Poached egg in the form of how to cook. How long to cook poached eggs? How to cook a poached egg using kitchen gadgets

Eggs prepared using the poached method have long proven themselves to be only the best. They can be used as a self-sufficient dish, a component of a complex composition, or a base for sauce. True, many people who try to prepare the product at home often have noticeable difficulties with this.

To learn how to do everything correctly, you need not only to figure out how long to keep the main component in boiling water, but also to become familiar with a number of nuances. There are several ways to prepare an egg poached style. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Comparing the ancient and modern approaches

There are two basic methods you can try to get started. Their main advantage (though only potential) is the use of additional devices. They are designed to facilitate the cooking process and get an accurate result.

  • An ancient method. It was he who gave the name to the “poached” method, which is translated from French as “in the pocket.” Take a sheet of parchment measuring 20 by 20 cm and coat it on one side with butter. Place the dough, butter side up, in a bowl of suitable size so that the edges of the parchment are free. Break the egg into the resulting bag and fasten the edges of the structure so that the contents do not leak out. Place the product in boiling water, wait 3.5 minutes and remove the contents.

Tip: In the case of preparing poached eggs, it is necessary to strictly observe how much time is allocated for processing the ingredient in a particular case. For many years, experienced chefs experimented in this direction for a reason - they suggested optimal timing depending on the specifics of the approach and the physical properties of the tools used.

  • Modern method. One of the variations of the ancient approach using more modern materials. The approach is the same, right down to lubricating the surface with oil, but you need to keep the product in boiling water for 4 minutes and 20 seconds. In this case, the structure should not lie on the bottom.

In the first case, even after long practice it is difficult to get an ideal result. The protein will spread inside the structure, so the shape of the finished product will be specific. If you cook eggs this way, it is only to show your knowledge of the historical foundations of the process. In the second, you again have to perform additional actions, but most likely the product will still stick to the material and will have to be peeled off very carefully.

Cooking eggs using a poacher

Not so long ago, the so-called plowing machines or hedgehogs appeared on the market of equipment for chefs. In appearance, these are the most ordinary skimmers, usually made of plastic, shaped like an egg. They are designed to simplify as much as possible the process of preparing the component using the poaching method at home.

The manipulation looks like this:

  • Wash the device, dry it, grease it with softened butter.
  • Break an egg into it and place the product in boiling water. You need to cook it for 3.5 minutes.
  • We take out the product very carefully, checking that the bottom part does not stick to the tool.

This impact option is much simpler than the previous ones, but still not ideal. Even if you do everything correctly and gain the necessary skill, it is not always possible to get a beautiful and neat egg without rags.

The simplest and most natural approach

Despite the simplicity of the approach, it is considered the best option for both beginners and advanced cooks. To cook the product according to all the rules, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Boil water in a large saucepan, then reduce the heat to low and add a couple of drops of vinegar to the liquid.
  • Break the egg into a small sieve; this will allow you to get rid of the liquid part of the protein. Then pour the product into the water in one quick but careful movement so that the yolk does not leak out.
  • You can make a funnel in the water with a spoon, then the protein will have time to set before it sinks to the bottom of the container.
  • You need to cook the product for 3.5 minutes, then you will get a poached effect.

The result is really close to ideal. The liquid protein is decanted, so there are practically no flakes; the vinegar makes the alkaline taste of the water more neutral. It is better to use wine or rice vinegar, then it will be completely invisible. It is noteworthy that such blanks can be placed in cold water and put it in the refrigerator, in this case they will save original appearance within a couple of days. Before serving, you just need to hold them in hot water no more than 30 seconds.

Advantages of the high-tech method

This approach is used very rarely by housewives, because... requires special devices capable of providing water with a stable temperature within 64ºС. In this case, the shelled egg is simply lowered into the prepared apparatus and removed after 50 minutes.

The poached result is truly perfect, but given the fact that how much time you have to spend on it, the method does not always justify itself. True, a large number of products are produced in one approach, and the final product can be stored for up to several days. It turns out that this option is applicable only in professional kitchens. All attempts to adapt the technique to an ordinary kitchen end in failure, even with a suitable thermometer and a very advanced stove.

