How to prepare mustard with honey? Features and beneficial properties of mustard honey How to make honey mustard

Mustard honey - tasty treat, as well as an effective medicine. It prevents premature aging of the body, stimulates cellular regeneration, enhances sexual function, and is a supplier of minerals, vitamins and amino acids valuable to the body.

Due to the high iodine content, mustard honey will be an excellent addition to the diet for people with endocrine diseases. This product is widely used in cosmetology; it increases skin elasticity, promotes skin cleansing and regeneration, and nourishes and moisturizes hair well.

Mustard - early honey plant

White mustard or Sinapis is a member of the cabbage family and is one of the early honey plants that helps bees form their first honey reserves. There is also black mustard and Sarepta mustard. It blooms in early summer and continues to bloom for about three weeks; the flowering period of later mustard crops occurs in autumn. One mustard flower produces up to 0.5 mg of nectar, and one hectare of sowing on average produces 100-150 kg of honey.

The honey productivity of a plant depends on the period of its planting. Early sowings have an average productivity of about 50 kg per hectare; in hot weather, about 35 kg of honey product is collected from mustard flowers, and in autumn – up to 150 kg. This productivity is considered average among other honey plants.

This honey plant is most readily visited by bees in the early hours, after dew, and also after rain. Insects are attracted to the large flower by its scent and bright color. The honey plant is widespread in many regions of the Russian Federation, as it tolerates dry weather well and is generally unpretentious to growing conditions. Most often found in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, and the Volga region.

Properties of mustard honey

Mustard honey is characterized by a golden, sometimes yellow-green mustard hue; it also happens white. During crystallization, the product acquires a fine-crystalline creamy texture and a yellow tint. In taste, it is in no way inferior to its more popular “brothers” - buckwheat or sweet clover.

A distinctive feature of this variety is the presence of oily notes in its aroma, which come from mustard oil, impurities of which are found in the composition of honey. The taste is tart, with a caramel tint. Honey contains a large percentage of iodine. Mustard honey is easy to crystallize. In this regard, he is a kind of speed champion. It can crystallize already at the end of the week after pumping out. The consistency is finely cut and creamy. Main characteristics of this variety:

  • color – yellow-green;
  • consistency – liquid, after sugaring – creamy;
  • taste – sweet, not cloying;
  • aroma – pleasant, herbaceous, no aftertaste;
  • crystallization – very fast, thickens within 1 week;
  • collection place - white mustard plantings.

Use in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of mustard honey are multifaceted, which allows it to be used in the fight against a wide range of diseases. Below are the methods of using mustard honey, in which its greatest effectiveness is observed:

  • It is used in the treatment of kidney diseases, since this honey is a good diuretic.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, this variety contains a large percentage of iodine. As a preventive measure, it should be taken in its pure form regularly, washed down with a small amount of raw water.
  • Various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The mustard oils contained in honey have a warming effect and help remove mucus from the lungs. Recommended to be consumed in combination with lemon juice.
  • To prevent arthritis and radiculitis, it is recommended for elderly people.
  • Due to the ability of this variety to thin the blood, it is recommended for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks. Mustard honey stimulates hematopoietic processes, and blood circulates better throughout the body. Together with it, the brain receives more nutrients and begins to function better.
  • It helps well in the fight against excess weight, as the product helps remove toxins and waste from the body, and also normalizes metabolic processes.

Mustard honey has rightfully taken its place as a tasty, nutritious, tonic, medicinal product. This variety is often used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. It is used as an ingredient for making masks and scrubs. Sometimes they make wraps using this honey. In cooking, it is often added to marinades for chicken and fish; it is rarely used as a sweetener since this honey is considered not very sweet.

Mustard-honey salad sauce goes well with meat, seafood and fish. The main thing is to prepare it correctly. In this article we will look at how to make a classic mustard-honey sauce and several of its variations. As well as salad recipes that will become tastier with such an unusual and tasty dressing.

Mustard-honey salad sauce perfectly combines a variety of flavors. The highlight is that it is at the same time sweet, moderately spicy and slightly sour.

Salad with tuna

There are a large number of tuna salads. It goes well with many ingredients. Tuna is a unique fish that tastes very much like beef. But, since this oceanic fish is not found in our latitudes, it is not possible to buy it fresh. Even if you find a quality product, be prepared to pay a considerable amount of money for it.

It is traditional to prepare salads from canned tuna. But for our recipe we need to try to find fresh one. This dish can be considered a delicacy, which not every housewife will allow herself every day, but it can become a real decoration for the holiday table.

