Boiled lard in brine is the most delicious recipe. Boiled lard in spices is delicious. Dry salted lard

A white, elastic piece of lard that melts in your mouth is indescribable bliss. Boiled lard- way homemade pickling favorite product for the most cautious. Since the soul requires variety, I will offer several recipes: with spices, in onion skins, in a bag. A favorite delicacy among most Slavic peoples, it is a hearty snack and a tasty cure for the nerves. Because there is hardly a person who has tasted the salsa and not enjoyed it. Do you remember how your mood improves?

The most delicious recipes for boiled lard

In order for the appetizer to live up to its stated name, you should know the specifics of preparing boiled lard.

  • The cooking time depends on the size of the piece. Do not overcook the product, 30-40 minutes is the maximum; longer cooking does not make sense.
  • You will get an excellent snack if you take the choice of pork product seriously. Refrain from buying old lard. Don’t be shy and smell a piece - good lard It initially smells delicious. The structure of the product is important - smooth, dense, without looseness, preferably with small layers of meat.
  • Don’t be afraid to overdo it with salt; the product will take no more than the required amount.

Seasonings for lard:

Lard without seasoning is a fashionista without makeup. Traditionally, in addition to salt, they add different kinds pepper and bay leaf. But when the time comes to rub the cooked piece with spices, you are allowed to roam to your heart’s content. Take paprika, coriander, ginger, a mixture of Provençal herbs, suneli hops, and any herbs.

Boiled lard in onion skins

Boiled in the husk, a piece of lard is unbearably beautiful, with a smoked effect. I advise you to take leaves from an old onion, it gives off more color.


  • Pork lard – 700 gr.
  • Husk - several handfuls.
  • Water - liter.
  • Salt – 50 gr.
  • Pepper.
  • Garlic cloves – 4 pcs.

How to do:

  1. Place the husks in a saucepan and add salt to the water. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes and add the pork piece.
  2. Cook for 30-40 minutes depending on the thickness of the piece.
  3. Remove from the burner and let cool without removing from the pan.
  4. Dry the piece and remove the husks.
  5. Combine the garlic pulp with spices and generously spread the lard. If desired, you can simply cut the garlic cloves into slices and cover the piece.
  6. Wrap the lard in foil and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Boiled lard with spices - a simple recipe

Lard will turn out incredibly tasty if you generously rub a piece with a variety of spices. Keep the recipe simple.

  • Pork lard – 500 gr.
  • Water - liter.
  • Salt – 150 gr.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Allspice - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Carnation buds – 2 pcs.
  • Parsley and dill, a mixture of peppers, coriander, red pepper.

How to do:

  1. Boil water with salt, cloves, bay leaves and pepper. Boil lard in brine for 20-25 minutes. Leave to cool directly in the pan. The best option Preparation: Boil overnight and rub with spices in the morning.
  2. Remove the lard and dry.
  3. Make a seasoning mixture: mix coriander with black and red peppers, add other spices as desired. Lard grated with paprika looks incredibly beautiful.
  4. Separately chop the greens, chop the garlic and combine.
  5. Rub the seasoning mixture onto the piece, then coat the top with the garlic-dill mixture.
  6. Wrap the piece in foil and keep it in the cold for a day.

Boiled lard with garlic

The simplest recipe, but the taste is not inferior to the “sophisticated” ones. Garlic and lard are incredibly well compatible products that complement each other.

There is no point in writing the number of ingredients, since everything is outrageously simple.

  1. Take a piece of the best lard and add water in a saucepan to cover completely. Add pepper and bay leaf.
  2. Cook and cool.
  3. Cut the garlic cloves into slices and stuff the piece over the entire surface.
  4. Sprinkle with black pepper, salt and, wrap in cling film, refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Lard boiled in a jar - homemade recipe

A wonderful snack can be prepared in the oven by boiling lard placed in a jar. A product for the peritoneum and cheek is suitable. There is no specific recipe; spices are added by eye.

How to cook:

  1. Dry the lard cut into pieces thoroughly. Don’t make them too small, cut them as large as possible, ensuring that they fit into the neck of the jar.
  2. Leave about 3 cm at the top.
  3. Place the jar in cold oven, cover with a lid and turn on. Set the temperature to the lowest setting at first. After 10 minutes, increase to 150 o C.
  4. Continue cooking for about an hour.
  5. Turn off the oven and leave the jar to cool. You can try it right away.

