The most delicious food. Secrets and tips for making simple baked goods in a hurry.

Store-bought sweets are unlikely to compare with homemade cakes: fresh, aromatic, cooked with love, it will delight your family and guests at home.

Our own preparation of such dishes from well-known products is a guarantee that the baked goods are fresh and do not pose any health hazard.

With all these advantages, there is one disadvantage: running to the store for a pie or cookies is faster and easier than preparing the dough and standing at the stove.

However, there are absolutely easy recipes, and the dishes prepared according to them turn out simply wonderful. This also applies to simple baking a quick fix.

General principles for preparing simple baked goods in a hurry

To make baking not just quick, but also tasty and healthy, you need to take into account some rules.

The fastest dough to prepare is shortbread dough. Its base is butter or margarine. This component can be used in a soft form, for which you need to keep it in a warm room. After which the butter or margarine will be easy to grind. Another option is to grate it, then you can take the product from the refrigerator.

Quick baking is made from ready dough. In this regard, yeast products are popular, but especially - puff pastry. Dishes from the latter take a minimal amount of time to prepare.

So-called bulk pies are easy and simple to prepare, especially if the filling in them does not require long-term heat treatment.

Simple quick baked goods can be prepared either in the oven or on the stovetop, most often in a large amount of butter.

Cookies “Like seeds” - the simplest quick baked goods

These cookies do not resemble seeds and there are no seeds among the ingredients used to make them. And the name comes from the fact that it is used like seeds and disappears completely unnoticed. At the same time it is very simple baking whipped up from a minimum amount of ordinary products.


200 grams of butter or margarine

200 grams of sour cream

2-3 cups flour

Or half a packet of baking powder

sugar or salt for sprinkling.

Cooking method

Butter or margarine must first be softened by simply leaving it in a warm room for an hour.

Mix butter, sour cream, baking powder or soda.

Gradually add flour in small portions.

Knead until the dough is strong enough, but not too tight.

Roll out into a layer, cut out figures using special molds or a glass, a stack, or other available means.

Dip one side of each figure in sugar and place it on a baking sheet, sugar side up.

You can add cinnamon or poppy seeds to the sugar.

You can make salty cookies, instead of sugar, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cumin, coriander, sesame seeds, and cheese if desired.

Bake for about 20 minutes in the oven at medium temperature.

Recipe for pancakes with herbs: from a series of simple quick baked goods

Many people love sweet, crispy pancakes. However, you can prepare another version of this baking - with spring greens and eggs. The results are quite tasty and very filling pancakes, which can easily replace breakfast or an afternoon snack; they are good to take with you on a hike or outing.


1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt

2 raw eggs

1 - 1.5 cups flour

a third of a teaspoon of baking soda

salt to taste

a handful of greens - green onions and a little dill are best

1-2 boiled eggs

oil for frying.

Cooking method

Lush pancakes are obtained if fermented milk product warm it up a little. This must be done carefully - on the stove or in microwave oven. Under no circumstances should it be overheated so that the protein begins to coagulate.

Add soda, eggs and salt to warm kefir.

You can knead by adding flour using a mixer. The dough should be thick, but flow without problems.

Place finely chopped herbs and chopped eggs into the dough.

If the mixture is too liquid, add a little more flour.

Fry on both sides in well-heated oil, spooning out the dough.

Sour cream goes well with these pancakes.

A simple casserole-type bun - quick cottage cheese baking

This bun takes no more than an hour to bake. Not exactly fast, however quick cooking test compensates for the time spent. While the baking is in the oven, you can do other things. Good recipe for those who love cottage cheese in all its variations. Besides cottage cheese, you only need two simple products. A dish for real sweet tooths - it turns out very sweet.


500 gr. cottage cheese

3 chicken eggs

1 can of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method

It is advisable to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it in a blender, or you can pass it through a meat grinder.

Beat the eggs well with condensed milk.

Combine cottage cheese and whipped mass, mix thoroughly.

Place the mixture in a greased form.

Bake for half an hour, then check with a wooden stick. Bake until the stick comes out dry.

The sweet bun should cool down at least a little. Served best with sour cream or sour jam.

