Salting anchovy at home recipes. Lightly salted anchovy - two delicious home-salted recipes. Preparing fish and a simple method of salting

Hamsa is also called the European anchovy. This small sea fish has tender meat and higher fat content than its relatives. Lightly salted anchovy is added to salads, placed on pizza, and it is better if it is lightly salted anchovy, home-salted.

The fact is that if anchovy floats in brine for a long time, it acquires an unpleasant metallic taste. This is due to the oxidation of fish oil, and this will not bring any benefit. Hamsa should be salted in small portions, as needed, because this is not difficult to do, and there are several types of salting, with different times for the fish to be ready.

  • 1 kg anchovy;
  • 200 grams of salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • peppercorns;
  • carnation.

Defrost the fish and place it in a deep plastic container. It is better not to use metal pans, for the same reason of fat oxidation.

Boil water in a saucepan and dissolve salt in it. Add peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves to the brine, and cover the pan with a lid so that the spices infuse in the hot brine.

When the brine has cooled to room temperature, pour it over the fish and place a plate on top so that the fish does not float to the surface.

Place the container with anchovy in a cool place for at least 10 hours. After this, you can drain the brine and try lightly salted fish.

Lightly salted anchovy, quick salting

When you don't have 12 hours to salt fish, you can use quick way, thanks to which anchovy becomes lightly salted after 2 hours. It takes a little more time to prepare, but it's worth it.

For 1 kg of fresh frozen anchovy you need:

  • 250 g salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 lemon (juice).

In order for anchovy to salt faster, it needs to be cleaned. Rinse the fish in cold water, rip off the head, and immediately pull out the insides without cutting the belly. If you get the hang of it, cleaning a kilogram of anchovy will take no more than 15 minutes.

Place the fish in a plastic bag, add salt, sugar and squeeze out lemon juice. Tie the bag and mix well. Leave the bag of anchovy at room temperature for 1 hour, and then transfer it to the refrigerator for another 1 hour.

Before eating, anchovy should be washed and used as you please.

If you have not consumed all the anchovy at once, put it in glass jar, and fill in vegetable oil. In a jar under vegetable oil, lightly salted anchovy can be stored for up to 30 days.

Watch the video for the most delicious recipe on how to cook lightly salted anchovy:

Hamsa is a cheap Black Sea fish, also known as anchovy. Popular in Crimea, Odessa, Italy, Spain. Hamsa is the most delicious small fish. Many delicious dishes are prepared from it; on our website you will find different anchovy recipes. I often cook - it is prepared from fresh fish with onions and tomatoes. The only thing I haven’t cooked is anchovy soup, I don’t even know if such a dish exists.

Hamsa can be eaten with small bones (fried) and this is especially valuable, because they contain the most calcium. Hamsa has a high nutritional value and is even inferior to beef in some ways. It contains 17.5% protein, 2% fat and no carbohydrates. So anchovy contains the following macroelements: zinc, phosphorus, chromium, nickel, fluorine, as well as vitamin PP. The calorie content of anchovy is low; 100 g contains 88 calories.

Lightly salted anchovy recipe

There are two ways to salt anchovy - dry and wet (in brine). It’s up to you to decide how to salt anchovy, but it turns out delicious in any case. Hamsa is a small fish, so it doesn’t take much time to salt it. In both the first and second cases, put the anchovy in the refrigerator for pickling.

Dry method of salting anchovy

This recipe produces medium-salted anchovy. If you want to prepare lightly salted anchovy, take 100 g of salt, and if you want salted one, take 200 g of salt.


per 1 kg of fish

  • salt - 150 g for medium salting

Cooking method

Rinse the anchovy and add 150 g of salt and mix well. You can add a pinch of ground coriander and black pepper. This is optional, but we usually add it. Cover the bowl with a plate and place a weight on top. After 2-3 hours the fish will be lightly salted, but you can keep it for 5-6 hours, but not more than a day.

You can eat the finished fish immediately or clean it and put it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator. You can also prepare it - this is a kind of pate that is spread on bread. Delicious anchovy dish.

How to salt anchovy in brine

To make salted anchovy tasty, you need to prepare the brine correctly.


  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 250 g
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method

In a saucepan, combine water, salt, black pepper, and bay leaf. Boil the brine and let it cool.

Rinse the anchovy well under running water and transfer the fish to a bowl in which it will be salted. Pour cold brine over the anchovy and cover with a plate on top. After 8 hours, the anchovy will be ready. If you suddenly over-salt the anchovy, don’t worry, rinse it several times or soak it in water for an hour. Then peel off the heads and ridges and place in a jar. Add vegetable oil and vinegar and eat with pleasure.

Anchovy salad

A very simple anchovy salad with potatoes and pickled onions, but very tasty.


  • anchovy - 400 g
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • greens - a few sprigs
  • unrefined vegetable oil (fragrant) - 30 ml
  • vinegar for pickling onions
  • black pepper - to taste

Cooking method

Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins. Cool and peel. Cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a bowl. Finely chop the greens and add to the bowl with the potatoes.

