Delicious holiday: recipes for the New Year's table. New Year Recipes for the New Year's table

In this article, we have collected for you the most important recommendations for preparing the New Year's table for the New Year 2016: how to decorate and serve the New Year's table, what dishes to include. Here we will share the most delicious and simple recipes drinks, snacks, hot dishes and baked goods for the New Year, so that every housewife can not only feed her loved ones heartily, but also have time to get herself in order for this wonderful event of the year. We are sure that your guests will appreciate your efforts!

In 2016, according to the Eastern calendar, patronage passes into the hands of the Fire Monkey. As is customary among many peoples of the world, they prepare for the New Year in advance. Buying gifts, decorating the Christmas tree and choosing a New Year's outfit are not all the preparations. Of particular importance is the New Year's menu, which, of course, should be special and unique. And the monkey should be happy with everything that is on the tables and poured into glasses. Table setting is also of particular importance. But we will definitely tell you what to do so that your table will certainly please the Monkey.

New Year's table 2016

Everyone knows that the monkey is an amateur natural products. Means, New Year's recipes should be light, contain less smoked, fatty, semi-frozen foods.

Tender appetizers, fresh vegetables, salads and fruit desserts- here is the ideal composition of the New Year's table in 2016.

Remember also that the monkey is a playful animal, nimble, loving variety. Therefore, focus your attention not on the volume of dishes, but on their quantity. The more dishes the better! As a basis, you should take cold appetizers, dessert dishes, fruit and vegetable slices - this is what the monkey likes most.

Of course, it is worth paying attention to the design of these dishes. Typically, sliced ​​dishes are not the highlight of the table. Beautiful decorations, original presentations, expensive salad bowls and vases - this is what will attract the monkey’s attention. The decoration of the entire table should also be at its best. Based on the fact that the monkey is attracted to everything shiny, let there be a lot of tinsel and arrangements with balls on the table. Remember that the monkey is a herbivore, so the most logical thing would be to make the New Year's menu completely vegetarian, but some people may not like this decision, so focus on the lightness of the dishes.

Remember what you feed the monkeys at the zoo? This should form the basis of the New Year's menu for 2016: fruits, berries, sweets, crackers.

The monkey also loves:

Bell pepper

New Year's drinks and cocktails 2016

Wine should be the main alcoholic drink, even if it leads the table. The logic here is simple - the monkey loves to eat grapes, and this is what wine is made of. There should not be too strong alcoholic drinks on the table. Champagne – quite naturally. It seems that even if the monkey categorically did not like it, there is no way to throw this drink off the menu, because the New Year is associated with champagne, chimes and fun. However, champagne would also amuse the monkey.

But the monkey treats drunk people very badly, so it is best not to abuse alcohol. For children, you can put milkshakes, compotes and juices from fruits and berries, and fruit drinks on the table.

Ideally, adults should also switch to soft drinks. The 2016 New Year's table could well be decorated with unusual cocktails that a monkey would definitely appreciate.


oranges - 2 pcs.
still water - 700 ml
sparkling water - 500 ml
lemon - 1 pc.
sugar - 150 g
tangerines - 3 pcs.


Peel all the fruits and grind them using a blender. You can strain the seeds using chintz. Remember that you need to peel the fruit so that there is no white peel left on it, as this will add bitterness to the drink. The zest from the fruit is mixed with the resulting juice, sugar and boiling water. The mixture should be placed in the refrigerator for five hours. After which it is filtered and poured into a glass.


Monkeys love bananas and the “queen of 2016” will really like a banana drink.

bananas – 3 pcs.
oranges – 2 pcs.
mint syrup – 2 tablespoons
mineral water (carbonated) – 1.5 liters


Peel bananas and oranges and cut into slices with a ceramic knife. Remove all seeds from the orange. Then grind the fruit in a blender. Fill mineral water, add mint syrup. Pour into glasses and garnish with a mint sprig.

For those who don’t know how to relax and enjoy life without alcohol, let’s try to cheat a little (after all, monkeys are very cunning and dexterous!) and prepare alcoholic drinks.


This drink is prepared in advance - 1 month before the holiday, because... the mixture should sit.

vodka – 0.5 ml
pine nuts (unshelled) - 200 g
sugar – 80 g


Sugar and nuts are poured into a jar, and the whole thing is filled with vodka. In a dark place, the tincture should stand for a whole month, covered. After this, the tincture must be filtered and poured into a bottle. Preferably, cedar liqueur is prepared for men.


