How to cook salmon for sushi. Salmon for sushi and rolls. What fish is suitable for sushi?

Despite the fact that almost all classical sources oriental cuisine It is advised to use fresh fish for making sushi and rolls; in reality, the situation is completely different. Due to the geographical location, distance from places where fresh fish is caught and the peculiarities of transport, frozen fish is safer and healthier in our country. Paradox? Let's talk!

Moscow and the Far East - an ecologically clean area, rich in fish - are located 6.5 thousand kilometers from each other and this is in a straight line, and if along the highway, then more than 9 thousand! In order for the fish to retain all its beneficial features the catch is immediately processed and subjected to shock freezing, so the fish has an affordable price and is ready for long-term transportation. If you are offered fresh Far Eastern fish, this means that delivery was extremely expensive for the seller, which will of course affect its price. Moreover, if during the delivery process the temperature rose above 4-7 degrees, even for a short period of time, or more than 5 days have passed since the catch (and you are unlikely to check this), then the fish may not be beneficial, but harmful. This is why the Gifts of the Far East store offers you fresh frozen fish.

Indeed, some varieties of fish after freezing lose their elasticity and are not suitable for complex dishes. However, salmon, the king of sushi rolls, tolerates shock freezing and subsequent thawing very well. The portal published an interview with the chef of one of the Moscow restaurants of oriental cuisine: “Frozen fish, of course, is used to make sushi. Only it should be shock freezing of freshly caught fish. … Salmon is the same. If it is immediately frozen, then you can make sushi from it. You can only defrost it in the usual way: put it in the refrigerator and wait a few hours.”

You can order fresh frozen salmon with delivery from the Gifts of the Far East online store around the clock. All products have a full package of documents, including veterinary certificates. Of course, if you decide to make sushi and rolls at home, you will need salmon or red fish for sushi and rolls, as it is often called. Moscow is a city of great opportunities, and if you don’t want to waste time on shopping, place your order online. You can buy fish for sushi and rolls from us in one click.

IN Lately dishes Japanese cuisine have become very popular, in cities there are various sushi bars where you can try delicious rolls and sushi. But homemade rolls are no worse than restaurant ones if you prepare them correctly and use high-quality ingredients. Probably one of the most important ingredients- this is a fish, so it needs to be given special attention.

Let's find out how to choose the right fish for sushi.

What fish is suitable for sushi?

The opinion that any fish is suitable for sushi is erroneous. In order for everyone to admire the original taste of the dish you have prepared, you cannot violate the recipe - you need to use the “correct” fish.

Now let's talk about the types of fish for sushi:

  • In Japan, the traditional fish for sushi is white fish(halibut or sea ​​bass). Shellfish are also used.
  • We often use tuna to make sushi - universal fish. Sushi and rolls that contain tuna can be quite simple, or they can be real delicacies, such as toro sushi. But when compared with other types of fish that we use, tuna is the most expensive.
  • Yellowtail is also often used to make rolls - in simple words, yellowtail.
  • Salmon is at the top. It is quite tender, but at the same time greasy. These two factors provide a unique taste experience.
  • Flying fish roe (tobiko). It has a specific taste, and it is thanks to it that exotic seafood has become popular in the CIS.

for Philadelphia rolls it is better to take salmon..

  • trout, sockeye salmon, mackerel, salmon - great for homemade rolls.

If we compare what is better for sushi - trout or salmon - then the latter is better, since trout is not so fatty and the structure of its meat is slightly different.

Best fish for sushi

You cannot choose one type of fish and say with confidence that it is best suited for sushi, because everyone has their own taste preferences, moreover, different fish are used for different rolls.

  • experiment and use different fish until you understand which one you and your household like best

Therefore, the answer to the question “What kind of fish should be used to make sushi at home?” – there is only one answer: not raw and tasty.

Where do you get fish for sushi?

If we talk about large prestigious restaurants and bars, they even buy fish from other countries. Mid-price segment establishments order seafood from supermarkets or specialty stores

  • you can go buy fish for sushi at a supermarket, fish market or specialty store.
  • Often the supplier of salmon, salmon and trout is Norway and Iceland. Pike perch and flounder are most often from our domestic producers. You should not buy fish supplied by China and Vietnam.

If you buy fish in stores, do not hesitate to ask about the availability of documents confirming quality. It’s better to ask than to lie there later with poisoning.

