Herbal teas are healing herbs of Olkhon. Healing teas from "Siberian health" Tea Siberian health instructions for use

The healing tea “Sagaan Kharaasgay” is created from medicinal plants growing in the protected regions of the Baikal region, the Small Sea and Olkhon Island. Its name translated from Buryat means “white swallow”. As the Buryat legend says, if a woman sees a white swallow, she will remain young forever.

The healing herbs of the Sagaan Kharaasgay herbal tea help normalize the hormonal balance in a woman’s body, which improves the condition of the skin, hair, nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and significantly softens the course of menopause.

Clover and alfalfa grass, as well as sage leaves, are especially rich in natural phytoestrogens, which normalize the balance of female sex hormones and compensate for the age-related decrease in estrogen levels - “hormones of female youth and beauty”, which begins in women at the age of 35. It is thanks to this that “Sagaan Kharaasgay” herbal tea slows down the development of age-related changes in the skin, reproductive system, blood venous vessels, skeletal system, fat and cholesterol metabolism, and at a later age, softens the course of menopause.

St. John's wort herb and sage leaves, due to the high content of bioflavonoids - rutin and escin - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of vascular blood clots and thereby reduce the risk of varicose changes in the venous system.

Oregano herb and lemon balm leaves regulate the tone of the uterus, which improves the menstrual cycle and helps alleviate premenstrual syndrome.

St. John's wort herb and sage leaves have antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects, helping to prevent inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, as well as the kidneys and bladder.

Finally, the herb motherwort and St. John's wort in combination with mint and lemon balm leaves normalize the tone of the nervous system, have an anti-stress effect, help lower blood pressure and protect the heart, thereby softening menopausal symptoms.

Compound: motherwort grass, mint leaves, alfalfa grass, clover grass, lemon balm leaves, St. John's wort grass, sage leaves, oregano grass.

30 filter bags. Price 150 rub.


  • premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation;
  • menopausal syndrome (insomnia, palpitations, increased blood pressure, hot flashes);
  • initial manifestations of varicose veins;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

Mode of application: Brew 1-2 packets of herbal tea for 5-7 minutes in 200-250 ml. hot water in a preheated container with a lid. Take 1-2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Re-brewing is recommended.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to product components.

The unique herbs of the Baikal island of Olkhon lie. The island is distinguished by special microclimatic conditions, where on an area of ​​about 700 square meters. kilometers there are alpine and relict forests, deserts and alpine meadows, steppes and sand spits, fresh and salt lakes. These places contain a huge number of medicinal plants, which for centuries have attracted both Buryat connoisseurs and today modern pharmacologists. Olkhon herbs contain a very high concentration of biologically active substances that are necessary for good health person. Therefore, they became the basis of the line of herbal teas “Healing Herbs of Olkhon”.

Camellia Sibirika (Camellia Sibirika) with Kuril tea, pyramids. Premium tea drink.

Normal digestion

An exquisite herbal set of premium tea gives the body natural substances that strengthen the cardiovascular system, support the immune system and normalize intestinal function.

Compound: Green tea, Kuril tea, hawthorn fruits, fennel seeds, cloves.

15 pyramid bags

Price 350 rubles

Camellia Sibirika (Camellia Sibirika) with golden root, pyramids. Premium tea drink

Tonic tea

New Camellia sibirica tea with golden root rich taste classic black tea is combined with the original and invigorating aromas of clove and green orange. The drink is especially attractive due to the tonic effect obtained through the addition of Siberian golden root. Just one cup - and you will be provided with a boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day!

Whole parts of plants are collected by hand and packaged in special pyramid bags. Thanks to this technology, drinks retain all their natural power, pristine taste and the richest concentration of essential oils!

Compound: black tea, orange peel, rhodiola rosea roots, schisandra berry, cloves.

