Moonshine with almonds recipe. Almond tincture - for health and mood. This is important to know

Only for us, a much more important circumstance is its taste. It is this that allows this nut to be successfully used in home distillation. Properly prepared at home, almond liqueurs have a refined taste and aroma. They will undoubtedly delight all connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks.

However, before moving on to making alcohol, you need to know a little theory about the specifics of almonds.

This is important to know

It is customary to distinguish between wild or bitter and cultivated almonds. Bitter stone fruits have a much more pronounced characteristic aroma. However, they contain amygdalin. This substance is capable of breaking down into several components, one of which is hydrocyanic acid. In other words, alcohol infused with such nuts can be poisonous.

Cultivated almonds are practically devoid of amygdalin. That is, this dangerous substance is contained in extremely low concentrations. It is almost impossible to get poisoned by the tincture of such a nut.

However, you can always take extra precautions. The antidote to hydrocyanic acid is ordinary sugar. Therefore, all homemade almond drinks must be made sweet.

Recipe with oak chips

This recipe for almond tincture is great for ennobling homemade moonshine. It allows you to give the drink an unexpectedly pleasant bitter taste and almond-oak aroma.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • double distilled homemade moonshine with a strength of 50-55 degrees - 2 liters;
  • peeled almonds – 150 grams;
  • black raisins – 100 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 300 grams;
  • oak chips – 8-10 grams.

As alcohol base For this recipe you can use not only moonshine. High-quality vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water, chacha and even cognac are also suitable.

Correct steps when preparing.

1. Roast the almonds in a frying pan. This will enhance the future aroma of the tincture. The main thing is not to overcook it on the stove. As soon as a characteristic smell appears, remove the pan from the heat.

2. Pour boiling water over the required amount of oak chips. There should be a minimum amount of water. But the boiling water should completely cover the chips. Keep them for 30-36 hours.

3. Pour the prepared moonshine into the infusion container. Pour the water in which the oak chips were aged into it. We send sugar there too. Then let it sit for 3-4 hours.

4. Pour raisins and almonds into the infusion container. Seal the container tightly with a lid and shake the contents thoroughly.

5. Infuse alcohol in a dark room at room temperature for 20-25 days.

6. We filter our infusion through a cotton-gauze filter and send it to infuse for another 20-25 days.

Simple recipe

Not all people like tincture recipes with a lot of ingredients and actions. If you just want to refine the moonshine, then this can be done much easier.

We will need:

  • double distillate (moonshine) 42-50% - 1.5 liters;
  • roasted almonds – 0.5 faceted glass.

The preparation itself in this case is very simple. You just need to pour alcohol over the nuts and keep them in a tightly sealed three liter jar within 40-45 days. Shake the contents of the jar every five days. After this, filter the drink through clean gauze and the tincture will be ready.

Fragrant almonds are actively used in cooking, because they are added to different dishes: desserts, pastries, salads and others. You can also infuse moonshine with almonds, which allows you to get a high-quality aromatic drink. Many people perceive almonds as a type of nut, but in fact this is not the case, since they are the seeds of a type of inedible plum. Almond moonshine is an alcoholic drink that should be prepared strictly according to the rules, since an excessive number of seeds can hopelessly ruin the taste of the alcohol.


There are two varieties of almonds. A fruit with a pronounced taste and aroma is called wild. The wild almond seed contains a large amount of amygdalin, which can be broken down into a list of components, including hydrocyanic acid. It is not recommended to infuse wild almonds into alcohol at home, since such a drink can be poisonous.

Moonshine with almonds

Cultivated almonds contain trace amounts of amygdalin. This seed can be safely used to infuse moonshine.


Before considering almond moonshine recipes and starting to implement them, you need to make sure you have high-quality almonds.

