Yeast dough buns with crumbs. Yeast buns with sprinkles. My video recipe

200 ml. warm milk
50 grams of margarine for crumpet-type baking (or butter)
2 pcs. eggs (one for brushing the buns and one for the dough)
3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon yeast (pakmaya)
2-2.5 cups flour
0.5 tsp salt
jam, berries or fruits for filling
for sprinkling
1 tablespoon butter
2-3 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon sugar.

Dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in warm milk, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour, stir, set aside for 10 minutes.
Melt the margarine, pour into a bowl, add the egg, sugar, vanilla, salt and vegetable oil, mix everything well, pour the mixture into the dough, add sifted flour, knead the dough, knead for 2 minutes until it becomes smooth, then transfer to a pan greased with vegetable oil, cover with a lid and put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.
When the dough comes to the table, sprinkle it with flour and divide it into 11-12 balls with your hands dipped in vegetable oil.
Grease a frying pan or a small baking sheet or mold with butter. Roll out each ball and place a little in the center (no more than a half teaspoon) any filling, I I made it with blueberry jam, maybe with berries or fruits, boiled condensed milk, half a cow candy, if the jam is too liquid, add a little flour or breadcrumbs to it. Pinch the edges of the ball well, sprinkling it with flour, giving the bun a round shape, place the balls in a frying pan on a small distance from each other with the seams down, grease the places where the buns will touch with a little vegetable oil with a brush, so the buns will be easy to separate after baking, cover the pan with the buns with film, leave until rising for 20 minutes.

At this time, combine all the ingredients for the topping in a bowl and rub them well with your fingers to form fine crumbs.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Brush the risen buns with lightly beaten egg and sprinkle well with sprinkles.

Place in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Let cool slightly in the pan, then divide into individual buns.

The buns turned out very rich, tasty and airy!

Buns with sprinkles will be a delicious addition to breakfast and are useful for snacking throughout the day. Any housewife can find the main components of the dish. Such yeast buns can be cooked in the oven with fruit filling, out of season, fresh fruit can be replaced with jam or frozen berries. The buns look beautiful on the table and have a delicate taste.

Buns with flour and butter topping

Milk for mixing yeast dough It should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the yeast will not rise. Margarine can be replaced with butter. Choose premium or first grade flour.

How to make streusel buns step by step


  • milk – 200 ml;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 eggs – one for the dough and the other for brushing the buns;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package;
  • flour 2 - 2.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast – 1 teaspoon;
  • filling components - fresh fruit, any berries or homemade jam taste.

For sprinkling:

  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • flour 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Heat the milk until warm. Watch the temperature, hot liquid kills the yeast. Dissolve yeast in milk. Add a spoonful of sugar. Combine the mixture with 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Wait for the dough to rise. Mix granulated sugar with the egg.

Place a stick of margarine in a metal bowl or saucepan. Melt on fire. This will happen quickly, so stay close to the stove. Mix margarine and vegetable oil. Add vanilla and salt.

Blend until smooth. Combine the resulting mixture with the appropriate dough.

Gradually adding flour in portions, knead the dough.

Leave to rise for 1-1.5 hours.

After the specified time, the dough must be kneaded again.

Divide the dough into 7-10 round pieces.

Roll out all the balls with a rolling pin. Place the filling in the center of the dough circle - a level teaspoon of jam, berries or fruit. Form into loaves and carefully pinch the edges of the dough. Prepare the baking dish sunflower oil and place the balls. The seam should touch the bottom.

Place the filled balls in a warm place to rise for 20 minutes.

Beat the second egg. Brush each ball with egg wash.

Preparing sweet topping for buns from flour and butter is quite simple, and the result is very tasty. Mix the ingredients in a container. Use your fingers to form the mixture into fine crumbs. The decoration for the buns is ready.

Sprinkle the egg rolls generously with the prepared topping.

Yeast buns with streusel are baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until golden brown. You can check readiness with a wooden stick; it should remain dry when it comes out.

Taken out oven The buns should stand in the pan for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh tea or coffee. Appetizing dish ideal for a children's party.

The variability of the filler depends only on the imagination of the cook - try adding different types jam, marmalade, fresh and canned fruit. Every time, buns with sprinkles will turn out appetizing and tasty. Even a novice housewife can implement a simple recipe, and the variety of filling ingredients makes the dish a truly universal dessert.

Buns made from yeast dough are an excellent option for breakfast or tea, and you can prepare them yourself, there is no need to go to the store and spend money on factory-made baked goods. Even ordinary sugar buns without filling will be delicious if you use a special topping in the form of butter and sugar crumbs.