15 pyramid bags

Price 320 rubles

Camellia Sibirika (Camellia Sibirika) with golden root, doypack

Toning herbal tea

Golden root, collected in the Altai highlands, has absorbed all the strength and power of Siberian nature. This premium sensual drink restores strength to the body and improves health. Siberian golden root has a tonic effect, and the bright aroma of cloves and green orange fills with warmth, gives a boost of energy and a great mood.

Compound: black tea, orange peel, Rhodiola rosea roots, Schisandra chinensis berries, cloves.

Application: pour boiling water at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water, let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Re-brewing for 4-5 minutes is recommended to reveal a different flavor and aroma.

Price 320 rubles

Camellia Sibirika (Camellia Sibirika) with sagan-deilel, pyramids. Premium tea drink

Natural strength and tone

Take a good sip of this aromatic tea and you will really feel a surge of energy! It contains a unique Siberian plant sagan-dailya (Adams rhododendron), which translated from the Buryat language means “life prolonging”. Sagan-dailya has an amazing restorative effect, lifts your spirits, gives you a second wind, and transfers its vital energy to you! Healing properties taiga herbs complement the magical effect of sagan-dayli and give health!

Compound: Kuril tea, dried apple, lemon balm herb, calendula petals, strawberry leaves, thyme herb, oregano herb, sagan-dailya

15 pyramid bags

Application: Pour 1 pyramid bag with boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to brew again for 4-5 minutes to reveal a different taste and aroma in the drink.

Price 370 rubles

"EMINAI EM" (Herb of Life). Liver herbal tea

Promotes healthy liver

Compound: St. John's wort herb, knotweed herb, chamomile, corn silk, rose hips, immortelle flowers, tansy, mint leaves, Mongolian dandelion roots, tansy flowers.

Price 175 rubles

"KURIL SAY" (Kuril tea). Stomach herbal tea

Helps normalize the functions of the stomach and intestines.

Prevention of stomach diseases. It has a mild laxative, choleretic and antiulcer effect. Normalizes intestinal microflora. Has a cleansing effect and improves the condition of the digestive organs. Regulates the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and liver. It has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and can be used in weight correction regimens.

Compound:- Kuril tea, chamomile herb, rose hips, plantain leaf.

Recommended in the following conditions: as an adjuvant in complex therapy of gastrointestinal infections, biliary dyskinesia, intestinal dysbiosis, stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea). For chronic cholecystitis, the initial stage of cholelithiasis, chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, hepatosis). For chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, colitis).

Price 175 rubles

"KURIL SAY" (Kuril tea) Special design

Two in one! Christmas tree decoration and tea!

Volume: 10 filter bags

Aromatic herbal tea with rose hips, chamomile and chamomile to help your stomach! Helps relieve inflammation and eliminate discomfort. Has a warming rosehip aroma.

price 300 rubles

“SAGAN KHARAASGAI” (White Swallow). Women's herbal tea

Helps normalize female hormonal balance

Prevention of female diseases. Normalizes hormonal balance in the female body, improves the condition of the skin, hair, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle and alleviates the symptoms of menopause. Slows down age-related changes, strengthens the circulatory and skeletal systems. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Compound: motherwort herb, alfalfa, clover, St. John's wort, oregano, mint leaves, lemon balm.

Price 165 rubles

"SEBER NUUR" (Clean Lake). Cleansing herbal tea

The composition is designed in such a way as to simultaneously influence the functional state of the main organs and systems that ensure cleansing of the internal environment of the body.

Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Maintains the cleanliness of the internal environment of the body. Has a mild laxative effect and normalizes intestinal microflora. Maintains water-salt balance, has a choleretic effect, stimulates detoxifying liver enzymes. Provides anti-allergenic and immunomodulating effects.

