What onions to plant at home for greenery. How to grow green onions on a windowsill at home

At home, you can grow regular onions and other types on your windowsill. The growing procedure is very simple and anyone can do it.

To get the best possible harvest, you need to properly prepare the bulbs for planting. Many people believe that it is enough to simply pour water into a jar, then the onions will grow well. But that's not true. The bulbs are pre-prepared for planting. The size of all the bulbs should be approximately the same, they should be small.

  • Externally, the bulb meets the following characteristics:
  • no defects;
  • no scratches;
  • bulb elasticity;

healthy bulb color.

How to grow green onions in a greenhouse is indicated Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in warm water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should be 50 degrees. Many fans of growing onions use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of ash instead of water. After this time, the onions are transferred to cold water. Husk after cold water

removed from the bulbs.

  1. Regardless of how and with what equipment you grow onions, a number of conditions must be met. Onions love sunlight
  2. . The more it is, the better the color of the bulbs and the juicier the taste. Watering is carried out only with water that has already settled
  3. . The water should be at room temperature, you can even warm it up a little. Too wet soil leads to rot.
  4. . But this is only if you use the soil growing method. Avoid too hot air
  5. . Under its influence, the onion will slow down its growth and dry out. Therefore, when growing on a windowsill, pay attention so that the battery does not harm the plant. If you wait until the first green, don't rush
  6. . By cutting off the first feathers of an onion, you can stop the growth of the entire bulb. Therefore, wait until the greens are completely ripe, only then cut the onions. The maximum development period of the bulb is 2 months

. By external signs you will see that the bulb has begun to dry out. The greens grown further will be tasteless and dry.

If the onion is grown in a cool room, green feathers will grow in about 45 days. This usually occurs at a temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is +25 degrees, then after 21 days you can cut off the first feathers of green onions.

If you want to get juicy onions that grow vertically, then you need to provide lighting in the room for 12 hours.

In the first 10 days after planting, the onions are placed in the shade in a fairly cool place. This technique allows for the development of a good root system. Any place that is far from the window will do. But onion feathers will grow better in a warm room. +25, +27 degrees – this is the best temperature for growing onions. If the temperature drops lower, this will lead to slower growth of the onion.

If, when growing, the window where the onions grow is darkened, then additional lighting will only be beneficial. Usually there are no difficulties when growing this way.

For those who want to grow not only onions on the windowsill, it will be interesting to learn how to grow them there Chinese cabbage. All information is indicated, as well as how cucumber seedlings are grown, you can also find out from this

The third method is to use a bottle. The result is a vertically located gardener, where water bottles are used as a front garden. Heliotropism is a property that is characteristic of onions. What does this mean? The onion will always strive for sunlight and grow upward, even if placed on the side of the jar. What available tools should be used to create such a gardener?

  • plastic bottle;
  • stable flower pot;
  • Earth;
  • drainage;
  • sets and one sprouted onion.

The bottle volume can be any. It all depends on how much onion you want to have. Even the most common 1.5 liter containers will do. The bottle must be washed very well and then dried. This must be done. If particles of drinks remain on the walls, the onions will bloom and the soil will become moldy. The cap is removed from the bottle, and the central part of the bottom is cut out. A smooth transition from the bottom to the wall should be maintained.

Now holes are cut in the bottle in a checkerboard pattern. These holes will be slightly larger in diameter than the bulbs themselves. The holes should be located at a short distance from each other. But too much placement will cause the bottle to begin to bend. The entire structure must be stable.

After the manipulations have been completed, the bottle is filled with earth. Now the bottle is turned over and placed on a stable surface. If the bottle is small, then a flower pot will do. The center of gravity of the bottle should shift downward. Therefore, ideally, several pebbles are placed at the bottom. Drainage is placed in the pot, which will absorb excess moisture. A layer of soil is placed on top of the pot, then compacted and given time to settle. This design will be well secured.

When filling the pot with soil, do not overdo it. Maintain a middle ground between dense and loose soil. It is best to fill the bottle with damp soil. If the soil is loose, then use a trick like filling it with small foam balls. This will make the soil more dense. These polystyrene foam balls can prevent the ground from caking.

