Rich borscht with meat. Cream soup of sweet peppers. Pumpkin soup with ginger

For the recipe with photos, see below.

Today on our menu classic dish Russian and Ukrainian cuisines— rich red borscht with beets. Yummy too! Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing delicious borscht. So, I reveal my secrets. I described all the intricacies of the process of preparing borscht, so the post turned out to be very voluminous. But my digressions and step by step photos should brighten up the reading process

Delicious borscht recipe quite simple, but there are some subtleties, without which, of course, it will turn out to be quite edible, but not so tasty! Although the borscht recipe is simple, the cooking process itself is quite labor-intensive. It is better if you are helped in the kitchen by your beloved husband or children, sister, brother, girlfriend or friend

Yes, you can cook borscht using different broth bases - pork or beef ribs, chicken, any soup set. But I prefer to cook borscht from chicken soup ( not to be confused with broiler chicken!) Usually soup chickens are much less meaty than broiler chickens, but the broth from such chickens is excellent! I will describe the intricacies of preparing the broth below. And here is a set of products necessary for borscht:

  • ½ soup chicken (this is chicken, not broiler chicken) or pre-cooked broth;
  • white cabbage, about a third of an average head of cabbage;
  • potatoes, 3-5 medium pieces;
  • onion 1 head;
  • 1 medium-sized carrot and the same beets;
  • a couple of tomatoes or tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and spices to taste.

Cooking golden broth

First of all, you need to cook the broth. Since we will cook it from soup chicken, and it is known to have rather tough meat, we will cook it until the meat softens. About 1.5 hours. Wash frozen or chilled chicken under the tap. Place half the chicken in a 4.5 liter pan and pour cold water. We put it on fire. Once the water in the pan has boiled for 5 minutes, turn off the heat. Remove the pan from the stove and add the chicken. And now, attention, the first secret of delicious borscht: We pour the water out of the pan; we won’t need it anymore. Rinse the chicken a second time and place it in the pan.

Fill with cold water again and put on maximum heat. When the water boils again, the fire can be reduced. Now it remains to cook our chicken for about an hour over low heat. After an hour, turn off the fire. We catch the chicken and put it in a separate plate. When it cools down a little, the meat needs to be separated from the bones and cut into pieces. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve. Don't be alarmed that the process of cooking the broth is so long. The result will please you! Golden and rich broth! This way you can cook broth from any meat.

Preparing vegetables

Now that the broth is ready, you can start with the vegetables. And this is where you will need the help of your favorite assistants. Decide for yourself who to delegate the responsible mission of chopping cabbage and peeling potatoes. Then we cut the potatoes into large pieces. First add the cabbage to the broth and place the pan on maximum heat.

When my mother prepares borscht, she puts in the potatoes first, and then the cabbage. I know that many people do this. This is how anyone likes it. I like borscht so that the potatoes are not too boiled, and the cabbage, on the contrary, is softer. See for yourself what to put in first, potatoes or cabbage

As soon as the broth with cabbage boils, reduce the heat to medium and add the chopped potatoes.

Preparing frying for delicious borscht

On your own or with the hands of tireless helpers, finely chop the onions. Place a frying pan with vegetable oil on low heat and add the onion. While the onions are fried until nicely golden, let's start with the carrots. It needs to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Add to slightly golden onions.

Beets, like carrots, are peeled and chopped. You can grate the beets or cut them into thin strips. This is what you like. Add beets to carrots and onions.

One of the main components of delicious borscht is tomato paste or tomatoes. If it's summer, it's a sin not to use fresh tomatoes. When it’s far from summer outside the window, I prefer to put natural ingredients in the borscht. tomato paste(without starch and other chemical additives, manufactured according to GOST). Add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to the fried vegetables in the pan.

And now, attention, the second secret of delicious borscht: To make the borscht a bright red color, you need to add a teaspoon of 6% acetic acid or a tablespoon of lemon juice to the pan with beets and other vegetables. The acid will prevent the red pigments of beets and tomatoes from being destroyed by high temperatures.

The last stage of preparing delicious borscht

To the vegetables that have been mashed and gently simmering in a pan, add our frying from the frying pan and chopped chicken meat (which was separated from the chicken after preparing the broth).

