Tapas appetizer. Tapas - what is it: snack recipes. Spanish dry-cured jamon ham

Tapas are all kinds of small snacks made from meat, fish, vegetables, bread and other products in various combinations. A dish of Spanish cuisine, many drinking establishments serve signature tapas.

Spicy tapas with traditional Spanish chorizo ​​sausages and raw-cured jamon are especially colorful in taste. And in the home version, in your kitchen, far from Spain, and due to sanctions, from a number of Spanish products, you can experiment with preparing original versions of the popular tapas with spicy peanuts and Extremaduran rolls.

I took sliced ​​raw bacon and grilled it in the oven, but you can also use ready-made bacon, jamon or ham, etc. Soft cheese Sheep is desirable, but simple cottage cheese or soft cream will do.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list:

For the spicy peanut filling, simmer chopped garlic and hot pepper pieces in olive oil.
Season with coarse salt.

Add peanuts and fry everything together so that nothing burns!

Then grind this mass to the desired degree using a blender.
For example, so that one part of the peanuts turns into paste, and the other part remains whole nuts.

For an egg-nut filling that echoes the filling of Extremaduran rolls, hard-boil the eggs.

Peel and grate the cooled eggs. Combine with chopped walnuts and soft cheese. Stir and add salt to taste.

Prepare the meat ingredient. If you took not ready-made, but raw bacon, then place the slices on a baking sheet in one layer.

Bake in the oven on the grill setting until browned and completely cooked. You can simply fry it in a frying pan; it’s just that the baking sheet can accommodate more at once.

Wrap different types fillings with meat slices, secure with skewers if necessary. Serve remaining portions of toppings on slices of fresh or toasted bread.

Tapas are ready!

Bon appetit and interesting culinary experiments!

Tapas is a traditional Spanish appetizer that is served with beer, wine or any other alcohol. Classic types of tapas can be found in almost any Spanish establishment; There are also many specialty tapas bars.

Most often, the menu in these bars is very extensive and is written in Spanish. At the same time, it becomes quite crowded by eight in the evening, so it is customary to order quickly and accurately. In order not to get confused, you should have an idea in advance of what you will order.

5 most remarkable tapas

Patatas Bravas

Patatas Bravas are deep-fried potatoes with spicy or garlic sauce. Every self-respecting tapas bar has own recipe this snack, so it’s always interesting to try it.

Berenjenas con miel (eggplant with honey)

Andalusian appetizer: fried and crispy eggplant pieces coated in honey.

Salmorejo (salmorejo)

More thick look gazpacho with olive oil, hard-boiled egg and jamon.

Croquetas (croquettes)

In Spain, croquettes are prepared with a filling of well-fried ham, beef, fish or cheese.

Albondigas (albondigas)

As with patatas bravas, each establishment has its own recipe for albondigas. These little meatballs are usually cooked in tomato or pepper sauce. Served with French fries and bread.

Let us note (anticipating the question “why did you forget this wonderful appetizer?”) that tapas can be made from anything, as long as it is edible, therefore full guide It’s almost impossible to make a list based on these dishes.

Hot and warm tapas

Tortilla española

Cold tapas

Tapas with meat

  • Albondigas - meatballs
  • Carrilladas - braised pork fillet
  • Callos a la madrileña - beef stomach marinated in vinegar
  • Chorizo ​​- chorizo
  • Chicharrón – fried pork skin, diced
  • Croquetas al jámon / al torro - croquettes with jamon or beef
  • Jamón - jamon
  • Morcilla - blood sausage
  • Solomillo al whiskey - pork in whiskey and garlic sauce

Tapas with seafood

The list partially overlaps with the main one (hot / cold).

  • Bacalao – cod, often deep-fried
  • Berberechos - shellfish
  • Boquerones fritos - deep-fried anchovies
  • Boquerones en vinagre - anchovies in vinegar
  • Coquinas - small shellfish
  • Gambas al ajillo - garlic shrimp
  • Ortiguillas fritas – sea anemone tempura
  • Pescaíto frito - small fish deep fried
  • Pulpo a la gallega - marinated octopus, a special appetizer in Galicia
  • Sardinas - sardines

Pulpo a la gallega

Vegetarian tapas

The list partially overlaps with the main one (hot / cold).

Tapas are a snack to accompany an alcoholic drink. But it's not that simple. Tapas reflects the whole philosophy, lifestyle, and habits of the native Spaniard. Let's figure out what tapas can be called, how it is prepared, eaten and what to drink with it.


A "cover" to manners, or the philosophy of tapas

Tapas is translated from Spanish as “lid”. Where does this snack get its name from? Several versions are known about this. According to one of the most popular, King Philip III banned serving in taverns alcoholic drinks without snacks, so that people get drunk less and behave decently. The snack was simply placed on a mug with a drink. According to another, more prosaic version, vessels with drinks were covered with bread or ham to prevent flies from swarming in the heat.