What do you need to know to get the perfect result?

To brew high-quality, aesthetically attractive and delicious egg poached, you need not only to have the listed skills, but also to take into account the following factors:

  1. No matter how much you cook the product, it can only be truly perfect when using the freshest eggs. Protein from old or slightly stale products holds its shape less well. For preparing a poached dish, only those specimens are suitable that, when placed in a container of water, lie on their side and are not lifted by the blunt side.
  2. The dish will be complete and beautiful if you use eggs of the “Extra” category with a bright and large yolk.
  3. It is recommended to lower the elements not into bubbling, but slightly boiling water at the stage of bubbles appearing on the walls.
  4. Don't use too much water if you only need to cook a couple of eggs. And 2-3 drops of vinegar will be enough.
  5. There will be much less flakes if you first strain the liquid protein using a sieve. But this approach will not work on stale products; the situation will only become even more complicated.

You'll have to spend a little effort and be patient if you want to learn how to cook the delicacy really well. But the efforts will definitely pay off when you don’t have to spend a lot of time preparing breakfast, an original sauce, or you just want to surprise your guests.

According to Wikipedia, poached eggs are traditional French dish for breakfast from broken eggs cooked in the poached method. You will learn a detailed description of the poached method from the article itself.

This method of preparation produces a soft, creamy yolk enveloped in white petals.

Some cooks add poached eggs to soup or broth. Now the topic of “poached” is touched upon, so it is fair to give the word its definition. Poached is an egg boiled in a bag and carefully peeled so that the yolk does not spread.

This method of cooking is the chosen one for people who know how to appreciate delicate taste plain eggs and able to evaluate the cooking process itself.

The secret to making a crispy poached egg

The main secret is that the eggs should be fresh and the water should never boil.

  1. Take 2 liters of water into a saucepan and pour 100 ml of vinegar, turn on the stove to maximum and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to medium, the water temperature should be 92 degrees C, as if the water is about to boil.

2. The egg must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance or placed in warm water for 2 minutes (to warm up), otherwise it will simply crack.

An important secret - take the egg out of the water and, using a spoon, lower it into the pan for exactly 10 seconds. Then we take it out and put it on a towel.

4. Break the egg into the middle of the whirlpool and let it cook and swirl slowly for only 3 minutes.

5. After exactly 3 minutes, take out the egg with a spoon and place it in a bowl of cold water.

6. Let's do the same with the second egg. There should be two eggs.

7. Place the pan on medium heat to heat up. Prepare three plates. In the first plate - a little flour, in the second - a raw egg, in the third - bread crumbs in crumbs.

8. Put a pinch of salt in the egg and beat it a little.

9. Cut off the excess parts of the poached egg.

10. First roll the poached eggs in flour.

11. Then dip it in a raw egg.

12. And sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

13. This is how the intermediate blanks turned out.

14. Heat a piece of butter in a frying pan and wait until it melts.

15. Dip the poached egg into the oil.

16. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

17. Transfer to a napkin so that the fat is absorbed.

18. The crispy poached egg is ready.

You can eat it as a separate dish or add vegetables and herbs. Great snack.

Now you will have the opportunity to learn how to prepare a breakfast or snack using the poached culinary technique at home.


  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Butter - 10 g
  • Lettuce, dill, tomatoes - optional
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste


  1. Place the frying pan on the fire and fry the bread on one side without oil.

As a tip: While frying the bread, turn on the kettle so there is hot water.

2. When frying bread on the second side, place a piece under it butter.

3. Take a bowl, which in size should fit into the microwave. Pour boiling water into it in such an amount that the egg cannot reach the bottom.

4. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar into the water and stir quickly.

5. Immediately pour the egg into the water. Pour in carefully so as not to damage the yolk.

6. Place the bowl with the egg in the microwave (full power) for 1 minute.

7. While the egg is cooking, serve the toasted bread. The buttered side is facing up. Place lettuce leaves on bread.

8. We take the bowl with the egg out of the microwave and see floating flakes (this is how it should be).

If you know how to prepare such recipes, then you have culinary skills.