Let all the ingredients of the borscht simmer together for about five minutes and turn off the heat. Now you can salt our borscht and add spices to taste. I usually put a mixture of dry ground peppers - white, allspice and paprika. And now, attention, the third secret of delicious borscht: add finely chopped garlic at the very end of the borscht cooking process. Stir, take a sample and close the lid.

I usually let the borscht rest and soak in the garlic aroma for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. After this time limit has passed, you can set the table and invite family helpers for dinner or lunch. Serve delicious borscht with fresh country sour cream! Delicious rich red borscht will not leave anyone indifferent! Bon appetit, dear readers

And if your appetite is not satisfied with borscht alone, then for the second course I offer an excellent dish of classic Russian cuisine -

Broccoli soup recipe. The soup is very quick to prepare and tastes simply excellent. And thanks to a vegetable like broccoli, this dish becomes very nutritious and healthy.

Solyanka in a slow cooker

Making hodgepodge requires patience, but the results are always worth it. Today I will tell you how a slow cooker will help you save time and effort without changing the classic taste of hodgepodge. Read the recipe!

Goose giblet soup

After stormy holidays and feasts, this wonderful light soup from goose offal. It will help your body take a little break from heavy and filling food.

Quail soup

This recipe is for gourmets. Tender quail meat, the aroma of mushrooms, fresh herbs... Mmmmm... Well, it means it's time to make quail soup. An easy recipe, but in the end - a cool dish.

Chicken wing soup

When you only have chicken horns and legs, only one question comes to mind - what to cook with this stuff? Of course, soup! Yes, not simple, but sharp mexican soup from chicken wings!

Moroccan tomato soup

If you don’t know what to cook with tomatoes, try Moroccan tomato soup. This is an easy-to-prepare, very spicy and original soup made from simple ingredients that are understandable to Russian people.

Green gazpacho for raw foodists

Green gazpacho for raw foodists - incredibly easy to prepare (even a child can figure it out), but very tasty and, most importantly, healthy vegetable soup- puree. No thermal treatment - just a raw food diet! :)

Vegetable broth in a steamer

Try making vegetable broth in a double boiler, if your household has such a unit. The broth turns out much cleaner, more transparent and richer than just boiled in a saucepan.

Red Lentil Soup

I am sharing a recipe for a very tasty Turkish traditional red lentil puree soup. Red lentil soup prepared according to this recipe is hearty, spicy and warming.

Sorrel soup

A wonderful spring soup full of vitamins. Even if you don't like sorrel, this soup should be prepared and eaten, especially in the spring. At this time, what the body is waiting for, this soup will more than give us.

Diet puree soup

Excellent light creamy soup. Good both hot and cold. Suitable for those who have health problems, small children, and all those who just want to improve their figure for the summer.

Oyster mushroom soup

Puree soups are always distinguished by their delicate taste, and oyster mushroom cream soup is no exception. At the same time, this is very hearty dish, suitable for everyday dining and for entertaining guests.

Lentil soup in a slow cooker

Sometimes the soul asks for something unusual, going beyond simple, everyday dishes. And then recipes like this one come into play. To your attention, although not fast, but unusually tasty soup!

Refrigerator with crayfish

On a hot summer day, this dish is perfect for a light lunch. If you are lucky enough to have crayfish in your kitchen, don’t be lazy and prepare a cold soup with crayfish according to this recipe. You'll like it!

Saury soup

Students, all here! If you are here and viewing this page, then you are done right choice, and all because saury soup is what you need. Read the recipe and find out why! ;)

Pumpkin soup with ginger

Liver soup

Don't like liver? The recipe I want to offer will change your attitude towards the liver. This one is lightweight diet soup- liver puree will take a well-deserved place in your menu. Tasty and healthy!

Pike perch soup

Pike perch soup is a delight for the soul and stomach! This recipe was brought back from a trip to Finland. I advise you to prepare it - pike perch soup turns out very tasty, satisfying and nutritious.

Oxtail soup

In Spain, the country of bullfighters and flamenco, oxtail soup is very popular and loved. In expensive restaurants in the capital, chefs do not hesitate to prepare this dish. Let's make some oxtail soup too!

Buckwheat soup with chicken

We eat soups almost every day. For the first meal you always want to cook something simple, but at the same time tasty. Buckwheat soup with chicken is just what you need in such cases.