Boiled lard in a bag with spices

Very popular among gourmets salted lard, cooked in a package. Tip: do not pour out the fat remaining in the bag - use it for its intended purpose.


  • Lard – 500 gr.
  • Garlic – 6 cloves.
  • Paprika, salt, herbs de Provence, black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Make several cuts on the piece and put the garlic cloves inside.
  2. Rub the lard with seasonings, let it stand for a couple of hours so that the piece is soaked, and put it in a bag.
  3. Important! Be sure to remove any air from the bag and seal tightly. Place the lard in two more bags, tie it and start cooking.
  4. After 2 hours the lard is ready. Cool it directly in the bag.

Lard boiled in soy sauce

Let's show due respect oriental cuisine, and add to the recipe an unusual nuance that came from there - soy sauce. To prepare, select a beautiful piece of brisket, with meat layer.


  • Lard with a layer – 500 gr.
  • Soy sauce – 7 large spoons.
  • Ginger root - 3 cm piece.
  • Green onions.
  • Sugar – 2-3 spoons
  • Rice wine - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Water – 2.5 glasses.

How to cook:

  1. Boil whole piece 5-7 minutes, let the water drain, cool slightly, and divide into small pieces, 3 x 5 cm in size. Tie with thread.
  2. Coarsely chop the onion feathers and the ginger root into rings.
  3. Fry in well-heated oil. It is more convenient to fry in a pan with a thick bottom. A strong aroma appears - it’s done, it’s time to move on to the next stage.
  4. Pour water into the oil, wait until it boils and add the sauce and wine. Wait until it boils again and add sugar.
  5. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add the pieces of lard and let it boil. Cook until tender over low heat for 2 hours (simmer).

Boiled lard roll - recipe

You will see thin pieces on the market lard, don’t miss the opportunity to buy literally for pennies and make a wonderful roll. Save some money and get an excellent snack. Moreover, it doesn’t matter where the piece comes from, the flank or undercut will work well.

You will need:

  • Lard – 600 gr.
  • Onion peel - a large handful.
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons per liter of water.
  • Garlic, ground and peppercorns, bay leaves, favorite spices.

How to cook:

  1. Place a piece on the board, sprinkle with plenty of spices, and roll into a roll. It's faster and more convenient to cook small pieces. Tie with threads and twine.
  2. Boil water with salt, peels, peppercorns and bay leaves.
  3. Fold the rolls and cook after boiling for 30 minutes.
  4. After removing from the burner, forget the roll directly in the brine for a day.
  5. After a day, take it out, peel off the husks, and blot it. Wrap in film and store in the freezer. However, cut off a piece, since you can try the roll right away.
Add to the collection of lard recipes:
  • Boil water, adding husks, salt, bay leaves, sugar and peppercorns. Lower the pieces and cook for half an hour after boiling.
  • Leave the lard to cool in the brine.
  • Clean the pieces from adhering husks and dry.
  • Mix the spices with minced garlic and grate the brisket.
  • All that remains is to wrap the lard in cling film and keep it in the refrigerator for about an hour (ideally overnight). Take a sample and store the remainder sealed and refrigerated.
  • There are never too many recipes, so keep the video with lard boiled in a bag and enjoy. Good luck with your culinary vigils in the kitchen.

    step by step recipe with photos

    Lard with a layer of meat is loved in all parts of the globe, but it is consumed mainly in the form of bacon - a specially salted and most often smoked meat product.

    But salting and smoking are long and complex technologies for home cooking, so all we have to do is bake, marinate or boil lard.

    It may seem that boiled lard is not suitable as a snack. However, the soft piece of fat that is obtained after cooking radically changes its properties in the freezer, and boiled lard after freezing is absolutely no different in structure from baked lard. But this method of cooking has a couple of significant advantages - there will be no heat and smoke from the oven, no persistent meaty smell in the apartment, and no greasy baking sheets. The lard simmers gently in a saucepan for 2-3 hours, and then you just need to roll it in seasonings and put it in the freezer.


