Blueberries - beneficial properties of blueberries. Useful qualities of blueberries. Blueberries beneficial properties

Blueberries are one of the most difficult foods to preserve, as they quickly become moldy. But first of all, blueberries go sour very quickly! At the same time, blueberries are the most powerful “pickling agent” for natural products. But fermentation is best when its process is controlled. Without this, the taste and texture of fresh berries will deteriorate. The power of blueberry fermentation should not be underestimated. Collect blueberries in advance and in a specially prepared and sterilized barrel or glass jar of appropriate capacity. A barrel or glass jar half filled with berries can foam and overflow if the berries are not stirred 1-2 times a day. The only and reliable way to prevent blueberries from turning sour is to freeze them. People who have experience storing blueberries not frozen consider it necessary to observe the following conditions: it is necessary to pick blueberries quickly, cleanly and without impurities, and always carefully and only with your hands, so that they do not wrinkle. Then they should be placed in a barrel and left alone for the whole summer, without choosing blueberries. Next, keep the dishes with berries cold, which is the most important thing. If it is not possible to fulfill most of these conditions, you need to get rid of the air among the berries in a barrel or jar to prevent the appearance of mold. Another way to preserve blueberries is to partially boil the berries. Boil some of the berries and pour this broth over the remaining berries so that they are completely covered with liquid. Berries left exposed to air may develop mold. If there is no air among the berries, then mold will only be able to grow on the surface, from where it can be easily removed. If you do not freeze blueberries, stored in an earthen cellar in barrels or glass jars, then in this case you need to use one of the following methods for preserving blueberries.

1. Preservation using leaves. As has been the case for many generations of people, the leaves of Nardosmia colda are still widely used to preserve blueberries; sorrel and “wild rhubarb” are also suitable for this purpose. In order for the leaves to become soft and lie flat, they must first be held in cold water. Spread a thick layer of leaves over the surface of the blueberries, tuck in around the edges, press until the juice rises above the level of the leaves or as far as possible to get rid of air between the berries and leaves. Mold will only grow on the surface of Nardosmia or rhubarb leaves, from where it can be easily removed. According to another method, the Nardosmia leaves need to be boiled in half, let the water drain a little and spread them hot in a thick layer of 1-2 inches over the berries and the walls of the barrel.

2. Preservation by sugar. Sugar will keep the blueberries from going sour if you add enough of it and keep the berries cold. Every few inches of blueberries placed in the barrel should be layered with sugar. Sprinkle sugar on top in a layer of at least 1 inch, just as all the berries are covered. If you take too little sugar or keep the berries in too warm a place, keep an eye on it! Sugar feeds bacteria and the berries will sour more than usual. The cold in which you keep blueberries reduces the amount of sugar needed, and at the same time more vitamin C is preserved.

3. Filling blueberries with fat. Solid internal fat is taken from the insides of caribou or moose, or lard can be melted and poured over berries in barrels or jars to the top. These fats will flow and harden like paraffin. You can remove the congealed fat when using the berries, or eat it along with the berries if you cook them.

4. Filling with seal or fish oil - can be used in a similar way to isolate the berries from air. To be safe, the liquid should cover the berries, and a layer of fat should float on top. This method is good when you plan to eat berries with this fat or use them in “akutuk”. These berries should be kept very cold and used before the fat goes rancid. Old fat tastes like mold and becomes bitter and difficult to remove from the berries, so it's best not to use it.

5. Filling vegetable oil- used in the same way as seal oil. The best thing peanut butter, since it hardens at low temperatures and can be removed, like solid fat, or eaten with berries. To be safe, you need to cover the berries with something else to protect them from dirt and mice.

For you!

Previously, blueberries were considered a wild berry, but in Lately The fashionable trend of growing this berry in gardens is gaining momentum. And this is not surprising, because these tiny and very tasty berries can relieve stomach problems, improve blood composition and even cure coughs. And during the Second World War, British pilots feasted on blueberries and blueberries to improve their eyesight. Well, since this beautiful berry has reached our latitudes, the question of how to properly store it became quite natural.

How to choose a good berry?

You need to buy only ripe blueberries, since after picking the delicious berries no longer ripen. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose only blue berries that do not have reddish tints. In addition, the blueberries must be quite strong and elastic. You should not buy watery and soft berries, as well as berries with mold.