How is fish processed for sushi?

Restaurants usually purchase raw fish, which is then processed directly in the establishment. Depending on the type, the fish undergoes different processing - this can be salting, smoking, or pickling.

  • For sushi at home, lightly salted or salted fish is suitable
  • Another option is smoked.
  • You can also buy frozen fish and salt it yourself.

How to choose the right fish for sushi/rolls

Probably the most important question. Well, let's go:

  • supermarkets often have at least one aquarium in which live sea fish awaits customers - it’s best to take that one. But do not forget to inquire about the documents for the fish, which indicate its “homeland”.
  • if you live by the sea, you can buy fish from sailors
  • If you are planning to go to the seaside market to buy fish, be extremely careful. The fish should smell pleasant, there should be no bad odor. Again, documents.

fresh salmon smells like fresh cucumbers.

  • inspect the fish up and down. It should be of a natural shade, correct shape, hard, intact and without damage.

You can determine how fresh the fish is by pressing on it with your finger. If the fish is fresh, the dent will disappear immediately.

  • It will be safer to buy a refrigerated or frozen product.
  • You can determine the freshness of fish by its gills and eyes. The gills should be red, and the cornea of ​​the fish's eyes should be transparent and shiny.

sometimes “chilled” fish in stores is simply defrosted. Therefore, before buying, examine the fish from all sides, try it by touch.

  • Frozen fish also needs to be chosen carefully - sometimes it is frozen/thawed several times.
  • at the time of buying fish fillet Avoid loose or overly colorful meats. Still, it is better to buy whole fish, because when buying fillets, you have absolutely no idea about the freshness of the meat.
  • smoked fish for sushi should be very slightly smoked, not overdried. The presence of a strong chemical odor indicates that liquid smoke was used for smoking.

fish falling away from the bone is an alarming sign; it is better not to eat such a product.

  • Vacuum-packed fish is perfect for your first experience making rolls at home. Be sure to check the expiration date and examine the packaging for damage.

Don't think that rolls and sushi are too complicated. The main thing is desire and a positive attitude, as well as quality ingredients. Bon appetit!

Video on how to choose the right rice and fish for sushi

Fish for sushi

Fish for sushi and rolls can be very diverse in taste. Her choice depends on the recipe of the dish and personal preferences.

We do not ship products from this section outside the Moscow region.


Fish for sushi - the basis of the dish

Sushi is one of the most revered Japanese dishes in the world. Its preparation requires not only skill, but also the necessary ingredients.

In Japanese cuisine, fillets of a wide variety of fish are actively used. Each fish used gives sushi or other delicacy a special and unforgettable taste. Exquisite pieces of fish meat will decorate your favorite dishes and give them the aroma and taste of seafood delicacies.

What kind of fish is needed for sushi?

Fish for sushi, rolls, sashimi and nigiri can be very diverse in taste. Her choice depends on the recipe of the dish and personal preferences.

Today, Japanese cuisine actively uses such species as sea bass, eel, clarium, tuna, lakedra and salmon for sushi. Each of these types has its own unique qualities. The unsurpassed taste and aroma of raw or smoked fish fillet emphasizes the sophistication of any recipe.

If you are not sure what kind of fish is needed for rolls, then you should try different options. After all, each ingredient has its own special taste, and some rolls can open up for you in a completely new way with a new filling. Add salmon instead of the usual raw tuna, and you will be surprised how much the taste will change!

Where to buy fish for sushi?

Fish for rolls and other dishes is sold in neat frozen blocks. Transparent packaging allows you to appreciate the exquisite and appetizing appearance of the fillet. You don’t have to go far to buy fish for sushi and rolls. On our website you can choose the appropriate packaging different fish comfortable weight.

For example, today you can buy salmon for sushi in different sizes, like a small package of 300g (for one time), or a layer of whole fish up to 3kg. The bright fillet of smoked salmon or the rich, slightly salted mild taste will not leave any connoisseur of Japanese cuisine indifferent.

Sushi appeared in Japan in the 7th century. They prepared it like this: they mixed the fish with rice and salt, and put it under pressure to marinate for several months. Since then, the method of preparing sushi has changed somewhat. Instead of marinated fish, they began to use raw fish, and to add piquancy to the dish, add rice vinegar.