The dough recipe in this case is the simplest, classic, sponge with fresh yeast. These homemade buns gain all their piquancy after you place the topping on the surface - it adds both sweetness and a special texture to the crust. Our master class will teach you how to cook delicious buns with your own hands.

On yeast dough for buns in this recipe You will need the following products that you can easily find in your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets:

  • 2 large chicken eggs(take them out of the cold in advance);
  • about 350 grams of white flour;
  • 125 milliliters of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon or 30 grams of yeast (dry or fresh pressed, respectively);
  • 5 heaped tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Sprinkling on buns according to the recipe will require the following products:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (exactly sugar, not powder);
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 2 level tablespoons of flour;
  • vanilla to taste.

Making the topping is not enough; it needs to be somehow attached to the yeast buns. To do this, we will grease the surface with beaten yolk. You will need one more egg in addition to what is indicated in the recipe. There is no filling used in this master class, the buns are hollow, but you can add one tablespoon of filling to each product - jam, jam, diced fruit or fresh berries.

Cooking process

Making yeast buns is not difficult if you strictly follow the recipe and these simple rules:

  • all ingredients for yeast buns must be warm or at least at room temperature;
  • It’s also better not to heat the oil, but just let it sit at room temperature for 1-1.5 hours;
  • It’s better to check the yeast - make a dough with yeast, a small amount of flour and sugar from the total portion according to the recipe with a couple of tablespoons of warm milk, leave for 15 minutes until bubbles appear;
  • The topping can be flavored with vanilla, lemon zest, cinnamon, other ingredients and even cocoa powder.

Armed with the master class, let's start kneading the dough for homemade buns:

  1. Prepare the dough for lush products in the manner described above, put it in a warm place for 15 minutes, then check the activity of the yeast. If the dough has increased in volume and bubbled, you can knead the dough for buns with sugar.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer with the remaining sugar, when you get a fluffy foam, add very soft, melted butter and beat again until smooth.
  3. Add warm (about 35 degrees) milk to the eggs, stir until the ingredients combine.
  4. Now sift the flour; according to the master class, you can do this directly through a sieve into the milk mixture, pouring the flour in small portions.
  5. Pour in the dough and stir everything vigorously with a spoon. To make the work easier, the mass can be easily and quickly kneaded in a deep mixer bowl using special spiral attachments. If you knead the mixture by hand, add a small amount of flour to the table and knead for at least 10 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle the inside of the bowl with flour or line it with cling film, place the kneaded lump in it, cover with a damp towel and put it in a warm place for at least 60 minutes. Then check your future buns with sugar - if the dough has risen too much, press it down with your hands and let it stand for another half an hour - an hour.

The already fluffy risen dough is completely ready to form buns from it. If you add any filling, prepare it in advance while the dough rests. In our master class there is no filling, so we proceed to molding:

  1. Divide the entire mass into equal parts at once, roll each part into an even ball.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment, oil it a little, place the dough balls at a distance of 5 cm from each other (room to rise). For high-quality bun dough with fresh yeast, this gap may not even be enough.
  3. Brush the top of each ball with beaten egg yolk (you can add 1 teaspoon of milk or water to make it easier to whip).

  1. Now rub the cooled butter, sugar, vanilla and flour into a dusting mixture in your hands. In the master class, the sprinkles are without flavoring, but with vanilla or lemon zest you will get an incredible aroma for your products. Grind quickly so that the butter does not melt and the crumbs do not stick together into a lump.
  2. Sprinkle the topping evenly over the top of the buns. Then you need to cover them with a napkin and put them in a warm place for 10 minutes.
  3. Bake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, check readiness by pressing on the bun - the finished bun should spring back and regain its shape.

For such a bun test, you don’t need to have secret knowledge. Everything is done very simply, albeit slowly. And the result will amaze your guests and loved ones.

Short version of preparation:

    Dissolve the yeast in warmed milk, add 1 tsp. granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour, leave for 10 minutes.

    Melt the margarine, beat in the egg, add sugar, salt, vanillin, and add vegetable oil. Pour out the dough, add flour, knead the dough, leave it warm for 2 hours to rise.

    Punch down the dough, divide into 12 parts, roll out each of them, put 1 tsp on it. jam, pinch the edges, place on a baking sheet with the pinch down. Leave gaps between the buns.

    For topping, combine 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 2-3 tbsp. l. flour, grind this mass until fine crumbs are obtained.