And here is the female version of the alcoholic drink for the New Year's table. It also needs to be prepared in advance - 1 month in advance.

vodka – 0.5 ml
berries - 1 kg
sugar - 200 g


Berries can be used both fresh and frozen (currants, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries). Pour your favorite berries into a jar with sugar, pour vodka over everything. Close the lid tightly and store in a dark place for 1 month. Then strain the infused drink and pour it into a beautiful bottle.

Before serving, garnish with a cherry or lime wedge.

The downside of both of these recipes is the preparation time, which comes down to one month. That is, already at the beginning of winter you need to take care of the alcoholic side of the table. For those who didn't have time, we have the most delicious recipe pineapple punch, prepares quickly, drinks even faster.


pineapple (fresh) - 1/3 part
dry white wine - 150 g
champagne – 1 bottle


The pineapple needs to be peeled, cut into cubes and crushed in a blender along with wine. If there are large pieces left, strain through a strainer or leave it like that to give the cocktail a natural look. Pour the pineapple into a flat container and put it in the freezer so that it hardens and takes on the consistency of semi-hardened ice cream.

Spoon the resulting pulp into glasses and fill with champagne. A piece of pineapple can decorate the glass. Usually such a drink is the precursor to the entire event.

Before we move on to recipes for New Year's dishes, we need to talk about what the New Year's table setting should be like.

As mentioned earlier, boring and casual options are not suitable. We need to create truly festive decoration, which will attract the monkey, and with it good luck and happiness in the new year 2016.

For those who are sensitive to preparing the New Year's table, we will give some important tips on how to decorate the New Year's table. Give preference to linen napkins. Let the tablecloth also be made from natural materials, for example, cotton. Dishes - the more beautiful the better, painted and bright sets, with a gold border - that's what you need. Vases, dishes and trays with painting are also a priority.

On the table there should be souvenirs made of either bamboo or wood. What should they be? Any, the main thing is that it is in the theme of the holiday. For example, you can put a wooden figurine of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus.

Be sure to make a dish that looks like a monkey or its face. If you try, it's not that difficult to do. For example, cutting meat can turn into a work of art. A little imagination - and the highlight of the table is ready. Of course, you can’t do without a figurine of the hero of the occasion; place it at the head of the table.

You need to keep in mind that this is the year of the fire or red monkey. Therefore, when serving, give preference to red and yellow. Let these colors be the main ones, you can also add shades such as cream and beige. This will smooth out the contrast between colors, but will not spoil all the brightness and saturation. By the way, such colors should be used not only when decorating a table. When decorating your home, take these facts into account.

The tableware can be porcelain or ceramic, but for the perfect table decoration it must match the rest of the elements. Napkins and decorations for table setting should be purchased before the New Year's feast.

Pay attention to the shine of the dishes. The monkey loves everything shiny, so all cutlery should be polished to a shine.

New Year's salads 2016

As mentioned earlier, the main dishes of the 2016 New Year's table are cold appetizers and salads. As you know, there are many of them and choosing the one that is most suitable for the holiday is sometimes very difficult. Great experimenters are monkeys, so they welcome housewives with original taste in 2016 with open arms.


1 can cod liver
3 pcs. eggs
canned corn - 150 g


Preparing the salad is not difficult. Boiled eggs are grated on a coarse grater, the liver is cut into pieces. The salad should be placed on a dish in layers, each layer coated with mayonnaise. The sequence should be as follows: cod liver, eggs, corn. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and garnish with herbs.

Seafood can also be on festive table, so you can also add them to salads.

Puff Salad with Shrimp

shrimp - 300 g
eggs - 3 pcs.
Red caviar
potatoes - 2 pcs.


Shrimp, potatoes and eggs need to be boiled. Grate the potatoes and eggs, and chop the shrimp. The salad is laid out in layers and smeared with mayonnaise. First shrimp, then layers with potatoes and eggs, red caviar and parsley serve as decoration.


The salad is quick and easy to prepare, and most importantly, it is very healthy and rich in vitamin A.

carrots - 300 g
processed cheese - 2 pcs.


Raw carrots are grated. Mixed into garlic (pressed), mayonnaise and cheese curds. With carrots together it is mixed and decorated. Despite the simplicity of the salad, it fits the theme, because the monkey loves carrots, and besides, it will look very bright on the holiday table. It's up to you to decorate it in an original way, putting it in the shape of a carrot, for example, or putting it on a beautiful dish.