Anyone who grows blueberries in their own garden needs to know that the taste of the berries is greatly influenced by weather conditions. For example, when dry weather sets in due to lack of moisture, the growth of blueberries is significantly inhibited, and the berries often turn out to be insufficiently saturated and small. And heavy rains often lead to rotting of the skin of the fruit, which is also extremely undesirable.

You need to harvest blueberries very carefully, trying not to damage the incredibly delicate skin of the berries, otherwise preserving the harvest will be very problematic.

Fresh, undamaged berries can be stored for two weeks. However, ideally, after purchasing or picking blueberries, it is recommended to either eat them immediately or process them. After all, if juice begins to form in containers with stored berries or moisture appears, the blueberries will become unfit for consumption. In addition, during storage in the refrigerator, it can be affected by diseases such as anthracnose or gray rot.

Freezing blueberries

Blueberries freeze well. By the way, it is strictly not recommended to wash it before freezing, since under the influence of water the skin of the berries almost always becomes hard. Douse blueberries with water immediately before serving, after the berries are removed from the freezer.

In order to freeze blueberries, place the berries in tightly closed containers, leaving about three centimeters of free space - there is no need to fill the blueberries to the top. Containers filled in this way are sent to the freezer. You can also freeze the berries in a syrup made from water and sugar in a ratio of 4:3. The berries are poured with this syrup directly into containers, after which the container is tightly closed and placed in the freezer.

If you plan to use frozen berries for cooking various dishes, it is important to try to prevent them from completely thawing before adding them to the prepared foods. This trick will preserve their structure, prevent the berries from releasing juice and prevent the dish from discoloring.

Drying blueberries

Another option to preserve blueberries for the winter is to dry them in the oven. The berries are sorted and cleaned of foreign impurities, after which they are thoroughly washed and placed in a colander so that the water completely drains from the blueberries. Then the berries are placed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to forty-five to fifty degrees. The blueberries are kept in the oven for about two hours. Do not close the oven door completely, but stir the berries from time to time - they should dry evenly. After two hours, the temperature in the oven is increased to sixty to sixty-five degrees and the berries are dried for about another hour.

Dried blueberries are transferred to suitable containers and stored in a dry place.

In addition, blueberries can always be preserved - the preparations from them also turn out incomparable!

We are all well aware of blueberries - a berry that grows widely in the northern regions of Eurasia and North America.

Blueberries grow especially abundantly in the forests of Siberia. In addition, in many countries around the world today blueberries are cultivated on an industrial scale. The cultivation of blueberries is well developed and in every large store today you can see this berry for sale.

But why are blueberries so popular? What beneficial substances are contained in blueberries? Let's find out what the experts say.

What are the benefits of blueberries?

Blueberries are the closest relative of another forest berry - blueberries. The dark pigment anthocyanin contained in blueberries and blueberries helps improve vascular elasticity, preventing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Anthocyanin is also found in black currants and lingonberries, but there is much more of it in blueberries.

Obese people have a particularly high risk of diabetes, which narrows blood vessels, and overweight people are at risk of developing atherosclerosis, when fatty plaques accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.

As a result of the narrowing of blood vessels, pressure rises, which leads to hypertension and can cause a stroke.

Blueberries can be a real salvation for anyone who has problems with blood pressure due to decreased vascular tone.

Daily consumption of blueberries reduces the sensitivity of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their narrowing, helps them pass blood, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all organs and systems of our body.

Will be useful for people with digestive problems alimentary fiber- pectins contained in blueberries. Pectins stimulate the intestines and cleanse it of accumulated toxins.

Blueberries have a diuretic effect, which helps lower blood pressure by reducing the volume of fluid in the body.

How to store blueberries?

When buying in a store, carefully inspect the berries - they should not be rotten, mold or squeezed out juice.

It is better to eat purchased blueberries on the day of purchase. But if you need to preserve blueberries for some time, you can use the following tips.

Fresh blueberries can be stored for 2-3 days in the refrigerator by placing the berries in a plastic container.

Blueberries last much longer if frozen. At the same time, almost all useful substances remain in the berries, unlike berries that are subjected to heat treatment while preparing compote or jam.

