How to make potato pancakes. The main thing is speed. How to cook perfect pancakes. Potato pancakes with filling

Let me start with the fact that not every potato is suitable for potato pancakes, i.e. The taste of potato pancakes depends on the type of potato, the place where the potatoes grew and the degree of their freshness. What to focus on? Early ripening potato varieties are absolutely not suitable. Good potato pancakes are made from yellow potatoes. There is such a variety, I don’t know what it’s called. But the taste of these potatoes is excellent. Potatoes from Central Asia are not suitable for potato pancakes. Looks like the composition of the soil there. Our Siberian potatoes are the best option. The freshness of the potatoes is as follows: although my family has a tradition of making potato pancakes from freshly picked potatoes, this is not the best option. The potatoes should rest for 2 months - then it will be just right. Well, if potatoes are stored correctly, then you can use them until the next harvest.

In general, it is tested experimentally - potato pancakes are made from the received batch - it becomes clear whether the potatoes are good or not.

Two more important points: forget about flour - real potato pancakes are made WITHOUT FLOUR. And forget about large graters and meat grinders - the potatoes should be crushed to very small fractions.

Well, now the process with slides.

We peel the potatoes. There is nothing special here, everything is elementary.

Now let's grind it. The best option- a grater that looks like a piece of iron into which nails were driven and developed tubercles with sharp edges. Here it is. This is the most tedious and time-consuming process, but this is how you get the best taste.

When making a lot of potato pancakes or not enough time, you can use a different method of chopping potatoes, which does not significantly worsen the taste, but simplifies the cooking process. Potatoes are cut into cubes with a side of about 2 cm.

And it is crushed in a food processor with knives like this until it becomes mushy.

Further, regardless of the grinding method, the technology is the same. A little know-how. The most harmful thing about making potato pancakes is the juice that gradually comes out of the potatoes. Firstly, it liquefies the dough, which leads to a decrease in the thickness of the potato pancakes (not bad), and, secondly, it turns the dough black, and, as a result, the potato pancakes (and this is unaesthetic). And the taste spoils. Therefore, we will try to get rid of excess juice in the process of creating the dough. I use this mesh colander

Place a colander on a saucepan where the juice will drain; place the chopped potato mixture into the colander. And leave for about 10 minutes. This is enough for the excess juice to flow out. Additional squeezing is not necessary and is even harmful, otherwise the potato pancakes will turn out dry.

Another important point. When the juice has drained, carefully pour it out of the saucepan. Starch remains at the bottom of the pan, which is added back to the potato mixture.

Well, we actually make the dough: potato mixture, eggs (a couple for 10 medium potatoes), salt to taste and starch from the drained juice.


Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, ideally cast iron. I have a special frying pan for potato pancakes, which is probably already 30 years old. We fry on sunflower oil. Yes, also, potato pancakes love a lot of oil, don’t skimp too much. Place the dough on the frying pan in fairly thick pancakes (about 1 cm thick or a little less). The fire should be strong enough, so to speak, above average, this is determined experimentally on different stoves. In such a way that the pancakes are fried until golden brown in 2-3 minutes.

Turn over to the other side

Finish frying and place on a plate. Here is a photo of potato pancakes, for which the potatoes were chopped on a combine.

And then the potatoes were chopped on a grater.

That's all. Bon appetit. It's better to eat warm. Sour cream, ketchup to taste. Delicious and just like that.

Well, variations on the theme of potato pancakes. Family recipe for “shvyndriki”. We do everything as if it were for potato pancakes. Pancakes 2-3 mm thick are laid out in a frying pan, plastic sausages are also 2-3 mm thick on top, and potato mass is again on top. They fried it on one side, turned it over, and fried it on the other side. The sausage comes both boiled and smoked. The recipe is not for everyone.

There is also Belarusian dish, which in our family is called “daws”. The pies are made from potato mass (like for potato pancakes, but a little drier) and minced meat as a filling. Fried on four sides. Place in a saucepan, add a little water and some spices, and simmer until done.