Before planting, the onion can be warmed up near the radiator so that it begins to grow faster. Near the battery it can warm up for about 3 days. In order for the onion to warm up well on all sides, it must be constantly turned over. Therefore, this method is not always convenient. Otherwise, soak the sets.

To strengthen the onion’s immunity and allow growth to begin faster, you can apply treatment with a biostimulant. Aloe juice is considered the most accessible and widespread remedy.

Now the onions can be planted in the bottle. For convenience, you need to start doing this from the bottom.

In the video - growing chives on a windowsill:

The bulb is not completely buried in the ground. This is done only 1/3 of the height of the bulb. When the roots grow and strengthen, they will bind the earth well, firmly anchoring themselves in it. Initially, the bulbs may be pushed out of the ground a little as the roots grow, but you can simply press down on the bulb to push it inward. Plant a large onion on top that will decorate your mini-garden.

  1. The advantages of this planting method are obvious.
  2. It will be very easy to care for such a plant.
  3. This method of planting onions helps prevent the occurrence of diseases.
  4. By simply turning the bottle it is easy to give a portion of light to the desired bulbs.

The bottle holds a large number of bulbs, which cannot but please the hostess.


When growing certain varieties of onions, you need to be aware of some characteristics of certain varieties.

Onions are one of the most unpretentious crops; they are successfully grown not only in gardens, but also on windowsills. There are two ways to plant onions on a windowsill: traditional way in trays with soil and hydroponically in water.

You can grow the crop anywhere, on a balcony or windowsill. Moreover, it is worth growing it all year round. This method is especially relevant in winter and early spring, when you want to have fresh herbs on the table.

  • No need to buy onions, and you can save money at the same time. After all, greens are always at a premium on the market.
  • Enterprising people manage to grow herbs on the windowsill for sale.
  • There are practically no costs, just buy the seeds, prepare the soil and plant.

Everyone should have a tray of herbs on the window - it is very useful and profitable.

Onions grown at home will be environmentally friendly, without the admixture of chemical fertilizers. It’s not scary to give it to children or eat it yourself.

Deadlines for landing in the apartment

There are no specific planting dates. It is possible to plant all year round, as long as the trays are placed on the window. The temperature in the apartment will be sufficient even in winter. It would be good if the trays were placed on the window on the south side, although this is not essential. Sunlight will come from any direction.

  • If there is not enough light in winter, you can really use a lamp in the form of a backlight.
  • From a lack of light, green feathers will turn yellow and wither.
  • Watering can be moderate; excess moisture will cause root rot.

In general, there are no difficulties in growing it. Planted at different times, the onion will regularly produce a harvest. While seedlings are forming in one tray, good greens will already be growing in the second, which can be cut for salads.

How to grow onions on a windowsill?

Surely many people are familiar with the method of growing in a glass. A large harvest cannot be achieved using this method. It's another matter if you plant the bulbs in a flat tray so that a lot of seeds can fit there. You can plant it in flower pots, but not too deep.

Enterprising people who never waste anything for this purpose use food containers and plastic bottles. There are no fundamental rules for choosing containers; anything will do. To prevent water from stagnating, you need a tray and holes at the bottom.

There are a wide variety of flat plastic containers on sale in which you can grow any greens. They are sold already with pallets. In the old fashioned way, trays are made from wooden boards. When using plastic bottles, they are often cut crosswise. 3-5 liter bottles are well suited for this purpose.

Modern methods of growing onions at home involve structures made of plastic bottles with holes. There are many options; choosing the right method for yourself is easy.

By organizing mini-beds on the windowsill, you will always have fresh herbs.

Soil requirements

An unpretentious crop will grow in almost any soil. But there is still a difference; bad soil will turn into a lump from watering. It will start to mold. From lack useful substances and fertilizers, the bulbs will not grow well in it. You can prepare the soil yourself or buy a ready-made mixture at a flower shop.