Ingredients for making tuna salad in honey mustard sauce:

  • two hundred grams of tuna;
  • several pieces of quail eggs;
  • classic honey mustard sauce;
  • green beans;
  • several cherry tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper(preferably use white).

How to cook

First you need to clean and boil the beans. Cook it for no more than 10 minutes. After this, remove from the water and let cool. Cut the beans into two halves.

Boil quail eggs and also cut in half. We do the same with cherry tomatoes. We wash them, dry them and cut them in half.

Rub the tuna fillet with pepper, salt and olive oil. Send to fry on the grill. Otherwise, fry in a frying pan on both sides until a crust forms, but so that the inside of the tuna fillet remains a little raw. After we take out the fish, coat it with honey-mustard sauce and cut into small cubes.

Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them into small pieces with your hands.

Mix all prepared ingredients. Before serving the salad, season it with the remaining honey-mustard sauce.

Honey is not only aromatic, but also healthy treat, so every year lovers of this product stock up on it for future use. Among the large number of its varieties, mustard honey is especially popular. Thanks to its monoflorality, it perfectly concentrates everything beneficial features honey plant. This article will discuss in detail the properties of mustard honey, and also describe how it is beneficial for human health.

Characteristics and features of honey

A plant like mustard is known to many. It has been used in human culture for many centuries, but not everyone knows the fact that this plant is an excellent honey plant. Every year, mustard crops attract many bees, and its nectar often becomes the main raw material for an aromatic product with special characteristics and taste.


Mustard honey has an almost perfect golden hue. Sometimes on store shelves you can find almost transparent shades with a slight yellowish tint. After long-term storage the shade changes to light yellow or cream tones.

Smell and taste

Mustard honey has a characteristic, richly sweet taste. Despite the properties of the honey plant, bitterness and excessive piquancy are not characteristic of the product; the taste is moderate, with a light and unobtrusive aftertaste. At the same time, the product has a light floral aroma, which is inherent in products from field herbs.


Crystallization activity is the main feature of mustard honey. It almost immediately loses its ideal liquid consistency after collection, and after 7–10 days it acquires a characteristic finely dispersed structure, with numerous inclusions of sugar crystals. A few weeks after pumping it thickens completely.

Important!No crystallization-The main sign of low-quality or adulterated honey is that it is better to refuse such nectar.

Composition and calorie content

Depending on the timing of collection, the variety of honey plant, as well as the climatic conditions of growing mustard, its nectar can vary significantly. This undoubtedly affects the composition of the bee product. Although usually the concentration of basic substances is always in a certain balance.
Main substances making up the product:

The main source of all useful qualities Mustard honey is considered to be honey plant pollen; it saturates it with the following list of macro- and microelements:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • aluminum;
  • chromium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

Did you know? The most expensive type of honey is considered to be the Elven variety, costing about 7 thousand US dollars per 1 kg. It is mined in one of the caves of the Sarikair valley, near the Turkish city of Artvin.

The product is rich in all kinds of vitamins, the most common among them are:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D

The energy value of mustard bee product is high.
So, 100 g of mustard honey contains:

  • proteins - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 82 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • calories - about 300 kcal.

Beneficial properties of mustard honey

Due to its insufficient prevalence, mustard honey is one of the rare beekeeping products. It is most often found as part of a product made from field and garden herbs. However, in its pure form it is of the highest importance due to its many health benefits.

In addition, mustard honey is beneficial for the body due to the following properties:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves blood supply to organs and tissues;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • has a regenerative effect, promotes restoration and healing of both tissues and individual cells;
  • makes it possible to reduce local inflammatory processes.

We should not forget about its high cosmetic properties, which ensure the highest demand for beekeeping products in the manufacture of various cosmetic preparations. Such products can tone and nourish the skin, give it freshness, and also reduce the appearance of acne. But this product is of particular importance for the hair.
As part of hair masks, honey makes it possible to:

  • saturate the scalp and hair with vitamins and minerals;
  • restore hair follicles and supply them with oxygen;
  • protect hair from fading and premature graying;
  • improve hair condition and smooth curls;
  • increase blood microcirculation in the scalp and follicles;
  • normalize the lipid balance of the skin in the hairline area;
  • saturate hair with calcium, which improves its structure and growth activity.

Did you know?Honeybees are contemporaries of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. These insects appeared back in the Cretaceous period, about 100 million years ago.

Possible contraindications

Undoubtedly, beekeeping derivatives bring many benefits to human health, however, if abused or misused, they can easily cause irreparable harm to health.