    • a piece of lard with a good layer of meat
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic
    • 10 black peppercorns
    • 2 pcs. bay leaf
    • dry mustard
    • red Bell pepper(powder)
    • dried herbs

    Boiled lard at home: recipe

    1. Select a piece of lard with a thick layer of meat, wash it, dry it and cut it into long strips.

    2. Select a pan of such a size that the lard lies on its bottom, and fill the pieces laid out on the bottom with water flush with the surface of the lard.

    3. Bring the water to a boil, skim off the foam, cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave the lard to simmer over low heat for 1.5-2.5 hours (depending on its thickness). Check readiness by checking the condition of the skin and meat layer. The lard should simmer very gently, like broth.

    10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, peeled garlic, peppercorns and salt the water. Let the lard boil with spices for 10 minutes, then remove it from the heat and leave to cool without removing it from the broth.

    4. When the broth has cooled, remove the lard to a wire rack or paper towel to remove excess liquid.

    5. Sprinkle its surface with mustard powder, red pepper and dried herbs according to your taste. You can take a little coriander, parsley, dill, and onion. Or you can use ready-made meat seasoning kits.

    I bring to your attention a recipe for the best boiled lard. Previously, I couldn’t even think that I would like boiled lard, but after preparing it according to this recipe, I realized that it was incredibly tasty. The peculiarity of this dish is the preparation of lard in onion skins: it gives an appetizing golden hue and special notes of taste. Homemade lard It turns out soft, tender and aromatic. Everything is prepared simply, without unnecessary complications. This dish will certainly delight you with its spicy taste and will diversify the holiday table with meat snacks. If you love lard, then be sure to prepare it in this original way.


    • 1 kilogram of fresh lard;
    • 1 liter of cold plain water;
    • 150 grams of salt;
    • 2 heads of garlic;
    • 5 bay leaves;
    • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns;
    • 1 teaspoon coriander peas;
    • a pinch of allspice (corns);
    • 3 handfuls of onion peels;
    • garlic to taste;
    • seasoning for lard to taste.

    The best boiled lard. Step by step recipe

    1. First, let's prepare the marinade. To do this, pour dry onion skins, add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, allspice and coriander peas.
    2. You can use any spices, based on your taste: the amount of spices you can adjust the spiciness and piquancy of the dish. With lard you can use ginger, red paprika, hot peppers chili, ground black pepper, dry ground basil, coriander, saffron and cloves.
    3. You can use one or more types of spices to create a mix of flavors.
    4. Garlic should be added whole, not peeled, but before that you need to cut off the tails and rinse under cold running water. In order for the garlic to release its aroma, you need to make holes in it with a knife.
    5. Pour water into a saucepan with all the ingredients and put it on the fire. When the marinade boils, boil it for another five minutes.
    6. While the marinade is preparing, prepare the lard: it needs to be cut into small pieces, about three centimeters thick.
    7. For this recipe, I like to use lard with a layer of meat: pork chops or brisket. You can make it according to your choice, in any case it will be very tasty.
    8. When the marinade has boiled for five minutes, you need to add chopped lard to it. It must be placed so that it is completely covered with marinade. Cover the pan with a lid, from the moment it boils, over medium heat, boil the lard for ten minutes.
    9. If your marinade does not completely cover the lard, then add a little boiled water, but do not overdo it, so as not to spoil the taste of the marinade.
    10. When the lard is boiled, it must be removed from the heat and left to cool at room temperature. When the lard has cooled, it should be placed in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours.
    11. When the lard is marinated in the refrigerator, each piece needs to be removed from the pan and wiped well with a paper towel: this will remove excess moisture.
    12. After this, take the garlic, peel it, crush it with a press and mix with the lard seasoning, mix well until smooth. Lightly coat each piece of lard with the prepared homogeneous mass of garlic and seasoning.
    13. Ready lard should be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container.

    The best boiled lard turns out amazing and rich, very tasty. It looks simply amazing: the onion skins give it a very beautiful color. The cooking recipe is really simple, even a novice cook can handle it. Before serving, the lard must be removed from the refrigerator, cut into thin slices - and can be served with black bread, mustard and fresh vegetables. Lard simply melts in your mouth - this delicacy is perfect for the holiday table and is one of the first to be scattered among meat snacks. On the “Very Tasty” website you can find a lot interesting recipes. Bon appetit!