  1. If you are growing bulbs on a windowsill, you need soil that is neutrally acidic.
  2. The soil should be loose and crumbly. This can be achieved by adding peat to the soil.
  3. It is also necessary to ensure good drainage. Vermiculite (a mineral filler that is used when growing indoor flowers) is ideal for this purpose.

Prepare the soil yourself in a ratio of 1:3. Peat, sand and humus are added to the soil. The resulting disinfectant composition is dried inside the oven.

You can disinfect the soil from fungi using a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide.

Planting onions at home on greens

In order for the bulbs to sprout quickly, you need to carefully trim the tails with scissors. There is no need to touch the roots, and trimming the tails will produce greenery faster. It can also be soaked in water for half an hour and then planted in trays. Moisture will contribute to the rapid awakening of dried roots.

  1. For planting, take medium-sized onions. If you take small seeds, the feathers will grow thin. A large one will have thick feathers.
  2. It is successfully grown on the windowsill (popularly called kushchevka).
  3. You can try to plant onions with seeds; they will sprout, but the feathers will be very thin and weak.
  4. Seed material is selected based on the type of feather needed. The best option is a medium-sized golden onion type.

The heads are planted at equal distances. There is no need to adhere to any parameters, as this onion is planted exclusively for greenery. The goal is to place as many trays as possible on the windowsill.

Rules for caring for bulbs

Care for seedlings in the same way as for indoor flowers. Watering is carried out as the moisture evaporates. Green feathers love being sprayed with water. In the warm season, the window needs to be ventilated; fresh air will be very beneficial for the greenery.

If desired, the trays can be taken out onto a ventilated balcony. Due to the sparse planting, it is not worth loosening the soil. As for fertilizers, if the soil is good, it will be enough to fertilize during watering.

Mineral fertilizers are suitable for indoor flowers. You can prepare the simplest fertilizer yourself. You need to take an eggshell and fill it with water. Leave the jar with water and shells for 5-7 days.

You need to be careful when spraying from a spray bottle in the summer; the scorching sun outside the window can leave burns.

At first glance, the process may seem labor-intensive, but in fact, nothing is simpler; anyone can grow onions at home. If the plant constantly has enough moisture and light, there will be no problems with growing.

Winter is the time of year when our diet contains a minimum of vitamins. It is within your power to correct this situation. To do this, it is not necessary to stock up on synthetic vitamins at the pharmacy. Onion feathers are an excellent source, which help fight diseases and give dishes a great taste. You can buy this product at the market or in a store. We will tell you how to grow onions on a windowsill in winter.

How to grow green onions on a windowsill in water?

One of the most simple ways- This is the cultivation of onions using the hydroponics method. Such a beautiful word hides the banal act of placing an onion in water.

There are many options for growing onions on a windowsill in winter. First, select bulbs from your existing supplies that are healthy, naturally, without rot. It is better if they already have small green sprouts. And then the feathers will grow much faster. We recommend taking medium-sized bulbs themselves. If you have onion sets, give preference to them - onion feathers grow very delicate.

Choose a suitable container; it should not be deep. It is very convenient to use egg trays. Water must be poured into each cavity, where the bulbs are then placed bottom down. You can also use small plastic or glass glasses, food trays, etc. as containers. From time to time you should add water to the bulbs. You will soon notice that the white roots of the bulbs will stretch out and they will fill with feathers.

Planting onions on a windowsill in the ground

The other option is more labor-intensive, but still not particularly difficult. The main advantage of planting onions for forcing on feathers is the absence of rotting of the bulbs, which happens when grown in water.

An ordinary pot can be used as a container. It’s better to take a shallow but wide container so that it can germinate on your windowsill. as many bulbs as possible. Some housewives suggest using a 5 liter plastic bottle. It needs to be filled with earth, and then round holes should be made in the walls through which the bulbs should be inserted. As a result, a whole bed will grow on your window, taking up very little space.

Don't forget about the holes in the pot or other container, as well as the drainage layer. You can use garden soil or ready-made soil. In a similar way, you can grow onions on a windowsill. The perennial plant needs to be dug out from open ground and transplant into a container. In a couple of weeks, with systematic watering, a delicate fluff of greenery will appear.