A simple quick cake - delicious quick baking

Of course, this cake cannot be prepared when guests are already on the doorstep. But if you were suddenly warned about your arrival at least an hour or two in advance, or you just wanted something tasty, he will excellent option. Especially if there is butter and condensed milk in the refrigerator.


For the test:

1 stick of margarine or butter

200-250 gr. sour cream

2 cups of flour

a third of a teaspoon of baking soda.

For cream:

1 stick of butter

1 can of condensed milk, boiled if possible.

Cooking method

For the dough, butter or margarine must be softened.

Mix all ingredients, divide into three portions.

Roll each piece into a layer, bake, first prick with a fork

The cakes are baked for about 15 minutes in the oven at medium power.

Cut the cakes into a round shape - the easiest way is to put a plate of a suitable diameter on top.

While the cakes are baking, combine butter softened at room temperature with a can of condensed milk for the cream. Beat with a mixer.

Layer the cooled cakes with cream.

Place the cake in the refrigerator. It's ready in an hour. If you let it brew longer, it will be better.

You can add cocoa to the cream. Several more options are obtained when the top of the cake is decorated with grated chocolate, nuts, and berries.

Easier than simple: quick puff pastry envelopes

The filling can be any - apples grated with sugar, jam, eggs with onions, sweet or salty cottage cheese, dried apricots and prunes with nuts, minced meat, liver, and mushrooms.


Puff pastry

Yolk for greasing products.

Cooking method

Let the puff pastry melt, roll out thinly, cut into rectangles or squares.

Spread the filling, roll it into triangles or in another way, seal the edges, you can run it with the tines of a fork, pressing down slightly.

Place puff pastries on a greased baking sheet. Grease with yolk.

Bake for 15-20 minutes until browned.

I use yeast-free puff pastry for sweet fillings, and yeast for meat fillings, but in principle both will do.

A simple recipe for a quick filling pie with canned fish

The dough for such pies is prepared quickly; there is no need to seal or pinch anything. It just pours into the mold. It doesn't take long to bake, the cake turns out tender, fluffy and very quick.


200 grams of sour cream (half can be replaced with kefir)

200 grams of mayonnaise (half can also be replaced with kefir)

half a teaspoon of salt

half a teaspoon of baking soda

3 cups flour approximately

1-2 cans canned fish In oil

1-2 onions.

Cooking method

First we prepare the filling. For it, chop the onion, you can fry it, or you can just add salt and mash it.

Mash canned fish and mix with onion. If there is a lot of liquid from the fish, drain some of it. The filling should be moist and juicy.

Mix the ingredients for the dough.

You need to take enough flour to form a thick mass like pancake batter.

Pour half of the dough into a greased mold.

Place the fish and onions evenly on top.

Carefully pour in the second part of the dough.

Place in the oven over medium heat and keep for half an hour.

Check the readiness of the pie with a wooden stick. If too wet, bake more.

Using the same scheme, you can prepare a pie with any raw filling - stewed cabbage, eggs and onions, fried mushrooms.

Thin brushwood - a simple quick recipe

Crispy sugary brushwood is obtained from simple test, which is called noodles. The quantity of products depends on the desired amount of brushwood. From a small piece of dough you get quite a lot of it.


1 spoon of water

a few grains of salt

¾ cup flour approximately

vegetable oil for frying

powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Cooking method

Prepare a tight dough from these products, add as much flour as you need.

Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour, wrapped in plastic.

Roll out as thin as possible.

Cut the figures as desired, be sure to make at least one slot inside each one.

Heat the oil. Throw in pieces of dough. They quickly begin to swell and grow.

Fry on both sides for 1-2 minutes, making sure that the oil does not burn.

Place the finished products on a napkin, then roll in powdered sugar.

It is more convenient if the housewife has an assistant: having prepared the figurines in advance, one fries them in oil, the other sprinkles them in sugar.

Another option for simple quick baking is thick brushwood

These pastries are also called struzhny or simply donuts. The recipe differs from thin brushwood: due to dairy and vegetable fats the products turn out crumbly.


1 glass of kefir or fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt

3 tablespoons of any oil - vegetable, melted butter

2 tablespoons sugar

half a teaspoon of baking soda

a pinch of salt

2 cups flour approximately

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method

Warm the fermented milk product slightly.

Add soda to it, stir, add sugar, add butter and yolk, add salt.