  • any allergic reactions to bee products;
  • obesity, since honey is a fairly high-calorie product;
  • diabetes, since a high percentage of carbohydrates and sugars can aggravate the disease;
  • hypotension, because it helps lower blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract, since the product has a strong diuretic effect.

How to choose a quality product

To choose high-quality honey, when purchasing it you should pay attention to the following features:

  • consistency- in liquid form it is quite rare; most often you can find dense candied honey with various inclusions of sugar;
  • procurement time- it is harvested from June to mid-October;
  • color- a high-quality product has a fairly light shade: from golden yellow to cream tones;
  • taste- it should not be pronounced, but often a slight mustard pungency can still be present;
  • aroma- high-quality nectar does not have a bright and rich aroma; instead, light floral odors are felt;
  • weight- 0.5 liters of honey nectar should weigh about 800 g;
  • reaction to iodine solution- when a drop of alcohol infusion of iodine gets into a homogeneous mixture of water and honey (1:1), no chemical reaction should be observed, otherwise various impurities will occur;
  • when mixing a glass of warm water and 1 tsp. honey, the resulting liquid should not form a sediment, otherwise we can talk about a surrogate.

Important!Honey should not have any strong chemical odors; this indicates low quality raw materials or counterfeit.

Storage at home

Most often, bee derivatives are a seasonal delicacy, so they are consumed even before winter frosts. This is due to the fact that the concentration of most substances valuable to humans decreases sharply in the substance already 6 months after pumping, so it is undesirable to use nectar for long-term storage. However, under optimal conditions, shelf life can be extended to 10–12 months.
To maximize the shelf life of beekeeping products, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • dry place, protected from direct sunlight;
  • temperature about 0...+5°С;
  • protection of nectar from direct access of oxygen;
  • inert container (glass or wood).
Mustard honey occupies a special place among all kinds of bee products. In addition to a subtle and elegant aroma, it has a whole complex useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The product has occupied a special place in cosmetology, since it has proven itself in eliminating hair problems, including those associated with malnutrition of the hair follicles.

Spicy mustard-honey sauce can be called universal. Depending on additional additives, it goes well with meat, poultry and fish. The taste of this sauce can be made more interesting with the help of a variety of spices.

Ingredients: 60 ml of high-quality olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, freshly squeezed lemon juice, natural bee honey, a clove of garlic, a pinch of nutmeg, salt to taste.

  1. Only liquid honey is suitable for the base of such an additive. The candied product will have to be heated in a water bath.
  2. First, the liquid component is combined with mustard. The resulting mass is salted to taste, citrus juice is squeezed into it, crushed garlic and nutmeg are added.
  3. Lastly, oil is poured into the sauce.
  4. All components are ground well again, put into a closed container and placed in the cold.

After 2 hours, the supplement can be used for its intended purpose.
Nasturtium, thyme and calendula make excellent seasonings.

How to cook with mayonnaise?

Ingredients: 120 g of fat sour cream, 15 g of liquid honey and mustard, 0.5 teaspoon each of chopped fresh garlic, dill seeds, a mixture of ground peppers, table salt to taste.

  1. First, put the mustard in a glass bowl and pour out the liquid honey. You can immediately add pepper, salt to taste and crushed garlic to the container. All components need to be actively rubbed for a couple of minutes.
  2. Separately, dill seeds are turned into powder and added to the total mass.
  3. Lastly, sour cream is added to the sauce. The additive should stand in a cool place for about half an hour.

Recipe with fresh ginger

Ingredients: 15 g each of mustard, fresh finely chopped garlic and grated ginger root, 60 g of olive oil, 25 g of liquid bee honey, half a lemon, salt, a pinch of ground black pepper. How to prepare the sauce with the addition of ginger is described in detail below.

  1. Citrus is washed thoroughly. The juice is carefully squeezed out of its half. Also, the zest is carefully removed from this part of the fruit and crushed using a fine grater. Rub the ginger root without the skin in the same way.
  2. Honey and mustard are added to the ingredients prepared in the first step.
  3. Crushed garlic is also added to the mass. The mixture is seasoned with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Just add it to the sauce olive oil.

Before serving, the mixture will infuse in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Honey mustard sauce with lemon juice

Components: 2 each dessert spoons olive oil, liquid honey and French mustard, 1 dessert spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of dry garlic, salt, nutmeg.