Sturgeon soup

Sturgeon soup is a very simple and tasty soup, which is traditionally prepared from the head and tail of the fish. For lovers fish dishes This simple sturgeon fish soup recipe is dedicated to you :)

Pink salmon soup

If you think that it is not possible to prepare a decent fish soup from the tail, head and fins of pink salmon, then I hasten to assure you of the opposite. So, pink salmon soup - step by step recipe with photo.

Mackerel soup

Mackerel is very healthy and tasty in any form - fried, smoked, or baked. It also makes a tender, fatty and wonderful fish soup, which is very easy to prepare at home.

Oyster mushroom soup

Oyster mushrooms - not very popular, but incredibly delicious mushrooms. I suggest making hot oyster mushroom soup - hearty, rich and, I would say, spectacular. Much tastier and more interesting than champignon soup.

Bean soup

Bean soup- a traditional Slavic dish. A true classic of the genre, this soup was prepared several centuries ago. The soup is incredibly nutritious and satisfying, I ate a bowl and was full for another half a day.

Crucian fish soup

Crucian fish soup is one of my favorite dishes. Ukha from this simple and accessible fish turns out to be very good, especially if you cook it correctly. I am sharing a recipe for a good crucian fish soup.

Vegetable puree soup

What do you associate with the word “benefit”? Vegetables, fruits, isn't it? What if I tell you, in secret, that our next dish is pureed vegetable soup? Sounds very useful doesn't it?

Diet soup

If you want to lose weight or just watch your figure and health, then vegetable diet soup is what you need. Prepared once or twice, it turns out delicious, but it won’t settle on your sides with fat.

Rassolnik with rice

Rassolnik with rice is another wonderful dish from the rich Russian cuisine. If you decide to cook something from Slavic cooking for lunch, rassolnik with rice is an excellent choice for the first course.

Bean soup with smoked meats

Bean soup with smoked meats is another easy-to-prepare soup with rich taste. Almost every housewife knows this recipe. If you have never cooked it before, now is the time.

Lentil soup with meat

Even in Rus' in the Middle Ages, lentils were the main ingredient in cooking. So why don't we honor the ancient custom and prepare this wonderful soup lentils with meat?

Canned tuna soup

Soup from canned tuna- a fairly quick and budget-friendly first course option for your table. A simple recipe for canned tuna soup will not seem complicated even to a novice cook.

Chicken soup in a slow cooker

Chicken soup cooked in a slow cooker is the best solution for a light, nutritious and healthy lunch. Read the recipe chicken soup in a slow cooker.

Squid soup

I present to your attention a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo of squid soup. It is easy and quick to prepare, but the soup is very nutritious and tasty. For seafood lovers.

Cabbage soup in a slow cooker

Do you want to learn how to cook cabbage soup? Rich broth, cabbage, pieces of meat... Then this is the place for you. I'll tell you how to cook cabbage soup in a slow cooker.

A favorite and regular soup in most Russian families. What would lunch be without delicious rich borscht? It’s difficult to describe how healthy this soup is. Traditional Ukrainian borscht is prepared with the addition of lard (it is ground in a mortar with garlic and added at the end of cooking the borscht). The classic Russian recipe is very similar to the Ukrainian one, only it does not contain lard. The borscht according to the recipe below turns out very tasty, with a rich red color. Try it, you will definitely like it!


For 3 liters of water:

Beef on the bone - 700-800 grams

Cabbage fresh - 300 grams

Potato- 2-3 medium potatoes (200-300 grams)

Beet– 2 small or 1 medium (100-150 grams)

Carrot— 1 piece of medium size (75-100 grams)

Onion onion - 1 medium-sized onion (75-100 grams)

Tomato naya paste - 1 tbsp. spoon, or 1 small tomato

Oil vegetable for frying

Garlic- 2 cloves

Spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, herbs (dill, parsley, basil).

How to cook delicious red borscht

1. The first step is to cook the broth. To do this, rinse the beef on the bone under running water, put it in a saucepan and cover with cold water. You can add 1 teaspoon of salt. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Borscht should be cooked over low heat, so the vegetables in it will not boil and turn into porridge. Beef cooks for about 1 hour. You can check the doneness of meat by how easily it separates from the bone.

