Pie with spinach, fish and cheese. Recipe for salmon and spinach puff pastry pie. How to cook Salmon and Spinach Pie

Due to a broken laptop, the recipe had to wait almost two weeks for its “release.” But I still have very warm memories of the pie... it was delicious =)
It bakes for more than an hour... but the preparatory stage is very fast. All preparation is working with dough, cutting fish and cheese... by and large, that's basically it.

For the test:
Flour - 250 g
Butter - 125 g (from the freezer)
Egg - 1 piece + 1 piece to grease the pie
A pinch of salt
Ice water ~ 3-6 tablespoons

For filling:
Fish (salmon) ~ 600 g
Cheese cheese ~ 250 g
Frozen spinach - 400 g
Sour cream ~ 3-4 tbsp. "with a slide"
salt (you don’t need a lot... keep in mind that the cheese is salty)

Oven - 200, then 180 degrees.

1. It took two of these pieces to make the pie. So, the fish needs to be cut... But first we prepare the dough.

Chopped puff pastry, as usual.. like here for example: Quiche with chicken and leeks. We just take a little more flour and butter, because... the pie is closed.
Briefly everything about the dough for this pie:
- Grate 125g of butter from the freezer. There is no need to delay the dough preparation process. The faster you do it, the flakier it will turn out. To be safe, you can put the grated butter in the freezer for “a couple of minutes.”
- Add 250g of flour and a pinch of salt. Stir with a spoon until the flour coats the pieces of butter. Make a hole and break the egg. Add a couple of tablespoons of ice water and quickly knead the dough. You may need to add water.
- Wrap the dough in film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour (it tastes better this way, but you can roll it out right away).
(You should start the next step when the filling is already ready or you see that you have 15-20 minutes left... in general, that’s what it takes to make it)
- Divide the dough into two parts: 2/3 and 1/3. Place the smaller one in the refrigerator, roll out the larger one and place it in the mold. Cover with foil, add a load, put in the oven.. 200 degrees, 15 minutes. Remove the weight and bake for another 10 minutes.
- Roll out a smaller portion of the dough. Place the filling, cover, prick, brush with egg.
There are a lot of words, yes.. but it’s all simple, quick.. and the dough turns out very tasty!

2. So, chop the fish relatively coarsely.

3. This is not all fish, of course..

4. Cut the cheese into cubes. Thaw spinach.

5. Mix fish, cheese, spinach in a saucepan. Add sour cream (3-4 heaped tablespoons). Add a little salt.

6. When the bottom layer of dough is prepared (that is, it has already been in the oven with and without a load), add the filling.

7. Cover with the top layer and prick. Place in the oven. ~180 degrees, about 80 minutes. Towards the end, brush the pie with egg.

8. And so, at three o’clock in the morning, almost an hour and a half later, the pie is ready.

10. It turned out exactly as planned.
Is there an idea to add pine nuts there next time.. =)

11. By the way, this is the first pie I haven’t seen anywhere...

Prepared with moral support and spiritual guidance

Ingredients (for a 13 x 24 cm pan):
  • puff pastry – 400 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • salmon (or other red fish) – 500 g
  • champignons – 150 g
  • spinach – 1 large bunch (weighing about 100 g)
  • cream (15-20%) – 100 ml
  • flour – 1 tsp.
  • butter– 30 g
  • vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • egg – 1 pc. (for greasing the cake)
How to make Pie with Salmon and Spinach:

Prepare the pie filling. To do this, peel the onion and finely chop it.

Fry the chopped onion in a mixture of vegetable and butter until lightly browned.

Clean the champignons from dirt and cut into thin slices.

Place the chopped mushrooms in a frying pan, season them immediately with a small pinch of salt and pepper and fry over medium heat until browned.

Meanwhile, wash the spinach leaves thoroughly and tear off the dense petioles. By the way, if you couldn’t find fresh spinach, then you can safely use frozen spinach, allowing it to thaw completely first.

Add the prepared spinach to the pan with the already browned mushrooms.

Fry everything together over low heat for 1 minute.

Add 1 tsp. flour and mix thoroughly.

Pour in the cream.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until thick. At the very end, if necessary, add a little more salt and pepper. Remove the pan from the heat and let the cream mixture cool completely.

Meanwhile, remove skin and bones (if any) from the red fish.

Cut the salmon into long strips (the shape of the cut is not important; if you wish, you can cut the fish into cubes or leave it in a whole layer, the main thing is that the pieces of fish are of small thickness).

