How to cook pumpkin quickly with potatoes. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Mashed potatoes with pumpkin, recipe

Oven baked potatoes I think everyone loves it! Ruddy slices of the world's most common root vegetable, prepared in this way, are wonderful with any meat, fish, vegetable salads, or just like that. Juicy, spicy, aromatic, they just beg to be put into your mouth! It is impossible to refuse this treat, even if you have just left the table - you will still take at least a couple of pieces! I don't know why, but in my house potatoes baked in the oven, does not appear that often - despite the absolute simplicity of the dish, we cook it quite rarely. The reasons are unknown to me: you can’t blame it on laziness (everything is as simple as shelling pears), and you can’t blame it on lack of time either (an oven is a great help for busy women). In general, a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, be that as it may, we still love this dish very much - and especially in the version with pumpkin. When this dish is on the table, we practically have a gastronomic feast! Often I don’t even prepare anything meaty or fishy for this side dish - everything is eaten with great appetite and so, the dish is completely self-sufficient. Easy vegetable salad- and dinner is ready, and the dinner is delicious and loved by everyone.

Do you know what variety of potatoes is the most popular in Russia? "Hannibal"! Do you think you've never seen anything like this? But you are mistaken, the popular name for this potato is the most common “blue-eyed”, but in a clever way it was named “Hannibal” in honor of .... grandfather A.S. Pushkin, who was a breeder and, in fact, developed this variety.

The Internet, girlfriends, cookbooks offer many oven baked potato recipes. I'm sure they are all beautiful and wonderful. But you still try baked potatoes with pumpkin: I’m sure you’ll fall in love with the combination, just as my family fell in love with it back in the day.


5-6 potatoes;

half a medium sized pumpkin;

4-6 cloves of garlic;

70 ml vegetable oil;

1 tbsp. l. dried herbs (Provençal - excellent;

salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and peel the potatoes. We cut each tuber in half lengthwise, then cut each half into another 2-3 parts. Place in a bowl.

We clean the pumpkin. We remove the insides. Cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, the size of which will be slightly smaller than the size of potato slices. Place in the same bowl.

Crush the garlic. Add salt, spices, herbs. Add oil. Mix everything thoroughly in a bowl (believe me, it’s easiest to use your hands), then put it on a baking sheet and put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Bake until the potatoes are ready. Serve with ketchup, yogurt or sour cream sauce. If desired, you can also bake pieces of chicken or fish along with the potatoes and pumpkin.

Bon appetit!

I discovered stewed potatoes with pumpkin quite recently! I admit honestly, I cooked exclusively sweet dishes with pumpkin and couldn’t even imagine that it could be added to potatoes. This recipe is very, very old, and I learned it from my friend’s mother. When I was first treated to potatoes with pumpkin, my admiration for the taste knew no bounds, but it was impossible to understand that there was pumpkin in there. A very harmonious combination. During the pumpkin season, be sure to try it, it’s really delicious.


  • potatoes - 500 grams;
  • pumpkin - 500 grams (peeled);
  • onion - 2 medium;
  • meat (any) - 250 grams;
  • butter.

Potatoes with pumpkin. Step by step recipe

  1. Peel the potatoes, pumpkin and onions.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes and place in a frying pan with butter to simmer. After 5 minutes, add finely chopped onion. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. Cut the meat into small pieces and simmer until half cooked, adding a little water and butter.
  4. Combine the pumpkin, meat and chopped potatoes, add salt, pepper and water so that the top of the potatoes and pumpkin is practically not covered.
  5. Simmer everything for 30-40 minutes over medium heat.

Serve hot, sprinkled with your favorite herbs. The aroma is amazing, the taste will definitely surprise you, the color is orange. The dish is incomparable. “I love to cook” wishes you Bon appetit! We invite you to pay attention to interesting recipes.

Pumpkin and potatoes in our cuisine have long been recognized as “our” products, despite their overseas origin.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine Russian cuisine without potatoes and pumpkin. In the oven, on the grill, on the stove - these vegetables diversify the daily diet, supplying the body with healthy vitamins and minerals.

Especially pumpkin.

Scientists have long proven that brightly colored products not only have nutritional value, as a source of enzymes and carotene, but also have a positive effect on a person’s emotional state and increase appetite.

But some housewives, when creating a menu for a family lunch or dinner, are often confused by the question of combining pumpkin with other products. This is completely in vain. Let's figure it out and try to discard stereotypes.