  1. In a small glass container, carefully mix honey and mustard. The beekeeping product must have a liquid consistency.
  2. Freshly squeezed lemon juice, previously filtered through a fine sieve, is poured into the thoroughly mixed ingredients.
  3. Olive oil is poured into the prepared mixture. Next, all components are actively whisked with a fork. A mixer or blender should not be used for this. The sauce should have a uniform consistency.
  4. Lastly, the mass is salted, nutmeg and garlic passed through a press are added to it.

This sauce is perfect for pork. It should be stored in a cool place under film or a lid.

With yogurt and soy sauce

Ingredients: 130 g natural unsweetened yogurt, 1 tbsp. spoon of natural liquid honey (bee), 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce without additives, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of finely grated ginger and the same amount of dry Italian herbs, 3 black peppercorns.

  1. First of all, honey is prepared. It gets a little warm in microwave oven or in a water bath. Next, the product is transferred to a glass bowl and immediately mixed with mustard.
  2. Soy sauce without additives is poured into the resulting mass, dried Provençal herbs, ginger powder, and ground peppercorns are added.
  3. You need to leave the mixture under the film for about half an hour. During this time, the spices will release their flavor and aroma.
  4. Next, yogurt is added to the sauce base.

After mixing, the dressing can be used for its intended purpose.

With the addition of lemon and rosemary

Ingredients: 2 dessert spoons of mustard (not too spicy), natural bee honey, 3 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce without garlic and other additives, a pinch of dry rosemary, table salt to taste, a mixture of peppers, boiled water.

  1. First, the honey is slightly warmed up. This will allow you to do this water bath or microwave. All the mustard is added to the warm mass at once. The ingredients are well ground.
  2. Next, liquid ingredients are poured into the base for the sauce - this is soy sauce and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Boiled water is also added. You only need to use a little bit to get the sauce to the desired consistency.
  3. The dry ingredients are poured into the mixture last. It's rosemary and a mixture of peppers. Salt should be added after taking the sample. Soy sauce It’s quite salty, so it’s easy to over-salt the sauce with it.

This supplement is not only tasty and aromatic, but also low in calories. If you serve it simply with lettuce leaves, it will be an ideal snack for your diet.

Mustard-honey sauce with vinegar

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and wine (white) vinegar (6%), garlic clove, 2 tbsp. spoons of low strength mustard, 1 teaspoon of bee honey, table salt, any spices.

  1. First, the base for the mustard and honey sauce is mixed.
  2. Liquid components are added to it - wine (white) vinegar and olive oil.
  3. The garlic is passed through a press and, together with the selected spices, is sent to the total mass.
  4. All that remains is to add salt to the sauce. You can pepper it if you wish.

The ready-made sauce is suitable for a wide variety of meat and fish treats. Stored finished product in a cold place no more than 6-7 days.

There are several options for making honey mustard sauce. They are distinguished by their simplicity and unexpected combinations of ingredients, which should not be intimidating.

Recipe No. 1


2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey,

2 tbsp. spoons of mustard,

1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice,

2-3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil,

various spices - optional and to taste.

How to cook:

    Place honey in a small container and add mild mustard to it. Mix well.

    After squeezing the required amount of juice from the lemon, add it to the resulting mixture.

    After this, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and beat.

    You can complete the cooking process by squeezing a clove of garlic into the dressing and adding spices.
    Honey mustard sauce must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2


150 g honey, 100 g Dijon mustard,

1-2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce,


10 g ginger root.

How aboutand is preparingb:

    Place the peeled onion, honey, fresh ginger root, mustard, and soy sauce into a blender.

    Finely chop the entire mixture and let it brew.

Recipe No. 3


1 tbsp. spoon of Dijon mustard,

2 tbsp. spoons of honey,

2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil,

1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice,

1 tbsp. spoon of ginger,

How to cook:

    After peeling the ginger, grate it on a fine grater.

    Using a blender, mix mustard, honey, lemon juice and olive oil well.

    Add ginger and mix thoroughly again.

    Add salt.

Meat in honey mustard sauce

1.5-2 kg – pork meat (neck, ham) can be on the bone,
1 jar of mustard,
2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey,
seasonings: 0.5 teaspoons of ginger, coarse white pepper, turmeric, tarragon, rosemary, as well as 1.5 teaspoons of basil,
2 cloves of garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Make the sauce: put honey in a deep bowl with mustard and mix thoroughly. Add spices and herbs. No need to add salt to the sauce!
  2. Place the washed and dried piece of pork on foil. Make several cuts in it and insert half a clove of garlic into it.
    After this, coat the meat with a thick layer of dressing and immediately wrap it with foil. The seam should remain on top.
    Place everything on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.