Later, the concept of tapear appeared in Spanish, meaning literally walking with friends from one bar to another to drink repeatedly, have a good snack and chat a lot. This scheme is still in effect today. In one evening, a Madrid office worker can visit 3-5 bars.

Light snacks are conducive to informal conversation and leisurely relaxation. They served on a common plate, without cutlery, one bite size. No embarrassment, manners or protocol.

Russian salad or fried squid - what's on the plate?

Any dish can serve as tapas, be it chips or a saucer of snails. Every bar or restaurant has its own signature recipe tapas. And the Spanish housewife can easily put together a snack from what she has in her refrigerator. What is most often served as tapas?

  • or chorizo;
  • a plate of olives;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • fried potatoes with sauce;
  • squid, mussels or anchovies;
  • Ensaladilla rusa - Russian salad (like our winter one);
  • small sandwiches or canapés;
  • small portions national dishes, For example, .


Particularly popular pintxos - a mini sandwich with various ingredients, for convenience, pinned on a skewer.

Yulia, Moscow:

“During our trip to Spain, we found the largest variety of pintxos in the north. In the towns there, on every corner they do nothing but cut and stick whatever their heart desires on toothpicks. Pintxos costs about 4 euros. 3-5 pieces were replaced for me personally full lunch. Of course, you won’t be so full every day, but for a snack on a hot afternoon with a glass of beer, it’s just the thing.”

Chefs from tiny eateries and fashionable restaurants regularly compete in the art of preparing tapas at tapas competitions and festivals that take place in every Spanish province. The manner of serving tapas, by the way, differs not only in different parts of Spain, but even in establishments neighboring each other.

One tapa (snack portion) is always small, 3-5 small pieces. Depending on the size of the group, tapas can be ordered in different sizes. Tapas designed for a large group of friends are called raciones.


Cooking tapas - here are a couple of recipes

Fried shrimp with garlic

For 15 large shrimps - 100 ml olive oil, 4-6 cloves of garlic, 1 chili, 2-3 sprigs of parsley, salt, 1 tsp. brandy.

Marinate peeled shrimp in olive oil, garlic cloves, salt and chili pepper. Then heat a frying pan with plenty of oil, quickly fry the shrimp and add a little brandy. After a minute, remove from heat, serve in the oil in which the shrimp were fried, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Bread with tomatoes

Grill the bread slices or toast them in the oven. While hot, rub them with a clove of garlic and tomato pulp, cutting the tomato in half. Season with salt and olive oil.

Irina, Ulyanovsk:

“After traveling around Catalonia, I spent a long time looking for a cookbook with recipes for those same sandwiches with a variety of ingredients. I came across the book “Tapas” by the famous Spanish chef Adrian Quetglas. The theme of snacks is covered even more widely than I expected. These are not just recipes, but an interesting culinary journey.”

What to drink with tapas?

In the bar tapas are ordered with low alcohol with a light taste. When drinking, it is important for a Spaniard to feel not only the taste of the drink, but also the taste of the food.


Traditional drinks for tapas:

  • cider;
  • sherry;
  • table white wine;
  • cava - Spanish sparkling wine;
  • vermouth;
  • beer.

Of course you can order with tapas and soft drink or eat a portion just to satisfy your hunger. No one will look at you askance for this.

Until recently, tapas were served free of charge with drinks, but today In most establishments, appetizers must be ordered separately. The establishment reserves the right to treat the client as a thank you for a large order or frequent visits.


Tapas bar - Spanish atmosphere

You can taste the most delicious tapas and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Spanish ease in tapas bars. There are many such establishments today in both Barcelona and Madrid. These are usually small, noisy and smoky places where tapas are eaten right at the bar. Here There is no menu, and the entire assortment is simply presented in the window. It is not customary to sit here sedately, so the tapas bar has a minimum number of tables.

Since each tapas bar has its own rules and etiquette, in order not to get into trouble, you should ask the waiter to help you with your choice. You can simply point with your finger what you want to order, how much and mention how much you are willing to spend on it. The cook or waiter will definitely offer you the best and most delicious food.

One of the oldest bars in Barcelona - Quimet & Quimet on Poeta Cabanyes 25. Small family run place serving tapas... traditional recipes Spanish cuisine.


Denis, St. Petersburg:

“We came here specifically after reading rave reviews from tourists. It was not all in vain! A small bar with an amazing atmosphere, original food and fast service. A portion of three tapas costs about 2.5 euros. I recommend trying the beans with cod and shrimp with red pepper.”