Assemble the pie. To do this, divide the puff pastry into 2 unequal parts (approximately 1/3 and 2/3). Roll out most of the dough into a rectangle slightly larger than the size of the pan (so that you can line the bottom and sides of the baking pan with dough).

Using a rolling pin, carefully transfer the rolled out dough into the pan and smooth it over the entire surface.

Season the salmon pieces with salt and pepper and divide into 2 equal parts. Place one half of the fish tightly on the bottom of the pan.

Place the completely cooled mushroom and spinach filling on top of the fish layer.

Now add the rest of the salmon.

Roll out a smaller portion of the dough to fit the mold. Lightly beat the egg with a fork and brush the resulting mixture onto the puff pastry around the entire perimeter of the pan.

Cover the salmon and spinach pie with the second piece of rolled out pastry.

Trim excess pieces of dough with scissors or a knife. Make shallow cuts on the surface of the entire pie (thanks to them, the top will be less deformed during baking).

Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg.

If desired, cut out decorations in the form of fish and seaweed from the scraps of dough, and also brush them with egg wash.

Bake salmon and spinach pie from puff pastry at 180 C for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

Let the baked goods cool slightly and you can serve.

Salmon pie made from puff pastry is ready!

Bon appetit!

Dough. I once tried to make puff pastry myself and I’ll tell you this - it’s quite easy, but it takes a long time. That's why I buy the dough at the store. Not the healthiest option, but the fastest.

If you want to make it yourself, then do it according to your own proven recipe, or take a look, where you will see step-by-step, detailed preparation of puff pastry, yeast-free dough- this is exactly what I buy in the store, since yeast increases in volume very much. In my opinion, it is better suited for all kinds of pies, puff pastries and filled buns. But the pies are made without yeast.

Since the dough is bought frozen, I immediately take it out and put it in the kitchen to defrost, about half an hour before cooking. The entire preparation procedure will not take much time, so the dough will just return to normal.

I also buy frozen spinach, already chopped. It is quite possible to quickly defrost it in microwave oven and place on a sieve to drain the water. To speed up the process, simply press it on top with your hand - the water will go away instantly.

Wash the leeks thoroughly, especially between the leaves and cut into half rings. I have the light, but not white, part of the onion, since I managed to spend it on another dish. If there is no leek, then it is quite possible to replace it with onions or green onions.

Heat a frying pan, add 10 grams of butter and chopped onion. Fry over medium heat for a couple of minutes, then add spinach, cream, a little salt, pepper and keep on fire for another 4 minutes until the cream has evaporated. Transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl and set aside to cool.

Next we will make seasoning for the fish. To do this, I squeeze a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, add chopped dill (I use fresh frozen), grainy mustard (can be replaced with regular mustard, but French, not local) and softened (not melted!) butter. It’s quite appropriate and tasty if you add a couple more cloves of garlic, passed through a press, I just forgot. Mix everything until smooth.

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.

I bought already cut fillet with skin on. Select all the seeds with tweezers. Since my fillet was quite thick, I cut it into 2 parts. You can either cut it or take 2 thin fillets. Season with salt and pepper on all sides.

Place one fillet on the dough.

On top of our fillet we grease half of the creamy dill mixture and spread the now cooled spinach mixture.

Second fish fillet brush with the remaining mixture and place on top of the spinach mixture, as if covering it.

Roll out the remaining 1/3 of the dough, place it on top of the fish, lift the sides of the bottom dough and seal everything well in a circle. I made a kind of braid. Make a couple of small cuts on top to allow steam to escape, and decorate as desired - to do this, simply, for example, remove a little dough from the corners.

Brush the top with a well-boiled egg or just yolk.

It is better to place in a fully preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes.

If you want to make this dish a little in advance, about a day in advance, and then just reheat it, this is quite possible, since it will not lose much in taste. The only thing that can happen is that a small amount of juices formed will soak the bottom, but again, if you carefully remove everything, appearance will not be harmed at all.

Personally, I immediately transfer it to the plate in which I will serve it, cool it completely, wrap it either in paper or in a bag, and then simply reheat it in the microwave.

You can also store it outside the refrigerator; nothing will happen to this pie overnight. If you don't agree with me, then put it in the refrigerator.

That's all. Bon appetit and happy holidays!

This recipe has been circulating on the Internet for a long time, I’ve seen it on at least a dozen sites, and that’s not counting social networks and personal diaries. But my old online friend, who has long and firmly settled behind the broad back of her Gustav (in my opinion, Gustav) in the glorious city of Gothenburg, to my delight at the recipe I had just tried, casually said: “So this pie is practically the national Swedish one. We We cook it often.” Well, let it remain “Swedish”.