Peel and chop the onions and marinate in water with vinegar for 10 minutes.

Wash the anchovy and remove the head, entrails and spine. Rinse the already cleaned fish again. Cut the fish fillet into several pieces. Add the fish to the bowl with the potatoes.

Drain and squeeze the onion and add to the rest of the ingredients.
Pour the salad with flavored vegetable oil and pepper to taste. Stir and enjoy this delicious salad.

Sandwiches with anchovy

Fast and tasty dish for all lovers of this small fish. The taste is reminiscent of caviar sandwiches, but everything is much simpler and cheaper.


  • bread - 2-3 slices
  • butter - 30 g
  • Lightly salted anchovy – 10-15 pcs.
  • dill - a few sprigs

Cooking method

To prepare sandwiches with anchovy, take bread (white or black depends on your preference). They say that it tastes better with black Borodino bread, but I don’t see much of a difference.

Cut the bread into pieces and brush butter. It is better to take it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it spreads better.

Separate lightly salted anchovy from the ridges and place on sandwiches. Tear the dill into small branches with your hands and decorate the sandwiches with it. That's all - a few minutes and you're done.

Serve the finished sandwiches with hot sweet tea - very tasty!

Fried anchovy

Fried hamsichka is very tasty. It is eaten quickly, like seeds. It can be prepared from both fresh and frozen fish.


  • anchovy - 1-1.5 kg
  • vegetable oil for frying - 6 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method

Rinse fresh anchovy well in cold water. You can remove the heads from the fish, but you can also fry them with them. Place the fish in a colander to drain. Add salt and stir.

Pour the flour into a plate and roll the anchovy in it.

Heat the frying pan well and pour in vegetable oil. Fry the anchovy in small portions until golden color. Remove the finished fish with a spatula and place it on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Place the fried anchovy on a plate and serve.

Chic and expensive restaurants all over the world regularly invite guests to dinner, offering them the most gourmet dishes. Delicious dishes provide unique taste and real pleasure, which you can’t try in all establishments. And this lies not so much in the exorbitant cost of such a dish, but in the fact that the products from which they are prepared can only be found in a certain country.

Among the most elite delicacy dishes are “Deep-fried Rattlesnake”, “Jellyfish Salad”, “Lotus Salad”. But these overseas names do not cause any trembling in our souls or the production of gastric juice. Kerch anchovy is another matter.

This word alone makes your mouth water. The Internet is full of recipes for preparing small, tasty fish; anchovy can be salted, boiled, fried, dried... Most of all, everyone is interested.

The number of search queries on this topic during the anchovy period is simply off the charts. Some Kerchan residents and fans of all things fish are sincerely perplexed, what could be so difficult about salting anchovy? After all, this recipe accompanies them from early childhood and throughout their lives. Breakfast, lunch or dinner is certainly decorated with a truly Kerch dish - salted anchovy.

The easiest and fastest way to pickle anchovy is at the market. Wonderful offers customers anchovy in various degrees of salting. Here you can walk through the rows and try different fish so that the need for lunch will disappear by itself. But seriously, at the counter you can determine which anchovy you like: lightly salted or strongly salted.

During Putina (October-December), anchovy on the market is always the freshest, because it sells out very quickly. So you decided to pickle the anchovy yourself. We purchase a kilogram, two or more, according to appetites, of silver-black fish.

A simple recipe for lightly salted anchovy:

Place the anchovy in a wide bowl. It is not necessary to remove the heads and intestines from the fish. At traditional preparation Just rinse the anchovy in water and cover it with coarse salt. Place the container with the future delicacy in the refrigerator and wait in anticipation for 2-3 hours. After this time, the first sample can be taken.

For lovers of lightly salted anchovy, there will be enough time for the fish to achieve a special light taste. To make the anchovy saltier, you need to wait longer, but periodically take a sample so as not to miss the degree of salting that suits you. When the anchovy has acquired the taste you were looking for, it must be washed again in running water to remove all the salt.

The finished fish can be stored in the refrigerator for some time, but most likely it will not suffer such a fate: salted anchovy is a dish that you cannot tear yourself away from until the bottom of the empty plate appears.

Hamsa, as well as boqueron, less commonly sprat, are called medium-sized fatty fish. Salted products can be purchased at the store. But by salting the fish with your own hands, you can get a more tender and delicious product. There is nothing complicated about how to salt anchovy.

Preparing fish and a simple method of salting

Before you start salting the fish, the carcasses are washed in ice water. To allow the water to drain, the product will sit for some time in a colander located over a saucepan or bucket. Before salting, it is advisable to remove the heads of the fish and gut the insides.

Tip: Frozen anchovy is defrosted at room temperature.

Before you start salting boquerones using a simple method, you need to arm yourself with a large, clean and dry bowl and prepare the carcasses, which should be placed in the bowl so that you get a thin layer of anchovy.