Infuse moonshine on almonds You can use this recipe:

  1. Take 1 liter of strong moonshine (50%), 5-7 peeled sweet almonds, 10 grams of black raisins, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 grams of oak chips. Important: some people believe that you can replace almonds with plum or apricot pits. In fact, it is impossible to infuse these components of the fruit into moonshine, since the drink may turn out to be poisonous.
  2. First you need to take the oak chips and pour a small amount of boiling water over them. After a day, the water can be drained from them.
  3. The resulting water is added to the moonshine, after which sugar or syrup from it is added to the preparation and left to infuse for several hours.
  4. After this, almonds and raisins are added to the moonshine and water. Shake the mixture thoroughly, close the container with a lid and infuse the drink at a temperature of 20 degrees for three weeks.
  5. The resulting infusion is filtered through cheesecloth and left to stand again for a month.

The finished drink will have a pleasant tart almond flavor.

Having high-quality almonds and moonshine at home, you can prepare an analogue of the popular liqueur called Amaretto. To obtain such a drink, you should take 0.75 liters of strong moonshine, 100 grams of peeled almonds, the same amount of plum kernels and apricot kernels. Also, to prepare the drink you will need 500 milliliters of filtered water and 350 grams of sugar.

The drink is prepared according to the recipe in stages:

  1. First, the peeled fruit kernels are dried in a frying pan, but without adding oil. The kernels in the frying pan need to be stirred constantly.
  2. When the kernels have cooled, they need to be passed through a meat grinder and added to the moonshine along with the almonds. In the meantime, you need to prepare a syrup from sugar and water, cool it and pour it into the tincture. The workpiece is placed in a dark place for a week, after which it is taken out and the nucleoli are filtered out.

The drink is infused without seeds for a month. Before drinking the drink, you can add vanilla and coffee to taste.

There are moonshiners who prefer to prepare alcoholic drinks quickly and with a minimal list of ingredients. This recipe will certainly appeal to such moonshiners, since, according to its rules, only 2 components are taken to prepare moonshine with almonds. This is 1.5 liters of double moonshine with a strength of 50%, as well as half a glass of roasted almond seeds.

You first need to fill the seeds with moonshine, seal the container with the workpiece with a lid and place it in a cool, dark place for 40-45 days. Every week the contents of the container should be thoroughly shaken. After 40-45 days, the drink should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

If you don’t have almond seeds at home, you can use edible almond oil to prepare moonshine infusions. For 1 liter of moonshine, take 3 drops of oil, but no more, since it can spoil the taste of the drink, making it bitter.

You can also use special additives and essences to prepare almond moonshine. You can purchase such products in stores that sell distilling supplies.

Ready-made almond drinks can be stored for several months, but only if they are poured into glass containers.

Almond extract very popular in the modern world, especially among amateurs culinary products. At the same time, few people know that almonds are a representative of the plum genus, and not one of the varieties of nuts. There is a second name for the extract, which can often be found in culinary recipes, – almond essence. It has a very pronounced almond smell. The color of the essence is light brown. In most cases, the extract is used as a flavoring agent.

Almond essence is produced from the oils of the almond fruit. Its use is very common in cooking. But it is not limited to one field of activity. The extract is also used in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and perfumery.

We know from history that almonds have been very popular for thousands of years. In ancient times, almond oil was used by Cleopatra. It was believed that it helps the body to cheer up. And during the Roman Empire it was used to strengthen the skin.

Almond trees grow mainly in Asian countries and Mediterranean regions. Externally, the almond fruit is very similar to peach pits. It has been widely used in cooking for many centuries. In China and Indonesia, almonds are the main ingredient in traditional meat dishes.

There are two varieties of almonds:

  • bitter;
  • sweet.

Sweet almonds and their extract are mainly added during cooking airy desserts and ice cream. Bitter almonds are not used in cooking due to the toxic substances they contain. But when the fruit is processed into essence using cold pressing, all harmful substances disappear. This essence is used mainly for making cookies and pies.

Almond extract is very useful due to the large number of medicinal substances, essential oils, vitamins and vegetable proteins that make up the fruit.

