How to cook rabbit wine recipes. Correct recipes for rabbit in wine. Proper selection and processing of meat product

Rabbit cooked in wine using a modern kitchen device (multi-cooker or oven), it always turns out very tasty, tender and juicy. It should be especially noted that this dish is ideal with side dishes of boiled rice, mashed potatoes, pasta, buckwheat, etc. Moreover, a whole baked rabbit in wine will serve as an excellent decoration for the holiday table. Let's talk about the features of its preparation.

Rabbit in wine in a slow cooker: step-by-step recipe

Tender meat to taste domestic rabbit very reminiscent of poultry meat. However, it is more useful and dietary. In this regard, such dishes can be consumed even by those who follow a healthy and low-calorie diet. But this is only if the rabbit in wine was prepared with a minimum amount of butter, sour cream and other fatty ingredients.

So, to create delicious and hearty dish we will need:

  • frozen rabbit - one carcass weighing two kilograms;
  • sweet onions - two heads (small);
  • celery stalks - two pieces;
  • dry red wine - two hundred milliliters;
  • table salt, ground allspice - add to taste;
  • dried thyme and rosemary - add as desired and taste.

Proper selection and processing of meat product

How to use wine will be discussed below. First, you should carefully process the purchased carcass. It must be washed well, and then all unnecessary elements must be removed and divided into portions. In this case, it is best to leave the most delicate back for diet soup, but put the tougher legs and chest part into the goulash.

Marinating the product

Before you start heat treatment dishes, it is recommended to immerse shredded pieces of meat in the marinade for two hours. To do this, you need to take an enamel bowl, put the entire chopped rabbit carcass there, and then season it with table salt, allspice and red pepper. Next, the product must be tightly closed and left in this state at room temperature.

Heat treatment of the dish

After the meat has absorbed the spices and wine, you can immediately begin preparing a Lenten lunch. For this, place the rabbit along with the aromatic marinade in a multicooker bowl, and then add finely chopped onions, pieces of peeled celery, as well as dried rosemary and thyme. It should be noted that the herbs presented in combination with dry red wine will give the dish an incredible aroma and taste. If desired, you can additionally add other favorite spices to this lunch.

The formed dish must be tightly closed and put in simmer mode for 90 minutes. Moreover, every half hour it is recommended to turn the pieces over with a spoon. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the lunch does not burn. After all, no fat or oil was added to the rabbit. After the specified time, the meat should be tasted. If it has become completely soft, then it can be safely served.

How to properly serve for dinner

Stewed rabbit in wine is served warm or hot along with a side dish. In addition to such gentle and soft meat you can present fresh herbs, as well as salad from raw vegetables, seasoned with unrefined olive oil.

in wine and sour cream

This dish does not take very long to prepare in the oven, but it turns out incredibly tasty and satisfying. Unlike the previous recipe, this method includes fatty sour cream among the ingredients. In this regard, the presented lunch can hardly be called dietary. That is why it is recommended to do it only on holidays, when you can relax, forget about your figure for a while, and eat a couple of pieces of fatty fried meat.

So, to prepare of this dish you will need:

  • large rabbit - one whole carcass;
  • semi-sweet red wine - two hundred and fifty milliliters;
  • refined olive oil - two large spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - one large spoon;
  • lemon juice freshly squeezed - from a small fruit;
  • fresh greens (parsley, dill) - several bunches;
  • sweet onions - two heads;
  • any aromatic spices and seasonings - add at your personal discretion;
  • fine sea salt and fragrant ground pepper- add to taste;
  • fatty thick sour cream - two hundred grams.

Meat product processing process

Rabbit cooked in wine and sour cream turns out so tasty and tender that none of the invited guests will be able to refuse such a meat dish. By the way, it is recommended to start preparing a festive dinner in the evening. After all, the meat should be soaked in semi-sweet wine beforehand. You need to take a large whole rabbit carcass, wash it thoroughly, clean it of unnecessary elements, and then cut it in half (into two equal parts). It is in this form that the meat will be baked in the oven.

Preparing a flavorful marinade

A few hours before baking the meat dish (12-14 hours), the rabbit halves should be placed in an enamel bowl, and then immediately begin preparing the marinade. To do this, pour balsamic vinegar, a few tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice squeezed from a small fruit into a deep bowl. The resulting mixture needs to be seasoned with the meat ingredient so that it almost completely “drowns” in it. Next, the dish with the rabbit should be closed and placed in refrigerator and leave it overnight. If you do not have that amount of time, then the meat can be soaked for 2-3 hours, but only at room temperature. During this time, the product will be well soaked in wine and balsamic vinegar, becoming more aromatic, tender and soft.

