Meatball and Mexican Blend Soup. Soup with meatballs and frozen vegetables: recipe with step-by-step photos. How to make soup with meatballs and potatoes

If there is no broth, and there is nothing to cook it from here and now, but there is some minced meat, your family will never be left without the first one. Because you can make soup with meatballs and any filling. For example, with potatoes and small vermicelli.

And if there are fresh vegetables in the refrigerator, then it will not be just soup, but an ordinary culinary delight. This is when the whole family first greedily sniffs the air in the kitchen, and then is in a suspiciously high mood. Why did it happen?

For 1.5-2 liters of water. Cooking time - 50 min.


  • meat ready minced meat- 300-500 grams
  • egg - 1
  • onion - 1 small
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • potatoes - 2 medium
  • zucchini (prettier with zucchini) - 1 long
  • tomato - 1
  • red onion - 1
  • Bell pepper- half
  • carrots - 1 large (2 medium)


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    Finely chop the onion (you can use a meat grinder or finely grate it). Add chopped onion to the minced meat and beat in the egg. Stir until smooth, adding salt and pepper as you go. The minced meatballs are ready - set the bowl aside.

    Prepare vegetables for soup - cut into cubes:

    Zucchini - large, carrots medium or small,

    large potatoes, small peeled tomatoes,

    ON A NOTE. To remove the skin, scald the tomato and leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse cold water and clean it.

    pepper in small cubes, and onion in half rings.

    Now let's start cooking the soup. The main thing is the sequence of adding vegetables.

    Pour into the pan vegetable oil and put onion. Place the pan over low heat to sauté the onions (do not fry!).

    Then add the zucchini and simmer again for about 5 minutes.

    Next are the peppers and potatoes (simmer for 8-10 minutes).

    Tomatoes come last. Add salt, pepper and simmer again for 5 minutes.

    Pour cold water over the vegetables, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

    Place the meatballs. You can form them using either a teaspoon or your palms.

    Cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes. And then let it brew. Serve aromatic soup with meatballs along with herbs and sour cream - with this dressing it tastes much better.


Meatballs can be added to the soup not only raw, but also pre-fried over high heat.

You can serve sour cream and herbs separately, or you can mix finely chopped herbs and sour cream into the sauce.

If you don’t have the patience and time to cook the soup in many stages, then add all the vegetables, after simmering the onions, pour in just a little warm water, add salt and pepper, simmer under the lid for 10-15 minutes, then pour in the water and add the meatballs.

It will turn out great too tasty soup. But something will be missing. Perhaps magic. The magic of real chef secrets.

Beef Meatball Soup Recipe with Frozen Mixed Vegetables step by step photos cooking schedules. Meatball soup always comes together very quickly, but it has never let me down. To further speed up the process of preparing soup, you can use frozen vegetable mixture- carrots, onions, green beans, cauliflower, Bell pepper. The calorie content of one serving of soup (360 grams) is 145 kcal, the cost of a serving is 30 rubles. Chemical composition one serving of soup with meatballs: proteins - 14 grams; fats - 7 grams; carbohydrates - 7 grams.


To prepare the soup we will need (for 6 servings):

minced beef - 400 grams; frozen vegetables (vitamin mixture) - 400 grams; onion - 100 grams; chicken egg - 1 pc.; salt, spices.


Finely chop the onion and combine with ground beef And chicken egg, add salt and spices.

From the resulting minced meat we make small balls - meatballs. I got 24 meatballs from the specified amount of ingredients.

Defrost frozen vegetables (vitamin mixture) in the microwave or simply at room temperature.

Boil water in a saucepan, add a little salt, add meatballs, cook the meatballs, stirring occasionally for 15-20 minutes.

Then add the defrosted vitamin mixture to the soup, cook the soup until the vegetables are ready (about 10 minutes).

Other meatball soups on ipravilno:

Product Product weight (grams) Price per kg of product (rub) Kcal per 100 g of product
Minced beef 400 300 150
Bulb onions 100 40 41
Spring vegetables (frozen mixed vegetables) 400 120 47
Egg 50 100 157
Water 1200 0

(6 servings)

2150 178 877
A portion 360 30 145
Proteins (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams)
A portion 14 7 7