Mix everything and start adding flour until you get a soft, but shape-holding dough.

Roll out not very thin. Cut into rectangles. Make a slot inside each one. You can turn the tip into it, or you can just leave it straight.

Drop the dough into the boiling oil and fry, turning it over.

Place the finished brushwood on a napkin to drain the oil.

    Before you start making quick baked goods, study the recipe well. Everything in it should be clear. Make sure all products are in stock.

    It is better to test new, untried recipes on a small number of products and not when guests are expected.

    For most items baked in the oven, the oven should be turned on a few minutes before the future baked goods are sent there. This way the process will go faster and the heat will spread more evenly.

    When researching a recipe for simple, quick baked goods, choose ones that use commonly available ingredients rather than rare delicacies.

    Products for preparing the dough should be at room temperature, unless otherwise specified in the recipe. Often you have to take them from the refrigerator. To speed up the process and improve the quality of the future dough, the products can be slightly warmed up using a microwave oven.

Cakes, pastries, buns, sweet pies, cookies - all this together sweet pastries. Everyone loves sweet pastries - from the youngest to the oldest. Many of us associate it with something magical, festive and joyful, lifting our spirits, making us smile and bringing a lot of pleasure.

Traditionally, cakes are baked from shortbread, sponge, sour cream, puff and protein dough or waffle cakes, then soaked in alcohol or syrup, coated with a variety of creams, jams, boiled condensed milk or whipped cream. Cakes are decorated with nuts, berries, fruits, patterns of multi-colored cream, mastic, confectionery topping, meringue, chocolate or candied fruits.

Nothing tastes better banana cake, chocolate pie with dried fruits, original cake“Turtle” or “Anthill”, beloved by us all Kyiv cake, Honey cake, Napoleon and many, many other sweets.

And delicious, airy, puff pastry, custard, shortbread and sponge cakes are beautifully decorated small cakes that are usually served with tea or coffee as a dessert. The recipes for such cakes, which can be easily prepared at home, are very diverse - baskets, eclairs with cream, potato cake, tubes with cream, profiteroles and many, many others.

Recipes sweet pastries are a serious help in organizing family gatherings or receiving guests. Often, like something mysterious and precious, they are passed down from generation to generation.

Housewives, in order to prepare a delicious sweet treat, perform a real ritual, very often improving recipes to their taste, combining the proportions of ingredients, spices and additives.

Those happy and exciting moments after cooking fragrant baked goods familiar to each of us. The rooms are filled with a magical aroma, beckoning us into the kitchen, where the kettle is already starting to boil on the stove. Crispy and so golden brown crust, tender and sweet flesh, juicy filling- they seduce us, inviting us to sit down at the table as soon as possible and try what we have done.

What sweet pastries are best prepared is decided by the hostess herself, or the taste preferences of family members or guests invited to the holiday are taken into account. A wide variety of cakes with their pomp and majestic grace are ideal for special occasions.

For a meeting with friends or a family tea party, you can bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese, pies with jam, jam or berries, as well as various gingerbread cookies, pretzels and cookies. When there is very little time for cooking, simple and quick recipes preparing charlotte or shortbread cookies.

Kids will be delighted with buns with cinnamon or cheesecakes with raisins and powdered sugar. Adults will not refuse treats in the form of poppy seeds or fruit rolls, sweet pies and pies, which can not only be baked in the oven, but also fried in a frying pan.

Step-by-step recipes for cookies, sweet buns and pies from the site - this detailed instructions for those housewives who are still mastering the art of baking.

With the help of our recipes, you can easily prepare delicious sweet pastries with almond flakes the first time, sweet Apple pie with nuts, real Turkish baklava, pumpkin cookies with cardamom, apple-pear charlotte, italian cookies Cantuccini and many other goodies.

We wish that the aroma of freshly baked sweet pastries always fills your home with warmth, comfort and good mood!

The other day I prepared khachapuri with cheese in the form of envelopes, with the addition of cardamom, which in turn gave my baked goods a special spice and aroma, since cardamom is one of the most exquisite spices in Western European and Russian cuisines.

hard cheese - 300 gr.;
puff pastry - 500 gr.;
butter - 50 gr.;
ground cardamom - 3 tsp.

