Turkish tomato soup. Tomato puree soup. Tomato puree soup: recipe, photo Turkish tomato puree soup with cheese

I love making some of the Turkish soups. They are easy to prepare and easy to eat. I copied it so as not to lose the most popular Turkish soup recipes. Let's cook!!!

Turkish cuisine is the object of endless admiration for true gourmets. It must be said that the history of Turkish cuisine dates back to the era of the Ottoman Empire.

Along with a respectful attitude towards borrowed culinary traditions, the Turks are actively developing and improving their own national recipes and gastronomic features.

We decided to provide you with a list of the ten most sought after and popular Turkish soups.

1. Lentil soup (Mercimek Çorbası)

Not a single lunch in Turkey, and in some places even breakfast, is complete without lentil soup (also known as merdzhimek-chorbasy). Its main ingredients are water, red lentils and pepper, usually also red. There are many variations with this accord: the soup is supplemented with tomato paste, onions, carrots, garlic, dried mint, and sometimes potatoes, and the taste is softened with milk or cream. The soup is very popular among Turkish housewives. It is perfect for children, as well as for those who are watching their figure. Plus it cooks incredibly quickly!

2. Soup “Yayla” (Yayla Çorbası)

In the Turkish dish Yayla Chorbasi, or yogurt soup, the most important ingredient is, as you might guess, natural yogurt. This dish is prepared and eaten in all regions of Turkey. Yayla is one of the most favorite dishes in Turkish cuisine. The ingredients in the recipe can be varied in your own way, but the basis is rice, natural yogurt, butter and peppermint.

3. Ishkembe soup (İşkembe Çorbası)

Turkish soup "Ishkembe" is very similar to those prepared in the Balkan countries - Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia. He is preparing from beef tripe, eggs, onions and garlic. Ishkembe is eaten with garlic, adding vinegar or lemon to taste. The advantage and peculiarity of this dish is that it is very well absorbed by the body and has a relaxing effect on the digestive system.

4. “Bride's Soup” (Ezogelin Çorbası)

Bride's soup, or Ezogelin soup, is a traditional Turkish dish. It is prepared from tomatoes (or tomato paste), rice, bulgur and red lentils. The name comes from the name of the village of Ezo Gelin. There is a story associated with the name of this soup about a Turkish girl, Ezo, who lived more than a century ago in northern Turkey. One day a girl cooked lentil soup, which was later called Ezo gelin çorbası - “Ezo’s Bride’s Soup.” Since then, in some regions of Turkey, brides have cooked lentil soup on the eve of their weddings.

5. Tarhana soup

Tarhana is a traditional Turkish dried mixture that is the base for soup. This mixture contains ingredients such as flour, tomatoes, yogurt, red pepper, onion and salt. When making tarkhana, all ingredients are mixed, ground until smooth, filtered and fermented for ten days in a cool, dry place. In Turkish cuisine, it is customary to prepare tarhana in large quantities in advance. Tarhana can be stored for a long time and used to make soup at any time of the year. Tarhana soup came from Central Asia. A similar dish is prepared in Central Asia, Anatolia, and the Balkans. The name of the dish, judging by the root terḥāne, is Persian.

6. Arabashi soup (Arabashi Çorbası)

Turkish Arabashi soup is traditionally prepared in the Yozgat area. The peculiarity of this soup is that it is not served with bread, but with a special dough, which is taken with a spoon along with the broth. This dish used to be called Araaşı ("Between Meals"), but over time the name was transformed into Arabaşı. The dough, which is specially prepared for this soup, and the broth itself are an indivisible dish. Dough ingredients: flour, water and salt. Previously, the broth for this soup was prepared from partridge, but then they began to cook it on chicken meat. At first, both the broth and the dough were placed on one plate; over time, the tradition changed.

7. Corn soup (Mısır Çorbası)

Everyone loves corn soup and natural yogurt, originating from the Black Sea region. It's light and at the same time very tasty dish. Nettle, natural yoghurt and corn soup can be a great first course for your lunch.

8. “Ayran Aşı”

The city of Ygdir is considered the birthplace of cold soup with yogurt “Ayran Ashi”. On hot summer days, this soup is the healthiest and most nutritious food. Ayran ashi is made from strained yogurt and is a dish mainly found in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Anatolia.

9. Celery soup (Kereviz Çorbası)

One of the most important dishes of Mediterranean cuisine is celery soup. However, not everyone likes celery because of its specific smell. Despite its taste and smell, it is impossible to overestimate the benefits that this product brings to the body.

10. Tomato soup

Tomato soup, as you might guess, is a soup made from tomatoes. It is often used as a component in more complex dishes and, unlike many other spicy soups, can be served either hot or cold. This soup is usually made from tomato chunks, or tomato puree, or both. Tomato soup can be flavored with a variety of herbs and is usually served with crackers and cheese.

  • Tomatoes - 100 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Garlic cloves - 1-2 pcs.
  • Olive oil- 3 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper, salt - to taste
  • Basil - a few leaves

Once I saw a recipe for tomato soup in the photo, I really wanted to cook it. It’s hard to imagine tomato puree soup as a masterpiece of culinary art, but this in no way diminishes its merits. With the onset of summer comes the time not only for long-awaited vacations, but also for the heat. Tomato cream soup is just perfect for summer menu if eaten cold.

Today we will cook Turkish tomato soup Italian puree and puree soup. These are very satisfying and low-calorie dishes. They can be easily used if you are trying to diet. Firstly, after such a lunch it is difficult to remain hungry, and secondly, by changing the components of the soup, the diet will not get boring so quickly.