    Brush the prepared donuts with beaten egg and sprinkle with sprinkles, bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until golden brown.


Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. flour and leave for 10 minutes.
At this time, melt the margarine, pour it into a bowl, add the egg, sugar, salt, vanilla and vegetable oil. Stir this mass well, pour the mixture into the dough, add sifted flour and knead the dough. Then put it into a saucepan, cover with a lid and let rise. This will take 2 hours.
Then knead the dough and divide it into 12 parts.

Grease the mold with butter. Take each ball, roll it out, put a little jam in the center (no more than 1 tsp), pinch the edges, give the bun a round shape, place the buns on a baking sheet with the seams down so that there are small gaps between them, and leave them for 10 minutes .

In the meantime, let's make the sprinkles. To do this, combine 1 tbsp in a bowl. l. butter, 2-3 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Rub this mixture thoroughly with your fingers until you get fine crumbs.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Brush the risen buns with beaten egg and sprinkle with sprinkles.
Place the buns in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Now let them cool a little, divide them into separate buns, make tea or coffee and invite the whole family to the table.
Bon appetit!
P.S. Instead of jam, you can use fruit, condensed milk, cottage cheese, Korovka sweets, and chocolate for the filling. In general, whatever your imagination tells you.

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How nice it is to see the satisfied faces of your household, devouring delicious buns with sprinkles on both cheeks.

This baking option is one of the most favorite among our compatriots, despite the fact that they are prepared as simply as possible.

The recipe is simple, but few people decide to try it in practice and I’ll tell you that it’s in vain.

The buns turn out much tastier than the store-bought product, and look at the photo how impressive they look.

Cooking principles

Yeast is added to the batch; you can safely use it, both dry and fresh, from chickens. eggs, milk and flour, even plain water.

Making a batch is not at all difficult. When the dough is mixed, you should remove it to the side so that the mass rises. Then knead it and put it aside until the next rise.

It is worth repeating the procedure a couple of times. When the dough is ready, you should form the buns. The form, if specific actions are not indicated in the recipe, is chosen at your discretion.

As you can see, the method is not difficult process, so choose a recipe for buns with sprinkles and start putting it into action.

Variety of sprinkles

  1. You can prepare the topping different ways, and not just those listed above. You can use chocolate or nuts. In this case, the first component must be grated, and the second must be chopped. As a rule, the topping is made from sugar and flour is added, but you can experiment.
  2. You can make a topping based on roasted sunflower seeds. Great option To decorate the unsweetened pastry, sprinkle anise, sesame or cumin.
  3. Sweet pastries can be sprinkled with a mixture of gr. nuts, almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts. You need to mix the nuts in equal portions. After this, grind with a mortar and fry in a frying pan. You need to fry nuts, like seeds, without adding oil in a frying pan. The products are already fatty.
  4. The topping will become more uniform and neater if you sift the mixture before covering the buns with it.

An easy recipe for buns with sprinkles

Ingredients: 200 ml milk; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 50 gr. margarine; 3 tbsp each sugar and vegetable oils; 1 pack van. Sahara; 1 tsp dry yeast; ½ tsp. salt; 2 tbsp. flour; 1 tsp dry yeast.

For the filling you can take fruits or berries. Jam would also be appropriate.

Ingredients for sprinkling: 1 tbsp. sl. butter and sugar; 2 tbsp. flour.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I heat up the milk. I dissolve yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara; add 2 tbsp. flour. I stir the mixture and leave it aside for 10 minutes.
  2. I melt the margarine, pour it into a bowl, and add the chickens. egg, salt, vanilla and vegetable matter. oil. I mix the composition thoroughly and add it to the dough mixture. Then I mix.
  3. I sow flour and add it to the dough. I stir for a couple of minutes until the dough becomes smooth. I transfer it to a saucepan, but it’s worth greasing the inside of it. oil Cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.
  4. I sprinkle the dough with flour and divide it into 12 balls, wet my hands in the mixture. oil and stir.
  5. I place the buns on a baking sheet. But first, I roll out all the balls and put 1 tsp in the center. fillings. Forming buns. I seal the edges very well. Sprinkle with flour. I let the buns rest for about 20 minutes.
  6. Mix all the remaining ingredients in a bowl to make the topping. I rub it thoroughly with my fingers to make crumbs. I turn the oven on at 200 gr.

I coat the buns with whipped chicken. egg, sprinkle with sprinkles. I send it to bake until a golden crust forms. Let the buns cool before serving.

