How to cook dumplings so that they don’t tear or stick together, and serve with broth. Delicious homemade dumplings with broth. Bake dumplings in the oven in pots How to prepare broth for dumplings

In many families, dumplings are a favorite food, filling and tasty. But, as you know, dumplings are different. If you are a lover of homemade food, prepared with love and from proven ingredients, then our recipes today will suit your taste. Or rather, to the table.

So, let's prepare delicious homemade ones. The recipe will be simple and detailed, so even novice housewives can handle it. Our dumplings will not be store-bought, but homemade.

Cooking homemade dumplings

The good thing about homemade dumplings is that they are made by your own hands at home. You know exactly what ingredients and type of meat they consist of, what spices were added to them, etc. The dumplings with broth that we will cook in pots today will appeal to both children and adults.

Required Ingredients

  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Two glasses of flour (sifted).
  • One onion.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • One egg.
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste.
  • Meat (pork, beef, chicken - your choice) - half a kilogram.

The process of preparing dumplings

Sift the flour directly onto the table, making a small depression. We will smash into it egg and pour water. Now you can knead the stiff dough. Ready dough should “rest” a little. To do this, place it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after wrapping it in cling film.

While the dough is preparing, make the filling for the dumplings. Remember, if you want to make tasty and satisfying dumplings with broth, we recommend using several types of meat for the filling. It can be pork and chicken, pork and beef, chicken and turkey. There can be many options, choose according to your taste.

We twist the meat through a meat grinder, add a little salt, pepper and spices, as well as finely chopped onions. Now let's move on to forming the dish.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out on a board and make a circle, the thickness of which should not be more than 20mm. If you have a special device for making dumplings, then drill it. If you don’t have one in the house, then you will always have an ordinary glass at hand with which you can form dumplings.

Place some minced meat in the center of the mold and close the edges. Now roll each dumpling a little in flour so that it does not stick together when cooking with its neighbor. Ready. Go ahead.

Dumplings in pots with mushrooms

Mushroom broth is not only tasty, but also healthy. What kind of results do you get? delicious dumplings with mushroom broth - you'll lick your fingers! Let's do a little magic and prepare a culinary masterpiece that can surprise and deliciously feed even the most capricious regulars of your kitchen table.

Required set of products

  • Homemade dumplings - 400 grams.
  • One head of onion.
  • 200 grams of mushrooms (champignons).
  • One large carrot.
  • Greens - one bunch (parsley, dill, cilantro - to choose from).
  • Spices and table salt.
  • Sour cream.

Cooking dumplings in a pot

To make homemade dumplings with broth cook faster in the oven, housewives advise boiling them on the stove first. Pour water into a saucepan, salt it, add several large slices of carrots, salt and spices. When the water boils, you can throw in our homemade dumplings. Cook the dumplings until half cooked. When they are cooked, remove them from the pan, place them on a plate with a slotted spoon and cool slightly. Place the cooled dumplings in pre-prepared pots.

While the dumplings are cooling, you can start cooking the mushrooms. The champignons should be finely chopped, salted and simmered in a frying pan for about five to seven minutes. Then add finely chopped onions to them and fry over higher heat for another two or three minutes.

Filling is one of the main ingredients of such a dish as dumplings. The recipe will require us to mix sour cream, six to eight tablespoons of the broth in which the dumplings and herbs were cooked. This is the sauce we will pour over the mushrooms and dumplings.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees in advance. We set the pots while still hot and wait for about half an hour. Remember that the lids must be closed all this time. If your pots do not have them, then replace them with regular cooking foil.

Dumplings in a pot with meat broth

There are times when dumplings should replace not just dinner, but full lunch- first and second course - two in one. with broth to make the dish high in calories and satisfying? This is where meat broth comes to the rescue.

When you simply cook dumplings, the broth consists, as you understand, of water, and there is no fat or rich structures there and will not be there. But if you cook broth from meat on the bone, then you understand that the broth will be significantly different from the usual “dumplings”.

So, cook the meat broth in advance for about two hours. It is better if you take a fatty pork or beef bone. You can add roots (celery) and vegetables (onions, carrots), and aromatic spices to the broth.

You don't have to cook this in advance. We put them frozen directly into the pots. They should occupy approximately one third of the volume of the dishes. Now add the broth almost to the top. You can place the pots directly in cold oven. We light it, set the temperature to 200 degrees and cook the dumplings with broth for about twenty minutes. Turn off the oven. Let the dish cook for some time in a hot oven.

