Hawaiian pizza toppings. Classic Hawaiian chicken and pineapple pizza. Final stage: assembling the pizza

Among all the modern varieties of pizza, Hawaiian pizza has earned the greatest popularity. The reason for this is an interesting combination of ingredients: salty sauce, cheese and chicken (or ham) with sweet pineapple pieces. For all lovers of salty-sweet flavor balances, we recommend preparing this pizza according to one of the recipes presented below.

Homemade Hawaiian Pizza Recipe

If you decide to cook homemade pizza from scratch, without using preparations, then pay attention to this version of the dish. Within its framework, the filling will be placed on a light, soft, slightly fluffy dough.

IN this recipe We will use ham, but you can replace it with chicken if desired.


For the base:

  • yeast – 2 ¼ teaspoons;
  • water – 315 ml;
  • flour – 445 g;
  • olive oil– 35 ml;
  • a pinch of salt and sugar.

For filling:

  • – 135 ml;
  • grated cheese – 165 g;
  • ham – 85 g;
  • pineapples – 70 g;
  • bacon - 3 slices.


Before you make Hawaiian pizza, you need to make the dough. For the dough, dilute a little sugar in warm water and add yeast to it. When the yeast solution foams, pour it into the flour mixed with salt along with olive oil. Knead the ingredients for about 7 minutes, then leave everything to proof. Divide the expanded dough into the desired number of slices (depending on the diameter and thickness of the pizza), cover each of the dough disks with sauce and place the filling on top: first the cheese, followed by pieces of ham, pineapple and fried bacon.

Cook the pizza in an oven preheated to 240 degrees for 14-16 minutes.

Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Pizza - Recipe

The difference between this recipe and all analogue ones is the use of barbecue sauce in the base. The latter goes perfectly with chicken and gives the pizza a light taste and smoky aroma.


  • a portion of pizza dough;
  • BBQ sauce – 85 ml;
  • cheese – 95 g;
  • chicken – 165 g;
  • canned pineapple – 115 g;
  • onions – 35 g;
  • a handful of cilantro (if desired).


After boiling the chicken, divide it into pieces of the desired size and disassemble into fibers. Coat the pizza base with barbecue sauce, sprinkle with cheese, chicken and pineapple pieces. Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 230 degrees and cook for 10-13 minutes. Serve the dish by sprinkling with cilantro leaves and thin onion half rings.

Hawaiian pizza with white sauce

By changing the sauces, you can change the taste of the pizza, leaving all other components of the dish untouched. For fans of soft pizza, creamy taste, we recommend replacing the usual tomato base with bechamel.


  • pizza base – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 370 ml;
  • flour – 15 g;
  • cheese – 145 g;
  • pineapple rings – 5 pcs.;
  • chicken – 175 g.


Start by making the Hawaiian Pizza Sauce. Lightly brown the flour and dilute it with milk. When the sauce base begins to boil and thicken, add a handful of cheese and leave on the stove until it is completely melted.

Cover the pizza base with a layer white sauce, place chicken with pineapple pieces on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Leave the pizza to bake at 230 degrees for 14-16 minutes.



Roll out the dough halves into a thin disc and place the first half of the Hawaiian pizza topping, which is a garlic ricotta mixture, on the surface. Cover the cheese layer with slices of ham, sprinkle with herbs and arrange pineapple slices with half rings of red onion. Press the edges of the dough disk together and leave closed pizzas in the oven at 210 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Hawaiian pizza with pineapples and ham

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While leisurely strolling through spring Bucharest, my wife and I stopped in for a cup of coffee at a very nice pizzeria. Leafing through the menu, we saw a tempting offer - Hawaiian pizza with pineapples: you take one, the second is half price. Shall we order something exotic? Lets do it! We ate a big pizza and since then the recipe for Hawaiian pizza has migrated to our kitchen. I'm making pizza classic recipe with pineapples and ham, cheese and homemade ketchup. Sometimes I add chicken. I make the base from regular bread dough, fluffy so that there is something to chew, but you can stretch it thinner and get a thin crust pizza.


Yeast pizza dough:

  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • warm water – 2/3 cup;
  • fresh yeast – 15 g;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l;
  • fine salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. l.