Method for preparing khachapuri recipe with cheese

So, in order to start preparing khachapuri, you need to prepare puff pastry.
1. Puff pastry can be taken ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself.
2. Place the puff pastry on a floured work surface and roll out to a thickness of less than 1 cm.
3. Cut the rolled out dough into equal squares with sides about 15 cm.
4. Next, take the cheese and grate it on a coarse grater.
5. Prepare the required amount of ground cardamom.
6. Place grated cheese on each square cut out of dough and sprinkle ground cardamom on top.
7. Place a small piece of butter on top of the cheese sprinkled with ground cardamom so that the khachapuri later becomes a little juicier.
8. Pinch each side of the square, dividing it in half. I purposefully pinch, stepping back from the edges about a centimeter. I do this so that in the end the puff pastry shows itself in all its glory and becomes airy and airy.
9. Place future khachapuri prepared for baking on a baking sheet greased with butter or margarine and place in an oven preheated at 180-200 degrees, baking the khachapuri for 30 minutes.
10. It happens that during the baking process khachapuri opens up a lot, this is not really a problem. In this case, I simply use a fork to gently press the edges of the khachapuri, returning them to their original position.
11. At the end of baking, the khachapuri must be removed from the oven and placed on a wire rack to cool.
Bon appetit!

04.04.2017 0 741

I first heard about the wonderful word “chudu” from my Dagestan friend. I thought she was joking, the name seemed so funny to me. But having tried the miracle once, I remained a fan forever. As far as I know, miracles are most often done with meat filling, but my friend made them with pumpkin filling... I didn’t even immediately guess that they were pumpkin, the taste was so unusual. And when I found out the secret, I immediately decided that THIS dish would go on our list of goodies and lifesavers. This recipe is especially good because in winter, when there are not so many fresh home-grown vegetables, pumpkin is still easier to find at the market or in a store. I have another problem here - there is an abundance of pumpkins both in winter and in summer and I often have to dispose of it...
Let's move from words to action and prepare the Dagestan "Miracle with Pumpkin", but with my changes.

pumpkin - 200 gr;
onion - 200 gr;
ground black pepper - 10 g;
raisins - 10 g;
butter - 30 g;
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
walnuts - 10 g;
pita - 2 pcs.

1. We don’t need a lot of products: pumpkin, onions, salt, black peppercorns, a little raisins, a little walnuts, well ground, butter and olive oil and ready-made pita bread or pita bread
2. THIS RECIPE CAN BE VEGETARIAN if you do not use butter, but use only olive oil. First, I'll show you my pitas. I’m lazy and not very good with dough, but I found a way out in the form of these pitas (Greek bread flatbread). You can safely use pita bread.
3. BEFORE STARTING COOKING, I want to draw your attention to one detail: in theory, there should be more pumpkin in the filling, but I always do 50:50, I like these proportions more to taste, you can do it according to your own proportions , based on the degree of “love” of your household for both ingredients: pumpkin and onion.
And now - let's get to work. Peel the pumpkin pieces and grate them on a medium grater.
4. Cut the onion into small cubes. In a frying pan with added butter/ olive oil First fry the onion until transparent. and then slightly simmer the pumpkin so that it becomes a little softer.
5. Add a lot of black ground pepper, salt to taste.
I also added a gag: a little finely chopped walnut. And some raisins, for a taste contrast
6. Our filling is ready. Place the filling on one of the halves of a sheet of lavash or pita bread. and cover the filling with the second half of the pita bread, it turns out something like a cheburek. I did not fasten the edges of the pita bread with anything, since the pita bread already holds the filling if you press a little on the surface.
7. Now we will fry our miracles. For such cases, I have a frying pan with a larger diameter, so I will fry it on it. Melt the butter and immediately reduce the heat by half. We lay out the miracle, the amount depends on the size of the miracle and the size of the frying pan. Mine only fit two (or two).
8. While the bottom is roasting, we coat the top with miracle butter, by the way it melts, it is clear that the miracle warms up very quickly.
9. THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT NEED TO FRY THE PUMPKIN VERY MUCH, it will cook perfectly when you fry the miracle on both sides. Turn the miracle over to the other side and fry it as well. We put it on a plate and call the household members to the table. It's best to eat the miracle hot
I already feel sorry for you, if you perform one miracle per family member, you will have to go back to the kitchen again and prepare an “addition”.

