Prepare oak pegs for whiskey. Whiskey made from alcohol: imitation of aging moonshine and alcohol in an oak barrel. Homemade whiskey in oak barrel

The taste of ethyl alcohol diluted with water can be improved by infusing it on specially prepared oak chips (pegs). The result will be homemade whiskey that most people will not be able to distinguish from store-bought whiskey. I will talk about wood harvesting technology and infusion techniques.

Attention! Real whiskey is made from malt distillate. The method described here produces a drink that successfully imitates the taste of whiskey. For greater similarity, I recommend taking alpha class alcohol, which is produced from cereals (barley, wheat, rye), and not other starch-containing raw materials.


  • alcohol (45-50%) – 2 liters;
  • oak pegs (slats) – 100-150 grams;
  • pharmacy glucose (40%) – 20 ml or 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • soda – 1 tablespoon;
  • water (for preparing oak) – 10-14 liters.

Alcohol with a strength above 50% is first diluted with water. The fact is that strong alcohols do not absorb wood substances well. But I also do not recommend diluting below 45%, since during the infusion process the strength will decrease by several degrees.

You prepare oak pegs yourself or purchase them from a hardware store. It is desirable that the wood is as old as possible. Glucose (sold in ampoules) is needed to soften the burning taste of alcohol; it can be replaced with sugar or not added at all. Baking soda and water are used to soak tannins.

Spirit whiskey recipe

Wood preparation. The most complex process on which the lion's share of the result depends. In some recipes, the oak is not soaked, starting immediately from the sixth stage. But in this case, there is a very high probability of getting a “plinth” - a drink with a sharp, unpleasant taste. It is better to adhere to the following technique:

1. Chop dry oak into 2×2 cm pieces 8-10 cm long.

2. Soak the pieces in cold water for a day, changing the water every 6-8 hours.

3. Pour the wood with soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 5 liters of water) and leave for 6 hours.

4. Drain the solution, rinse the pieces well under running water, then put them in a saucepan, add water again (to cover completely by 5-6 cm), put on the stove and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes. If necessary, add evaporated water.

5. Drain the broth, then rinse the wood with cold water.

6. Dry the cubes in the sun for 24 hours, then wrap them in thick foil (several layers are possible), place them on a baking sheet and fry in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 150-160°C.

7. Remove the wood from the oven, unwrap the foil (when cool), then lightly char the pieces over the entire area on a gas burner. Cool the workpieces to room temperature. The resulting chips (another name is “chips”) are used not only to imitate the aging of whiskey, but also other drinks, such as cognac.

Ready chips

Infusion technology:

8. Place the prepared cubes in a glass container, add glucose (sugar), pour alcohol up to the neck and close tightly.

9. Store in a cool, dark place. The aging period depends on the properties of the oak and taste preferences. After a week of infusion, I advise you to take a sample of your spirit whiskey every 3-4 days, monitoring the smell and taste.

10. When the desired result is achieved (usually it takes 2-7 months), pour the drink into a glass container and seal it tightly.

A high-quality imitation whiskey is a product that tastes, smells and color is no different from the original product prepared in its homeland - Ireland or Scotland. To achieve full compliance with the original, it is important to strictly follow the cooking technology, as well as the proportions of the products prescribed in the recipe.

Cooked at home whiskey made from alcohol can completely imitate the original product if you adhere to a few simple rules provided by the technology:

  • To get the highest quality drink, it is recommended to use alcohol prepared with grains, which belongs to the alpha class. Such alcohol will have a mild taste and will be easy to consume;
  • The maximum strength of the workpiece should not exceed 50 degrees. Otherwise, it will not infuse well and will not acquire the desired color, smell and taste. Moreover, you should also not take it below 45 degrees, because during exposure it will become a little weaker;
  • homemade whiskey made from alcohol requires patience and time, so you definitely shouldn’t rush in the process of creating it: you should start this process at least a few weeks before the upcoming event;
  • to obtain a high-quality imitation, only one type of wood is suitable - oak, since the original is kept directly in oak barrels, which gives it such a light and pleasant taste and aroma, as well as rich color.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to achieve an amazing taste and aroma of the drink, which guests will enjoy without knowing about its origin.