Toppings for Hawaiian pizza with pineapple:

  • boiled ham – 200 g;
  • homemade ketchup or thick tomato sauce – 4-5 tbsp. l;
  • canned pineapple – 0.5 cans or 4 cups fresh;
  • hard cheese – 150-200 g;
  • ground black pepper, oregano - to taste.

How to Make Hawaiian Pineapple and Ham Pizza. Recipe with photo

We will knead the dough in a deep bowl. Pour in sugar and salt, crumble the yeast cube, making sure that the expiration date has not expired. Old yeast will not rise the dough, the cake will be flat and tasteless. Grind for half a minute until a brownish paste forms.

We heat the water so that it is not very hot, but noticeably warm. Pour into the yeast, stir.

Sift the flour. Pour in a little more than half, add the rest when kneading the dough. IN yeast dough For pizza, it is better to add flour in portions, this will make it easier to knead and control the consistency.

Pour in olive oil or other vegetable oil that you usually add to the dough.

Mix the ingredients until a sticky flour mass forms. Place on the table, knead by hand, gradually adding the rest of the flour. When kneading, the dough will first be sticky and lumpy; as you knead, it will become smooth and soft, but will remain elastic and spring back when pressed. Roll into a bun and place in a deep proofing container.

Be sure to cover the dishes and place them closer to the radiator or in a warm oven (heat it up and turn it off), or a pan of hot water. After an hour, the dough will rise and triple in size.

Lightly knead the fluffy dough, place it on paper and stretch it with your hands into a round cake about a centimeter thick. Or we make a large pizza on a thin crust, stretching the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm. Lubricate with ketchup, tomato sauce(I made a mixture of ketchup and homemade adjika). Sprinkle with black ground pepper, oregano. Leave the base for 10-15 minutes to make it thicker. If you are cooking on a thin crust, add the filling right away.

Making the topping for Hawaiian pizza with pineapple. We cut the ham into strips and plates. Arrange on the base in random order. If desired, you can add boiled ham chicken fillet, take half as much as ham.

Fill the empty spaces with pineapple pieces. You need to drain the juice from canned ones (hold in a colander), cut out the dense middle of fresh ones.

Place the Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees at medium level. Bake for 20 minutes thin crust 15 minutes is enough. We take it out, sprinkle it with grated cheese and leave for another 3-5 minutes until the cheese melts.

Now the Hawaiian pineapple pizza is completely ready. We quickly take out the plates, ketchup, cut fresh vegetables and serve.

We divide the pizza into segments with a knife, put it on plates. Hawaiian pizza with pineapples and ham is especially tasty hot, while the cheese is soft and stretchy, so don’t hesitate to cut off a piece and enjoy the exotic combination of flavors. Bon appetit! Your Plyushkin.

Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and chicken is very popular in Europe, and despite the beautiful name, it has nothing to do with Hawaii. Most likely, the dish got its name due to the filling, namely the presence of a sweet exotic fruit, popular on the resort islands.

The main components of Hawaiian pizza are boiled chicken and pineapples, covered with a thick layer of cheese. Sometimes, for variety, bacon or ham is added to the main ingredients for a brighter taste. Consider a simple recipe for Hawaiian pizza with thin Italian dough.


For the test:

  • dry instant yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - about 200 g;
  • water - 130 ml;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon.

For filling:

  • canned pineapples - 120 g;
  • chicken fillet - 100-150 g;
  • ham (optional) - 50-80 g;
  • cheese - about 100 g;
  • oregano - ½ teaspoon;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Hawaiian pizza with pineapples recipe with photos