New Year's snacks 2016

About the variety of possible New Year's snacks New Year is not even worth mentioning. We have selected the easiest to implement:


An excellent appetizer will be canapes, which are based on red fish.

cream cheese- 200 g
trout or salmon - 1 package


Grated cheese is ground with mayonnaise and chopped herbs. The fish is cut into thin strips. Circles for canapés need to be cut out of bread and spread with cheese mixture. All this is wrapped in red fish and decorated with greenery on top. Puff pastry also suitable as a basis for such canapés. The cut-up puff pastry circles are first baked in the oven, and then only the cheese mass needs to be added to them. In short, any canapés are perfect for the holiday table.


Tartlets are another favorite snack on holiday tables. You can buy tartlets at any grocery store, and prepare the filling as desired. We suggest preparing a royal version.

eggs - 5 pcs.
fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.
potatoes – 2 pcs.
king prawns
salt pepper


First boil the shrimp, eggs and potatoes, remove the peel from the cucumber. Chop everything except the shrimp and mix with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper. Fill the tartlet with the resulting salad. Top with king prawn.

Hot dishes for New Year 2016

Salads are salads, but you still want to eat a hearty hot dish on New Year’s Eve. Prepare these simple but very tasty dishes and they will become your signature dishes.


The central dish can be pork cooked in a special way.

pork - 1 kg
honey - 2 tablespoons
lemon - 1 pc.
lingonberry jam - 2 tablespoons
salt, pepper - to taste


First you need to prepare the jam sauce, lemon juice and honey. All this must be mixed thoroughly. We make cuts in the meat and coat thoroughly. Wrap in foil and place in a preheated oven. After an hour, unwrap the top of the foil and put it back in the oven until golden brown.


For lovers chicken dishes, there is also unusual option- a chicken with a secret.

cheese - 150 g
chicken - 1 carcass
onion – 2 heads
garlic - 3 cloves
champignons - 350 g
sunflower oil


Mushrooms and onions are cut and fried in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. The cheese is grated, parsley and garlic are finely chopped. Let's mix it all together. Stuff the chicken with the prepared minced meat, spread mayonnaise on top and place in the oven for baking. Cooking time 1-1.5 hours.

New Year's desserts

Desserts, which the monkey loves so much, occupy a special place on the festive table.

New Year's desserts and pastries can come in a variety of variations, and there are no restrictions:



We suggest you prepare everyone’s favorite rafaellas yourself.


coconut flakes - 200 g
condensed milk - 1 can
butter – 150 g
nuts - 100 g (almonds, peanuts)


Coconut flakes (150g) are mixed with condensed milk and softened butter. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to harden. Then roll small balls into which you need to put nuts. The resulting balls need to be rolled in coconut flakes and place in the refrigerator until they completely thicken. The delicacy will be indescribable for both adults and children.

Don't forget about fruits. For convenience, cut them into pieces and place them at the head of the table. It seems that the perfect New Year's table 2016 is ready. A little more creativity and imagination from each housewife, and you can celebrate the upcoming New Year 2016!

And we wish everyone goodness, abundance and good luck!!!

Natalia Denisenko

That’s why many people compose with such trepidation New Year's menu 2020, looking for recipes for New Year 2020 with photos and rack their brains with questions " what to cook for New Year 2020?" and "how to cook New Year's dishes"? Menu for the New Year 2020, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for New Year's table prudent housewives think ahead. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others are looking for original New Year's recipes, and others are looking for traditional New Year's dishes. In the West at this time, people are most often only interested in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to prepare New Year's hot dishes and New Year's main courses. The New Year's menu for 2020, in principle, must be compiled with taste, literally and figuratively. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes and culinary desires, dreams, New Year's holidays - it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2020 can be very diverse.

For those who have already begun to compile a New Year's menu, select recipes, and those who are interested in the eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new year 2020 according to the Chinese calendar is the Rat or Mouse, more precisely, this is the year of the white metal rat. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the rat has in store for us. We will tell you what to prepare for the New Year's table for the year of the rat. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the rat.