Wood preparation

The rules for preparing all the necessary ingredients are also equally important. To achieve the desired result and prepare from alcohol real whiskey at home, you should prepare oak chips or the bark of this tree. First of all, they need to be bought or collected in the forest, if possible. When the wood chips are already there, they need to be washed well, then filled with cold water for about a day. During this time, all harmful substances will be washed out of them. It is advisable to drain the water regularly and refill with fresh water. Then, a day later, the pegs are filled with clean water with the addition of soda. There should be about two tablespoons of soda per 10 liters of water. They are infused in this solution for about six hours, so that all pathogenic microorganisms are also washed out, after which the solution is drained, the workpiece is thoroughly washed and steamed in a convenient way for at least two hours.

The last step is to dry the wood chips thoroughly in the oven, oven, or any other method. You can also fry them, which will ultimately give the finished drink a pleasant aroma, rich color, and mild taste.

Important! The production of this type of alcohol can be carried out exclusively on oak bark, or on wood chips, since the original is aged in oak barrels. No other type of wood can impart the same qualities to a product as oak.

There are also several ways to fry pegs. The temperature of frying will determine how the finished product will turn out: the subtle aroma of oak wood will acquire alcohol when roasting at a temperature of 150 degrees, at 205 a light vanilla flavor will appear, 215 degrees will add a smoky aroma, and 270 degree heat will help acquire an almond flavor. The frying process is carried out after wrapping the wood in several layers of foil, then charring over an open fire, which is the final stage.

Most popular recipes

Getting ready to cook whiskey made from alcohol, it is important to choose correctly recipe, which will not contain unnecessary ingredients. As a rule, the recipe for a real drink involves aging alcohol made from cereals in oak barrels for a long time. Wherein homemade whiskey recipe allows for cooking from alcohol or any other suitable drink percent fortresses

The first option for manufacturing an alcoholic product involves the use of ingredients such as glucose or sugar syrup, the amount of which is 20 ml, prepared oak chips, as well as ethyl itself. Wood is placed in the prepared container and filled with glucose. It is thanks to glucose that the taste is soft and rich. Then all this is poured with an intoxicating drink, while there should be no free space left in the container, and tightly covered with a nylon lid. It will take at least two months to infuse the drink to achieve the desired result, however, some moonshiners take the first sample after a week.

Important! During the aging process, you will need to regularly shake the product so that it receives all the necessary qualities. When shaken, the charcoal rises and mixes, so the drink infuses evenly.

You can use a lighter one recipe preparations whiskey made from alcohol at home, infusing it on oak bark. The composition will also contain charcoal and prunes, or dried apricots will be used instead of prunes. Before considering recommendations, How make whiskey from alcohol, it is important to remember Which the percentage of the product ratio must be observed. As a rule, for 2 liters of initial intoxicating drink you should take 100 grams of wood. Therefore, this recipe will require 50 grams of coal and the same amount of wood chips.

Make whiskey at home from alcohol you can do it this way:

  • place all the ingredients in a container, How many you need to fill them with boiled water and a quarter of the intoxicating drink, mix well;
  • Let it brew for a little while, then add the rest of the alcohol;
  • mix everything, cover tightly with a lid, and place in a cool, dark place for aging;
  • After one or two months, you should strain the infusion, and you can start tasting.

Carefully! You should not add a lot of water to the composition, because then the drink will lose its strength. It is enough for the water to cover the dry ingredients, but not for the temperature to drop below 45.

How to make whiskey from alcohol at home, every moonshiner knows, but not every one of them will be able to create an absolute imitation of its original. Therefore, you should carefully study the technology before starting the production process.

Secrets of rich color

Vitaly Pomazan

As you know, “coffee” and “whiskey” are he. It is the Ministry of Education. But today we will not talk about the “correct” whiskey, and not even about its distant relative - aged grain distillate. Today we will talk about what to infuse moonshine or vodka with in order to adjust the taste of the drink “like whiskey”. Of course, “whiskey” here is an unattainable reference point, to which our liqueurs will be only vaguely, superficially similar. And yet, without a doubt, they will be tasty and original.

Making “whisky” from moonshine at home is not a difficult task. We already have articles on our website with chameleon recipes - homemade cognac, ersatz rum, imitation gin, etc. As in previous cases, a number of additives are used for homemade whiskey - spices, herbs, dried fruits - most of which can be purchased or made with your own hands.