Compound:- senna leaves, currants, nettles, cardamom fruits, Kuril tea, clover grass, burdock root, chamomile flowers.

constipation, impaired fat metabolism, intoxication of any nature, allergies, impaired biliary function of the liver, impaired urinary function of the kidneys.
Price 165 rubles

"UYAN NOMO" (Flexible bow). Herbal tea for joint health

Promotes healthy joints

Prevention of joint diseases. Normalizes water and mineral metabolism in joints, prevents the deposition of harmful products and salts in joints. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers that form the framework of articular cartilage. Relieves swelling and inflammation and strengthens the wear resistance of joints. Maintains the strength of bone tissue in joints and slows down the aging process.

Compound: currant leaves, lingonberries, rose hips, meadowsweet grass, cinquefoil, horsetail, licorice roots.

Price 165 rubles

"KHUBAD SAY" (Pearl tea). Antidiabetic herbal tea

Helps prevent diabetes

Prevention of diabetes. Helps lower blood sugar levels and activate carbohydrate metabolism. It has an effect on the restoration of insulin activity. Tea cleanses the body of harmful products of carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates metabolism, and has a mild diuretic effect. Improves blood composition in people suffering from padagra.

Compound: bean leaves, alfalfa grass, blueberry, sage, chaga leaves, eleutherococcus roots.

Price 165 rubles

“SHANGE ZURKHEN” (Strong heart). Heart herbal tea

Helps prevent cardiovascular disease

Prevention of heart disease. It has antioxidant properties, strengthens blood vessels, and has an antiarrhythmic effect. Protects the cardiovascular system from stress and helps lower blood pressure. Protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Reduces the likelihood of blood clots and has a healing effect on the entire cardiovascular system.

Compound:- motherwort herb, St. John's wort, oregano, chamomile, lemon balm leaves, mint, valerian roots.

Recommended for conditions: atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, stage I and II hypertension, initial stage of heart failure.
Price 165 rubles

“SHADITE NOIR” (Magic dream). Sedative herbal tea

Has a calming and mild hypnotic effect

Prevention of insomnia. Has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. At the same time, it restores all phases of sleep: the phase of falling asleep, REM sleep and shallow sleep.. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, increases resistance to stressful situations. Helps improve cerebral circulation and ensure proper sleep.

Compound: motherwort herb, St. John's wort, oregano, chamomile, lemon balm leaves, mint, valerian roots

Price 165 rubles

CLEANSING Turbo tea (Body compliment)

For those who want to lose weight. Cleansing herbal tea to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.

Herbal turbo tea accelerates the process of losing weight and gives lightness.

Senna gets rid of excess fluid and has a laxative effect.

Ginger burns fat, and Kuril tea helps normalize metabolism.

Compound: senna leaves, buckthorn bark, Kuril tea, ginger, apple pieces, chamomile flowers.

Price 150 rubles

“BELEN AMIN” (Easy breathing) Chest herbal tea

The components of herbal tea help alleviate the condition during colds and relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract. Linden flowers have an expectorant effect, facilitating the release of sputum. Chamomile kills germs and speeds up the body's recovery, and mint has a diaphoretic effect.

Compound: linden leaves, chamomile flowers, mint, apple pieces

Price 165 rubles

30 filter bags

Herbal tea with ENDEMIX complex

All the benefits of the ENDEMIX™ complex – now in the form of hot aromatic tea! Five endemic Siberian herbs saturate the body with energy, increase endurance and add strength. The chilled drink is ideal for cosmetic procedures: baths, toning the facial skin and creating ice.

Rules for brewing all herbal teas:

— The hot water temperature should not exceed 80 degrees Celsius.

— The process of brewing tea should take place under the lid.

— The brewing time should be at least 7-9 minutes.

Herbal teas are not medicines

Herbal tea of ​​the Siberian Health company Sagaan Kharaasgay White Swallow (female) - a combination of natural tea components supports the health of every woman and ensures beauty.