Almost no remains in jam and compote useful substances, since all vitamins are destroyed when heated above 60°C.

Blueberries can also be stored dried for a long time. But it should be remembered that dried berries contain much less useful substances than frozen ones.

Blueberries need to be frozen so that they do not freeze into one monolithic lump, but remain in the form of crumbly frozen berries. To do this, scatter the blueberries in one layer and place them in the freezer. And only after the berries are frozen, pour them into a bag.

In this case, they will no longer freeze into a monolithic mass, and you will be able to store the berries in the freezer for a long time.

What to cook with blueberries?

The greatest amount of useful substances is preserved in berries that have not been subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, if you want blueberries to bring maximum benefits to the body, then you should not make jam or compote from them.

Better prepare a delicious sweet salad.

Take 100 grams of blueberries and mix with 100 grams of ripe orange.

This berry cannot be called the basis of our foundations. winter preparations, however, it’s worth stocking up on it if necessary. "The World of Berries" will tell you the most interesting recipes.

How are blueberries harvested?

Harvest season lasts from late summer to early autumn(about a month). It is worth noting that ripe berries can remain on the branches for about two weeks without losing their quality, so there is no need to rush too much. Blueberries are very easy to damage, so they should be placed in small baskets (with a capacity of up to 2 kg) and quickly sorted - whole berries are suitable for eating, making compotes, as well as for drying and freezing, and crushed ones can be used for other preparations.

Dried blueberries

Clean and thoroughly dried berries are poured into a sieve (in a 3 cm layer). Dry them in the oven or oven at a temperature of 40-60 ° C, remembering to stir periodically. It is impossible to underestimate or exceed the specified limit - the berries may become moldy or burnt. Finished product Store in a closed container (necessarily in a dry and cool place).

Frozen blueberries

Method No. 1

Clean and dry blueberries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet or on a board, frozen and placed in portion packs.

Method number 2

Blueberries are washed, dried, sprinkle with sugar(3:1), mix, being careful not to damage the berries, place in a sealable container and freeze.

Blueberry jam

  • Sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Water – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

The sorted clean berries are placed in an enamel basin, pour syrup, let stand for 5-6 hours, then cook until tender.

Blueberries in their own juice

Method No. 1

  • Sugar – 0.5 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Approximately a fifth of the blueberries are crushed. The remaining berries and sugar are placed on the resulting puree. Mix everything very carefully, put on low heat, bring almost to a boil (up to 90º C) and leave for 5 minutes. Then the mixture is placed in prepared jars, pasteurized (0.5 l and 1 l - 20 and 30 minutes, respectively) and sealed.

Method number 2

Large whole berries are washed, dried on a linen, placed in clean jars, covered with lids and placed in a deep bowl with water (it should cover the jars 3/4). Must be placed on the bottom lattice or fabric. After this, the water is gradually heated. When the berries give juice and will decrease in volume, the contents of each pair of cans are combined and the heating temperature is increased to 85-90 ° C. After this, they are immediately rolled up, turned upside down and left to cool completely.

Blueberry compote

  • Sugar – 400 g
  • Water – 600 ml

Large whole blueberries are filled into pre-steamed jars, filled with hot syrup and immediately sealed. After this, they are placed in a container with water and pasteurized at a temperature of 90 ° C (15 and 20 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).

Blueberries pureed with sugar

  • Sugar – 0.7 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Clean berries are placed in an enamel basin, crushed with a wooden spoon, sugar is added, mixed, heated to 65-70º C, placed in prepared jars and pasteurized (20 and 30 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).


  • Sugar – 0.6 kg
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Clean berries are heated in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes, rubbed through a sieve, mixed with sugar and boiled until thick. Place in trays and store in a cool, dark place.

Blueberry juice with pulp

  • Water – 80 ml
  • Sugar – 120 g
  • Blueberries – 1 kg

Wash the berries, pour boiling water over them, let stand for 15 minutes, drain and crush with a wooden spoon. The juice is filtered through cheesecloth, 200 ml of syrup is added, poured into jars and pasteurized (15 and 25 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).

Blueberry liqueur

  • Sugar – 0.4 kg
  • Vodka – 0.5 l
  • Blueberries – 0.5 kg

Blueberries are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is placed in a jar and filled with vodka. Mix everything well, cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator for 3-7 days. The mixture is squeezed out through a flannel napkin, sugar is added, put on low heat and heated until it is completely dissolved (without bringing to a boil). The finished liquor is poured into bottles, capped and stored in a cool place.