. While the broth is preparing, you need to peel the vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, onions. Remove damaged leaves from fresh cabbage and chop.

. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth and cool slightly. Then separate the meat from the bone and cut into small pieces. This is convenient to do using two forks.

4. Place the chopped boiled meat back into the broth. Don't forget to regularly remove any dirty scum from the surface of the broth.

. When the broth boils, add shredded fresh cabbage to the pan.

. Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in the pan after the cabbage, after the water boils again. In general, everyone new ingredient It is advisable to add it every time the broth boils (do not forget that the borscht is cooked over low heat). Add salt and pepper. If desired, you can flavor the borscht with spices: hops-suneli, curry, adjika (dried).

. Grate the beets on a coarse grater or chop into small strips.Place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. And simmer over low heat, stirring regularly, for about 10 minutes. A few minutes before removing the pan from the heat, you need to spray the beets lemon juice or vinegar (this is the second secret of delicious red borscht). Add tomato paste and stir. Heat the beets and tomatoes for another 1 minute on the fire. Now the beets are ready for dressing in borscht.

. Add the beets to the soup.

9 . Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or finely chop them (it turns out prettier). Place on the bottom of a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. Do not overdo it. The onion should not be fried, it should remain juicy, therefore, as soon as a golden hue appears, the frying should be removed from the heat (this is one secret of delicious borscht).

After the broth boils again, add fried onions and carrots into it.

. Now very important ingredient- garlic (another secret of borscht). It can be cut into small cubes or simply cut into quarters. It is important to add garlic at the very end of cooking borscht. It acts as a natural flavor and aroma enhancer.

A variety of greens, both fresh and dried, will be an invariable decoration of your borscht. It also needs to be added to the borscht 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for 20-30 minutes. By the way, classic borscht has an amazing feature: the next day it becomes even tastier.

Delicious classic red borscht is ready

Bon appetit!

Secrets of delicious borscht

Such a first course as borscht is available in different cuisines peace. But the most delicious and richest one is Ukrainian borscht. The dish has been prepared in Ukraine ever since they began to grow vegetables, especially beets, and eat meat. Borscht is a peasant dish, because everything that grew in the garden and ran in the yard was put into it. In different regions of the country, to this day they put in borscht different types meat and poultry, for example, Poltava borscht always comes with goose. But traditional Ukrainian borscht is served with beef or pork on the bone.

To create a magnificent and tasty borscht, you need to stock up on such products as water, cabbage and beets, carrots and onions, potatoes and beans, and, of course, meat with bones. Modern housewives put tomato paste, but in traditional recipe includes tomatoes, sour cream. Spices: bay leaf, salt and black and red pepper. The main thing is to cook the ingredients longer, the meat for 1.5 hours, then add the cabbage, after boiling the potatoes, cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Roasted beets, carrots and onions are stewed over low heat. Sour cream (optional) and tomato paste (tomatoes) are added to the mixture - everything is stewed for about 20 minutes, after which it is added to the borscht. The borscht is cooked for about 2-2.5 hours over low heat, stirring every time you add an ingredient.

To make your dish spicy and rich, add a pinch of sugar, not just salt. And in order for the borscht to be rich, add a mixture of Ukrainian fresh lard and garlic - grind it into a paste, add it half an hour before removing the pan from the heat. If you use tomatoes, add a spoonful of vinegar for sourness, the borscht will be twice as tasty and piquant. When remove from heat, chop the greens to taste, but you can do without them at all. But, remember, the dish should sit for about 2 hours under the lid, and then be eaten for that long with sour cream, donuts, garlic and lard.

Borscht is not only tasty, but also healthy. Vegetables will benefit the entire orgasm and provide vitamins. Meat contains protein, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body. And garlic and onions are excellent remedies for colds and for boosting immunity. And hot soup is a balm for the stomach.

Video “Borscht, a classic Ukrainian recipe from chef Ilya Lazerson

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In winter you can’t do without soup. It will satisfy, warm, and delight the soul. Residents different countries There are your favorite soups that you can use to diversify your table, and they are ideal for lunch on a cold day.

website collected for you best recipes delicious winter soups from all over the world - thick, rich and aromatic.