How to Make Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Pizza

  1. Sift most of the flour (about 150 g) into a deep container. Throw in salt, add dry yeast and sugar. Mix thoroughly, combining the dry ingredients.
  2. Pour in pre-boiled warm (but not hot!) water. The temperature of the liquid should be approximately 35 degrees.
  3. Stir the sticky flour mixture vigorously and then add the oil.
  4. Add flour little by little and knead the dough by hand. As a result, it should stop sticking to your hands, but at the same time remain soft and quite “pliable”. You may need more or less flour than indicated in the recipe - everything depends on its quality and gluten content, so we focus on consistency.
  5. Place the dough in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time it should rise and increase in size by about 2 times. You can place the container with the dough in a pan of warm water or use the good old proven method - wrap it in a blanket and leave it to “rest”.
  6. Knead the dough that has increased in size slightly with your hands and roll it into a layer to fit the baking sheet. The thickness of the pizza base should not exceed 4 mm.
  7. Transfer to a baking sheet dusted with flour or lined with parchment. thin dough(in our example we used a round pizza pan with a diameter of 28 cm). If the dough shrinks, gently stretch it with your hands. Lubricate the prepared base with tomato paste and sprinkle with oregano.

    How to Make Hawaiian Pineapple Pizza Toppings

  8. We separate the pre-boiled chicken fillet into fibers and distribute it over the pizza base.
  9. To diversify the taste, add ham - cut it into small pieces and scatter in random order. If desired, this ingredient can be omitted.
  10. Next, lay out the pineapple pieces, filling the empty spaces.
  11. Sprinkle the filling thickly with finely grated cheese.
  12. Place our Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and chicken in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Let stand for about 10-20 minutes. After cooling slightly, divide the pizza into segments and serve.

Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Pizza is ready! We enjoy the exotic combination of products and stretchy cheese. Bon appetit!

Dough for 2 pizzas:
  • 400 g flour
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil(preferably olive)
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast (fast acting)
Filling for 1 pizza:
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce (or 1 tbsp. tomato paste)
  • 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. oregano (optional)
  • ≈150 g ham (or boiled chicken fillet)
  • ≈120 g canned pineapples
  • ≈150-200 g of cheese (preferably thick mozzarella, or Russian, Dutch cheese, etc.)

When I asked my husband what kind of pizza to make, he said with pineapples. However, I had no doubt, I know that this is his favorite variety. Pizza with the addition of pineapples is called Hawaiian (Pizza Hawaii), it is of American origin, but has nothing to do with Hawaii :-)
As is known, the most tasty pizza– this is a pizza with a lot of cheese, so we don’t skimp on the filling, we cook it for ourselves. One pizza should use at least 150 g of cheese, even 200 g is better.
To prepare the crust, I used the simplest bread dough. It seems to me that baking is not needed here, that is, no eggs, milk, etc. there is no need to add it to the dough. The dough needs to be stretched quite thin to create a thin crust pizza. It’s better to prepare the dough for two pizzas at once, otherwise you may not get enough of one. I made one pizza with ham and pineapples, another with chicken and pineapples. I liked both, although it probably tasted better with ham.
Makes two pizzas with a diameter of 28 cm.


Prepare the dough.
Place most of the flour (350g), sugar, salt, dry yeast into a container and mix.

Gradually pour in warm water (about 35 degrees, it feels slightly warm to the touch).

Mix with your hand until combined, start kneading.
Add oil, stir.

Place the dough on the table (add some of the remaining flour). Continue kneading the dough thoroughly on the table for at least 5-7 minutes, gradually adding the remaining flour.
The dough should stop sticking to your hands, but it should remain soft and pliable, it should not be tough. You may need more or less flour, I used 400 g.

Return the dough to the container and place it in a warm place to rise (I put it in a pan with warm water).

The dough should double or triple in size, this will take approximately 1-1.5 hours.

Let's prepare the filling.
Cut the ham into pieces.

Break the chicken fillet into fibers.

Cut the pineapples into pieces.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Divide the dough into 2 parts.
Knead the first part a little, roll out the dough with a rolling pin on the table into a circle.

The dough is very elastic, soft, and can shrink back. Then I stretched it with my hands on weight.
If you are confident in your dexterity, you can spin it by throwing it high into the air, as they do in pizzerias :-)

The dough should be 28 cm in diameter (3-4 mm thick), place it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

If signature recipes yeast dough and sauce are usually kept under taboo; it is easier to recognize the composition of the filling. In Hawaiian pizza, in addition to the ubiquitous cheese, there is only poultry and canned pineapple. Sometimes corn grains, olives, pickled vegetables, mushrooms and even ham are added to them.