In Madrid it is worth visiting De 1911 at Plazuela de San Ginés 5. The name of the tapas bar includes the year it was founded, and that says a lot.

Feel the atmosphere of Spain in Moscow available in the following establishments: El Basco, Cork Wine and Tapas Bar, Tapa Rillas, Tapas Marbella.

Tapas-Spanish snacks

Tapas- these are Spanish light snacks, which can be made from almost anything. The assortment of tapas is very diverse: from cold meats and cheeses to hot dishes of seafood, meat and vegetables. They can be cold and hot, meat and vegetables, mushroom and fish, spicy and tender, light and satisfying.
Mini tapas appeared in Spain as snack to sherry. Cunning innkeepers covered glasses with sherry with slices of ham or sausage so that guests would not complain that the main dish was not brought for a long time. Can be wrapped in ham and salami almonds and olives, often adding fried shrimp. Pepperoni pods are stuffed with a mixture of curd cheese and fried on the grill, and the carrots are stewed in a marinade from vegetable oil, sherry, balsamic vinegar and rosemartin.

On this page you will find an overview of delicious Taras recipes. They are easy to make and will be a delicious surprise for your guests. Tapasexcellent option for a buffet and appetizers at a Spanish-style party.

Tapas" Spicy shrimp and mango"

Ingredients: cooked shrimp, 1 mango, spicy cayenne pepper, 1 lemon, parsley, Tabasco sauce, ground black pepper.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a container, add a pinch of cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce, black ground pepper and finely chopped parsley. Mix everything well. Peel the shrimp and place them in a container in the mixture lemon juice and spices. Cover with plastic wrap and let marinate at room temperature for at least 4 hours. Peel the mango and cut into cubes.

Place one or two shrimp and a mango cube on a wooden skewer and serve with white wine.

Tapas "Cheese balls with jamon"

Mix two types of cheese, make balls and leave in the freezer for an hour. Meanwhile, bake the jamon (ham) in the oven until crispy and pass through a blender. Roll the cheese balls in the crispy pieces of jamon, insert a toothpick into each ball and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Tapas" Stuffed olives with pickled anchovies"

This easy recipe tapas consists of marinated anchovies wrapped in strips and held together with a toothpick.

Tapas "Jamon with melon"

Jamon and melon are a classic combination of sweet and salty.

Tapas "Salmon with cream cheese and anchovies"

This appetizer recipe consists of a piece of crusty bread with a slice of smoked salmon wrapped around the piece cream cheese and garnished with a roll of anchovy fillet. Secure all ingredients together with a toothpick.

Tapas "Red peppers with anchovies and garlic"

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: any canned pepper(store-bought or), anchovy fillets in olive oil, garlic, thinly sliced, bread.
Optional: toothpicks.
Options: You can replace a piece of garlic with, for example, a small piece of onion or an olive.

Tapas "Salmon with egg and mayonnaise"

For this appetizer recipe, you will need the following ingredients for 10 people: 10 thinly sliced ​​smoked salmon, 2 hard-boiled eggs (grate the white of one egg), freshly ground black pepper, mayonnaise, fresh and crusty bread, lemon or lime juice. Optional: toothpicks.

Place a slice of salmon on a piece of bread. If you like, you can add a few drops of lemon or lime juice on top of the salmon. Using a teaspoon, place grated egg white on a circle of hard-boiled egg and pepper to taste. Garnish with mayonnaise and secure all ingredients with a toothpick.

Tapas "Salmon with egg, shrimp and anchovy"

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: smoked salmon, thinly sliced; shrimp, cooked, chilled and peeled; anchovy fillets in olive oil; lemon or lime juice, hard-boiled egg, fresh bread.

This style tapas on bread is very common in tapas bars and restaurants in San Sebastian, Bilbao and other cities in the Basque Country.

Olives with garlic and chili pepper

In Spain this style tapas When you pick a snack from a plate or bowl using your fingers or a toothpick it is called "Cosas de Picar" or "Things to Prick". With this recipe you can turn a rather boring jar of salt water olives into a great one. savory snack.

For this Spanish olive snack recipe you will need the following ingredients: jar olives; 1-3 garlic clove, chopped; 1-3 cloves of garlic, pressed or crushed; red chili pepper, chopped, with seeds; olive oil; Provençal herbs.

Drain the olives, place in a bowl, pour in olive oil, add garlic, red chili pepper, spices and mix everything thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator for at least a few hours to allow the flavors to meld. Serve these Cosas de Picar with toothpicks for everyone!

Tapas "Grapes with cheese"

Wash the grapes and bake in a preheated oven at 200*C for 5 minutes or so.

Cover the bread slices with the cheese slices and place in the preheated oven for about 6 minutes until you see the cheese has melted. Place a few grapes on each piece of bread with cheese and serve... grapes with cheese taste like a kiss.