Coarse salt is taken, poured into an even layer on the fish, after which the ingredients are mixed and the anchovy is placed on the refrigerator shelf for a couple or three hours. After this, you should wash off the salt, and you can serve lightly salted anchovy to the table. If you wish, you can keep the fish carcasses in salt longer.

Quick salting

There are times, for example, when guests arrive, when anchovy at home needs to be salted quickly. Take a deep bowl or plastic container, place anchovy in it, and fill it with table salt (400 or 500 grams). Add 30 grams granulated sugar. Take a medium-sized lemon, squeeze out the juice, and pour it into the fish. Everything gets mixed up.

The salted products should stand in the room for half an hour, after which the fish in the container is additionally packaged in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for about two hours. After the required time has passed, the product is taken out, washed in water, dried and consumed.

Spicy pickling

Before salting, the carcasses are washed and gutted. Place the fish in a clean, dry piece of enamelware and sprinkle with coarse salt, which may require 100 or 300 grams, depending on preference. You can add different spices, but the amount should be within one or two teaspoons. The composition is mixed. Products pressed down by oppression are left in refrigeration chamber for 2 days. Before eating, boquerones are washed, and if the fish is salty, it is soaked in cool water.

To store anchovy for a month, it should be placed in a glass jar, having previously sterilized the container. Vegetable oil is poured on top.

Homemade Anchovies Recipe

Anchovy from the store is expensive, and factory-made products are too salty, so it’s better to salt anchovy yourself.

To prepare anchovies you will need: a kilo of fresh anchovy fish, water (liter), sea salt (250 grams), a large spoon of granulated sugar and a little vegetable oil.

When choosing anchovy in a supermarket, they look at the fresh, plump fish. The bellies of the carcasses must be intact.

Anchovies can be salted using different methods. If you use the dry method, the fish will be dry and dense. To obtain juicy and tender fish, anchovy is prepared with brine. Frozen seafood gradually thaws in the refrigerator compartment.

While the fish is in the refrigerator, they prepare the brine solution. They pour it into the water sea ​​salt. If sea crystals are not available, use coarse rock salt. Iodized ones are not used. Sugar is poured into a container with salted water. Bulk products dissolve. When the liquid boils, remove the pan from the heat and allow the brine to cool.

The boqueron is taken out from the refrigerator shelf and washed under running water. cold water. The carcasses are left whole, with heads and entrails. Fill the raw material with brine at room temperature so that the fish drowns in it. Cover the container with the product with a plate so that it lightly presses down the fish as a pressure. The boquerones should be kept on the refrigerator shelf for half a day; the fish will be medium salted. For lightly salted food, the holding time is reduced by several hours. To get traditional anchovies, anchovies are salted for 24 hours.

Salted anchovies have a wide range of applications. Anchovy makes delicious canapés and snacks; fish is good with boiled potatoes and vodka.

Before use, salted sprat must be cleaned by removing the heads and belly parts. Cold water is used to wash fish. You can place anchovy on the table, sprinkled with a small amount of olive oil. You can only use fish fillet, separating the ridge from each carcass, but the tail of the anchovies always remains.

After the fish has been salted, it can be placed in glass jars and poured on top olive oil, put the lid on. The products will be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

Hamsa is a small but very tasty fatty fish. It can be purchased already salted. But if you don't like store-bought fish too much, you can cook it yourself. Let's try to understand all the intricacies of the salting process.

How to properly prepare anchovy for salting?

Thaw frozen fish first. Best at room temperature. Then rinse the anchovy well under very cold water. Now drain the seafood in a colander and wait until the liquid has completely drained.

How to salt anchovy correctly?

It's very easy to salt anchovy. And, nevertheless, there are several ways to do this. Let's figure it out.

A simple way to salt anchovy

Take a large bowl. Wash it and dry it. Place the prepared fish into the dish. In this case, it is important that the anchovy lies in a thin layer. After this, add coarse salt so much so that it evenly, but not abundantly envelops the seafood and mix. Now put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then rinse off the salt and serve. It is better to first tear off the head and remove the insides. You will get excellent lightly salted anchovy. If desired, you can keep the fish for a longer time.

A quick way to salt anchovy

Place 1 kg of prepared anchovy in a deep bowl or container. Pour 0.4-0.5 kg of table salt over the fish. Add 30 g of sugar and the juice of one medium lemon. Mix everything. Keep at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then tie it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. After this, remove, rinse, dry and serve.

Spicy way of salting anchovy

Place 1 kg of prepared anchovy in a clean and dry enamel bowl. Now add 100 to 300 g of coarse salt (to taste). Then add any spices (1-2 teaspoons). Stir. Place a slight pressure on top. Refrigerate for 2 days. After that, rinse. If the fish is too salty, you can soak it a little in cold water.

If you are going to store anchovy for some time, it is better to put it in a sterile glass jar and pour vegetable oil on top. The fish can remain in this state for up to a month.