There are many substitutes for natural almond extract that do not provide all the beneficial properties and vitamins found in almonds. It is very difficult to distinguish a natural essence from a substitute, since they are very similar in taste and smell. The composition of the natural extract must include:

  • sweet almond oil;
  • ethanol.

Almond essence will perfectly complement many confectionery, dessert dishes, will give them an amazing taste, aroma, fill them with vitamins, oils and benefit the body.

Beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of almond extract are varied due to its unique composition, which contains the following acids:

  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • linoleic

To preserve all the beneficial substances contained in the almond extract, hot pressing is not used in production, and the nuts are dried naturally. If a different production method is used or if any substances are added, all beneficial features

may disappear.

The extract is an anti-inflammatory agent and has a positive effect on the human immune system. Its use helps rejuvenate and get rid of skin redness, strengthens the heart, and reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Due to the composition of the active components and the general strengthening effect of almond extract, it is used in the preparation of medicines that help treat colds, replenish vitamin deficiencies, and quickly restore tissue.

  • Almond essence is common in cosmetology. With its addition, various creams, shampoos, masks for skin and hair are made. Essence:
  • has a healing effect;
  • is a laxative;
  • fills the skin with vitamins;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • strengthens hair;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • prevents split hair;

is a powerful antioxidant. Almond essence is ideal for people who want to have beautiful, healthy hair.

It normalizes fat metabolism in tissues, fights dandruff, eliminates dryness, and prevents the appearance of rashes and other inflammations.

You can find out more detailed information about how to prepare the extract at home and its use below.

Uses of almond extract There it is used as an additive to baked goods, sorbets and ice cream.

By adding a couple of drops of extract when preparing a sponge cake, roll or some other dessert, you will fill it with unsurpassed aroma, taste and nutrients. Many lovers aromatic coffee They also add a couple of drops of almond essence to the drink.

In cosmetology, the use of almond extract is very popular and varied. It can help prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, thighs and abdomen. To do this, you need to warm up the essence and rub it into problem areas of the skin. The procedure will have a greater effect if it is performed immediately after taking a shower or bath, on a wet body. This way the skin will absorb everything faster useful material. However, this method will not work to get rid of existing stretch marks.

Almond extract is hypoallergenic. It can be used for split ends of hair, applied to the face, hair roots, and applied to the eyelids.

Every woman wants to get an even golden tan, but this is not always possible. In order to make your dream come true, you need to purchase almond essence. It will moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins A and E, prevent it from drying out - and your tan will be even. The extract can be used before sunbathing; to do this, rub it into the skin an hour before going to the beach or after returning from the beach.

In folk medicine, almond extract is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. Treatment options are suggested below.

Quite often, modern perfumers use almond extract to create perfumes. It will fill them with a soft milky aroma with characteristic notes of the well-known almond.

Thus, the uses of almond extract are quite varied. It gives a pleasant taste, aroma and fills the body with essential vitamins and nutrients.

What can be replaced?

What can I substitute for almond extract? When preparing any dish that requires the addition of essence, but it is not at hand, every housewife tries to replace this product with something. There are four main ingredients that can be used to replace almond essence:

  • almond oil;
  • vanilla essence;
  • ratafia;
  • nut oils.

Almond essence adds a sweet, nutty flavor to baked goods. But purchasing this product can be quite difficult.

The most popular replacement option is almond oil, which is what the essence is made from. But don’t forget that almond extract also contains ethyl alcohol, which produces a pleasant baking aroma. When replacing the extract with oil, the proportions must be taken into account. If the recipe says to add one teaspoon of essence, then only one gram of oil needs to be added.

Vanilla essence is also used as a substitute for almond essence. It will add a sweet aroma, but unfortunately, it will not give the dish a nutty flavor. If a recipe calls for one teaspoon of almond extract, then vanilla essence you need to add half a teaspoon.

Almond liqueur will serve as an excellent substitute for the extract. To do this, instead of one teaspoon of essence, you need to use 30 milliliters of liqueur.

As a substitute, you can add various nut butters, but you should use such ingredients in moderation, as the baked goods may turn out sticky and with a strong nut flavor.