06.03.2017 0 3226

Dear hostesses, I suggest you prepare extraordinary, wonderful flatbreads with meat and herbs for your loved ones. The flatbreads are simply delicious!!! With butter, it’s so yummy!!! Rosy, delicious!
They are sure to bring you and your family a lot of fun! And it couldn’t be easier to prepare such a delicious dish! There is a minimum of time and hassle, but the result is that no one can resist)) Delicious!!!
This time the dough was made with kefir. It’s also very tasty, and everything is fried wonderfully - I was a little worried about the filling. But already in the process I realized that with such proportions of dough and filling and with such rolling out of the product, the filling simply cannot fail to be fried.

For the test:
1 glass of kefir,
1 egg (but you can do it without eggs)
butter 2 tablespoons,
sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
salt 1 teaspoon,
flour 3-3.5 cups (adjust the amount according to your feelings),
0.5 teaspoon of soda.
This dough, by the way, behaves well in the oven and baked pies will also be wonderful.

For filling:
minced meat,
fresh onion
plus lots and lots of greenery

The dough and filling are divided into the same number of balls - the dough balls should be slightly larger than the filling.
Make a hole in the ball of dough. Place the filling in the hole and carefully pinch the edges of the dough over the filling.
Then the ball with the filling is carefully kneaded into a flat cake and with a rolling pin we roll out our flat cake with the filling inside to about 6-7 mm and immediately bake in a well-heated frying pan, preferably without oil (but I added a drop).
Fry in a frying pan on both sides. Coat the finished ones with butter or sour cream.
Bon appetit!

28.11.2016 1 2955

Khachapuri with cheese and boiled egg: tasty and economical recipe
Such khachapuri are good both for breakfast with a cup of tea or coffee, and for festive table, on which they can replace regular bread. In addition, it is very convenient when khachapuri is made not only tasty, but also quickly and with minimal costs. I offer exactly this option for preparing khachapuri - inexpensive and tasty!

You will need:

●kefir - 2 tbsp
●salt - 1 tsp.
●sugar - 1 tsp.
●soda-1 tsp.
●vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
●flour – 4 - 5 tbsp

●hard cheese - 150 gr.
●boiled egg - 5 pcs.
●garlic - 5 cloves
●greens - 1 bunch
●mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.

1. Mix kefir, salt, sugar, soda, vegetable oil. Mix well.
2. Grind cheese and eggs on a coarse grater, add chopped garlic, herbs, and mayonnaise. Mix well.
3. Divide the dough into parts. Roll out each part into a thin flat cake, lay out the filling, and fasten the edges of the flat cake.
4. Roll out a little more. The thinner the khachapuri is, the tastier it is. Fry the khachapuri in a dry frying pan over medium heat until golden color.
5. Grease the finished khachapuri generously with butter.
Bon appetit!

04.11.2016 0 4719

Very tasty and hearty breakfast from available products. This breakfast will take you no more than 10 minutes, and it tastes simply amazing.

-White bread, I only took the crumb
-Sausage or boiled meat
-Tomato or other vegetables
-Hard cheese

1. Cut the bread into cubes and mix with the egg and spices, mix well until smooth.
2. Separately, combine the chopped sausage and tomato in a plate.
3. Heat a frying pan, pour in a little vegetable oil and pour out our mixture. Flatten with a spoon.
4. Place sausage and tomato on top, sprinkle with herbs. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
5. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the cheese melts and brown a little on the bottom.
And in the heat of the moment we serve it on the table.
Bon appetit!

20.10.2016 0 5315

Cheese cakes with kefir are very tasty dish, which also cooks incredibly quickly. In order to do the same, you will need simple products that every home has.

Kefir - 1 glass
Salt, sugar and soda - 1/2 tsp each.
Grated hard cheese- 1 glass
Grated ham or sausages (you can also use cottage cheese with herbs) - 1 cup
Flour - 2 cups

1. Add salt, sugar, soda to kefir. Mix well.
2. Now you need to crumble the cheese and add flour, and then knead the dough.
3. Roll the dough into a ball. Divide the resulting mass into 4-6 parts, roll out the cakes to about 2-3 mm thick and put the filling inside. Bring the edges of the cake together and roll it out very carefully again.
4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Now you need to fry the cheese cakes on both sides over medium heat, covering with a lid.
5. When golden brown, remove the cakes from the pan and serve. Ready!
Tip: It is best to serve this dish hot, along with sour cream. Everyone is sure to love this treat!
Bon appetit!