    Boiled lard is a favorite delicacy among all Slavic peoples, although it is, of course, especially popular in Ukraine. It is served to the table along with black bread, used as hearty snack. Boiled lard can also be added to salads and soups, supplemented with it meat dishes and side dishes. The recipes for this delicacy are simple and straightforward, so you can start preparing it right away without fear of failure.

    Many people prefer boiled lard, because it retains a lot of useful substances, and there are significantly fewer calories in such a treat than, for example, in cracklings. Doctors and nutritionists say that even one piece of lard a day will be an excellent prevention of heart disease. At the same time, all the fats it contains are easily processed by the body, so you don’t have to worry about your figure.

    Boiled lard without any spices is unlikely to seem tasty to anyone, so chefs all over the world are coming up with more and more new sets of seasonings for preparing this product. All recipes always contain salt and garlic, and they also often add ground pepper and peppercorns, paprika, coriander, dried herbs and Provençal herbs. In stores you can even find special seasonings for lard, which are already collected in one bag.

    Lard is served cold, cut into small thin pieces. Along with it, you can offer guests black bread, salt and fresh green onions.

    Secrets of making perfect boiled lard

    Boiled lard is a delicious Ukrainian appetizer that will decorate any feast. On festive table It is best served with alcoholic drinks, and at home the dish will sell as a hearty snack. If the recipes how to cook boiled lard, it seemed to you not enough, remember a few more culinary secrets about this delicacy:

    Secret No. 1. To make the treat truly tasty, it is important to choose the right lard before cooking it. It must be white, without yellowness and dark spots. The skin should also be light. Be sure to pay attention to the smell of the product - it should be fresh, without signs of rotten meat. Secret No. 2. It is recommended to store the finished lard in foil. This way it will stay fresh longer and retain its taste and aroma. Secret No. 3. To cook delicious lard, you will need a large amount of salt. Don’t be afraid to over-salt the dish – it will take exactly as much seasoning as needed. Secret No. 4. Boiled lard will taste best if it contains at least small layers of meat.

    Boiled lard smoked in onion skins

    The lard according to this recipe is not actually smoked, but the taste and color are practically no different from smoked lard. You don't need the onion itself for cooking - just the peel. In this case, it is recommended to take the peels of old onions - they give off their color better. The total cooking time will take approximately 3 hours, then the dish can be served to guests. It will look great on the holiday table. It is best to cook lard with husks in a large saucepan, and in a small saucepan you will have to turn it over occasionally.


    • 700 g pork lard;
    • 4 onions;
    • 5 peas of allspice;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 50 g salt;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the onion skins and lard thoroughly and dry.
    2. Pour a liter of water into the pan and add salt.
    3. Place the husks in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes.
    4. Place the lard in a whole piece onto the husks and continue cooking for another 45 minutes.
    5. Remove the pan from the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes.
    6. Mix all the spices, peel the garlic and cut into halves.
    7. Place the prepared lard on a plate and sprinkle with spices on all sides.
    8. Place the garlic clove halves evenly over a piece of lard.
    9. Wrap the lard in foil and leave in the freezer for 2 hours.

    Salted boiled lard with spices in a bag

    For this recipe, you must choose lard with meat streaks. With the help of the most ordinary package, it can be turned into a real delicacy that will cause sincere delight among all tasters. How much salt is needed is not indicated in the recipe - you need to generously rub a piece of lard with it, adjusting the amount at your discretion. Before cooking, be sure to remove the air from the bag of lard. The fat that remains in the bag after cooking can be used for frying.


    • 500 g lard;
    • 6 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tsp. Provençal herbs;
    • 1 tsp. black pepper;
    • 1 hour

      Boiled lard - 8 recipes

      l. ground paprika;

    • Salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the lard, let it dry, then make several cuts.
    2. Place whole cloves of garlic into the cuts.
    3. Rub the lard well with salt and all the other seasonings specified in the recipe.
    4. Let the lard sit for 2 hours, then transfer it to a bag and tie tightly.
    5. Place the tied bag in two more similar bags and tie them too.
    6. Boil a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, put lard in bags into it.
    7. Cook for 2 hours, cool the lard directly in the bag, and only then remove it to a plate.

