Recipe: Asparagus with meat. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Asparagus dish - asparagus with meat Asparagus with meat recipes


  • veal - 400 gr.,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • green beans - 200 gr.,
  • salt, water, vegetable oil.

The combination of meat and vegetables is recognized as the most optimal and healthy from the point of view of nutritionists around the world. Important for the child proper nutrition, therefore it must be included in its menu with vegetables. If your beloved child refuses this, simply supplement it with what the child likes (for example, boiled potatoes). Meat stewed with... green beans. You can prepare it for future use in the summer - freeze it for the winter, or you can buy bags of frozen vegetables in the supermarket. Choose the option that is more convenient for you. So, let's cook the meat with asparagus.

Asparagus dish with meat - recipe:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces as for goulash, add salt and fry lightly for vegetable oil. Then add 2 cups of water and simmer covered for about an hour until the meat is completely soft.

2. Add green beans to the pan. I took frozen ones from my own garden. By the way, if you prepare asparagus yourself for the winter, then do not miss the moment of collecting it - when the pods have already grown quite large, but the beans inside have not yet formed. These are the fruits that are the most delicious and tender.

3. Meat with green beans Pour another glass of water and simmer for about 15 minutes.

4. The finished meat with asparagus turns out juicy and very tasty.

15 minutes

Cooking time:
25 minutes

Number of servings:
4 servings

The tricky term stir-fry hides a completely traditional technique for quickly frying meat and vegetables in hot oil in a wok with constant stirring. This Cantonese dish is great for dinner. Thin slices of juicy beef with blanched vegetables go well with boiled white rice. You can scald the asparagus with boiling water so that it has time to fry in the wok, and it is advisable to lightly freeze the meat before cooking.


Beef stir-fry with asparagus and Instructions click on the photo,
to increase

1 Fill a small saucepan halfway with water and bring to a boil. Place the asparagus in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain in a colander and rinse cold water to stop the cooking process.

2 Lightly freeze the meat first, this will make it much easier to cut it into thin strips. Then cut the piece lengthwise into two parts and cut small thin strips about 4-6 cm long and 0.5 cm thick. Wash the bell pepper thoroughly, remove seeds and membranes and cut into thin long strips.

3 In a small bowl, thoroughly whisk all the ingredients for the sauce: soy sauce, grated ginger, minced garlic, minced green onions and chili sauce. Set the bowl of sauce aside.

4 Heat a tablespoon of oil in a wok over high heat. Only after the oil is thoroughly heated, add the asparagus and fry it for 2 minutes, stirring constantly until golden color. Then transfer the asparagus to a bowl.

5 Add another tablespoon of frying oil to the wok. In thoroughly heated oil, fry the strips of beef in small batches for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly until golden brown (the inside of the beef will remain uncooked, slightly pinkish). Remove the browned beef from the wok and place in a bowl.

6 When all the beef has been fried, return it to the wok and add the strips bell pepper and fry over high heat for 1-2 minutes until the peppers wilt.

7 Add the sauce and a mixture of thoroughly beaten starch and cold water to the meat. Stir thoroughly and cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes until the sauce thickens. Add the asparagus, stir thoroughly and remove the wok from the heat. Serve beef stir-fry with your favorite side dish. Bon appetit!

1. Wash and dry the pork. Remove tough stems from asparagus. Place oil in a frying pan and heat it well. Classic recipe pork with asparagus involves the use of sesame oil. If you don't have it, you can replace it with another one. Add pork and asparagus to the pan and fry until browned. Be sure to add salt and pepper to taste.

2. You can add a little water to the pan if the pork is browning too quickly before it's cooked through. When the meat has a brown crust, remove from heat and transfer to a plate.

3. On hot frying pan send peeled and chopped garlic (you can squeeze it through a press or cut it with a knife).

4. Add Mirin or other sweet white wine to the browned garlic. Mix well and keep in the pan for 2-3 minutes.

5. When the sauce begins to boil down a little, return the meat and asparagus to the pan. Mix well and pour soy sauce. The recipe for pork with asparagus is almost complete. All that remains is to bring the meat to full readiness and quickly serve the dish to the table. When serving, be sure to sprinkle with sesame seeds and, if desired, garnish with herbs. Boiled rice is perfect as a side dish.

Korean beef with asparagus- This is a dish that cooks very quickly. The entire cooking process will take no more than half an hour. Especially if you cook the side dish at the same time as the meat.

Beef with asparagus recipe in Korean

Don't be surprised that beef can be cooked so quickly. It's all about a special frying technique - stir fry. It allows you to cook meat and vegetables in a matter of minutes while preserving beneficial features products, their attractive appearance and great aroma. By the way, for this recipe you can by placing an order on the T-Bone website. To quickly cook beef with asparagus, we recommend buying a flank steak - a thin cut and under the belly with a rich meaty taste and aroma.
For stir-fry you need special frying pan– wok. This is a deep frying pan with a sloping bottom and thin walls. Its working surface heats up quickly enough to the desired temperature. It is very important to heat the wok well so that the food does not stick or burn. You can check this with a simple drop of water - it should evaporate instantly.
The Leidenfrost effect helps explain how food is cooked in a wok: when a liquid comes into contact with a surface heated to a temperature higher than the liquid's boiling point, it creates a thin, insulating layer of steam that prevents the food from burning. Cook beef with asparagus to see how delicious it is!


Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

Trim the flank steak from excess fat, cut it first into long strips and then into small pieces. Place in a bowl and set aside.

Step 2

In a separate bowl, mix all the other ingredients and beat them until the starch and sugar are completely dissolved. Pour two tablespoons of sauce over the beef and mix well. Set the rest of the sauce aside.

Step 3

Heat a large wok over medium heat. Its temperature should be such that a drop of water immediately evaporates upon contact with the surface.

Step 4

Pour in a teaspoon of oil and add the beef. Distribute it evenly over the pan. Cook for about a minute until a beautiful, appetizing crust begins to appear on the meat. Turn the beef pieces over, cook about 30 seconds longer, then remove to a plate.

Step 5