Grated pancakes raw potatoes Belarusians do it best. Therefore, the word potato pancakes is known throughout the world, at least to the Slavic world.

Belarusians in part potato dishes In general, they can give odds to all other nations. There are a lot of potato dishes in Belarusian cuisine: sorcerers, zrazy, dumplings, drachena, babka, etc. From raw potatoes with juice, from potatoes with squeezed juice, from boiled and crushed potatoes... Potatoes are added to pancakes, pies are made from them, and they are not only used for filling, but also for dough. So you can safely trust Belarusians in potato matters.

How to get very tasty potato pancakes with a crispy crust? There are several tricks.



All ingredients for potato pancakes must be removed before cooking. Prepare everything so that the dough can be made as quickly as possible. Don't forget about cheesecloth for squeezing potatoes and a grater.

To prevent potatoes from turning black

You need to rub it last. Squeeze quickly and immediately add a little milk or sour cream. And then add the dough prepared previously to the potatoes.

To make potato pancakes tender

Potatoes should be grated on the finest grater. Grate the onion along with the potatoes. Mix. Onion juice will prevent the potatoes from darkening.

Instead of flour

Draniki will turn out even better if you let the squeezed liquid from the potatoes sit, then drain it, and add the settled starch to the dough. In this case, you don’t have to put flour in the dough.

Even easier

You can fasten the potato mass not with a whole egg, but replace it with two whites. The pancakes will turn out very fluffy, and although, frying potato fritters In lard, it’s somehow strange to remember the calorie content, a little easier on the stomach and liver than it could be when using yolks.

What to fry with

The best potato pancakes are made with lard. It heats up better than meat and grips better potato dough. And in general it goes very well with the taste of potato pancakes. But, unfortunately, many people cannot stand the smell of frying lard.

In this case, you can take either odorless vegetable oil or ghee. Regular butter is bad. When heated, it will hiss and “spit”, since there is water in it, and additional impurities, everything that is melted out of the oil, will burn and give a black precipitate.

Preheat the pan

Draniki should be placed on a very well heated frying pan. And the fat on it should also warm up, so after pouring the oil (if you cook with it), wait a couple of minutes and lay out the potato mixture.

What to serve with

Very hot potato pancakes with very cold sour cream. If fried in lard, you can also sprinkle with cracklings.


Classical Belarusian recipe potato pancakes does not include eggs and flour. Only potatoes, onions, salt, fat for frying. But now eggs are most often added to pancakes. Usually about 1 egg for 4-5 medium potatoes.



5 potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

4 tbsp. vegetable oil

A little soda

1 cup sour cream

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and onions and grate them. Drain the juice or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Step 2. Add egg, flour, soda, salt and pepper. Stir everything well.

Step 3. Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it properly and place the pancakes, forming them with a spoon.

Step 4. Fry over medium heat on both sides, add oil if necessary.

Step 5. Serve with sour cream.

Draniki with meat or sorcerers

5 large potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

200 g minced meat

Salt and pepper

Vegetable oil

Step 1. Wash the potatoes and onions, peel them and grate them on a fine grater. Add eggs, flour, salt and pepper.

Step 2. Salt and pepper the minced meat.

Step 3. Heat a frying pan with oil. Place portions of potato dough on it with a spoon and smooth it out to form pancakes.

Step 4. Place a little minced meat on top of each pancake and cover with a spoonful of potato mixture.

Step 5. Fry on both sides, then close the lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Serve hot with sour cream.

Potato pancakes are prepared differently for everyone. I don’t know why this happens, but I have never seen them cooked the same way. Some people grate potatoes for hash browns on a coarse grater, some on a fine grater, and some chop the potatoes in a food processor or blender. However, all these differences are not important, because we still love hash browns. In any form.

In my family, we also never adhere to a strict recipe for making pancakes. We always prepare them a little differently. Today, for example, they were prepared in such a way that they turned out, as children call them: cosmatics or hairballs.