Apple chips and Roquefort cheese

Ingredients for 6 people: 2 red apples, 1/3 cup powdered sugar, 1/3 cup wheat flour, corn oil for frying, 100 g blue cheese Roquefort, nuts to taste.

Cut the apples into thin slices (as thin as possible). Mix flour with powdered sugar, bread apple pieces in this mixture and fry until golden brown on both sides. Place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Serve with blue cheese on top and walnuts to taste.

Tapas "Dates stuffed with goat cheese and wrapped in bacon"

For this easy recipe tapas You will need the following ingredients: dates, goat cheese, jamon (bacon, ham), olive oil for frying.

The best tapas recipes. Tapas - several recipes that allow you to vary the infinity of ingredients to create delicious snacks, which you can have as a snack before the main course. Spain has a large variety of tapas, an important part of the gastronomy of places like Andalusia or the Basque Country.

We offer you several recipes for simple tapas. We hope you enjoy them.

Tapas recipe with champignons

This mushroom, ham and cheese tapas recipe is a great choice that will help you become an expert tapas cook.


  • 14 champignons,
  • Semi-cured cheese
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 2-3 slices of ham,
  • 6 walnuts,
  • Olive oil,
  • Salt,
  • Finely chopped parsley.

How to prepare tapas:

A fabulous recipe for champignon tapas with ham and cheese. This tapa is very popular primarily in Andalusia, and is known in some places as "Tio Pepe". This tapas is a real pleasure and requires simple ingredients.

Wash the mushrooms very well, cut off the roots and save. Then stuff each champignon with a piece of cheese, add salt, add a little butter and put in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C.

While the champignons are baking in the oven, finely chop the ham and champignon roots, pour into a frying pan and add a little olive oil, and fry.

Remove the champignons from the oven and oven, and put a little of this fried mixture into each, sprinkle parsley on top and tapas, "Tio Pepe" can be served.

Tapas recipe with smoked sausage

With this fabulous Chorizo ​​Tapas recipe, you can prepare some delicious appetizers for special parties with loved ones.


How to make tapas with smoked sausage:
Delicious snacks made from puff pastry with smoked sausage.

Roll out a sheet of puff pastry on the countertop and use a glass to cut it into circles.

For each circle of dough that turns out, place a circle smoked sausage, thickness you wish; then wrap puff pastry bags.

Then beat the egg and coat each bag, place everything on an oven tray and bake at 200°C for 15 minutes and you can enjoy it wonderful recipe tapas with smoked sausage.

Salmon tapas recipe

By following the steps of this recipe, we will teach you how to make extraordinary salmon tapas.


  • 200 g smoked salmon,
  • 6 boiled and peeled eggs,
  • 8 small peppers,
  • 8 large shrimp, peeled
  • Mayonnaise,
  • 16 slices of toast,
  • A little ketchup.


IN boiled eggs separate first egg whites from egg yolks; and cut the yolks into small pieces.
Finely chop egg whites, smoked salmon, peppers.

Then put in a cup: egg whites, salmon, peppers and mix everything; add a few spoons of mayonnaise and ketchup.

Spread this mixture onto slices of toast, drip a little mayonnaise on top and place a large peeled and pre-cooked shrimp on top. Creative and delicious recipe Tapas with salmon is ready.

Tapas recipe with anchovies and artichokes


  • 12 artichoke seeds,
  • 60 g ham,
  • Olive oil
  • 25 anchovies,
  • Salt,
  • 2 red bell peppers,
  • Vinegar.


Cut the red bell peppers into strips and save.

Open the artichoke hearts, cooked in advance, slightly and place the chopped ham inside.
Then cut the anchovies into thin ribbons and place them on the artichokes.

Place the pepper ribbons that have been set aside in the center of the plate on top of the artichokes; and sprinkle juice on top, based on olive oil, salt and vinegar.
Enjoy this sophisticated anchovy tapas recipe

Tapas recipe with caramelized onions

The perfect tapas recipe with caramelized onions, a way to prepare very original onions, for the best tapas.


  • 4 large onions,
  • Olive oil,
  • Sugar 5 spoons,
  • Wine vinegar.


Peel the onions and cut into thin strips. Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in a little olive oil, the entire bottom of the frying pan should be covered with oil.

First, keep the heat on medium until the onion becomes slightly transparent and has reduced, it is important to stir the contents of the pan periodically so that the onion does not burn. Sprinkle with a little salt.

Later, when the onion becomes transparent, sprinkle it with sugar and stir to caramelize the onion. Reduce heat slightly and leave for another ten minutes. Onion will acquire golden color and will lose all the water.
Finally, pour a splash of vinegar over the caramelized onions, this will give them a sweet and sour flavor.