    Homemade boiled lard with garlic

    The simplest recipe for boiled lard, which is perfect for beginner cooks. If desired, you can supplement it with your favorite spices, but even without them the dish will turn out tasty and aromatic. Push the garlic as deep as possible into the lard. It's best to cut it into halves or quarters, although small cloves can be used whole. Ready lard should be stored in the refrigerator - it is only marinated in the freezer.


    • 500 g lard;
    • 1 head of garlic;
    • 500 ml water;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Scrape the lard with a knife, rinse, and stuff with garlic.
    2. Boil water in a saucepan and salt it well.
    3. Place the lard in the pan and wait until the water boils again.
    4. Cook the lard for 20 minutes with the lid closed, then remove from the saucepan and let the water drain.
    5. Wrap the lard in cling film and keep in the freezer for half an hour.

    Now you know how to cook boiled lard according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

    Knowing how to cook lard correctly, you can prepare an excellent nutritious dish that can take pride of place even on your holiday table. There are a large number of ways to prepare this product, traditional for Slavic peoples.

    Boiled lard with spices in a bag

    The resulting lard is very tasty and tender and can be cooked with spices. Next we tell you how to make such a savory dish.

    Simple boiled lard - recipe

    To prepare this recipe you will need:

    • 1.5 kg of lard;
    • 0.5 kg salt,
    • Bay leaf;
    • black peppercorns;
    • garlic - to taste.

    How to cook lard - cooking technology:

    1. In order to cook lard, you can also take frozen lard, but it is better, of course, to take fresh lard, with a well-processed skin and a meat layer. The lard is thoroughly washed and cut into pieces of such a size that they are convenient for cooking and easily fit into the pan.
    2. Pour water into the pan and add salt in the proportion per liter of water - 100 g. salt. After the brine for cooking lard has boiled, you need to add all the spices to it. Classic recipe How to cook lard involves using only bay leaves and black peppercorns. However, the aroma and taste of lard can be significantly diversified if you select the appropriate spices. In addition to bay leaves and pepper, you can add coriander, cloves, cumin, dill and mustard seeds to the lard. Immerse pieces of lard in the brine with spices, making sure that the lard is completely immersed in the brine. You need to cook the lard over low heat for 40 minutes to an hour.
    3. Pieces of lard are removed from the brine, lightly dried with a linen towel or napkin and, while still hot, sprinkled with a mixture prepared from chopped garlic and ground black pepper. The pieces of lard sprinkled with spices should be wrapped in parchment paper and a kitchen towel until they cool completely. When the lard has cooled, unwrap it and put it in the refrigerator.

    Boiled lard - recipe with spices

    1. First you need to select the most suitable lard for further processing.
    2. You can take frozen lard, but of course it is better to find fresh lard with a small layer of meat and a well-processed skin. Next, to cook, the lard must be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces so that it is convenient for you to cook them. It is better to cut them approximately 10x8 cm in size so that they can be salted evenly.
    3. To prepare boiled lard, pour water into a saucepan and add salt, approximately 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water.
    4. We wait for the brine to boil, then add the previously prepared spices into it. The most common examples of spices are bay leaf and hard black pepper, but you can add spices at your discretion: cloves, cumin, coriander, mustard. Then we immerse the pieces of lard in the brine with spices, but we must ensure that they are not completely immersed in the brine. Cook lard according to this recipe over low heat for at least 40 minutes.
    5. When the boiled lard is ready, remove it from the brine, dry it lightly but quickly with a napkin or a clean kitchen towel, and while our boiled lard is still hot, sprinkle it with pre-mixed chopped garlic and ground pepper. Then wrap the sprinkled pieces in a kitchen towel and let it cool completely. As soon as the boiled lard has cooled, unwrap it and place the boiled lard in the refrigerator.
    6. You can do it differently, do not rush to remove the pieces of lard from the brine, let them cool right in the pan and only then sprinkle them with chopped garlic and ground pepper. Then it is better to wrap the boiled lard in foil and leave it for a while, allowing the boiled lard to be filled with juicy spices.
    7. It is better to store boiled lard in the refrigerator or freezer. Frozen pieces of boiled lard are more practical; they are very convenient to cut into thin slices.