Ingredients for making potato pancakes

To prepare potato pancakes-cosmatics we will need:

  • potatoes, about 10 medium potatoes
  • three eggs
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • vegetable oil for frying pancakes

How to make potato pancakes

First you need to peel a lot of potatoes and wash them thoroughly.

In order to get not just potato pancakes, but hairy ones, it is necessary that the potatoes be grated on a coarse grater. So we take a grater in our hands and, carefully, so as not to injure our hands, rub our potatoes.

Then you need to squeeze out excess water from the grated potatoes. To do this, salt the potatoes (salt helps to release liquid from the food), mix the grated potatoes and drain the excess liquid from the cup.

Now break three eggs into a cup with potatoes. Eggs are needed so that our potato pancakes do not crumble.

Add 2-3 cloves of garlic to the potatoes. The garlic must be either finely chopped or put through a garlic press.

Mix everything thoroughly. If excess liquid appears in the cup during cooking, it is better to drain it.

Place a frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it.

Place some grated potatoes into the boiling oil with a fork and press and level them with a fork so that the potato pancakes turn out flat. This way they will cook better.

Fry the potato pancakes thoroughly until golden brown on both sides.

We take the potato pancakes out of the pan and place them on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat.

We repeat the operation until we run out of grated potatoes. I advise you to post a guard if you want the potato pancakes to survive until serving. In our family, they have a strange property of disappearing from the plate as soon as you turn your back!

Potato pancakes must be served with sour cream.

One of the most recognizable dishes of Belarusian cuisine, made from potatoes, is well known outside the republic. Of course, similar dishes are found in many other cuisines around the world. These are Ukrainian deruns, Russian Teruns, Czech bramboracs, and even American hashbrowns. And yet, it was potato pancakes that became the standard for these delicious, aromatic potato pancakes. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in preparing potato pancakes. Judge for yourself, the simplest traditional recipe for this dish includes only potatoes and a pinch of salt. And yet, preparing even this simple dish requires knowledge of little tricks and secrets. Secrets that will help you make truly delicious traditional potato pancakes. Let's try together today to figure out and remember how to make potato pancakes.

Like any other popular folk dish, potato pancakes are famous huge variety cooking recipes. From house to house, from region to region, cooking methods and ingredients vary. delicious dish. Some grate potatoes for potato pancakes exclusively on a fine grater, while others recognize only those potato pancakes for which the potato mass was prepared on a coarse grater. Somewhere grated potatoes are mixed with a little salt and simply fried. In other houses, they don’t forget to add onions to the potatoes, and the fried potato pancakes are additionally simmered in the stove or oven. And of course, additional ingredients are not limited to just onions. Chopped meat and pieces of chopped poultry, vegetables and mushrooms, fresh herbs and a wide variety of spices, all these and many other additives allow skillful housewives to diversify the taste and aroma of ready-made pancakes.

And even the potato mass itself can be prepared in three different ways. Tarkovan mass is distinguished by using grated potatoes along with the released juice; wedge mass, straining out excess potato juice in a cone-shaped linen bag; and boiled potato mass, preparing potato pancakes from crushed boiled potatoes. Traditionally, potato pancakes are prepared from tartovani mass, but in modern Belarusian cuisine all three types of potato mass are used separately or mixed and combined, trying to achieve an even greater variety of flavors from such a seemingly simple dish.

Today, “Culinary Eden” has collected and recorded for you the most important tips and cooking secrets, supplementing them with proven recipes that will definitely tell even novice housewives how to cook potato pancakes.

1. When starting to prepare potato pancakes, it is very important to choose the right potatoes. The fact is that Belarusian potatoes differ from Russian potatoes in their increased starch content. Thanks to this, the finished potato pancakes retain their shape better. When choosing potatoes, pay attention to strong, mature tubers with rough skin and a yellowish center. Be sure to ask to cut one tuber. Potatoes with a high starch content will immediately sparkle when cut with starch crumbs contained in their juice. But from the purchase new potatoes It’s better to abstain - the low starch content in it will not allow you to prepare tasty and strong pancakes. If, contrary to expectations, the purchased potatoes contain an insufficient amount of starch, you can always add one or two teaspoons of starch to the finished potato mass.