I’m closer to the standard version of “Hawaiian” - minimalist, light and balanced - this is what children like. For clarity, for those who want to work as a pizza maker at home, I will show the assembly principle step by step.


  • wheat flour approximately 280 g
  • dry yeast 5 g
  • olive oil 50 ml + for frying chicken
  • warm water 100 ml
  • sea ​​salt 5-10 g
  • hard cheese 150 g
  • mozzarella cheese 150 g
  • tomato sauce 100 g
  • canned pineapple 550 g
  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • hot peppers taste


    Do not add to filling raw chicken- before harvesting, the meat must be edible. And the more deliciously you season it, without over-drying it, the better the pizza itself will turn out. You can fillet or separate the poultry meat from the bone, removing fat layers and skin, then boil, bake or fry. I like quick frying in a pan. The juiciness and tenderness of the fibers are preserved, the chicken has time to soak in spices and oil, and a minimum of time is spent.

    First, wash the chicken fillet in cold water, dry, cut off fatty areas, films - divide clean pieces not too finely, we don’t need minced meat, preferably in cubes or bars of medium (palpable to the tooth) size. Mix with selected salt, hot pepper, herbs- place in a frying pan with hot oil and at high heat, stirring, fry for 7-10 minutes. First, evaporate the resulting moisture, then, after slightly browning, remove from the stove. Fried chicken let cool; when hot, it will tear the dough.

    More often they cook with yeast dough, and many have their own proven method. I propose to supplement the selection with what has already been mentioned. The universal flatbread is suitable not only for Margherita pizza, but also for any other. If desired, and for a more fluffy crumb, water can be replaced with kefir or some liquid fermented milk drink. Let me remind you that dry yeast takes three times less weight than fresh (pressed). If you knead and proof the bun in advance, all that remains is to form the dough and bake.

    Place the pieces of canned pineapple in a colander, let the juice escape, and dry a little - tomato sauce is enough to saturate the base, so no other moisture is needed. At the same time we grind two types of cheese: hard and curdled brine. Hard ones with the usual shavings or easily tear them apart, crumble them into different-sized slices - I recommend buying cheese with a sharp edge and an expressive aroma. And of course, smooth, stretchy mozzarella is especially necessary here. Snow-white mozzarella can be cut into neat circles, cubes, also torn into arbitrary fragments or small balls left whole.

    Distanced, soft dough we roll it out or simply stretch it with our hands - we form a traditional round or rectangular cake, if necessary, we make not one large-scale, but several portioned pieces.

    Lubricate the stretched layer with aromatic tomato sauce - cover the entire area with a thick layer. The sauce is suitable both purchased and prepared independently, from fresh tomatoes, based on concentrated tomato paste and even ketchup. Taste, thicken, evaporating excess liquid, season with fragrant herbs (basil, thyme), add crushed garlic, hot pepper - the layer should be generous and appetizing. This is an important and mandatory component for this type of baking.

    Place the fried and cooled chicken pieces on top of the red sauce. We additionally tear or cut large cubes or bars - fill the surface evenly so that everyone gets the chicken. In another version, sausage, ham, smoked meats, and all sorts of meat delicacies can take the place of chicken.

    The order of filling is arbitrary. If you want, scatter the pineapples first, then the fillets. The main thing is generously, in approximately equal proportions. Canned pineapples are simply necessary for Hawaiian, they create specificity, and with their sweetness, juiciness, and unique taste of a tropical fruit, they justify the name of pizza and go perfectly with poultry. Remember the now popular salad with chicken and pineapple; many people love it and prefer to serve it instead of Olivier salad at holidays.

    Now we cover it with assorted cheeses. At a minimum, you need one type of cheese that melts well and connects the entire slice. Usually, they exclude mold. But the classic ones from the hard series and optimal mozzarella are just right. Just like fruits and meat, sprinkle cheese flakes everywhere, in a relatively uniform thickness, covering empty spaces. Preheat the oven to maximum, place the semi-finished product on a baking sheet into the already hot oven. Bake at a temperature of 190-200 degrees until the cheese is melted, lightly browned, the top is on top and the crumb is ready - about 25 minutes.

Homemade Hawaiian pizza is ready! Serve large in portioned pieces snack with drinks. Bon appetit.