Potatoes with pumpkin in the oven - basic technological principles

To taste, pumpkin and potatoes are neutral products that can easily be paired with any ingredients. Therefore, when preparing dishes with pumpkin or potatoes, you should rather focus on the remaining ingredients:

other vegetables,


There is one nuance that needs to be taken into account: choose nutmeg pumpkin varieties for cooking, as they are better amenable to mechanical and heat treatment, have a brighter and more pronounced taste and have almost no waste.

If you need to bake the whole pumpkin in the oven, carefully inspect the fruit - there should be no signs of damage from diseases or pests.

Potatoes for baking in the oven should be selected from varieties with a low starch content so that they are ready at the same time as the pumpkin. If you don’t know what type of potato you have in your hands, then it is better to boil it first, or put it in the oven before the pumpkin.

Meat can be baked at the same time as vegetables, but it should be finely chopped, and a cooking method such as stewing is used to prepare the dish.

There are a lot of options for preparing dishes with potatoes and pumpkin in the oven. Each of them requires careful consideration of the order of work and an idea of ​​​​what the result should be.

1. Potatoes with pumpkin in the oven - pork baked with vegetables


Pork neck 0.6 kg

Pumpkin (pulp) 300 g

Potatoes 600 g

Onion, 200 g

Prunes 150 g

For the sauce:

Sour cream (20%) 400 g

Chopped greens 100 g

Hot peppers

Butter and vegetable oil (for frying) – 50 g each


Add chopped garlic, chopped herbs (dill, parsley or other herbs) to the sour cream and season with spices. Puree the prepared mass with a blender.

Pork pulp wash, cut into bars (1x2cm). Fry in a frying pan with chopped onion, adding refined oil, and transfer to a baking dish lined with foil and greased.

Cut the peeled potatoes and washed pitted prunes into thin strips. Place prunes on the meat first, and then potatoes.

Also cut the pumpkin pulp into strips, sprinkle with sugar and fry over high heat, adding butter at the end of frying. Place the glazed pumpkin in a mold and place everything in the oven to bake at 200°C. After 15-20 minutes, pour out the prepared sauce and cover the meat and vegetables with foil. Simmer for 10 minutes, then remove the foil and brown on top. Serve the dish hot, topped with additional sour cream sauce.

2. Pumpkin with potatoes, baked in the oven - vegetable side dish


Pumpkin 400 g

Egg 3 pcs.

Potatoes (mashed) 360 g

Rice, boiled 600 g

Tomato sauce (sweet and sour) 200 ml


Nuts (sesame or ground peanuts) 50 g

Ground pepper, coriander, salt, sugar

Butter and milk (for mashed potatoes)


Cut the pumpkin into cubes and simmer until soft. Season with salt and sugar. It's good if you add a little lemon juice. Prepare pumpkin puree. Add one to it a raw egg, mix, beat and set aside for half an hour.

Next, prepare the mashed potatoes. Mash the boiled potatoes hot, add butter (50 g), a couple of cloves of chopped garlic, salt, pepper, pour in hot milk (70 ml). When the mixture has cooled, beat in the egg and stir.

IN tomato sauce, like “Krasnodarsky”, add half of the chopped herbs (the rest is for decorating the dish), spices to taste.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable fat. Preheat the oven to 220°C.

Divide the potato and pumpkin puree into 50-60 g balls. Beat the last egg to brush semi-finished products with it. Form the mashed potatoes into round cakes. For convenience, place all the semi-finished potato products on a baking sheet at once and brush them with a brush. Brush the top of each potato cake with beaten egg and place balls of pumpkin puree, also brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with nuts.

Bake the products in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Place boiled, hot rice in cups or any molds without a bottom to make it easier to form the rice into a cylinder. Place the molds on a plate and remove them carefully, leaving behind the rice. Place baked vegetable cutlets nearby. Garnish the rice with chopped herbs and pour the sauce over the cutlets.

To this complex side dish, if desired, you can serve meat or fish.

