Delicious and tender Gulchehra chicken. Recipe: Chicken "Gulchehra" - This is an unusually aromatic and tasty dish! How to cook chicken gulchehra

Gulchehra - recipe Uzbek cuisine, very delicious, juicy dish from stewed in tender cream sauce chickens. Using a recipe with step by step photos, it is no more difficult to prepare than our usual chicken in sour cream or cream sauce.

We take any parts of the chicken carcass, fry in oil, add onions and then simmer in a sauce of milk and sour cream, into which we add a little flour to thicken. Sharpness ready-made dish adjust by adding garlic and chili pepper (fresh or powder).

Gulchehra is served as an independent dish with herbs and fresh bread or flatbreads. But it is not forbidden to prepare for stewed chicken fluffy rice, sliced ​​vegetables, serve with buckwheat and potatoes.


  • chicken (any pieces) – 600-700 g;
  • onion – 1-2 heads;
  • milk – 1-1.5 cups;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • hot peppers chili – 1 pod;
  • ground black pepper – 0.5-1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

How to cook chicken gulchehra

Cut the chicken (in this case the leg) into medium-sized pieces. Rinse.

We chop the onion quite coarsely, cut it crosswise into half rings or along the height into not very wide feathers.

Place chicken pieces in hot oil and brown quickly, turning as the skin browns. In total, frying will take about ten minutes, the crust should be golden brown, not light.

After adding the onion to the fried chicken, reduce the heat and cook the onion until soft.

Cover, leave the chicken and onions to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Don’t forget to stir periodically, making sure the onion softens but doesn’t burn.

Salt to taste, sprinkle chicken pieces with black ground pepper. If desired, you can add suneli hops for flavor, about half a teaspoon.

Prepare sauce for stewing chicken. Mix a spoonful of flour with sour cream. We dilute the thick gruel with milk until it has a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Instead of milk, you can use cream of any fat content or omit sour cream - there are different cooking options. But in the classic version, the combination is exactly this: milk, thick sour cream and wheat flour.

After boiling, cover the pan with the chicken with a lid. Simmer for about 20 minutes. The sauce will thicken during stewing; if it becomes too thick or evaporates too much, add milk and dilute to the desired thickness. Two to three minutes before readiness, sprinkle with chopped garlic and rings of fresh chili pepper (optional).

Let the finished chicken sit and absorb the sauce. Before serving, reheat or serve warm, sprinkled with herbs. Bon appetit!

Peel the onions and cut into halves or quarters of rings.

Heat a spoonful of oil for frying in a frying pan - it is better to use refined oil. Place the onion in the pan and fry for 3-4 minutes until it acquires a caramel color. Then remove the onions from the pan.

You can take low-fat boneless chicken (fillet) or fattier pieces of meat - for example, thighs. It is better to cut out the bones and remove the skin. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces.

Add frying oil to the pan and heat it, then place the chicken pieces on the hot surface. Stirring, fry over low heat for 4-5 minutes - the pieces should be slightly browned.

The next step is to add the fried onions to the pan. Peel the garlic, pass it through a special press (or finely chop it) and also transfer it to the frying pan.

Salt the chicken and sprinkle with spices - be sure to use suneli hops to obtain a characteristic aroma, as well as other spices if desired.

Pour milk of any fat content into the pan. It must be fresh so that it does not curdle immediately when heated.

Now add sour cream, preferably low-fat, otherwise the dish and gravy will turn out very fatty. Mix everything and simmer the gulchekhra for 15-20 minutes over very low heat. At first it is better not to close the lid tightly, otherwise the milk may boil away.

Serve incredibly juicy and tender chicken meat along with any side dishes, as well as fresh vegetables, herbs and pickles.

Today I would like to present to your attention a recipe for an Uzbek dish, it is called “Gulchehra”. I've been using this recipe for a long time. I started preparing it some time ago for my betrothed (who is now my husband). I love this dish because it is incredibly flavorful and the sauce itself is very tasty. And the chicken is soft and tender.
It's a beautiful name, and as far as I know, Gulchehra is a Muslim female name. Why this dish was called that, one can only guess.
As usual, preparation begins with a list of ingredients.

The chicken used for cooking is not fillet, but with bones. I take about one and a half kilograms and cut them into large pieces.

Then I put it in a saucepan or other container where it will be stewed. I took my large frying pan for this dish.

Then I prepare broth for her. In a separate bowl I squeeze out a pack of 400 grams of sour cream, preferably not very low in fat, I take 22%. And add 500 ml of water.

Stir and pour into the pan with the chicken. Our chicken begins to cook in this broth. I give her about 25-30 minutes.

In the meantime, I take up my bow. I choose a large enough onion, chop it and fry it on butter before golden color. I don’t skimp on the oil, about 50-60 grams.

That's it, let the onion wait its turn.
And I pour out about a glass of broth in which the chicken is stewed. When it cools down a little, I add 3 tablespoons to it. spoons of flour, mix. I find it convenient to do this with a whisk.

And I pour this thickness back into the pan where the chicken is stewing - I give it another 10 minutes.

I also cook garlic. It needs to be peeled and crushed on garlic.

And now the last, final stages of preparing this dish. Add fried onion and curry seasonings, a mixture of peppers to the chicken for spiciness.

I throw in the greens and garlic, and you can turn it off.

Our "Gulchehra" is ready. I let our dish brew a little.

Help yourself! It takes about an hour to cook our chicken along with all the preparations.

You can serve potatoes, spaghetti, and rice as a side dish - Gulchekhra goes well with them due to its taste. So Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.