This French method of preparing eggs in a bag gives the dish a special aristocracy and French sophistication. Cooking poached eggs is easy and simple if you know the secrets of preparing this simple dish. I want to share them with you in this recipe. Step-by-step photos will demonstrate how to properly cook a poached egg without any special equipment, but simply in a saucepan in water.

To prepare we will need:

  • 1 fresh egg(it is better to take a large egg);
  • 1/2 part fresh lemon;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of coarse salt;
  • 1.5 liters of water (for poaching);
  • 800 ml water;
  • 200 ml of cold drinking water.

Place two pans on the stove and pour water into them. Pour 800 ml of water into the first pan and set it to boil.

Pour salt into the second pan, add 1.5 liters of water and squeeze the juice from half a lemon and bring to a boil.

Now, take a whole egg and drop it on a spoon into the first pan for 10 seconds. This procedure will not allow the protein to be distributed throughout the water when we prepare the poached meat.

In the second saucepan, twist the funnel, that is, scroll the water clockwise several times with a spoon, and break the egg into the center of the funnel so as not to damage the yolk. The presence of salt and lemon juice in the water helps the whites to gather around the yolk.

But in this photo there is an egg that I did not put in boiling water beforehand and cook it without salt and lemon juice. The white has spread all over the water and I have to scoop it up with a spoon in the direction of the yolk.

How long to cook a poached egg

Cooking time for poached eggs in boiling water is about three minutes. After that, take it out with a spoon into a dish with cold water. This is what a properly cooked egg looks like in water with salt and lemon juice.

This is what eggs boiled in plain water look like. The white resembles a torn rag.

After a minute, simply blot the poached egg with a disposable towel and it is ready to serve.

Poached eggs in a bag are eggs that are boiled without the shell. According to the rules, egg white In this case, it should turn out to be solid, and the yolk should remain liquid. This dish is considered a restaurant delicacy and is served as an independent dish, for breakfast, dinner or as a snack. Let's figure out where this delicacy came from and how to cook a poached egg?

French delicacy

The named dish came to us from France. Thanks to the correct cooking technique, the consistency of the egg yolk is creamy, and only the white hardens. There are several ways to cook a poached egg. An important condition during cooking is to observe certain subtleties.

Preparing a gourmet treat is a complex technology that is not so easy to comprehend, which is why for many, poached eggs remain a restaurant dish. However, there are times when an irresistible desire arises to enjoy this French delicacy or use it as an element for a salad.

To make the cooking process easier, experienced chefs came up with the idea of ​​poaching eggs in a bag. It turns out something between the usual boiled egg and classic poached egg.

Poached in a bag? And how does this technology differ from classic way boiling eggs? Let's talk about it.

Recipe for poached eggs in a bag

This method of cooking eggs is actually a modernization classical method cooking When used, its essence lies in the fact that eggs, stripped of their shells, go through the process of boiling in something that can replace it.

The recipe for poached eggs in a bag is considered more simplified. The undeniable advantage of the delicacy is their low calorie content, since they are prepared without oil. And if you fail to cook eggs this way, the worst that can happen is that they become hard-boiled. So how to cook poached eggs?

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • package - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.

Practical part

To form eggs conveniently, you should take medium-height glasses, a wide mug, a bowl or other suitable container. Line each with a thick bag without any holes, aligning it with the walls of the selected dish.

After this, carefully pour one at a time raw egg into each container so that the egg yolk is not damaged. The dish must be salted, and then tie the bag in a knot.

The pan in which the delicacy will be prepared should be filled with water and allowed to boil. Then you need to lower the bags inside, reduce the heat to low and boil the poached eggs in the bags for 2 minutes.

After this time, the bags with the delicacy should be removed from the water, returned to the bowl being used and carefully untied so as not to get burned by the steam. The bag should be removed carefully so that the egg yolk is not damaged or leaks. Next, place the resulting dish on a plate and, if desired, garnish with herbs. Poached in a bag, ready for breakfast or snack.