Growing onions at home is a very simple and quite enjoyable activity. After all, you will not only decorate your home with herbs, but you will also be able to add fragrant onion feathers to various dishes. And this will help them become not only tasty, but also very healthy.

What are the benefits of onions?

First, it’s worth finding out why onions are so useful. As you know, it contains many useful substances that help:

  • improve digestive processes and increase appetite;
  • in the process of treating atherosclerosis;
  • in the fight against infections and various types of viruses;
  • for hypertension;
  • significantly improve sexual activity.

But this is not the only thing onions can help you with. For example, onion juice is used to relieve severe itching and redness after a mosquito bite. It is also often used to get rid of boils, warts and even various calluses. Many people take the juice of this vegetable internally to improve their condition in diseases such as insomnia, neurasthenia, and rheumatism.

Choosing the right bulb for planting

In order for the harvest to be plentiful, you simply need to choose the best bulbs. There are several criteria that they must meet:

  1. Firstly, the onion must be of the correct shape, or rather, round. It must be slightly squeezed in your hand in order to check the density. A soft bulb, and especially one with signs of rotting, is not suitable for planting.
  2. Secondly, you should pay special attention to the root calyx. She must have enough big sizes and be fully formed.
  3. Preference should be given to sprouted onions. This will allow you to grow greens fairly quickly.
  4. It is also necessary to inspect the scales of the onion. In a healthy, well-formed bulb, they are usually shiny.

Since onions tolerate cold quite tolerantly, they grow very well at temperatures of +19⁰...+21⁰ C. If you want to speed up the growth of greenery, then to do this you just need to increase the room temperature to +25⁰ C. However, it is worth considering that this plant Can't stand heat. Therefore, you cannot place the container with planted bulbs in the sun or next to heating devices. It is worth considering that greens greatly slow down their growth at temperatures above +30⁰ C.

Bulb preparation process

Many people think that growing onions is easy. I put the onion in a glass of water and the job was done. But it was not there. The bulb must first be carefully examined, and then prepared in a special way. But first things first.
We select the bulbs very carefully. There should be no cuts, sores, or even signs of rotting on its surface. It should have a pleasant color and a characteristic onion smell.
Finally, the bulbs have been selected and preparation can begin. To do this, you need to pour water into a fairly deep container, the temperature of which will be approximately 50⁰ C. Instead of simple clean water, you can take a weak solution of potassium manganese or dissolve a little wood ash in it. Then you need to dip the onions into the prepared liquid and leave them there for a third of an hour. After this, the bulbs should be removed and placed in a container with cool water for 5 minutes. After the specified time has passed, they should be removed, and then the husks should be carefully removed. If you are going to grow onions in water, then pre-soaking is not required.

How to grow green onions in water

You can grow green onions on a windowsill without using soil. To do this you will need a container, plain clean water and an onion. However, this growing method has several features that should definitely be taken into account:

  1. The selected container should have a small diameter at the top. Ideally, the bulb installed in it should touch the water only with its roots.
  2. In the case when the onion is small in size and it is simply impossible to find a suitable container, then foam plastic, cardboard, wire, etc. can help you. If you get a little creative, you can easily make a supporting frame from these materials.
  3. In order to grow a lot of greens in water at once, it is not necessary to place each bulb separately in a container. You can take a fairly large flat container and use it to accomplish your plans. To do this, not too much cool water is poured to the bottom, and then pre-prepared onions are installed in it.
  4. You should regularly check the container for the presence of water. You need to add it as needed. But it is worth considering that the water must come into contact only with the roots.

Growing onions in a plastic bottle

For this method of growing onions at home, you will need a plastic bottle of absolutely any size. However, most often a five-liter bottle is used for these purposes. You should also prepare the required number of bulbs and filler, which can be earth, sand, sawdust and even paper napkins. In principle, anything that can absorb and retain moisture can be suitable for this purpose.