Famous Bulgarian goulash (bograchguyash)

At traditional and very popular competitions in Hungary for the best goulash, this soup is cooked over an open fire. Not only because this is exactly how real Magyar shepherds cooked it, but also for the sake of special dishes in which only the right goulash can be prepared. Its exact name is bogracsgulyas, that is, “goulash from a pot.”

You will need:

  • 1 kg boneless beef
  • 4-5 strips of bacon or lard (you can also use vegetable oil)
  • 300 g onions
  • 3 tbsp. l. paprika
  • salt, cumin, garlic
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 140 g pepper (sweet green or red)
  • 1 tomato
  • 2–3 liters of water or broth
  • for 6 servings for chipette (dumplings): 80 g flour, 1 egg, salt


  • Cut juicy meat with many tendons (shoulder part, cut, shank) into cubes with a side of 1.5–2 cm. Fry finely chopped onion in melted fat (or butter) until golden brown. Reduce heat, put paprika in not too hot fat, stir quickly, immediately add meat, add crushed garlic mixed with cumin, add a little water and, stirring occasionally, continue to simmer over low heat. If necessary, add water, but always a little, so that the meat is not cooked, but stewed in a small amount of liquid.
  • While the meat is stewing, peel and cut the potatoes into 1 cm cubes. Green pepper, tomatoes, and also cook chipette. When the meat is almost ready, let the juices evaporate so that only the fat remains in the pan. Add potatoes to the meat, stir well and simmer until the potatoes begin to “glaze,” then add broth or water and add green peppers and tomatoes.
  • When the potatoes are almost cooked, just before serving, add the chipettes to the soup and let them cook. The amount of soup is finally adjusted by adding broth or water, after which you need to add salt again.
  • How to cook chipette. The name chipetke dough comes from the Hungarian word “csipkedni”, which means “to pinch”. Mix flour, eggs and salt (without water) into a stiff dough. Roll it out on a floured board into a sheet about 1 mm thick, then pinch off shapeless pieces about the size of a fingernail from it with floured hands. Cook these pieces in boiling soup. When the dough is ready (after 3-4 minutes), it will float to the surface.

German thick Pichelsteiner

Thick and satisfying Pichelsteiner is included in the golden collection of the 100 most famous recipes different countries of the world. In his honor, the German city of Regen has held a celebration for 130 years with night boat rides, a costume parade, a fair and fireworks.

You will need:

  • 600 g of three types of meat (pork, beef, chicken or veal)
  • 2 onions
  • 750 g potatoes
  • 1 root celery (about 200 g)
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 leek
  • salt, sweet paprika powder
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • meat broth or water


  • Cut the meat into pieces. Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel the remaining vegetables. Cut potatoes and celery into cubes, carrots into thick slices. Cut the leeks into thin rings.
  • Place the meat, potatoes and other vegetables into the pan one at a time. Pour in hot broth or just water until just covering the top layer. Salt and season with paprika powder. Cook covered over low heat for about 1.5 hours. Chop the parsley and add it to the soup a minute before the end of cooking.

English stu with beans

Winters in the UK are not the warmest. Therefore, since the times of the Romans, stew has been the favorite, and often the only treat of the poor in winter. The aristocrats also did not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the thick, rich soup.

You will need:

  • 500 g beef
  • 150–200 g minced meat(pork or beef)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 cups red beans
  • 0.5 cups frozen (or canned) green peas
  • 1 cup green beans, fresh or frozen
  • 2–3 potatoes
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • tomato paste, salt, black pepper, sugar, sweet paprika, bay leaf


  • Soak red beans overnight, then rinse them, boil in a separate bowl until tender, drain. Set the meat to cook; After the broth boils, remove the foam and add the bay leaf, cook until tender.
  • Remove the finished meat from the broth, add potatoes cut into small cubes into the broth, and boil until tender. Then add the prepared beans, carrots in strips, green beans, peas. Pour soy sauce directly into the broth.
  • Fry finely chopped onion with tomato paste (about 1–1.5 tbsp) and add to the broth. Add more tomato paste (about 2 more tablespoons) to taste and finely chopped garlic. Place the minced meat in a separate frying pan, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, fry until cooked and add to the stew. Cut the boiled meat into pieces and also add to the soup.
  • Add a little sugar to it (so that it is not sour), sweet paprika and simmer a little more.

Palestinian red lentil and pumpkin soup

The aromatic puree soup is rich in vitamins and vegetable protein, and is very tasty to eat with flatbread.