As a result, you will get tasty and aromatic, satisfying and high-calorie dumplings with broth, which can easily replace both the first and second together. This dish is good for housewives because you don’t have to worry too much about cooking, and you can feed a large family with these pots.

8 servings

1 hour

275 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Recipe for incredibly juicy dumplings

Freezer, knife, cutting board, bowl, slotted spoon, saucepan, meat grinder, round cutter, sieve, saucepan.

For dumplings, you can buy minced meat in the store or prepare it yourself. When buying minced meat, pay attention to its appearance– it should not be gray in color or smell unpleasant. If you prepare minced meat at home, you can use any meat for it - pork, beef, turkey or chicken.

I prefer to cook mixed minced meat (pork-beef or pork-chicken). You can also combine types of meat in different proportions to suit your taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sift 3.5 cups of flour into a bowl. Add egg, salt to taste.

  2. Pour in a glass of ice water. Knead a fairly stiff but elastic dough.

    You need to knead it until it stops sticking to your hands. You may need a little more or less liquid. Check the consistency of the dough when kneading.

  3. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a damp towel (so that it does not dry out) and leave for 20-30 minutes for the gluten to swell. This process will make the dough elastic and easy to work with.

  4. Grind the meat (400-500 g) together with the onion using a meat grinder, add salt and pepper to taste and mix everything well.

  5. Freeze two-thirds of a glass of water or broth in the freezer in advance. Crush the ice and add it to the minced meat. Thanks to this, the filling will be incredibly juicy.

  6. Mix thoroughly and place the minced meat with ice in the refrigerator so that the ice does not melt ahead of time. As needed, we will take small amounts of minced meat to make dumplings.

  7. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1-2 millimeters. Using a round die or a glass, we form circles.

  8. Place minced meat (7-8 grams) in the middle of each circle and pinch each dumpling in a circle, connecting the two sides. We do this carefully so that the dumplings do not become overcooked during cooking and all the broth does not leak out of them.

  9. Cook the dumplings in salted water with the addition of bay leaves for 5-7 minutes after boiling, stirring carefully so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  10. Using a slotted spoon, remove the finished dumplings into a bowl and pour over the melted water. butter, mix (to do this, shake the bowl vigorously several times) and serve with sour cream, ketchup or any other sauce of your choice (tomato, cheese, mushroom). When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with chopped dill or parsley. Separately, serve vinegar in a gravy boat.

Video recipe for making dumplings with broth inside

For quick and easy preparation juicy dumplings, I recommend watching this video first.

  • To make the dumplings as juicy as possible, with broth inside, I recommend steaming them. To do this, the formed semi-finished products must be placed in one row in a lightly oiled steamer bowl, pour water into the reservoir and cook for 12-15 minutes.
  • You can add not only pepper to the minced meat, but also other seasonings - for example, suneli hops, ground coriander.
  • You can prepare dumplings for future use. To do this, they need to be laid out in one row on a board or dish and frozen in the freezer. After this, we transfer the dumplings into a bag and use them as needed.

Recipe for Chinese dumplings with broth inside

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 min.
Number of servings: 18 dumplings.
Calories: 215 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and supplies: refrigerator, knife, cutting board, bowl, slotted spoon, saucepan, grater, cling film, sieve, steamer (cooker).


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Gelatin (2 sheets) soaked in 100 ml cold water for 10 minutes.

  2. Heat 150 ml of concentrated chicken broth, adding a few pinches of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

  3. Add the squeezed gelatin and heat until it dissolves (do not boil!).

  4. Cool the broth, pour it into a bowl lined with cling film (to make it easier to remove later), and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

  5. Mix 240 grams of sifted flour with a teaspoon of salt and 100 ml of warm water.

  6. Knead the dough until smooth and elastic.

  7. Leave it under the film for 30 minutes.

  8. Peel 4 cloves of garlic and 3 centimeters of ginger root (reserve the rest of the ginger for serving). Grate these ingredients on a fine grater.

  9. Chop 2 green onions.

  10. Add onion, garlic, ginger and diced frozen broth to minced fatty pork (350 g).

  11. Add salt and sugar to taste to the minced meat and knead it thoroughly.

  12. On a lightly floured board, roll out the dough into a sausage 45 cm long. Cut it into 18 pieces.

  13. Roll each piece into a circle.

  14. Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle.