Preparing for the New Year celebration is a very troublesome task, so it is better to select New Year's recipes for the year of the rat in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the rat have a simple rule: this rodent must like them. The New Year's menu for the year of the rat must include various salads. Vegetables, fruits, meat - the rat is a gourmet and loves everything tasty, it eats vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish. New Year's recipes for the year of the rat (2020) can be prepared using nuts and mushrooms; the rat also loves them very much. And, of course, s-y-y-y-r-r! New Year's recipes for children for the year of the rat, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake cakes, cupcakes in the shape of rats and mice. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the rat for children can be prepared from boiled eggs, cut out faces from vegetables and fruits, make a funny rodent from mashed potatoes. It would be nice to decorate children's dishes for the year of the rat or the year of the mouse with the image of a mouse, draw the silhouette of a mouse with cream, and lay it out with dried fruits and nuts.

Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the rat (2020) do not require anything completely surprising, but, on the other hand, the rat loves to eat tasty food, and it is also very curious. New Year's meat dishes will also be appropriate, because rats are omnivores. As a side dish for the New Year's table, you can offer the guests and the rat some kind of cereal, grains that this rodent will surely like.

To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the rat. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the rat. Recipes for the New Year 2020 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare truly delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter whether you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Rat will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. It would also be nice for yourself and your guests to come up with appropriate New Year’s names for dishes; this will make the New Year’s table 2020 even more original and mischievous; recipes with photos will show how you can show your creativity and make this process even more fun. And don’t forget to make New Year’s recipes with photos during the cooking process.

The Monkey appears, so when thinking about creating a New Year's menu, preference should be given to vegetarian dishes, especially since currently there are a huge number of recipes for dishes without the use of meat.

If you can’t imagine a table without meat dishes, then you can serve chicken, turkey and other poultry dishes, and rabbit dishes on the holiday table. The main thing is that the food is not too heavy and greasy.

There should be a lot of fruits, sweets and delicacies on the New Year's table. You can give free rein to your imagination and cook untried dishes; something new and exotic will definitely appeal to the hostess of the year.

Don't forget to make a beautiful decoration and setting of the New Year's table.

Candles in elegant candlesticks, crystal wine glasses, beautiful tableware, exquisite dishes, and pleasant decor will add a special atmosphere to the festive feast.

New Year's table 2016. Recipes with photos

The decoration of the New Year's table will be sandwiches with the image of the symbol of the year - a monkey.

How to cook them?


2 small-fruited tomatoes;

2 grains of corn;

1 feather of green onion;

1 sprig of dill;

2 eggs;

Step-by-step cooking process

1. Cut off the base from a small-fruited tomato. Place the rest of the tomato cut side down. Cut two slices from it. Lay them on top of each other. This is the "muzzle". Place the “face” on the remaining part of the tomato. This is the "head".

2. Cut the corn kernel lengthwise into two halves. These are "eyes". Make “pupils” from eggs. Place the “eyes” on the “muzzle”.

3. Use a wooden stick to make a shallow hole. Insert a sprig of dill into it.

4. Cut two rings from a feather of green onion. These are the "nostrils". Glue them to the face with a drop of mayonnaise. Place your ears on thin round slices of tomato. You can insert a “tongue” - a grain of corn.

The main dishes of the New Year's table can be salads and appetizers

Pineapple snack. Recipe with photo


1 pineapple, 300 g boiled chicken fillet, 50 g pitted prunes, 150 g walnuts, mayonnaise, curry, parsley, soy sauce, salt, black pepper


1. Cut the chicken fillet into squares, prunes into 4 parts.

2. Mix with mayonnaise and soy sauce, season with salt, pepper, curry, chop parsley.

3. Peel the pineapple and cut into slices.

4. Place pineapple rings on a plate, on top chicken filling and again pineapples.

You can make beetroot rolls as an appetizer.

Original beetroot rolls


300 g beets, 3 boiled carrots, 3 tubers boiled potatoes, 100 g cream cheese, 70 g lightly salted herring fillet, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise


1. Grate beets and carrots on a fine grater and place in different containers. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. Lightly salt the vegetables.

2. Place two layers of cling film on the work surface, add mayonnaise to the beets, knead and place a thin rectangular layer on the film. The next layer is cream cheese with mayonnaise. Next - potatoes with carrots and mayonnaise.

On top - herring fillet. It is important that each subsequent layer takes up less space than the previous one.

3. Lift the film on both sides and form a roll. Wrap the roll in foil and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

4. Remove from the refrigerator and cut into portions.

This is one of the options for original serving of herring under a fur coat.