The process of planting bulbs in a bottle:

  1. Round holes are cut in several rows in the bottle. It is worth considering that their diameter is slightly smaller than the bulb itself. Thus, in a bottle with a volume of five liters, you can place onions in ten rows.
  2. It is worth considering that the very first row from the bottom is 7–10 centimeters above the bottom. This is necessary so that during watering the liquid does not leak out of the bottle.
  3. After the bottle is prepared, you should fill it with the filler you have chosen. This is done as follows. For example, sawdust is poured to the level of the first holes. Then, the bulbs are installed in the holes. And in this sequence the bottle is filled to the very top.
  4. When all the bulbs are planted, they should be watered. To do this, use clean, cool water.

Growing green onions on a windowsill in the ground

Very often, plain soil is used to grow onions. To do this, you will need a container approximately 5 centimeters high. If you want to have greens all the time, then in this case you will need to plant onions in two containers with a difference of a week or a week and a half.
In the case where the soil for onions is not purchased, but collected independently on the street, you will need to carry out a disinfection procedure. To do this, it needs to be properly calcined in the oven. However, there is more easy way. To do this, you will need to make a solution of potassium manganese and water the soil with it. In this case, before planting the onion in the ground, you will need to spill it with clean warm water.
At the bottom of the container you can put small pebbles or sawdust about one centimeter high. Then the earth is poured. The soil must have a loose structure and absorb moisture well. Its acidity must be neutral.
After the container with the soil has been prepared, you can proceed directly to planting the bulbs, previously prepared in the manner described above. The bulbs can be planted close to each other.

Necessary conditions for rapid onion growth

Once you have decided on how to grow green onions in your home and they are planted, you should think about how to create more favorable conditions for the greens to grow quickly.
To begin with, you should know that after the bulbs are planted, the container should never be placed in direct sunlight. It should stand for about a week and a half in a shaded place where it will be quite cool. Thus, the plants will form a strong root system. Simply put, a container with planted bulbs can be placed almost anywhere, except on the windowsill and those located next to heating devices.
The most favorable temperature for intensive growth of onion greens is 24–27⁰ C. However, nothing bad will happen if the temperature in the room is lower than specified. The onion will grow, but it will happen more slowly. If, standing on the windowsill, the bulbs receive little sunlight, and this can happen due to prolonged cloudy weather or for other reasons, then artificial lighting should be provided. A fluorescent lamp is used for this.

Features of caring for onions growing at home

You can grow green onions on your windowsill all year round. However, it is worth considering a few nuances:

  1. Onions should be watered regularly. To do this, use lukewarm or slightly cool clean water. It is best to let it sit in a container for 10–12 hours before watering. When onions are grown in the ground, it should not be allowed to become waterlogged. Otherwise, the bulbs themselves may begin to rot, which will lead to the death of the entire plant.
  2. It is not recommended to place a container with bulbs next to heating devices. This is all because onions do not tolerate extreme heat very well. You should especially avoid placing onions on a windowsill under which heating pipes pass.
  3. The first greenery should never be cut off. This can lead to the fact that after cutting off the first green leaves, many shoots will not have time to wake up. And as a result, the harvest will be meager, and the growth of greenery will slow down significantly.
  4. As a rule, one bulb can grow for no more than two months. After this time, the green onions will grow more and more slowly, and their leaves will not have rich taste and aroma.
  5. To keep your greens juicy and bright, place the bulbs in a sunny place.

