How to fry potatoes with chicken liver. How to cook liver with potatoes in different ways. Chicken liver stewed with potatoes

The liver, as you know, can be different. The most used in cooking are chicken, pork, turkey, and goose. The taste of a dish such as stewed potatoes with liver will depend on the origin of this ingredient. Let's take a look at the most popular options for its preparation.

with chicken liver

By-products from this bird are the most accessible today, and you will find the ingredients everywhere: from large supermarkets to small shops. It is, of course, best to choose fresh liver rather than frozen (who knows how long it has lain like this in the refrigerator). A well-selected one does not have additional segments that impart bitterness. But we still recommend following this. Otherwise, the liver will end up with a bitter taste, but do we need that? As for potatoes, you can take them of almost any variety, as long as they are good and selected. However, it should be remembered that different varieties require different cooking times.


The dish of stewed potatoes with liver can be prepared quickly and easily on any level of kitchen equipment. For this we will need: a kilo of potatoes and half a kilo of liver, a couple of small (or one large) carrots, a couple of onions, a few cloves of garlic, vegetable oil for frying, spices and salt - according to personal taste (a mixture of ground peppers or paprika works very well from experience with cilantro).


We thoroughly wash the liver in cool running water; if there are unnecessary segments and veins, we cut them off; we don’t need them. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them lengthwise into 4 large pieces. We cut the carrots larger (you can also cut them lengthwise into small cubes), and the onions into traditional half rings. Chop the garlic into slices.

Let's start frying the liver in vegetable oil. Make sure that the temperature is approximately 120 degrees Celsius, and the pieces do not touch each other as much as possible, then the ingredient will only need to be fried for a few minutes on each side. Then add prepared and chopped onions, garlic, and carrots to the same frying pan (it should be of sufficient size). Add seasonings and, stirring, cook for another 5-7 minutes on lower heat.

The last phase of preparing this dish, like stewed potatoes with liver, is very simple. You should transfer the vegetables and liver from the frying pan to the pan. Then add potatoes and a little water. Simmer over low heat until the root vegetable is ready (usually 15 minutes). Stewed potatoes with chicken liver are almost ready. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid tightly and let it brew for about 15 minutes. After that, you can serve it. The food is eaten hot. You can sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs and onions. It is good to serve sour cream sauce in a separate bowl.

With beef liver and onions - in sour cream and in a frying pan!

This dish has its own characteristics due to the fact that one of its main ingredients differs from the previous composition. But in general, stewed potatoes with beef liver are just as easy to prepare as with chicken liver. We will need: 300 grams of liver, half a kilo of potatoes, a couple of onions, a little flour and vegetable oil, half a glass of thick sour cream, salt and spices at your discretion (Italian herbs or Georgian greens are perfect).

How to cook

We use only young liver (can be veal), only fresh, not frozen, then the dish will turn out much tastier and richer. All excess should be removed from this ingredient: film, tubes. Cut into cubes. Dip in flour and salt/pepper. In a large non-stick frying pan, fry the liver in vegetable oil. The main thing here is not to overcook the product. 2-3 minutes on each side will be sufficient. Otherwise, the liver may turn out to be too tough, but we need softness and tenderness!

In the oil from the frying of the main product, fry the onion, which needs to be cut into half rings, until golden. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them quite large (you can lengthwise into 4 parts). Place in the pan with the liver and onion. Mix. Add sour cream and salt. Add a little water so that it slightly covers the potatoes. Simmer over low heat under a closed lid for 30-40 minutes. Set aside and let it brew. You can also serve it to the table. You need to eat it hot, and this is an excellent dish, both festive and everyday, satisfying and healthy.

Stewed potatoes with liver in a slow cooker

And finally - a recipe for those who like to cook in this “shaitan machine”, which is now present on modern kitchens almost everywhere. Here you won’t need to suffer at all once again (tested by experience). We will leave the ingredients as in the first recipe (that is, we will use chicken liver). We fry it in a bowl on the “Frying” mode with almost no oil and not for a very long time. Add carrots and onions at the end of the process. Pour the quartered potatoes into the bowl (for authenticity, especially if they are young, you don’t have to remove the skins). Pour in a glass of water and switch to “Stew” mode. 20 minutes will be enough. Bon appetit everyone!

The liver can be fried, stewed, and cooked from it very delicious pate. The best side dish for it is vegetables. You can also serve this offal with rice. Fried liver with potatoes is an excellent second course, tasty and very filling. In addition, it cooks quickly, and the recipe is so simple that it will not cause any difficulties even for an inexperienced cook.