Swedish pie with salmon, sheep's cheese and spinach.


For the test:
- Flour - 250 g.
- Butter - 125 g (good to freeze)
- Egg - 2 pcs. (one for dough, one for lubrication)
- A pinch of salt
- Ice water 4-6 tablespoons

For filling:
- Fatty red fish (coho salmon, salmon, trout) 600 g fillet (i.e. without bones and skin)
- Sheep cheese (I replaced it with lightly salted feta cheese) - 250 g
- Frozen spinach 400 g
- Sour cream 3-4 full tbsp. (can be replaced with mayonnaise, kaymak or cream cheese)
- salt


1. Grate the frozen butter on a coarse grater. Place the plate with the butter back in the freezer while all the other ingredients are being prepared.

2. Sift flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Sprinkle grated butter on top. Quickly, before the butter melts, stir with a spoon so that the flour evenly sprinkles the pieces of butter.

Beat the egg into the butter-flour mixture and add water. Knead the dough very quickly.

Gather the dough into a ball, cover with film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. During this time you can have time to prepare the filling:

3.1. Clean and fillet the fish. Cut the fillet into small pieces and place in a fairly large pan.

3.2. Place defrosted spinach there (you need to squeeze it out of excess water first) and cheese cut into small pieces. Season with sour cream, lightly salt (considering the saltiness of your cheese) and mix well.

4. Divide the dough into two parts - approximately one third and two thirds. Place the smaller one in the refrigerator, roll out the larger one and place it in the mold.

The dough is quite tight and sticky, so rolling it out is quite difficult. I came up with this method: on a piece of baking paper we draw the outline of the future dough piece in any way, put the piece of dough on another piece of paper, cover it with a piece with a pattern (with the pattern facing up, of course) and roll it out with a rolling pin, periodically turning the paper-dough “sandwich”. This way you can roll it out quite thinly and get a layer of dough of uniform thickness, which is what we need.

Transfer the dough layer using a sheet of baking paper on which you rolled it onto a baking dish (I have about 20x30 cm), press evenly to the bottom and sides. Place a sheet of foil or the same baking paper on top, put a weight (you can add beans or dry peas, I just put two wooden spatulas side by side along the form). Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove the weight and paper and bake for another 10 minutes. The dough should turn slightly golden.

5. Place the filling on the bottom of the pie and smooth it out. Roll out the remaining third of the dough, cover the filling and press lightly around the edges. Brush with egg, prick with a fork and bake at 180 degrees for 1.5 hours.

The pie is very filling and tasty in any form: hot, cold, or heated. You can take it with you and eat it without using utensils - a piece of such a pie holds its shape perfectly. And it tastes amazing!

Bon appetit!

Series of messages " ":
Dishes of the peoples of the world. If a Negro admires borscht, a Chukchi admires dumplings, a German admires coconut soup, and an Italian admires stroganina, then by God, there will be peace in the whole world.
Part 1 -

Cooking instructions

1 hour 15 minutes Print

    1. To begin with, I want to say that I had a very large shape for baking, so I kneaded the dough with a reserve. First we do shortbread dough: mix flour with a pinch of salt and add chopped butter into cubes. Grind until a homogeneous “crumb” is obtained, then add water and knead homogeneous dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, or immediately distribute the dough into the mold in an even layer and also put it in the refrigerator for half an hour (the second option is more preferable for me, because the dough is softer and easier to distribute in the mold) . Crib How to make shortbread dough

    2. While the dough is in the refrigerator, let's make the filling: cut the raw salmon into cubes, lightly salt and pepper. Mix with ricotta and fresh spinach (I did not blanch the spinach, as the product is quite tender). If the filling turns out too steep/thick, you can add cream (5-10 tablespoons) 20-25% fat to avoid dryness of the filling, so it will be more tender.
    Crib How to fillet salmon

    3. Next, make the filling: mix eggs, cream and Parmesan. Beat until smooth. Add white pepper and nutmeg. Beat again.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    4. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and distribute it into the mold. Place parchment paper on the dough and pour out pressure (for me it’s a pack of beans). Let the cake bake for 10-15 minutes in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees.
    Tool Baking paper Open pies and quiches for even baking, it is better to place them in the oven on a wire rack, and to prevent the sauce boiling from the heat from dripping between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And nothing more is required from paper.

    5. Remove the crust from the oven and distribute the filling in an even layer, pour in the filling and place in the oven for 35 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime: say in the case of baking.