What types of fish are used for sushi?

Most may include: tuna, mackerel, salmon, eel, flounder, monkfish, snapper, horse mackerel, sea bass and others. You can determine which fish is included in the filling by the first part of the name. Eg:

  • sake – salmon
  • Shake kunsey (shake gourmet) - smoked salmon
  • unagi - conger eel
  • Anagi - river eel
  • maguro – tuna
  • tai (izumi tai) – sea bass
  • hamachi - yellowtail.

The Japanese also prepare sushi with seafood - shrimp, mussels, octopus, squid, crab. For gourmets, Japanese masters offer sushi with puffer fish. This expensive delicacy is considered one of the most dangerous foods, since fugu liver contains a deadly poison. The dish with this fish is called Fugu sashi and only those cooks who have received a special license can prepare it.

Safety regulations

How to choose fish for sushi

If we talk purely about Japan, local sushi masters prefer to buy fish themselves at special night markets, where they bring only the freshest seafood. The quality of fish is determined visually, based on the following characteristics:

  • bright red gills
  • light and somewhat bulging eyes with transparent corneas
  • hard to separate and shiny scales
  • strong and elastic meat
  • clear mucus with no pungent odor
  • the chosen fish should smell like the sea.

Only chefs who have undergone many years of training in this ancient tradition can prepare sushi. culinary arts. Even experienced Japanese housewives do this in exceptional cases, since it is practically impossible to create real sushi at home. It is not for nothing that masters of Japanese cuisine compare the entire process of preparing them with a kind of sacred rite.

What about in Russia?

Russia, of course, is not Japan, and our sushi is prepared using different technologies. We can say that in most restaurants we are served a “Russified” version of this dish. The composition seems to be the same, but the taste is different. This is due, among other things, to the norms and requirements that are imposed on enterprises Catering. No restaurant wants to have problems with sanitary inspections, so only “safe” fish is used - salted, marinated or specially heat-treated.

In addition, it is very expensive to deliver and store fresh fish, and prices for sushi are very affordable. In general, try sushi with raw fish- an expensive pleasure.

Therefore, do not be afraid of stories circulated in the media about the harmful effects of sushi on health. Journalists love to embellish or distort facts. If everything were really as they say, then Japanese restaurants in Russia would have been closed long ago.

– it’s just rice, fish, vegetables and other additives. It will only be harmful if you eat sushi literally every day. But this rule applies to any other dishes. Try eating, for example, well-done pork every day. After a short time you will see in the mirror how this affected you.

Well, if you want to taste authentic sushi and take some risks, then welcome to Japan.

How to cook fish for sushi?

Photo by Shutterstock

The benefits of sushi ingredients are difficult to overestimate: seafood provides the human body with essential microelements, rice saturates and does not harm the figure, and seaweed replenishes the lack of iodine. However, it is the fish that provides the unique taste of sushi. To achieve the desired taste, fish for sushi must be properly selected, marinated and cooked.

Rules for preparing fish for sushi

First of all, the fish, crustaceans and shellfish from which sushi is traditionally prepared must be absolutely fresh. When buying a whole fish, always pay attention to the shine of the scales, the elasticity of its flesh, the transparency of the eyes, the firmness of the belly and the bright color of the gills - only if all these factors are present is the fish fresh. Purchased fish should be immediately cut and placed in the refrigerator.

Do not leave fish in the refrigerator for a long time without a plastic bag, as it will dry out. If you plan to make sushi soon, wrap the fish in a damp cloth and place in a cool place

If the fish is frozen, it must be marinated in a solution of 4 cups water and half a teaspoon of salt (a tablespoon for sea ​​fish). This will preserve the taste of the product after defrosting. Also, try not to defrost the fish completely - start cooking as soon as it can be cut with a knife.

Salmon sushi recipe

To prepare salmon sushi you will need: - 300 grams of fresh salmon; - 800 grams boiled rice for sushi; - 7 sheets of nori seaweed; - wasabi; - pickled ginger to taste.

Cut the salmon fillet into thin strips. Place the nori seaweed on a bamboo sushi rolling mat and spread it, leaving about 1 centimeter of free space around the edges. Make a horizontal shallow groove in the middle of the rice, place the salmon slices in it and roll the sushi using a mat. Cut the finished sushi into 6-12 equal pieces, serve them with wasabi and