3. Meat with pumpkin and potatoes in the oven - duck in pumpkin, with orange sauce


Pumpkin, large 2.5-3.0 kg

duck breast 1.2 kg

Oranges 500 g

Quince 0.6 kg

Ginger, fresh 50 g

Sugar, salt, spicy ground pepper

For the sauce:

Cranberry 250 g

Red wine 100 ml

For garnish:

Potatoes 1.5 kg

Duck fat (for baking)

Onions 300 g

Basil, thyme, lettuce (for serving)


Wash a large round pumpkin, cut off the top part with the stalk. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and fibers from inside. Grate the ginger root and orange zest on a fine grater, add salt, sugar and ground pepper to the prepared mass. Brush the inside of the pumpkin with this mixture.

Squeeze the juice out of the oranges and pour it into the pumpkin. Cut the quince, peeled and seeded, into slices and add them to the orange juice.

Cut the musk duck fillet into 200 g slices, lightly beat and fry in a hot cast-iron frying pan without oil. Place the fried meat in the pumpkin, cover with the cut part and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Bake at medium temperature to simmer the meat.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce and potato side dish.

Wash, peel and cut medium-sized potatoes into slices or large bars. Melt the duck fat in a frying pan. Chop the onion into strips. Place the prepared vegetables in the oven, placing them in a mold and pouring melted fat over them. When the potatoes are soft, sprinkle them with spices, chopped dill and garlic. Turn off the oven and keep the potatoes in it for another 10-15 minutes so that the vegetables are saturated with the aroma of the spices.

Combine pureed cranberries with honey, stir and cook thick syrup. If desired, you can add spice (chili, cayenne pepper) or 2-3 juniper berries. Skim off foam when cooking. When the syrup thickens, add the wine and bring the sauce to a boil. Remove from stove.

Place the finished pumpkin meat and fruit into a deep bowl. Cut the pumpkin into slices and place on a plate garnished with lettuce leaves along with the baked potatoes. Serve the sauce separately. Garnish the culinary masterpiece with basil and thyme.

4. Potatoes with pumpkin in the oven - casserole with cheese

Product composition:

Pumpkin, nutmeg (pulp) 350 g

Asparagus, frozen 300 g

Potatoes 500 g

Processed cheese 400 g

Nuts, walnuts (kernels, roasted)

Canned tomatoes without skin

Celery (grated root) 50 g

Garlic sauce 500 ml


Cut the peeled pumpkin into strips and simmer in a small amount of water with added spices for 5-7 minutes.

Blanch the asparagus in salted water and drain through a colander.

Boil the peeled potatoes and then cut into bars.

Canned tomatoes cut into slices, small ones into halves, remove the seeds from them.

Grate the cheese.

Grease a deep pan with butter. Place the prepared ingredients into it in layers, pouring over each layer. garlic sauce. Sequence: potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes, pumpkin, cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature. To prevent the cheese from frying too much, first cover the dish with foil, and five minutes before readiness, remove the sheet and sprinkle the top layer with chopped herbs.

5. Oven-baked pumpkin with potatoes – a simple side dish with pumpkin sauce


Potatoes 1.2 kg (net)

Pumpkin 500 g

Bay leaf

Pepper, cayenne


Oil for sauce – vegetable 50 ml

Cream (15%) 200 ml


Peel and boil small potatoes. Transfer it to a baking dish. Season with spices, add cumin, garlic, bay leaf and dill. Pour in the cream and bake in the oven until the cream has evaporated and a golden brown crust has formed.

Blanch the peeled pumpkin until soft, prepare a puree from it, add the prepared spices and herbs. Blend the mixture with a blender until it has a homogeneous texture. Serve the sauce separately with the potatoes. This side dish will go well with meat, but it can be eaten as an independent dish.

6. Meat with pumpkin and potatoes in the oven - lamb ribs with Idaho potatoes and baked vegetables


Lamb (ribs) – for 6 servings, 300 g of meat on the bone

For the marinade:

Red wine, oregano, mint, garlic, salt, pepper mixture

New potatoes 1.2 kg

For the Idaho sauce:

Basil, oregano, rosemary, olive oil, vinegar, spices

Pumpkin 400 g

Tomatoes 200 g

Salad pepper 300 g

Eggplant 250 g

Sweet onion 350 g


10-12 hours before starting the dish, wash the lamb (it is advisable to choose young lamb meat), cut into portioned pieces and prepare the marinade from the ingredients indicated in the recipe. Spices and herbs can be added in any quantity to taste, and take enough wine to cover the meat completely, or pour the marinade into an airtight bag, put the meat in it, seal it and put the meat in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day, fry the meat in a grill pan on both sides, without adding fat. Transfer the meat to a baking sheet, pour over the remaining marinade and finish cooking in the oven.