How to properly fertilize onions grown on a windowsill

If you want to increase the future harvest of delicious green onion feathers, then you can use fertilizer. However, it would be great if you could do without using them. But if you still decide to improve the growth of onion feathers in this way, then it is worth purchasing complex fertilizers with an NPK value of 10-10-10.
The fertilizer must be diluted in water before doing this, be sure to read the instructions attached to it. Under no circumstances should you change the dosage without permission. Don’t think that if you add more fertilizer, the plant will be much better. It may turn out the other way around, and the bulb will eventually die. It is recommended to dilute the fertilizer a little more than required. Then, using a regular syringe, draw the required amount of solution and feed the onions.
If onions are grown for greens in a vessel with water, then you may encounter one problem. Namely, the roots may begin to rot. In order to avoid this, from time to time you will need to add a small amount of four percent hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium manganese to the liquid (ideally, the water should be light pink).
Common problems with growing green onions indoors in winter
Before you decide to plant onions for greens, you should study a number of problems that often arise among inexperienced housewives. This will help you avoid some unpleasant situations.
The first thing worth noting is that the container with the planted green onions, as a rule, takes up quite a lot of space. And if you have narrow window sills or they are filled with flower pots, then in this case a number of problems may arise with the placement of planted onions.
If you plant the bulbs in the ground, then in winter you may need additional soil, for which you will have to go to a special store. And with the onset of spring, most housewives are scratching their heads over where to put the soil. It can be used to plant another plant or dried and stored until next winter. It’s also worth considering that the pungent smell of onions in a room often breeds midges, which are not so easy to get rid of.

How to harvest correctly

Many scientists have proven the fact that if you completely cut off the first young greenery, then the bulb will no longer be able to produce a rich harvest, since many ovaries simply will not wake up. That’s why you should wait until the green onion feathers become thick and grow properly.
It is best not to cut off all the onion leaves completely, but to pick off a few pieces at a time, then you can enjoy the tasty and juicy greens from one onion much longer. If the feathers become sluggish and not so juicy, then they can be sprayed several times a day with plain, clean, warm water. However, in this case, you should make sure that water does not get on the bulb itself.
After the bulb shrinks and the growth of greenery slows down, it will need to be replaced with a new one. A large number of people plant onions in several containers at intervals of a couple of weeks. In this way, they provide themselves with tasty, juicy, aromatic and very healthy greens all year round.
Now you know everything about how to grow your own at home. juicy greens from a regular onion. The main thing is that you must follow all the basic rules and then you will have virtually no problems.

If you don’t have a summer house, you can set up a vegetable garden in your own apartment.

It’s worth knowing how to grow onions on a windowsill.

Getting tasty green feathers is quite easy. The plant is unpretentious, so you can cope with it even without special skills.

How to choose bulbs

The advantages of growing onions on a windowsill at home are beyond doubt. Enjoy healthy vegetable You can even in winter, when the body especially needs vitamins. You can be sure that the product has not been treated with harmful chemicals. Moreover, if you want to do delicious salad, no need to run to the store. Onions are always at hand.

You can grow green onions on a windowsill in soil or in water. The methods are equivalent; they do not affect the speed of harvesting and its quantity. Therefore, you need to choose the one that you like best.

You should start with selecting and preparing the bulbs. The most commonly grown onion is onion. But other varieties are also suitable for home use: onion sets, chives, leeks. Moreover, sets or chives can be grown from seeds, if there is such a desire.

It is best to use already sprouted bulbs to obtain feathers. That is, it is easier to do forcing from around January, when the vegetable comes out of dormancy.

But even until this time you should not deny yourself this source of vitamins. You just need to follow some rules:

  • Choose small bulbs.
  • In autumn, they should be placed in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. This will speed up germination.
  • If there are no sprouts yet, then the top of the bulb should be cut off. This procedure is not carried out with those that have already hatched.
  • Some time before planting, the onions should be placed in a place with high humidity. It is necessary to start planting when the beginnings of roots are visible in the lower part.
  • Before planting, the bulbs should be kept for 12 hours in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The bulbs must be healthy, strong, without damage or signs of rot. Depending on the quality, they are able to produce feathers 2-3 times, so that the harvest grown with their own hands will last for a long time.

Growing methods

For planting, it is recommended to select bulbs of almost the same size. If you have questions about growing green onions on a windowsill, then you should familiarize yourself with the principles of the two main methods of this process - planting in soil and in water.

In the ground

Growing onions in the ground is not that difficult. The plant is quite undemanding to the soil, since the main supply of nutrients is contained in the bulb itself. It is advisable to use soil with neutral acidity, it is recommended to ensure good drainage. The container must have holes so that water can drain freely, and a tray where it will be collected. The capacity must be selected high enough. If there is not enough soil, the roots will push the bulb to the surface.