Shaping the dish

Besides alcoholic drink and other above-mentioned ingredients, the recipe for rabbit in wine involves the use of various spices and fatty sour cream. In a small bowl you need to mix allspice, fine sea salt, chopped fresh herbs, thick milk product, as well as any aromatic seasonings. The resulting gruel must be greased on all sides of the divided carcass and placed in a deep form, previously lined with thick foil. Pour part of the wine marinade into the same bowl. After this, the meat component must be covered with onion rings, and then tightly covered with foil.

Heat treatment

Rabbit in wine in the oven cooks quite quickly. In order for the meat to become completely soft, it must be kept in a cabinet heated to two hundred degrees for 47-50 minutes. After this time, it is recommended to remove the form with the dish, slightly open the foil and pinch off a piece of the rabbit. If the meat is well separated from the bones, then it can be safely removed from the oven.

How to serve at the holiday table

After the dish is completely cooked, it should be carefully removed from the foil and placed on a large plate. It is recommended to place fresh parsley petals and thin lemon slices along the edges of the dishes. To make your lunch more attractive and appetizing appearance, it can be lightly doused with wine broth taken from the foil. Serve so tasty and tender meat dish To festive table should be accompanied by a side dish ( fried potatoes, beans, rice, etc.), wheat bread and fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

Rabbit in wine - this phrase alone makes the imagination draw delicious dishes, and taste buds explode in anticipation of a delicious meal. Tender, dietary meat is rightly considered by many to be a real delicacy. There are a lot of cooking options. Each has its own characteristics, but the result always remains at the highest level.

How to marinate rabbit meat in wine

Cooking rabbit is quite simple, but the meat must be marinated first. This will allow you to achieve the desired softness and tenderness. Before starting to soak the meat in the marinade, the carcass must be disassembled portioned pieces. So all the tastes and aromas of the prepared composition will fill the product.

Wine allows you to achieve delicate taste ready-made dish, which is not always provided by other marinades. During the time the preparation is infused, all the alcohol evaporates. All that remains is its aroma and taste. It will become a special highlight of the prepared treat. In addition, the drink eliminates all odors characteristic of meat, does not clog, but only harmoniously emphasizes its taste. To marinate rabbit meat as much as possible, it is better to leave the product in the marinade for 1-2 days.

Rabbit stewed in white wine

There are many recipes for stewed rabbit; even novice housewives can do them, because they are simple and the taste of the dish is always excellent. You should prepare:

  • 1 rabbit carcass, cut into portions;
  • A bottle of dry white wine;
  • laurel leaf;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 onion;
  • spices and salt of your choice.

Cooking steps

  1. Pre-prepare portioned pieces of rabbit meat. Rinse them and remove moisture with a paper towel.
  2. Place the meat into the pan and add wine. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator until the morning, covering the container with a lid.
  3. Remove the meat from the container and remove the marinade with a dry towel.
  4. Season.
  5. Breaded in flour.
  6. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan.
  7. Fry the meat until it looks attractive golden color on both sides.
  8. Add onion half rings and fry for a couple of minutes.
  9. Season to taste and add bay leaf to the dish.
  10. Pour the marinade into the pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
  11. Reduce heat, cover the container with a lid.
  12. Simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat. Add marinade if necessary, add seasonings, mix everything well.

Rabbit in white wine according to this recipe turns out very juicy. The dish is best served hot with a side dish of your choice and fresh vegetables.

Recipe for rabbit in red wine in the oven

To surprise your guests and loved ones with an exquisite dish, you should definitely cook the rabbit in the oven, adding a special ingredient to it - red wine. You should prepare:

  • rabbit carcass, cut into 2 parts (you can leave it whole, if desired);
  • two thirds of a glass;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • half an onion;
  • ¼ tsp. oregano;
  • ½ tsp. pepper mixtures;
  • salt.