2. As mentioned above, traditional potato pancakes are prepared from baked potato mass. To prepare such a mass, peeled raw potatoes rub on a grater. Depending on the recipe and personal preference, you can use a fine grater, a regular fine grater, or even a coarse grater. If you are lucky enough to visit Belarus, be sure to look for a special grater for potato pancakes in local stores. Squeeze out excess moisture from the finished potato mixture and mix with additional astringent ingredients. These ingredients are most often wheat flour and potato starch. Modern kitchen allows the use corn flour fine grinding. This flour will give your potato pancakes a beautiful golden hue. One tablespoon of cold milk or kefir added to the raw potato mixture will help your potato pancakes avoid an unappetizing gray tint. Ready dough It should be quite liquid, but at the same time viscous.

3. Fry pancakes by spooning a small amount of potato mixture into a frying pan with hot oil. The most delicious and aromatic potato pancakes are those cooked in good ghee, but vegetable oil will not spoil your potato pancakes, just remember that only refined vegetable oil is suitable for frying. Pour oil into the pan so that the potato pancakes are covered with it up to half their thickness. Heat the oil over high heat, spoon out the tart mixture so that there is at least one centimeter of free space between the potato pancakes, and quickly fry the potato pancakes on both sides. Be extremely careful not to get burned by the hot splashes of oil!

4. Let's try to cook the simplest traditional pancakes with onions! On a fine grater, grate one onion and six large potato tubers. Squeeze out excess vegetable juice, add one a raw egg, one tbsp. a spoonful of kefir, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the potato mixture thoroughly and fry your potato pancakes on both sides, placing them in small portions in hot melted or vegetable oil. Serve the finished pancakes to the table immediately. Serve sour cream separately.

5. Unusual potato pancakes with pumpkin are very tasty. Peel and grate 500 g on a fine grater. potatoes, one onion and 100 gr. pumpkin pulp. Squeeze out the excess vegetable juice, add one crushed clove of garlic, one raw egg and one tablespoon of sour cream. Add salt and black pepper to taste and mix the vegetable mixture thoroughly. Fry in vegetable oil from both sides to golden color. Serve hot with sour cream or pork cracklings.

6. Those who cannot imagine their meal without meat will definitely enjoy pancakes with minced meat. Peel and grate 700 g on a fine grater. potatoes and one large onion. Pass 150 grams each through a meat grinder with a fine grid. lean pork and beef. Mix the vegetable mass with minced meat, add one egg, one tbsp. a spoonful of kefir, two tbsp. spoons of flour, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and fry the potato pancakes in ghee or vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve with sour cream, fresh herbs and vegetables.

7. Delicious potato pancakes with mushrooms will decorate your Lenten menu. One glass of any dried mushrooms soak for 20 minutes in a small amount of cool water, then rinse thoroughly and boil in three glasses of water for 15 minutes. Pour the mushroom broth into a separate bowl and finely chop the mushrooms. Finely chop one onion and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. 700 gr. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze out excess moisture. Mix potatoes, onions and mushrooms, add 4 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt and black pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly again. Fry potato pancakes in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Prepare separately mushroom sauce. Heat 2 tbsp in a saucepan. tablespoons vegetable oil, add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and mix thoroughly. Then, stirring constantly, add 2 cups of boiling mushroom broth and bring the sauce to a boil. Add salt and pepper to taste and, continuing to stir, cook your sauce until thickened, 2 to 3 minutes. Serve the finished sauce with pancakes.

8. Potato pancakes with cheese are very aromatic and tasty. Peel and grate 500 g on a fine grater. potatoes and one onion. Two hundred grams of any hard cheese grate on a coarse grater. Mix vegetables and cheese, add 5 tbsp. spoons of flour, two raw eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, salt to taste. Mix the dough thoroughly and fry the potato pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown. Serve hot with any hot sauce and fresh herbs.

