juice are the basis of the jam.

How to make pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

When starting to cook, cut the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds, cut off the skin, and cut into small cubes. The smaller you cut the pumpkin, the faster you will make the jam. You can see in the photo what size cubes I cut.

Cut the orange and lemon into pieces, remove the seeds, but do not cut off the peel.

Place the pumpkin and chopped citrus fruits in a large saucepan and sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Place the pan in the refrigerator for several hours until the pumpkin becomes soft and releases juice.

After the juice has appeared, put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 hours on the lowest heat. You need to stir it often.

When the workpiece reaches the consistency you need, simply place it hot in sterilized jars under nylon lids.

We store it in an apartment for up to six months.

As a result, when we open the jar in winter, we will get a product that is almost like jam – thick and aromatic. I serve this pumpkin jam with tea, pancakes and pancakes. With a light citrus aroma, slightly sour pumpkin jam with orange and lemon leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

How to make pumpkin jam with orange and lemon and tangerine

In this section, our chefs share the most interesting recipes for making pumpkin jam with step-by-step photographs and instructions. Do you want to know how to make pumpkin jam with orange and lemon? Check out the recipes from our authors!

Bright, rich, aromatic and very tasty pumpkin jam is a dish that anyone can prepare if desired. Sunny pumpkin, fragrant citrus fruits, sugar and a little cinnamon - these are the main components of a fabulous dessert. Homemade jam is so delicious that it won’t last long.

The weight of the pumpkin in the recipe for this preparation for the winter is indicated in already peeled form. We use the entire orange, tangerine and lemon to obtain the zest and pulp, which we then chop and strain. I don’t recommend reducing the amount of granulated sugar - thanks to the presence of citrus fruits (in particular lemon juice) in the dessert, the finished pumpkin jam will not be cloyingly sweet.

The principle of preparing such pumpkin jam is to boil the raw material three times and then cool it for a long time. Thanks to this technique, pumpkin slices do not fall apart during cooking, retain their shape, and become transparent. In total, from the specified amount of products I get about 800 milliliters of aromatic treat.


Number of servings: 1

Cooking time: 2 days

in 100 grams - 191 kcal

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To make pumpkin jam we need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - (700 grams)
  • Sugar - (500 grams)
  • Mandarin - (3 pieces)
  • Orange – (1 piece)
  • Lemon – (1 piece)
  • Cinnamon - (1 stick)

I use a stick of lemon and, if desired, cinnamon, but you can also use a teaspoon of ground cinnamon - then the finished jam will be a little darker).

First of all, let's prepare the main product - pumpkin. We cut off the rind, cut out the inner fibrous part along with the seeds, and cut the dense pulp into medium-sized pieces.

Place the prepared pumpkin pulp (700 grams) into a thick-walled saucepan or saucepan of suitable volume.

Fill the pumpkin with 500 grams of granulated sugar.

Stir until the sweet crystals evenly cover the pumpkin slices. For now, leave at room temperature so that the pumpkin releases juice when it reacts with sugar.

Meanwhile, thoroughly wash, pour boiling water over and wipe dry the orange and lemon (take large fruits or a couple of small ones). We remove the zest from the fruit - the thinnest layer of bright orange and yellow peel. It is most convenient to use a fine grater. Do this so that the white layer is not touched - it is this that is bitter and can ruin the finished jam.

Add chopped citrus zest to the saucepan, add a stick (or a teaspoon of ground) cinnamon. Mix everything and leave it on the table.

From the orange and lemon we cut off the white layer that was under the zest, and cut the pulp as desired. Don't forget to remove any seeds if there are any! We clean the tangerines and add them to the rest of the fruits, which need to be crushed into pulp.

I like doing this best in a blender - literally half a minute and it's ready.

Using a sieve, strain the citrus puree into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients, thoroughly rubbing the mass with a spoon or spatula until it is relatively dry.

Place a bowl of pumpkin slices in citrus-sugar syrup on the stove. Turn on the highest heat and bring the contents to a boil under the lid. Then remove the lid and boil the pieces in syrup over high heat for exactly 5 minutes.

It is necessary to cook the pumpkin pieces over high heat - this way the slices will retain their integrity. If you simmer them at a low temperature, the pumpkin will gradually turn into puree. In addition, we do not disturb the pumpkin during the entire process of making jam - we simply rock the pan from side to side (again, so as not to damage the slices).

We leave our future pumpkin jam until it cools completely - 5 hours, I think, is enough. You can leave it overnight if you cook the pumpkin in the evening - you don’t have to get up at night. During this time, the slices will begin to absorb the syrup and gradually immerse themselves in it. Bring the pumpkin in the citrus syrup to a boil again over high heat and cook for 5 minutes. Cool completely to room temperature. In this way, we boil the pumpkin at high temperature 3, or maybe 4 times - depending on the type of fruit and the size of the pieces. The result is an amazingly tasty and aromatic pumpkin jam with a citrus aftertaste and hints of cinnamon - transparent slices in a rather thick syrup. It's time to prepare dessert for the winter.