21.08.2016 1 1169

The recipe is very simple, but everyone who tries it will not be able to resist another portion. Even an inexperienced person can handle the preparation. Treat yourself and your loved ones.

- 4 medium, boiled potatoes in their jackets;
- 3 sausages;
- 2 eggs;
- 3-4 tbsp. l. flour (and some flour for breading);
- 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- vegetable oil (for frying);
- salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparing potato dough for sausage. Peel the potatoes and grate them. Add eggs, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly. Add flour, mix. The potato “dough” is ready. Prepare the sausages.
Take a little with wet hands potato dough, spread over your hand, place the sausage and spread the potato dough so that it covers the sausage on all sides. Bread the resulting “stick” in flour. Repeat similarly for the remaining “sticks”. Heat vegetable oil, add coarsely chopped garlic to it and heat. Be careful not to burn the garlic. Remove garlic from oil. Fry the sausage in the potatoes in garlic butter until firm and golden brown. Place on paper towels to remove excess oil. Cut into portions and serve with your favorite sauces.

The recipe is very simple, but incredibly tasty, some flatbreads can be fried in a frying pan, others can be baked in the oven, those in the oven turned out like pita with nothing inside, very soft, airy, you can cut in half and put anything inside...for example, salad from fresh vegetables... those that can be eaten in a frying pan with sour cream, butter, or anything, are very tasty!!!

4 medium potatoes (or dry mashed potatoes 350g)
250ml milk
1 tsp dry yeast
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp nutmeg
50ml vegetable oil
600g flour

Boil potatoes and mash them better with a blender until creamy consistency.
Heat the milk and add yeast, salt, sugar, nutmeg.
Mix the puree with milk, add some flour - mix and add butter. Gradually add flour and knead until the dough should stick to your hand a little. Leave for an hour, knead and leave for another 30 minutes.
Sprinkle the surface of the table generously with flour. Divide the dough into equal parts (about 7 pieces), and knead into flat cakes with your hands - the dough will be very soft.
Fry in hot oil on both sides
P.S. Flour 600 g (according to the recipe), this is a lot, 400 g was enough. But it all depends on the flour, try it yourself as much as you need.

28.07.2016 0 2212

for test:
250 ml. mineral water,
2 teaspoons of sugar.
2 teaspoons of salt, without a slide,
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 - 2.5 cups of flour.

For filling:
4 boiled eggs and green onions finely chop and salt to taste.

IN mineral water add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Mix well, add flour. Knead the dough (it should not stick to your hands). Divide the dough into 10 - 12 pieces, roll out a little, put 1 at a time dessert spoon filling, pinch the edges. Roll out each flatbread thinly with a rolling pin.

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes;
  • Portions: the dough is divided into equal parts according to personal preference;
  • Kcal: 296;
  • Protein / Fat / Carbohydrates: 5.6 g / 13 g / 38.8 g.

Almost every person has had such moments as unexpected guests who show up and need to be treated to something, but only the ingredients are at hand. It is in such a situation that simple quick baking for tea is considered the best option. For example, a good way to surprise guests would be to prepare a pie, cookies, roll, muffin or cake, and you can cook it not only in the oven, but also in a frying pan.

Making quick buns and baking, for which a simple recipe can be used, is a great way out, and why not surprise your guests with such a masterpiece.

If you pick the right ingredients and choose only high-quality products, then baking for tea will be one hundred percent successful. This is the only way to comply with the cooking technology and all the rules for creating baked goods.

Quick baking for tea with your own hands

Simple baked goods for tea can be sweet, not sweet, yeast or non-yeast, as well as puff pastry or without using yeast powder at all. The most important thing is that you like the recipe and your guests can like it.

A good option to choose would be to pay attention to the reviews of those who prepared certain recipes, since this is basically how you can understand whether they are worth using or not, although those who do not take risks do not drink champagne and you can always adjust any instructions and create your own original masterpiece.

