Rabbit baked in the oven with pumpkin. Stuffed pumpkin with rabbit and potatoes Stewed rabbit with pumpkin

Peel the pumpkin and chop it into small pieces.

We should have about 200 grams of pumpkin pulp. After half an hour, remove the rabbit from the water with lemon and lightly fry in a frying pan.

You don’t have to add oil, if the rabbit is fatty, it will brown well enough. After lightly frying the rabbit, remove it from the frying pan and just put it in a cup. Add the onion and pumpkin mixture to the slow cooker along with 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.

Simmer for about 20 minutes until the pumpkin is soft.

Now add pieces of rabbit and tomato puree with pepper and garlic to the slow cooker. You can add other dry spices and add salt.

Simmer the rabbit in a slow cooker with the lid closed for about 20 minutes. Some of the liquid from the vegetables will evaporate during this time.

Pour in the cream.

And simmer the rabbit in cream for about 5 more minutes. The finished rabbit goes well with rice. The vegetable puree turns out to be the most delicate, with a light creamy taste. Well, the taste of rabbit meat itself is excellent.

We will need:

Stuffed pumpkin rabbit meat and potatoes, very tasty and gourmet dish, which is not only tasty, but also very healthy and dietary.

What you will need:

  1. Rabbit carcass – 1 pc.
  2. Medium pumpkin – 1 pc.
  3. Butter – 50 g.
  4. Potatoes – 300 g.
  5. Carrots – 2 pcs.
  6. Flour – 120 g.
  7. Cream – 150 ml.
  8. Broth – 500 ml.
  9. Sugar – 0.5 tsp.
  10. Garlic – 2 teeth.
  11. Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  12. Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
  13. Dill – 1 bunch.
  14. Salt to taste
  15. Ground black pepper to taste

Stuffed pumpkin in the oven

Step 1

Baked stuffed pumpkin begins to prepare by preparing the filling that will fill it. Let's start by preparing the rabbit. The rabbit carcass must be divided into small portions. The weight of each piece is about 150 grams.

Place the rabbit whiskers in a deep bowl. Pour lemon juice on top, salt and pepper to taste, add vegetable oil. Marinate pieces of rabbit meat in this form for about two hours. Place the container with pieces of meat in the refrigerator.

Step 2

After the time has passed, remove the carcass from the refrigerator. And each piece of meat must be fried in a heated frying pan until golden brown. Place the fried pieces on a separate plate.

Step 3

Let's start preparing the pumpkin. We take a medium-sized pumpkin. Wash the pumpkin well with water. Then cut off the top of the pumpkin to form a lid. Remove the seeds and pulp from the pumpkin, but not all of it. Leave the sides about 3-4 cm long. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, cut the carrots into slices. Boil potatoes and carrots until half cooked in salted water.

Let's move on to preparing the creamy sauce. To do this, you need to heat the frying pan, put pieces of butter on the frying pan and pour in the flour. Thus, you need to saute the flour in butter. Then add broth, sugar and salt to the pan and black ground pepper taste. Mix well. Add cream and mix.

Step 4

We put part of the meat into the pumpkin, then part of the potatoes with pumpkin, then again meat and vegetables. We fill it all in cream sauce. Cover the pumpkin with a pumpkin lid and place on a baking sheet.

Step 5

The oven must be preheated. Place the baking sheet with the pumpkin in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees on the middle shelf. Bake for about two hours over low heat. If it suddenly happens that the pumpkin begins to brown too much, then you need to cover it with foil and reduce the heat, if it was not very low.

The greens must be finely chopped. Peel and chop the garlic. Before serving the dish. Remove the pumpkin lid and sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs and garlic. Stuffed pumpkin is cut and placed on plates along with meat and vegetables.

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Reviews (46)

Ekaterina Romanenkova

Very original and great idea - bake in a pumpkin!!! The rabbit must have turned out very tasty. I would definitely make it if I had an oven. It's a pity that I don't have it yet :(

Svetlana Ivanova

Thank you very much for the recipe))) I’ll definitely try it)

Oksana Javadova

thinking person

People, this is incredibly delicious! I love pumpkin. Here’s another similar recipe for you, I’ll take it from my heart. The cooking technology is almost the same. A dish without meat. So, wash the pumpkin, cut off the lid, grease the inside with pepper, salt and oil. Place in the oven for an hour and a half. During this time, prepare the filling - fry the mushrooms with onions, add half a glass of white wine, then grated cheese. ready-made filling put it in the pumpkin when the pumpkin is almost ready, and after 5 minutes turn off the oven. You can serve it in two ways. The first one is like in the rabbit recipe. those. cut a piece of pumpkin and top it with a little filling. The second method is suitable when you are cooking for home - in the form of fondue. Everyone is given a large spoon with which they can eat the delicious food straight from the pumpkin, grabbing the pumpkin pulp too, of course. Help yourself to your health

thinking person

Both recipes are interesting, the second is relevant on fasting days or fasting. Let me remind you: pumpkin is very useful for the regeneration of liver cells and for everyone. who has problems with it.