Cherry tomato dishes are always popular on the New Year's table.

Stuffed cherry tomatoes


18 cherry tomatoes, 100 g cottage cheese, 50 ml cream, 2 pieces of ham, parsley, salt


1. Mix cottage cheese with cream, add a little salt.

2. Finely chop the ham and greens and mix with cottage cheese.

3. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes and carefully scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon.

4. Using a teaspoon, carefully fill the tomatoes with cottage cheese, cream and ham.

Finely chopped capers will add a completely new taste to the dish.

Chicken and grape salad


800 g chicken fillet, 1 avocado, 2 tangerines, 500 g dark grapes, 50 g pine nuts, 2 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. grape vinegar, 3 tbsp. l. orange juice, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, salt


1. Boil the fillet, cut into fibers, avocado into thin slices.

2. Cut tangerines into slices, grapes - in half. Place on lettuce leaves.

3. Mix cream, vinegar, orange juice, mayonnaise, and salt. Pour the dressing over the salad and sprinkle nuts on top.

4. Use tangerine and grape slices as decoration.

Warm turkey salad

Recipe for 2 servings, cooking time: 40 minutes.

Chef's tip. Instead of boiling turkey fillet, you can fry it. In this case, it is better to pre-marinate the turkey in the mixture olive oil and spices.


250 g turkey fillet

100 g bacon

2 tomatoes

1 pod hot pepper

1 small bunch of lettuce

1 tbsp. l. almond flakes

For refueling:

10 g ginger root

1 tbsp. l. soy sauce

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup vegetable oil

Sugar, pepper mixture to taste

1 pinch garlic salt

Wash the turkey fillet, dry it and boil in a small amount of salted water until tender.

Cut the bacon into small strips and lightly fry in a dry frying pan. Cut the boiled turkey into slices. Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into slices. Cut the hot pepper pod in half, remove the seeds, cut the pepper into strips. Cut lettuce leaves into large squares. Mix all prepared ingredients.

To prepare the dressing, pour into a small saucepan Apple vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil and put the saucepan on the fire. Cut the ginger root into small strips and place in a saucepan. Add sugar and garlic salt, season the dressing to taste ground pepper and bring to a boil. Drizzle the hot dressing over the salad, sprinkle with flaked almonds and serve immediately.

For main course you can cook chicken with rice

Chicken curry rice


1. chicken, 100-150 g rice, 1 onion, a piece of ginger, 1 tsp. curry, 1 clove garlic, vegetable oil, salt


1. Peel the onion and finely chop. Finely chop the ginger. Fry onion and ginger in oil until golden brown.

2. Boil the rice until tender, mix

with curry, onion and chopped garlic.

3. Prepare the chicken: wash, dry, if necessary, gut.

4. Stuff the chicken with spiced rice. Lubricate vegetable oil. Bake the chicken for 1 hour in an oven preheated to 200°C.

Let's not forget about sweets.

We prepare delicious pastries, cookies and cakes.



100 g white chocolate, 50 g butter, 100 g sugar, 10 tbsp. l. milk, 150 g crispy waffles, almonds, coconut flakes


1. Melt the butter, add sugar and milk, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.

2. Add broken White chocolate, stir until completely dissolved, remove from heat.

3. Grind the wafer sheets.

4. When the mass has cooled (it will be slightly warm), beat it with a spoon so that it becomes whiter, add the waffle crumbs and mix everything well.

5. Roll the resulting mass into balls, placing almonds in the middle, and roll in coconut flakes.

Cookies "gift"


300 g flour, 150 g sugar, 200 g butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon, salt


1. Soften the butter slightly and grind with sugar, add eggs, vanillin and salt.

Mix everything well.

2. Combine flour with baking powder, cinnamon and add butter and sugar. Knead the dough well and put it in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes, after wrapping it in film.

3. Take out the dough and roll it out. Cut into various shapes (use molds) or just circles or diamonds and bake in the oven for 1 5 minutes.

These cookies are the perfect gift option. Wrap some in a bag of wrapping paper and let each guest take a little bit of the holiday home with them.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Many families have their own customs, traditions and preferences when celebrating all kinds of holidays and important dates. Most often, families have certain traditions for celebrating such a holiday as New Year. And this is not surprising, since this celebration is the largest in all the CIS countries. It is customary to celebrate it with families and large companies. Moreover, this has been done for many years. Over the years, people have managed to develop certain traditions that they follow during the New Year celebrations. But sometimes you want to break away from tradition and experiment with celebrating the biggest holiday of the year.