In almost every homemade recipe I tell you how to prepare jars and lids. I won’t repeat myself (I’m probably already boring you) - just read here, for example. Place the boiling pumpkin jam into prepared jars - the syrup will thicken even more during storage.

We immediately close them hermetically with screw caps or simple turnkey tins. Turn the jars of pumpkin jam upside down, wrap them in something warm (a blanket, rug, or old jacket will do) and leave it until it cools completely (about a day). After this, we transfer the jars of jam to a dry, dark and cool place - a closet, cellar, basement. From the specified amount of ingredients you get about 800 milliliters of beautiful, aromatic and tasty pumpkin jam for the winter.

Cook for your health and bon appetit, friends!

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Today I want to show you how to make pumpkin and orange jam. It is noteworthy that even those who do not like pumpkin and dishes made from it will gobble it up on both cheeks, because it will not be felt at all. Pieces of pumpkin in amber syrup look very appetizing, and what can we say about the smell of jam.

The citrus aroma emanating from this jam is absolutely hard to resist. It turns out no less tasty than pear and orange jam.

I think no one will be surprised that recipes for pumpkin jam with orange are very diverse. All types of this delicious jam differ in the cooking time, appearance, and composition of ingredients. Recipes for pumpkin jam with orange and lemon, spices, apples, carrots, and dried apricots are popular.

Pumpkin jam can be cooked in pieces or as a puree, then the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. As for spices, you can add cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, turmeric, vanilla sticks, star anise, and cinnamon to pumpkin jam. The main thing is not to overdo it with them, so as not to interrupt the citrus taste.

Today I want to show you how to make pumpkin and orange jam step by step with photos.

Pumpkin jam with orange - recipe


  • Pumpkin – 2 kg.,
  • Oranges – 3 pcs.,
  • Sugar – 3 cups,
  • Citric acid – a pinch.

Prepare pumpkins for jam. Peel it. Since its peel is very hard, it is best to remove it with a large and sharp knife, and carefully so as not to get hurt. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes.

Place the prepared pumpkin for jam in a bowl. Cover it with sugar.

Stir until the pumpkin pieces are completely coated with sugar.

Leave the pumpkin for 3-5 hours to release the juice.

During this time, a sufficient amount of syrup should be formed to make jam. If you see that there is not enough liquid, add half a glass of water. Now you can start making pumpkin and orange jam. Place the pan on the stove. After the pumpkin jam boils, skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Boil the jam over low heat for another 15 minutes.

While it cooks, prepare the oranges. Wash them, remove the peel and white film. Divide the oranges into slices. Cut into cubes.

Place the oranges in the pan with the pumpkin jam.

Despite the fact that oranges are inherently sour, I add citric acid to pumpkin-orange jam. The jam in it turns out to be sweet and sour, moreover, citric acid is an excellent preservative and therefore any preservation can be perfectly stored with it.

After adding these ingredients, mix pumpkin jam with orange. Cook it over low heat for another 15 minutes. During cooking, do not forget to stir the jam so that it does not burn at the bottom of the pan.

Pour the finished pumpkin jam with orange, like all other types of jam, into hot sterilized jars. Close with lids scalded in boiling water. Turn the jars of pumpkin jam with orange upside down, cover and leave to cool. This is how easy it is to make simple pumpkin jam with orange. By the way, you can also make jam from watermelon rinds using this recipe, just replace the pumpkin with peeled watermelon rinds (without green peel).

You can also cook pumpkin and orange jam a little differently. According to the recipe below, it will turn out to be a homogeneous consistency in the form of a puree, and not in pieces, as we have already discussed above.

Pumpkin puree jam with orange – recipe

Peel the pumpkin. Cut it into pieces. Place in a bowl. Rinse the prepared oranges with cold water. Clean them. Also cut into small pieces. Pass the pumpkin and oranges through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Sprinkle the resulting puree with sugar. Stir. Place the pan with jam on the stove. Boil it for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. After this time, the pumpkin and orange jam will be completely cooked, but will not be pureed.

Remove the pan from the stove. Puree the jam with a blender. Sterilize jars and screw caps. Let the jam boil again. Ladle it into jars. Roll it up. Turn over and cover.

After the jars of jam have cooled, take them to a cool place. After cooling, the jam thickens and becomes suitable as a filling for pies, donuts, pies, and rolls.


  • Pumpkin – 3 kg.,
  • Oranges – 4 pcs.,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.,
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.,
  • Water – 2 glasses

Try making pumpkin jam with orange and lemon as well. The recipe for its preparation is no more complicated than the previous ones.

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon - recipe

Peel the pumpkin and oranges. Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Pass the orange and lemon through a meat grinder. Pour sugar into a saucepan. Pour boiling water over it.

Stir. Boil the syrup for about five minutes until the sugar dissolves. After this, place the pumpkin pieces and orange and lemon puree into the hot syrup.

Stir .

Fragrant and thick pumpkin jam with orange and lemon It is necessary to cook for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise the pumpkin will boil. Try making apple and orange jam as well.