Cooking steps

  1. Cover the bottom of the refractory mold with foil and make sides.
  2. Place the carcass in it.
  3. Mix aromatic herbs, spices, salt. Brush the meat with it.
  4. Combine lemon juice with wine and balsamic vinegar, pour everything into the mold, evenly distributing it over the carcass.
  5. Place onion half rings and parsley on top.
  6. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
  7. Let the dish cook for 60 minutes. Then add the temperature to 200 degrees and wait until an appetizing golden crust appears on the meat.

Rabbit in red wine will be piquant and will delight you with an unexpected taste.

Option with sour cream and white wine

The rabbit in sour cream and wine turns out tender and juicy. Required:

  • 1 kg of rabbit meat;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 80 ml dry white wine;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. grain mustard;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable (olive) oil;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • 2 sprigs of thyme;
  • A sprig of rosemary;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Prepare portioned pieces of meat.
  2. On a hot vegetable oil fry until golden brown.
  3. Place in a deep stewing container.
  4. Place garlic in a preheated frying pan, fry, then remove.
  5. Pour wine, sour cream, mustard into the pan and season. Wait for the sauce to cook down.
  6. Season the meat with the sauce and close the container with a lid.
  7. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes.

Rabbit stewed in wine and sour cream is served hot. Add fresh vegetables and herbs.

The combination of wine flavor and rabbit meat is an ideal combination for simple but gourmet dishes. Add a couple of family recipes so that you always have a reason to prepare a delicious dinner for your family and guests. Bon appetit!

  • Simple and original tequila cocktails that...
  • How often do we think about what kind of meat to serve at the holiday table, because it is very difficult to please everyone, so we have to prepare two, or even more, main courses.

    An option that will satisfy any gourmet - rabbit in white wine, simple and delicious recipes His preparations will be a joy for every housewife. Everyone will like rabbit meat: it is tender, dietary, with a slight aroma of game - such exquisite combination will be appreciated by everyone.

    Without a doubt, French chefs consider this recipe a national treasure. And for good reason: the aromatic and juicy meat will not leave anyone indifferent. But if earlier the dish was prepared from hare, now it has been very successfully replaced with rabbit.

    At the same time, the process has been simplified, so you can cook rabbit in wine yourself. In order for you to be able to prepare a decent dish, you must know how to choose a good rabbit.

    How to choose the right rabbit for cooking

    • First of all, you need to determine the freshness of the product. A quality rabbit should be pink. If the meat has acquired a grayish tint, then the carcass is clearly stale, or the animal is sick.
    • It is advisable to buy a young rabbit: its meat is tender and cooks faster.

    The lighter the meat, the younger the rabbit. But even if you come across an older carcass, there’s nothing wrong with that, just soak it in water and vinegar before cooking – the meat will become softer.

    • The weight of the animal should not exceed 1.5 kg. This weight means that the rabbit is young, and you will not have problems with cooking. Inspect the entire carcass for bruises - the meat should be a uniform color in all places.

    • One rabbit's foot must be uncut so that you can determine which animal is in front of you. To be sure, ask to see the relevant documents for the sale of the goods. A bona fide seller will have all the documents. If you are satisfied with the quality of the rabbit, then you can safely buy it.
    • If you buy rabbit meat at the supermarket, pay attention to the label inside. If it is damaged, the meat has clearly been defrosted several times, and the product may well be of poor quality.

    Rabbit in white wine: original recipe with spices


    • Rabbit - 1 carcass (weighing up to 1.5 kg) + -
    • White wine – 500 ml + -
    • - 1 PC. + -
    • - 2 pcs. + -
    • - for frying + -
    • - 3-4 cloves + -
    • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
    • - taste + -
    • Thyme - 2 sprigs + -
    • - taste + -
    • — 1-2 pcs. + -
    • Cloves - 3 pcs. + -

    How to deliciously cook rabbit in white wine

    Rabbit in wine is easy to prepare, but to make the meat really tasty, you need to have quality ingredients on hand. As for wine, we advise you to give preference to young dry wine; Riesling and Sauvignon varieties are ideal.

    It is not necessary to buy expensive wine; it is enough that it is of good quality and suits your taste. It is best to serve the rabbit with the type of wine in which it was cooked.