If you want to celebrate 2016 in a special way, then you can celebrate it in accordance with the theme of the eastern calendar. But you must understand that you need to prepare for such a celebration differently than you did before. What is noteworthy is that this applies to absolutely all aspects, including the choice of products for preparing all kinds of holiday dishes.

The main products for preparing dishes for the New Year 2016

Every housewife, before starting to prepare all kinds of dishes for the New Year's table, must stock up on food. Well, if a woman has decided to set the festive table in accordance with the theme of the eastern calendar, then she will probably wonder what foods to prepare for the New Year of the Monkey 2016. After all, if previously a woman knew what to buy in the store, since she prepared classic dishes for the New Year's table, for example, Olivier or potatoes with chicken, then in the case of a themed celebration, the woman needs to seriously work on the shopping list.

When choosing products for the festive table for the New Year 2016, you should first of all pay attention to bananas. The fact is that there is an opinion in society that monkeys eat exclusively this fruit. Because of this, bananas began to be associated with monkeys and vice versa. So be sure to include bananas in your list of products, which can be used both for preparing various dishes and for serving raw.

In addition to bananas, you should definitely stock up on a considerable amount of other fruits, which you also cannot do without during the Year of the Monkey. You can choose not only exotic, but also traditional fruits for our country, such as apples and pears. However, the emphasis needs to be on Exotic fruits: citrus fruits, kiwi, mango, pineapple and other fruits that monkeys eat in the jungle. After all, you need to take into account the tastes of the main mistress of the New Year 2016 - the Fire Monkey. Fruits can be served as a dessert or made into a snack. For example, you can make a salad with apples and seafood. In addition, it is recommended to use fruits to decorate the table.

Bright vegetables

In addition to exotic fruits, your basket of must-have products should also include vegetables. Moreover, there should really be a lot of vegetables, since they will be the focus of the holiday table. So if you are going to celebrate 2016, taking into account the traditions of the eastern calendar, then be prepared to buy a lot more vegetables than you bought before. Preference should be given to bright vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, beets and others. Also, don't forget about potatoes and onions. They may be needed in large quantities for preparing salads and snacks. Particular emphasis should be placed on tomatoes, sweet red or hot pepper, beets and other vegetables in all possible shades of red.

Fish and seafood

Unlike monkeys, we cannot get by with vegetables and fruits alone, especially when it comes to celebrating the New Year. Therefore, it is imperative to purchase more substantial products that can be used to prepare main dishes and snacks. The main place in the list of main products that can be prepared for the New Year 2016 of the Monkey is occupied by fish and seafood. Shrimp, mussels, squid and octopus should occupy a significant place on your table. You need to understand that such products cost a lot of money.

So if you don’t want to spend a lot on New Year’s Eve at such a time, then you can replace these expensive seafood with other goods. However, fish must be present on the table. Moreover, you can choose absolutely any variety of fish. But it is better to give preference to fish such as blue whiting, tuna, cod, pollock, perch and other varieties. Also, do not forget about the classic salted herring for our feasts, which will also be appropriate on the table during the 2016 Year of the Monkey. It will be possible to cook from it classic dish"Herring under a Fur Coat". If you think that this dish is banal for a New Year themed meeting, then you are mistaken. The fact is that 2016 is not the year of the ordinary primate, but the Fiery one. Since the color of this talisman is red, it is quite natural that all dishes in shades of red will be relevant on your holiday table.

Meat (lamb or pork)

It is not recommended to buy meat for cooking on the holiday table. However, if you want to follow the theme of the New Year 2016, but cannot imagine a holiday without meat, then you can purchase several types of meat and cook it in a certain way. Many people like to cook chicken, duck and other poultry for this celebration. But to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, it is better to choose pork or lamb. It is highly not recommended to buy beef and rabbit meat for later cooking. If you decide to cook meat, then your choice should fall exclusively on lamb or pork. You don’t even need to pay attention to other varieties.