9. Potato pancakes that are additionally baked in the oven are incredibly tasty, aromatic and tender. Grate 500 gr on a fine grater. potatoes and one onion. Squeeze out the excess juice and add one egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and fry the potato pancakes as usual. In a separate pan, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, add two onions, cut into rings, and fry until golden brown. When the onion is ready, add 200 grams to it. pork belly, cut into small cubes, salt and black pepper to taste. Fry the meat until cooked through for 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Place the finished potato pancakes in layers in a cast iron pot or deep baking dish, alternating them in layers fried meat with onion. Pour one glass of sour cream over everything and bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 30 - 40 minutes.

10. On weekends, potato pancakes with cottage cheese can also be served for breakfast. Grate finely grater 500 gr. potatoes and squeeze out excess moisture. 200 gr. Rub dry low-fat cottage cheese through a fine sieve or colander. Mix potatoes with cottage cheese, add one raw egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, one pinch each of soda and salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly and fry the potato pancakes over medium heat in vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve with sour cream or any sweet and sour fruit sauce.

And on the pages of “Culinary Eden” you can always find even more proven recipes and original ideas, which will definitely tell you how to prepare potato pancakes.

Potato pancakes, potato pancakes or potato pancakes, are found in national cuisines European peoples. Fried potato cakes are loved in both Latin America and Scandinavian countries. And in Belarus, potato pancakes with meat or sorcerers are the most beloved and revered dish.

This delicious page features light and simple recipes potato pancakes. With minimal investment of time and money, you can prepare a quick, satisfying and very healthy dish to the delight of adults and children.

Classic potato pancake recipe

It will be useful for novice housewives to master this simple classic recipe potato pancakes. Step by step process preparations and useful tips from the chefs will help you quickly organize hearty breakfast or a light dinner.

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 large spoons of flour;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt pepper;
  • 1 spoon of sour cream (optional);
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Peel the potatoes and onions, take a grater or blender from the shelf.

We grate the potatoes on a fine or medium grater, or even better, put them together with the onions through a chopper! Draniki will bake faster and be more tender!

We get tender, airy potato mass! If the potatoes were grated, it is better to drain the resulting juice. To do this, you need to squeeze out the mass and transfer it to another bowl! Add egg and flour to potatoes and onions.

It is better to separate the yolk and white. Immediately add the yolk to the mixture, beat the white with salt until it forms a stiff foam, and then add to the potatoes. Add salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

A tablespoon of sour cream will add fluffiness, juiciness and a pleasant creamy note to the potato pancakes.

Using a spoon, place the dough into a heated frying pan with oil. We wait for the rims to brown and carefully turn the cakes over.

After frying, it is better to place the finished pancakes on a paper towel. This will remove excess fat from the potato cakes and be absorbed into the paper. Children will definitely love these crispy potato pancakes because they taste a little like chips! Have a nice and delicious crunch!

Potato pancakes with cheese - step-by-step recipe

In Belarus, potato pancakes are prepared with with different fillings. For example, flatbreads with cheese and herbs are called pyzy. Easy recipe With step by step preparation will reveal the secret of this delicious dish.


  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot and 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150-200 g hard cheese;
  • 2-3 large spoons of flour;
  • dill, garlic clove;
  • spices and vegetable oil.

Cooking process at several points:

  1. Peel the potatoes, onions and carrots and pass them through a meat grinder.
  2. Add egg and flour to the minced vegetables.
  3. Season well with spices and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Grate the cheese on a track, and finely chop the dill and garlic. Let's mix the filling!
  5. Place a portion of potato dough on a heated frying pan and add a little cheese filling, and then again some potatoes. We carefully level it and wait for the potato pancake to stick.
  6. Turn the cakes over several times and fry on both sides for several minutes.

The pyzy are ready! They are best served hot with sour cream and fresh bread.