It's true, very, very tasty!!! :))

Rem Kosivchuk

Nonsense, rabbit meat is not meat after all. Especially in watermelon.

Maria Shreiner

irina ivanova

Interesnii recept, a mojno kuricu v tikve prigotovit" ? Podelites" pojaluista kto uje gotovil po takomu receptu, zaranie spasibo.


This is really very tasty)) and the recipe is very good) But besides this, there are also positive qualities of this dish, such as: 1) pumpkin is very useful for our body (Pumpkin is superior to many other vegetables in terms of the content of healing substances. It contains sugars and carotene , vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, E, PP and such a rare vitamin T, which helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body, vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose, pectin substances, minerals, including potassium, calcium, iron.) 2) Useful and pleasant properties of rabbit meat (Rabbit is a dietary meat belonging to white varieties. It contains a lot of protein and little fat compared to beef, pork, lamb. Therefore, rabbit meat is excellent for feeding people who have various diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Rabbit meat is a nutritious and healthy food))) So bon appetit and good mood to everyone))))


Maria, thank you for detailed recipe. How many secrets have been revealed! We respect the rabbit, but we never soaked it before cooking. But eggs - don't they complicate the taste too much?


You need to know how to cook a rabbit, otherwise it will be rubber and the one who wrote this recipe bypassed this part. If you simply fry a rabbit in a frying pan and then put it in a pumpkin, then... there will be no pleasure, because... chewing rubber, even if few people like it in a pumpkin.

Galina Baranova

There are many recipes for baking in pumpkin, as well as porridge, soups, main courses of pasta, rice, casseroles and desserts. Mini pumpkins are very convenient for baking because they are less rigid on the outside. Pumpkin is equally suitable for both sweet and non-sweet dessert dishes. The recipe contains an interesting and healthy combination of rabbit and pumpkin. Rabbit meat is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver; it does not cause allergies and the protein from it is absorbed better than from other meat. It is best to lightly fry the rabbit, then simmer it with water or broth with the addition of cream and sour cream. To appreciate the sweetish taste of rabbit meat, it is best to cook it without strong spices. When combining rabbit with pumpkin, salt, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, star anise, rosemary, and cardamom are acceptable. Spring onions - too strong flavor combination for a rabbit with pumpkin, you can use rosemary instead of bay leaf. The back of a rabbit carcass is more suitable for frying, the front for stewing and boiling. Before cooking, the rabbit meat is soaked in cold water 2 hours. I cook in pumpkin - porridge, rice, veal and liver stew, rabbit soufflé, which is well suited for a children's menu. For the soufflé: I make containers from 2 mini pumpkins, cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces, salt it and bake it together with the containers on parchment for 25 minutes. I take out the pumpkin pulp and set aside 4 tablespoons. I'm cooking thick mashed potatoes with butter and milk, add the remaining baked pumpkin pulp into a gentle puree. Pumpkin pulp to potatoes should be 1:3. 500 g rabbit fillet, 2 cm celery stalk, a piece soaked in water white bread grind into mince, add salt. I knead the minced meat. Fry the minced meat for 5 minutes in vegetable oil, stirring constantly. I add a finely chopped medium onion, already fried with 3 tbsp. sweet carrots, pour in 400 ml of warm water or low-fat broth, drain 1 tbsp of oil, simmer for 4 minutes, then add sauce from a mixture of 5 tbsp of cream 10% and 1 tbsp of low-fat natural yogurt(or 1 dessert spoon sour cream) + 1 tsp soy sauce, sweet ground pepper and cardamom, simmer for 7 minutes. I put the first layer of minced meat into the baked pumpkins, then baked pumpkin pieces - 2 tbsp in each container, sprinkle sesame seeds, grated cheese or grated quail eggs on top (for 2 mini pumpkins you need 4 quail eggs or 4 tbsp grated cheese), then a second layer of minced meat. I pour in 2-3 tbsp. l of water, cover with lids and bake in the oven for 8 minutes at 250 C on low heat. I get it. I spread warm potato and pumpkin puree as a top layer on the meat, pour water on it, place the rest in a cooking bag, and squeeze the remaining puree through the star attachment on top in the form of short cones. I bet in hot oven at 200 C for 2 min. I cut the black bread into strips, place a pumpkin pot in the center of the plate, place the straws around the pumpkin so that it turns out to be a ‘nest’. I pour sauce from 1 dessert spoon over each pumpkin. cream cheese, 2 tablespoons of natural unsweetened yogurt, salt and finely chopped dill (for adults, add 1 tablespoon of cream cheese, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, 1/3 teaspoon to the sauce honey mustard or creamy Wasabi, ground red pepper, salt).