Herbal tea Sagaan Kharaasgay: properties

Herbal tea "Sagaan Kharaasgay" White Swallow female green packaging promotes women's health, supplies the body with active substances necessary to maintain beauty and attractiveness appearance, improves mood, softens the negative effects of stress on the body. Herbal tea “Sagaan Kharaasgay” White swallow eliminates inflammation, helps regulate hormonal levels, tones, relieves fatigue, and helps slow down the aging process. The plant raw materials that were used in the production of herbal tea were collected in the purest ecology of the Baikal region.

Motherwort treats nervous disorders, balances the emotional background after nervous breakdowns and depression, increases performance, promotes sound sleep and full recovery of the body, normalizes the hormonal levels of the female body, and acts as a natural immunomodulator. Alfalfa grass is the most important herbal remedy in weight loss programs, as it triggers the breakdown of fat cells and balances the balance of female hormones, including during and after menopause, helps reduce inflammation and improve the immune status of the body. Melissa has a pronounced antidepressant effect, relieves spasms, promotes faster recovery and restoration of the body after illnesses, reduces pain in women's diseases, calms the nervous system, and increases metabolic rate. Mint leaves tend to reduce the level of male hormones in the body, thereby reducing hair growth in unwanted places. Mint helps solve many women's problems, reduces pain, regulates the menstrual cycle, and improves condition during menopause. Sage leaves relieve unpleasant symptoms of menopause, improve blood circulation, have a vascular protective effect, balance the emotional background and increase stress resistance. St. John's wort tones and strengthens the nervous system, helps to cope with depression, and has a beneficial effect on sexual desire. Oregano relieves headaches and cramps, alleviates painful menstruation, helps regulate the disturbed menstrual cycle, promotes calmness of the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the female body and promotes female beauty. Clover herb has a blood purifying effect, improves the function of the body's detoxifying system, tones, reduces irritability, promotes good performance, and helps a woman more easily survive the difficult time of menopause.

Sagaan Kharaasgay has the following properties:
- normalizes hormonal balance;
- slows down skin aging associated with age;
- stops varicose changes in blood vessels;
- reduces the likelihood of inflammation of the female reproductive system;
- helps improve the condition of hair and skin;
- alleviates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, normalizes the cycle;
- facilitates the manifestations of menopause;
- normalizes the emotional background;
- strengthens the cardiovascular region;

Herbal tea Sagaan Kharaasgay: indications and contraindications

Indications for use of the drug:
- reduced immunity;
- menstrual irregularities;
- manifestations of menopause;
- diseases of the female genital area of ​​an inflammatory nature;
- prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
- weakened hair;
- skin changes associated with age;
- varicose veins.
Contraindications for use of the drug:
- individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Herbal tea Sagaan Kharaasgay: instructions for use

Infuse 1 filter sachet in 200 milliliters of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, covering with a lid. Drink one glass per day with meals.

Herbal tea Sagaan Kharaasgay: price and how to buy

You can order and purchase herbal tea on our website. Pay for your order using bank cards or cash on delivery.

From time immemorial, drinking fragrant herbal infusions has been a tradition. Especially when it came to restoring and promoting health. Many people whose grandparents lived in villages remember a picture from childhood, when various herbs were dried under a canopy in the shade: yarrow, oregano, thyme (Bogorodskaya herb) and many others. In any case, I remember this picture clearly. Yes, I myself collected and sometimes still collect some herbs.

However, in order to make it truly medicinal tea, in which you will brew the most saturated useful substances plants, you need to know a lot about what period of the plant’s life it can and should be collected, what part to take at what phase of the moon, etc. Real herbalists can be counted on one hand. But is it really only those who live next to such knowledgeable people who can drink tasty and healthy herbal teas. No. Anyone has this opportunity. It is offered to us by Siberian Health.