The optimal time for planting is January. To determine whether the bulbs are ready for forcing, you can place one of them in a container of water. If the roots begin to actively grow, then it’s time to start growing.

The peculiarity of the bulbs is that after planting they do not increase in size, but, on the contrary, dry out. Therefore, they can be placed next to each other. They plant onions at home like this: first, a small layer of drainage, then a layer of soil at least 10 cm deep. There is no need to bury the bulbs completely in the ground; it is enough to do this by a third.

Immediately after planting, it is not recommended to place the onion on the window. It is better to choose a shaded corner, this will allow the root system to form successfully. After a few days, the containers should be moved to a well-lit place. The plant should now receive enough sunlight. In winter, it is necessary to use additional light sources: fluorescent lamps or special lamps sold in gardening stores.

You also need to take care of temperature conditions. Onions are quite cold-resistant, but can hardly tolerate heat. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the bulbs will not produce feathers. The optimal climate is 20-23 degrees. In winter, you need to monitor whether it is too hot on the windowsill due to the operation of the batteries. In summer, check whether the containers are overheated under the sun's rays. To avoid this, it is recommended to wrap the containers in foil.

Onion feathers on a windowsill, the cultivation of which requires minimal care, will be juicy and tasty only if the plant receives enough moisture. It is better to water not too often, but abundantly. It is also allowed to spray the greens with water from a spray bottle, but no drops should remain on the bulb itself.

In a plastic bottle

Home-grown onions are a pleasant addition to your daily diet. But there is not always enough space on the windowsill to place the required number of trays with sprouts. A regular plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters or even more will help save space.

Onions in a bottle are planted this way:

  • Several rows of holes are made in the bottle. They should be slightly smaller than the onions so that they do not fall out. At the same time, you should not make the first row right near the bottom, otherwise water will flow out.
  • The bottle must be placed vertically. Fill the soil prepared in advance up to the first holes. Place the bulbs in the holes and cover with soil to the level of the next row. And repeat this several times until the bottle is completely filled. Now the plants need to be watered.
  • The soil can be universal, and it is also possible to use its substitutes. For example, mineral wool. You just need to remember that all manipulations with it should be carried out with gloves, since this substance has an aggressive effect on the skin. Other materials that can retain moisture, such as sawdust and vermiculite, will also work.

Plants in a bottle on the windowsill grow well and produce a bountiful harvest.

In a greenhouse from a bottle

An ordinary 5 liter bottle can be adapted into a mini greenhouse. It is necessary to cut off the folded lid vertically and plant seeds in the larger part.

In the package

You can use the method of growing in a bag.

In water

If you have a problem with how to grow green onions on windowsills in winter, then you should pay attention to a method that does not use soil, but only water. Many people remember this method from childhood: an onion is placed in a jar of water, and after a few days it produces tasty feathers. However, even in this case you need to know some nuances.

To ensure that fresh onions are always on the table, they should be planted in batches at intervals of a week.

The main feature is that the bulb cannot be completely immersed in water, it will simply begin to rot. Only the small part on which the roots are located should come into contact with the liquid. To achieve this, you can take a very large bulb or a small jar into which the planting material will not fall. It is also possible to make a hole in the lid.

It cannot be said that a string of cans on the windowsill looks very aesthetically pleasing, and besides, the water in them becomes cloudy. It is more convenient to grow onions in winter in special containers; you can make them yourself. These containers include a water tray and a lid with holes. You need to put bulbs in them.

In such a design, it is important not to forget to change the water regularly. It can be tap water, but it must first be allowed to settle. Even better is to use an aquarium aerator.

How to Grow Chives

In addition to the usual onions, you can start growing chives on the windowsill. This plant has an unusual taste. It can be propagated vegetatively or using seeds, with the second method being preferable. They do it this way:

  • Soak the seeds before planting.
  • Place a layer of drainage in the pot, then add soil. Chives do not have a developed root system, so the container may not be too deep.
  • Next, you need to make shallow grooves and fill them with planting material.
  • In order for the harvest to be rich, you need to take care of the planted seeds: water them, mulch them with peat, and fertilizing is also possible.