1 kg beef (or chicken) liver

2 medium sized carrots

2 onions

6-7 medium potatoes

vegetable oil

salt, spices to taste

1 bay leaf


paper towel



How to fry liver with potatoes:

    Remove the film from the liver by making a neat cut along the edge, remove the vessels and veins, wash and dry with a paper towel or napkins. Cut into small pieces. Cut the peeled carrots into medium-thick slices, onion and raw potatoes- cubes.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (about 2-3 tablespoons) and fry the previously chopped onions and carrots until golden brown. Then, using a dry slotted spoon, quickly transfer the fried vegetables into a thick-bottomed pan or wok, and fry the potatoes in hot oil, also until golden brown. After this, add the potatoes to the onions and carrots, turn on medium heat and start frying the offal.

    Place the prepared pieces of liver in a frying pan with oil and fry them, stirring vigorously to quickly form a crust on all sides. Since this is a very juicy product, the liver will immediately release juice when fried. Carefully pour it into a container with fried vegetables, then add a little vegetable oil to the frying pan with the liver, salt, add spices to taste and continue frying over high heat. The liver cooks quickly, so frying should take no more than 3 minutes.

    What spices to put and in what quantities depends solely on the wishes of the cook. Usually a mixture of curry powder and oregano (oregano) goes very well with liver, but you can use marjoram, rosemary or black pepper. You can also add adjika to the dish.

    Place the fried liver in a container with vegetables, add bay leaf, stir, reduce heat to low, and cook for about 15 minutes. You will get a simple, but very tasty and hearty dish. Before serving, you can sprinkle it with finely chopped dill or parsley, you can also decorate the dish green peas, a sprig of cilantro, green onions. TO fried liver any would also work well sweet and sour sauce, for example, from a mixture of mustard and sour cream. It is best to salt the liver at the end, then it will be soft. The dish can be served either hot or cold.

This dish is very simple, suitable for the duty officer family dinner. For the first time, my roommate in the hospital treated me to this; I can’t eat much on government food:) I liked the potatoes, and the liver was completely healthy (we were both sick with anemia, liver is a good cure for it), this dish stuck with us, and I cook it from time to time.

To begin with, we take liver, you can use any liver, it’s not fundamentally important, both beef and pork will do. You need to cut it into cubes, remove all films and vessels. It is better to carry out this operation while the liver is slightly frozen. I also soak it in milk to make it softer.

We do the same with potatoes - there should be a little more of it than liver. Heat a frying pan with oil and set the liver into the water first.

Stir it, wait for it to “set”, but don’t fry it until it’s crusty.

And we throw potatoes into the company:

Fry all this splendor until ready. After a crust appears on the food, the heat can be reduced and covered with a lid.

If you wish, you can add onions to the dish, throw it in with the potatoes, but we are preparing this dish without onions, so it’s good. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper, I also sprinkled with dried dill, and that’s it, you’re ready to eat!

Tasty and satisfying beef liver with potatoes, onions and lard can be cooked for a hot lunch. You can be sure that all members of your family will be happy and full after such a meal. And my step-by-step recipe with photos will be useful to you when you decide to cook this recipe.

So, you have the following products in your arsenal:

  • beef liver - 200 g;
  • fresh lard - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 500 gr;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • flour;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook beef liver with potatoes in a frying pan

Let's take care of the liver first. We cut out large ducts and remove the film from the piece chosen for cooking. Next, wash it and cut it into small pieces.

We also cut fresh lard into small squares, and chop the onion into half rings. This is what my food looks like before cooking.

Fry the liver for a short time. After 3 minutes, turn it over and add the onion to the pan.

Stirring the contents of the frying pan, fry the food for another 3 minutes.

Now it’s time to put it in the frying pan. By this time it should be peeled and cut into slices. And before you start frying the potatoes, don't forget to dry them.

Fry the potatoes for about five minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to low and cook the dish until done. Just before the end of cooking, you can add salt if necessary.

Served hot with potatoes, onions and lard. Sprinkle the dish with green onions and invite your hungry family to taste your next culinary masterpiece. I think they will appreciate your efforts! Bon Appetit everyone! 🙂

This was my first time cooking chicken liver with potatoes in the oven. The result was aromatic potatoes and tender and juicy liver. Pieces soft cheese, literally melting in your mouth - it's very tasty! And it’s not at all difficult to cook, and it won’t take much time.

To prepare chicken liver with potatoes in the oven, we will need the products indicated in the list.

Peel the onion and cut into quarter rings.

We clean the chicken liver from the bile ducts and veins, wash it, put it in a bowl and sprinkle with onions.

Fill the liver with milk and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Wash the potatoes and cut them into small slices.

Cut the cream cheese into cubes.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the potatoes on it until half cooked. Transfer to the pan along with the oil in which the potatoes were fried, add salt and pepper.

Place the liver and onions on the potatoes and pour in the milk that was poured over the liver.

Place the cubes on top cream cheese And butter, cut into pieces.

Lightly salt and pepper.

Grate hard cheese on a grater with large holes.

Sprinkle the dish with cheese. Cover the top with foil and place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30 minutes. Then remove the foil and leave the dish in the oven for another 8-10 minutes.