Blueberry wine

  • Sugar – 1.5 kg
  • Linden honey – 0.3 kg
  • Blueberries – 4 kg
  • Water – 2 l

The sorted pure blueberries are kneaded by hand, put into a bottle, water is added, the neck is tied with gauze and kept in a dark place for 5 days at room temperature. The resulting infusion is passed through a filter, poured into a bottle, sugar and honey diluted in one and a half liters of water are added. A water seal is installed on the neck (it must be sealed to prevent air from entering) and left for 30-50 days. After this, the liquid is expressed using a siphon. The bottle of wine is again closed with a water seal and placed in a cool room for another 60 days. The finished wine is bottled, capped and sealed with sealing wax.

A variety of blueberry preparations will save you from vitamin deficiency, boost your immunity and serve as an excellent preventive measure against various diseases. Make sure to stock up on this valuable berry.

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Blueberries have always been wild blueberries. But in the last 20 years, more and more people are interested in growing garden blueberries. This fashion came to us from the USA. Blueberries come from this country. We’ll borrow the preparations from them. healthy dishes with this berry. Let's start with recommendations for storing and selecting blueberries.

When purchasing blueberries, remember that they will not continue to ripen after being picked. Therefore, you need to buy only fully ripe berries. These berries are prepared for future use in different ways: canned, dried, pureed and frozen.

When purchasing, choose berries that are completely blue, without shades of red. Do not take soft, watery, or moldy ones. If there is moisture or juice in the container with the berries, the berries have outlived their useful life.

Store blueberries unwashed, frozen, covering the container with the berries with clean paper or film. Fresh berries Without damage, they can be stored for up to two weeks. But berries are better Use blueberries immediately after picking or purchasing.

Blueberries freeze well. Do not wash them before freezing as water will toughen the skin. Rinse with water before serving, removing the berries from the freezer.

To freeze blueberries for future use, place the blueberries in a tightly sealed container, leaving about 3cm of space at the top. You can place the berries in a syrup made from 4 cups of water and three cups of sugar. Pour the berries into the container. Close it and freeze it.

The berries are easily canned and dried.

When added to other foods in some recipes, blueberries can change the color of the food. When adding blueberries to a recipe, keep in mind that in dishes that include baking soda, an ugly brownish-green tint may appear due to a chemical reaction.

Baking soda is usually included in recipes that use an acidic ingredient, such as buttermilk or yogurt. Try substituting regular milk for buttermilk and baking soda for baking powder to avoid discoloration.

When using frozen whole blueberries in a recipe, do not allow them to thaw before adding. This will preserve not only the structure, but will also prevent the berries from releasing juice and discoloring the final product.

In most cases, other berries can be substituted for blueberries. These are blueberries, red currants, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.

Blueberries and health

Blueberries were used in Russia in folk medicine has long been used in the treatment of gastric problems. The indigenous people of America used the leaves as tea to improve blood composition, and the juice to relieve coughs. During World War II, British Royal Air Force pilots ate blueberries and blueberries to improve night vision.

What is a blueberry plant? Its habitat. Appearance of bushes. Beneficial properties of berries and their use for various diseases. Use of blueberries in cooking. Wild and cultivated blueberry varieties, their pros and cons. Methods for storing berries.

blueberry photo

Blueberry value

The fragrant, dark blue berry with a coating of blue pollen is the closest relative of the blueberry. Blueberries and huckleberries differ in the size and shape of the bushes and fruits. The blueberry bush is low-growing, not exceeding 30 cm. And what do the blueberry bushes and inflorescences look like? Blueberry bushes in the wild range in height from half a meter to a meter and have brown bark with a grayish tint.

Blueberry is the closest relative of the blueberry.

Blueberries are a perennial plant that live up to one hundred years. In the wild, it begins to bear fruit at the age of 11-18. Blueberry leaves are up to three centimeters long and up to two and a half centimeters wide. They have short petioles and an ovoid shape. Blueberry leaves are green with a bluish tint. Below they are paler with pronounced veins and covered with a waxy coating.