  • 1 Whiskey from moonshine at home - what do we need?
  • 2 Imitation whiskey with malt and barley
    • 2.1 Recipe No. 1 - malt with distillation
    • 2.2 Recipe No. 2 – barley tincture with spices
  • 3 Whiskey tincture with dried fruits, bark and oak chips
  • 4 “Whisky” made from vodka with the addition of sherry

Whiskey from moonshine at home - what do we need?

Let us make a reservation once again - none of the given recipes claims to be itself - “whiskey” of the masculine gender. For lovers of original drinks, we have separate articles - for example, about homemade corn bourbon. However, in today's recipes we will try, if possible, to avoid chemical flavors, savories, essences and other nastiness. Yes, not whiskey. But it’s a delicious homemade tincture made with natural ingredients. Does it look like whiskey? Fine! It doesn’t seem like anything bad will happen anyway, unless, of course, you were going to sell your drink under the guise of Johnnie Walker Black Label.

Most recipes for homemade whiskey from moonshine use our old friend - oak chips, which allows you to quite simply and inexpensively replace the most important component of whiskey and scotch - aging in an oak barrel. In other cases, oak bark is used instead of wood chips - a much less “correct” ingredient, but still the same oak, only in profile.

What oak wood does to the drink and how to properly prepare wood chips - read the article about homemade cognac.

The characteristic color is achieved by the same wood chips, dried fruits, spices and natural sugar coloring - caramel. They also give “caramel”, “fruity” and “spicy” tones in the smell. In addition, in Scotch whiskey - and today we prepare mainly its imitations - the taste and aroma of smoke and smoked meats is present to one degree or another. It can be imitated with smoked dried pear, apricot, prunes, heavily fried wood chips, smoked malt or - for the lazy - “liquid smoke”.

And the last important issue is the alcoholic raw materials themselves. “Whisky” made from alcohol at home will naturally be worse than from good moonshine. It is best to choose a grain distillate (of course, malt distillate is even better, but then you don’t have to bother with imitations), or, as a last resort, ordinary sugar samograj, distilled 2-3 times. And sometimes they even add a little pervak ​​to the vodka imitation - “for the smell.”

In general, enough demagoguery - let's move on to the recipes.

Imitation whiskey with malt and barley

Most whiskey is made using malted barley mash. Naturally, there are recipes for homemade whiskey from moonshine, which use either the malt itself or roasted barley. You can make your own malt by germinating barley grain, drying it and roasting or smoking it. The easiest way to get barley is in the form of pearl barley - it also needs to be pre-fried.

Recipe No. 1 – malt with distillation

All you need is a heaping glass of smoked barley malt and 6 liters of 50-proof double-purified sugar moonshine. The alcohol is infused with malt for 2 days, after which it is distilled along with the grain, and the tails can practically not be cut off - they contain all the aroma. The finished product is diluted to 50 degrees and infused for 2 months on medium-roasted oak chips.

Recipe No. 2 – barley tincture with spices

This recipe is simpler. Black tea is used as a dye, and pearl barley fried until brown is used as a base. The cereal needs to be fried until it starts to smoke.

  • Double sugar moonshine – 3 liters;
  • Fried pearl barley – 400 g;
  • Tea – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Black pepper – 10 pcs.;
  • Cloves – 2 pcs.;

After roasting, cool the cereal, then pour in moonshine, add tea and spices. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, after this period, filter, if necessary, add a little sugar, pour into bottles.

Whiskey tincture with dried fruits, bark and oak chips

The recipe for this imitation of whiskey at home includes liquid smoke, albeit a little - just half a teaspoon, but you don’t have to use it - it’s up to your discretion. If you refuse chemicals, it is better to replace the indicated dried fruits with smoked ones: pear, prunes, etc.


  • Moonshine 45% - about 3 liters;
  • Dried apricots – 8 pcs. (or 8 small prunes);
  • Dried apple - 8 slices (or smoked pear - the same amount);
  • Cane sugar – 30 grams;
  • Oak chips (maximum roasting) – 8g;
  • Oak bark (steamed in boiling water and dried) – 4 g;
  • Liquid smoke (optional) – 0.5 tsp or less.


Pour all ingredients into a jar, add alcohol, stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. After this, filter, discard all the ingredients except the wood chips, which are returned to the jar and leave for as long as you have patience - up to 2 months.

“Whiskey” made from vodka with the addition of sherry

The trick to this recipe is the alcohol base. In addition to vodka, it contains a small amount of pervak ​​and sherry - just as the Strizhament tincture includes cognac and port. Burnt sugar is used for coloring, and for flavoring - what a surprise! - a crust of black bread.