Recipe for potato pancakes with minced meat

Potato pancakes with minced meat come from Belarusian cuisine. The recipe is old, and the hearty flatbreads with meat are also called sorcerers. The cooking process is simple and recommended to all lovers of tasty and juicy potato pancakes.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 350 – 400 grams of minced pork;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 clove of garlic and any greens;
  • spices, oil for frying.


Grate the peeled potatoes on a fine grater.

To prevent the potatoes from darkening, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to them.

  1. It is advisable to transfer the grated potatoes into a colander and remove excess juice. Salt, pepper and break 1 egg into the mixture. Generously season the minced meat with spices, garlic and mix with chopped onions.
  2. It's time to form fluffy potato pancakes with meat. To do this, put a thin layer of potatoes on your hand, then a layer of minced meat and again a layer of potato mass. Gently pinch the edges. Place the pieces on a paper towel to absorb excess liquid.
  3. Place the sorcerers in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes until firm golden brown. At the end of frying, it is advisable to keep the potato pancakes under the lid for a couple of minutes so that they are thoroughly fried.

Place the finished sorcerers on a paper towel and check one cutlet for readiness. The potato crust should be thin and meat filling juicy and fried. Bon appetit!

Cooking potato pancakes with mushrooms

In the next recipe we will use healthy mushrooms as a delicious filling. Potatoes in potato pancakes go perfectly with onions and fried champignons. The cooking process is fast and food consumption is minimal!


  • 0.5 kg potatoes;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons of flour;
  • frying oil;


  1. Cut the mushrooms and onions into cubes and fry in vegetable oil. During this time, grate the potatoes on a medium grater. Squeeze out the excess liquid, add salt and pepper and mix the potato mixture with the egg and flour.
  2. Heat the frying pan over medium heat. Lay out a layer of potatoes, then a layer of mushrooms and again a layer of potato mixture. As soon as the potato pancakes are browned on the edges, it’s time to turn them over and fry them on the other side.

Fragrant potato pancakes with mushrooms are ready! For beautiful presentation you will need sour cream and chopped green onions. Have a hearty and delicious lunch!

How to cook potato pancakes without flour? Simply and easily!

For those who are on a diet, the following recipe for potato pancakes. The dough contains no flour, and the pancakes turn out more tender and airy.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • garlic and spices.


  1. In order for the potato pancakes to stick together using eggs and without flour, you need to grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. It is better to grate in a colander so that the juice flows into the lower bowl, and a semi-dry potato mass remains for the dough.
  2. The onion can also be grated or very finely chopped. Season the vegetable mixture well with spices and mix with beaten eggs.

The main secret of delicious potato pancakes is that they need to be cooked before the potatoes darken! Therefore, you should not delay the cooking process!

  1. Heat the frying pan and spoon out the potato mixture in portions. Fry the tortillas on both sides until hard brown.

Serve hot and enjoy the great taste of hearty potato pancakes!

Original recipe for potato pancakes with chicken breast distinguished by the method of preparation and presentation of the dish. The result is a delicious uncovered flatbread with a hearty filling, which can even be prepared for a festive romantic dinner.

Let's prepare the products:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 250 grams of chicken breast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • spices and dill for sprinkling.


  1. First, fry the onion until golden translucent. Next, prepare the breast cut into small pieces.
  2. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and squeeze out the juice. Break eggs into potatoes, add flour and generously season with spices.
  3. Mix the potato dough thoroughly and place a large round cake on a heated frying pan. Carefully level it and wait for it to catch slightly on the bottom.
  4. Turn over the potato cake. Place fried breasts, onion, grated cheese and a little dill on one half. Cover the layers with the second half of the cake and press lightly.

Fry the potato pancakes with filling on both sides and place them on a large beautiful plate to serve. You can feed heartily and surprise your household with such a simple and incredibly tasty dish!

I suggest you watch a video recipe for making potato pancakes according to the classic recipe

Bon appetit and see you new recipes!