Greens in large quantities

You will need to allocate a separate basket in the store for greens. You really need to buy a lot of it. If you are determined to purchase a large number of vegetables, then be prepared to purchase twice as much greens. What’s remarkable is that you can buy absolutely any greens. Celery, parsley, dill, green onions, basil and other green herbs should definitely be on your list of staples for preparing dishes for the New Year 2016. Don’t forget to note to yourself that you really need a lot of all this. The fact is that greens can be used not only for preparing salads, appetizers and main courses, but also to create a themed decoration for your table. You'll want to make your table look like a jungle, so you'll love the greenery.


The festive table in honor of the New Year 2016 should include dairy products, and especially cheese. What is noteworthy, it is recommended to buy goat cheese. But since not everyone loves this product, it is better to give preference to more traditional varieties that will be acceptable to all your guests. Cheese should be present on the table in any form, including in salads. However, if you don’t have time or don’t want to cook cheese dishes, then you can serve regular classic sandwiches with this dairy product. In addition to cheese of all kinds, other dairy products, such as sour cream, low-fat yogurt and even kefir, are among the products that can be prepared for the New Year of the Monkey. This fermented milk drink can be used to prepare desserts for the New Year's table. In general, dairy products must be purchased for preparing food for the New Year's table 2016.


In addition to vegetables and fruits, monkeys are ardent fans of nuts. They eat them no less often than bananas. Nuts are one of the main delicacies of almost all monkeys, so they definitely need to be included in the list of main products that need to be prepared for the New Year 2016 of the Monkey. What’s remarkable is that this delicacy can be present on the table in absolutely any form. They can be added to snacks, meats, fish or desserts. In addition, you can not only use nuts for cooking, but you also have the opportunity to place plates of assorted nuts on the table. These nut bowls will be an excellent snack. What’s noteworthy is that absolutely any nuts are suitable for celebrating the Year of the Monkey. Which nuts you choose depends on your financial situation, as not all of them are equally affordable. But ideal option will be the purchase of several varieties of nuts at once. This assortment will appeal not only to the Fire Monkey, but also to all your guests.

They should also be on the list of staples. Few people know, but monkeys love this product and feast on it at every opportunity. So you will definitely need to buy several dozen eggs. Moreover, a huge number of dishes can be prepared based on this product. The ideal dish for a festive table in honor of the Year of the Monkey will be eggs, stuffed with vegetables. This appetizer will be the highlight of your table.

It is impossible to get by with these products alone to create a full-fledged festive table for the New Year of the Monkey. But they should be the basis of your table if you decide to celebrate a celebration, taking into account the theme of the Chinese calendar. If you don’t pay attention to this, then you can choose any products.

People are accustomed to thinking of monkeys as cheerful, mischievous and active animals. This perception of people about them corresponds to reality. So when choosing products for cooking, you need to take into account this feature of monkeys. Therefore, all dishes on the table should be satisfying, but light and low-fat. This type of food will allow all your guests to enjoy the goodies and immediately move on to entertainment and dancing. This is exactly what monkeys do, they can eat several kilograms of bananas and immediately start frolicking. So try to prepare only light dishes that will also be filling. You can achieve this effect by adding nuts to salads and snacks.

You can find the answer to the question of what foods to prepare for the 2016 New Year of the Monkey in vegetarian menus. The fact is that the symbol of this year is a herbivore, so dishes from vegetables and fruits should prevail on the table.

Try to prepare as many snacks as possible. An excellent choice for such a festive table would be tartlets stuffed with vegetables, sandwiches on rye bread and all kinds of canapés.

What to avoid at the holiday table

1. During the New Year 2016, you should not serve fried foods. There is an opinion that the monkey does not like this and will not appreciate it. So if you decide to follow the theme, then avoid cooking methods such as frying.

New Year is the most enchanting and favorite holiday that we all look forward to with great impatience. And we are looking forward to it not only to once again receive excellent gifts, to catch sparkling snowflakes in our palms and to inhale the invigorating smell of a decorated Christmas tree and juicy tangerines. New Year is also a great reason to get the whole family together at the festive table! So why not organize a memorable New Year's feast together with Povarenok?

What products should be on the holiday table?

Since 2016 will pass under the sign of the Fire Monkey, it is very important to try to please the mischievous and restless mistress of the year. So, what should be on the New Year's table 2016? Of course, it should contain bananas and other exotic fruits. Do not forget that the Monkey is a guest from distant countries with a warm climate, so the main emphasis should be on the exotic. It is not forbidden to put apples and pears in a bowl of fruit. And in addition to fruits, there should definitely be as many bright vegetables as possible on the New Year's table. The most preferred vegetables will be red and orange - to match the elements of the coming year. There should also be a lot of greenery on the table - the Monkey will definitely appreciate the New Year's table, vaguely reminiscent of a branchy jungle, and will favor the lucky ones throughout the year!