  • Vodka – 1 liter;
  • Sherry – 50 ml;
  • First distillation moonshine – 50 ml;
  • Oak bark – 40 g;
  • Black (rye) bread - a small piece;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.


First pour boiling water over the bark, let it stand for a couple of minutes, then dry well. Dry and chop the black bread. Pour all ingredients into a suitable jar, add wine and moonshine. Leave for 10 days in a cool place, then filter thoroughly. Make caramel syrup (the recipe is in the article on sugar syrup), and use it to tint the drink to the desired color. That's it, you've made simple whiskey from moonshine at home!

And finally, another thoughtful quote from the greats:

“Imitation is the most sincere form of plagiarism”

2016-01-24T05:40:03+00:00 admin beverages

Vitaly Pomazan As you know, “coffee” and “whiskey” are him. It is the Ministry of Education. But today we will not talk about the “correct” whiskey, and not even about its distant relative - aged grain distillate. Today we will talk about what to infuse with moonshine or vodka in order to adjust the taste of the drink “like whiskey”....

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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From a technological point of view, it is a malt distillate that is subjected to long-term aging in an oak barrel. If you have high-quality alcohol at home, you can make a very high-quality imitation. The main task when making homemade alcohol will be to imitate aging in an oak barrel, and this will require a little work with wood.

Any alcohol can be used as a raw material. If you want to get closer to whiskey production and make the most authentic drink possible, close to real whiskey, then for this you need to take malt distillate. However, as practice shows, it will be enough to take any highly purified alcohol made from grain.

You cannot use potato distillate - in this case, the imitation will not work. A good solution would be to purchase inexpensive mid-range vodka.

Required Ingredients

  • Alcohol (40%) or vodka – 2 liters.
  • Oak slats – 150 grams
  • Glucose (40%) – 2 tablespoons. Sold in a pharmacy.
  • Soda – 1 tablespoon
  • Water – about 20 liters.

Alcohol must be taken of the highest possible purification quality. If you have high-strength medical alcohol, you must first dilute it with water to a strength of 42-45%. It will not be possible to use strong alcohol, since in this case it will not be possible to extract a large amount of aromatic substances from the wood to simulate aging. You should not use alcohol that is too weak, since in this technological process the alcohol partially evaporates and reduces its own strength.

It is best to use slats made by yourself or ordered from a sawmill as wood raw materials. Sawdust will also work, but only if it comes from the middle of a branch or trunk. It is possible to use pharmaceutical oak bark, but not advisable: after all, coopers make oak barrels not from bark, but from boards obtained by processing the oak core.

Glucose is necessary to soften the drink later. It is not a mandatory, but highly desirable element.

Soda is needed to obtain tannin from wood and to successfully complete the imitation of aging.

Imitation of aging in an oak barrel

The entire process of creating whiskey from alcohol at home consists of correctly simulating aging in an oak barrel. It is worth noting that many recipes on the Internet suggest simply pouring alcohol into oak chips: this is fundamentally wrong. The resulting drink will be very bitter and contain a large amount of tannins, which will make the drink unsuitable for consumption.

First of all, you need to take the wood itself. In the best case, these will be small bars with an edge of 2 to 2 centimeters. The wood must be clean and free from dirt, dust or resin. First of all, the wood must be soaked in water, for which it is immersed in water for a day, periodically changing this water.

After this, the wood is filled with a solution of baking soda, and the solution should not be very concentrated. To obtain a solution, you need to mix 5 liters of water and about one and a half to two tablespoons of soda. The wood must be completely immersed in the soda solution, preventing sawdust from floating up and coming into contact with air. A good solution would be to simply pour sawdust into a five-liter bottle, add one and a half to two tablespoons of soda and fill it up to the neck with warm water, then close it and shake thoroughly. The oak sawdust should soak in the soda solution for about 12 more hours.

When the soda takes away all the tannins, the solution must be drained and the sawdust washed in running water, then the sawdust must be boiled for about half an hour. It is necessary to keep the chips in boiling water, and when it evaporates, add new water. After this, the wood can be sent to rest and dry in the sun or in any other warm place.

The last stage is roasting the wood. It is best done in an oven set to a temperature of 150-200 degrees. Raising the temperature above 250 degrees is not recommended, as the wood may start to burn. You need to heat the wood chips well throughout the entire volume, preventing the combustion stage from starting.