Poached egg in a bag with butter

You can also prepare this delicious delicacy in a slightly different way. Using a simple recipe for this. As a result, poached eggs will turn out incredibly tender and tasty.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • packages - 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • green onions- 1 PC.

To start preparing the French delicacy, you need to evenly distribute the bags on the table. Pour a little into the middle of each vegetable oil and grind it in the middle of the bag. Then prepare 3 large containers and place a greased bag in each.

After this, break the eggs and carefully pour them into the bags so that egg yolks were not damaged. To taste, add salt and tie each bag with a thread in the shape of a bag. Experienced Chefs It is recommended to tie the bags under the very egg white so that as little air as possible remains inside.

Fill the pan with water and put it on gas. Bring the water to a boil and carefully place each egg packet on the bottom of the pan, holding it by the top. It takes about 3-4 minutes to cook the dish. At this time, the prepared green onions should be chopped into small cubes - they will serve as a decoration for this exquisite French delicacy.

Boiled eggs must be cooled so that they retain their round shape when serving. After this, they can be taken out of the bags. When serving, the dish is decorated with chopped green onions.


Just like the first, this cooking method involves some manipulations. The point is that despite the use sunflower oil in the second method, the egg white sticks to the walls of the bags in any case, and it will take a lot of effort to get the egg out.

However, if you have some experience and enough time, preparing poached eggs in a bag will not be difficult. And it’s worth it, as the dish turns out really satisfying and very tender.

Poached eggs are a famous French dish. It can often be found on the menus of the most sophisticated restaurants. There are a great variety of cooking methods, everyone can choose a recipe to their liking. But the main thing in the cooking process is to be careful and careful, since the egg is very delicate and may not withstand careless treatment. Read this article to learn how to cook poached eggs.

Benefits of poached eggs

An egg is considered a product that has an ideal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is a storehouse of valuable vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, copper, iron, vitamins B12, A, D, E. Also this product valuable for its high content of high-quality protein.

Dishes using eggs are often eaten for breakfast, as they are nutritious, satisfying and have low calorie content. Daily consumption of such dishes helps improve physical and mental condition, gives vivacity, strength and energy.

The recipe for poached eggs came to us from France. In the most romantic country, this dish is often served for breakfast. Its most important advantage is the ease of digestion and absorption by the body. Poached eggs are recommended for people who have problems with the digestive system. If you compare the usual boiled egg and a poached egg, the first one will stay in the stomach for two to four hours longer than the second one.

Eating poached eggs improves stomach function and helps eliminate unnecessary substances from the body. Nutritionists recommend paying attention to this dish for those who want to lose excess weight. Regular scrambled eggs contain much more fat and calories.

Classic version

The cooking time for an egg largely depends on the thickness of the yolk you prefer. If you leave the product to cook for more than seven minutes, you will cook a hard-boiled egg. The liquid yolk will turn out when cooked for about two to three minutes, and to make it denser, increase the time to five minutes. In cooked according to traditional recipe When eating an egg, the yolk spreads out.

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • egg;
  • white table salt;
  • pure water;
  • 10 ml white vinegar.

How to poach an egg classic recipe:

  1. Break the egg into a small container.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, heat it, add salt and vinegar.
  3. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the heat slightly.
  4. Carefully place the egg in the water, making sure it does not become deformed.
  5. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Use a slotted spoon to remove finished product from the pan.
  7. Place the egg on a clean, dry cloth.
  8. If you are bothered by the vinegar smell, gently rinse the product under cold water.

The dish can be supplemented with cheese, vegetables or pieces of meat.

Recipe for poached eggs in a bag

The recipe for preparing this dish using a package (or pouch) is ahead of the classic one in popularity. This technique was invented by a chef from Spain. Instead of a plastic bag, you can use cling film.

How to cook a poached egg in a bag:

  1. Place the film in the container so that it completely covers the sides of the dish.
  2. Grease the film with oil to prevent the egg from sticking.
  3. Break the egg. Take the film by the edges, connect them and form a tight bag (you can use thread).
  4. The egg should not hang out in it.
  5. Place the bag in boiling water and cook for three to three and a half minutes.
  6. Keep the bag in the water so that it does not reach the bottom.