There is no need to be afraid to create, since this is the essence of cooking, and if something goes wrong, you can always remake the preparation for another dish.

Not everyone may like quick buns for tea, but if you use a light version of the recipe in the form of donuts in a frying pan, recipes with many photos, they will live up to expectations.


  • Kefir – 0.4 packets;
  • Flour – 600 gr.;
  • Sugar – 50g;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Sunflower oil – 250ml;
  • Margarine – 50g;
  • Powdered sugar.

Powdered sugar should always be on hand, as the recipe for each delicious buns contains this ingredient. It not only gives a sweetish taste, but also decorates the dish.

How to make tea buns in a hurry

  1. First you need to mix kefir, sugar, soda and egg.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved. Some housewives use the same powder, but it must be prepared from the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe, otherwise the cooking instructions may be violated.
  3. In a separate bowl, you need to melt the margarine and then add it to the total mass along with the sunflower.
  4. The flour must be sifted and then added to the total mass.
  5. The dough comes out soft and fluffy, but in no case hard, as it should slightly stick to your hands. Otherwise, the donuts will not be as fluffy and light as they should be.
  6. The dough is covered with a napkin or towel and left in a warm place for half an hour.
  7. As soon as the dough has settled and risen, oil is poured into the frying pan in a thick layer and heated until it sizzles.
  8. The dough is divided into small equal portions, a cake is formed from each and a hole is made in it.
  9. The prepared donuts are placed in a frying pan and fried until golden brown.
  10. As a rule, two to three minutes is enough.
  11. From the container they are laid out on a paper towel and sprinkled with powder.
  12. It is advisable to eat them hot, since cold ones will give off fat, and the powder will no longer be as sweet and airy as when sprinkled.

Donuts can be served with hot fresh milk or simply warmed with tea or coffee. Regarding drinks, the choice can be very diverse.

Quick baking for tea in a frying pan step by step with photos

Donuts in a frying pan (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

Hello! If you are reading my article, it means that guests are coming to you soon in a couple of hours, or you are in a hurry somewhere and want to quickly prepare pastries for tea quickly and easily.

Below I suggest preparing you a regular sponge cake, it turns out really cool and very delicious pastries. I really love sponge cake with bananas, but you can also add raisins, dried apricots, nuts and even berries! Let's start baking for tea!

Baked biscuits for tea

List necessary ingredients:

4 eggs, 150 grams of premium flour and the same amount of sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda. That's all!

Let's start cooking:

  1. Beat the eggs into a container, add sugar and soda and beat well with a mixer.
  2. When you get a homogeneous mass, add the sifted flour and beat well again.
  3. We can say our biscuit is almost ready! Pour half of our dough into the baking dish; it should turn out runny. Sprinkle the dough with whatever you like, berries, apples, bananas, nuts, sprinkle whatever you have, pour in the remaining dough.
  4. In a preheated oven to 180 degrees, place our pie and bake for about 25 minutes.

Important tips!

  • If you put apples in the filling, I recommend sprinkling cinnamon on them, then there will be an extraordinary aroma!
  • If you don’t have fruits, berries, etc., then you can simply bake a sponge cake, after cooking, you need to cut it into 3 cake layers, grease each cake with condensed milk and you will have a cake!
  • You can cook it instead of condensed milk sour cream, mix sugar with sour cream with a mixer and that’s it!

Baking for tea from puff pastry

Another way to quickly and delicious sweets– this is a tea pastry made from puff pastry! The whole secret is that it is easy and quick to buy! The dough is sold almost everywhere, and the recipes made from it are simply great!

If you don't want to overpay, you can do it yourself, but it will take time. To prepare you need to buy:

Puff pastry (about half a kg) and apples (several pieces), cinnamon.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Roll out the puff pastry into a layer approximately 3-4 mm thick, cut it into squares, approximately 8 by 8 cm, maybe 10 by 10 cm.
  2. We place finely chopped apples on each square; they must first be peeled and cored.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon and seal it in an envelope.
  4. We bake this beauty in the oven for 20 minutes at 280 degrees.

It turns out to be a very simple and delicious pastry for tea!

As always, the author of the culinary site, Ivan, was with you! Looking forward to more recipes for you!