You will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3 medium carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp. dried chili pepper
  • 400 g pumpkin
  • taste
  • 1.5 liters chicken broth or water
  • 1 cup red lentils
  • parsley and paprika for decoration


  • Heat the oil well in a thick-bottomed saucepan or frying pan, add finely chopped garlic, carrots, celery and onion and fry, stirring all the time, for 12-14 minutes. Then add cumin, chili, diced pumpkin, salt, pepper and simmer until the pumpkin is soft.
  • Add broth and lentils and bring to a boil. If you stewed vegetables in a frying pan, put the vegetables and lentils in the pan, pour in the broth and continue cooking there.
  • Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes until the lentils are tender. Let the soup cool slightly and puree it with a blender. Divide into bowls, garnish with parsley and paprika and serve with flatbread and lemon wedges (if desired).

Spicy Mexican tortilla

Hot, spicy and quite light soup is very popular in Latin America.

You will need:

  • 1 large chili pepper
  • 400 g diced tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1.5 liters chicken broth
  • dried cilantro
  • 600–700 g boiled chicken breast, cut into pieces
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 150 g grated hard cheese
  • 1-2 avocados, diced
  • sour cream, lime slices for serving
  • corn chips (about 4 cups)


  • Toast the chiles in a heavy-bottomed frying pan over high heat, turning occasionally. Remove the seeds and grind in a blender along with the tomatoes. Fry the garlic and onion in oil until golden brown, transfer them to a blender with the tomatoes and chili and grind until smooth.
  • Pour the tomato mixture into the pan and cook over medium heat until boiling, 8-10 minutes. Add broth and cilantro and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add chicken, salt and pepper and reheat.
  • Place chips on plates (reserving some for serving) and pour soup on top, garnish with cheese, avocado slices, chips and sour cream. Serve with lime wedges.

Classic borscht

Hot borscht, and with garlic - the best warming soup for the cold Russian winter has not yet been invented.

You will need:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 700–800 g beef on the bone
  • 300 g fresh cabbage
  • 2–3 medium potatoes
  • 2 small or 1 medium beets
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and 1 small tomato
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, herbs (dill, parsley, basil)
  • sour cream for serving


  • The first step is to cook the broth. To do this, rinse the beef on the bone under running water, put it in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low.
  • While the broth is preparing, you need to peel and chop the vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, onions. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth and cool slightly. Then separate the meat from the bone and cut into small pieces. Place the chopped boiled meat back into the broth. Do not forget to regularly skim the foam from the surface of the broth.
  • When the broth boils, add shredded fresh cabbage to the pan. Place the diced potatoes into the pan after the cabbage, after the water boils again, and add salt.
  • Fry the beets, cut into strips, in a frying pan. Add diced onion and carrots. Next, tomato paste and grated tomatoes. After the tomatoes thicken a little, you need to pour in a glass of broth. Simmer for 10 minutes. And then add the roast to the borscht.
  • 5 minutes before readiness, add spices to the soup, and finely chopped (or crushed) garlic with fresh chopped herbs - just before turning off.
  • Let the borscht brew for half an hour, and you can serve it on the table, adding a spoonful of sour cream to each plate.

Spicy Georgian kharcho

You will need:

  • 400 g beef
  • 3 onions
  • 4 tbsp. l. rice
  • 500 g tomatoes
  • dill, parsley, cilantro to taste
  • 1 clove of garlic


  • Pour 2–2.5 liters into the pan cold water, add the meat and bones cut into pieces and put on the fire. When the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Leave to cook for an hour and a half. Half an hour before the end of cooking, you can add parsley or celery root to the broth and add salt to taste.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and lightly fry it in vegetable oil over low heat. As soon as the onion begins to acquire golden color, add the meat from the broth to it (turn off the heat under it) and fry for 5 minutes.
  • Then add a couple of tablespoons of broth and simmer under a closed lid for about 15 minutes.
  • While the meat and onions are stewing, prepare the tomatoes. Wash it, make cross-shaped cuts and pour boiling water over it for a couple of minutes. Then easily remove the skin and cut into small cubes.
  • Place the tomato cubes in the pan with the meat and onions and simmer for 10 minutes. We add the contents of the frying pan to the broth, which is already back on the stove and about to boil.
  • Add rice to the boiling broth. Let the soup simmer for 5 minutes, reduce the heat to medium and add spices. Next, crushed garlic and finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) and immediately turn off. Before serving the soup, let it sit for an hour.