    1. Before cooking, soak the rabbit in water so that excess blood is removed from the meat and the color of the carcass becomes uniform.
    2. In the basin with cold water place the carcass and soak it for 2 hours. Afterwards, divide the carcass into portions, or remove the meat from the bones. But it’s better to cook rabbit with bones: the taste will be much better.
    3. Peel the onions, wash them, cut them into strips and crush them a little with your hands. Chop the cloves and bay leaves and rub the rabbit meat with the chopped spices.
    4. Place it together with the onion in a bowl (or saucepan) and pour wine over it. Place in the refrigerator and marinate for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, remove the meat from the marinade and pat dry with paper towels.
    5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the rabbit pieces in it until lightly browned.
    6. Peel the carrots and garlic, then cut into slices. Add vegetables, including onions from the marinade, to the frying pan with the meat. Then fill everything with boiled water. Salt, pepper and add thyme sprigs. Mix everything carefully and simmer covered for 40 minutes.

    7. When the water has reduced in volume by half, pour 1 glass of wine into the meat (you can take the wine in which the rabbit was marinated). Stir and continue simmering over moderate heat for another 30 minutes.

    After stewing, check the meat for doneness: if it easily separates from the bone, it means the dish is ready. Serve the meat to the table along with the sauce in which it was simmered.

    The meat can be placed on a common wide dish, but it is most convenient to serve the rabbit on portioned plates with a side dish. Use whatever you like as a side dish, but keep in mind that rabbit goes best with mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables and pasta.

    Rabbit with white wine sauce

    The main thing in this recipe is the sauce, which has ancient French culinary “roots”. Baked rabbit meat in collaboration with wine sauce will not just be tasty and aromatic, subtle notes of thyme seem to transport us to the outskirts of Gascony to a cozy French cafe.


    • Rabbit or hare - 1 carcass;
    • Pork lard - 250 g;
    • Garlic - 1 head;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Rabbit liver - 200 g (can be replaced with chicken);
    • Dry white wine - 250 ml;
    • Vinegar - 1 tbsp;
    • Nutmeg - 1 pinch;
    • Dried thyme - 1 pinch;
    • Salt, pepper - to taste.

    How to stew a rabbit with wine sauce

    • Soak the rabbit carcass in water for 2 hours before cooking. Afterwards, dry and, without cutting, rub the carcass (outside and inside) with spices and salt. Wrap the rabbit in cling film and refrigerate for 40 minutes to marinate.
    • Divide the lard into two parts, cut one of them into thin slices (you will need it for baking).
    • Remove the rabbit from the refrigerator and place on a baking tray. Cover the carcass with chopped lard and cover with oiled food paper. Bake the meat for 1 hour at 190°C.
    • Peel the garlic and onion, wash and finely chop.
    • Cut the liver and remaining lard into cubes, then place together with the vegetables in a deep frying pan or cauldron.
    • Season everything with spices, salt and pour in vinegar.
    • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Then pour in white wine and, stirring constantly, simmer for another 20 minutes.

    Before serving, divide the finished meat into portions. Take a deep dish, pour half the sauce onto the bottom and place the rabbit pieces in it. Top with sauce as well. It is best to serve fresh vegetables and herbs as a side dish.

    Without a doubt, rabbit in white wine will become your signature dish, and its cooking recipes will help you create a real masterpiece. You will see how easy and simple it is to prepare a gourmet dish at home.

    Bon appetit!

    Step 1: marinate the rabbit.

    You need to marinate the meat in advance.
    Divide the rabbit into portions, rinse with cool water and dry. Sprinkle each part on all sides with coarse sea ​​salt and coarsely ground black pepper. Transfer the rabbit to a plate, add a couple of sprigs of rosemary and half a lemon, cut into slices, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    Step 2: fry the rabbit.

    When the rabbit is marinated, heat it in a frying pan. butter and fry pieces of meat in it until golden brown on all sides.
    Add wine, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Step 3: stew the rabbit in white wine.

    Grease the dish with olive oil, add rosemary and a few slices of lemon, and then place the rabbit along with the wine sauce in which it was stewed.

    Garnish everything with the remaining rosemary, lemon and well-washed cherry tomatoes.
    Bake the rabbit in white wine on preheated 170 degrees oven for 25 minutes.
    Serve hot.

    Step 4: Serve the rabbit in white wine.

    Serve the rabbit in white wine immediately after cooking, while it is still hot. As a side dish, choose polenta, mashed potatoes or boiled rice, and just with white bread it will also be finger-licking good.
    The rabbit turns out very tasty and aromatic. It is eaten very quickly, as if nothing had happened. And you don't need any more sauce. Be sure to try it!
    Bon appetit!

    Never use wine for cooking that you don't like the taste of.