After three hours of heating the wood, it must be pulled out. The next step is to obtain char on the surface of the wood. This is best done over an open fire or a simple burner. A kitchen gas oven will also work. The resulting wood chips can be used to imitate the aging of not only homemade whiskey from alcohol, but also to imitate the aging of homemade cognac and other aged vintage drinks.

Infusing homemade whiskey from alcohol

When the wood to imitate whiskey aging is ready, you can simply fill it with vodka or alcohol. We must not forget about adding glucose in order to minimize subsequent bitterness. It is best to age the drink in a cool and dark place, and the longer the exposure takes place, the better. At first, the whiskey will begin to acquire a light yellow hue, which will become more and more saturated over time. After 2-3 years (depending on the amount of sawdust), homemade whiskey from alcohol can acquire the color of strong tea.

When infusing homemade whiskey from alcohol on oak chips, it is recommended to periodically shake the container with homemade whiskey in order to achieve maximum homogeneity of the drink.

As a rule, the drink acquires a taste, color and appearance suitable for demonstration and consumption after six months of infusion. However, if you are not in a hurry, then the most reasonable solution would be to age your homemade whiskey from alcohol for a longer period of time.

In our country, people learned to make whiskey at home a long time ago. The variation of this noble Scottish drink, however, is a little peculiar, and among the Russian people it is called nothing more than moonshine. The method of preparing it is quite simple: fermented jam, sugar, a simple apparatus - and now the intoxicating drink, as clear as a tear, drips into a placed glass jar. To make it more similar to whiskey, the only thing missing is infusion on sawdust, but this can be done. True, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to treat your friends and acquaintances to such “whisky,” since only a special contingent prefers to “pamper” themselves with such an exquisite product.


Real Scotch whiskey, of course, is prepared in a completely different way; its preparation will require a lot of ingredients and time. Whiskey is a real man's drink, as it has a specific taste and strong strength. It is traditionally made from several types of grain crops (grapes, rye, barley, corn and wheat), alcohol, seasonings, and then infused in special oak barrels.

A real man's drink

Homemade whiskey may only vaguely resemble a traditional drink, since the real recipe is kept a closely guarded secret, but the result will definitely be tasty and high-quality homemade whiskey.

You can make whiskey at home using several recipes. Making whiskey at home can be reminiscent of the process of moonshine brewing, and the drink will definitely smell like moonshine, no matter how much you infuse it (by the way, the same is present in the original version of whiskey). Each whiskey recipe offered below is good in its own way.


To make whiskey you will need alcohol or strong, good quality vodka in a volume of 2 liters. You will also need to purchase a bottled liquid called "liquid smoke", oak bark (sold in the seasoning department), natural "Sherry" (strong white wine), sugar syrup, yeast or strong moonshine. And also seasonings: saffron, rye bread crust, elecampane leaves (for coloring).

You can make whiskey at home by preparing all the ingredients and showing a little patience, since making whiskey is a long and labor-intensive process. First you need to prepare the mash. To do this, you need to mix 200 g of sugar, 100 ml of cow's milk, 1 liter of clean water, half a pack of yeast in a large metal container and put on fire. It is necessary to cook the mash for 2.5 hours, stirring regularly. Next, the finished mash must be cleaned by straining it through a piece of gauze folded in several layers. Next, you need to take a container with a tight lid, pour liquid into it, close it and put it in the cold (in the freezer). After the mash freezes, it is necessary to remove it and drain the liquid from it that will not freeze, since this is what will be needed for further preparation of the drink.

Making mash

Separately, you need to soak 100 g of oak bark in 400 ml of good vodka, then leave for 2-3 hours and drain, strain, into a separate container. Next you need to take “liquid smoke” and add a few drops (to taste) to the vodka that has been strained and infused with oak bark. After adding the “smoke”, you need to take sweet syrup and pour 2 - 4 tbsp into the liquid.

White wine (classic "Sherry") is needed for whiskey from alcohol in any case, approximately 60 g per 400 g. If there is no wine, you can add burnt sugar. And where would we be without traditional folk “whisky”? It is moonshine that is added to homemade whiskey, at least 100 g. It is better to take good, purified moonshine, so as not to end up poisoned by an incomprehensible vigorous mixture. The resulting strong drink mixture must be diluted with the remaining vodka, adding seasoning or food coloring for coloring. Whiskey with Scottish notes is ready.