Housewives often experiment by adding various ingredients to their dishes and giving them new tastes, so replacing any missing ingredient is a common thing. The main thing is to choose the right one, which product is best to replace and in what volume, so as not to spoil the dish.

How to make extract at home?

How to make extract at home? Will it turn out the same as the purchased one? How long will it take? Lovers of natural, homemade almond extract often ask these questions. After all, no one wants to spoil the essence. A detailed description of the preparation process is presented below.

The best way to make almond essence at home is sweet almonds. First of all, three grams of almonds must be infused with thirty milliliters of vodka. Then you need to boil a glass of water in a container and blanch the fruit for a minute, then you need to dry it and remove the skin, which should peel off very well. Peeled almonds need to be crushed a little, poured into a dark jar, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, close the lid and leave to infuse in a dry, dark place for 1.5-2 months, stirring occasionally. The infused extract must be filtered and poured into a convenient jar.

Making homemade almond extract is quite simple, and most importantly, healthy. By making it yourself, you will be completely sure that it does not contain any harmful additives and will benefit your body.

Almond extract is a very useful and versatile product. By adding just a couple of drops of essence to coffee or baked goods, you will not only experience an amazing aroma, but also fill your body with useful substances.


Among home distillers, recipes for various alcohols with almond seeds are often discussed. In fact, it is not a nut, as is commonly believed, but simply a seed from a green, inedible fruit from the plum family. Like other seeds, it contains not only valuable substances, but also a number of harmful and dangerous ones. Therefore, you need to infuse moonshine with almonds at home with knowledge of the theory and without using an excessive amount of these “nuts”.

A little theory

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Note that in nature there are wild (bitter) and cultivated almonds. Wild has a more pronounced aroma, but contains amygdalin - a substance that is easily broken down into a number of components, where hydrocyanic acid is present, among others. Surely many of you from school chemistry courses remember that cyanides smell like almonds. So the presence of this pleasant smell and slight bitterness does not always indicate the value of the drink. Perhaps this moonshine is poisonous.

Important: a commonly available antidote for hydrocyanic acid is sugar. So drinks that are made at home using wild (bitter) almonds must be very sweet.

There is a huge amount of preparation of simple, but at the same time very tasty alcoholic drinks at home. People have learned to use natural ingredients, combine them with each other, and produce aromatic cognacs, tinctures and liqueurs.

Almond tincture is quite popular among winemakers because of its original and unique taste, pleasant aroma and large amount of useful substances.

The benefits of almond tincture

Almond tincture at home can be prepared for several purposes. Someone uses it exclusively as a medicine, takes a few drops a day, and receives all the benefits from such a product. In another case, such a tincture may be a homemade alcoholic drink that is used as an aperitif.

There are actually quite a lot of cooking recipes, but not everyone shares their professional secrets. A drink can have a soft, enveloping taste, if it contains a sufficiently large amount of sugar and other additives, alcohol will only play an additional role. Otherwise, almonds can only emphasize the alcoholic taste of the drink. Strength and aging depend on the method of preparation and on the products used.

In small quantities, almond tincture can only benefit the body. It's all about the large amount of antioxidants contained in the nut kernels. The drink helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels; even liver diseases can be treated with this drink. Of course, for medicinal purposes you need to know when to stop and not just use the tincture as a drink.

Almond moonshine

Cooking at home various types moonshine. The drink has become popular and one might even say cult. Today you can find a huge number of recipes for the drink; the recipe can be changed to taste, add new ingredients and enjoy unusual combinations.

You can learn how to infuse moonshine with almonds from professionals. To prepare the drink correctly you need to know professional secrets. Using bitter almonds can turn an alcoholic drink into a deadly poison. The fact is that bitter varieties of nuts are rich in substances, after splitting, which remains hydrocyanic acid.

To avoid poisoning and completely neutralize harmful substances, you should simply add a large amount of sugar to the drink, this will protect everyone from harmful hydrocyanic acid.