Sort the potatoes, choosing root vegetables of the same size, wash them thoroughly with a brush and boil them in their skins until tender. Grease a separate pan with vegetable oil (to taste), place the potatoes in it and sprinkle with Idaho sauce made from oil, vinegar and finely chopped herbs. Bake until golden brown.

Peel and wash the remaining vegetables. Cut the eggplants, onions and tomatoes into slices 0.5 cm thick, peppers and pumpkin pulp into large cubes. Thread them one at a time onto long wooden skewers. Salt, sprinkle with pepper and sugar, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven on a baking sheet at maximum temperature for 10 -12 minutes.

Serve the dish in portions, or place all its parts together.

Pumpkin goes well with apples and quinces, melon, citrus fruits, pears, dried fruits, wild berries. For spices for sweet dishes with pumpkin and milk porridges, choose cinnamon; for second courses, choose herbs and spices for the main ingredients - meat or fish.

The best “companions” for potatoes are milk, butter or cream. For spices, choose dill, garlic, bay leaf, cumin.

Baked vegetables retain more vitamins. When baking pumpkin, be sure to add a little sugar to enhance its flavor. To enhance your pumpkin or potato flavor, add spices and herbs before finishing cooking, especially when cooking them in the oven.

One of the simplest dishes, to prepare it you just need to chop the vegetables, soak them in vegetable oil and put them in the oven. Baked potatoes with pumpkin are soft and flavorful. Total time costs – up to 50 minutes.

You can do without fresh tomatoes, but then the food will lose a little taste and will not turn out so juicy.


  • potatoes – 4-5 pieces (700-800 grams);
  • pumpkin – 1 piece (600-800 grams);
  • onions – 2 pieces (large);
  • tomatoes – 3 pieces (optional);
  • vegetable oil - to taste;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings and spices - to taste.

Pumpkin and Potato Recipe

1. Wash the pumpkin, cut it, clean the middle and remove the peel.

2. Cut the pulp into large slices.

The pieces must be large, since pumpkin cooks faster than potatoes.

3. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into medium slices. Chop the peeled onion into strips (feathers). Chop the tomatoes into large slices.

4. In a deep bowl, mix pumpkin with potatoes, tomatoes and onions. Drizzle with vegetable oil, add salt, pepper and spices. Stir again, then leave for 3-5 minutes to soak.

5. Preheat the oven to 180-190°C. Vegetable mixture Place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.

6. Bake the pumpkin and potatoes in the oven until cooked (the pumpkin pulp should disintegrate and the potatoes should brown and be easily pierced with a knife).

7. Ready dish Remove from the oven, sprinkle with chopped herbs (optional) and serve hot.

A nutritious and colorful side dish of oven-baked potatoes and pumpkin is a godsend dish for days when you want to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen without depriving yourself of an appetizing and tasty lunch or dinner. Augmented flavorful pieces garlic and herbs, wrapped in golden threads of spread cheese, potato and pumpkin slices prepared according to this recipe turn out tender, juicy and very tempting both in appearance and taste. So simple, cozy and hearty dish will help out at any time of the year. Try it!

To bake pumpkin and potatoes in the oven, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare the ingredients in advance. Peel and cut the potatoes and pumpkin into 0.5 cm thick slices. Cut the onions into rings. Finely chop the garlic. Grate the cheese.

Melt 2 tbsp. butter. Add 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2-3 pinches of salt, a little ground black pepper, dried herbs, chopped garlic and 2/3 grated cheese. Mix everything well.

Place potato and pumpkin slices in a bag or deep container.

Add the seasoning mixture and oil, seal the bag tightly and mix everything again.

Place potato and pumpkin slices in a baking dish, alternating with onion rings.

Pour the remaining butter and herb mixture into the baking dish and use a brush to spread the butter over the top of the vegetables, making sure to get most of the cheese and herbs between the slices.

Place the vegetables in an oven preheated to 200-210 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes until soft.

Then sprinkle the vegetables with the remaining grated cheese and place in the oven for another 5-7 minutes until the cheese melts.

Pumpkin baked with potatoes in the oven is ready to serve. Sprinkle the dish with a pinch of chopped fresh herbs and serve. Bon appetit!