You can prepare whiskey at home using a recipe that is similar to the original. This whiskey recipe is described in many sources as a classic traditional drink recipe for noble and strong men.

The production of a drink according to this recipe will take several weeks, but as a result you will be able to taste the drink, which is served in establishments in England or Scotland.

To make whiskey you will need:

  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • corn grains or corn grits - 4 kg;
  • barley malt - 3.5 kg;
  • yeast - 50 g;
  • water - 15 liters;
  • oak barrel or oak sawdust.

This recipe also cannot do without moonshine, so it would not be superfluous to prepare the appropriate apparatus. The technology for making whiskey is not easy, but quite doable.

Moonshine brewing apparatus

So, first you need to take a large metal container, about 35 liters in volume, then pour corn grits and wheat flour into it, pour boiled water into the ingredients and put on fire, after stirring everything. The cooking time of the resulting mixture is 3-3.5 hours. After the mixture of flour and cereal is cooked, it must be removed from the heat, wrapped in old clothes and waited until the temperature is approximately the same as normal body temperature. Now you need to unwrap the container with the mixture and add 50 g of yeast, mix and add barley malt. After mixing everything, you need to leave the mixture to ferment for a period of 6-7 days.

It is necessary to expel the alcoholic beverage from the resulting mash using a moonshine still. Moonshine must be passed through a homemade filter made of cotton wool, gauze and activated black carbon. The finished alcohol must be poured into a wooden barrel made of oak bark or, if there is none, put oak sawdust at the bottom of a suitable container, then pour in the moonshine.

The drink, real whiskey, will be ready no earlier than 12 months from the moment of bottling. The preparation time for the drink is quite long, but after that you can enjoy amazingly tasty, strong and at the same time soft, classic whiskey and feel like an English gentleman who will have a great time in the company of his best friends with a glass of whiskey and a cigar.


Whiskey made with alcohol is prepared very quickly, but it must be infused for at least 6 months. To prepare the drink, you need to take a large bottle with a volume of at least 6 liters. The ingredients you need to prepare are:

  • medical alcohol;
  • oak bark - 6 tbsp;
  • charcoal - 100 g;
  • well-smoked prunes - approximately 200 g;
  • water.

Whiskey with oak bark spirit

Let's start implementing the recipe. You need to boil the water and add prunes, crushed coal and oak bark to it. Pour alcohol in a thin stream and stir. The ratio of water and alcohol should be such that the degree of liquid ultimately does not exceed 50. It is possible to make it stronger, but after the whiskey you will need to stir it with something, since it will simply be impossible to drink it in its pure form.

Having sealed the container with the liquid with a lid, you need to put it in a cool, dark place for 6 months or 1 year, after which the finished drink must be passed through a filter. The whiskey is ready to drink and tastes no worse than foreign whiskey.


To prepare whiskey according to the Irish recipe, you will need barley malt, dry yeast and plain clean water. A thermometer is also useful for measuring the temperature of the wort. The malt needs to be ground, but not very finely, or purchase a ready-made mixture. It is necessary to boil the water, reduce the heat and add malt in a thin stream, stirring constantly. You need to add the mixture slowly so that the malt does not form lumps. Next comes an important task, since you need to cook it on the stove, maintaining the temperature of the mixture at 62-70 degrees, for 1.30. The temperature of the wort must be measured constantly during cooking, since the slightest deviations will negate the entire process.

Cooking wort from malt

Next, the container with the finished wort is removed and cooled to room temperature, after which separately dissolved yeast is introduced into it. Then the mash must be placed in a room at normal temperature for further fermentation. It is better to take it outside or onto a balcony, as the smell from it can be very specific. Fermentation time is at least 2 weeks. During this period, the mixture must be opened and stirred with a long, clean stick.

Then the finished mash is used for its intended purpose, namely, to prepare the most ordinary moonshine from it. The resulting moonshine can be distilled again, this time collecting the middle part, the so-called “body” of the drink. Now the finished drink can be bottled by adding oak sawdust. The infusion time for whiskey ranges from 5 months to a year, after which the whiskey must be filtered and taken in moderation.

From the proposed recipes we can draw a simple conclusion that whiskey is almost the same moonshine, only with a new, more interesting taste that oak bark gives it.

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