Homemade sweet almonds are absolutely safe for health and can be safely used in the cooking process alcoholic drink. Professionals in the industry do not recommend the use of artificial almond flavor or essence substitutes. It will make the taste finished product too harsh.

Moonshine with almonds recipe, which requires the use of certain components, is prepared from the following products:

  • moonshine – 50 degrees 1 l;
  • almonds – 5 – 7 pcs.;
  • raisins – 10 g;
  • sugar – 1 – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oak chips – 5 g.

Moonshine with almonds is prepared as follows:

  1. Oak chips should be filled with water and left to infuse for a day. A minimal amount of water should be used; it should just cover the oak chips.
  2. After a day, you need to strain the infused chips and add moonshine to the water, add sugar, and leave to infuse for 2–4 hours.
  3. After several hours, you need to add almonds and raisins to the bottle with the drink, shake everything well, seal it and leave to infuse for 3 weeks at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  4. After 3 weeks, the moonshine should be carefully filtered and left to infuse for 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. After the allotted amount of time, home almond moonshine ready, it can be treated to guests, or used as a medicine in the treatment of colds.

Flavored liqueur

Almond-flavored liqueur “Amaretto” is popular among the fairer sex. Almonds are used to prepare the drink, and if you know the technology, you can always keep a couple of bottles of this alcoholic delicacy in reserve at home. Distillers warn: you should use almonds of sweet varieties for cooking, this will allow you to avoid worrying about the harmful hydrocyanic acid contained in bitter varieties.
To prepare almond-flavored liqueur you need to take:

  • moonshine – drink strength 45 degrees – 750 g;
  • peeled sweet almonds – 100 g;
  • apricot kernels – 100 g;
  • peach kernels – 100 g;
  • reading water – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 350 g.

There is nothing complicated in preparing liqueur, you just need to follow the rules and recipe.

  1. All peeled kernels, peach, apricot and almonds should be thoroughly dried. An oven will do. Within 30 minutes, the kernels will dry well and will not have time to burn, the main thing is not to put too much high temperature and don't forget to stir.
  2. After drying, all kernels should be crushed in a blender or using a regular meat grinder and sent to moonshine.
  3. Boil separately sugar syrup, after it has cooled completely, you need to add it to the moonshine and crushed kernels.
  4. The tincture should be tightly closed, shaken well and left to infuse in a cool, dark place.
  5. After a bitter taste appears, the tincture must be carefully filtered and left in a cool place for another 3-4 weeks.
  6. Ready-made Amaretto liqueur will acquire interesting notes if you add a little instant coffee or vanilla.

The drink can become a favorite and gain well-deserved popularity not only among household members, but also among all friends.

Almond cognac

You can make cognac with almonds at home; it doesn’t require much effort, you just need to follow the entire recipe correctly. To prepare you need to take:

  • vodka or moonshine – 1 l;
  • almonds – 10 g;
  • oak chips – 5 g;
  • raisins – 10 g.

Cognac with almond flavor is very easy to prepare, you just need to use natural products and complete all the necessary steps:

  1. First, pour a minimum amount of boiling water over the oak chips and leave for 1 day.
  2. After a day, you need to strain everything and combine the water with vodka, add raisins and almonds and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Almond cognac will infuse for 28 to 40 days, during which time it will develop a characteristic color and aroma.
  4. On last stage The drink should be filtered several times and poured into a prepared bottle.

Almond cognac can act as an independent alcoholic drink, and some people like to add it in small quantities to tea or coffee.

Almond wine

Wine with almonds is quite rare today, even in stores. The drink can truly be called exclusive and original. At home, it is easy to prepare aromatic cocktails and mulled wine, to which wine with almonds will be added, or simply using the kernels of a sweet plant variety.

In combination with alcohol and when all prescription instructions are fulfilled, almonds can give a person a new, aromatic and very healthy drink. Folk recipes and the tips will allow you to prepare such a treat or medicine and use it for your pleasure.