Carefully remove the finished egg from the bag. The protein may stick to it a little, try to slowly separate the product from the bag so as not to disturb the structure of the dish.

Microwave Recipe

Even a beginner can cook a poached egg in the microwave. Use a container that is suitable for cooking in microwave oven. Avoid metal surfaces and do not use foil.

Cooking poached eggs in the microwave is a very simple process:

  1. Take a container and fill it with 120 ml of clean water.
  2. Break the egg and carefully place it in a bowl. If it fails to completely submerge in water, add another 60 ml of liquid.
  3. Place the container in the microwave, cover with a special lid. Set the power to high and heat the dish for one minute.
  4. Check the hardness of the protein; if it remains liquid, repeat the heating process for another fifteen seconds.

After the protein has hardened, the product can be removed from the microwave and served.

Making poached eggs using silicone molds

The poached egg mold allows you to give the perfect appearance. Thanks to it, the yolk and white do not spread, but ready dish It turns out round and solid, like in a restaurant.

How to cook poached eggs silicone molds?

  1. Grease the mold with oil. Break an egg into it.
  2. Place the molds in a double boiler or any other container with water brought to a boil. Close the lid and reduce the heat.
  3. Cook for two to three minutes
  4. Take out the poached egg molds and carefully lay out the finished products.

The dish can be supplemented with grated cheese or some spicy sauce.

Recipe without vinegar

There is another option for preparing this dish. Poached eggs without vinegar are more tender, soft and melt in your mouth. The aroma of the dish does not mix with the tart smell of vinegar, which is a plus of this recipe.

Fill a saucepan with clean water and bring it to a boil. Make sure that the water does not start to boil; at this stage it is better to reduce the heat a little. Add salt and stir the water. Place a broken egg in it. Cook for two to three minutes. Garnish the dish with vegetables and seasonings.

Hearty breakfast recipe with poached egg

This dish will not only be satisfying and tasty, but also healthy breakfast, as it contains balanced products. You can use bacon instead chicken breast or cheese.

To prepare breakfast we will need the following ingredients:

  • two eggs;
  • 15 grams of butter;
  • a slice of bacon;
  • bun or bread;
  • tomato;
  • salad, herbs and spices to taste.

How to poach? The cooking recipe consists of the following steps:

  1. Grease the buns with butter. Place in a frying pan and fry a little.
  2. If you want the dish to be less high in calories, then leave the meat as it is. If you want the taste of the sandwich to be richer and brighter, then fry the pieces of meat.
  3. Cut the tomato into thin slices (they can also be fried), place on the prepared bread, and place the meat on top.
  4. We already know how to cook poached eggs. Take a mug and cover it with film.
  5. Grease the film with a small piece of butter. Break the eggs over the film.
  6. Roll it into a bag and place it in a boiling pan.
  7. Put ready eggs on top of the tomato, you can add any herbs and seasonings at your discretion.

The dish is designed for two people.

Thinking about how to cook poached eggs? First of all, pay attention to the expiration date of the eggs you purchased. Choose the freshest and largest specimens. The protein of a stale product quickly loses its shape and can spread out.

To test the suitability of an egg, place it in a glass of water. Choose a glass so that the egg can move freely in it. If it is fresh, it will immediately fall to its side. The unedible product will be directed with the blunt side up.

To boil eggs, it is better to use not very hot, but barely bubbling water. This way you will keep the yolk intact.

Pre-stir the boiling water with a spoon or whisk. Place the egg into the resulting water funnel. This method allows the white to envelop the yolk more easily and quickly.

Adding vinegar to the water allows the consistency of the egg to retain its shape.

Boiling the egg for more than two to three minutes will allow the yolk to firm up.

To make sure the dish is ready, gently touch the egg with your finger, applying light pressure. If the white has a dense and elastic structure, and the yolk is soft and does not spread, then the dish is ready to eat.