    Video with a recipe for making aromatic boiled lard

    MurrrrkaRussia, Khabarovsk Reputation: +2730 All author's recipes: 114 Publication date: 2016-02-22 I liked the recipe: 23

    Recipe: Boiled lard - In a bag.

    lard with layers of meat - 7 medium pieces;
    carrots - 2-3 pcs;
    garlic - 7-10 cloves;
    salt - how much lard will take;
    ground black pepper - how much lard will take

    Cooking method: Perhaps the name of this snack does not sound very appetizing to the ear. But believe me, it is very tasty! When I prepared boiled lard for the first time, I was also afraid that no one in the family would eat it. That's why I cooked only three pieces. Which I later regretted greatly. After all, the yummy turned out to be incredible! For me it tastes even better than salted lard. The whole family is delighted. They eat with pleasure. And by the way, store-bought sausage They began to eat much less when I learned to cook boiled lard.

    Even a novice housewife can prepare such a snack. It is not difficult. It's just time-consuming. In addition to the ingredients listed above, we will need a deep saucepan and two plastic bags.

    In order for it to turn out tasty, lard must be taken with a good layer of meat. The thicker the layer, the tastier it is.

    Pieces of lard need to be washed under running water. cold water and dry with a towel.

    Carrots and garlic need to be cut into thin strips.

    Now you need to stuff the pieces of lard with this straw. That is, you need to use a knife to make slits in the lard and insert pieces of carrots and garlic there. It is more convenient to use a knife that is short and not very wide (about 1cm wide). You need to push the vegetable straws deeper into the slots so that they don’t fall out.

    And now the stuffed pieces of lard need to be properly rolled in salt and black pepper. In my experience, when preparing boiled lard, it does not matter whether the salt is fine or coarse. I cooked both ways. This time I had some left over from cold salting of lard. That's why I used coarse salt.

    Pour salt and ground black pepper into a plate (preferably with small sides).

    How to cook lard in a bag. Recipe with garlic and spices.

    And thoroughly roll the pieces of lard in this mixture on all sides. Then sprinkle additional black pepper so that the pieces of lard are dark.

    The rolled pieces of lard can be immediately placed in a double plastic bag, in which we will cook the lard. That is, we take ordinary clean packaging bags, put them one on top of the other and put pieces of lard in them. I have seven pieces in this bag. And there's still room left. That is, you can expect that the bag will fit up to eight pieces of lard.

    We tie the bag with lard in two knots. Put it in a saucepan.

    Pour boiling water over it (don’t be afraid, nothing will happen to the bags). To pour lard, 1.5 liters of boiling water was enough for me, i.e. one kettle.

    Please note that if you cook a small number of pieces (3-5), the bag of lard will float. Do not be afraid. It will still cook. The main thing is to cook with the lid closed.

    Let's cook. We wait until it boils, reduce the heat to “a little less than medium” and cook under a closed lid for 2.5 hours.

    When the cooking time is up, it is important to immediately remove the lard from the pan and remove it from the bag.

    It is best to do this with gloves, since you are unlikely to pick it up with a fork - you will only ruin it, and it is hot to handle with bare hands. But you cannot leave lard in the bag, because the rendered fat (and there is a lot of it rendered) will harden on the product and will be tasteless.

    Next, our pieces of lard need to be cooled at room temperature, and then cooled in the refrigerator. I don’t recommend trying warm lard; you’re unlikely to like it. But after cooling in the refrigerator, you can enjoy the wonderful snack that you prepared yourself! Boiled lard can be served sliced, put on a sandwich, eaten without additives, or with horseradish and mustard.

    Bon appetit!

    Cooking time:PT03H20M3 hours 20 minutes.

    Is this a good recipe?

    Boiled lard is a favorite delicacy among all Slavic peoples, although it is, of course, especially popular in Ukraine. It is served to the table along with black bread, using it as a hearty snack. Boiled lard can also be added to salads and soups, and complemented with meat dishes and side dishes. The recipes for this delicacy are simple and straightforward, so you can start preparing it right away without fear of failure.

    Many people prefer boiled lard, because it retains many useful substances, and there are significantly fewer calories in such a treat than, for example, in cracklings. Doctors and nutritionists say that even one piece of lard a day will be an excellent prevention of heart disease. At the same time, all the fats it contains are easily processed by the body, so you don’t have to worry about your figure.