Blueberry inflorescences, shaped like water lilies, reach six centimeters in length. The flowers are located at the top of last year's shoots, two to three per shoot. The blueberry inflorescences are painted rather inconspicuously. They have a white or pale pink tint.

Less dense than blueberries, the oblong blueberry has larger fruits, reaching a diameter of one and a half centimeters. Its pulp acquires a greenish tint and a watery consistency. Blueberries have a less sweet taste than blueberries.

How blueberries grow and where they can be found. The growing area of ​​blueberries is very wide. This is the main difference between blueberries and blueberries. If blueberries can only be found in pine forests, then blueberries grow in central Russia and in the tundra. Blueberries feel great both in the mountains of the Caucasus and Altai, and in wetlands. You can find it in cedar forests and on poor, acidic soils. The high altitude terrain of the Far East, reaching three thousand meters above sea level, is also not an obstacle to the growth of this amazing plant. Blueberries are widespread in the Urals and Siberia. Blueberries grow best in dry, well-lit areas.

Features of blueberry reputation

In central Russia, blueberries have many offensive nicknames attached to them. This is a gonobobel, and a fool, and a drunkard or a water drunk, as well as other terrible names. The bad reputation of blueberries is to blame for wild rosemary, which very often grows together with fruit-bearing berry bushes. The essential oils contained in wild rosemary cause headaches and dizziness, and leaves of this poisonous plant accidentally mixed with blueberries can lead to poisoning.

In the North of Russia, where there is a significant shortage of vitamins, blueberries have become an indispensable addition to the menu of local residents. The northern Nenets and Khanty peoples have long collected blueberries and used them in cooking and in the treatment of many diseases. There were no offensive nicknames for blueberries in the north. The attitude of the northern population towards her is very respectful. Here it was called tender or soft because of its natural characteristics. Collecting and storing blueberries is very difficult, since this berry is very delicate and quickly loses its presentation.

Blueberries are harvested at the end of summer. Easily damaged berries require special treatment. Special small boxes are made for the fruits. Blueberries placed there do not wrinkle and remain attractive. appearance.

Useful qualities of blueberries

The vitamins contained in blueberries are very useful for the future baby

Blueberries: how are they useful? This question is answered by substances valuable to the human body that are part of this amazing berry. Blueberries contain vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This is a large amount of vitamin A, B1, B2 and PP vitamins, and there is much more vitamin C in blueberries than in black currants. Thanks to so many vitamins, the benefits of blueberries for the development of a child’s body are obvious.

The composition of blueberries includes almost 90% water, 8% sugar, proteins and organic acids occupy about 2.5%. The rest is tannins and dyes. Blueberries also contain pectin substances, which are used to remove radioactive elements such as strontium and cobalt.

The presence of vitamin K in the berry helps strengthen bones, teeth and improves blood circulation. Blueberry + beneficial features, which it possesses, actively influence the functioning of the thyroid gland and help solve problems with the functioning of other endocrine glands. Based on the above, it follows that blueberries during pregnancy will help a woman maintain her health and allow her to give birth to a healthy, full-fledged baby.

Using blueberries for treatment

fresh blueberries will strengthen the immune system, and the juice is useful for fever

Blueberry fruits are used to treat cardiovascular diseases, intestinal diseases and disorders of the digestive tract. Regular consumption of blueberries and products based on them strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Fresh blueberries will strengthen the immune system against frequent colds. They will help reduce fever and cure diseases such as bronchitis, flu and even pneumonia. Eating blueberries will help you recover after a long illness.

During attacks of fever, it is good to drink a decoction of the fruit or blueberry juice. Two tablespoons of juice, taken by a fever patient three to four times a day, will ease his suffering. Blueberry juice will also help people with diabetes. Its use will significantly enhance the effect of medications that reduce blood sugar levels. Blueberry juice has powerful antioxidant properties and contains a large number of substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Blueberries have antibacterial properties. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases such as dysentery. Consumption of fruits in fresh will help restore impaired metabolism. Magnesium, which is part of the berries, makes blueberries a calming agent. It will also help with insomnia.

Blueberry leaves are used in modern and folk medicine along with its fruits. They are included in various medicinal herbal preparations and are used to treat cardiac diseases and diabetes. They are used for hypertension and constipation. Blueberry leaves are also in demand for canning. They reduce growth lactic acid bacteria and act as a preservative.