  15. We gather the edges of the dough and pinch them, slightly twisting them to form 10-15 folds.

  16. Place several leaves of Chinese cabbage in the steamer bowl.

  17. To the top - dumplings at some distance from each other.

  18. Cook them over high steam for 8-10 minutes. After this, take out the dumplings and serve with rice vinegar, mixed with ginger, cut into strips.

Dumplings are not just the food of bachelors. If desired, you can prepare tasty and delicious food from ordinary semi-finished products. hearty dish, who will not be ashamed to treat guests. Step-by-step instruction How to cook dumplings so that they do not fall apart and do not stick to the bottom of the pan - in this article. And also advice on how to effectively serve dumplings with broth for dinner.

Which dumplings to choose - homemade or store-bought - is everyone’s personal choice. Some people don’t mind spending time on modeling at first, but then enjoy the meat taste, while others, on the contrary, are not so picky and agree to the “whip up” option.

Homemade dumplings. |Photo: The first rule when cooking dumplings is that you need to throw them into the water frozen (the only exception is if you just stuck them on). Semi-finished products should be stored in the freezer; you should not forget them on the table, as this can lead to several dumplings sticking together into a shapeless mass.

You need to cook the dumplings without defrosting. |Photo: To cook dumplings you need a large pan. Take water at the rate of approximately 1 liter per 10 medium-sized pieces. So they definitely won’t feel cramped. First boil water over a fire, add salt and be sure to add spices - black peppercorns and bay leaf. This is the secret that many housewives know. Then the prepared dish turns out very aromatic.

For flavor, add spices to the water in which the dumplings are cooked. |Photo: When the water has boiled, load the frozen dumplings into it. Stirring them gently to prevent them from sticking to the bottom, wait for the water to boil again. At this point, you need to reduce the heat by half and cook the dumplings that float to the surface of the water until cooked. If the filling is from minced chicken, about 7-8 minutes is enough, if made from pork or beef - 10-15 minutes. Dough ready-made dumplings must be transparent.

Cook the dumplings in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. |Photo: Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon to allow the water to drain. Serve with butter, black ground pepper, sour cream, ketchup, cheese sauce or any other dressing. You can add finely chopped greens - dill and parsley.

Serve the dumplings with sauce and herbs. |Photo: If you want to serve dumplings with broth, the method of preparing them will be slightly different.

Dumplings with broth. |Photo: For cooking, you must first prepare the water correctly. Place a whole onion, cut crosswise, on the bottom of the pan. When boiling, add spices and parsley root (if available) to the water, add frozen dumplings, and mix gently. Now add a couple of spoons to the pan olive oil, semi-finished products will be cooked in such a broth.

You need to cook the dumplings in the broth for 10-15 minutes, then remove them with a slotted spoon, catch the onion and parsley root from the pan. Place the dumplings in portions into deep bowls, fill with the resulting broth, and sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit!

In the recipe offered today, delicious dumplings are complemented when served with a hearty and appetizing chicken broth. This great option for lunch. You can use any part of the chicken to make the broth. In our recipe, this is a leg, but you can also use wings, breast, and back. In principle, the broth can be made from any other meat. The choice of meat for cooking the broth is yours. 🙂 The main thing is that pre-cooked broth and the use of frozen store-bought or pre-made and frozen broth makes it possible to prepare this dish quickly and easily at any time. A step-by-step recipe with photos demonstrates how to whip up dumplings with broth.


  • chicken leg – 1 piece;
  • frozen dumplings – from 7 pieces (depending on size);
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh parsley - to taste.

How to cook dumplings with broth

First, let's boil the chicken. Along with the chicken meat, you should put a whole peeled carrot and a whole onion into the pan. I think that housewives will cope with this culinary task without any problems. Cook the chicken meat over low heat until done. Then, we extract all the ingredients, and the resulting chicken bouillon add salt to taste. Use boiled chicken at your discretion.

Transfer frozen dumplings to boiling chicken broth. Cook them until done. The time depends on the size of the dumplings, the dough and the filling.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the boiled dumplings to a deep plate.

Pour in chicken broth.

Season the broth with ground black pepper and chopped fresh parsley (or use other herbs).

An appetizing and satisfying dish - dumplings with broth - ready!

I am sure that everyone will like this simple and very tasty. Enjoy your meal!