But for meat lovers the choice is small this time - the point is what to cook meat dishes Not recommended for the 2016 holiday table. If a holiday is completely unthinkable without meat, then you should opt exclusively for lamb and pork - there should be no beef or rabbit on the New Year's table!

You can’t do without dairy products on the holiday table this time either. Cheese is especially welcome! You shouldn’t ignore eggs either - the Monkey loves them very much and, at any opportunity, strives to enjoy this product. True, few people know about this. By the way, you can stuff eggs with vegetables - it will turn out very good! you will find an excellent selection of deviled egg recipes.

What else does the perky Monkey like? Of course, nuts! By the way, these cute creatures enjoy nuts no less often than bananas. So they have the same place on the New Year's table! And put a colorful nut plate on the table or add nuts to various holiday dishes- it's a matter of taste!

"New Year's recipes" to help housewives!

For all housewives who are racking their brains over what to prepare something so unusual for the New Year’s table, the “” section will be a real help! Here you can find anything you want, from salads and light snacks to masterly cakes and exquisite desserts!

Not a single New Year's meal is complete without wonderful salads - the usual "Olivier", "", herring under a fur coat or more exotic options. It is worth noting that Povarenok offers a truly huge number of salad recipes - more than seven and a half thousand! There is even a themed “Monkey” salad, which will certainly delight the hostess of the coming year! So be sure to check out the “Salads for the New Year” section - you won’t regret it!

It’s also worth mentioning the great appetizers, because without them, there’s something missing on the New Year’s table! Stuffed eggs and tomatoes, fancy tartlets and miniature canapés, julienne or jellied fish, prepared according to recipes from the “New Year Snacks” section, can amaze even the most fastidious gourmets! And most of these dishes are quite simple to prepare!
In the “Hot Meat Dishes” section you will definitely find suitable recipes for lamb or pork. Don't forget - the Monkey does not welcome other types of meat! But you can surprise guests and household members by preparing “ Rack of pork ribs in Canadian" or "Meat in Scythian style"! However, the headings “Hot Poultry Dishes” and “Hot Fish Dishes” also offer caring housewives many interesting recipes!
And the sections “New Year’s Baking”, “New Year’s Desserts” and “New Year’s Cakes and Pastries” will always help you pamper your family with sweets - all kinds of cakes, pastries, cupcakes, gingerbreads and even ice cream will please both adults and children! And the efficient “Cook” tried to put together as much as possible more recipes original drinks – you will find them in the headings “New Year’s drinks”, “New Year’s cocktails” and “New Year’s non-alcoholic cocktails»!

“Homemade cocktails and drinks” - only the best for your holiday!

Having decided which dishes will become the highlight of the New Year's table, many housewives begin to think about what drinks to put on the table. Maybe it's better to buy ready-made ones? In no case! Take a quick look at the “” section - “Cook” has taken care of that too!

It is no longer necessary to buy all kinds of alcoholic drinks for the New Year's table - in the sections " Homemade alcohol", "Homemade liqueurs", "Homemade liqueurs" and "Homemade liqueurs" there will always be great recipes! The quality of such drinks should not raise any doubts, because every housewife knows exactly what ingredients were used to prepare them! Plus the taste of homemade alcoholic drinks much richer and brighter compared to their store-bought counterparts! Check for yourself how much more pleasant it is to make a wish while the clock strikes, holding a glass of excellent homemade champagne in your hands!

For lovers of exotics and everything unusual, “The Cook” has prepared a section “ Alcoholic cocktails", collecting the most popular and original recipes in it. “Pina Colada”, “Daiquiri”, “Mojito”, “ Bloody Mary"or "Long Island" - this is not a complete list excellent drinks, the recipes of which are presented in such a meaningful section!
And everyone who does not want to drink strong drinks will find plenty interesting recipes in the "" section. Rich smoothies, light non-alcoholic cocktails, lemonades, juices and compotes will be a real find for both adults and children. A great finishing touch would be tea or coffee drinks and wonderful hot chocolate!

Happy New Year! Let your New Year's table be the brightest and most memorable, and let every dish on it be prepared with love and under the sensitive guidance of the “Cook”!