Homemade buns, as per GOST, with your favorite toppings

Components: 750 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; flour; sl. oil; 90 ml water for the dough; 15 gr. St. yeast; 230 gr. flour for dough; 110 ml milk; 3.5 gr. vanillin; 200 gr. Sahara; 100 ml water.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I make a dough: I heat water and milk to room temperature, dissolve the yeast there, add flour and knead. I stir for 5 minutes. I set the dough and cover it for 2.5 hours so that the yeast begins to ferment.
  2. Mix yeast, salt, sugar in warm water and add to the dough. I bring in chickens. eggs, mix and add flour. I knead the dough for 10 minutes.
  3. I introduce margarine, it should be melted in advance. The dough will be sticky and soft. Forming buns. Ready dough I cover and let it rest for 2 hours.
  4. I divide the dough into 16 parts, each bun should be 90 grams. I place the buns, seam side down, on a baking sheet and make sure to cover the baking sheet. oil The buns should be left to proof for 1 hour. I preheat the oven to 200 gr.
  5. To ensure that the buns have a golden brown crust, I grease them with chicken. egg. I bake for half an hour until done.

You can use fruits, berries, jam as filling; in general, even a piece of chocolate will go well in a bun with sprinkles.

This is the end of the recipe, but I’ll tell you one more. You should definitely like him.

Buns with confectionery crumbs

This type of baking is made on the basis of yeast dough. The buns turn out tender and fluffy.

They retain freshness perfectly and remain soft even after several days. To make these buns at home, you should take the following set of products.

Components: 500 gr. flour; 1 tbsp. milk; 40 gr. yeast; 50 gr. sl. oils; 60 gr. Sahara; ¼ tsp. salt; 1 PC. chickens egg.
Ingredients for sprinkling: 150 gr. flour; 80 gr. sl. oils; 75 gr. Sahara; confectionery crumbs, vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour the warmed milk into a bowl, add sugar and chicken. egg, salt, flour. I knead for 10 minutes. I introduce the melted composition sl. oils I leave it for a while for the dough to rise.
  2. I place the finished dough on a table strewn with flour, roll it out into a rope and divide it into 10 parts. I form the buns and leave them to rise.
  3. I'm making sprinkles. In a container I mix vanillin, flour, slurry. butter, sugar. I rub the mixture with my hands and add crumbs.
  4. I dip the buns into this mixture and place them on a baking sheet. I bake for 20 minutes in the oven, the temperature should be about 200 degrees.

Buns with cherry filling and sprinkles

This recipe is very original. The taste of the buns is a little sour, but at the same time very pleasant. Try making them at home; your guests and family will be delighted with the treat for tea.

Components: 28 pcs. pitted cherries; 2.5 tbsp. flour; 1 tsp dry yeast; ¾ tbsp. milk; 3 tbsp. Sahara; 1 tbsp. melted sl. oils; 1 PC. chickens eggs; ¼ tsp. salt; rast. oil.
Ingredients for sprinkling: 3 tbsp. flour; 2 tbsp. sl. oils; 0.5 tbsp Sahara.
Ingredients for greasing the bun; 1 PC. chickens egg and 3 tsp. sugar for cherries.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I heat the milk to about room temperature. I add yeast and sugar. I let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes. Add salt and chicken. egg etc. oil. I add flour. I mix the dough with my hands. The kneading needs to be elastic and smooth. It is better to use a mixer if there are special attachments, but in general perfect option make the knead in the bread machine.
  2. I send the dough to a warm place for 1.5 hours, cover with a cotton towel. I preheat the oven to 90 degrees, put the dough in a bowl and put it there so that the kneading takes 20 minutes. The oven should be turned off immediately. Thus, it is possible to reduce the preparation time for yeast dough.
  3. I divide the finished dough into 7 parts. I form balls and again let them sit for about 20 minutes. This time I heat the oven to 180 degrees. I grease the baking tray. oil.
  4. I put the buns in the shape of a flower, but in the middle of each of them I make a hole for the cherries with a glass. Approximately 4-5 pcs. there will be enough berries. I sprinkle the cherries with sugar. I whip up the chickens. egg and coat the buns with a kitchen brush.
  5. I make the topping: I need flour and sugar. I stir in the butter with a fork. It turns out crumbly. That's what it is delicious sprinkles, which will decorate the buns.

I generously decorate baked goods. I send it to bake at 180 degrees. for about half an hour. During this time, the buns will be cooked, as evidenced by the appetizing crust on them.

My video recipe