American chowder

Chowder is a thick soup, a famous American dish. In different parts of the country it is prepared in different ways: with bacon, fish, shrimp, broccoli, corn. But it always contains cream and cheese. This hearty soup Great for cold weather when you really need to warm up.

You will need:

  • 200–300 g bacon
  • 400 g frozen or canned corn
  • 3–4 potatoes
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • 500 ml cream (10%)
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g hard cheese
  • salt, ground black pepper


  • Cut the bacon into small cubes and lightly fry in a spoon of vegetable oil in the pan where you will prepare the soup. Then take it out. Place finely chopped onion in oil and simmer until tender.
  • Chop the potatoes, put them in a saucepan and pour chicken bouillon. Cook for 15–20 minutes so that the potatoes are mashed when rubbed with a wooden spatula.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop the bell pepper and celery and fry them separately in a frying pan, adding frozen corn to them (if it is canned, it will need to be put in the prepared broth).
  • When you puree the potatoes, add the cream mixed with flour to the broth and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Then add fried bacon, vegetables and corn (if using canned) to the soup. Bring the soup to a boil again and add some grated cheese, leave to simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Before serving, garnish the soup with grated cheese and herbs.

Hungarian soup with cauliflower, paprika and dumplings

An excellent winter soup option for vegetarians.

You will need:

  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 6 tbsp. l. chilled butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1,5 hot pepper(for those who don’t like spicy, you can replace it with Bulgarian)
  • 1 large onion
  • 1.5–2 l vegetable broth or water
  • 1 small head of cauliflower
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and finely chopped
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 small bunch of parsley


  • Make the dumplings: In a bowl, stir together flour and salt, add 4 tbsp. l. butter and rub the flour and butter until they form lumps the size of a pea. Add egg, make dough. Place in the refrigerator.
  • Place the remaining oil in a saucepan, heat and fry finely chopped peppers and onions until soft. Pour broth or water, put the disassembled on the inflorescences cauliflower and carrots. Season with salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring, until vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes.
  • Use a teaspoon to pinch off pieces of dough and throw them into the boiling soup (about half a spoon at a time), cook for 3 minutes. Pour into plates and garnish with parsley.

German barley soup with smoked meats

German classic soup, very easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • 4 tbsp. l. butter (or vegetable oil)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 cup pearl barley
  • 1.5 liters of meat, vegetable broth or water
  • 1–2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • quarter of celery root
  • half cup chopped leek
  • 2 German sausages (you can take 200 g of any smoked or semi-smoked sausage or smoked sausages)
  • 1 slice bacon
  • dried nutmeg
  • 1 tsp. dried marjoram
  • parsley
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Heat the oil in the bottom of the pan and fry the finely chopped onion for 5 minutes. Add the pearl barley and fry it lightly for 5 minutes.
  • Add broth, chopped potatoes, carrots, celery root and leeks, marjoram and German sausages and simmer until vegetables are cooked and sausages are tender. If you use ready-made smoked sausage or sausages, put them in 10 minutes before they are ready.
  • Remove the smoked meats from the soup, cut them into circles, and remove the bacon. Before turning off, add nutmeg, salt and pepper and let it brew. Place the soup in bowls and garnish with parsley and slices of sausage.

Delicious Italian tomato soup with tortellini and spinach

You will need:

  • 1 onion
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 600–700 g canned or fresh tomatoes
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • 1 tsp. dried basil
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • 1/2 tsp each salt and black pepper (if you don’t like it spicy, you don’t have to put so much pepper)
  • 200–300 g tortellini with cheese or other filling
  • 200–300 g fresh or frozen spinach
  • a little grated hard cheese and fresh herbs


  • If you are using fresh tomatoes, prepare them: pour boiling water over them, remove the skin, cut into pieces and simmer in a frying pan under the lid for several minutes.
  • Heat oil in a saucepan and fry finely chopped onion for 5 minutes. Add garlic, paprika, salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute until fragrant.
  • Add tomatoes (chopped canned or stewed), pour in broth, add basil, oregano and bay leaf and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat, add tortellini and cook for as long as package directions (usually 7-9 minutes). Add the spinach, simmer for a few more minutes and serve immediately, sprinkled with fresh herbs and cheese.