Along with blueberries, blueberries are useful for anyone who has vision problems. Its berries contain carotenoids, which will help solve this problem and significantly improve vision.

Eating blueberries is compatible with any diet. People trying to lose weight will find blueberries very useful - their calorie content is very low, and they are also famous for their ability to break down and burn fat. Therefore, it is included in many diets.

Culinary uses of blueberries

blueberry jam

Blueberries are often used in cooking - there is not one or even two recipes for this use, but many more. Blueberry jam is very tasty, not to mention the fact that it retains many of the beneficial properties inherent in this berry. Compotes and jelly are made from blueberries. Various mousses and jams are prepared. There is a recipe for making a drink called blueberry wine. Kvass and all kinds of desserts are made from the berries.

Blueberries are also used in baking. Blueberries were used as a filling by almost all peoples who live in the area where they grow. Blueberry pie is a fairly common dish in Russia.

Blueberry juice is superior in the content of useful substances to such well-known juices as pomegranate, apple and grape. Its use is beneficial for both adults and children.

Fresh berries should also not be excluded from the menu. For children it is pleasant and delicious way obtaining the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

The history of use in cooking is as follows healthy berries like blueberries + descriptions of recipes for preparing them can take more than one page.

Previously, blueberries were considered a wild berry, but recently the fashionable trend of growing this berry in gardens has been gaining momentum. And this is not surprising, because these tiny and very tasty berries can relieve stomach problems, improve blood composition and even cure coughs. And during the Second World War, British pilots feasted on blueberries and blueberries to improve their eyesight. Well, since this beautiful berry has reached our latitudes, the question of how to properly store it became quite natural.

How to choose a good berry?

You need to buy only ripe blueberries, since after picking the delicious berries no longer ripen. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose only blue berries that do not have reddish tints. In addition, the blueberries must be quite strong and elastic. You should not buy watery and soft berries, as well as berries with mold.

Anyone who grows blueberries in their own garden needs to know that the taste of the berries is greatly influenced by weather conditions. For example, when dry weather sets in due to lack of moisture, the growth of blueberries is significantly inhibited, and the berries often turn out to be insufficiently saturated and small. And heavy rains often lead to rotting of the skin of the fruit, which is also extremely undesirable.

You need to harvest blueberries very carefully, trying not to damage the incredibly delicate skin of the berries, otherwise preserving the harvest will be very problematic.

Fresh, undamaged berries can be stored for two weeks. However, ideally, after purchasing or picking blueberries, it is recommended to either eat them immediately or process them. After all, if juice begins to form in containers with stored berries or moisture appears, the blueberries will become unfit for consumption. In addition, during storage in the refrigerator, it can be affected by diseases such as anthracnose or gray rot.

Freezing blueberries

Blueberries freeze well. By the way, it is strictly not recommended to wash it before freezing, since under the influence of water the skin of the berries almost always becomes hard. Douse blueberries with water immediately before serving, after the berries are removed from the freezer.

In order to freeze blueberries, place the berries in tightly closed containers, leaving about three centimeters of free space - there is no need to fill the blueberries to the top. Containers filled in this way are sent to the freezer. You can also freeze the berries in a syrup made from water and sugar in a ratio of 4:3. The berries are poured with this syrup directly into containers, after which the container is tightly closed and placed in the freezer.

If you plan to use frozen berries to prepare various dishes, it is important to try to prevent them from completely thawing before adding them to the prepared dishes. This trick will preserve their structure, prevent the berries from releasing juice and prevent the dish from discoloring.

Drying blueberries

Another option to preserve blueberries for the winter is to dry them in the oven. The berries are sorted and cleaned of foreign impurities, after which they are thoroughly washed and placed in a colander so that the water completely drains from the blueberries. Then the berries are placed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to forty-five to fifty degrees. The blueberries are kept in the oven for about two hours. Do not close the oven door completely, but stir the berries from time to time - they should dry evenly. After two hours, the temperature in the oven is increased to sixty to sixty-five degrees and the berries are dried for about another hour.

Dried blueberries are transferred to suitable containers and stored in a dry place.

In addition, blueberries can always be preserved - the preparations from them also turn out incomparable!