How to cook? Everything is very simple!

Let's start with basic recipe tomato soup puree.

  1. We will need ripe fleshy tomatoes (some use canned ones), which need to be cut into slices, salt and pepper.
  2. Before preparing the tomatoes, turn on the oven to preheat to 180°C.
  3. Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet and pour over the oil. The recipe recommends using olive oil. Certainly, sunflower oil will not spoil the dish, but olive oil has its own unique aroma and contains more useful substances. Place the tomatoes in the oven and leave to bake for half an hour.
  4. We take out the finished tomatoes and put 1/3 on a separate plate.
  5. Grind the remaining tomatoes to a puree and pour into a saucepan in which the soup will be cooked directly.
  6. Finely chop the already washed and chopped basil. Remove the skins from the tomatoes that we set aside and mash them with a fork.
  7. By mixing tomatoes with basil we got a dressing for the soup.
  8. Before placing on the table, add the resulting dressing to the dish.

Bon appetit!

To prepare tomato soup Italian recipe To the ingredients already suggested above you need to add:

  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Celery root petiole
  • Basil - 2-3 sprigs (required in this recipe)
  • Broth - 1.5 l.
  • Tomato paste - 70 gr.
  • 1 ball mozzarella or parmesan
  • A little sugar

Cooking steps:

  1. Dice all the vegetables and place the pan on the fire, pouring oil into it.
  2. Place the vegetables in the pan in this order: first the celery, then the carrots, and finally the onions, peppers and garlic (the garlic should also be chopped). Fry them for 15-20 minutes. There is no need to stir vegetables often.
  3. Separate the basil stem from the leaves and tie it with string. When the onion turns golden, place this whisk in the pan.
  4. Pour in the broth.
  5. Peel the tomatoes and add them to the saucepan along with the tomato paste. Don't forget to add salt.
  6. Place the soup on low heat and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. The soup is ready. Remove the basil sprigs and replace them with leaves. All that remains is to grind the soup and check for salt. If the tomato paste makes it seem sour, add a little sugar.
  8. When serving, add slices of cheese and a few basil leaves.

Cooking according to Turkish recipe

In terms of ingredients, Turkish tomato soup is not much different from its counterparts. We will also need:

  • Tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Pasta can be replaced tomato juice- 250 gr.
  • Chicken bouillon- 500 ml (if you don’t eat meat, you can also use vegetables)
  • Olive oil - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Spices and seasonings to taste
  • Parsley for garnish

Cooking steps:

  1. The recipe for Turkish tomato soup begins with the fact that you first need to fry the garlic in a saucepan. It is used only for aroma, so after the garlic has been fried, it should be thrown away.
  2. Now sauté the onion in garlic-flavored oil and add all the ingredients except cheese. This soup will also take about 20 minutes to prepare.
  3. After the soup is cooked, chop it and bring it to a boil again.

If you want to cook this tomato puree soup in a multicooker, then use the same products, just changing the modes. In order to fry the onions, turn on the “Frying” mode, and after the recipe calls for adding broth, switch to the “Soup” mode.

As you can see, recipes for tomato cream soups are quite easy to prepare and take little time, but they turn out very tasty.

It is not necessary to strictly follow the suggested recipes. Try something of your own, experiment. For example, for delicate taste you can add cream and you will get your own recipe - cream of tomato soup with cream.

Night tomato soup in Kemer... There is a lot various recipes tomato soups, but I really wanted to find exactly the recipe that tastes as similar as possible to that divine Turkish tomato soup, which I ate in Kemer.

Having tried several versions of tomato soups, intuitively adding or removing ingredients, I came up with a very simple recipe, but despite the few ingredients and ease of preparation, the soup turns out excellent)))

So, what do we need to prepare? tomato soup puree or domates chorba, that’s what it’s called in Turkish

  • Tomatoes 1−1.5 kg
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves, more or less possible
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp dried or fresh mint
  • 2−3 tablespoons flour
  • Vegetable oil - sunflower (odorless) or olive oil 2-3 tablespoons

Tomato soup recipe

First let's prepare the tomatoes

  1. wash
  2. remove the skin from them by immersing them in hot water for a while (about 30-40 seconds). If the skin is

If you are preparing thin tomatoes or soup from them, then just pour them over

Boil water, then cut the skin into sections and remove.

at I like it, you can beat them until they become a homogeneous puree, or you can complete the process a little earlier, then the mass will turn out heterogeneous with pieces of tomatoes.

That's it, the tomatoes are finished!

  1. Next, take a saucepan (I use a saucepan with a thick double bottom), pour in butter (you can use butter, but I don’t like cooking with butter), when the oil is hot, put chopped garlic in there (it doesn’t matter squeezed or finely chopped) and fry it until color changes. The garlic has served its purpose - it gave the oil its aroma, so we remove it.
  2. Put 2-3 tablespoons of flour into heated oil with the aroma of garlic, stirring and frying it until it becomes a paste and changes color. This takes about 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  3. Add 1 cup to the pan cold water and stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps of flour left.
  4. Immediately add tomato puree and 2 cups of water (I add boiling water so as not to cook the tomatoes for a long time)
  5. + 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped mint (can be dry or fresh)
  6. As soon as our almost soup is about to boil, pour in 1 glass of milk (I also pre-heat it in the microwave until almost boiling)
  7. Almost everything))) Cook for another 5 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. You can serve with grated hard cheese, sprinkling it on a plate, you can add sour cream or