This is a series of herbal teas “Healing Herbs of Olkhon”, which contains herbs from the world-famous Olkhon Island and the Altai Mountains

These teas have proven themselves among consultants and clients to have a pronounced preventive effect on various body systems. They help cleanse, maintain joint mobility, strengthen the heart and calm the nerves. Let's talk a little more about each of these wonderful drinks. We will not delve deeply into the recipes. Anyone who wants can additionally read about the composition either on this website or on the official page of Siberian Health. We will simply figure out in what case each of them is most effective and how they can be combined.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea "Seber Nuur" (Clean Lake). This tea triggers the body's cleansing mechanisms, has a mild laxative, choleretic, diuretic effects, and improves the release of toxins through the pores. And among other things, this tea normalizes intestinal function, as it contains Kuril tea. This tea is recommended for use in a comprehensive cleansing program for stool retention. This tea is also good before a bathhouse. Your skin will breathe more freely and quickly cleanse itself of toxins and impurities.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea "Kuril Sai" (Kuril tea). An excellent remedy for normalizing intestinal microflora, reduces gas formation (suitable as a drink for small children - dilute one tablespoon of this tea in half a glass of warm boiled water and give it to the child). An excellent product for anyone who is fond of meat and fatty foods, as it stimulates the digestion of animal protein and suppresses the processes of decay of undigested protein in the intestines. Helps reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea "Aminai Em" (Herb of Life). Here's the truth - the liver is the second heart. And by drinking this delicious and aromatic tea with a light taste of mint and rose hips, you pamper your second heart. Help the liver cope with the removal of toxins and recover faster after a busy day and a hearty dinner. Tea stimulates the flow of bile from the gallbladder, and therefore it is better to take it 20 minutes before meals. Use with extreme caution for those who have gallstones.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea “Sagaan Kharaasgai” (White Swallow). A wonderful drink for lovely ladies from 15 and up. Helps normalize hormonal levels along with women's health program products. Reduces the severity of premenstrual syndrome. It is a good prophylactic for inflammatory processes in the female genital area. Reduces the manifestation of menopause.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea "Khubad Sai" (Pearl tea). Tea for those who cannot imagine their life without sweets. The herbs included in the composition help control the amount of glucose in the blood and help prevent diabetes. In addition, this drink is great for those who want to adjust their figure, again due to the fact that it helps control the intake of fast carbohydrates.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea "Uyan Nomo" (Flexible onion). An integral component of the Flexible Joints program. Thanks to this tea, the flow of fluid in the body improves, helps remove excess salts from the kidneys, thereby preventing the formation of stones. Improves the exchange of fluids in the joint capsules, helps reduce inflammation in the joints. Contains a large amount of vitamins, including vitamin C, which is necessary for the synthesis of articular cartilage (thanks to lingonberries, rose hips, currants). It is also good for athletes, especially those who have heavy loads on their legs and back.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea “Shanga Zurkhen” (Strong heart). And it really makes the heart stronger, the rhythm calmer, and the blood more mobile. A wonderful drink after a hot day, a hot bath or sauna. The only note is that for those who suffer from slow heart rate - bradycardia, this tea is not recommended. It may cause discomfort in this case. Helps with high blood pressure, nourishes the cardiovascular system with essential substances. Recommended for everyone who cares about their heart.

Dietary supplement Herbal tea “Shedite Noir” (Magic dream). This is not a sleeping pill, as many people think based on the name. This tea contains soft, soothing herbs: oregano, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. These herbs help reduce anxiety, fall asleep easier, and wake up more rested. This tea can be given to adults who are prone to nervous tension (either due to their character, or due to the specific nature of their activity) and children (especially if they are hyperexcitable or under stress, for example, when taking exams).

Herbal teas are brewed in a thermos or thermal mug at the rate of 1 sachet per 0.5 liter of boiling water. It is important to let it brew for at least 30 minutes to get a drink rich in herbal extracts. It is also possible to brew 2 bags, for example, in the case of a long-term problem with stool (herbal tea "Clean Lake"), or in the case when a person is under stress for a long time (herbal tea "Magic Dream")

But that's not all. An excellent addition to herbal teas is the Medina series. And besides this, Siberian Health also has a series of Camellia Sibirica - elite herbal teas - a wonderful gift!