    Boiled lard without any spices is unlikely to seem tasty to anyone, so chefs all over the world are coming up with more and more new sets of seasonings for preparing this product. All recipes always contain salt and garlic; ground pepper and peppercorns, paprika, coriander, dried herbs and Provençal herbs are also often added. In stores you can even find special seasonings for lard, which are already collected in one bag.

    Lard is served cold, cut into small thin pieces. Along with it, you can offer guests black bread, salt and fresh green onions.

    Secrets of making perfect boiled lard

    Boiled lard is a delicious Ukrainian appetizer that will decorate any feast. On a holiday table, it is best served with alcoholic drinks, and at home, the dish will sell as a hearty snack. If the recipes how to cook boiled lard, it seemed not enough for you, remember a few more culinary secrets about this delicacy:

    Secret No. 1.

    To make the treat truly tasty, it is important to choose the right lard before cooking it. It must be white, without yellowness or dark spots. The skin should also be light. Be sure to pay attention to the smell of the product - it should be fresh, without signs of rotten meat.

    Secret No. 2.

    It is recommended to store the finished lard in foil. This way it will stay fresh longer and retain its taste and aroma.

    The lard according to this recipe is not actually smoked, but the taste and color are practically no different from smoked lard. You don't need the onion itself for cooking - just the peel. In this case, it is recommended to take the peels of old onions - they give off their color better. The total cooking time will take approximately 3 hours, then the dish can be served to guests. It will look great on the holiday table. It is best to cook lard with husks in a large saucepan, and in a small saucepan you will have to turn it over occasionally.


    • 700 g pork lard;
    • 4 onions;
    • 5 peas of allspice;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 50 g salt;
    • 4 cloves of garlic;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the onion skins and lard thoroughly and dry.
    2. Pour a liter of water into the pan and add salt.
    3. Place the husks in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes.
    4. Place the lard in a whole piece onto the husks and continue cooking for another 45 minutes.
    5. Remove the pan from the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes.
    6. Mix all the spices, peel the garlic and cut into halves.
    7. Place the prepared lard on a plate and sprinkle with spices on all sides.
    8. Place the garlic clove halves evenly over a piece of lard.
    9. Wrap the lard in foil and leave in the freezer for 2 hours.

    Secret No. 3.

    For this recipe, you must choose lard with meat streaks. With the help of the most ordinary package, it can be turned into a real delicacy that will cause sincere delight among all tasters. How much salt is needed is not indicated in the recipe - you need to generously rub a piece of lard with it, adjusting the amount at your discretion. Before cooking, be sure to remove the air from the bag of lard. The fat that remains in the bag after cooking can be used for frying.


    • 500 g lard;
    • 6 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tsp. Provençal herbs;
    • 1 tsp. black pepper;
    • In order to prepare tasty lard, you will need a large amount of salt. Don’t be afraid to over-salt the dish – it will take exactly as much seasoning as needed.
    • Salt.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the lard, let it dry, then make several cuts.
    2. Place whole cloves of garlic into the cuts.
    3. Rub the lard well with salt and all the other seasonings specified in the recipe.
    4. Let the lard sit for 2 hours, then transfer it to a bag and tie tightly.
    5. Place the tied bag in two more similar bags and tie them too.
    6. Boil a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, put lard in bags into it.
    7. Cook for 2 hours, cool the lard directly in the bag, and only then remove it to a plate.

    The simplest recipe for boiled lard, which is perfect for beginner cooks. If desired, you can supplement it with your favorite spices, but even without them the dish will turn out tasty and aromatic. Push the garlic as deep as possible into the lard. It's best to cut it into halves or quarters, although small cloves can be used whole. Ready lard should be stored in the refrigerator - it is only marinated in the freezer.


    • 500 g lard;
    • 1 head of garlic;
    • 500 ml water;
    • Salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. Scrape the lard with a knife, rinse, and stuff with garlic.
    2. Boil water in a saucepan and salt it well.
    3. Place the lard in the pan and wait until the water boils again.
    4. Cook the lard for 20 minutes with the lid closed, then remove from the saucepan and let the water drain.
    5. Wrap the lard in cling film and keep in the freezer for half an hour.

    Now you know how to cook boiled lard according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!