American soup with wild rice, mushrooms and chicken

Wild rice discriminating taste and aroma and unusual look: It is long and black. Today you can buy it in any large store, and if you have not tried black rice yet, we recommend that you do so.

You will need:

  • 1 cup wild rice
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 onion
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 tsp. thyme
  • 100 g flour
  • 2 liters chicken broth
  • 300 g boiled chicken
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • 1 cup cream (10%)
  • parsley


  • Cook the rice in a liter of water until tender (about 45 minutes). Drain if there is any water left and set aside.
  • Heat oil in a saucepan and lightly fry chopped onion, celery and carrots. Then add thyme and flour, simmer, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil.
  • Add chopped chicken, mushrooms, salt and pepper and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then add rice and cream, let the soup boil again and heat it for 5 minutes. Turn it off, add parsley and let it brew a little.


Borscht can easily be called one of the most popular soups! Everything about it is beautiful: bright color, enchanting aroma and incredible taste! There are a lot of recipes and variations for preparing this first dish, but this one classic recipe every housewife should know. Don't forget to serve traditional pampushki buns with garlic!

Thick Lentil Soup


Many people underestimate lentils and for good reason! It makes a very tasty thick soup. Baked vegetables, spices and fresh herbs give it such a bright taste and aroma that it is simply impossible to resist!

Pumpkin soup for immunity


Velvety and warming, this puree soup is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy: the red pepper it contains will strengthen the immune system, the bright pumpkin will give good mood, and the chicken will fill you with the necessary vitality.

Chicken soup


Chicken soup is considered one of the healthiest, especially in the cold season. This light dish and at the same time satisfying, it is perfectly digestible and protects the body from colds!

Rassolnik with rice


Rassolnik is one of the ancient Russian soups! Its main ingredients are, which give the dish a unique and incomparable taste! IN classic version it is prepared with pearl barley, but this grain can also be replaced with rice.

Mushroom solyanka


Thick, rich mushroom soup ideal for cold winter! Bacon gives the solyanka a pleasant smoky aroma, garlic gives it a piquant flavor, and parsley adds a hint of freshness. It's worth a try!

Pea soup


Pea soup has been cooked in Rus' for centuries, but to this day this dish is a great success. It is highly nutritious and beneficial properties, so it will be indispensable in the cold. And to add a little flavor, add to the soup. smoked bacon and garlic.

Vegetable soup for weight loss


During the holidays you scored a couple extra pounds and want to get rid of them as quickly as possible? Try making a light and vitamin-packed vegetable soup! It improves digestion and provides the body with all the necessary substances. This dietary dish Even your loved ones who are not on a diet will appreciate it!

Finnish fish soup with smoked salmon


This traditional Finnish soup with smoked salmon and cream is often prepared in Scandinavia, but this dish is perfect for the Russian winter! Its original taste will especially appeal to gourmets and connoisseurs of unusual recipes.

Cheese soup


This soup is very easy to prepare! Thanks to the key ingredient - processed cheese– it turns out incredibly tasty and tender. A must try for cheese lovers!

Creamy sweet pepper soup


The author of this dish is one of the best chefs Provence Jean-Andre Charial, and this is already a good reason to try it! Creamy sweet pepper soup is very easy to prepare, but it turns out very original and will delight you with an unusual rich taste.

Quick Corn Soup


This recipe is perfect for those occasions when you want to treat yourself to something tasty, but have very little time to prepare food. Its unusual sweetish-smoky taste will diversify the usual menu!

Lamb soup with chickpeas


Lamb and chickpeas make this dish very rich and delicious! For cooking, you can use both regular and canned chickpeas. Either way, you have a great winter dish!

French garlic cream soup


Garlic soup? Why not! To prepare this dish, originally from France, you need the most simple products, which give a very unexpected result. The French know a lot about gourmet dishes!

Tomato soup with beans


This thick tomato and bean soup is very nutritious and flavorful. All the ingredients of the dish in combination create the perfect composition, and the spicy notes of chili pepper and crispy croutons perfectly complement its delicate texture!
